Engg 364 Printed Long Note
Engg 364 Printed Long Note
Engg 364 Printed Long Note
– ENGG 364
Course title -
Protected Cultivation and
secondary Agriculture.
Credit – 2 (1+1)
ENGG 364 2 (1+1)
Course Title - Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture
Lecture Topic Weightage
1 Green house technology - Green house technology: Introduction, 6
History of green house, Advantages of green house, Green house effect.
2 Types of Green houses -Types of Green houses: Green house type 7
based on Shape, Utility, Construction and Covering materials
3 Plant response to green house environment -Plant response to green 6
house environment : Light, Temperature, Relative Humidity,
Ventilation and Carbon di-oxide.
4 Planning and Design of green house - Planning and Design of green 6
house: Site selection and orientation, structural design and covering
5 Materials of construction - Materials of construction for traditional and 6
low cost green house: Wood, G.I., aluminum, steel, R.C.C. and Glass
6 Irrigation Systems used in green house - Irrigation Systems used in 6
green house: Rules of watering, Overhead Sprinklers , Drip irrigation
system and Foggers (Mist spraying)
7 Design criteria of green house for Cooling and Heating purposes - 6
Design criteria of green house for Cooling and Heating purposes:
Cooling - Natural ventilation, forced ventilation Heating- Heating
system, solar heating system, Water & Rock storage.
8 Engineering Properties - Engineering Properties of cereals, pulses and 6
oil seed. Their applications in PHT equipment design and operation:
Physical properties: Size and Shape (Roundness and Sphericity)
Porosity, Coefficient of friction, and angle of repose, Thermal
properties: Definition of Specific heat and Thermal conductivity. Aero
& hydrodynamic properties: Definition of Terminal velocity
9 Drying and Dehydration - Drying and Dehydration: Definition of 6
drying and dehydration, Utilities/Importance of drying Grain drying
Theory- EMC definition, Thin layer drying and deep bed drying.
10&11 Moisture Measurements- Moisture measurements: Moisture content and 12
its measurement, Moisture content representation: Dry basis and wet
basis Moisture Content determination Methods:- Direct methods- Air
oven method, Vacuum oven method and Infra-red method Indirect
Methods- Electrical resistance method and Di-electric method .
12 Various Drying Methods - Various Drying Methods: Sun drying, 6
Mechanical Drying Mechanical Drying Methods:- Contact drying,
Convection drying, Radiation drying
13 Numerical on Moisture content and its representation- Conversion of 6
wet basis moisture contents to dry basis moisture contents Conversion
of dry basis moisture contents to wet basis moisture contents, Problems
on drying Problems on moisture contents Problem No.1 & No.2.
14&15 Commercial Grain Dryers - Commercial Grain Dryers: Construction 14
and working principle - Deep bed dryer, Flat bed dryer, Recirculating
dryer – (LSU and Baffle dryers) , Tray dryer and Solar dryers
16 Material Handling Equipments - Material Handling Equipment’s: 8
Construction and working principle- Conveyor- Belt conveyor and
Screw conveyor Elevator- Bucket elevator
Lecture No.1
Green house technology - Green house technology: Introduction, History of green house,
Advantages of green house, Green house effect.
Greenhouse definition –
A building, room, or area, usually chiefly of glass, in which the temperature is
maintained within a desired range, used for cultivating.
After the advent of green revolution, more emphasis is laid on the quality of the
product along with the quantity of production to meet the ever- growing food
requirements. Both these demands can be met when the environment for the plant growth
is suitably controlled. The need to protect the crops against unfavourable environmental
conditions led to the development of protected agriculture. Greenhouse is the most
practical method of achieving the objectives of protected agriculture, where the natural
environment is modified by using sound engineering principles to achieve optimum plant
growth and yields.
A greenhouse is a framed or an inflated structure covered with a transparent or
translucent material in which crops could be grown under the conditions of at least
partially controlled environment and which is large enough to permit persons to work
within it to carry out cultural operations.
The growing of off - season cucumbers under transparent stone for Emperor Tiberius
in the 1st century, is the earliest reported protected agriculture. The technology was rarely
employed during the next 1500 years. In the 16th century, glass lanterns, bell jars and hot
beds covered with glass were used to protect horticultural crops against cold. In the 17 th
century, low portable wooden frames covered with an oiled translucent paper were used to
warm the plant environment.
In Japan, primitive methods using oil -paper and straw mats to protect crops from the
severe natural environment were used as long ago the early 1960s. Greenhouses in France
and England during the same century were heated by manure and covered with glass
panes. The first greenhouse in the 1700s used glass on one side only as a sloping roof.
Later in the century, glass was used on both sides. Glasshouses were used for fruit crops
such as melons, grapes, peaches and strawberries, and rarely for vegetable production.
Protected agriculture was fully established with the introduction of polyethylene
after the World war II. The first use of polyethylene as a greenhouse cover was in 1948,
when professor Emery Myers Emmert, at the University of Kentucky, used the less
expensive material in place of more expensive glass
The total area of glasshouses in the world (1987) was estimated to be 30,000 ha and
most of these were found in North- Western Europe. In contrast to glasshouses, more than
half of the world area of plastic green houses is in Asia, in which China has the largest
area. According to 1999 estimates, an area of 6, 82,050 ha were under plastic greenhouses
(Table 1.1). In most of the countries, green houses are made of plastic and glass; the
majority is plastic.
Glasshouses and rigid plastic houses are longer-life structures, and therefore are
most located in cold regions where these structures can be used throughout the year. In
Japan, year round use of greenhouses is becoming predominant, but in moderate 2and
warm climate regions, they are still provisional and are only used in winter.
In India, the cultivation in the plastic greenhouses is of recent origin. As per 1994-95
estimates, approximately 100 ha of India are under greenhouse cultivation.
Since 1960, the greenhouse has evolved into more than a plant protector. It is now
better understood as a system of controlled environment agriculture (CEA), with precise
control of air and root temperature, water, humidity, plant nutrition, carbon dioxide and
light. The greenhouses of today can be considered as plant or vegetable factories. Almost
every aspect of the production system is automated, with the artificial environment and
growing system under nearly total computer control.
Greenhouse Effect
In general, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 0.035% (345 ppm).
But, due to the emission of pollutants and exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the
percentage of carbon dioxide increases which forms a blanket in the outer atmosphere.
This causes the entrapping of the reflected solar radiation from the earth surface.
Due to this, the atmospheric temperature increases, causing global warming, melting of
ice caps and rise in the ocean levels which result in the submergence of coastal lines.
This phenomenon of increase in the ambient temperature, due to the formation of the
blanket of carbon dioxide is known as greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse covering material acts in a similar way, as it is transparent to shorter
wave radiation and opaque to long wave radiation.
During the daytime, the shorter wave radiation enters into the greenhouse and gets
reflected from the ground surface.
This reflected radiation becomes long wave radiation and is entrapped inside the
greenhouse by the covering material.
This causes the increase in the greenhouse temperature. It is desirable effect from point
of view of crop growth in the cold regions.
Advantages of Greenhouses
The following are the different advantages of using the green house for growing crops
under controlled environment: 3
Throughout the year four to five crops can be grown in a green house due to
availability of required plant environmental conditions.
The productivity of the crop is increased considerably.
Superior quality produce can be obtained as they are grown under suitably controlled
Gadgets for efficient use of various inputs like water, fertilizers, seeds and plant
protection chemicals can be well maintained in a green house.
Effective control of pests and diseases is possible as the growing area is enclosed.
Percentage of germination of seeds is high in greenhouses.
The acclimatization of plantlets of tissue culture technique can be carried out in a
green house.
Agricultural and horticultural crop production schedules can be planned to take
advantage of the market needs.
Different types of growing medium like peat mass, vermiculate, rice hulls and compost
that are used in intensive agriculture can be effectively utilized in the greenhouse.
Export quality produce of international standards can be produced in a green house.
When the crops are not grown, drying and related operations of the harvested produce
can be taken up utilizing the entrapped heat.
Greenhouses are suitable for automation of irrigation, application of other inputs and
environmental controls by using computers and artificial intelligence techniques.
Self-employment for educated youth on farm can be increased.
Lecture No.2
Types of Green houses - Types of Green houses: Green house type based on Shape,
Utility, Construction and Covering materials.
Types of Green houses –
A) Based on shape
a. Lean-to type greenhouse
b. Even span type greenhouse
c. Uneven span type greenhouse
d. Ridge and furrow type greenhouse
e. Saw tooth type Greenhouse
f. Quonset greenhouse
B) Based on Utility
a. Greenhouses for active heating
b. Greenhouses for active cooling
C) Based on Construction
a. Wooden framed structures
b. Pipe framed structures 4
c. Truss framed structures
Greenhouses can be classified based on their shape or style.
For the purpose of classification, the uniqueness of the cross section of the
greenhouses can be considered as a factor.
As the longitudinal section tend to be approximately the same for all types, the
longitudinal section of the greenhouse cannot be used for classification.
The cross sections depict the width and height of the structure and the length is
perpendicular to the plane of cross section.
Also, the cross section provides information on the overall shape of the structural
members, such as truss or hoop, which will be repeated on every day.
The commonly followed types of greenhouse based on shape are lean-to, even span,
uneven span, ridge and furrow, saw tooth and quonset.
f) Quonset greenhouse
This is a greenhouse, where the pipe arches or trusses are supported by pipe purling
running along the length of the greenhouse (Fig 3).
In general, the covering material used for this type of greenhouses is polyethylene.
Such greenhouses are typically less expensive than the gutter connected greenhouses
and are useful when a small isolated cultural area is required. These houses are
connected either in free, standing style or arranged in an interlocking ridge and furrow.
In the interlocking type, truss members overlap sufficiently to allow a bed of plants to
grow between the overlapping portions of adjacent houses.
A single large cultural space thus exists for a set of houses in this type, an arrangement
that is better adapted to the automation and movement of labour.
B) Based On Utility
Classification of greenhouses can be made depending on the functions or utilities.
The different utilities, artificial cooling and heating of the greenhouse are more
expensive and elaborate.
Hence based on the artificial cooling and heating, greenhouses are classified as green
houses for active heating and active cooling system.
C) Based On Construction
The type of construction is predominantly influenced by the structural material, tho7ugh
the covering material also influences the type.
Span of the house inurn dictates the selection of structural members and their
Higher the span, stronger should be the material and more structural members are used
to make sturdy truss type frames.
For smaller spans, simpler designs like hoops can be followed.
Therefore based on construction, greenhouses can be broadly classified as wooden
framed, pipe framed and truss framed structures.
a) Glass greenhouses
Only glass greenhouses with glass as the covering material existed prior to 1950. 8
Glass as covering material has the advantage of greater interior light intensity.
These green houses have higher air infiltration rate which leads to lower interior
humidity and better disease prevention.
Lean-to type, even span, ridge and furrow type of designs are used for construction of
glass greenhouse.
c) panel greenhouses
Polyvinyl chloride rigid panels, fibre glass-reinforced plastic, acrylic and
polycarbonate rigid panels are employed as the covering material in the quonset type
frames or ridge and furrow type frame.
This material is more resistant to breakage and the light intensity is uniform throughout
the greenhouse when compared to glass or plastic.
High grade panels have long life even up to 20 years.
The main disadvantage is that these panels tend to collect dust as well as to harbor
algae, which results in darkening of the panels and subsequent reduction in the light
There is significant danger of fire hazard.
d) Shading nets
There are a great number of types and varieties of plants that grow naturally in the
most diverse climate conditions that have been transferred by modern agriculture from
their natural habitats to controlled crop conditions.
Therefore, conditions similar to the natural ones must be created for each type and
variety of plant.
Each type of cultivated plant must be given the specific type of shade required for the
diverse phases of its development.
The shading nets fulfill the task of giving appropriate micro-climate conditions to the
Shade nettings are designed to protect the crops and plants from UV radiation, but they
also provide protection from climate conditions, such as temperature variation,
intensive rain and winds.
Better growth conditions can be achieved for the crop due to the controlled micro-
climate conditions “created” in the covered area, with shade netting, which results in
higher crop yields. All nettings are UV stabilized to fulfill expected lifetime at the area
of exposure.
They are characterized of high tear resistance, low weight for easy and qu9ick
installation with a 30-90% shade value range.
A wide range of shading nets are available in the market which are defined on the basis
of the percentage of shade they deliver to the plant growing under them.
Lecture No. 3
Plant response to green house environment -Plant response to green house environment:
Light, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Ventilation and Carbon di-oxide.
The productivity of a crop is influenced not only by its heredity but also by the
microclimate around it. The components of crop microclimate are light, temperature, air
compositions and the nature of the root medium. In open fields, only manipulation of
nature of the root medium by tillage, irrigation and fertilizer application is possible. The
closed boundaries in greenhouse permit control of any one or more of the components of
the micro climate.
A) Light
The visible light of the solar radiation is a source of energy for plants.
Light energy, carbon dioxide (Co2) and water all enter in to the process of
photosynthesis through which carbohydrates are formed.
The production of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of
chlorophyll, using light energy is responsible for plant growth and reproduction.
The rate of photosynthesis is governed by available fertilizer elements, water, carbon
dioxide, light and temperature.
The photosynthesis reaction can be represented as follows
Co2 + water + light energy carbohydrates + oxygen Plant
Considerable energy is required to reduce the carbon that is combined with oxygen in
CO2 gas to the state in which it exists in the carbohydrate.
The light energy thus utilized is trapped in the carbohydrate.
If the light intensity is diminished, photosynthesis slows down and hence the growth.
If higher than optimal light intensities are provided, growth again slows down because
of the injury to the chloroplasts.
The light intensity is measured by the international unit known as Lux.
It is direct illumination on the surrounding surface that is one meter from a uniform
point source of 1 international candle.
Green house crops are subjected to light intensities varying from 129.6klux on clear
summer days to 3.2 Klux on cloudy winter days.
For most crops, neither condition is ideal.
Many crops become light saturated, in other words, photosynthesis does not increase at
light intensities higher than 32.2klux.
Rose and carnation plants will grow well under summer light intensities.
In general, for most other crops foliage is deeper green if the greenhouse is shaded10to
the extent of about 40% from mid spring (May) to mid fall (August and September).
Thus, it is apparent that light intensity requirements of photosynthesis are vary
considerably from crop to crop.
Light is classified according to its wave length in nanometers (nm).
Not all light useful in photosynthesis process.
UV light is available in the shorter wavelength range, i.e less than 400nm.
Large of quantities of it is harmful to the plants. Glass screens are opaque to the most
UV light and light below the range of 325nm. Visible and white light has wavelength
of 400 to 700 nm.Far red light (700 to 750nm) affects plants, besides causing
Infrared rays of longer wavelengths are not involved in the plant process.
It is primarily, the visible spectrum of light that is used in photosynthesis.
In the blue and red bands, the photosynthesis activity is higher, when the blue light
(shorter wavelength) alone is supplied to plants, the growth is retarded, and the plant
becomes hard and dark in color.
When the plants are grown under red light (longer wavelength), growth is soft and
internodes are long, resulting in tall plants.
Visible light of all wavelengths is readily utilized in photosynthesis.
B) Temperature
Temperature is a measure of level of the heat present.
All crops have temperature range in which they can grow well.
Below this range, the plant life process stop due to ice formation within the tissue and
cells are possibly punctured by ice crystals.
At the upper extreme, enzymes become inactive, and again process essential for life
Enzymes are biological reaction catalyst and are heat sensitive.
All biochemical reactions in the plant are controlled by the enzymes.
The rate of reactions controlled by the enzyme often double or triple for each rise of
temperature by 100C, until optimum temperature is reached.
Further, increase in temperature begins to suppress the reaction and finally stop it.
As a general rule, green house crops are grown at a day temperature, which are 3 to
60C higher than the night temperature on cloudy days and 8 0C higher on clear days.
The night temperature of green house crops is generally in the range of 7 to 21 0C.
Primula, mathiola incana and calceolaria grow best at 7 0C, carnation and cineraria at
100C, rose at 160C, chrysanthemum and poinsettia at 17 to 180C and African violet at
21 to 220C.
C) Relative humidity
As the green house is a closed space, the relative humidity of the green house air will
be more when compared to the ambient air, due to the moisture added by the evapo-
transpiration process.
Some of this moisture is taken away by the air leaving from the green house due to
Sensible heat inputs also lower the relative humidity of the air to some extent.
In order to maintain the desirable relative humidity levels in the green hou1s1es,
processes like humidification or dehumidification are carried out.
For most crops, the acceptable range of relative humidity is between 50 to 80%.
However for plant propagation work, relative humidity up to 90% may be desirable.
In summer, due to sensible heat addition in the daytime, and in winters for increasing
the night time temperatures of the green house air, more sensible heat is added causing
a reduction in the relative humidity of the air.
For this purpose, evaporative cooling pads and fogging system of humidification are
When the relative humidity is on the higher side, ventilators, chemical dehumidifiers
and cooling coils are used for de- humidification.
D) Ventilation
A green house is ventilated for either reducing the temperature of the green house air
or for replenishing carbon dioxide supply or for moderating the relative humidity of
the air.
Air temperatures above 350C are generally not suited for the crops in green house.
It is quite possible to bring the green house air temperature below this upper limit
during spring and autumn seasons simply by providing adequate ventilation to the
green house.
The ventilation in a green house can either be natural or forced.
In case of small green houses (less than 6m wide) natural ventilation can be quite
effective during spring and autumn seasons.
However, fan ventilation is essential to have precise control over the air temperature,
humidity and carbon dioxide levels.
E) Carbon dioxide
Carbon is an essential plant nutrient and is present in the plant in greater quantity than
any other nutrient. About 40% of the dry matter of the plant is composed of carbon.
Under normal conditions, carbon dioxide (CO2) exits as a gas in the atmosphere
slightly above 0.03% or 345ppm.
During the day, when photosynthesis occurs under natural light, the plants in a green
house draw down the level of Co2 to below 200ppm. Under these circumstances,
infiltration or ventilation increases carbon dioxide levels, when the outside air is
brought in, to maintain the ambient levels of CO2.
If the level of CO2 is less than ambient levels, CO2 may retard the plant growth.
In cold climates, maintaining ambient levels of CO2 by providing ventilation may be
un- economical, due to the necessity of heating the incoming air in order to maintain
proper growing temperatures.
In such regions, enrichment of the green house with CO2 is followed.
The exact CO2 level needed for a given crop will vary, since it must be correlated with
other variables in greenhouse production such as light, temperature, nutrient levels,
cultivar and degree of maturity.
Most crops will respond favorably to Co2 at 1000 to 1200 ppm.
Lecture No.4
Planning and Design of green house - Planning and Design of green house: Site selection
and orientation, structural design and covering materials.
Structural design
The most important function of the greenhouse structure and its covering is the
protection of the crop against hostile weather conditions (low and high temperatures,
snow, hail, rain and wind ), diseases and pests.
It is important to develop greenhouses with a maximum intensity of natural light
The structural parts that can cast shadows in the greenhouse should be minimized.
The different structural designs of greenhouse based on the types of frames are
A straight side wall and an arched roof is possibly the most common shape for a
greenhouse, but the gable roof is also widely used.
Both structures can be free standing or gutter connected with the arch roof greenhouse.
The arch roof and hoop style greenhouses are most often constructed of galvanized
iron pipe. If tall growing crops are to be grown in a greenhouse or when benches are
used, it is best to use a straight side wall structure rather than a hoop style house, this
ensures the best operational use of the greenhouse.
A hoop type greenhouse is suitable for low growing crops, such as lettuce, or1f3or
nursery stock which are housed throughout the winter in greenhouses located in
extremely cold regions.
A gothic arch frame structure can be designed to provide adequate side wall height
without loss of strength to the structure (Fig.10).
Loads in designing the greenhouse structures include the weight of the structure itself
and, if supported by the structure, loads of the equipment for the heating and
ventilation and water lines.
Greenhouse structures should be designed to resist a 130 km/h wind velocity.
The actual load depends on wind angle, greenhouse shape and size, and the presence or
absence of openings and wind breaks.
Covering Materials
The following factors are to be considered while selecting greenhouse covering material:
i.e. Light, Temperature, Weight, Resistant to impact, and durability to outdoor weathering and
thermal stability over wide range of temperatures .
Before selecting the covering material, two important points should bra ken into
The purpose for which greenhouse facility is intended and service life of material.
In temperature regions where high temperatures are required, the covering material with high
light transmission and far IR absorption must be selected. Also the loss of heat by con1d4uction
should be minimum.
The ideal greenhouse selective covering material should have the following properties:
It should transmit the visible light portion of the solar radiation which is utilized by
plants for photosynthesis.
It should absorb the small amount of UV in the radiation and convert a portion of it to
fluoresce into visible light, useful for plants.
It should reflect or absorb IR radiation which are not useful to plants and which causes
greenhouse interiors to overheat.
Should be of minimum cost.
Should have usable life of 10 to 20 years
Lecture no. 5
Materials of construction - Materials of construction for traditional and low cost
green house: Wood, G.I., aluminum, steel, R.C.C. and Glass
The following materials commonly used to build frames for greenhouse are:
(i) Wood,
(ii) Bamboo,
(iii) Steel,
(iv) Galvanized iron pipe,
(v) Aluminum and
(vi) Reinforced concrete (RCC).
(vii) Glass
The selection of above materials was based on their Specific physical properties,
requirements of design strength, life expectancy and cost of construction materials.
Wood and bamboo are generally used for low cost poly-houses.
In low cost poly-houses, the wood is used for making frames consisting of side posts
and columns, over which the polythene sheet is fixed.
The commonly used woods are pine and casuarina, which are strong and less
expensive. In pipe-framed poly-houses, wooden battens can be used as end frames for
fixing the covering material.
In tropical areas, bamboo is often used to form the gable roof of a greenhouse
structure. Wood must be painted with white colour paint to improve light conditions
within the green house. 15
Care should be taken to select a paint that will prevent the growth of mold.
Wood must be treated for protection against decay.
Chromated copper arsenate and ammonical copper arsenate are water based
preservatives that are applied to the wood that may come into contact with the soil.
Red wood or cypress (natural decay resistance woods) can be used in desert or tropical
regions, but they are expensive.
Glass has been traditional glazing material all over the world.
Widely used glass for green house are: (i) Single drawn or float glass and (ii)
Hammered and tempered glass.
Single drawn or float glass has the uniform thickness of 3 to 4 mm.
Hammered and tempered glass has a thickness of 4 mm.
Single drawn glass is made in the traditional way by simply pulling the molten glass
either by hand or by mechanical equipment.
Float glass is made in modern way by allowing the molten glass to float on the molten
tin. Coating with metal oxide with a low emissivity is used for saving of energy with
adequate light transmittance.
Hammered glass is a cast glass with one face (exterior) smooth and the other one
(interior) rough. It is designed to enhance light diffusion.
This glass is not transparent, but translucent.
Tempered glass is the glass, which is quickly cooled after manufacture, adopting a
procedure similar to that used for steel.
This kind of processing gives higher impact resistance to the glass, which is gener1a6lly
caused by hail.
Glass used as a covering material of greenhouses, is expected to be subjected to rather
severe wind loading, snow and hail loading conditions.
The strength mainly depends on the length/width ratio of the panel and on the
thickness of the panel, but the most widely used thickness is 4 mm.
Modern material
(i) Polyvinyl chloride film (PVC films)
(ii) Tefzel T2 film
(iii) Polyvinyl chloride rigid-panel
(iv) Fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) rigid panel
(v) Acrylic and polycarbonate rigid-panel
Lecture no. 6
Irrigation Systems used in green house - Irrigation Systems used in green house:
Rules of watering, Overhead Sprinklers , Drip irrigation system and Foggers (Mist
A well-designed irrigation system will supply the precise amount of water needed each
day throughout the year.
The quantity of water needed would depend on the growing area, the crop, weather
conditions, the time of year and whether the heating or ventilation system is operating.
Water needs are also dependent on the type of soil or soil mix and the size and type of
the container or bed.
Watering in the green house most frequently accounts for loss in crop quality.
Though the operation appears to be the simple, proper decision should be taken on
how, when and what quantity to be given to the plants after continuous inspection and
assessment .Since under watering (less frequent) and over watering (more frequent)
will be injurious to the crops, the rules of watering should be strictly adhered to.
Several irrigation water application systems, such as hand writing, perimeter watering,
overhead sprinklers, boom watering and drip irrigation, over sprinklers, boom watering
and drip irrigation which are currently in use.
Rules of Watering
The following are the important rules of application of irrigation.
Rule 1: Use a well drained substrate with good structure
If the root substrate is not well drained and aerated, proper watering can not be achieved.
Hence substrates with ample moisture retention along with good aeration 1a7re
indispensable for proper growth of the plants. The desired combination of coarse texture
and highly stable structure can be obtained from the formulated substrates and not from
field soil alone.
Rule 2: Water thoroughly each time
Partial watering of the substrates should be avoided; the supplied water should flow from
the bottom in case of containers, and the root zone is wetted thoroughly in case of beds.
As a rule, 10 to 15% excess of water is supplied. In general, the water requirement for soil
based substrates is at a rate of 20 l/m2 of bench, 0.3 to 0.35 litres per 16.5 cm diameter
Rule 3: Water just before initial moisture stress occurs
Since over watering reduces the aeration and root development, water should be applied
just before the plant enters the early symptoms of water stress. The foliar symptoms, such
as texture, colour and turbidity can be used to determine the moisture stress, but vary with
crops. For crops that do not show any symptoms, colour, feel and weight of the substrates
are used for assessment.
Overhead sprinklers
While the foliage on the majority of crops should be kept dry for disease control
purposes, a few crops do tolerate wet foliage.
These few crops can most easily and cheaply be irrigated from overhead.
Bedding plants, azalea liners, and some green plants are crops commonly watered from
A pipe is installed along the middle of a bed.
Riser pipes are installed periodically to a height well above the final height of the crop
A total height of 0.6 m is sufficient for bedding plants flats and 1.8 m for fresh flowers.
A nozzle is installed at the top of each riser.
Nozzles vary from those that throw a 360° pattern continuously to types that rotate around
a 360° circle.
Trays are sometimes placed under pots to collect water that would otherwise fall on the
ground between pots and wasted.
Each tray is square and meets the adjacent tray.
In this way nearly all water is intercepted.
Each tray has a depression to accommodate the pot and is then angled upward from the pot
toward the tray perimeter.
The trays also have drain holes, which allow drainage of excess water and store certain
quantity, which is subsequently absorbed by the substrate.
The head, between the pump and the pipeline network, usually consists of control
valves, couplings, filters, time clocks, fertilizer injectors, pressure regulators, flow
meters, and gauges.
Since the water passes through very small outlets in emitters, it is an absolute necessity
that it should be screened, filtered, or both, before it is distributed in the pipe system.
The initial field positioning and layout of a drip system is influenced by the
topography of the land and the cost of various system configurations.
Foggers systems
• Several methods are used to produce fog.
• A typical system uses a high pressure pump, distribution piping and nozzles that break the
water stream into very fine droplets.
• Piston pumps are needed to develop the 800 to 1200 psi pressure to get the 10 to 20 micron
size droplets.
• Most systems available from irrigation equipment suppliers and labeled as fog systems
operate on 50 to 60 psi irrigation water and create a droplet size larger than 50 microns.
• They are really mist systems.
• Copper, stainless steel and re-enforced flexible hose are used for piping.
• Diameter is frequently 1/4in or 3/8in as water supply required is only 1 to 2
gallons/hour/nozzle. For propagation, lines of pipe are evenly spaced above the crop area.
• Plastic, ceramic and stainless steel are used for nozzles.
• Nozzles should have anti-drip check valves to prevent dripping after the system shuts off.
• An integral strainer will keep the nozzle from clogging.
• The greatest problem associated with fogging systems is nozzle clogging from chemical
and particulate matter.
• Calcium deposits can coat the inside of the pipe and nozzles reducing flow.
• Water treatment or the use of rain water or bottled water can solve this problem.
• Several levels of filtration of particulate matter should be installed.
• Fog can also be produced by a system using a high-speed fan with water channeled to the
tip of the blades.
• The shearing action as the water exits the blades produces a fine fog.
• The fan distributes the fog above the crop canopy.
• This system has the advantage of less clogging as no nozzles are used but some growers
have had to remove the system because of the high noise level.
• Water at household pressure, injected through a nozzle into a stream of compressed21
air will
also produce a fine fog.
• Each nozzle requires both a water and air supply.
• Different flow rates and droplet sizes can be achieved by adjusting the water and air
pressure. Distribution can be through ducts, HAF fans or nozzles evenly space over the
• For small areas, some growers have used an electrothermal aspirator with good results.
• Fog systems frequently operate with a controller or computer that measures vapor pressure
deficit (VPD).
• The difference between saturation water vapor pressure and ambient water vapor pressure
is the VPD and represents the evapotranspirational demand of the surrounding atmosphere
as well as the proximity to the dew point.
• Due to the fact that relative humidity varies with temperature, it is better to manage
propagation with VPD.
• By maintaining the VPD below one, water stress within the plant can be keep at an
acceptable level.
Other systems
(i) Hand watering
(ii) Perimeter watering
Lecture No. 7
Design criteria of green house for Cooling and Heating purposes - Design criteria of
green house for Cooling and Heating purposes: Cooling - Natural ventilation, forced
ventilation Heating- Heating system, solar heating system, Water & Rock storage.
The term greenhouse refers to a structure covered with a transparent material for the purpose
of admitting natural light for plant growth. Two or more greenhouses in one location are
referred to as a greenhouse range. A building associated with the greenhouses that is used for
storage or for operations in support of growing of plants, is referred to as a service building or
head house.
Natural Ventilation –
In the tropics, the sides of greenhouse structures are often left open for natural ventilation.
Tropical greenhouse is primarily a rain shelter, a cover of polyethylene over the crop to
prevent rainfall from entering the growing area.
This mitigates the problem of foliage diseases.
Ventilators were located on both roof slopes adjacent to the ridge and also on both side
walls of the greenhouse.
The ventilators on the roof as well as those on the side wall accounts, each about 17
10% of the total roof area.
During winter cooling phase, the south roof ventilator was opened in stages to meet
cooling needs. When greater cooling was required, the north ventilator was opened in
addition to the south ventilator.
In summer cooling phase, the south ventilator was opened first, followed by the north
As the incoming air moved across the greenhouse, it was warmed by sunlight and by
mixing with the warmer greenhouse air.
With the increase in temperature, the incoming air becomes lighter and rises up and flows
out through the roof ventilators.
This sets up a chimney effect (Fig. 7), which in turn draws in more air from the side
ventilators creating a continuous cycle.
This system did not adequately cool the greenhouse.
On hot days, the interior walls and floor were frequently injected with water to help
Heating systems
The heating system must provide heat to the greenhouse at the same rate at which it is lost
by co0nductin, infiltration, and radiation.
There are three popular types of heating systems for greenhouses.
The most common and least expensive is the unit heater system.
In this system, warm air is blown from unit heaters that have self contained fireboxes.
These heaters consist of three functional parts.
Fuel is combusted in a firebox to provide heat.
The heat is initially contained in the exhaust, which rises through the inside of a se2t 4of thin
walled metal tubes on it way to the exhaust stack.
The warm exhaust transfers heat to the cooler metal walls of the tubes.
Much of the heat is removed from the exhaust by the time it reaches the stack through
which it leaves the greenhouse.
A fan in the back of the unit heater draws in greenhouse air, passing it over the exterior
side of the tubes and then out from the heater to the greenhouse environment again.
The cool air passing over hot metal tubes is warmed and the air is circulated.
A second type of system is central heating system, which consists of a central boiler than
produces steam or hot water, plus a radiating mechanism in the greenhouse to dissipate the
A central heating system can be more efficient than unit heaters, especially in large
greenhouse ranges.
In this system, two or more large boilers are in a single location.
Heat is transported in the form of hot water or steam through pipe mains to be growing
area, and several arrangements of heating pipes in greenhouse is possible (Fig. 12.1).
The heat is exchanged from the hot water in a pipe coil located across the greenhouse or an
in-bed pipe coil located in the plant zone.
Some greenhouses have a third pipe coil embedded in a concrete floor.
A set of unit heaters can be used in the place of the overhead pipe coil, obtaining heat from
hot water or steam from the central boiler.
The third type of system is radiation heating system.
In this system, gas is burned within pipes suspended overhead in the greenhouse.
The warm pipes supply heat to the plants. Low intensity infrared radiant heaters can save
30% or more, of fuel compared to conventional heaters.
Several of these heaters are installed in tandem in the greenhouse.
Lower air temperatures are possible since only the plants and root substrate are heated
directly by this mode of heating.
The fourth possible type of system is the solar heating system, but it is still too expensive
to be a viable option.
Solar heating systems are found in hobby greenhouses and small commercial firms.
Both water and rock energy storage systems are used in combination with solar energy.
The high cost of solar heating systems discourages any significant use by the greenhouse
Lecture no.8
Engineering Properties - Engineering Properties of cereals, pulses and oil seed. Their
applications in PHT equipment design and operation: Physical properties: Size and
Shape (Roundness and Sphericity) Porosity, Coefficient of friction, and angle of repose,
Thermal properties: Definition of Specific heat and Thermal conductivity. Aero &
hydrodynamic properties: Definition of Terminal velocity.
Physical Properties
Shape and size
• Shape of the grain is connected with the geometrical form of the grain. 27
• Size of the grain refers to the characteristics of an object which in term determine how
much space it occupies and, within limits, can be described in terms of length, width, and
• The Shape and size together with other characteristics of the grains is important in the
design of the seed grader.
• These factors determine the free flowing or bridging tendencies of the seed mass, and
therefore, determine the suitable handling and feeding equipment.
• Sphericity and equivalent diameters are also used to describe the shape and size,
respectively for the grains.
The sphericity (φ) defined as the ratio of the surface area of sphere having the same
volume as that of the grain to the surface area of the grain, can be calculated from the axial
dimensions of the grain as follows:
∅ =
The sphericity (φ) of the fruits can be calculated using the following formula.
(a) = major diameter ; (b) = intermediate diameter; (c) = minor diameter The geometrical
mean diameter (GMD) can be calculated as follows:
GMD = (���)1/3
Properties such as bulk density, true density and porosity of grains are useful in design of
various separating, handling, storing and drying systems. Resistance of bulk grain to airflow is
a function of the porosity and the kernel size. The porosity (ε) defined as the percentage of
void space in the bulk grain which is not occupied by the grain can be calculated from the
following relationship:
�= × ���
Coefficient of friction
The frictional properties of granular materials are important in designing of storage bins,
hoppers, chutes, pneumatic conveying system, screw threshers and conveyors, forage
harvesters, etc,. The ratio between the force of friction (F), and the force normal to the surface
of contact (N), 35 is known as the coefficient of friction (μ).
coefficient of friction, � =
where, F = Frictional force (Amount of total Weights added + Suspended Pan ) N = Normal
Load (Weight of the material + Circular Ring).
Angle of Repose
The flowing capacities of different grains are different. It is characterized by the angle of
natural slope. The angle of repose is the angle between the base and the slope of the cone
formed on a free vertical fall of the grain mass to a horizontal plane .
Thermal Properties
The raw foods are subjected to various types of thermal treatment namely heating,
cooling, drying, freezing etc., for processing. The change of temperature depends on the
thermal properties of the product. Therefore knowledge of thermal properties namely, specific
heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity is essential for the design of different thermal
equipments and for solving various problems on heat transfer operation.
Specific Heat:
Specific heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of unit mass through 1οC. In mathematical form, specific heat Cp, is written as
Cp = Q/m. dT where Q is the amount of heat, m is the mass of material, and dT is the change
in temperature.
Thermal Conductivity:
The thermal conductivity is defined as the amount of heat flow through unit thickness of
material over an unit area per unit time for unit temperature difference .
Terminal velocity
The terminal velocity of a particle may be defined as equal to the air velocity at which a
particle remains in suspended state in a vertical pipe. In the condition of free fall, the particle
attains a constant terminal velocity, Vt, the net gravitational accelerating force, Fg, equals the
resisting upward drag force, Fr.
Lecture no. 9
Drying and Dehydration - Drying and Dehydration: Definition of drying and
dehydration, Utilities/Importance of drying Grain drying Theory- EMC definition,
Thin layer drying and deep bed drying.
A) Drying-
“Drying is the universal method of conditioning grain by removing moisture
to a moisture content level that is in equilibrium with normal atmospheric air in order
to preserve its quality and nutritive value for food and feed and its viability for seed.”
B) Dehydration-
“Dehydration means removal of moisture to very low levels usually to
bone dry condition.”
Utilities/ Importance
Draying of grains to about 12% moisture improve the storage period.
If moisture is not available they can't respire quickly.
After drying to such a low moisture levels the free water availability will become low or
almost negligible which prevent the growth of any microbes which have the potential to
cause considerable quantitative and qualitative loses.
Drying also prevent insect attack.
It could also helps in preventing germination for a period of time till they get enough
moisture,which is an added advantage for grain storage purpose:
Drying of grains is important because grains with high amount of moisture deteriorate both
in terms of quality and quantity quickly.
They may germinate if not dried as they would have enough moisture in them and other
conditions if available.
Drying is important to prevent free water availability for microbial growth.
Drying is important to prevent respiration.
Moisture content
All agricultural products are hygroscopic in nature and contain some percent of moisture.
This moisture content of substance is usually expressed in percentage by weight.
Two methods are used to express this moisture content.
These methods are wet basis (m) and dry basis (M).
Moisture content, wet basis
Moisture content is usually expressed is percentage by weight on wet basis as
m= × 100 … … . . … (1)
Wm = Weight of moisture
W d = Weight of bone dry material
• The moisture content on dry basis is more simple to use in calculation as the quantity
of moisture present at any time is directly proportional to the moisture content on dry
basis. Use of the wet basis measurement is common in the grain industry.
• However, use of the wet basis has one clear disadvantage is that, the total mass
changes as moisture is removed.
• Since the total mass is the reference base for the moisture content, the reference
condition is changing as the moisture content changes.
• On the other hand, the amount of dry matter does not change.
• For a given product, the moisture content dry basis is always higher than the wet basis
moisture content.
Problem: The moisture content of grain is 25% on w.b. and is equal to ----- % on d.b.
M= 25/75= 33.3 % d.b. )
Moisture measurement
Moisture content can be determined by direct and indirect methods.
Direct method includes air-oven drying method (13020C) and distillation method.
Direct methods are simple and accurate but time consuming, where as indirect methods
are convenient and quick but less accurate.
Direct method: Grind the sample (2 to3 g), keep the sample in oven for about 1 hour at
13020C and place the sample in desiccator and then weigh.
Distillation method: 100 g grain + 150 ml mineral oil is heated in a flask at 200˚C for 30-
40 minutes. Moisture condenses in a measuring cylinder
Infra-Red Method
Infrared radiation is used in many moisture analyzers, such as halogen moisture
analyzers which are used to produce infrared radiation from a halogen lamp.
The weight of the sample is measured and recorded continuously and once it becomes
constant the drying is stopped
Indirect methods
Indirect methods are based on the measurement of a property of the grain that depends
upon moisture content. Two indirect methods are described as follows:
Electrical resistance method
• Resistance type moisture meter measures the electrical resistance of a measured
amount of grain sample at a given compaction (bulk density) and temperature.
• The electrical resistance varies with moisture, temperature and degree of compaction.
• The universal moisture meter (U.S.A), Tag-Happenstall moisture meter (U.S.A) and
Kett moisture meter (Japan) are some of the resistance type moisture meters.
• They take only 30 seconds for the moisture measurement.
Dielectric method
• The dielectric properties of grain depend on its moisture content.
• In this type of moisture meter, 200gm grain sample is placed between the condenser
plates and the capacitance is measured.
• The measured capacitance varies with moisture, temperature and degree of
compaction. The Motomco moisture meter (USA) and Burrows moisture recorder
(USA) are some of the capacitance type moisture meters.
• They take about 1 minute for the 55 e measurement of moisture. These are also kno3w
as safe crop moisture testers as they do not damage the grain sample.
Lecture No. 12
Various Drying Methods - Various Drying Methods: Sun drying, Mechanical Drying
Mechanical Drying Methods:- Contact drying, Convection drying, Radiation drying
Sun drying
This is a traditional method of drying of crops and grains.
Sun drying involves using the energy of the sun to remove moisture from the product.
Major portion of crops is left in the field and threshing yard for drying under sun.
A major quantity of grain is still dried by the sun in most of the developing countries.
The advantages of sun drying are:
1. No fuel or mechanical energy is required.
2. Operation is very simple
3. Viability, germination, baking qualities are fully preserved.
4. Microbial activity and insect/pest infestation are reduced.
5. No pollution
6. Low capital requirement
7. Operating costs are considerable.
Mechanical drying
This process utilizes mechanical means to circulate heated air at constant temperature and
humidity, through the grain mass to accomplish the removal of excess moisture from the
Its features are:
(a) the rate of drying can be controlled by adjusting the temperature of hot air circulating
through the grain mass. Therefore, increase in milling quality with possible reduction in
development of cracks in the grain.
(b) Grains can be dried irrespective of weather condition, day or night; the process does not
depend on any natural sources like sun energy.
(c) The process is automatic and requires unskilled labour, except a trained person to operate
the dryer.
(d) There are practically no losses due to birds, rodents and insects.
(e) The entire process is hygienic.
(f) Possible round the clock and round the year and 34
(g) Suitable for handling of large quantity of grain within a short period of harvest.
Mechanical drying requires very little space for operation.
Mechanical drying, in conjunction with early harvest, improves the milling quality of paddy
The disadvantages of mechanical drying are: the process requires fuel and electrical or
mechanical power to drive the blower, elevators etc.
Therefore, cost of drying is relatively higher compared to sun-drying for commercial drying. 1
Mechanical dryers The mechanical dryers are classified as: (a) Contact drying
(b) Convection drying (c) Radiation drying.
1. Contact drying
When the heat for drying is transferred to the wet solid mainly by conduction through a
solid surface (usually metallic), the phenomenon is known as conduction or contact
2. Convection drying
The drying agent (hot gases) in contact with the wet solid, is used to supply heat and carry
away the vapourized moisture. The heat is transferred to the wet solid mainly by
convection. Convection drying is most popular in grain drying. Fuel consumption per kg
of moisture evaporated is always higher than that of conduction drying.
3. Radiation drying
It is based on the absorption of radiant energy of the sun and its transformation into heat
energy by the grain. Sun drying is an example of radiation drying.
Lecture No. 13
Numerical on Moisture content and its representation- Conversion of wet basis
moisture contents to dry basis moisture contents Conversion of dry basis moisture
contents to wet basis moisture contents, Problems on drying Problems on moisture
contents Problem No.1 & No.2
2) Determine the quantity of parboiled paddy with 40 per cent moisture content on wet
basis required to produce 1 tonne of product with 12 per cent moisture content on wet
basis. Work out the problem on wet basis and check the answer using dry basis.
Lecture no. 14 & 15 35
Commercial Grain Dryers - Commercial Grain Dryers: Construction and
working principle - Deep bed dryer, Flat bed dryer, Recirculating dryer –
(LSU and Baffle dryers) , Tray dryer and Solar dryers.
The rectangular bin can be divided into two sections, namely, top holding bin and bottom
drying chamber
• Following are some recommendations for the drying operation with particular
reference to the operation of an LSU Dryer:
a) A drying cycle chart in the control room will be a great help and to guide the operator.
b) The dryer should not be operated until it is filled completely with grain.
c) The recommended drying air temperature is 60O C and the air flow rate is 70 cu m/m 38in./
ton of holding capacity of dryer.
d) Tempering in between drying process is recommended to reduce the total drying time.
Normally, this tempering period is of 8 hour duration.
e) Feed roll clearance should be the same for all the fluted rolls for uniform drying.
f) The grain temperature during drying should not exceed 40O C.
g) The burner should be started only after the blower has been started.
h) There should be appropriate controls to put the flame off in case of blower failure due to
either power or mechanical failure. An automatic fuel cut-off valve is recommended for this
(a) (b)
Fig. 36. (a) LSU type dryer and (b) flow pattern in LSU dryer
Baffle dryer
This is a continuous flow mixing type of grain dryer. The main advantage with the dryer is
uniformly dried product is obtained.
The baffle dryer consists of; (1) grain receiving bin, (2) drying chamber fitted with
baffles, (3) plenum fitted with hot air inlet, (4) grain discharge control devices and (5)
hopper bottom. A number of baffles are fitted with the drying chamber to divert the flow
and affect certain degree of mixing of grain. The dryer is made of mild steel sheets.
Grain is fed at the top receiving bin and allowed to move downward in a zigzag path
through the drying chamber where it encounters a cross flow of hot air. A bucket elevator
can recirculate the grain till it is dried to the desired moisture level. This design help 3s9in
mixing of dried and undried grains.
Solar Dryer
1. Function Drying of fruits, vegetables and agricultural commodities
(i) Collector area 2.4 x 1.8 m
(ii) Type and Model Step type, 40
(iii) Number of trays 10 in five steps
(iv) Insulation (Bottom) Glass wool, 10 cm. thick
(v) Motive power Natural convection
3. General Information
• Step type solar dryer has a collector area of about 4.32 m 2 .
• This multi track step type dryer can hold 10 aluminum trays at a time.
• The absorber is 20 gauge GI sheet, black painted at the top with bottom insulation.
• The drier is covered at the top with 2 layers of 3 mm thick plain glass kept at an air gap
of 2.5 cm. At the rear side of the collector, two chimneys of 120 cm height are
provided. Chimneys are provided with butterfly valves to control the movement of air.
• Holes provided at the bottom of the collector just below the first step allow the entry of
atmospheric air into the dryer
Lecture No. 16
Material Handling Equipments - Material Handling Equipment’s: Construction and
working principle- Conveyor- Belt conveyor and Screw conveyor Elevator- Bucket
Material handling Equipment
Material handling includes a number of operations that can be executed either by
hand (manual) or by mechanical means or devices to convey material and to reduce
the human drudgery. The most common types of mechanical devices for grain
handling are;
Conveyor- 1. Belt conveyor
2. Screw conveyor
Elevator - Bucket elevator
1. Belt conveyors
• A belt conveyor is an endless belt operating between two pulleys with its load supported
on idlers.
• The belt may be flat for transporting bagged material or V-shaped.
• The belt conveyor consists of a belt, drive mechanism and end pulleys, idlers and loading
and discharge devices. 41
• On the belt conveyor baggage/ product lie still on the surface of belt and there is no
relative motion between the product and belt.
• This results in generally no damage to material.
• Belt can be run at higher speeds, so, large carrying capacities are possible.
• Horizontally the material can be transported to longer distance.
• The initial cost of belt conveyor is high for short distances, but for longer distances the
initial cost of belt conveying system is low.
• The first step in the design of a belt conveyor with a specified conveying capacity is to
determine the speed and width of the belt.
• The belt speed should be selected to minimize product spillage or removal of fines due to
velocity of the belt.
• For transportation of grains, the belt speed should not increase 3.5 m/s.
• Generally, for grain conveying, belt speed of 2.5 to 2.8 m/s is recommended.
• The selection of belt width will depend upon the capacity requirement, speed of operation,
angle of inclination of belt conveyor, trough angle and depth.
Screw Conveyor
• The screw conveyor consists of a tubular or U-shaped trough in which a shaft with spiral
screw revolves.
• The screw shaft is supported hanger bearings at ends.
• The rotation of screw pushes the grain along the trough.
• A typical screw conveyor is shown in the following Figure.
• The screw conveyor is used in grain handling facilities, animal feed industries and other
installations for conveying of products generally for short distances.
• Screw conveyor requires relatively high power and is more susceptible to wear than other
types of conveyors.
• The pitch of a standard screw which is the distance from the centre of one thread to the
centre of the next thread is equal to its diameter.
• For example a 10 cm diameter screw has a pitch of 10 cm. Fig.13.2.
• Screw conveyor Fig.13.3. Screw conveyor details As the screw conveyor's driving
mechanism is simpler, and no tensioning device is required, the initial cost of the conveyor
is lower than any other conveyor with the same length and capacity.
• The main parts of a screw conveyor are, screw blade, screw shaft, coupling, trough, cover,
inlet and outlet gates, bearings and drive mechanism.
• The screw conveyor is generally used to move grains horizontally.
• However, it can also be used at any angle up to 90° from the horizontal, but the capacity
correspondingly reduced as per the inclination of conveyance.
• The screw basically consists of a shaft and the screw blade or flight.
• The flight is a continuous one piece helix shaped from a flat strip of steel welded onto the
shaft. The screw shaft is usually a joint less tube with thick sides and a high tensile strength
to reduce the weight.
• The thickness of the steel strip helix decreases from the inner edge to the outer edge.
• Troughs of screw conveyor have different shapes.
• Most common is U shaped trough. In an enlarged or flared trough the side walls become
wider at the top (Figure).
• This type of trough is usually used for conveying non-easy flowing materials which may
have lumps. 42
• The tubular trough is completely closed with circular cross-section and mostly used for
conveying materials at inclination or for vertical lift.
Bucket Elevator
A bucket elevator consists of buckets attached to a chain or belt that revolves around two
pulleys one at top and the other at bottom.
The vertical lift of the elevator may range between few metres to more than 50 m.
Capacities of bucket elevators may vary from 2 to 1000 t/hr.
Bucket elevators are broadly classified into two general types,
(1) spaced bucket elevators and
(2) continuous bucket elevators.
The spaced bucket elevators are further classified as,
(1) centrifugal discharge elevators,
(2) positive-discharge elevators,
(3) marine leg elevators and
(4) high-speed elevators.
The continuous bucket elevators are classified as
(1) super capacity bucket elevators and
(2) internal-discharge bucket elevators.
• The spaced bucket centrifugal discharge type is most commonly used for elevating the
grains. The bucket elevator is a very efficient device for the vertical conveyance of bulk
• Bucket elevators with belts are employed in food industries for vertical conveyance of
grains, derivatives and flours.
• Bucket elevators are usually mounted at a fixed location, but 67 they can also be mounted
in a mobile frame.
• Bucket elevators have high capacities and it is a fairly cheap means of vertical
conveyance.It requires limited horizontal space and the operation of conveying is enclosed
in housing, thus it is dust free and fairly quite.
• The bucket elevator has limited wear problem since the product is enclosed in buckets.
• The buckets are enclosed in a single housing called leg, or two legs may be used.
• The return leg may be located at some distance from the elevator leg.
• The boot can be loaded from the front or back or both.
Natural Ventilation
Contact dryer
Solar Dryer
Bucket Elevator
Overhead Sprinkler