IP Slides
IP Slides
IP Slides
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus
Dr. Anupam Yadav
Defining Features of Philosophy
Subject Matter:
Bertrand Russell: Philosophy is ‘no man’s land’ exposed to attacks both from theology
& science.
• Is the world divided into mind and matter?
• What is mind and what is matter?
• Is mind subject to matter, or is it possessed of independent powers?
• Does the universe have any unity or purpose?
• Is it evolving towards some goal?
• Are there really laws of nature, or do we believe in them only because of our innate
love of order?
• Is there a way of living that is noble and another that is base, or are all ways of
living merely futile?
• If there is a way of living that is noble, in what does it consist, and how shall we
achieve it?
• Socratic- Dialogical, Questioning, conceptual
clarification, definitions
• Plato – Dialectic
• Method of doubt (Rene Descartes)
First principles, causes of things
Appearance/Reality (Beyond the world of visible and
perceptible there is a world of Ideas or Forms which give
reality to the changeable things)
Structure of reality, existence, causality, mind, matter,
Substance: Monism, dualism, pluralism
Space, Time
Free will & determinism
Allegory of Cave
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Religious language
The question about the belief in the existence of God and
Ontological Proof
Causal Proof
Teleological Proof
Pantheism: Nature is God, Immanence of divinity
Absolute Indefinable Highest Being
Immortality of the Soul
Philosophy of art
Gradually the interests shifted from the objective reality to the study
of the human mind and of the human conduct: of logic, ethics,
psychology, politics, and poetics.
The first principle of things is One and Infinite, but not
undifferentiated. It is Air according to him. The reason for
selecting this is that being dry and cold it is intermediate
between fire (warm and dry) and water (cold and moist).
Air or breath is the life-giving element. As man’s soul,
which is air, holds him together so it also sustains the
whole world. The cosmic air is animate, extends infinitely
through space and sustains the whole world.
o There are many classes in the state just as there are many
functions of the soul.
o Those who have philosophical insights embody reason and
ought to be the ruling class. The members of the warrior
class possess the spirited element: their task is defense;
the agriculturists, artisans and merchants represent the
lower appetites and their function is the production of
material goods.
o Justice is realized when each class does its own work .
o The state is an educational institution, the instrument of
civilization and its foundation must be in philosophy.
What is it?
What is it made of?
By what is it made?
For what end or purpose is it made?