Iimr Project List17

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Ongoing Institute Research Projects

S. Institute code Project Title Principal Co-Principal Investigator Duration

No. Investigator
1 IIMR/CI/2015-18/68 Induction of mutations for sorghum improvement Balakrishna, D B Venkatesh Bhat & K Srinivasa Babu 2015-2018
2 IIMR/CI/2015-18/67 Genetic improvement of kharif sorghum genotypes for Sujay Rakshit C Aruna, CV Ratnavathi & PG 2015-2018
higher yield and better grain storability Padmaja
3 DSR/AS/2012-15/53 Over expression of genes involved in ascorbate-glutathione Balakrishna, D B Venkatesh Bhat & HS Talwar 2012-2017
cycle to enhance the abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic
sorghum plants
4 DSR/SS/2012-17/61 Seed science approaches for enhanced seed setting & Kannababu, N IK Das & R Madhusudhana 2012-2017
longevity in sorghum
5 IIMR/SS/2015-20/87 Studies on flowering behaviour, seed setting and maturity Kannababu, N SS Rao, KBRS Visarada & CV 2015-2020
pattern and seed quality enhancement in small millets Ratnavathi
6 IIMR/BS/2015-18/82 Insect pest complex of pearl millet and their management Shyamprasad, G K Srinivasa Babu & P Sanjana reddy 2015-2018
7 IIMR/BS/2015-18/83 Identification of genes in finger millet (Eleusine coracana) Jinu Jacob IK Das & D Balakrishna 2015-2018
for blast fungus (Magnaporthe grisea) resistance
8 IIMR/BS/2015-20/84 Biological intricacies in host-parasitic interaction between Padmaja, PG A Kalaisekar & CV Ratnavathi 2015-2020
millets and shoot fly species
9 IIMR/SS/2015-19/88 Designing polymer based seed protection and irradiation Padmaja, PG 2015-2019
based seed viability enhancement technique for millets
10 IIMR/BS/2015-18/85 Systematics of immature stages of shoot fly species Kalaisekar, A 2015-2018
associated with millets in India
11 IIMR/BS/2015-20/86 Etiology, epidemiology and management of important Sharma, KK Parashuram Patroti 2015-2020
diseases of rabi sorghum with emphasis on root and stalk
12 IIMR/CI/2015-20/76 Development of multi-genotype varieties (MAGIC lines) for Parashuram MY Samdur & KK Sharma 2015-2020
genetic diversification and enhancing yield stability in Rabi Patroti
13 IIMR/CP/2015-19/79 Farmers' Perceptions of Millets Production Constraints, Ch Shashidhar B Subbaruyudu 2015-2019
Varietal Preferences and their management Reddy
S. Institute code Project Title Principal Co-Principal Investigator Duration
No. Investigator
14 DSR/CI/ 2012-17/40 Development of single-cut forage genotypes with improved Ganapathy, KN B Venkatesh Bhat & AV Umakanth 2012-2017
forage yield and quality
15 IIMR/CI/2015-20/69 Development of pearl millet parental lines with improved Sanjana, P HS Talwar, IK Das, KBRS Visarada & 2015-2021
yield in A1, A4 and A5CMS background Parashuram Patrori
16 IIMR/CI/2015-18/70 Genetic enhancement of finger millet (Eleusine coracana Ganapathy, KN IK Das, G Shyam Prasad & B 2015-2021
(L.) Gaertn) genotypes for yield and its related traits Venkatesh Bhat
17 IIMR/CI/2015-18/71 Genetic enhancement of grain yield and related traits and Hariprasanna, K A Kalaisekar, P Rajendra Kumar, 2015-2021
identification of trait specific genotypes in foxtail millet Parashuram Patroti & KK Sharma
[Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.]
18 IIMR/CI/2015-18/72 Genetic enhancement of grain yield and contributing traits in Deepika, C K Hariprasanna, A Kalaisekar & SS 2015-2021
kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) Rao
19 IIMR/CI/2015-18/73 Genetic improvement of Proso millet [Panicum maliaceum Avinash Singode C Aruna, KBRS Visarada, K 2015-2021
(L)] for yield and yield contributing traits Srinivasababu & D Balakrishna
20 IIMR/CI/2015-18/75 Genetic improvement of little millet (Panicum sumatrense Ganapathy, KN AV Umakanth, & B Subbarayudu 2015-2021
Roth. Ex Roem. & Schult.) genotypes for yield and
agronomic traits
21 IIMR/CP/2015-18/77 Optimization of the potential productivity of small millets and Ravi Kumar, S 2015-2018
assessing the physiological basis of sustaining finger Millet
yield in a rainfed environment
22 IIMR/AS/2015-19/81 Physiological and biochemical basis of drought tolerance in Talwar, HS NL Meena, KN Ganapathy & K 2015-2019
finger millet and foxtail millets Hariprasanna
23 IIMR/FF/2015-18/90 Evaluation of nutritional value of forage and stover from Venkateswarlu, R CV Ratnavathi, B Venkatesh Bhat, AV 2015-2018
sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet and other millets Umakanth, KN Ganapathy & NL
24 IIMR/FF/2015-20/91 Characterization of nutritional functional and therapeutic Ratnavathi, CV V Vijayalakshmi (NIN) & R 2015-2021
properties of millet grains to establish as health cereals Venkateswarlu
25 IIMR/CP/2015-18/80 Digitalization of AICSIP data Mukesh, P 2015-2018
S. Institute code Project Title Principal Co-Principal Investigator Duration
No. Investigator
26 IIMR/VA/2015-18/89 Replication of successful value added processing, Dayakar Rao, B C Sangappa & NL Meena 2015-2021
promotional and marketing interventions in pearl millet and
small millets
27 IIMR/CI/2016-21/92 Developing kharif sorghum genotypes suitable for different Aruna, C IK Das, C. Deepika, Sujay Rakshit, K 2016-2021
seasons Hariprasanna, KBRS Visarada, SS
Rao, PG Padmaja, S Ravikumar, R
28 IIMR/CI/2016-21/93 Breeding kharif sorghum for specific end uses Aruna, C CV Ratnavathi, C Deepika, Sujay 2016-2021
Rakshit, R Venkateswarlu
29 IIMR/CI/2016-21/94 Breeding kharif sorghum cultivars with improved shoot fly Madhusudhana, PG Padmaja, KBRS Visarada 2016-2021
resistance R
30 IIMR/CI/2016-21/95 Identification of genomic regions associated with grain Rajendra Kumar, CV Ratnavathi 2016-2021
protein quality traits in rabi sorghum through genomic-wide P
association analysis
31 IIMR/CI/2016-21/96 Breeding for high yielding rabi sorghum hybrids Sujay Rakshit Parashuram Patroti, MY Samdur, HS 2016-2021
Talwar, KK Sharma, A Kalaisekar & K
32 IIMR/CI/2016-21/97 Development of improved rabi sorghum varieties with high Samdur, MY HS Talwar, KK Sharma, Parashuram 2016-2021
yield, drought tolerance and charcoal rot resistance Patroti, Sujay Rakshit
33 IIMR/CI/2016-21/98 Improving sweet and high biomass sorghum for biofuel and Umakanth, AV HS Talwar, B Venkatesh Bhat, PG 2016-2021
forage production Padmaja, CV Ratnavathi, P Rajendra
Kumar, B Amasiddha & NL Meena
34 IIMR/CI/2016-21/99 Breeding for higher grain yield and biomass in barnyard Amasiddha, B Sujay Rakshit, SS Rao & K 2016-2021
millet Srinivasababu
35 IIMR/CI/2016-21/100 Enhancement of productivity of forage sorghum cultivation Venkatesh Bhat, Avinash Singode, AV Umakanth, S 2016-2021
systems B Ravi Kumar N Kannababu , R
Venkateshwarulu, G Shyam Prasad
36 IIMR/CI/2016-21/101 Development of molecular markers in kodo and little millet Rajendra Kumar, K Hariprsanna & KN Ganapathy 2016-2021
and their utility in genetic analysis P
S. Institute code Project Title Principal Co-Principal Investigator Duration
No. Investigator
37 IIMR/CI/2016-21/102 Development of high biomass pearl millet forage cultivars Madhusudhana, R Venkateshwarlu 2016-2021
with improved quality R

38 IIMR/CI/2016-21/103 Sorghum, pearl millet and small millets genetic resources Elangovan, M Avinash Singode 2016-2021
39 IIMR/CI/2016-21/104 Induction of cytoplasmic male sterility in Foxtail millet Visarada, KBRS R madhusudhana, K Hariprasanna, 2016-2021
KN Ganapathy
40 IIMR/CPD/2016-21/105 Physiological basis of genetic gain in kharif sorghum Rao, SS C Aruna, Sujay Rakshit, S Ravi 2016-2021
cultivars Kumar, N Kanna Babu & NL Meena
41 IIMR/CPT/2016-21/106 Investigations on shoot bug and maize stripe virus in Subbarayudu, B KK Sharma & MY Samdur 2016-2019
42 IIMR/CPT/2016-21/107 Studies on millet diseases with specific emphasis on blasts Das, IK A Nagaraja (AICRP on Small Millets), 2016-2021
Jinu Jacob, N Kannababu, M
Elangovan, KN Ganapathy & TG
Nageshwar Rao
43 IIMR/CPD/2016-21/108 Development of database for millets stakeholders and Sangappa, C B Dayakar Rao, Ch. Shashidhar 2016-2021
market mapping of value-added products of millets in Reddy & P Mukesh
selected cities
44 IIMR/CPD/2016-21/109 Socio-economic analysis of tribal community ecosystem Chapke, RR B Sangappa 2016-2021
using millets based technologies
45 IIMR/CPD/2016-21/110 Silage preparation from popular sorghum cultivars and its Chapke, RR B Venkatesh Bhat, AV Umakanth & R 2016-2021
quality evaluation Venketeshwerlu,

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