Anaphy Tissues

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5 TISSUES Columnar- tall and rectangular looking

- Lining ducts of
INTRODUCTION glands(mammary) & bile duct of
 Basic unit are group of cells the liver; line ducts, digestive
 These cells will have a similar tract and parts of respiratory
function & similar structure tract.
4 basic types - Also found in mucus-secreting
Epithelial, connective, muscle, and tissues
nervous. - Ciliated
Functions in 4 major ways: Simple- one cell layer thick.
1.) Protects underlying tissues- - Found in lining of blood
skin is epithelial tissue, lining of capillaries, alveoli of lungs, loop
digestive tract, protects underlying of Henle in kidney tubules.
tissue from abrasion. Stratified- several layers of cell thick
2.) It absorbs- - Stratified squamous epithelium
nutrients from our digested food enter lines (mouth, throat & outer
blood capillaries and get carried to the surface of skin)
cells of our body. - Stratified cuboidal epithelium
3.) It secretes- (sweat & salivary gland ducts)
All glands are made of epithelial tissue., - Stratified columnar epithelium
endocrine gland- hormones, mucus (ducts of mammary glands & in
gland-mucus, intestinal tract parts of male urethra)
+pancreas and liver- major portion of Pseudostratified- appears to consist of
digestive enzymes. several layers due to nuclei, usually
4.) It excretes- seen w/ columnar cells.
sweat glands excretes waste products - Pseudostratified ciliated
such as urea. columnar epithelium (throat,
trachea, bronchi of lungs.)
Basement Membrane- acts as Transitional Epithelium- several
adhesive tile, anchored the epithelial layers of closely packed, flexible, &
cells together. easily stretched cells.
- Pelvis of the kidney, ureters,
CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SHAPE urinary bladder, upper part of
Squamous- cells are flat and slightly urethra.
- Serves as protective layer Mucous Membrane- lines digestive,
- Line our mouth, blood and respiratory, urinary, & reproductive
lymph vessels, parts of kidney - Usually, ciliated
tubules, throat and esophagus, - Protects, absorbs nutrients,
anus and skin. secretes mucus, enzymes, & bile
Cuboidal – salts
- Secretion and protection gastric mucosa- mucous that lines the
- Found in glands, lining of stomach.
tissues gland ducts, germinal intestinal glands- glands that secretes
coverings of ovary, pigmented enzymes.
layer of retina. Glandular Epithelium- synthesize
- Kidney & tubules functions in special compounds.
absorption Two Types:
 Exocrine- have excretory ducts, Three Subgroups:
lead secreted material to lumen
(passageway) on the skin. Loose Connective Tissue
Two types of exocrine: -fibers are not tightly woven among
Simple exocrine glands- have single themselves
unbranching ducts. -fills spaces bet. and penetrate into
Ex: Sweat glands, most glands organs.
of digestive tract, sebaceous Three Types:
glands.  Areolar- most widely
Compound exocrine gland- branching distributed, easily stretched yet
ducts. resist tearing.
Ex: Mammary glands & large - attaches skin to underlying
salivary glands. tissues.
 Endocrine- 2nd type of - Support tissue around organs,
multicellular glands. Ductless & muscles, blood vessels, nerves.
secrete hormones. Ex: thyroid & - Spinal cord and brain
pituitary. Has 3 main types of cells distributed
Goblet cells—unicellular glands that among fibers:
secrete mucus. Fibroblasts- small flattened cells w/
Endothelium- lines circulatory system large nuclei and reduced cytoplasm
-single layer of squamous-type cells. -irregular in shape.
-lines lymphatic and blood vessels. -active in injury repair.
endocardium- endothelium that lines Histiocytes- large stationary
the heart. phagocytic that eats debris &
-blood capillary w/ 1 layer of endo— microorganism outside blood
-through this O, CO2, nutrients and circulatory system. Are called
waste transported by blood cells to macrophage when motile.
various cells of body. Mast Cells- roundish polygonal in
Mesothelium- also called serous shape found close to small blood
tissue vessels.
- lines great body cavities that -functions in production of heparin
have no opening to outside. (an anticoagulant)
- simple squamous cell overlying -and histamine (inflammatory
connective tissue. subs. produced in response to
pleura- mesothelial tissue lines allergies).
thoracic cavity.  Adipose- loaded with fat cells.
pericardium- serous membrane covers - acts as insulation of the body
the heart. - acts as a firm, protective
peritoneum- serous membrane lines packing around and between
abdominal cavity. organs, bundle of muscle fibers,
-protects, reduces friction bet. organs, nerves and supports blood
secrets fluid. vessels.
 Reticular- fine network of fibers
CONNECTIVE TISSUE that form framework of liver,
- allows movements and provide bone marrow and lymphoid
support for other tissues organs such as spleen and
- abundance of intercellular lymph nodes.
materials called matrix
- collagen and elastin are Dense Connective Tissue
embedded on this matrix - Tightly packed woven fibers.
Ex of dct with regular arrangements of -external ear/auricle, ear
fibers are tendons, attach muscle to canals/auditory tubes, epiglottis.
bone, majority of tough collagen fibers
ligaments, attach bone to bone at Bone(osseous) tissue- 2 types:
joints, combi. of tough collagen & compact bone and cancellous bone.
elastic elastin fibers. Aponeuroses, compact bone- forms dense outer layer
wide flat tendons. of bone.
cancellous bone- inner-spongy looking
Irregular arrangement of fibers are tissue.
muscle sheaths, dermis layer of the Osteocytes- bone cells
skin, outer coverings of body tubes like
arteries, fascia wrap around muscle Dentin- materials that form our teeth
bundles to hold them in place. enamel- cover crown of teeth, hardest
substance coats our teeth.

Specialized Connective Tissue Blood and Hematopoietic- unique

connective tissue
Cartilage- supports the skeleton. plasma- fluid portion
- cells are called chondrocytes, erythrocytes- red blood cells
large round cells with spherical leukocytes- white blood cells
nuclei. thrombocytes- platelets
- these cells are found in cavities Lymphoid Tissue- found in lymph
called lacunae, cavities in a glands/nodes, thymus gland and
firm matrix composed of protein adenoids.
and polysaccharides. - manufactures plasma cells like
Three Types: B lymphocytes.
 Hyaline- means clear. - main role antibody production
-skeletal system of baby in womb ‘til 3
mon. Reticuloendothelial- or RE system
-the costal cartilages that attach contain cells do phagocytosis.
upper 7 pair of ribs to sternum. Three Types:
-septum of our nose and trachea and RE cells – lines the liver (Kupffer’s
bronchi are kept open by inc. rings. cells)
 Fibrocartilage- tough - lines spleen and bone marrow.
collagenous fibers embed on Macrophage- or histiocytes “resting-
matrix wandering” *any phagocytic cell of re system are called
-strong flexible supportive substance this.

found bet. bones & whenever great Neuroglia- support microglia cell.
strength is needed. phagocytic cell found in central nervous
-resistant to stretching system.
-made up the intervertebral disk that
surrounds our spinal cord and act as Synovial Membranes- lines cavities of
shock absorber bet. vertebrae. freely moving joints.
-connects 2 pelvic bones at the pubic -also line bursae (small sac contains
symphysis. synovial fluid found bet. muscles,
 Elastic- elastin fibers embed in tendons, bone & skin.
matrix. -prevent friction.
-flexible and able to return to its
1.) support
2.) nourishment - basic unit of org. is nerve cell or
3.) transportation neuron.
4.) connections neuroglia- are supporting cells.
5.) movement cell body- contains nucleus.
6.) protection dendrites- receive stimuli & conduct
7.) insulation them to cell body.
8.) storage axons- long, thin extensions of cell
9.) attachment and separation body send impulse toward axon
MUSCLE TISSUE - makes up brain, spinal cord
- basic charac. ability to shorten and various nerves of body.
and thicken and contract due to - controls & coordinates body
actin and myosin. activities.
refers as muscle fibers because muscle
cells’ length is greater than width.
Three Types: Cancer
Smooth – spindle-shaped w/ single malignant -cancerous
nucleus. benign- unable to metastasize
- not striated atrophy- wasting away of tissues
- involuntary movements hyperplasia- excessive growth of
- found in walls of hollow organs normal cells.
(digestive tract, arteries & veins) hypertrophy- increase in cell size.
- arranged in layers: outer dysplasia- abnormal tissue or organ
longitudinal layer and inner development
circular layer.
Peristalsis- cancer of epithelial tissue metastasizes
through lymph tissue and blood.
Striated or skeletal muscle- long thin
cells are multinucleated and striated. cancer of connective tissue
- Alternating light and dark metastasizes through blood.
bands of thin protein filaments
of actin and thick myosin. SKIN
- muscle makes 40% total weight also known “cutaneous membrane”.
and mass.
- under control of central nervous
system. voluntary.
cardiac muscle- muscle of the heart,
uninucleated under autonomic nervous
- cells are cylindrical
- branches connect through
special areas called
intercalated disk.
- causes beating and contraction
of the heart.

basic types of cells: neurons and

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