PhrasalVerbs A Z
PhrasalVerbs A Z
PhrasalVerbs A Z
ask many people the same I asked around but nobody has seen
ask around
question my wallet.
stop functioning (vehicle, Our car broke down at the side of the
break down
machine) highway in the snowstorm.
bring someone down make unhappy This sad music is bringing me down.
get to the same point as someone You'll have to run faster than that if you
catch up
else want to catch up with Marty.
arrive and register at a hotel or We will get the hotel keys when we
check in
airport check in.
check out
look at (informal) Check out the crazy hair on that guy!
volunteer for a task or to give The woman came forward with her
come forward
evidence husband's finger prints.
come from somewhere originate in The art of origami comes from Asia.
pull in too closely in front of The bus driver got angry when that car
cut in
another vehicle cut in.
start operating (of an engine or The air conditioner cuts in when the
cut in
electrical device) temperature gets to 22°C.
take someone/something
drop someone/something I have to drop my sister off at work
somewhere and leave them/it
off before I come over.
(of hair, teeth) become loose and His hair started to fall out when he was
fall out
unattached only 35.
to write information in blanks Please fill in the form with your name,
fill something in
(Br.E.) address, and phone number.
recover from an illness, loss, I just got over the flu and now my sister
get over something
difficulty has it.
give something to someone for The library was giving away old books
give something away
free on Friday.
give to many people (usually at no They were giving out free perfume
give something out
cost) samples at the department store.
go out leave home to go on a social event We're going out for dinner tonight.
hold onto hold firmly using your hands or Hold onto your hat because it's very
someone/something arms windy outside.
mix something up confuse two or more things I mixed up the twins' names again!
give the same thing to many The professor passed the textbooks out
pass something out
people before class.
be punished for doing something That bully will pay for being mean to
pay for something
bad my little brother.
put what you are holding on a You can put the groceries down on the
put something down
surface or floor kitchen counter.
run over drive a vehicle over a person or I accidentally ran over your bicycle in
someone/something thing the driveway.
stay somewhere for the night You should sleep over tonight if the
sleep over
(informal) weather is too bad to drive home.
continue doing something, limit You will lose weight if you stick to the
stick to something
yourself to one particular thing diet.
remove something (usually Take off your socks and shoes and
take something off
clothing) come in the lake!
decrease the volume or strength Please turn the TV down while the
turn something down
(heat, light etc) guests are here.
increase the volume or strength Can you turn the music up? This is my
turn something up
(heat, light etc) favourite song.