DLT is responsible
for the
You join DLT development and
and purchase production of
any product drone equipment
DLT sells or
Customers pays leases drone
DLT for equipment equipment to
usage customers
1. Each new member who joins DLT
will receive a bonus of ₦600.
Team Leader A
A (Yourself)
After joining DLT, you DLT hopes that every When you start to
become an employee employee can set a complete the work
of DLT. Your main job short-term goal for goals you set for
responsibility is to himself. yourself, you will
help the company The promotion receive a promotion
promote through subsidy is built on this subsidy every time.
various methods to basis. You can set a You can get generous
enhance the team development promotion subsidy
company's visibility. goal for yourself every amounts every week.
week and work hard
for it.
Welcome to join us
Technology changes human future