New 30301
New 30301
New 30301
Software Release
After downloading:
Find the Programmer installation file in C:\4100ESProg
Find the BIN files in C:\4100ubin\Rev3-03-01
Find the documentation in C:\4100ESinfo
Functional Changes
Fixed Defects
253092 FUI SPECOUT allowed to be made PUBLIC over the Network
576093 The application doesn't reflect properly the changes made to a point of an IDNET card when the
its device type is changed to ANAMON
620763 File Transfer 'Create Image of Compact Flash' no longer works.
664963 Add IDNet card to AS7240 power supply
667841 VESDA card allows editing of read only points
668530 Modify list size in the builder
668687 Upgrading a job from Rev 10 (or a converted Legacy Job) with Miniplex Local Mode set will
cause programmer to crash when viewing System Options
678051 Assigning display cards to controllers does not take harness location into consideration.
678392 SPECOUT points cause Incomplete Network Initialization and FUI stall
679552 Builder will crash when launched without a key trying to build an ES job saved at a previous
679570 A space in the job folder name causes a bad archive/backup file
679689 Updated P452 and A250 pseudos
683060 Add LCD Annunciator to 4100ESi
Other Changes
Fixed Defects
668080 LED/Switch card troubles do not report.
679544 Legacy motherboard city circuit does not activate.
682986 TCB is lost when enabling or removing point from install mode at FUI.
682987 Log all 3 bytes of slave crash code.
682985 Random slave card failures may occur on systems with large number of FUIs.
683161 EPS Rev 1.04.01 or earlier may fail when master is updated to 3.03.
Other Changes
682994 Add system trouble for out-of-range TrueAlarm photo sensors.
682995 Create new report for out-of-range TrueAlarm photo sensors.
Usage Notes
Requires revision 2.02.02 or greater of CPU Bootloader.
Revision 3.03.01 of the ESSupport tools should be used with this release.
Requires InfoAlarm revision 1.04 and InfoAlarm Bootloader revision 1.04.
Functional Changes
Fixed Defects
621298 Intermittent short fault search trouble occurs on IDNet2 channel with no devices
679564 Intermittent FAULT SEARCH troubles may report at the panel
682833 Short on ClassA side of Loop D causes multiple devices NO ANSWER troubles.
682886 Occcasionly short search could hang up.
683006 IDNet2 with Truealarm device will crash occasionally.
683008 Add more detail information to the crash code report and add new crash code.
Other Changes