CV Nicolas H. Sulca Vega 2024 Eng

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Fullstack Developer

Nicolas Humberto Sulca Vega

I have extensive experience in both front-end and back-end development, as well

as the ability to manage databases, APIs, and servers. I am proficient in multiple
programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, and C/C++, and am comfortable working with various
frameworks and libraries(Django and React). In addition, I am experienced in optimizing performance, improving
security, and implementing best practices for scalability and maintainability.

Personal Information:
- Postgres (8/10) Phone: +7921 316 1064(whatsapp)
- MySql (8/10) Email: [email protected]
- Python (8/10) Github:
- Django (8/10)
- Redis (8/10)
- Celery (7/10)
Full Stack Developer
Frontend: Outcode: 2022 - now
- Javascript (7/10) Working in different projects, fixing bugs, and
- React (7/10) sometimes making interviews
- Tailwindcss (7/10)
- Bootstrap (7/10) Teacher of programming
- HTML and CSS (8/10) IT school "Hello World": 2020 - 2022
- C/C++ (7/10)
Teaching Python, Web Development(Javascript,
Platforms: HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Django)
- AWS (7/10) Elaboration of material for teaching programming.
- Google Cloud (6/10)
- Azure (7/10) Academic training:
Electrotechnical University of Saint Petersburg
Other technologies:
Master Degree in Computer Science |
- Git/Github (7/10)
2018 - Graduated 2020
- Linux systems (8/10)
Specialized in systems engineering and computer
- Kubernetes (7/10)
science and deep learning. Student Academic
- Docker, Docker compose(7/10)
Recognition Award 2nd place in the best work thesis
Languages: among master's students.
- Russian (7/10)
- English (8/10) Militar School of Chorrillos
- Spanish (10/10) Bachelor degree in militar science |
2008 - 2012
Specialized in logistic and ammunitions
Personal References: - VRS Hercules Pharmaceuticals: web app - This is a
system used in the pharmaceutical industry to help meet
Name: Dmitri Klionski
the drug supply chain security requirements, I was
email: [email protected] working on this system as a full stack developer and

phone: +7 911 950-13-83 also in the creation of pipelines in azure and the
deployment of backend and frontend app, implementing
position: Professor of the Faculty of Computer
security requirements based on specifications given by
Technologies and Informatics at the Electrotechnical
the client(authentications by certificates).
University of Saint Petersburg - Russia.
- Recon: backend app - this is an app that helps us to
find out damaged bridges or that require maintenance, I
Name: Carlos Hoyos did the entire MVP of the backend side.

email: [email protected]

phone: +51 997 542 843 ** Those are some of the projects I've been working on
and fixing during my period time at Outcode (there are
position: Director of Operations at Peru Outcode
several more) personal projects:

- Personal Project: made in django(backend), and

Python experience: react(frontend), project deployed on amazon s3 bucket(
for static files and web application), cloudfront to avoid
DDOs attacks. This personal project is a platform that
Outcode: has its own auth system using JWT tokens to validate
users when login into the platform, currently it's in
- GiveGo: this is a web app that allows you to connect
development but you can take a look into it:
with experts in different sports and brands to help I've been teaching
improve your skills. I've working on this by doing
several years different programming languages in
maintenance of the frontend app(slow load time of
different levels like python, javascript, and frameworks
components, fixing issues when displaying experts)
like react, and django, also, creating new material for
- Electripure: also web app, it's an industrial electrical
lessons. Before teaching was working on projects like
equipment solution that captures and negates harmful creating scrapers to download images, files, and info
harmonics. I've been working on this project on the from different sites, data analysis projects, analyzing
frontend side, developing features(implementing apis) amazon market data, creating plots, etc.
and views the client required.

- ESG Onsite: web app - it's a platform that provides

efficient ways to manage, track and report job site safety
information, it provides location where a hazard was
reported, the type of hazard, etc. I was working on this
project in both sides, as backend and frontend
developer, in the backend side I implemented apis, qr
feature(to scan qr code and see details of possible
hazards), locations of work sites, and implementing
apis. In the frontend side, I was working adding new
views as the web app was growing(like view of work site
for external users).

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