Y2 Sse Scheme of Wark Maths 2023-20234
Y2 Sse Scheme of Wark Maths 2023-20234
Y2 Sse Scheme of Wark Maths 2023-20234
Tutor’s name:
Number of Unit title Lesson number per Learning objectives Teaching methods& Resources & Observati
week&Duratio week&title+Evaluatio + key unit Techniques+Evaluatio references ons
n n competence n
W1: 25- Group work and Students books of Ok
Lesson1: Introductory Mathematics.
29/09/2023 Unit 1: To arouse the discussion.
activity 1
SEQUENCES curiosity of
AND SERIES student-teacher on
the content of unit
Lesson2: Group work Students books of Ok
To define sequencesDiscussion
and series,
Generalities Questions
infinite sequence and to determine
on sequences terms of a sequence
and series 1
and Group work and
divergent discussions.
sequence 1 Presentations.
sequences and
differentiate the convergent from a
divergent sequence
W2: 02- Lesson 4: Group works. Students books of
06/10/2023 Solving problems Mathematics.
Explore Questioning
sequences and
Convergent and differentiate the
divergent sequence convergent from
1 a divergent
Lesson5: sequence
Use basic concepts Examples.
and formulas of Group works
Monotone sequences to Discussion
sequences 2 identify the Solving problems
Number of Unit title Lesson number per Teaching methods& Resources& Observati
week&Duratio week&title+Evaluatio Learning Techniques+Evaluatio references ons
n n objectives+key n
unit competence procedures
Problem solving
W5: 05- MATRICE Lesson1: To arouse the Group work and Students books of
09/02/2024 S OF curiosity of student discussions.
ORDER 2 Introductory activity teachers Presentations.
on the content of
unit 3
Lesson2: Group work and Students books of
Define and differentiate Mathematics.
types of matrices discussions.
Definition, size and Presentations.
types of matrices
W6: 12- Lesson 3 Perform operations Group work and Students books of
16/02/2024 Addition (addition, subtraction) discussions.
and on matrices of Presentations.
subtraction order 2 and order 3.
of matrices
W7: 19- Lesson4: Group work and Students books of
Perform operations of Mathematics.
23/02/2024 multiplication on discussions.
matrices Presentations.
Multiplication of matrices
of order 2 and order
Lesson 5:
3.distribution table and
pie chart
Perform on properties of
Properties multiplication
of Matrices
Multiplicati on matrices of order 2
on 2 and order 3
Lesson 6.
of a Construct a transpose
of a given matrix
W8: 26/02- Lesson7: Group work and Students books of
01/03/2024 Determinant of Calculate the discussions.
matrices of order determinant of a matrix Presentations.
2 and 3 and their of order 2 and 3.
Properties 2
W8: 26/02- Lesson 7: Calculate the Students books of
01/03/2024 determinant of Group work and Mathematics.
Properties a matrix of order 2 and discussions.
of 3. Presentations.
nt 1
W9: 04- Lesson 8: Students books of
08/03/2024 Transpose Construct a transpose
of a matrix of a given matrix
W12: 25- OTHER ACTIVITIES ENDING A TERM (marking exams, recording marks for preparing school
29/03/2024 reports,…)
Number of Unit title Lesson number per Learningobjectives+key Teaching Resources&r Observat
week&Durat week&title+Evaluation unit competence methods& eferences ions
ion Techniques+Evalua
W1: 15- MATRICES OF Group work and Students books of
19/04/2024 ORDER 2 AND Lesson 9: Calculate the discussions.
ORDER 3 determinant of a Presentations.
Determinant matrix of order 2 and
of matrices of 3.
order 2 and 3
and their
W2: 22- Lesson 10 Group work and Students books of
26/04/2024 Properties of determinant Calculate the determinant discussions.
of a matrix of order 2 and 3. Presentations.
Lesson 11
Inverse of
matrix of
order 2 and 3
Lesson 12:
Unit 3:
W4: 06-10/05/2024 Lesson1: Group work and Students books of
CONDITIONA To arouse the curiosity of discussions.
L Introductory activity Presentations.
student-teacher on the
AND BAYERS content of unit 5.
Lesson 2 Group work and Students books of
Determine the discussions.
Tree diagram probability of some Presentations.
events using tree
Lesson 6:
To define Dependent events
and determine the
probability for dependent
Conditional probability events Group work and
W7: 27/05- Lesson 7: Group work and Students books of
31/05/2024 Bayes theorem and its Extend the Conditional discussions.
Applications probability to Bayes Presentations.
Unit 5
W7: 27/05- 31/05/2024 Lesson 1: . Group work and Students books of
BIVARIATE To arouse the curiosity discussions.
STATISTICS Lesson 1: of student-teachers on Presentations
Introductory activity the content of unit 4.
W8: 03- Lesson: 2 To define bivariate Group work and Students books of
07/06/2024 Bivariate data ,scatter statistics data and plot the discussions.
diagram and types of scatter diagram and Presentations.
correlation differentiate types of
W8: 03- 07/06/2024 Lesson 3: Explain and determine the Group work and Students books of
Covariance covariance for bivariate discussions.
Lesson 4: statistics data Presentations.
Coefficient of correlation To define and calculate the
Coefficient of correlation for
Bivariate statistics data.
Appreciate the importance of
using the Coefficient of
correlation to interpret data
and to infer conclusion
W9: 10- Lesson 5: To define the regression line Group work and Students books of
14/06/2024 Regression line and establish its equation, discussions.
Interpretation of Appreciate the importance of Presentations.
statistical data using regression line to
interpret data.
Analyze, interpretation and predict
bivariate statistical data from various
areas ( Business, Geography,
Demography …)
W9: 10-14/06/2024 Interpretation of Analyze, interpretation and Group work and Students books of
statistical data predict bivariate statistical discussions. .
data from various areas Presentations.
( Business, Geography,
Demography …)