Thermodynamics Notes
Thermodynamics Notes
Thermodynamics Notes
AP 412 S1 2022
Google Class code “ aec67mi “
𝛿 𝑦 1 2
𝛿 𝑦
• =
𝛿𝑥 2 𝑣 2 𝛿𝑡 2
1 2𝜋
period T= =
𝑓 𝜔
4. It would travel with speed
v = λf and the reciprocal
of the vacuum wavelength
1/λvac is called the
spectroscopic wave
number ‘ σ ’with units
conveniently given as
1/cm. and not 1/m
• Do not confuse ‘σ ’ with wave
number k defined as
• which is the same as
• Essential parameters of EM waves
•Now, For the simple
transverse sinusoidal
wave, if y is the
displacement of the
medium particle along
the y axis at a time t,
it is well established that
to completely describe the
state of the travelling
wave, we need a wave
function ‘y’ which would
obviously be a function of
x and t.
The mathematical
representation of this
statement is
y = f(x, t).
(f) here is not to be
confused with frequency f
Maybe that’s why Schrodinger call it ψ
The wave function
above can be used to
find the state (position and
motion) of the mechanical
wave at any time t.
And because the motion is
sinusoidal this wave
function is derived and
defined by mathematicians
at time t = 0 as
y (x,t) = A sin ωt ≡ A sin 2πft
Now after a time t2= 𝑣
y (x,t) = A sin ω(t -𝑣 )
≡ A sin 2πf(t-𝑣), now
if we define a wave vector
k= and ω = vk,
convince yourself that
we can rewrite the wave
function differently as
y (x,t) = A sin (ωt- kx)
and for a wave travelling in
the opposite (–ve x) direction
y (x,t) = A sin (ωt+kx) where
(ωt kx) is called the phase
• Sin or Cos does not matter. Why?
For a sinusoidal wave,
displacement is maximum
when sin (ωt- kx) = 1
and then y = A.
this can only happen if
The phase is
(π/2) ≡ 90 , and also at
(5π/2) ≡ 450 , etc
Also minimum displacement is
at y = 0, this is when the
phase is 0 or0
π ≡ (180 ), or
2π ≡ (360 ) etc
•We will now find the
velocity (v) and
acceleration (a) of the
travelling wave from the
known relationships
v = dy/dt and a = dv/dt
Now if the wave function is
y (x,t) = A sin (ωt-kx)
Then, keeping ‘x’ constant we can
find ‘v’ (the partial derivative of
‘y’) with respect to ‘t’ thus
= ωAcos (ωt-kx) = velocity
Differentiating again we obtain
= - ω A sin(ωt – kx)
We can keep ‘t’ constant and
compute the second order partial
derivative of ‘y’ with respect to
‘x’ and obtain
= - k A sin(ωt – kx)
= = = v 2
• =
• ᴪ( r̅, t) = ( r̅, t)