M6 - Environmental Monitoring Program

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Henry S. Parker III, Ph.D.

* Preliminary Baseline Survey

• Materials and Methods

* Mapping

• Identification and Quantiflcation of Corals

* Fish Counts

* Other Organisms
* Physical Measurements
* Environmental Impact



Introduction along with results of other surveys taken OvOr the

1987 and 1988 seasons, are described below.
Pacific Sea ~esorces (PSR) designed EL'"Id
implemented. in cooperation with the Coastal Materials and Methods
ResoClcces :\1Emagement Omce of the Xorthern
:'.fariar.as. an Environmental Monitoring Program :\fapping. Mapping of the survey area<; was
to a<;sess any possible efIects of the archaeological accomplished with the aid of an Oceano
reco\-er:y activities on the environment of the L nderwater Acoustic Positioning System. Divers
\\Teck site. The program pro\1ded baseline bdicated the location and shape of principal
information on the biota and pertinent physical underwater features by means of a hand-held
conditions of the project area, and involved careful transponder which transmitted a continuous
observations and montrJy reports on :he record of positions to a computer on board the
immediate environme!1t of the archaeolcg:cal research vesseL ':he positions were logged and
operations areas. Employing reliable, simple and then transferred to a large-scale, hand-dravm map
replicable methods, the monitoring program of the area_ This system was supplemented ",-ith
focused on the composition and abundance of in situ manual measurements (using grids and
dominant organisms in Agingan Bay's marine transects) of key areas, information from existing
COnmltL>J.it,Y • charts, and aerial survey data_
?'conitoring personnel consisted of tralned
incbiduals familiar with the emil-onment being Identification and Quantification of Corals.
surveyed. A marine scientist \Yith a Ph.D. in Because of the ecological ic:;portance and
biological oceanography and experience in tropical dominance of corals in tropical reef systems, coral
Pacific environments supenised all aspects of the composition and abundance was regularly
program. PSR submitted regular reports on all monitored in areas subjected to archaeological
stages of the program to both the Coastal survey and recovery operations and in adjacent,
Resources Management Office of the undisturbed areas.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Quantitative assessments of corals were
and to the L' .S. Army Corps of Engineers. Seven conducted by means of the line transect method
reports were subrritted during the ten month described by Loya (1972; 1978). A ten meter line
period on~site. giving a comprehensive view of the marked off at one meter increments was
preliminary baseline Sl:..r'vey res;J}ts, materials and employed. Coral colonies were identified and
methods used during each sun-ey session, and quantified on a monthly basis, in replicate
interpretations of environmen tal impact studies. transects v,1thin the archaeological recovery areas
and in the undisturbed control areas, using the
Preliminary Baseline Survey follow'Jlg procedure. Any colony which underlay
the transect li-1e was identified by species or. in
A preliminary baseline survey was conducted some cases, genus, and its length intercepted
to determine the principal biological and physical by the Ii')e was measured, to the nearest
conditions of the site prior to the onset of miliil:neter. with a folding metric rule. Where
recovery operations so that any suhsequent species idemification was not possible in situ, a
impacts of artifact recovery activities could be fragmen, of the colony was placed in a pre­
assessed through follow-up surveys. ':he scope of numbered pla<;tic bag and identified later onhoard
this initial survey established the pattern for the research vessel. Identification was
future surveys: 1) mapping of major gross accomplished with the aid of Randall and Myers
features of the benthic environment ofthe salvage (1983). Small voucher specimens were retalned of
area, 2) determination of the composition, all species encountered.
distribution and abundance of coral species, 3)
cmmts of reef fish along transect lines placed in Fish Counts. Time limitations and the large
survey area, and 4) pertinent physical number of fish present precluded accurate and
measurements. Each survey compared two study thorough accounting of the species and numbers
sites, one a disturbed area due t.o excavation of reef fish in the survey area. Therefore,
activities, and one a control area which was quantification of fish in the survey sectors was
undisturbed. Results of this baseline survey, accor.;plished as follows: upon completion of coral


assessment in each transect, the two survey Physical Measurements. Vertical visibility
divers positioned themselves at separate ends of (light penetration) in the water column was
the transect. After remaining motio~Jess for assessed using a weighted Seechi disc lowered
approximately one minute, the divers from one of the ship's tenders at approximately
simultaneously, but independently, sighted along 1:30 in the afternoon on clear, surmy days.
the transect and counted all fish that approached Horizontal visibility at the seabed was determined
within one meter (horizontally or vertically) of the both in an undisturbed area and in an area in
line in a 60·second period. Because the one·meter which sediments were being stirred by airlift
distance was estimated, the divers' separate activities. One survey diver, wearing highly
COlmts were averaged to provide a numerical visible white coveralls, was positioned at one end
count for the transect Independently, we of a line Jald out along the bottom (later in the
recorded all fish species encountered routinely. as recovery operation tills diver held a Seechi disc
well as those encountered during two survey toward the observer instead of wearing white
dives. Surveys and identifications were facilitated coveralls). 'The other survey diver swam along
hy photographing fISh in situ with still and video the line until the stationary diver was no longer
cameras, and with the aid ofAmesbury and Myers visible, at that point measuring the distance with
(1982). Amesbury et. al (1979), Goodson (1985), a tape measure.
Randall (1981), and Tinker (1982).

Diver holding Secchi disk

Marine life in .4.gingan Bay In addition, air temperature, ,vind speed

and direction, barometric pressure, estimates for
Common macroinverte­ current speed and direction, and swell and wave
brates, other than corals, animals and prominent height were recorded regularly. Water
macroalgae were also identified and recorded, but temperatures at the surface and at a 10 meter
not quantified, during surveys. Invertebrates and depth were measured to O.5°C with an immersion
algae were identified with the ald of Abbot and thermometer. Salinity was recorded to the
Dawson (1978), Colin (1978), Fielding (1985), nearest 0.5 parts per thousand with an NO hand·
Melvin (1970), and Segawa (1965). held refractometer.


Results rupted by crevices, small faults and isolated coral
colonies. The scattered depressions on the
Detailedresults ofem-ironmental monitoring bottom are filled with up to one meter of sand
surveys for the 19S~ and 1988 field seasons are and small coral fragments. See also the "Site
presented in Paoific Sea Resources' Reports to Description!! section of this Report for more
the Northern ~[arianas Government (1987:19S5' detailed information oftopographic features of the
A summary 0: principal fmdings follows, site.
Prior to removing sediments during
~rapping. Figure 1 shov.-s the principal archaeological investigations of gullies, large coral
topographic features of the sUI"\-e:,- area, mapped debris was hand-carried away from the site. Sand
during the predisturbance surwy, and also and smaller rubble were then transported
indicates environmental.sur..-ey areas for the 1987 seaward primarily by water eductors, and, to a
field season. There is i;ery little active growth of lesser degree. v.ith airlifts. When airlifting was
massive corals on the reef front a.Tld seav,-ard initially employed. a light coating of coarser
slope zones; the ablLTJ.dant presence of dead coral sediments (up to two centimeters) was noticeable
heads on the reef front indicates that much of the along a section of the lower reef front. However,
reef apparently died at 50:we point in the past, these deposits were no longer evident two weeks
perhaps due to a.il in'l,,-asion of Crown-of-Thorns after cessation of airlifting. Finer sediments were
starfish, There is considerable erosion of dead carried downstream by currents. The subsequent
corals. In the seaward slope zone the bottom is use of water eductors greatly reduced deposition
relatively smooth with a hard coral floor inter­ of sediments outside the excavated gullies.

-" PT. OPYAN •

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Figure 1


Identification ar.d Q=tification of Corals.
Coral species were G\-er\vnelminglyrepresented by
recumbent and encrusting forms growing ':ery
close to the sea floor, ill both dis:urbed and
contrcl areas. Erect species were rare. Live coral
coverage was less than three peTeent for all
trar.sects in all sectors in 1987 su."""\"eys, but was
approximately six percent in 1988 sur:eys.
Differences in percent coverage between the two
Clfferent field seasons are no: believed to be
attributable to coral It is more likely due
to the fact that Clfferent individuals carried out in
situ surveys in the two field seasons.
'rhere was no significant difference in live
coral coverage between "disturbed and
''tmdisturbed' sites during either fie:d season
(Table :'. A complete list of corals sighted during
the 1987-1988 field seasons at Ag'.ngan Bay is
prc,ided in Appendix D.

Divers measuring coral in survey area

Table 1_ Percent Live Coral Coverage in DIsturbed and Control Sites: Summary of Results

Number of Percent Coverage by Significant

Transects Living Corals (mean Difference?
Surveyed Standard Deviation

!987 Field Season

Disturbed Sites 16 2,72 T ;.42 ","0
Control Sites 8 2,66 .,j: '..11 No

1988 Field Season

Disturbed Sites 4 6.20 0.79 No
Control Sites 4 6.24 0.06 No

Fish. A totaI of 74 fish species were sighted season but no signiftcant differences during the
and identified in the survey Irec:overy area during 1988 field season (Table 2). The higher counts in
the 198"7 and 1988 field seasons (Appendix D). distur bed areas in 1987 may be attributable to
Five species were in the Class Chondrichthyes the stirring up of bottom organisms by
and the remainder were of the Class archaeological activities. Bottom-feeding fish,
Osteichthyes. including ubiquItous goat fish, were attracted to
The GO-second fish counts taken during newly uncovered prey organisms. It is not clear
transect surveys showed that there were why no differences were apparent in 1988.
significantly more fish in disturbed transect areas
than in undisturbed controls during the 1987 field


Table 2. Fish Counts in disturbed and Control Sites: SUIIlIllal'Y of Results

Number of Xumber of Fish Significant

Transects Sighted in 60 seconds Difference?
Surveyed (mean .±- Standard Deviation

199~ Field Season

:Jisturoed Sites lA 24.8.±- 5.2 Yes
Centrol Site 1 4 11.0,,::, 4 7 Yes
Control Site 2 ·1 8.7 3.2 Yes

1988 Field Season

Disturbed Sites 4 29.62 -T 4.43 No
Control Sites 4 82. {.j ..::. 3.34 No

PhYsical Measurements. Water tempera· particularly Stylophora, Acropora and Pocillopora,

tures at the surface and at 10 meters depth both does indicate a satisfactory environment for coral
averaged 28-30°C. Salinity consiscently registered gro'W'th. Perhaps t.he reef is currently undergoing
34.5 parts per thousand. Air temperature ranged slow recovery",
from 20.5°C at night to 29.5°C at mid-day. Winds 'I'he paucity of massive corals in the
ger:eraUy varied from ""E to ESE at 5-15 knots. seaward slope zo::te, where encrusting and
Swells ranged up to two meters, from a SE or recumbent forms are the principal coral species, is
SSE direction. Curren" averaged approximately probably attributable to the scouring effect of
one knot during maximum flow, running sand and coral debris. The region is exposed to
longshore and reversing quite unpredict.ably and waves and storms from the east and south. Even
rapidly from easterly to westerly d'rections. The in relatively calm weather, the surge from
period of maximum currents, of up to three knots, prevailing swel;s can be felt at depths of 15
occurred approximately two to five days after new meters. The constantly abrading effect of moving
and full moons. Tidal range was less than one sediments, comprised princi,:mlly of dead corals
meter. eroding from the reef front, would favor the
Vertical ,~sibility was clear to the botto::::: development of low, creeping coral forms at the
throughout the survey/recovery area, even at expense of erect, branching species. These
deep water sites, with depths up to 75 meters. prostrate species were far less vulnerable to
Horizontal visibility ranged from 33 to 40 ::neters mecbanical damage from art.ifact recovery
in undisturbed areas, and from 26 to 38 meters in operat.ions than would be erect, branching forms.
survey/recovery areas during operations. Our surveys of corals in disturbed areas
showed that coral abundance, in terms of percent
Diseussion cover, was not significantly different from that of
the undisturbed, cont.rol areas. The apparent
Environmental Impact. The study areas absence of direct impact on coral growth may be
surveyed indicated that the reef environment had attributed to two factors. First, coral productivity
not heen highly productive in recent years. The and abundance in the reef area in general
large number of dead, but stili intact, coral heads appeared to be low to begin with, with less than
on the reef front suggests that a formerly tbree percent of the hottom covered by live corals
productive reef suffered major trauma, perhaps win 1987. Second, excavated areas were almost
severe typhoon damage or a Crown· of-Thorns exclusively gullies and crevices filled with
starfish outbreak, at some point in the relatively overburden and with negligible live coral coverage.
recent past and has not yet substantially These sea floor depressions were common
recovered. The scat.t.ered presence of large, throughout the archaeological survey area,
healthy hranching corals on the reef front, including in t.he undisturbed control areas.


Based on the underwater visibility feeders, particularly goatfish, to newly exposed
assessments, our conclusion is that disturbance of invertebrates.
sediments in association with artifact reeovery In the Environment.al Monitoring Program
operations would not have a significant adverse (Pacifk Sea Resources 1986), we undertook
impact on the reef's biOla. The rapid se\,"eral precautionary measures to minimize
improvement of vis:bility l..:pon cessation of potential adverse effects of our operations.
sediment removal operations and the moderate to Excavations were limited 1.0 particularly promising
occasionally strcm.g prevailing currents indicated areas as identified by careful and thorough
that suspended ,edi'1lents are dispersed quickly surveys, and sediment removal operations ensured
and broad')y. In addition, the use of water that excavated sediments were redeposited in
dredges described earlier in tills report, minimized eroded gullies, and not widely dispersed in areas
the distance over willeh sediments were of active coral growth. Whenever live, erect
trans!,orted. On the other hand, we frequently corals were removed from excavated areas, they
o'oserved considerable turbidity from natural were kept as intact as possible and were securely
turbillence, such as waves and storms, in this placed in an adjacent undisturbed area.
exposed coastal area. PSR employed a "soft" mooring system
A mOre subtle, potentially adverse effect of willch involved minimal handling ofheavy anchors.
excavation is the release of ~lutr:ents from buried Once mooring anchors were set in position on the
sediments. Resultant algal growth, particularly of sea floor, the sillp was secured t.o the moor with
filamentous forms. could be detrimental to corals lines run to the mooring buoys. Whenever the
through overgrowth of skeletal materials and got uaderway, the lines were taken in and
subsequent ehading and interference "ith the :he mooring anchors and buoys were left in place.
exchange of vital substances by polyps. We have PSR's handling of human·generated wastes
no il1formation on long-terms, nutrient-related also ensured minimal environmental impact.
effects cf excavation activitiesf or even of storms, Sewage was collected in holding tanks which were
but t:~e harmful results of anthropogenic nutrient pumped out periodically at least three miles from
introduction into Oahu's Kaneohe Bay are well shore. In accordance with Coast Guard
documented (Smith et at 1973). We do not regulations at the time, garbage and trllSh were
believe that our limited excavations in the cEscharged at least 12 miles from shore after
operations area will have long·lasting "armful remoYal from plastic containers, and bilge water
consequences, because natural sediment was discharged only after passing through an oily
disturbances from storms and wave action appear water separator.
to be far more substa.'1tial. In summary, our surveys indicated t.hat our
Our surveys indicated that in 1987 fish archaeological recovery operations did not have
counts were 250 percent greater in the disturbed short term adverse effects on coral or fish
areas than L"l undisturbed areas. Tills was populations at the work sites. There was also no
probably a tempcrary situation and attributable to evidence that the archaeological survey and
excavation activities which exposed infaunal prey reem'ery operations will have long term harmful
items. All divers noted that even hand consequences on the en.,,~ronment of the wreck
fanning of crevices tended to attract bottom- recovery area.


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