M6 - Environmental Monitoring Program
M6 - Environmental Monitoring Program
M6 - Environmental Monitoring Program
* Mapping
* Fish Counts
* Other Organisms
* Physical Measurements
* Environmental Impact
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Figure 1
Table 1_ Percent Live Coral Coverage in DIsturbed and Control Sites: Summary of Results
Fish. A totaI of 74 fish species were sighted season but no signiftcant differences during the
and identified in the survey Irec:overy area during 1988 field season (Table 2). The higher counts in
the 198"7 and 1988 field seasons (Appendix D). distur bed areas in 1987 may be attributable to
Five species were in the Class Chondrichthyes the stirring up of bottom organisms by
and the remainder were of the Class archaeological activities. Bottom-feeding fish,
Osteichthyes. including ubiquItous goat fish, were attracted to
The GO-second fish counts taken during newly uncovered prey organisms. It is not clear
transect surveys showed that there were why no differences were apparent in 1988.
significantly more fish in disturbed transect areas
than in undisturbed controls during the 1987 field