s40279 022 01797 7
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s40279 022 01797 7
Background Playing football is associated with a high risk of injury. Injury prevention is a priority as injuries not only nega-
tively impact health but also potentially performance. Various multi-component exercise-based injury prevention programs
for football players have been examined in studies.
Objective We aimed to investigate the efficacy of multi-component exercise-based injury prevention programs among foot-
ballers of all age groups in comparison to a control group.
Methods We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and cluster-randomized controlled trials.
CINAHL, Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched from inception to June 2022. The
following inclusion criteria were used for studies to determine their eligibility: they (1) include football (soccer) players;
(2) investigate the preventive effect of multi-component exercise-based injury prevention programs in football; (3) contain
original data from a randomized or cluster-randomized trial; and (4) investigate football injuries as the outcome. The risk
of bias and quality of evidence were assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool and the Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE), respectively. The outcome measures were the risk ratio (RR) between
the intervention and the control group for the overall number of injuries and body region-specific, contact, and non-contact
injuries sustained during the study period in training and match play.
Results Fifteen randomized and cluster-randomized controlled trials with 22,177 players, 5080 injuries, and 1,587,327
exposure hours fulfilled the inclusion criteria and reported the required outcome measures. The point estimate (RR) for the
overall number of injuries was 0.71 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.59–0.85; 95% prediction interval [PI] 0.38–1.32) with
very low-quality evidence. The point estimate (RR) for lower limb injuries was 0.82 (95% CI 0.71–0.94; 95% PI 0.58–1.15)
with moderate-quality evidence; for hip/groin injuries, the RR was 0.56 (95% CI 0.30–1.05; 95% PI 0.00–102.92) with low-
quality evidence; for knee injuries, the RR was 0.69 (95% CI 0.52–0.90; 95% PI 0.31–1.50) with low-quality evidence; for
ankle injuries, the RR was 0.73 (95% CI 0.55–0.96; 95% PI 0.36–1.46) with moderate-quality evidence; and for hamstring
injuries, the RR was 0.83 (95% CI 0.50–1.37) with low-quality evidence. The point estimate (RR) for contact injuries was
0.70 (95% CI 0.56–0.88; 95% PI 0.40–1.24) with moderate-quality evidence, while for non-contact injuries, the RR was
0.78 (95% CI 0.55–1.10; 95% PI 0.25–2.47) with low-quality evidence.
Conclusions This systematic review and meta-analysis indicated that the treatment effect associated with the use of multi-
component exercise-based injury prevention programs in football is uncertain and inconclusive. In addition, the majority
of the results are based on low-quality evidence. Therefore, future high-quality trials are needed to provide more reliable
Clinical Trial Registration PROSPERO CRD42020221772.
838 R. Obërtinca et al.
of the intervention; and (4) studies published in a language by two reviewers (RO, BSH). Discrepancies were resolved
other than English. by consensus. The overall quality of evidence was assessed
using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Devel-
2.3 Sources and Study Selection opment, and Evaluation (GRADE). This method assesses the
strength of evidence derived from systematic reviews [22].
Possible studies were identified using a systematic search In the GRADE system, randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
process. First, we searched the following databases begin as high-quality evidence [23]. Subsequently, the evi-
CINAHL, Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science dence is downgraded by one level for each of the following
from the earliest record to June 2022, with the following domains considered: (1) risk of bias (downgraded by one
search strategy: (injury prevention OR warm-up program OR level if the trials scored an overall high risk of bias on the
neuromuscular program OR f-marc OR 11 +) AND (football Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool); (2) inconsist-
OR soccer). The reference lists of the studies recovered were ency (downgraded by one level if statistical heterogeneity
hand searched to identify potentially eligible studies missed between studies was I2 > 50%); (3) indirectness (downgraded
by electronic searches. Two reviewers independently (AB, by one level if the meta-analysis included participants with
DK) performed the selection of studies based on the title and heterogeneous characteristics with regard to sex, age, and
abstract provided by the bibliographic databases. The full- level of sport); (4) imprecision (downgraded by one level
text evaluation followed on those selected studies from the if the upper and lower CIs had a > 0.5 difference); and (5)
first selection step. A third reviewer (RO) was responsible publication bias (assessed with a visual inspection of a fun-
for resolving any discrepancies in the selection process. nel plot and two-tailed Egger’s test if more than ten studies
were included in the meta-analysis). Evidence obtained was
2.4 Data Extraction and Administration categorized into four levels of evidence quality: high, moder-
ate, low, and very low [24] (Table 1).
For each eligible study, four reviewers (RM, AB, DK, AL)
extracted data independently using a standardized data 2.6 Outcome Measures
extraction form [14]. One section was added (type of inju-
ries: contact or non-contact) to the extraction form for an The primary outcome was the risk ratio (RR) for the over-
additional analysis that we performed regarding the effect all number of injuries. Body region-specific injury RRs for
on contact versus non-contact injuries. We extracted data the lower limb, hamstring, hip/groin, knee, and ankle were
on the studies’ basic information, design, participants, inter- secondary outcomes. Additionally, the overall number and
vention characteristics, and outcome measures. Thereafter, the region-specific injury RRs were assessed for a non-con-
the reviewers compared the extracted data for consistency. tact versus contact induced cause. All injuries occurring in
Reviewers resolved discrepancies by discussion and, when official training and match play during the respective study
necessary, a fifth party (RO) was involved. Final decisions period were included.
were made based on a majority vote. Primary outcome
results from individual studies were extracted and collated 2.7 Synthesis of Results
in Excel 365 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA).
If studies did not report RR estimates, we converted them to
2.5 Quality Assessment RRs as far as possible [25, 26]. Out of the 15 included stud-
ies, six studies did not perform cluster adjustments. They
The risk of bias was assessed for each included trial accord- also did not provide information on the intra-cluster correla-
ing to the recommendations outlined in the Cochrane Hand- tion coefficient or other data that would allow for calculating
book for Systematic Reviews of Interventions [21]. The the design effect or inflation factor (as recommended by the
following items were considered: allocation sequence gener- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Review of Interven-
ation, concealment of allocation, blinding of outcome assess- tions) [27]. Hence, we performed a cluster adjustment by
ment, incomplete outcome data, selective outcome report- increasing variance by 30% for effect estimates of studies
ing, and other sources of bias. As it is impossible to blind the with no adjustment for the cluster effect [28]. We performed
participants to the intervention, we removed the item “blind- a meta-analysis of RRs and their 95% CIs using the DerSi-
ing of participants and investigators”. Each bias domain was monian and Laird random-effects method [29]. A random-
judged as at low or high risk of bias according to its possible effects meta-analysis assumes that the true treatment effect
effect on the results of the study. When the possible effect varies among studies. The DerSimonian and Laird method
was unknown or insufficient detail was reported, we judged does not make any assumptions about the distribution of the
it as unclear. The risk of bias was examined independently random effects [30]. In addition to the presentation of overall
effect estimates and 95% CIs, we also calculated 95% PIs.
840 R. Obërtinca et al.
Table 1 Grades of recommendation, assessment, development and evaluation (GRADE) quality of evidence
They enable the examination of treatment effects within an conducted in one each of the following countries: Canada
individual study setting, as this can differ from the average [12], Australia [36], Rwanda [37], Nigeria [38], and Iran
effect [19]. Heterogeneity was assessed using I2, τ2, and Q [39]. The overall number of participants was 22,177 includ-
value (χ2 test for heterogeneity). We interpreted I2 values ing both sexes. Participants were registered football players in
according to guidelines by Higgins and Green, a low het- one of the following age groups: children (7–14 years), youth
erogeneity for I2 values between 25 and 50%, a moderate f (12–19 years), senior, and veteran (> 32 years). The number
heterogeneity or 50–75%, and a high heterogeneity for ≥ 75% of participants ranged from 265 [4] to 4564 participants [9].
[27]. A small study effect was investigated using Egger’s test A total of 5080 injuries and 1,587,327 h of exposure were
for a meta-analysis with ten or more studies [31]. Statistical included. The study period lasted between 12 weeks [8] and
analysis was carried out using STATA 17 BE (Stata Corpo- 9 months [4, 13, 39, 33]. All interventions were applied at
ration, College Station, TX, USA). least twice a week in the training sessions. The control groups
performed their usual warm-up exercises and/or training rou-
tines. One study required an additional home-based stretch-
3 Results ing program [12]. Nine studies used a F IFA® warm-up pro-
® ®
gram of the FIFA 11, the FIFA 11 + , or the 11 + Kids [4,
3.1 Literature Identification 10, 11, 13, 33, 35, 37–39]. Two studies used Neuromuscular
Training programs [12, 32], and one study each used the Neu-
The initial database search identified 7954 studies. Fol- romuscular Control Program [36], the Knäkontroll program
lowing the removal of duplicates (n = 4986), 2968 studies [9], the Prevention Injury and Enhance Performance program
remained. After screening the titles and abstracts, 69 full-text [8], and the Bounding Exercise Program [34] (Table 2).
articles were left. A further 54 studies had to be excluded as
they did not present data on injuries, included non-football 3.3 Risk of Bias
players, or were neither cluster RCTs nor RCTs. Finally, 15
articles were included in the meta-analysis (Fig. 1). Seven (46%) studies had a high risk of bias in two or more
domains. The domain “other bias” was the most frequent
3.2 Demographic and Study Characteristics cause for a high risk of bias within the studies (46%), with
seven studies neither reporting an intention-to-treat analysis
Eight trials stemmed from Europe [4, 9–11, 13, 32–34]. nor an adjustment for clustering (Fig. 1 and Table 1 of the
Two trials were conducted in the USA [8, 35]. One trial was Electronic Supplementary Material [ESM]).
Injury Prevention in Football 841
Fig. 1 Flow chart of the included studies. RCTs randomized controlled trials
3.4 Meta‑Analysis Results (downgraded one level because of a risk of bias and one
level because of inconsistency). For hip/groin injuries, the
3.4.1 Overall, Body Region, Contact, RR was 0.56 (95% CI 0.30–1.05; 95% PI 0.00–102.92) with
and Non‑Contact‑Related Injuries low-level evidence (downgraded one level because of a risk
of bias and one level because of imprecision). For hamstring
For the primary outcome analysis, i.e., the overall injury injuries, the RR was 0.83 (95% CI 0.50–1.37) with low-
risk, the pooled results showed a point estimate (RR) of level evidence (downgraded one level because of a risk of
0.71 (95% CI 0.59–0.85; 95% PI 0.38–1.32; I2 = 80.5%; bias and one level because of imprecision). With regard to
τ2 = 0.067; p < 0.001). The width of the 95% PI suggests that ankle injuries, the RR was 0.73 (95% CI 0.55–0.96; 95% PI
the effect in future similar studies lies between 0.38 and 0.36–1.46) with moderate-level evidence (downgraded one
1.32 (Fig. 2). In practical terms, the effect may vary from level because of a risk of bias). For each calculation, the 95%
being very protective to an increased risk of injury. The level PI was wider in comparison to the 95% CI.
of evidence was rated as very low (downgraded one level The pooled results for non-contact injuries showed a
because of a risk of bias, one level because of inconsistency, point estimate (RR) of 0.78 (95% CI 0.55–1.10; 95% PI
and one level because of publication bias) (Table 1). 0.25–2.47; I2 = 67.3%; τ2 = 0.100; p = 0.016), with evidence
Regarding the secondary outcome analyses, i.e., the body rated as low level (downgraded one level because of a risk
region-specific injury risk (Fig. 2), the point estimate (RR) of bias and one level because of inconsistency). Addition-
for the lower limb injuries was 0.82 (95% CI 0.71–0.94; ally, the point estimate (RR) for contact injuries was 0.70
95% PI 0.58–1.15; I2 = 45.3%; τ2 = 0.016; p = 0.067) with (95% CI 0.56–0.88; 95% PI 0.40–1.24 I2 = 29.2%; τ2 = 0.018;
moderate-level evidence (downgraded one level because of p = 0.227), with moderate-level evidence (downgraded one
a risk of bias). For knee injuries, the RR was 0.69 (95% level because of a risk of bias). The width of the 95% PI sug-
CI 0.52–0.90; 95% PI 0.31–1.50) with low-level evidence gested that the effect may vary from being very protective
842 R. Obërtinca et al.
Table 2 Summary of included multi-component randomized controlled trials investigating the effect of injury prevention programs
Study Intervention Population (age) Follow-up Outcome Number of ana- Exposure time Number of
program lysed (h) injuries
Emery et al. 2010 Neuromuscular Male and female 20 weeks Overall injuries IG: 380 IG: 24 051 IG: 50
[12] training program youth (13– CG: 364 CG: 24 597 CG: 79
18 years)
Finch et al. 2016 Neuromuscular Male senior 28 weeks Overall injuries IG: 679 IG: 12 790a IG: 335
[36] control program (18–30 years) CG: 885 CG: 15 537a CG: 438
Gilchrist et al. PEP Female senior, 12 weeks Knee injuries IG: 583 IG: 35 220 IG: 40c
2008 [8] (19.88 years)b CG: 852 CG: 52 919 CG: 58c
Hammes et al. FIFA 11 + Male veteran 9 months Overall injuries IG: 146 IG: 4 172 IG: 51
2015 [4] (≥ 32 years) CG:119 CG: 2 937 CG: 37
Hilska et al. 2021 Neuromuscular Male and female 20 weeks Lower limb inju- IG: 673 IG: 71 109 IG: 310d
[32] training children ries CG: 730 CG: 63 404 CG: 346d
(9–14 years)
Nuhu et al. 2021 FIFA 11 + Male senior (IG: 7 months Overall injuries IG: 309 IG: 65 333 IG: 168
[37] 19.9 years) (CG: CG: 317 CG: 63 389 CG: 252
19.7 years))
Owoeye et al. FIFA® 11 + Male youth 6 months Overall injuries IG: 212 IG: 51 017 IG: 36
2014 [38] (14–19 years) CG: 204 CG: 61 045 CG: 94
Rossler et al. 2018 11 + Kids Male and female 9 months Overall injuries IG: 2066 IG: 140 716 IG: 139
[13] children CG: 1829 CG: 152 033 CG: 235
(7–13 years)
Silvers-Granell FIFA® 11 + Male senior 5 months Overall injuries IG: 675 IG: 35 226 IG: 285
et al. 2017 [35] (18–25 years) CG: 850 CG: 44 212 CG: 665
Soligard et al. FIFA® 11 + Female youth 8 months Overall injuries IG: 1055 IG: 49 899 IG: 161
2008 [11] (13–17 years) CG: 837 CG: 45 428 CG: 215
Steffen et al. 2008 FIFA® program Female youth 8 months Overall injuries IG: 1073 IG: 66 423 IG: 242
[10] 11 (13–17 years) CG: 947 CG: 65 725 CG: 241
Walden et al. Knakontrol Female youth 7 months ACL injuries IG: 2479 IG: 149 214 IG: 7e
2012 [9] (12–17 years) CG: 2085 CG: 129 084 CG: 14e
Zarei et al. 2020 11 + kids Male children 9 months Overall injuries IG: 443 IG: 31 934 IG: 30
[39] (7–14 years) CG: 519 CG: 32 113 CG: 60
Van de Beijs- FIFA program Male senior 9 months Overall injuries IG: 233 IG: 21 605 IG: 207
terveldt et al. 11 (18–40 years) CG: 233 CG: 22 647 CG: 220
2012 [33]
Van de Hoef et al. BEP Male senior 39 weeks Hamstring inju- IG: 229 IG: 31 831 IG: 35f
2019 [34] (18–45 years) ries CG: 171 CG: 21 717 CG: 30f
ACL anterior cruciate ligament, BEP bounding exercise program, CG control group, IG intervention group, N/A Not applicable, PEP Prevent
injury and Enhance Performance
Match exposure only was reported
Average age only was reported
Knee injuries
Lower limb injuries
ACL injuries
Hamstring injuries
to an increased risk of injury for both outcomes, i.e., non- 3.4.2 Subgroup Analysis According to Sex
contact injuries (95% PI 0.55–1.10) and contact injuries
(95% PI 0.40–1.24) (Fig. 3). Regarding a distinction between male and female individu-
als, the point estimate (RR) for the overall number of injuries
Injury Prevention in Football 843
Fig. 2 Analysis of multi-component exercise-based injury prevention programs’ effect on the overall and region-specific injury risk compared
with control groups. I2 I square, p p value, RR risk ratio, τ2 tau square
in male football players was 0.70 (95% CI 0.55–0.90; and, in veterans, the RR was 0.91 (95% CI 0.53–1.57) (Fig. 4
I2 = 83.5%; τ2 = 0.082; p < 001). In female football play- of the ESM).
ers, the point estimate (RR) was 0.82 (95% CI 0.57–1.20;
I2 = 68.9%; τ2 = 0.064; p = 0.008) (Fig. 4 of the ESM).
4 Discussion
3.4.3 Subgroup Analysis According to Age Group
4.1 Principal Findings
The point estimate (RR) for the overall number of injuries in
children was 0.52 (95% CI 0.36–0.76; I2 = 0.0%; τ2 < 0.001; This systematic review and meta-analysis included 15 RCTs
p = 0.841), in youth, the RR was 0.74 (95% CI 0.56–0.97; that assessed the effect of injury prevention programs on the
I2 = 68.9%; τ2 = 0.048; p = 0.022), in seniors, the RR was overall and body region-specific injury risk in football play-
0.73 (95% CI 0.53–1.01; I2 = 91.1%; τ2 = 0.098; p < 0.001), ers. Based on calculated PIs, their efficacy remains uncertain
844 R. Obërtinca et al.
Fig. 3 Analysis of multi-component exercise-based injury prevention programs’ effect on the overall non-contact (a) and contact (b) injury risk
compared with control groups. I2 I square, p p value, RR risk ratio, τ2 tau square
and inconclusive regarding all primary and secondary out- participants). A previous meta-analysis [14] investigated the
comes. In addition, the majority of the results are based on effect of the FIFA® exercise-based injury prevention programs
low-quality evidence. on specific body regions. The observed efficacy on hamstring
(RR 0.83 vs IRR 0.40), knee (RR 0.69 vs IRR 0.52), and ankle
4.1.1 Comparison with Existing Literature on Injury Risk injuries (RR 0.73 vs IRR 0.68) was lower in our study, but
Reduction comparable for hip/groin injuries (RR 0.56 vs IRR 0.59). A
likely explanation for the differing results between the reviews
Riley et al. [40] suggested that if a random-effects approach is is that we included a higher number of studies that examined
used, the pooled result must be interpreted as the average inter- different types of programs in the analysis. An additional
vention effect across studies, rather than the common effect. explanation could be the inclusion of studies with children
Previous meta-analyses have not reported PIs, which means, because injury patterns vary with age [42]. The most obvious
an appropriate comparison is not possible. Therefore, we can difference from other studies was regarding hamstring injuries.
only compare our point estimates with those reported in the The results may be expected as we did not include trials inves-
literature. In contrast with the currently available evidence tigating the Nordic Hamstring as a single component exercise,
[14–16, 41], our study included footballers of all age groups which has been shown to be very effective for preventing ham-
and skill levels (amateur and professional). The point estimate string injuries [43]. Moreover, in comparison to Thorborg et al.
(RR) of 0.71 (95% CI 0.59–0.85) in the current analysis is at [14], we included the Bounding Exercise Program [34], which
the lower end of those reported in previous systematic reviews, showed very little effect in reducing these injuries.
which reported an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 0.73 (95% CI
0.59–0.91) [41], IRR of 0.75 (95% CI 0.57–0.98) [14], IRR 4.1.2 Effectiveness of Injury Prevention Programs
of 0.77 (95% CI 0.64–0.91) [15], and IRR of 0.77 (95% CI on Contact Versus Non‑contact Injuries
0.61–0.97) [16]. This was to be expected as we also included
interventions in children, which showed a substantially higher For the first time, this study investigated the effect of multi-
injury reduction of 48% [13] and 50% [39] compared with component exercise-based injury prevention programs not
older players. This effect was somewhat counterbalanced by only on non-contact injuries but also on contact-related
the reduced effect of the programs among veterans, which injuries. The point estimate (RR) for contact injuries was
was only 9%. However, the relative weight of the studies 0.70 (95% CI 0.56–0.88). Surprisingly, the estimated risk
with children was higher (higher in the number of studies and reduction was higher than for non-contact injuries for which
Injury Prevention in Football 845
the vast majority of programs are designed. Most programs comparison to confidence intervals. Based on this evidence,
include strength exercises that mostly focus on core stability. there is a lack of compelling data to affirm the certainty
Furthermore, plyometrics (hopping, jumping, and landing) of preventive effects from multi-component exercise-based
are often part of the programs. They have the potential to injury prevention programs. However, for our meta-anal-
improve lower leg strength, functional leg stability, and bal- ysis, we have to take into account that the use of PIs has
ance, thus improving the ability to absorb external forces, for its shortcomings. IntHout et al. [19] mentioned that they
example, induced by contact. The 11 + Kids [13] program show a wider range compared with CIs when there is any
also includes one exercise specifically on correct falling heterogeneity. Our main outcome provided an I2 = 80.5%,
techniques. The point estimate (RR) for non-contact injuries which should be interpreted as high heterogeneity accord-
in the current study was 0.78, in line with a previous study ing to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of
that reported a RR of 0.77 [16]. Interventions [27]. In addition, Riley et al. [40] stated that a
PI will be most appropriate when the studies included in the
4.1.3 Effectiveness of Injury Prevention Programs Across meta-analysis have a low risk of bias. However, the majority
Sexes and Age Groups of studies in our analysis had a high risk of bias. Therefore,
these shortcomings would have affected the use of PIs in
The subgroup analysis showed a point estimate (RR) of 0.70 our meta-analysis.
in male football players. These results mimic the data of the
Al Attar et al. study [15]. However, the estimated effect is 4.3 Strengths and Limitations
slightly lower than data reported by Lemes et al. [16] show-
ing a point estimate (RR) of 0.68. To the best of our knowledge, this review is the first to ana-
Regarding female individuals, the pooled results showed lyze the efficacy of multi-component exercise-based injury
a point estimate (RR) of 0.82. This result falls within the prevention programs among footballers of all age groups.
range of results reported by studies with similar inclusion One strength of this systematic review is that it included
criteria [15, 16]. However, the meta-analysis with the largest multiple analyses. It investigated the risk reduction for the
estimated effect [41] included RCTs that used various injury overall number of injuries as well as of body region-specific,
prevention strategies. In addition to physical exercises, they contact, and non-contact injuries. Subgroup analyses for age
included studies that used braces and education as a method and sex were also performed. Additionally, the PIs for the
for prevention. Furthermore, they included studies with par- main outcomes were calculated. A further strength is the
ticipants of varying backgrounds and sports (i.e., middle and large number of participants (22,177), injuries (5080), and
high school non-footballer athletes). These dissimilarities exposure hours (1,587,327 h) included in comparison with
might have caused these considerable differences. In con- other reviews [14–16]. Furthermore, we followed best prac-
trast, small differences compared with other reviews [15, tice by including only randomized trials and cluster-RCTs,
16] may reflect the diversity of interventions, i.e., the inclu- using a risk of bias assessment and grading the quality of
sion of single-component exercise-based injury prevention evidence.
programs. However, this review also has some limitations, mainly
The subgroup analysis for age groups showed a point esti- that > 50% of the reported effects were based on studies
mate (RR) of 0.52 in children, a RR of 0.74 in youth, 0.73 in with a very low or low level of evidence. The main outcome
seniors, and 0.91 in veteran football players. The point esti- variable provided high heterogeneity among the studies
mate in youth and seniors is homogeneous with the current (I2 = 80.5%). The lack of information about compliance with
available evidence [14, 41]. The low point estimate found in the prevention program in many studies is another limitation
children may be expected by the fact that there is rarely any of this review. Furthermore, there was missing information
prior use of preventative measures at all; therefore, using on content and compliance with the usual warm-ups/training
the program is likely to evoke the biggest benefit. Only one routines of the control groups. Another limitation is the high
trial [4] assessed the effects of injury prevention programs risk of bias, especially from the “other bias” domain, with
in veteran football players. The comparably small effect in seven studies failing to report the use of an intention-to-treat
this population is likely owing to the infrequent application analysis and of an adjustment for clustering. Finally, two
of the program (only once a week) as well as relatively low deviations (lack of a compliance analysis and the modifica-
compliance. tion of literature databases) from the original study protocol
have to be mentioned as limitations of this review.
4.2 Factors to Take into Account When Assessing PIs
4.4 Differences Between the Protocol and Review Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d oi.o rg/1 0.1 007/s 40279-0 22-0 1797-7.
Owing to the lack of respective information provided in
the studies, a compliance analysis was impossible. We
contacted the corresponding authors to provide us with
these data, but within the set time of 2 weeks, we only Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt
received information on one of the studies. Our planned DEAL.
bibliographic databases for literature identification were
modified during the study implementation. Because of the Conflicts of interest/competing interests Rilind Obërtinca, Ilir Hoxha,
lack of access, we did not search in EMBASE and SPORT- Rina Meha, Arber Lama, Altina Bimbashi, Dorentina Kuqi, Bujar Sha-
bani, Tim Meyer, and Karen aus der Fünten have no conflicts of inter-
Discus. However, we additionally searched in the origi- est that are directly relevant to the content of this article.
nally unplanned database Scopus. In addition, to empower
the review, although it was not registered in the protocol, Ethics approval Not applicable.
we assessed the quality of evidence using the GRADE
Consent to participate Not applicable.
approach and calculated the PIs for the main outcomes.
Consent for publication Not applicable.
4.5 Recommendations for Future Studies
Availability of data and material The datasets generated and/or ana-
lyzed during the study implementation are available from the corre-
Based on the data obtained, we recommend future high- sponding author upon request.
quality trials to investigate the efficacy of multi-component
exercise-based injury prevention programs. In upcoming Code availability Not applicable.
studies, data on compliance and the content of the train-
Authors’ contributions RO, IH, and KadF conceived and designed the
ing of the control groups should be included. Adjustment study. RO, IH, RM, AL, AB, DK, and BSH conducted the search,
for clustering and more extensive reporting of outcomes study selection, data extraction, and quality appraisal. IH analyzed the
should be emphasized. In addition, it appears important data. RO, IH, and KadF contributed to the interpretation of the data.
RO drafted the manuscript with input from KadF and TM. All authors
to create new injury prevention programs that reflect the
have read and approved the final manuscript.
development and changes in football training. This should
include increasing their attractiveness to promote compli-
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
ance (also outside of study settings), which appears crucial bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
to reduce injury risk. Currently, a large number of different tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
exercises are included because it is unknown which exer- as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
cises (or which combination of them) are most effective
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
in general or in relation to specific injuries. Tailoring the included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
exercises would potentially mean fewer injuries and more otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
efficiency. the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
5 Conclusions
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The 11+ Kids warm-up programme to prevent injuries in young
Rilind Obërtinca1,3 · Ilir Hoxha2,4,5 · Rina Meha1,4 · Arber Lama4,5,6 · Altina Bimbashi4 · Dorentina Kuqi4 ·
Bujar Shabani4,6 · Tim Meyer1 · Karen aus der Fünten1
* Rilind Obërtinca Department of Physiotherapy, University of Gjakova “Fehmi
[email protected] Agani”, Gjakova, Kosovo
1 Research Unit, Heimerer College, Pristina, Kosovo
Institute of Sports and Preventive Medicine, Saarland
University, Saarbrücken Campus, Building B8 2, Evidence Synthesis Group, Pristina, Kosovo
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany 6
University Clinical Center of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo
Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice,
Lebanon, NH, USA