CV Nicolas H. Sulca Vega 2024 Eng
CV Nicolas H. Sulca Vega 2024 Eng
CV Nicolas H. Sulca Vega 2024 Eng
Personal Information:
- Postgres (8/10) Phone: +7921 316 1064(whatsapp)
- MySql (8/10) Email: [email protected]
- Python (8/10) Github:
- Django (8/10)
- Redis (8/10)
- Celery (7/10)
Full Stack Developer
Frontend: Outcode: 2022 - now
- Javascript (7/10) Working in different projects, fixing bugs, and
- React (7/10) sometimes making interviews
- Tailwindcss (7/10)
- Bootstrap (7/10) Teacher of programming
- HTML and CSS (8/10) IT school "Hello World": 2020 - 2022
- C/C++ (7/10)
Teaching Python, Web Development(Javascript,
Platforms: HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Django)
- AWS (7/10) Elaboration of material for teaching programming.
- Google Cloud (6/10)
- Azure (7/10) Academic training:
Electrotechnical University of Saint Petersburg
Other technologies:
Master Degree in Computer Science |
- Git/Github (7/10)
2018 - Graduated 2020
- Linux systems (8/10)
Specialized in systems engineering and computer
- Kubernetes (7/10)
science and deep learning. Student Academic
- Docker, Docker compose(7/10)
Recognition Award 2nd place in the best work thesis
Languages: among master's students.
- Russian (7/10)
- English (8/10) Militar School of Chorrillos
- Spanish (10/10) Bachelor degree in militar science |
2008 - 2012
Specialized in logistic and ammunitions
Personal References: - VRS Hercules Pharmaceuticals: web app - This is a
system used in the pharmaceutical industry to help meet
Name: Dmitri Klionski
the drug supply chain security requirements, I was
email: [email protected] working on this system as a full stack developer and
phone: +7 911 950-13-83 also in the creation of pipelines in azure and the
deployment of backend and frontend app, implementing
position: Professor of the Faculty of Computer
security requirements based on specifications given by
Technologies and Informatics at the Electrotechnical
the client(authentications by certificates).
University of Saint Petersburg - Russia.
- Recon: backend app - this is an app that helps us to
find out damaged bridges or that require maintenance, I
Name: Carlos Hoyos did the entire MVP of the backend side.
email: [email protected]
phone: +51 997 542 843 ** Those are some of the projects I've been working on
and fixing during my period time at Outcode (there are
position: Director of Operations at Peru Outcode
several more) personal projects: