Lidar Data Processing

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LiDAR Data Processing


LiDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. It's a active remote sensing technology that uses pulsed laser light to
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measure distance 1 Title
and create highly detailed 3D representations of an environment.
• Laser Pulse: A LiDAR system emits a short, powerful pulse of light from a laser source.
• Reflection: The laser pulse hits objects in its path and bounces back (reflects) towards the sensor.
• Time Measurement: The LiDAR system measures the time it takes for the light pulse to travel to the object and back.
• Distance Calculation: Knowing the speed of light, the system calculates the distance to the object by dividing the travel
time by 2 (since the light travels the distance twice)
• 3D Imaging: By scanning the environment with the laser beam and collecting distance measurements from different
angles, a 3D point cloud is built up, representing the shapes and positions of objects in the environment.
LiDAR Data Products
Digital Terrain Model (DTM):
•Represents the bare earth surface.
•Excludes above-ground features like buildings and vegetation.
Used in various applications including:
•Terrain analysis and hydrology
•Flood risk mapping
•Land-use planning

Digital Surface Model (DSM):

•Represents Earth's surface including all above-ground features.
•Includes buildings, vegetation, and other structures.
Used in applications like:
•Forest canopy mapping
•Monitoring Infrastructures Condition
•Urban planning and 3D modeling
Canopy Height Model (CHM)
• Represents the height of vegetation above the bare ground.
• Calculated by subtracting the DTM (ground elevation) from the DSM (top of canopy): CHM = DSM - DTM.
• Provides detailed information about the height and structure of vegetation, particularly in forested areas.
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Used in applications like:
• Estimating forest biomass
• Monitoring deforestation
• Habitat mapping for wildlife
• Assessing potential fire risk
LiDAR Data Processing
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• LASclip is a functionality provided by LASTools, a software suite for LiDAR data processing, that allows clipping of LiDAR data
to a specified area of interest defined by a shapefile.
Functionality in Python:
• LASclip can be accessed and utilied through Python scripting, enabling users to automate the process of clipping LiDAR data
to shapefiles programmatically.

• CloudMetrics is a powerful tool integrated into FUSION LDV that allows you to calculate and analyse various statistical
parameters from data sets.
• CloudMetrics is primarily utilized with the output generated from the ClipData/LASclip program. It is used to compute metrics
crucial for regression analysis in plot-based LIDAR..

Fusion Input:
• ...\cloudmetrics /id /new /above:12 /minht:2 c:\lidar\data\plot_metrics.txt c:\lidar\data\outmertrics1.csv

CloudMetrics Input

•LIDAR data file path used
•Catalog file produced by Notepad utility
•Text file containing a list of LIDAR data file Paths (.txt extension)

•Name for output file containing cloud metrics Using .csv will associate files with MS-Excel

•above: Compute various cover estimates using specified height break
•new: Create a new output file, deleting any existing file with the same name, write a header to the new output file
•firstinpulse: Use only the first return for a pulse to compute metrics
•firstreturn / first: Use only first returns to compute metrics
•highpoint: Produce limited set of metrics including only the highest return within the data file
•subset: Produce limited set of metrics (ID, #pts, Mean ht, Std dev ht, 75th percentile, cover)
•id: Parse data file name to create an identifier for output record
•rid: Parse data file name to create an identifier for output record starting at end of filename
•pa: Output detailed percentile data used to compute canopy profile area; output file name uses base output name
with "_percentile" appended
CloudMetrics Output
Identifier, DataFile, FileTitle:
•Unique identifiers, file names, and titles for the data files being
Return Counts
•Total return count: Total number of returns detected.
•Return 1-9 count: Counts for different return types.
•Other return count: Count for return types beyond the first nine.
values below which certain percentages of data fall.
Here description of output parameters:
1. Total number of returns: The total count of LiDAR returns captured within a specified area.
2. Count of returns by return number: The number of returns categorized by their return number, indicating whether they
are the first return, second return, and so on.
3. Minimum: The smallest elevation value recorded in the dataset.
4. Maximum: The largest elevation value recorded in the dataset.
5. Mean: The average elevation value calculated by summing all elevation values and dividing by the total number of
6. Median: The middle value of the dataset when arranged in ascending order. It represents the 50th percentile.
7. Mode: The value that appears most frequently in the dataset.
8. Standard deviation: A measure of the dispersion or spread of elevation values around the mean.
9. Variance: The average of the squared differences from the Mean.
10. Coefficient of variation: The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, expressed as a percentage. It indicates the
relative variability of the elevation values.
11. Interquartile distance: The difference between the first and third quartiles, representing the spread of the middle 50%
of elevation values.
12. Skewness: A measure of the asymmetry of the elevation distribution.
13. Kurtosis: A measure of the "tailedness" of the elevation distribution.
14. AAD (Average Absolute Deviation): The average absolute difference between each elevation value and the mean
elevation. 10
15. MADMedian (Median of the absolute deviations from the overall median):
• The median of the absolute differences between each elevation value and the median elevation.
16. MADMode (Median of the absolute deviations from the overall mode):
• The median of the absolute differences between each elevation value and the mode elevation.
17. L-moments (L1, L2, L3, L4):
• Statistical measures based on order statistics, useful for estimating distributions.
18. L-moment skewness & L-moment kurtosis
• A measure of skewness and kurtosis based on L-moments.
20. Percentile values:
• Specific elevation values below which a certain percentage of data falls.
21. Canopy relief ratio:
• The ratio of the difference between mean and minimum elevation to the difference between maximum and minimum
elevation, used to estimate canopy height variability.

22. Generalized means for the 2nd and 3rd power:

• Elevation quadratic mean and Elevation cubic mean, representing generalized means of elevation values.

23. Percentage of returns above specified heights:

• Measures of canopy cover or other specific features based on elevation thresholds.
24. Number of returns above specified heights / total first returns:
• Ratios indicating the proportion of returns above certain 11
thresholds relative to the total number of returns.

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