Steyr MO - Blink - Codes

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06.06.03 Reading Error Codes

Entering and reading of stored faults via Check Engine Lamp and Diagnostic Outlet Plug ( X 23 ):

Needed device:
Tool No. VR00135/1
( normally closed push button switch )
connected to Diagnostic Outlet Plug X23.

In case this tool is not available:

Connect temporarily Pin - Pos. 1 with Pin - Pos. 2
of Diagnostic Plug X 23
( before ignition is turned on at key switch )

Code indication and indication sequence:

06.03 ill.1
After entering the error code indication modus the Engine
Management System will display a blink code at the Check Engine Light on the dash panel.
The blinking sequence will always begin and end with control code indication # 12. Each ERROR CODE will be
repeated 3 times to reassure your correct reading – see below bar code illustration.

Example sequence check engine light (ill.2/pos.1):

Error code # 14

06.03 ill.2

06.03 ill.3

Stroke = Check Engine Light illuminated for 0,3 sec. (Light Off - period within blink sequence 0,4 sec.)

Dashed Line = interruption within code indication 1,5 sec.

Solid Line = interval interruption between error code 3,0 sec.

If more then one error code is stored in the Engine Management System the indication sequence will be
continued blinking additional stored error codes. To delete a memorized error code see description Indication
and Cancellation of memorized sensor and circuit faults.
For a description of the possible error codes refer to enclosed Table – Error Codes

ATTENTION: To exit from Error code indication. Tool VR00135/1 must be removed
( connection between Pin 1 to Pin 2 opened ) before ignition is turned ON again.

06.06.04 Indication and Cancellation of memorized sensor and circuit faults

Selection and clearing of stored error codes:


* Ignition — OFF

* Connect Tool VR00135/1 to Diagnostic Outlet Plug ( X 23 ) – see 06.03 ill.1

* Ignition — ON
Note: The program changes automatically to indication of error codes.
If no error code is stored, only repeating control code reading “ CODE # 12 “ will be displayed.
Possible memorized codes are indicated as shown in the previous illustrated example ( blinking 3x
CODE # 12 i. e. 3x ERROR CODE # 14 etc. ) The sequence will be prolonged with additional codes if more
then one ERROR CODE is stored.
See Table – ERROR CODES for description

* To delete a determined ERROR CODE from the Engine Management System concentrate for the 3rd times
flashing the desired ERROR CODE. While this ERROR CODE is displayed the third time the button ( Tool
VR00135/1 ) must be pushed and kept in this position ( contact open ).

* The indication on the Check Engine Light changes to a fast blinking of the lamp ( app. 4 times per
sec. ). During this rapid flashing light the push button must be released ( close contact after app. 2
sec.) to delete this ERROR CODE.

Note: Any other ERROR CODE have to be selected and cleared individually following the above
mentioned procedure to delete a determined ERROR CODE.

Note: An ERROR CODE can only be deleted if no defect exists in this circuit. In case of a present active
failure, the ERROR CODE keeps reappearing until the problem has been repaired and the circuit is
properly working again.

* Disconnect Tool VR00135/1 from Diagnostic Outlet Plug ( X 23 ) to exit from error code display.

Note: Watch indication of the Check Engine Light and the Warning Horn after ignition contact. If all
ERROR CODES are deleted from the Engine Management System the indication resumes to 0.7 sec.
function test of Check Engine Light and the Warning Horn.
For more details see Chart – Operating Conditions - Instrument panel.

06.06.05 Principle failure code list

NOTE: Some codes may not apply due to different application!

12 Control code this code is designated for beginning or end of loop

13 LoMap X12/B12 boost pressure sensor signal level too low (short circuit or missing contact)

14 HiMap X12/B12 boost pressure sensor signal level too high (missing connection)

17 LoEXH X17/B17 air charge temp. sensor signal level too low (short circuit or missing contact)

18 HiEXH X17/B17 air charge temp. sensor signal level too high (missing connection)

21 LoECT X16/B16 water temp. sensor signal level too low (short circuit or missing contact)

22 HiECT X16/B16 water temp. sensor signal level too high (missing connection)

23 LoPed1 X13/B13 potentiometer accelerator signal level entry too low

24 HiPed1 X13/B13 potentiometer accelerator signal level entry too high

25 LoVPWR F5/K27 main relay low voltage supply to ECU, F5, K27

26 HiVPWR F5/K27 main relay too high voltage on VPROT input

27 LoVREF X5/Z3 module, connector too low voltage on sensor supply, possible short circuit

28 HiVREF X5/Z1 module, connector too high voltage on sensor supply

29 PedS X13/B13 accelerator potentiometer defect on pedal safety switch, pin 1-2

31 LoLPS X18/B18 lubricant pressure sensor signal level too low (short circuit or missing contact)

32 HiLPS X18/B18 lubricant pressure sensor signal level too high (missing connection)

33 LoPed2 X13/B13 potentiometer accelerator signal level too low

34 HiPed2 X13/B13 potentiometer accelerator signal level too high (missing connection)

35 LoRPos X14/B14 rack position sensor signal level too low (short circuit or missing contact)

36 HiRPos X14/B14 rack position sensor signal level too high (missing connection)

37 LoLOP X18/B18 lubricant pressure sensor signal level too low (short circuit)

38 HiLOP X18/B18 lubricant pressure sensor signal level too high (missing connection)

53 N_RFI X15/B15 RPM-sensor radio interference / sensor input

54 BadSta M1-Pin50 K28 start assist relay no start signal from assist solenoid

55 NoPuls X15/B15 RPM-sensor no speed signal during crank

56 Srpos Y14(B14) refer to setting rack pos. rack calibration bad/rack position outside tolerance field


57 Rack0 Y14(B14) refer to setting rack pos. bad rack zero position
defect in governor solenoid wire circuit (Y20, main
99 FMSpwm X20/Y20 actuator / solenoid relay K27-no frequency sent or govenor solenoid
circuit connected)
161 HiVTGc Y28 REA unit at turbo charger defect in circuit of actuator turbo charger (short circuit)

162 LoVTGc Y28 REA unit at turbo charger defect in circuit of actuator turbo charger (missing connection)

164 CELs L2 check engine lamp Current limit exceeded (short circuit)

165 CELo L2 check engine lamp missing connection or bulb blown

167 FPR_s K24 fuel pump relay Current limit exceeded in relay circuit (short circuit)

168 FPR_o K24 fuel pump relay no current detected in relay circuit (disconnection)

177 MR_s K27 main relay no current detected in main relay circuit (short circuit)

178 MR_o K27 main relay no current detected in main relay circuit (disconnection)

181 WarnLs L3 oil pressure lamp Current limit exceeded (short circuit)

182 WarnLo L3 oil pressure lamp no current in circuit of oil pressure lamp

186 BadPos Y20 governor solenoid Nominal-actual value difference (rack pos. error, rack jammed)

187 HiFMSC X20/X20 governor solenoid defect in governor wire circuit (resistance too high)
(bulb blown or missing connection)
188 LoFMSc X20 governor solenoid defect in governor wire circuit (resistance too low)

193 VTG_Bad Y28 REA unit at turbo charger defect in output circuit (short circuit or missing connection)

194 GPR_s K26 glow assist relay current limit exceeded in glow plug relay circuit (short circuit)

195 GPR_o K26 glow assist relay no current detected in glow plug relay circuit (disconnection)

201 HiTEMP -- operation limit exceeded - engine was operated with too high coolant temperature
engine overheated
202 Lop -- operation limit exceeded - engine was operated with too low lubricant pressure
lubricant pressure too low
203 Manop -- operation limit exceeded - engine operated with manual movement of rack
rack position too high
251 ITSL_Bad B30 position sensor - ITD signal level too low (short circuit) on injection timing sensor

252 ITV_LoCur Y29 proportional valve - ITD defect in circuit of valve (no current flow)

253 ITV_HiCur Y29 proportional valve - ITD defect in circuit of valve (current value too high)

254 SpvP_Bad B30 position sensor or ITD commanded timing position can not be achieved
(sensor or injection timing device defect, eccenter
shaft jammed)

255 Spv_INI B30 reference-position timing position calibration bad (position out of tolercance)
sensor ITD

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