Drug Study Ni Pani 1
Drug Study Ni Pani 1
Drug Study Ni Pani 1
Name of Drug Classification and mode of Indication and Dose, Route, frequency and Adverse Reactions and Side Nursing Responsibilities
action Contraindications Timing effects
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Dose: Adverse Reactions: monitor the input and
Carbocisteine Mucolytic agent Carbocisteine (Solmux) is a 2.5 ml insomnia output
mucolytic agent used to relieve headache Assess the skin for the
cough characterized by palpitations presence of lesions and
excessive or sticky sputum or mild lowering of blood color to monitor for any
phlegm to help treat Route: glucose
dryness of mouth adverse reactions.
respiratory tract disorders such Orally
abnormal heart rhythm Advised the patient to
Mode of Action: as acute bronchitis.
take small, frequent
These medicines contain
meals to alleviate some
carbocisteine, a medicine that Carbocisteine also reduces the
of the GI discomfort
causes phlegm to be less thick number of exacerbations Frequency:
associated with these
and sticky and thus easier to associated with chronic TID
cough up and expel. obstructive pulmonary disease drugs.
Carbocisteine, in an in (COPD) and inhibits the Side Effects:
vitro study (outside the living adherence of bacteria and virus Nausea
organism), was shown to have to human respiratory cells.
skin rashes
significantly reduced the ability
of bacteria to adhere to human Contraindications: Timing:
stomach discomfort
pharyngeal cells. Active Stomach 8:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 6:00 PM
Intestinal Ulcer
Name of Drug Classification and mode of Indication and Dose, Route, frequency and Adverse Reactions and Side Nursing Responsibilities
action Contraindications Timing effects
Name of Drug Classification and mode of Indication and Dose, Route, frequency and Adverse Reactions and Side Nursing Responsibilities
action Contraindications Timing effects
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Dose: Adverse Reactions: Assess the patient's
Ceelin Vitamin Commonly used to support the 2.5 ml Gastrointestinal dietary habits to
immune system, promote discomfort identify potential
wound healing, and maintain Diarrhea vitamin C deficiency
healthy skin and connective Abdominal cramps risk factors.
tissues. Route:
Evaluate the patient's
medical history for
Mode of Action: any contraindications
Prevention and treatment of Contraindications: or known allergies to
Vitamin C deficiency in children. Hypersensitivity to the ascorbic acid.
Side Effects:
Vitamin C helps the body's drugs Frequency: Educate parents on
natural defense against OD the importance of
damaging free radicals and also adhering to the
needed for the formation of Heartburn
prescribed dosage.
protein, and collagen. Assess for any
adverse reactions or
side effects during
6:00 AM