Arlon Installation Guide SLX Plus
Arlon Installation Guide SLX Plus
Arlon Installation Guide SLX Plus
Technical Services
August 2020
SLX®+ With FLITE Technology
Reading and following this Installation Guide will ensure you as the applicator are equipped with best
practices when applying SLX+.
• Heat Source(s): • BodyGuard Knife
• Heat gun • Knifeless Tape
• IR heater • 9mm snap-off blades
• Propane torch • IR Thermometer
• Squeegees • Magnets
• Lint-free application gloves • Masking Tape
1. V
ehicle should to be delivered “street clean”
A “street clean” vehicle helps maintain a clean zone in the shop
First, the vehicle needs a basic wash before shop drop-off and
and prepares it for a more detailed cleaning prior to wrapping.
then, the shop will clean the vehicle in detail.
4. Always check if all panels and artwork are included in the kit
Double checking the kit’s contents guarantees a smooth
Dry fit all the panels to ensure proper graphic placement and
application process and on-time delivery.
Arlon does not warrant applications on aftermarket paint or Aftermarket or damaged paint will hinder adhesion and may
damaged paint. peel off during installation or upon removal.
Avoid wrapping a freshly painted car. Only apply graphics If the surface is wrapped before the paint fully cures, bubbles
after paint is fully cure according to the paint manufacturer’s will form as the paint outgasses and may also lead to adhesion
specifications. failure.
SLX®+ With FLITE Technology
8. Clean the edges of the applied panel with diluted alcohol A quick wipe on the edges will remove some skin oils or other
A 70% dilution of alcohol in water is recommended. contaminants and maximize the adhesion at the overlap.
Convex curves such as bumpers and mirrors will require Pre-
When considering the amount of stretch necessary, avoid
stretch and Shrink Method. Concave curves such as channels
installing both concave and convex curve profiles with the
require shifting tension to the flat areas or use the Deep
same approach.
Channel Hack
SLX®+ With FLITE Technology
2. P
ost-heat before trimming
Always follow the specified temperatures:
• Add +15°C to the ambient temperature when Post-heating softens the adhesive to increase flow; expose
heating flat surfaces trapped air and unapplied areas; anticipate the hottest
• 95°C and 105°C for edges, seams, and temperature in can be exposed; and relieve some stresses in the
other stretched areas film.
Post-heating is a time consuming yet vital step of the wrap
process. Work in small sections and reapply pressure.
3. B
e proficient in using Knifeless Tape Knifeless or FineLine Tape provides a preview of cut lines and
If cutting by hand is absolutely necessary, frequently snap a prevent cutting the vehicle’s paint.
new blade and apply FineLine Tape to provide a safe cutting Snap a new blade frequently for high quality edge cuts and
surface. prevent the need for double-cutting.
4. W
ait for 15 minutes before trimming
Allowing the film to cool and stabilize before cutting ensures
Let the film cool and stabilize before trimming and leave 3
better adhesion on the edges.
mm of overhang to properly tuck the film.
5. U
se the proper technique on corners
Corners may be small, but the impact is enormous in terms of
Techniques such as Painted-edge Corner, Cut & Overlap, and
Cold Pre-stretch can be used on corners.
Warm film is too soft to make a clean cut and yield jagged
Avoid trimming while the film is warm.
When post heating with high temperatures, do not just heat the Reapplying pressure ensures maximum adhesive contact by
film without reapplying pressure. increasing the adhesive flow and closing air egress channels.
Deep cuts on paint are vulnerable to peel off paint when the
Avoid cutting directly on paint.
graphic is removed.
SLX®+ With FLITE Technology
2. U
se precautions for power washing
The nozzle pressure should not exceed 1,300 PSI (90 Bar).
See TIP 46: Fleet Graphics Post-Care & Cleaning Instructions
Keep the tip at least 5’ away from the vehicle and the spray
angle of no shallower than 60° from perpendicular.
Allow one week to pass from the installation date before Waiting a week before washing prevent the film from being
washing the vehicle. disturbed as it approaches its maximum adhesion.
Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended dilution ratio An overly concentrated solution can damage both the adhesive
of detergent and water. and the vinyl.