Thesis Meaning in Bengali

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Title: Understanding the Significance of Thesis in Bengali: A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is akin to navigating through uncharted waters. It's a
demanding task that requires dedication, perseverance, and a profound understanding of the subject
matter. In the academic realm, a thesis holds paramount importance, serving as a culmination of one's
research and intellectual prowess. In Bengali culture, where education is highly revered, the
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These applications are discussed in some detail in (Church, 1988; Ramshaw and Marcus, 1995; Wilks
and Stevenson, 1998). Symbol emission probabilities, i.e. the probability of a particular tag ti, given
a particular word wi. Manual part of speech tagging is quite a time consuming and difficult process.
Machine learning based tagging techniques facilitate the development of taggers in shorter time and
these techniques can be transferred for use with corpora of other languages. Linguistic Taggers
Automated part of speech tagging was initially explored in middle sixties and seventies (Harris,
1962; Klein and Simmons, 1963; Greene and Rubin, 1971). Jump at ( ????? ?????? ????? ??? ) Do
not jump at the offer. So, the vocabulary (unique words) grows at a higher rate as we increase the
size of the corpus. Decision tree induced from tagged corpora was used for part-of-speech
disambiguation (Marquez and Rodriguez, 1998). A too fine grained tagset might be difficult to use
by human annotators during the development of a large annotated corpus. The language models are
commonly created from previously annotated data, which encodes the co-occurrence frequency of
different linguistic phenomena to simple n-gram probabilities. When we use both suffix information
as well as MA, the results are even better. The development of an automatic POS tagger requires
either a comprehensive set of linguistically motivated rules or a large annotated corpus. After the tag
there should be at least one blank (white space) before the next character, which can be either a word
or a sentinel. But handling all rules is not easy and requires expertise. Based on our observations, the
inclusion of suffix essentially captures helps to understand the morphological inflection of the
surface form word and in Bangla most morphological inflections lies in the last 4 characters of the
words. Current Research Directions Recently lot of work has taken place on construction of POS
taggers for a variety of languages and also for providing adaptive and transportable POS taggers.
Anupam Basu, for introducing me to this research topic and providing their valuable guidance and
unfailing encouragement throughout the course of the work. Conclusion In this chapter we have
described an approach for automatic stochastic tagging of natural language text. On the contrary,
Elworthy (Elworthy et al., 1994) states that the sizes of the tagset do not greatly affect the behaviour
of the re-estimation algorithms. Dermatus and Kokkinakis (Dermatus and Kokkinakis, 1995), in their
work, presented different POS taggers on different languages (Dutch, English, French, German,
Greek, Italian and Spanish), each with two different tagsets. On the other hand, a too fine-grained
tagset may enrich the supplied information but the performance of the automatic POS tagger may
decrease. Finally, combinations of several sources of information (linguistic, statistical and
automatically learned) have been used in current research direction. A summary of the approaches
and the POS tagging accuracies by the participants are given in Table 1. Most of the statistical
techniques rely on some amount of annotated data to learn the underlying language model. As well
as, synonyms of this and defination of this with some examples. Our Approach We have used an
HMM for automatic POS tagging of natural language text. Combination of statistical information
The combination of statistical information has been proposed by several of the statistical based
tagger as maintained previously, to obtain more accurate model parameters especially to overcome
the problem of the sparseness of the data. So we wish to work with methods so that small amount of
tagged resources can be used to effectively carry on the part of speech tagging task. Appendix B
includes the detail experimental results with Maximum Entropy based model. Further, a large amount
of annotated corpus is usually required for statistical POS taggers. At large ( ??????? ) The anti-
socials are still at large.
In this chapter, we also present the uses of a morphological analyzer to improve the performance of a
tagger in the maximum entropy framework. This is very much required for domain specific
applications. Some ambiguity that cannot be resolved at the POS tagging level will be propagated to
the higher level. We postulate that this discrepancy arises due to the over-fitting of the supervised
models in the case of small training data; the problem is alleviated with the increase in the annotated
data. Further, we present the semi-supervised learning by augmenting the small labelled training set
with a larger unlabeled training set. This makes it particularly costly to obtain a good language
model. End in smoke ( ?????? ???? ) All his plans ended in smoke. Therefore the model parameters
are adopted each time an open testing text is being tagged. The experiments were conducted with
three different sizes (10K, 20K and 40K words) of the training data to understand the relative
performance of the models as we keep on increasing the size of the annotated data. A Constraint
Grammar for English tagging (Samuelsson and Voutilainen, 1997) is presented which achieves a
recall of 99.5% with a very high precision around 97%. They used the same earlier tagset with 12
tags and an annotated corpus of 30,000 words. Speech synthesis and recognition, Part-of-speech
gives significant amount of information about the word and its neighbours which can be useful in a
language model for speech recognition (Heeman et al., 1997). Part-of-speech of a word tells us
something about how the word is pronounced depending on the grammatical category (the noun is
pronounced OBject and the verb obJECT). Round the clock ( ????? ??? ) He is working round the
clock. Experiments In the first experiment, we have implemented baseline model to understand the
complexity of the POS tagging task. Last but not the least; I thank all my well-wishers who directly
or indirectly contributed for the completion of this thesis. Further, we assume the POS tag of a word
w can take the values from the set TMA(w), where TMA(w) is computed by the Morphological
Analyzer. Sandipan Dandapat Date: Abstract Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging is the process of
assigning the appropriate part of speech or lexical category to each word in a natural language
sentence. The results of the contests give an overall picture of the Indian language POS tagging. An
attempt on Hindi POS disambiguation was done by Ray (Ray et al. 2003). The part-of-speech
tagging problem was solved as an essential requirement for local word grouping. Similar trend has
been observed for the semi-supervised HMM models. As well as, synonyms of this and defination of
this with some examples. Chapter 4 describes our approach of applying Hidden Markov Model
(HMM) to eliminate part-of-speech ambiguity. This implies that perhaps the POS disambiguation
task for Bengali will be more difficult compared to English. The algorithm will be discussed in brief
in the subsequent sections. Figure 7: Uses of Morphological Analyzer during decoding Further, the
use of morphology reduces the Viterbi search space as depicted in bottom of the figure. What is
meant by thesis in telugu dissertation meaning in telugu thesis definition. More formally, the
statistical definition of POS tagging can be stated as follows. Since Bengali is morphologically
productive, we had to make use of a Morphological Analyzer (MA) along with a dictionary of root
words. The encoded knowledge in stochastic methods may or may not have direct linguistic
interpretation. Training Data As described in Chapter 3, the training data consists of 3625 manually
annotated sentences (approximately 40,000 words).
Table 5 gives the tag ambiguity for Bengali CIIL corpus. An accuracy of 93.5% was reported with a
4-fold cross validation on modestly-sized corpora (around 16,000 words). These three components
are related and we combine them into a single tagger description. Consider, for instance, the
following English and Bengali sentence. LanguageDutchGermanEnglishFrenchBengaliCorpus
Ambiguity1.111.31.341.691.77Accuracy96%97%96.5%94.5%?Unknown Words13%9%11%5%14%
Table 6: Corpus ambiguity, Tagging accuracy and percentage of unknown word (open testing text)
for different language corpora used for POS tagging Dermatas has shown in his paper (Dermatas
and Kokkinakis, 1995), that the tagging accuracy of English is relatively higher compared to French
though French has smaller number of unknown words in the open testing text. The box with single
line indicates the correct tag for a particular word where no ambiguity exists i.e. only one tag is
possible for the word. POS taggers for Indian languages are not readily available due to lack of such
rules and large annotated corpora. The Tagset With respect to the tagset, the main feature that
concerns us is its granularity, which is directly related to the size of the tagset. Table 7 summarizes
the final accuracies achieved by different learning methods with the varying size of the training data.
Combination of statistical information The combination of statistical information has been proposed
by several of the statistical based tagger as maintained previously, to obtain more accurate model
parameters especially to overcome the problem of the sparseness of the data. A thesis for a summary
would be your expression of the main idea of the work you are summarizing. This knowledge is
estimated from the corpora which are usually tagged with the correct part of speech labels for the
words. Finally, the fourth section contains a detail description of the work on Indian Language POS
tagging. Each tag in the tagset corresponds to one state in the HMM. Instead, we use a
Morphological Analyzer (MA) for Bengali to find out the possible tags of a given word. The symbol
emitted, is dependent on the probability distribution of the particular state. The development of an
automatic POS tagger requires either a comprehensive set of linguistically motivated rules or a large
annotated corpus. Finally I express my special appreciation and acknowledgement to my parents for
their constant support, co-operation and sacrifice throughout my research work. However, some
amount of semantic information may needs to be considered during the annotation especially, in the
case of labelling main verb (VM) and auxiliary verb (VAUX) for Bengali. Though the trigram HMM
performs better than bigram HMM in literature but, a lower accuracy has been achieved by trigram
HMM model for both the models. The knowledge acquired may be in the form of rules, decision
trees, probability distribution, etc. Note that the size of TMA(w) is much smaller than T. Baum
Welch, or forward backward algorithm, recursively define two sets of probabilities. A summary of
the approaches and the POS tagging accuracies by the participants are given in Table 1. Further we
make use of semi-supervised learning by augmenting the labeled data with a large amount of
unlabelled data. Hence, some of the recent works focus on semi-supervised and unsupervised
machine learning models to cope with the problem of unavailability of the annotated corpora. The
best performance is achieved for the supervised bigram HMM learning model along with
morphological restriction on the possible grammatical categories of a word and suffix information for
handling unknown words. Baum Welch, or forward backward algorithm, recursively define two sets
of probabilities. Since its inception in the middle sixties and seventies (Harris, 1962; Klein and
Simmons, 1963; Greene and Rubin, 1971), many new concepts have been introduced to improve the
efficiency of the tagger and to construct the POS taggers for several languages.
It has been observed that the corpus ambiguity in the training text is 1.77 which is much larger
compared to the European languages (Dermatas and Kokkinakis, 1995). The development of
ENGTWOL (an English tagger based on constraint grammar architecture) can be considered most
important in this direction (Karlsson et al., 1995). These taggers typically use rule-based models
manually written by linguists. The development of ENGTWOL (an English tagger based on
constraint grammar architecture) can be considered most important in this direction (Karlsson et al.,
1995). The constraint grammar formalism has also been applied for other languages like Turkish
(Oflazer and Kuruoz, 1994). On the contrary, the boxes with double line indicate the correct POS tag
of a word form a set of possible tags. In the fourth section, we briefly discuss the most recent efforts
have been done in this area. The page not only provides urdu meaning of thesis but also gives
extensive definition in english language. Our objective in this work is to develop an effective POS
tagger for Bengali. Figure 9: The accuracy growth of different semi-supervised HMM tagging
models. The number of distinct output symbols (M) in the HMM. Further, we present the semi-
supervised learning by augmenting the small labelled training set with a larger unlabeled training set.
Highly inflectional languages may require larger number of tags. Thesis statement meaning thesis
statement definition. The most representative of such pioneer tagger was TAGGIT (Greene and
Rubin, 1971), which was used for initial tagging of the Brown Corpus. A similar study has been
conducted for Bengali to find out the degree of ambiguity in both types and tokens in the corpus.
Sanchez and Nieto (Sanchez and Nieto, 1995) in their work proposed a 479 tag tagset for using the
Xerox tagger on Spanish, they latter reduced it to 174 tags as the earlier proposal was considered to
be too fine grained for a probabilistic tagger. As described in chapter 1, we distinguish between three
main components in our system. Indian Language Taggers There has been a lot of interest in Indian
language POS tagging in recent years. It was thus not easy to compare the different approaches.
Apart from being required for further language analysis, Bengali POS tagging is of interest due to a
number of applications like speech synthesis and recognition. ON THE UTILITY OF A
Constantin Orasan (UoW) EXPERT Introduction 2. A fixed set of 11,000 unlabeled sentences
(approximately 100,000 words) taken from CIIL corpus are used to re-estimate the model parameter
during semi-supervised learning. Finally, in section 3 we present the corpus that has been used for the
experiments. Hence, the expected transition probability from a particular state i to a particular state j
(i.e. ) are estimated by: Eq. 2 In particular to POS tagging, the above probability is the ratio of the
expected number of transitions from a particular tag ti to another particular tag tj and the total
expected number of transition from tag ti to tj. Since Bengali is morphologically productive, we had
to make use of a Morphological Analyzer (MA) along with a dictionary of root words. The following
sentence illustrates the convention (it is in the ITRANS notation (Chopde, 2001)). Also, the number
of Bengali documents are available in the web is comparatively quite limited. The system uses a
small annotated corpus to assign actual tag corresponds each state. It has been observed empirically
that the suffix length of 4 gives better results for all the HMM based models. The disambiguation
module provides the output tag for each lexical unit using the encoded information from the
language model. The symbol emitted, is dependent on the probability distribution of the particular
Manual part of speech tagging is quite a time consuming and difficult process. The LTRC group has
developed a tagged corpus called AnnCora (Bharati et al., 2001) for Hindi. However, the tagging
conventions are different from standard POS tagging. Unlike Penn Tree bank tagset, we don’t use
separate tags for the different inflections of a word category. Apart from being required for further
language analysis, Bengali POS tagging is of interest due to a number of applications like speech
synthesis and recognition. The semi-supervised (Cutting et al., 1992; Kupiec, 1992; Merialdo, 1994)
model makes use of both labeled training text and some amount of unlabeled text. Further Brill
proposed a semi supervised version of the learning algorithm which roughly achieve the same
accuracy. Part-of-Speech Tagging for Bengali Thesis submitted to Indian. 1. Part-of-Speech Tagging
for Bengali Thesis submitted to Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur for the award of the
degree of Master of Science by Sandipan Dandapat Under the guidance of Prof. Another hybrid POS
tagger for Tamil (Arulmozhi et al., 2006) has also been developed in combination of a HMM based
tagger with a rule based tagger. They used 24 different features (lexical features and spelling
features) to generate the model parameters. Another reasonably good accuracy POS tagger for Hindi
has been developed using Maximum Entropy Markov Model (Dalal et al. 2007). The system uses
linguistic suffix and POS categories of a word along with other contextual features. The tagger also
significantly outperforms the TNT tagger. Instead, we use a Morphological Analyzer (MA) for
Bengali to find out the possible tags of a given word. Per Word TagsNo. of Words1 tag35,3402
tags3,7603 tags2644 tags615 tags126 tags27 tags1 Table 4: Tag ambiguity of word types in Brown
corpus (DeRose, 1988) Per Word TagsNo. The oldest work on Indian language POS tagging we
found is by Bharati et al. (Bhartai et al., 1995). They presented a framework for Indian languages
where POS tagging is implicit and is merged with the parsing problem in their work on
computational Paninian parser. We have also presented a tagset for Bengali that has been developed
as a part of the work. In fact (Daelemans, 1996) can be seen as an application of a very special type
of decision tree. A small amount of labeled training text is used to estimate a model. A thesis or
dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or
professional qualification presenting the authors research and findings. I am immensely grateful to
them for their constant advice and support for successful completion of this work. The following
describe some of the recent efforts for the POS tagging problem: POS tagger for large divergence of
languages Researchers are taking into account new problems for the development of a POS tagger
for the variety of languages over the world. These experiments give us some insight about the
performance of the tagging task in comparison with the order of the Markov model in a poor-
resource scenario. We also measure the known word and unknown word accuracy separately for all
the models to understand their performance in a poor resource scenario. For HMM models, suffix
information has been used during smoothing of emission probabilities, whereas for ME and CRF
models, suffix information is used as features. Further, to deal with a small annotated corpus we
explored the use of semi-supervised learning by using an additional unannotated corpus. When a
word is unknown to the morphological analyzer, we considered that the possible tags can be any of
the open class grammatical category (i.e. all class of noun, verbs, adjective, adverbs and
interjections). Several machine learning algorithms have been developed for the POS disambiguation
task. We approach the problem of finding most probable tag sequence in three different ways: The
first model uses a set of 40 tags for each word (wi ) in a test sentence and the most probable tag
sequence is determined using a dynamic programming for all the models described in the previous
section. Then the unlabeled text is used to find a model which best describe the observed data. So,
when we are about to design a tagset for the POS disambiguation task, some issues needs to be
considered. The three components of the HMM based tagger are depicted in Figure 6.

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