Mynotes Obli
Mynotes Obli
Mynotes Obli
Elements/essential requisites
1. Active (Creditor / Obligee)
2. Passive (Debtor / Obligor)
3. Object or Prestation (Subject matter of the obligation)
4. Efficient Cause (Vinculum or Juridical Tie) - this refers the sources of obligation / binds the
parties of the obligation.
Article 1158 - in order to compel performance by virtue of laws, the one demanding must cite
the law / not presumed
Article 1159 - Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between the
contracting parties and should be complied with in good faith.
1161. Civil obligations arising from criminal offenses shall be governed by the penal laws,
subject to the provisions of Article 2177, and of the pertinent provisions of Chapter 2,
Preliminary in Human Relations, and of Title 18 of this book, regulating damages.
Governing rules:
1. Pertinent provisions of the RPC and other penal laws subject to Art 2177 Civil Code [Art 100,
RPC – Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable]
2. Chapter 2, Preliminary title, on Human Relations ( Civil Code )
3. Title 18 of Book IV of the Civil Code – on damages • Every person criminally liable for a felony
is also criminally liable (art. 100, RPC)
a. omission
b. negligence
c. damage cause to the plaintiff
d. direct relation of omission, being the cause, and the damage, being the effect
e. no pre-existing contractual relations between parties
Fault or Negligence – consists in the omission of that diligence which is required by the nature
of the obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the person, time, and of the place.
1163. Every person obliged to give something is also obliged to take care of it with the proper
diligence of a good father of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires
another standard of care.
Preserve or take care of the things due.
▪ DILIGENCE OF A GOOD FATHER – a good father does not abandon his family, he is always
ready to provide and protect his family; ordinary care which an average and reasonably
prudent man would do.
▪ ANOTHER STANDARD OF CARE – extraordinary diligence provided in the stipulation of
▪ FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED – diligence depends on the nature of obligation and
corresponds with the circumstances of the person, time, and place.
** Debtor is not liable if his failure to deliver the thing is due to fortuitous events or force
majeure… without negligence or fault in his part.
1164. The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from the time the obligation to deliver
it arises. However, he shall acquire no real right over it until the same has been delivered to
REAL RIGHT (jus in re) – right pertaining to person over a specific thing, without a passive subject
individually determined against whom such right may be personally enforced.
- a right enforceable against the whole world
PERSONAL RIGHT (jus ad rem) – a right pertaining to a person to demand from another, as a
definite passive subject, the fulfillment of a prestation to give, to do or not to do.
- a right enforceable only against a definite person or group of persons.