ALC Vocab NEW Version (1) - 1

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Symbol Meaning
(A) Army
(AF) Air Force
(MC) Marine Corps
(N) Navy
a adverb
ab abbreviation
af affix
c conjunction
e expression
i interjection
j adjective
lv linking verb
m modal
n noun
nbr number
O Objective
p preposition
r pronoun
R Recognition
t contraction
U usage
v verb

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Alphabet n Literele alfabetului de la A la Z letters aA to zZ
/ˈælfə bet/
Be /biː/ v A fi to exist (is/are)
Book n Carte, manual collection of papers fastened together to be read or written on
/bʊ k/
Chair n Scaun, piece of furniture used for sitting
Circle v A incercui, to draw a circle around something
Classroom n clasă (încă pere), sala de clasa a room where classes meet
Clock /klɑ ːk/ n Ceas de perete, an instrument for showing/measuring time
Close v A inchide, to shut
/klə ʊ z/
Door n Usa, a flat, movable surface which opens and closes entrances
Example n Exemplu, something to be copied
/ɪɡ ˈzæmpl/
Fine, thanks. /faɪn θæŋks/ expr Bine, multumesc! a polite response to a question of health, comfort
Go (to) /ɡ əʊ tuː/ v A merge, se duce to proceed/move in the direction of
Good morning/afternoon. expr Buna dimineata/ziua an expression of greeting
/ɡ ʊ d ˈmɔːrnɪŋ / ˌæftə rˈnuːn/
Hello expr Salut, informal greeting
/hə ˈlə ʊ /
How are you? /haʊ ɑ ːr juː/ expr Cum iti merge? Cum o duci? greeting used when meeting again

Is/was /ɪz/; v Este, a fost to be/exist (used with he, she, it)
/wə z/
It / it's /ɪt/ ; pron Pronume care se foloseste pentru animale, that thing, group, idea, etc. already mentioned; it + is
/ɪts/ obiecte.
Lab /læb/ n Laborator fonetic room for listening to/ speaking language
Letter n Litera, symbol of the alphabet
/ˈletə r/
listen (to) /ˈlɪsn tuː / v A asculta, to give attention in hearing
look (at) /lʊ k ə t v A privi, a se uita to observe; direct eyes to
My /maɪ/ adj Al meu possessive form of I
My name is… /maɪ neɪm ɪz/ expr Ma numesc… Numele meu este…. self-introduction
Name /neɪm/ n Nume, word by which a person, thing, or class is known
Notebook n Caiet, book of papers for notes
/ˈnə ʊ tbʊ k/
Number n Numar symbol/word which shows how many
/ˈnʌmbə r/
Okay. Good-bye. expr Bine, la revedere All right. Farewell.
Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
/ə ʊ ˈkeɪ/ /ˌɡ ʊ dˈbaɪ/
One nbr Unul, una being a single thing
Open v A deschide, to cause/become open
/ˈə ʊ pə n/
Page /peɪdʒ/ n Pagina, one side of a piece of book paper
Pen n Pix, stilou device for writing with ink
Pencil n Creion device for writing/drawing with graphite
Picture /ˈpɪktʃə r/ n Imagine, tablou a painted/drawn image of scene/person
Please /pliːz/ inter Te rog! polite request
Repeat v A repeat, a spune din nou to say again
See you later /siː juː ˈleɪtə r/ expr Ne vedem mai tirziu! Pe curind! Goodbye, for now.
Sir /sə r/ n Domn (adresare pentru barbati) respectful form of address to men
small letter /smɔːl ˈletə r n Litera mica lower case letters
Table /ˈteɪbl/ n Masa, furniture having flat top set on legs
That / that's /ðæt/ /ðæts/ pron Aceea, Acela any object farther away; that + is
The /ðə / /ðiː/ article Articol definit, -a, -le, -ul definite article
This /ðɪs/ pron Acesta, aceasta demonstrative pronoun
To /tə / prep Spre, catre, la (Prepozitie de loc) movement toward/in the direction of
What / what's /wʌt/ pron Care? Ce? which thing or event; what + is
/wɑ ːts/
What's your name? expr Cum te numesti? request for your name object
/wɑ ːts jʊ r neɪm/ Care e numele tau?
Window n Geam, fereastra a glass opening in a door/building which lets in light and air
/ˈwɪndə ʊ /
Word n Cuvint a written/spoken sound for communication
Write /wrote/ written v A scrie to form words/letters on a surface
Your adj Al tau (adjective posesiv) possessive singular of your
/jə r/
zero — twenty /ˈzɪrə ʊ /- nbr Numerele de la 0 la 20 numbers

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
And con Si, cu , in plus plus/in addition/also
Are/were /ɑ ːr v Sunt, a fost be/exist (used with you/they)
Barber /barbers n Frizer, a person who cuts men/boys hair
/ˈbɑ ːrbə r/
Cook /cooks n Bucatar, person(s) who prepares food
/kʊ k/
Doctor /doctors n Medic, doctor a person who takes care of sick people
/ˈdɑ ːktə r/
Don't m Negatie folosita cu verbele la prezentul simplu negative command
/də ʊ nt/
Her /hə r/ adj A, ale ei possessive form of she
Her name is (Mary)./hə r neɪm ɪz/ e Numele ei este Maria. identifying a female and her name
His /hɪz/ adj Al,ale lui possessive form of he
His name is (Bob). /hɪz neɪm ɪz/ expr El se numeste Bob. identifying a man and his name
I / I'm /aɪ/ pron Eu , eu sunt pronoun for person writing, speaking, etc. ; I + am
Mechanic(s) / mə ˈkænɪk/ n Mechanic, person who repairs cars
Pilot(s) n Pilot, a person who flies a plane
/ˈpaɪlə t/
Radio(s) ˈreɪdiə ʊ / n Radio, device for receiving/listening to radio signals
Recorder(s) /rɪˈkɔːrdə r/ n aparat de înregistrare, device for copying sounds for future use
Student(s) /ˈstuːdnt/ n Student, one who studies/is enrolled in a class
Tape(s) /teɪp/ n bandă de magnetofon, recorded material on thin magnetized ribbon
Teacher(s) /ˈtiːtʃə r/ n Professor instructor/professor
Television(s) /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ n Televizor, televiziune device receives transmitted sounds/images
These /ðiːz/ pron Acestea,acestia, demonstrative pronoun (plural)
Those /ðə ʊ z/ pron Acele, aceia, demonstrative pronoun (plural)
TV /ˌtiː ˈviː/ ab Televizor, television
What's her name? expr Care e numele ei? Cum se numeste ea? request for woman's name
wɑ ːts hə r neɪm
What's his name? expr Care e numele lui? Cum se numeste el? request for man's name
wɑ ːts hiz neɪm
You / you're /juː/ ; /jər/ pron Tu,tu esti singular/plural; the one being addressed ; you + are

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Cent /sent/ n Cent a penny
Dime /daɪm/ n 10 centi, coin equal to ten cents
Dollar n Dolar a unit of money in the U.S. equal to 100 cents
/ˈdɑ ːlə r/
half dollar /hæf n 50 de centi, coin equal to 50 cents
ˈdɑ ːlə r
He / he's /hiː/ pron El, el este man, boy, male; he + is
Isn't /ˈɪznt/ t Nu este, is + not
Money n Bani, coins/paper notes
Nickel n Cinci centi, five cents
No adv Negatie, refuz, nu, fara nay; not so
/nə ʊ /
Not adv Negatie,nu in no manner (expresses negative statements)
/nɑ ːt/
Penny /ˈpeni/ n Un cent, one cent; coin
Quarter n 25 de centi, coin equal to 25 cents
/ˈkwɔːrtə r/
She / she's /ʃiː/ pron Ea, ea este subject form used for a female; she + is
Spell /spel/ v a scrie literă cu literă (un cuvânt, etc.) to name the order of letters in a word
student control number n Numar de identificare a unui student identification number for students
They/ they're /ðeɪ/ pron Ei, ei sunt persons previously mentioned; they + are
/ðə r/
We / we're /wiː/ pron Noi, noi sunt everyone, including you; we + are
Yes /jes/ a Da, expressing agreement, consent

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
At /æt/ pre La, prepozitie de timp on/near time of
/ə t/ p
Blackboard n Table negra, smooth black surface for writing with chalk; chalkboard
Box n Cutie, a stiff container for holding solids, usually with a lid
/bɑ ːks/
Calendar n Calendar, chart showing days and months of the year
/ˈkælɪndə r/
Chalkboard n Creta, smooth green/black surface for writing
Day /deɪ/ n Zi, a period of 24 hours
Desk /desk/ n Banca, masa de birou table for reading, writing, or doing business
Dialog n Dialog, a conversation between two or more people
/ˈdaɪə lɔːɡ /
Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ n Vinery, 6th day of the week
In /ɪn/ pre In, prepozitie de loc location
It's (10:30). / ɪts/ expr Este, used when telling time(used with hour and minutes)
Map n Harta, a drawing representing countries, town, rivers, etc.
Monday n Luni, 2nd day of the week
o'clock adv Ora fixa, according to/of the clock
/ə ˈklɑ ːk/
On pre Pe, in, la prepozitie de loc si timp in contact with; supported by
/ɑ ːn/ p
put/put/put v A pune, a plasa to set/place
/pʊ t/
Saturday /ˈsætə rdeɪ/ n Sambata, seventh/last day of the week
sit/sat (down) /sɪt/ /daʊ n/ v A lua loc, a se aseza, to take a seat/occupy a chair
Sound /saʊ nd/ n Sunet, what can be heard; a sensation in the ear
stand/stood(up) v A sta in picioare, a se ridica to rise to upright position on your feet
Sunday n Duminica, 1st day of the week
Thursday /ˈθɜːrzdeɪ/ n Joi, 5th day of the week
Time /taɪm/ n Timp ( ore, minute) precise instant in hours/minutes
Today n Astazi, the present day
/tə ˈdeɪ/
Tomorrow n Maine, the day following today
/tə ˈmɑ ːrə ʊ /
Tuesday /ˈtuːzdeɪ/ n Marti, 3rd day of the week
Under pre Sub, jos below; beneath surface of
/ˈʌndə r/ p
Wall n Perete upright structure used to support/divide (rooms)

Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/ n Miercuri 4th day of the week
Week /wiːk/ n Saptamana, 7 days/Sunday through Saturday

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Angry adj Furios, manios, suparat filled with anger (a strong feeling of displeasure)
/ˈæŋɡ ri/
Boy /bɔɪ/ n Baiat, a young male child
Brother n Frate, a male having the same parents as another person
/ˈbrʌðə r/
Bye /baɪ/ i Pa good bye
child/children n Copil, copii young human being(s); sons and daughters
/ˈtʃɪldrə n/
Cold adj Rece, not warm; having a lower than usual temperature
/kə ʊ ld/
Consonant n Consoana, a letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel
/ˈkɑ ːnsə nə nt/
Father / Dad n Tata, a male parent ; informal word for father
/ˈfɑ ːðə r//dæd/
Family n Familie, a group of people related by blood or marriage especially
/ˈfæmə li/ parent and child
Friend n Prieten, a person one knows well and is fond of
Girl n Fata, a young female child
/ɡ ɜːrl/
Glad to meet you. expr Ma Bucur de cunostinta! a polite reply used with introductions
/ɡ læd/ tə miːt juː/
Happy adj Fericit, bucuros, feeling pleasure and contentment
Hi /haɪ/ i Salut. informal greeting
Hot adj Fierbinte, foarte cald having a relatively high temperature
/hɑ ːt/
Let's /lets/ t Sa, hai (indemn folosit cu verbe) let + us, suggestion
Man/men /mæn/ n Barbat, barbati fully grown human male(s)
Miss /mɪs/ n Domnisoara, unmarried woman
Mother/Mom/ˈmʌðə r//mɑ ː n Mama, female parent
Mr. ab Domn, Mister/title of married/unmarried man
/ˈmɪstə r/
Mrs. ab Doamna, title of married woman
Ms. /mɪz/ ab Pentru doamnele la care nu cunoastem statutul title of woman whose marital status is not known
Nice to meet you. e Incintat de cunostinta! rejoinder
/naɪs tə miːt juː/
Now a Acum, at the present
/naʊ /
Old adj Batrin, vechi having lived a long time; not young
/ə ʊ ld/
Or /ɔːr/ c Sau, ori, an alternative/different choice
Sad /sæd/ adj Trist, not happy; sorrowful
Sick /sɪk/ adj Bolnav, nesanatos, ill; infected with disease
Sister /ˈsɪstə r/ N Sora, female related to one by having same parents
Tired adj Obosit, without strength or energy
/ˈtaɪə rd/
Too /tuː/ a De asemenea, also
Very a Foarte, extrem, extremely
Vowel n Vocala, letter representing speech sound (a, e, i, o, u)
/ˈvaʊ ə l/
Well adj Sanatos, in stare de sanatate buna not sick
What time is it? e Cit e ora? request for hour and minute of the day
/wʌt taɪm ɪz ɪt/
Woman /women n Femeie, femei fully grown human female(s)
/ˈwʊ mə n/ /ˈwɪmɪn/
Young adj Tinar, not old

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Air Force /ˈer fɔːrs/ n Forta Aeriana, Aviatie militara a branch of the military
An /æn/ art O, un, ( articol nedefinit ) indefinite article before a vowel
;/ə n/
Answer /ˈænsə r/ n Raspuns, a reply to a question, letter, etc.
Ask /æsk/ v A intreba, a cere, a ruga to request information, favors, answers
At /ə t/; prep La (prepozitie de loc) place
Barracks /ˈbærə ks/ n Cazarma, tabara militara building(s) for lodging personnel
Base /beɪs/ n Baza, garnizoana, instalatie militara military installation
Bed /bed/ n Pat, a piece of furniture made to be slept on/in
belong(s) to v A apartine..,a fi al… to be the property of
Big adj Mare, large in size
/bɪɡ /
Building n Cladire, constructie, a usually permanent structure with walls and a roof
Bulletin board /ˈbʊ lə tɪn n Panou cu informatie, a board on the wall where special notices are placed
Bus /bʌs/ n Autobuz, a large passenger vehicle
bus stop /ˈbʌs n Statie pentru autobuz, a place where buses stop for passengers
stɑ ːp/
BX /biː eks/ n Magazin pe baza militara, Base Exchange; a military store
Commissary /ˈkɑ ːmɪseri/ n Magazin alimentar pe baza militara, a food store for military personnel
Dining hall /ˈdaɪnɪŋ hɔːl/ n Cantina, sala de mese, sala unde se ia masa, mess hall; a place where meals are served
Dispensary /dɪˈspensə ri/ n Dispensar, a place where medical care and medication is given out
Excuse me, please. expr Scuzati-ma, Pardon me, (a polite expression)
/ɪkˈskjuːz miː , pliːz/
Hospital n Spital, medical treatment facility
/ˈhɑ ːspɪtl/
Inside adv Inauntru,in interior indoors; in a building
It belongs to (....) / ɪt bɪˈlɔːŋ / expr Apartine ......., este proprietatea lui..... It's the property of....
Library /ˈlaɪbreri/ n Biblioteca, building where books are kept for public use
Mess hall /mes hɔːl / n Cantina, sala de mese eating area for military
Office n Birou, oficiu, place where business affairs take place
/ˈɑ ːfɪs/
Our adj Al nostru, a noastra, belonging to us; possessive plural
/ˈaʊ ə r/
Outside adv Afara, exterior outdoors; not inside
/ˌaʊ tˈsaɪd/
Question n Intrebare, an inquiry
/ˈkwestʃə n/
Room n Camera, living/working quarters
Schedule /ˈskedʒuːl/ n Orar, a list of times when things are usually done
Sergeant (Sgt) /ˈsɑ ːrdʒə nt/ ab Sergent, sergeant: Army, AF, MC NCO(E-4 AF,E-5 Army, MC)
Small adj Mic, little/tiny in size
Snack bar /ˈsnæk n Local unde poti lua o gustare, place where snacks are served at a counter
bɑ ːr/
Thank you. /ˈθæŋk juː/ expr Multumesc, interjection; expression of gratitude
Their /ðer/ adj A, ale lor belonging to them; possessive plural
Thousand adj Una mie 1,000

/ˈθaʊ znd/
Where /wer/ adv Unde? in/at what place
Whose /huːz/ pron A, ale cui? possessive form of who

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Apple /ˈæpl/ n Mar a type of fruit
Banana /bə ˈnænə / n Banana a usually sweet, yellow fruit
Beef /biːf/ n Carne de vita meat from cow or steer
Bored /bɔːrd/ adj Plictisit, not interested in what is being said/done, etc.
Bread /bred/ n Paine a common food made of baked flour
Breakfast /ˈbrekfə st/ n Micul dejun the first meal of the day
Buy /baɪ/ v A cumpara to purchase; to get something by using money
Cherry /ˈtʃeri/ n Cireasa a small, soft, usually red fruit
Chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ n Gaina, carne de gaina a common farm bird and its meat
Coffee /ˈkɔːfi/ n Cafea a type of hot drink
Come /kʌm/ v A veni, a ajunge to arrive
Come on /kʌm/ /ɑ ːn/ v Hai, haide, grabeste-te to hurry
Dinner /ˈdɪnə r/ n Cina the main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening
Drink /drɪŋk/ v A bea to swallow a liquid
Drinks/drɪŋks/ n Bautura, liquids or refreshment
Eat /iːt/ v A manca to put food in the mouth and swallow
egg(s) /eɡ / n Ou food from chickens often eaten for breakfast
Fish /fɪʃ/ n Peste flesh of water creatures
Food /fuːd/ n Mincare, hrana, alimente nourishment for bodily growth; meat, fruit, vegetables, etc.
Fruit /fruːt/ n Fructe the edible part of a tree/bush which contains seeds
Here /hɪr/ adv Aici, at/in or to this place
Hungry /ˈhʌŋɡ ri/ adj Infometat, flamind needing nourishment
Juice /dʒuːs/ n Suc liquid drink
Just /dʒʌst/ adv Doar, numai only
Lamb /læm/ n Carne de oaie meat from sheep
Lunch /lʌntʃ/ n Prinz a meal in the middle of the day
Meal /miːl/ n Masa a zilei precum dejunul, prinzul…. a time to eat; breakfast, lunch, supper
Meat /miːt/ n Carne animal flesh used for food
Milk /mɪlk/ n Lapte white liquid secreted by mammals used as food
Movie (s) /ˈmuːvi/ n Film a showing of a motion picture
Nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ adv Nimic not anything
Nothing much /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ expr Foarte putin, mai nimic not much; very little
Now /naʊ / a Acum , in prezent at the present time
Orange /ˈɔːrɪndʒ/ n Portocala reddish-yellow citrus fruit
Pear /per/ n Para greenish-yellow fruit
Pork /pɔːrk/ n Carne de porc meat of pig used as food
Read /riːd/ v A citi to comprehend meaning of words/symbols; speak aloud
the written words of something
Rice /raɪs/ n Orez grain sized food
Salad /ˈsælə d/ n Salata a dish, usually cold, of vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
Study /ˈstʌdi/ v A studia to engage in study; learn; consider attentively
Talk /ˈstʌdi/ v A vorbi to deliver or express in speech; speak
Tea /tiː/ n Ceai drink/refreshment
To /tuː/ prep Spre movement toward/in the direction of
Watch /wɑ ːtʃ/ v A privi, a urmari, a se uita to look at someone/something
Water/ˈwɔːtə r/ n Apa a clear liquid which falls to the earth as rain
What are (you) doing? expr Ce faci? request for information about activity

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Answer v/n A raspunde, raspuns to reply to a question, letter, etc; a reply to a question, letter, etc.
/ˈænsə r/
Ask /æsk/ v A intreba, to request information, favors, answers
Check v A verifica, to examine to see if something is correct
Correct adj Correct, fara greseli, right, without mistakes
/kə ˈrekt/
Daughter n Fiica, someone's female child
/ˈdɔːtə r/
Different adj Diferit, not the same/alike
/ˈdɪfrə nt/
Do /duː/ v A face, a infaptui to perform an action
Homework n Teme pentru acasa, work to be done at home
/ˈhə ʊ mwɜːrk/
Husband n Sot, the man to whom a woman is married
/ˈhʌzbə nd/
Me, too. /ˌmiː expr Si eu, De asemenea, eu la fel, So am I; I am, also
Money n Bani, money in amounts over $1.00
Right /raɪt/ adj Correct, drept, correct
Same /seɪm/ adj Acelasi, la fel ca, in acelasi mod, not different; alike in every way
Son /sʌn/ n Fiu, a person's male child
Time /taɪm/ n Timp precise instant in hours/minutes
Who pron Cine? Pe cine? Care? which/what person(s)?
Wife/wives /waɪf/ /waɪvz/ n Sotie, sotii, the woman a man is married to
Wrong adj Gresit, incorect incorrect; mistaken; not right
You're welcome. expr Bine ai venit, a polite expression used when you are thanked for something
ˈwelkə m/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
a.m. /ˌeɪ ab Folosit pentru a zice ora (intre 12 noaprea si 12 ziua) before noon (ante meridian)
After prep Dupa, pe urma, mai tirziu, at a later time
/ˈæftə r/
Afternoon n după -amiaza, the period between midday and sunset
/ˌæftə rˈnuːn/
At /ə t/ p La, spre, asupra, during
Before p Inainte, in frunte, inainte ca earlier than
Class n clasă [şcol.], grup de student, ora sau lectie, group of students being taught together; period of
time students are taught
Do/don’t(he, she it) /duː/ v Verb auxiliar folosit la presentul simplu auxiliary ; do + not
/də ʊ nt/
Does/doesn’t /dʌz/ v Verb auxiliar folosit la presentul simplu do (3rd person singular) ; does + not
Early adv (Verb+adv)devreme, din timp, de cu vreme, before the usual/expected time
Early adj (Adj+noun) devreme, timpuriu, happening before the usual time
Evening n Seara, the end of the day and early part of the night
Every adj Fiecare, toti, toate each of all of two or more
Get dressed /ɡ et drest/ expr A se imbraca, put clothes on

get/got up /ɡ et v A se trezi, a se scula (din pat) to rise from bed; to leave your bed
Hungry adj Infometat, flamind have a desire for food
/ˈhʌŋɡ ri/
In prep în (indică timpul în care se petrece o acţiune) during a time period
Late /leɪt/ Adv Tirziu,, toward the end of a period
Late /leɪt/ adj Tirziu, intirziat, coming after the usual/ expected time
Lesson /ˈlesn/ n Lectie, ore exercise for a student to learn
Midnight n Miezul noptii 2400 hours
Morning n Dimineata, first part of a day up to noon
Night n Noaptea, period of darkness from sunset to sunrise
Noon /nuːn/ n Amiaza, miezul zilei, 1200 hours
Shave /ʃeɪv/ v A se Barbieri, to cut off hair from the body with a razor
Shower n Dus, a bath given by spraying water over the body
/ˈʃaʊ ə r/
Sleep/slept/slept /sliːp/ /slept/ v A dormi, a adormi to rest in sleep
Snack /snæk/ n Gustare, small amount of food eaten between regular meals
Swim/swam/swum v A inota, to move through water by arm/leg movements
take a shower /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊ ə r expr A face dus to bathe/wash in a shower
Thirsty adj Insetat, needing water/fluid to drink

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Airplane n Avion, a type of aircraft
Always /ˈɔːlweɪz/ a Mereu,intotdeauna, at all times; forever
Car /kɑ ːr/ n Masina, automobile
French fries /frentʃ fraɪz/ n Cartofi prajiti, fried thin potato slices
Hamburger n hamburgher a cooked beef sandwich
/ˈhæmbɜːrɡ ər/
Has /hə z/ v El, ea, are 3rd person singular, present tense to have
Have v A avea to hold/own/possess
/hə v//hæv/
Have (food) for (meal) expr A minca (ceva)la mesele pricipale ale zilei to eat/drink something. I have eggs for breakfast.
Hear /hɪr/ v A auzi, to receive and understand sounds by using the ears
How often /haʊ adv Cit de des? frequency/number of times
I don't know. /aɪ də ʊ nt expr Nu cunosc, Nu stiu, the answer is unknown
nə ʊ /
Know v A cunoaste, a sti to recognize/distinguish
/nə ʊ /
Language n Limba pe care o vorbim human speech
/ˈlæŋɡ wɪdʒ/
Learn /lɜːrn/ v A invata, to get knowledge by studying
Leave /liːv/ v A ple din , a parasi, a lasa to depart
Never adv Niciodata, not ever; at no time
/ˈnevə r/
On /ɑ ːn/ prep (folosit cu zilele saptamanii) at the time of
Plane /pleɪn/ n Avion, airplane
Say /seɪ/ v A spune, to speak; express in words
see/saw/seen /siː/ /sɔː/ /siːn/ v A vedea, to perceive with the eyes
Sometimes adv Uneori, occasionally
Spanish n Spaniola, language spoken in Spain and Latin America
Speak/spoke/spoken /spiːk/ v A vorbi, to talk; communicate by talking
Take (a bus) /teɪk/ expr A merge cu autobuzul to travel by bus
Taxi/cab /ˈtæksi/ /kæb/ n Taxi auto in which passengers are carried for a fare
Train /treɪn/ n Tren, connected railroad cars pulled by locomotive
Truck /trʌk/ n Camion, vehicle usually used for hauling loads
Want v A dori, a vrea to wish for; desire
/wɑ ːnt/
What language(s) do you expr Ce limba vorbesti? request for linguistic background information
When adv Cind? at what time

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Ago a în urmă (cu), in trecut in the past
/ə ˈɡ əʊ /
Answer sheet /ˈænsə r/ n Foaie pentru raspuns paper onto which answers are to be put
Choose v A allege, selecta, to select; to select something from a group
Country n Natiune, tara a nation, including its land and people
Dictionary n Dictionary, an alphabetically arranged book of words and their
/ˈdɪkʃə neri/ meanings
Hour n Ora, 60 minutes; one of 24 parts of a day
/ˈaʊ ə r/
How many /haʊ adv Cit?Cite? amount; quantity
In /ɪn/ prep In ( trei minute) within a time limit
Last /læst/ adj Cel mai recent, cel din urma, ultim most recent
Look up /lʊ k ʌp/ v a că uta (un cuvânt în dicţionar, un numă r de to find in a book
telefon, etc.)
Many (How many...?) /ˈmeni/ expr Cit de multe/multi quantity/amount
Mark /mɑ ːrk/ v A bifa, marca, a face un semn, to put a mark/line/dot on something
Memorize v A memoriza, to commit to memory by studying
/ˈmemə raɪz/
Minute n Minuta 60 seconds
Month n Luna, approximately 30 days; 1/12th of a year
Next /nekst/ adj Urmatorul, immediately following
Quiz /kwɪz/ n Test, examen test; exam
Review /rɪˈvjuː/ v Recapitulare, to look at again; restudy; reexamine
Second /ˈsekə nd/ n Secunda, 1/60 of a minute
Select /sɪˈlekt/ v A selecta, a allege to choose; pick out
Test /test/ n Test, exam
Test booklet /test n Carte care contine un test, carte test book with test questions inside
ˈbʊ klə t/
Was/were /wʌz/ v A fost ( forma de trecut a verbului a fi) He,she, it -was; I,you,we,they- were
/wə r/
What country (are you) from? expr Din ce tara esti? request for information about your citizenship
Where (is she) from? expr De unde esti? Unde locuesti? What is her origin?
Year /jɪr/ n An, 365 days; 12 months
Yesterday adv Ieri, on the day before today; recently
/ˈjestə rdeɪ/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Airman/airmen n Aviator, pilot, enlisted man/woman in AF (E-2)
/ˈermə n/
All right /ɔːl adv Bine, in regula, correct, sanatos, in siguranta satisfactory; unhurt; correct
Army n Armata, forte terestre, a branch of the military
/ˈɑ ːrmi/
Bad /bæd/ adj Rau, strasnic, daunator not good
Captain /ˈkæptɪn/ n Capitan, Air Force officer (O-3)
Civilian n Civil, a person who is not in the military
/sə ˈvɪliə n/
Drive /draɪv/ v A conduce, to operate a vehicle
Driver n Conducator auto, one who drives a vehicle
/ˈdraɪvə r/
Enlisted /ɪnˈlɪstɪd/ adj Inrolat, military inrolac cu grad de subofiter military person below the officer ranks
Fly/flew/flown /flaɪ/ v A zbura, a conduce un avion, to pilot an aircraft; travel by aircraft
Good adj Bun, bine, de calitate buna having a favorable character; opposite of bad
/ɡ ʊ d/
Here /hɪr/ adv Aici, in acest loc at/in this place
Here (they) are. expr iată -i! expression to point to something/someone
Here it is. expr iată -l! at this place; over here
Military n Militar, armata armed forces
/ˈmɪlə teri/
Navy /ˈneɪvi/ n Forta, navala/ marina branch of military
New adj Nou, having been made a short time ago
Officer n Ofiter, military position of authority
/ˈɑ ːfɪsə r/
Right now /raɪt naʊ / adv Acum, in acest moment immediately
Sailor n Marinar, navier, matelot, enlisted Navy man
/ˈseɪlə r/
Short /ʃɔːrt/ adj Scurt, mic de statura opposite tall; little in height
Soldier n Soldat, ostas, enlisted man; army member
/ˈsə ʊ ldʒə r/
Tall /tɔːl/ adj Inalt, de statura mare, mare higher in stature than average
There /ðer/ adv Acolo, at/in that place
There it is. expr E acolo! Este acolo! at that place; over there
Walk /wɔːk/ v A merge (la pas), a se plimba, a calca to go on foot at a moderate pace
Want (to) /wɑ ːnt/ v A dori, a vrea to desire (to)
Work /wɜːrk/ n Munca, serviciu, occupation
Work /wɜːrk/ v A munci, a lucra to labor

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Again adv Din nou, inca odata, repetat another time; once more
/ə ˈɡ en/
All /ɔːl/ adj Totul, tot, the whole amount/quantity of
Ball /bɔːl/ n Minge, a round object used in games
Baseball /ˈbeɪsbɔːl/ n Baseball, a game played with a bat and ball
Basketball /ˈbæskɪtbɔːl/ n Baschet, a game played with a ball and a basket
City n Oras, a large town with many people and businesses
Clean/cleaned (up) /kliːn/ v A curata, to free from dirt
Cook/cooked /kʊ k/ v A prepara, a gati, a face mincare to prepare food for eating using heat
/kʊ kt/
Did / didn't /dɪd/ v Facut, ( auxiliar pentru trecutul simplu) past tense of do / did + not
Downtown adv Centrul orasului the business center of a city/town
/ˌdaʊ nˈtaʊ n/
End/ended /end/ v A finaliza, a termina, a inceta to finish; to stop

Football n Fotbal game played with a ball and goal posts
/ˈfʊ tbɔːl/
Game /ɡ eɪm/ n Joc, sport, partida, meci a form of sport or play
Like (to) /laɪk/ v a-i placea, a indragi, a se bucura to enjoy
Live /lived /lɪv/ v A trai, a locui, to have your home in a particular place
Long /lɔːŋ/ a Lung, de durata, covering a certain time
Play/played/ /pleɪ/ v A juca, a participa, to take part in a game or sport
Restaurant /ˈrestrɑ ːnt/ n Restaurant, place where meals are bought and eaten
Show /ʃə ʊ / n Aprezentare, spectacol, program for entertainment
Soccer /ˈsɑ ːkə r/ n Fotbal, a game of football played by kicking a ball
Sport /spɔːrt/ n Sport, a game/activity done for fun or exercise
Start (to) v A incepe, porni, initia, to begin; commence
/stɑ ːrt/
Tennis /ˈtenɪs/ n Tenis, a game played with rackets, a ball, and a net
Town n Oras mic, where people live/work; a small city
/taʊ n/
Visit /ˈvɪzɪt/ n Vizita, time spent in a place or with a person
Visit/visited /ˈvɪzɪt/ v A vizita, to go and spend time in a place or with a person

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Begin/began/begun v A incepe, a demara, a porni, to start
/bɪˈɡ ɪn/
Break /breɪk/ n Pauza, a period of rest
Bring/brought /brɪŋ/ v A lua (cu sine), a aduce, to take with oneself to a place; to carry
Butt can /bʌt kə n/ n Cos de gunoi pentru capete de tigara can (usually red) where used cigarettes are put
Cap /kæp/ n Chipiu, sapca, a flat, close fitting head-covering
Cigarette n Tigara, rolled tobacco used by smokers
/ˈsɪɡ ə ret/
False /fɔːls/ adj Fals, neadevarat, contrafacut, not true
Gold adj Auriu, aur, a color
/ɡ əʊ ld/
I.D. card /ˌaɪ ˈdiː n Document/ card de identitate identification card
kɑ ːrd/
Identification n Identificare sub forma de pasaport, buletin something that proves who you are
It's 2210 hours. expr Este ora douazeci si doi si zece minute It's ten after ten p.m. It's 10:10 p.m.
Major n Maior, rank 0-4 Army, AF, USMC
/ˈmeɪdʒə r/
Name tag /ˈneɪm n Ecuson, placuta cu nume, label bearing a name
tæɡ /
Naval j Naval, marin, pertaining to the navy
On time /ɑ ːn/ e La timp, at the right time
Pack /pæk/ n Pachet, cutie, a box (of cigarettes)
Post n Barnizoana militara, baza, post an Army installation
/pə ʊ st/
Rank /ræŋk/ n Grad militar, official military rank
Razor n Apparat de ras, brici, a device used to remove hair from the body
/ˈreɪzə r/
Report v A anunta, a raporta, a adduce la cunostinta, to tell a supervisor you are present and ready for
/rɪˈpɔːrt/ work
Salute v a da onorul (cuiva) [mil.], a saluta to greet an officer by raising the right hand to the
/sə ˈluːt/ forehead
Second lieutenant n Locotenent, low ranking Army, AF, USMC officer (0-1)
/ˌsekə nd ˌluːˈtenə nt/
Sergeant (Sgt) /ˈsɑ ːrdʒə nt/ n Sergent, NCO rank (E-4 to E-9) Army, AF, USMC
Silver /ˈsɪlvə r/ adj Argintiu, argint, a color
Smoke v A fuma, to put a lit cigar/cigarette/pipe in mouth
/smə ʊ k/
Stripe /straɪp/ n bands of color
Take a break /teɪk ə breɪk/ expr A lua o pauza, to stop working, to rest/relax for a short time
True /truː/ adj Adevarat, yes; according to fact
Uniform n Uniforma, distinctive clothing worn by military personnel
With prep by means of

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Apostrophe n Apostrof, punctuation mark (')
/ə ˈpɑ ːstrə fi/
Asleep adj Adormit, sleeping
/ə ˈsliːp/
Awake adj Treaz, constient, not sleeping
/ə ˈweɪk/
Belt n Curea, a band worn around waist
Blouse n Camasa pentru dame, bluza shirt worn by women
/blaʊ s/
Boots /buːts/ n Bocan, cizma, a kind of shoe which covers the ankle
Can/can't /kæn/ /kænt/ m A fi capabil, a (a-I fi) permite permission/ability
Cannot m Nu este capabil, inability
/ˈkænɑ ːt/
Clothes /klə ʊ ðz/ n Haine, vesminte pants, shirts, dresses, etc.
/klə ʊ z/
Coat n Palton, jacheta, a type of clothing usually worn to keep warm; jacket
/kə ʊ t/
Contraction n Scurtare, micsorare, shortened word with an apostrophe
/kə nˈtrækʃn/
Dress /dres/ n Rochie, woman's clothing that covers from shoulders to knees or below
Fall asleep /fɔːl ə ˈsliːp/ e A adormi, to go into a state of sleep
Gloves /ɡ lʌvz/ n Manusi cu degete, garment used to cover the hand and fingers
Hat n Palarie, cap with complete brim
Indent v Indentatie, to put a space at the beginning of a paragraph
Jacket /ˈdʒækɪt/ n Jacheta, short coat
May /meɪ/ m a-i fi îngă duit, a I se permite, permission
Must /mʌst/ m A trebui, a fi necesa, obligation/necessity
Necktie /ˈnektaɪ/ n Cravat, tied band worn around neck, under collar
Pants/trousers/slacks n Pantaloni, two-legged outer garment extending from waist to ankles
/pænts/ /ˈtraʊ zə rz/ /slæks/
Paragraph n Paragraph, distinct written section usually indented
/ˈpærə ɡ ræf/
Period n Punct, punctuation mark (.)
/ˈpɪriə d/
Punctuation n Semen de punctuatie, marks used to divide sentences (. , etc.)
Put/put on /pʊ t v A (se)imbraca to cover the body with clothes; apply
ɑ ːn/
Question mark/ˈkwestʃə n n Semnul intrebarii, punctuation mark (?)
mɑ ːrk
Scarf /skɑ ːrf/ n Fular, esarfa, cloth worn around head or neck for decoration/warmth
Sentence /ˈsentə ns/ n Propozitie, fraza, grammatically selfcontained speech unit
Shirt n Camasa, man's garment worn above the waist
Shoes /ʃuːz/ n Incaltaminte, outer covering for the feet, usually of leather
Skirt /skɜːrt/ n Fusta, women's garment that hangs from the waist
Socks /sɑ ːks/ n Sosete, a soft covering for the foot and lower leg
Statement n Enunt, exprimare sentence
/ˈsteɪtmə nt/
Stockings /ˈstɑ ːkɪŋs/ n Ciorape de dama, close fitting foot and leg covering for women
Suit /suːt/ n Costum format din sacou, pantaloni sau fusta set of clothes with a jacket, pants or skirt
Sweater n Pullover a knitted garment used to keep warm
/ˈswetə r/
Take/took off /teɪk ɔːf/ v A inlatura, a da la o parte, a se dezbraca, to remove
Tie /taɪ/ n Cravat, necktie
T-shirt /ˈtiː n Tricou, usually collarless shirt or undershirt
wake up/woke up /weɪk ʌp/ v A se trezi, a tezi, to stop sleeping
Wear /wore/worn v A purta (haine, inel, arma…) to have on clothing

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Autumn/ Fall /ˈɔːtə m/ n Toamna, fall; cool season between summer and winter
Black /blæk/ adj Negru, the darkest color, like night
Blue /bluː/ adj Albastru, the color of the sky on a clear day
Brown /braʊ n/ adj Cafeniu, brun, the color of the earth
Clerk n Vinzator, a person who works in a store
Color n Culoare, various portions of the light spectrum, i.e., red, orange,
/ˈkʌlə r/
Cool /kuːl/ adj Racoare, not warm; pleasantly cold
Cost/cost v A costa, to have (an amount of money) as a price
Dance/Dance /dæns/ n Dans, a dansa a party with music and dancing; to move to music
Green adj Verde, color of leaves and grass
/ɡ riːn/
Headphone n Casti, used to listen to tapes privately
/ˈhedfə ʊ nz/
Headset /ˈhedset/ n Casti, same as headphone
Help /help/ v A ajuta, to do something for someone; to aid
Here (you) are. /hɪr juː ɑ ːr/ expr Pofti!,Na! here's what you want
How much...? /haʊ mʌtʃ/ expr Cit? Cit costa? What is the price?
Music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ n Muzica, combination of tones to form expressive compositions
Orange adj Portocaliu, a color, reddish yellow
Over here /ˈə ʊ və r hɪr expr Aici, near, on this side
Over there /ˈə ʊ və r expr Acolo, in the distance, on that side
Pink /pɪŋk/ adj Roz, light, red color
Purple adj Violet, bluish-red color
Rainbow n Curcubeu, multicolored arc caused by sunlight refraction in rain or mist
/ˈreɪnbə ʊ /
Record /rɪˈkɔːrd/ v A inregistra, to copy music/voices for future use
Red /red/ adj Rosu, the color of blood
Season /ˈsiːzn/ n Anotimp, a period of time marked by changes in weather
sell/sold /sel/ v A vinde, to give goods in exchange for money
/sə ʊ ld/
Spring /sprɪŋ/ n Primavera, the warm season between winter and summer
Store /stɔːr/ n Magazin, a shop; a place which sells goods
Summer n Vara, the hot season between spring and fall
/ˈsʌmə r/
Take/took/taken /teɪk/ v A lua, a adduce, a cumpara, to carry from one place to another; to buy
That /ðæt/ adj Acela, aceea demonstrative adjective; farther away
The day after tomorrow expr Poimaine, two days into the future
The day before yesterday expr Alataieri, two days ago
These /ðiːz/ adj Acestea, acestia, demonstrative adjective (plural)
This /ðɪs/ adj Aceasta, acesta, demonstrative adjective
Those adj Acelea, aceia, demonstrative adjective (plural)
/ðə ʊ z/
Warm adj Caldut, moderately hot; not too hot and not too cold
White adj Alb, the color of milk and snow
Winter n Iarna, the cold season between autumn (fall) and spring
/ˈwɪntə r/
Yellow j Galben, a color like ripe lemons or butter
/ˈjelə ʊ /

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
About prep Despre, cu privire la, relating to; on the subject of
/ə ˈbaʊ t/
Ankle n Glezna, the joint between the foot and the leg
Arm n Brat, the part of the body between the shoulder and wrist
/ɑ ːrm/
Body n Corp, the head, arms, legs, and trunk of a person/animal
/ˈbɑ ːdi/
Bone /bə ʊ n/ n Os, the hard parts of the body which make up the skeleton
Date /deɪt/ n Data, the number of the day, month, year
Ear /ɪr/ n Ureche, the organ on the sides of the head for hearing
Elbow n Cot, the joint where the arm bends
/ˈelbə ʊ /
Eye /aɪ/ n Ochi, the sense organ for sight
Eyebrow n Spranciana, hair that grows on the bony arch over the eyes
/ˈaɪbraʊ /
Eyelash /ˈaɪlæʃ/ n Geana, hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid
Eyelid /ˈaɪlɪd/ n Pleoapa, the skin that covers the eye and opens and closes
Fifth adj 5th
Finger N Deget de la mana, one of the movable parts of the hand which has joints
/fɪŋɡ ər/
Fingernail N Unghie the flat hard piece that covers the fronts of the fingers
/ˈfɪŋɡ ərneɪl/
First /fɜːrst/ adj Primul, lst
Foot/feet /fʊ t/ n Picior(laba piciorului) a movable part of the body below the ankle
Fourth /fɔːrθ/ adj 4th
Hand /hænd/ n Mana (palma cu degetele) the movable part at the end of the arm, including the fingers
Head /hed/ n Cap, part of body which contains the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, the brain, etc.
Heel /hiːl/ n Calcai, the back part of the foot
Hurt/hurt v A fi dureros, a produce durere, a vatama, to feel pain
Knee /niː/ n Genunchi, the middle joint of the leg
Large /lɑ ːrdʒ/ adj Mare, big
Last /læst/ adj Ultim,ultimul, final
Last /læst/ a La sfirsit, final, in incheiere, at the end; conclusively
Left adj Stang, on or belonging to the left side of body
Leg /leɡ / n Picior limb above the foot used for walking and supporting the body
Limb /lɪm/ n Membru, exremitate (picior sau mana) an arm or leg
Lip /lɪp/ n Buza, part of the mouth
Long adj Lung, measuring a large amount in length
Medicine n Medicament, a substance used for treating disease/controlling pain; medication
Mouth n Gura, opening through which food passes into the body
/maʊ θ/
Move v A se misca, a misca, to change position
Muscle n Muschi, body tissue
Nail /neɪl/ n Unghie, finger/toe; flat, hard covering on end/top of toes/fingers
Neck n Gat, the part of the body which joins the head and shoulders
Next adv Urmatorul, the one after this one
Nose n Nas, the facial organ for smelling and breathing
/nə ʊ z/
Of /ə v/ /ʌv/ prep during
One r Unul, una, any person or thing
Order n Ordine,succesiune the special way in which things are arranged
/ˈɔːrdə r/
Ordinal adj Numeral ordinal, showing position/order: 1st, 2nd, etc.
/ˈɔːrdə nl/
Part /pɑ ːrt/ n Parte, sector, bucata, any of the pieces into which something is divided
Point to /pɔɪnt tu / v A indica, a arata to use a finger to indicate direction/ position
Right /raɪt/ adj Drept, on or belonging to the left side of the body
Second adj Al doilea, 2nd
/ˈsekə nd/
Short adj Scurt, opposite long; little in length
Shoulder n Umar, the joint connecting the arm with the body
/ˈʃə ʊ ldə r/
Skin /skɪn/ n Piele, the tissue covering the body from which hair may grow
Sore /sɔːr/ adj Inflamat, umflat, painful or aching (due to illness or overuse)
Take medicine expr A lua medicamente, to use medicine
/teɪk ˌ /ˈmedɪsn/
Take /took/taken v A consuma, a folosi, to consume; to use
/teɪk/ /tʊ k/ ˈteɪkə n/
Then /ðen/ adv Apoi, dupa aceasta, next
Third /θɜːrd/ adj Al treilea, 3rd
Throat /θrə ʊ t/ n Trahee, a passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck
Thumb n Decetul mare, short, thick finger set apart from the other four
Toe /tə ʊ / n Deget de la picioare, one of the five parts on the end of each foot
Toenail /ˈtə ʊ neɪl/ n Unchia de la picioare, the nail on the toe
Tongue /tʌŋ/ n Limba, movable, muscular mouth structure

Touch /tʌtʃ/ v A atinge, to feel or press with a part of the body, usually the hands or fingers
Trunk /trʌŋk/ n Trunch( anatomia omului) the human body not including the head and limbs
What's the matter? expr S-a intimplat ceva? Ce se intimpla? what's wrong
/wʌts ðə ˈmætə r?/
What's wrong? expr Care e problema, S-a intimplat ceva? what's the problem
/wʌts rɔːŋ?/
Which /wɪtʃ/ adj Ce? Care? used in questions when a choice is to be made
Wrist /rɪst/ n încheietura mâinii, joint between hand and the lower part of the arm

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
a few /ə fjuː/ sdj Putine, not many; some (used with count nouns)
a little adj Putin, a small amount/quantity (used with noncount nouns)
/ə ˈlɪtl/
a lot of /ə lɑ ːt ə v adj Mult, foarte mult, a large amount/quantity (used with count, noncount nouns)
Any adj Citeva, ceva,putin some; even the smallest amount/number
Barbershop n Frezerie, a business where men and boys get their hair cut
/ˈbɑ ːrbə rʃɑ ːp/
Bathroom n Camera de baie de obicei cu closet, a room with a toilet and/or tub/shower
Birthday n Zi de nastere, the day/anniversary of someone's birth
Brush /brʌʃ/ n Perie de par, dinti, incaltaminte, an instrument for grooming hair or brushing teeth
Brush /brʌʃ/ v A peria, a spala cu peria, to clean/smooth with a brush
Butter n Unt, a thick, yellowish product made from milk or cream
/ˈbʌtə r/
Can /kæn/ m A fi posibil, possibility
Cannot/can't m A nu fi posibil, impossibility
/ˈkænɑ ːt/ /kænt/
Chalk /tʃɔːk/ n Creta, a soft type of rock used for writing on chalkboard
Change /tʃeɪndʒ/ v A schimba, to replace or make different
Clean /kliːn/ adj Curat, not dirty
Comb n Pieptene, usually a piece of plastic used to arrange hair
/kə ʊ m/
Comb v A pieptana, to use a comb to arrange the hair
/kə ʊ m/
Dirty adj Murder, not clean
Drugstore n Farmacie, pharmacy; store where medicine is sold
/ˈdrʌɡ stɔːr/
Dry v A usca, to remove the water/ moisture from something
Face /feɪs/ n Fata, front of the head from chin to hair
Get/got/gotten v A obtine, a cumpara, a lua, to obtain, acquire
/ɡ et/
Grocery store n Magazine alimentar, a store that sells food and household goods
/ˈɡ rə ʊ sə ri stɔːr/
Hair n Par, threadlike growth on the head, body
Haircut n Tunsoare, having your hair cut/styled
Lots of /lɑ ːts ə v / adj Multe, foarte mult, many, much
Mirror n Oglinda reflecting surface
/ˈmɪrə r/
Need (to) /niːd tu v A avea devoie de, to have a need for (to)
Only a Doar, numai, just
/ˈə ʊ nli/
Pepper n Piper, hot, ground seasoning
/ˈpepə r/
Pocket n Buzunar, bag/pouch sewn into clothing
/ˈpɑ ːkɪt/
Rinse /rɪns/ v A clati, to wash in clean water to remove soap, dirt, etc.
Salt /sɔːlt/ n Sare, white crystalline seasoning added for flavor
Shampoo n Sampon, liquid soap used for washing hair
Sink /sɪŋk/ n Chiuveta, basin, as in kitchen, for washing/drainage

Soap n Sapun, a product used with water for washing
/sə ʊ p/
Some /sʌm/ adj Niste, citeva, a certain amount; a little
Soup /suːp/ n Supa, a kind of liquid food with small pieces of meat/ fish/ vegetables
Subject n Disciplină (de studiu), subiect field of knowledge; something being considered
Sugar n Zahar, a usually white substance used to make food/drinks sweet
/ˈʃʊ ɡ ə r/
there + be (nonreferential) e Este, sunt used to show that someone or something exists/ happens
Thing /θɪŋ/ n Obiect, an object
Toilet n Closet, seat-like bowl in bathroom used for eliminating body waste
/ˈtɔɪlə t/
Toilet paper /ˈtɔɪlə t n Hartie igienica, soft paper for cleaning after toilet use
peɪpə r/
Tooth/teeth /tuːθ/ n Dinte, dinti, hard bony object(s) in mouth used for biting/chewing/etc.
Toothbrush n Periuta de dinti, a small brush used for cleaning teeth
Toothpaste n Pasta de dinti, a substance used for cleaning teeth
Topic n Tema, subiect, subject
/ˈtɑ ːpɪk/
Towel n Prosop,stergar, a piece of cloth used for drying things
/ˈtaʊ ə l/
Wash v A spala, to clean with water or other liquid
/wɑ ːʃ/
Washcloth n Servetel, burete pentru fata sau corp, small cloth for washing the face and body
/ˈwɑ ːʃklɔːθ/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Airline n Companie aeriana, a company which provides air travel services
Airport n Aeroport, place where aircraft land and take off
Arrival n Sosire,venire, the act of arriving
/ə ˈraɪvl/
Arrive v A veni, a sosi, to reach a place
/ə ˈraɪv/
Button n Nasture, a small round/flat object used to fasten clothes
Button v A incheia nasturii, to close or fasten with buttons
Call /kɔːl/ v A telefona, a chema, a numi, to talk by telephone
come/came back v A reveni, a se intoarce, to return
Cuff /kʌf/ n Manseta, the end of a sleeve
Customer n Comparator, client, person who buys things from a store
/ˈkʌstə mə r/
Depart v A pleca, a porni, to leave; to go away
/dɪˈpɑ ːrt/
Departure n Plecare, the act of leaving
/dɪˈpɑ ːrtʃə r/
Doorknob n Maner sferic, a handle used for opening/closing a door
/ˈdɔːrnɑ ːb/
First /fɜːrst/ a Primul, prima before all others
Flight /flaɪt/ n Zbor, a trip by plane
From /frɑ ːm/ p De la, din, starting at
Gate /ɡ eɪt/ n Poarte, an entrance
Go/went back /ɡ əʊ bæk/ v A se intoarce, to return
Graduate v A absolve, to complete school or a course
/ˈɡ rædʒueɪt/

Graduation n Absolvire, a ceremony where you receive a diploma
/ˌɡ rædʒuˈeɪʃn/
Handle /ˈhændl/ n Maner la usa, part of an object especially made for holding/opening it
In /ɪn/ prep use after (no more than)
Instructions n Instructie, directive, directions which tell how to do something
Key /kiː/ n Cheie, a device used for locking/unlocking doors, engines, etc.
Knob n Buton rotativ(casetofon,radio,cuptor electric) control button on a radio, TV, etc.
/nɑ ːb/
Lock / lɑ ːk/ n Lacat, an apparatus used to close and fasten something with a key
Lock /lɑ ːk/ v A incuia, to use a key to close and fasten a door
Make a reservation expr a rezerva (un loc în tren, o cameră la hotel, etc.) to reserve a seat on a plane, train, etc.
Meet /met /miːt/ v A se intilni, a intilni, to come together by chance or plan
Next to /ˈnekst p Linga, aproape, close beside
Off /ɔːf/ a Deconectat, stins, not lit or operating
On /ɑ ːn/ a Conectat, aprins, lit; in operation
One-way (ticket/fare) j Bilet intr-o singura directie, going in only one direction
/ˌwʌn ˈweɪ/
Pack /pæk/ v A impacheta, a face bagaje, to arrange clothes in a suitcase
Phone n Telefon, telephone
/fə ʊ n/
Pick up /pɪk ʌp / v a veni ca să ia (pe cineva), to go and get
Pull /pʊ l/ v A trage spre tine, to move something towards yourself
Push v A impinge, to move something away from yourself, sometimes with
/ˈpʊ ʃ/ force
Push-button /ˈpʊ ʃ j Buton de comanda, decuplat, able to be put in operation by a button that starts/stops a
bʌtn/ machine
Reservation /ˌrezə rˈveɪʃn/ n rezervare (a camerelor, locurilor), reservatie accommodations secured in advance
Return (to) /rɪˈtɜːrn/ v A se intoarce, a reveni, to go back to
Round-trip /ˌraʊ nd adj calatorie dus-intors, a trip to a place and back again
School /skuːl/ n Scoala, a place of education for children/adults
Shampoo v Sampon, to wash the hair with shampoo
Sharpen v A ascuti, to make sharp
/ˈʃɑ ːrpə n/
Sharpener n Ascutitoare, a device used to sharpen things
/ˈʃɑ ːrpnə r/
Sleeve /sliːv/ n Maneca, a part of a garment which covers the arms
Stop /stɑ ːp/ v A stopa, a inceta, to cease/cause to cease the moving or continuing of an
Suitcase /ˈsuːtkeɪs/ n Valiza, a container for carrying clothes, etc., when traveling
Take a trip /teɪk ə trɪp/ e a face o că lă torie, excursie, to travel
Telephone n Telefon, phone
/ˈtelɪfə ʊ n/
Ticket n Bilet, admission
Together a Impreuna, with one another; joined into one group
/tə ˈɡ eðə r/
Tonight a Acum seara, deseara on this present night
/tə ˈnaɪt/
Travel agency n Birou/agentie de turizm, voaiaj a business that arranges people's trips
/ˈtrævl eɪdʒə nsi/
Travel agent n Persoana care munceste la agentie a person who owns/works in a travel agency
/ˈtrævl eɪdʒə nt/
Trip /trɪp/ n Calatorie, journey from one place to another
Turn /tɜːrn v A roti, a invirti, a rula, a intorce(capul) to move in a circular motion
Turn on/off /tɜːrn v A aprinde, a conecta, a stinge, a deconecta, to start/stop the flow of electricity
ɑ ːn/ɔːf/
Twin /twɪn/ n Geaman, either of two children born to the same mother at same time
Will/will not /wɪl/ m Voi ( indica viitorul); Nu voi indicates future tense ;negative future tense
Zipper n Fermuar, metal/plastic device used to fasten clothes, especially pants
/ˈzɪpə r/ and jackets

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Among p Intre, in mijloc, prin, in the middle of/ surrounded by three or more things
/ə ˈmʌŋ/
Bar /bɑ ːr/ n Bucata, calup, lingou, a piece of candy, soap, etc., that is longer than it is wide

Bean /biːn/ n Fasole, a seed from which food or drink can be made; a vegetable
Between p Intre,( doua obiecte) in the middle of two things
Bottle n Butelie, flacon de plastic sau alt material, glass/plastic container with a narrow neck used to hold liquids
/ˈbɑ ːtl/
Bowl n Vas adinc (strachina,lichean) a deep, round container for holding soup, cereal, etc.
/bə ʊ l/
Cake n Tort, a sweet, baked dessert
Can /kæn/ n Cutie de conserva, a small closed container in which foods/drinks are preserved without air
/kə n/
Candy n Bomboada, a sugary snack, such as chocolate
Carrot n Morcov, a long, orange vegetable
/ˈkærə t/
Cheese /tʃiːz/ n Cascaval, a solid food made from milk solids
Chocolate n Ciocolata, a candy made from chocolate
/ˈtʃɔːklə t/
Cookie n Prajitura, biscuit, a sweet, flat, snack/ dessert cake
/ˈkʊ ki/
Corn n Porumb, a yellow vegetable; maize
Cup/ mug /kʌp/ n Cana, a small round container with a handle which holds liquids
/mʌɡ /
Dessert /dɪˈzɜːrt/ n Desert, usually sweet food served at the end of a meal
Dial n Disc cu numere sau butoane la telefon, face of a telephone
/ˈdaɪə l/
Dial v A forma numarul de telefon, to make a telephone call
/ˈdaɪə l/
Dial tone /ˈdaɪə l n ton de apel (în telefonia automată ), sound which indicates the phone is ready for use
tə ʊ n/
Dish /dɪʃ/ n Farfurie, fel de mincare, flat, round, or oval container for holding or serving food
Dozen n 12 a group of 12
Gallon (gal.) ab galon (mă sură de capacitate = 3, 78 l) 4 quarts; 3.78 liters
/ˈɡ ælə n/
Glass /ɡ læs/ n Pahar, sticlă (ca material) container used to hold liquids for drinking
Half adj Jumatate, either of two equal parts; 50%
Ham n Sunca, a type of pork
have to /hæv m A trebui, a fi necesar, must; obligation
tə /
Ice cream /ˈaɪs kriːm/ n Inghetata, a sweet frozen dessert made of milk/cream
kilogram (kg.) n Kilogram, equals 1,000 grams (approx. 2.2 lbs)
/ˈkɪlə ɡ ræm/

Lettuce n Frunze de salata, a green vegetable used in salads
Make/made v A face, a mesteri, a construi to do or construct; equal
Many adj Multe, lots of
Much /mʌtʃ/ adj Mult, more/most
Onion n Ceapa, a strong smelling/tasting vegetable
/ˈʌnjə n/
Ounce (Oz) /aʊ ns/ n Uncie, measurement equal to 28.3 gramms
Paper n Hartie, material used for writing, covering walls, etc.
/ˈpeɪpə r/
Pie /paɪ/ n Placinta, tarta, baked dessert made with filling and a crust
Piece /piːs/ n Bucata, a part of a whole
Pint (pt.) /paɪnt/ n Pinta de volum(0, 57 l în Anglia şi 0, 47 l în SUA) a unit of measure equal to 0.47 litters
Potato/potatoes n Cartof, a root vegetable
/pə ˈteɪtə ʊ /
Pound (lb.) n Pund (453,6 gr.) weight measurement; 453.6 gr.
/paʊ nd/
Quart (qt.) n Unitate de masura egal cu 0.946gr. a unit of measure equal to .946 liters
Receiver /rɪˈsiːvə r/ n Receptor, the part of the phone you hold to your ear
Sandwich /ˈsænwɪtʃ/ n Sandvis, two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, etc., between them
Slice /slaɪs/ n Felie, a thin, flat piece cut from something
Squash /skwɑ ːʃ/ n Dovlecel, a type of vegetable
Tomato(es) n Rosie, a soft, red fruit eaten as a vegetable
/tə ˈmeɪtə ʊ /
Ton n Tona, a unit of measure equal to 2,000 pounds
Tube /tuːb/ n Tub, teava, conducta, a metal container with a cap; a hollow, pipe
Vanilla n Vanilie, a flavoring for food
/və ˈnɪlə /
Vegetable n Legume, a plant grown for food
/ˈvedʒtə bl/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Change n Schimbare, something different
Clear /klɪr/ adj Senin, without clouds
Cloud n Nour, a vapor mass in the sky usually white or gray
/klaʊ d/
Cloudy adj Innourat, full of clouds
/ˈklaʊ di/
Cry /kraɪ/ v A plange, to produce tears as a sign of sorrow, sadness, pain, etc.
Dry /draɪ/ adj Uscat, not wet
get/got/gotten v A deveni, aobtine, to become; to acquire (a characteristic)
/ɡ et/
Grade /ɡ reɪd/ n Nota, score
How aad Cum? state/condition; in what manner/way
/haʊ /
Nice adj Dragut, frumos, placut, pleasant, kind, good
Rain /reɪn/ n Ploaie, water drops condensed from the atmosphere; precipitation
Rain /reɪn/ v A ploua, to fall as water drops from the clouds
Raincoat n Impermeabil, water repellent coat
/ˈreɪnkə ʊ t/
Rainy /ˈreɪni/ adj Ploios, abounding with rain
Score /skɔːr/ n Nota, calificativ, a grade, as on a test
Shine v A lumina, a straluci, to emit light
Shower n Ploaie de scurta durata, averse, rain that lasts only a short time
/ˈʃaʊ ə r/
Sky /skaɪ/ n Cer, space around the earth and beyond
Snow n Zapada, white, frozen, water vapor particles
/snə ʊ /
Snow /snə ʊ / v A ninge, to fall like snow
Storm n Furtuna ( de vint, ploaie) atmospheric disturbance like rain, snow
Sun /sʌn/ n Soare, bright sphere about which the earth and other planets revolve
Sunny /ˈsʌni/ adj Insorit full of sunshine or brilliant sunlight
Sunshine n Raza, lumina de soarte light and heat from the sun
Think/thought (about) v A se gindi, a considera, to consider; form/have in the mind
/θɪŋk/ /θɔːt/
Umbrella n Umbrella, a device used for keeping rain off your head
/ʌmˈbrelə /
Upset adj Suparat, trist worried, unhappy about something
Weather n Vremea, timpul the condition of the atmosphere concerning temperature,
/ˈweðə r/ moisture
Wet /wet/ adj Ud, umed, not dry; moist; damp
Windy adj Cu mult vint, with a lot of wind

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Anything pron Orice, ceva, any one thing
Anything else /ˈeniθɪŋ expr Altceva? Ceva aditional? more
Awful j Groaznic, strasnic, teribil, rau, very bad/poor in quality
Blade n Lama, pala a elicei, the flat cutting part of knife; the flat wide part of a propeller
Boat n Barca, small, open vessel for traveling across water
/bə ʊ t/
By /baɪ/ p Cu ( masina, avionul) through the use of
Check /tʃek/ n Bon de plata, cec, restaurant bill
cut/cut v A taia, to divide into parts with a sharp instrument
Delicious adj Delicious, tasting very good
/dɪˈlɪʃə s/
Fork n Furculita, an eating utensil
get/gotgotten v A sosi, a ajunge la destinatie, to arrive
/ɡ et/
get/got/gotten in /ɡ ɑ ːt v A ajunge, a intra, to arrive
ɪn /
get/got/gotten off/ˈɡ ɑ ːtn v A cobori (de pe, din) to leave a vehicle
get/got/gotten on /ɡ et v A se urca in… to enter a vehicle
ɑ ːn/
Helicopter n Elicopter aircraft with horizontally mounted blades
/ˈhelɪkɑ ːptə r/
Her /hə r/ pron Pe ea, (ma) objective form of she
Him /hɪm/ pron Pe el,(il) objective form of he
Home a Acasa, ( cu sentiment de liniste si dragoste) at home
/hə ʊ m/
Home n Casa, loc de bastina,camin, place of residence, e.g., house, apartment
/hə ʊ m/
House /haʊ s/ n Casa ca constructie, imobil, adapost, building occupied by one family or person
Jet /dʒet/ n Avion, (de pasajeri) plane
knife/knives /naɪf; naɪvz/ n Cutit, utensil used for cutting food
Later adv Mai tirziu, ulterior, at a future time
/ˈleɪtə r/
Leave a tip /liːv ə tɪp/ expr A lasa bacsis, give a gift of money for a service
Leave/left /liːv;left/ v A permite cuiva to allow to remain
Me /miː/ pron Pe mine, objective form of I
Menu /ˈmenjuː/ n Meniu, detailed list of foods served at a meal
Napkin n Servet de masa, servetel, paper/cloth used while eating to protect clothes/wipe lips
Nothing r Nimic, not anything; no thing
nothing else /ˈnʌθɪŋ els e Nimic altceva, not anything more

Order v a comanda (masa, un fel de mâncare, etc.) to request (food) be supplied
/ˈɔːrdə r/
Plate /pleɪt/ n farfurie, fel de mincare, shallow dish from which food is eaten
Ship /ʃɪp/ n Corabie, vapor large boat for navigating deep water
Something pron Ceva, some unspecified thing
something else /els/ e Altceva, a different unspecified thing
Spoon /spuːn/ n Lingura, eating implement/ utensil
Sure /ʃʊ r/ a/j Fara indoiala, in mod sigur, cert, certain; without a doubt
Them /ðem/ pron Pe ei, ele two or more things (in the objective form)
Tip n Bacsis, to give a gratuity/money
Travel v A calatori, to go from one place to another
Us /ʌs/ pron Pe noi, objective form of we
Vehicle n Vehicul, something designed for carrying, i.e., car, truck, bus, etc.
/ˈviːə kl/
Waiter n Chelner, man who serves food in a restaurant
/ˈweɪtə r/
Waitress n Chelnerita, woman who serves food in a restaurant
/ˈweɪtrə s/
Without p Fara, lacking; not having
/wɪˈðaʊ t/
would like (to)ˌwʊ d laɪk m A dori sa, desire/want/wish (to)
tə /

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Address /ˈædres/ n Adresa, number and name of a location where someone lives, works, etc.
Also adv De asemenea, pe linga asta too; besides
/ˈɔːlsə ʊ /
Bank /bæŋk/ n Banca, a place where money is kept and paid on demand
Cash /kæʃ/ v Bani gheata, to exchange a check/money order for cash
Cash a check expr a incasa un cec to exchange a check for cash
Check n Cec scris catre o banca pentru a plati a written order to a bank to pay money
Chop down v a doborî (prin tă iere), a taia, to cut down a tree
/tʃɑ ːpdaʊ n/
Crowded adj Aglomerat, filled with many people
/ˈkraʊ dɪd/
Deliver v A livra, to take things to a person's house or place of work
/dɪˈlɪvə r/
Driver's license n Permis de conducere, license which allows holder to drive car
/ˈdraɪvə rz laɪsns/
Envelope n Plic, the paper cover of a letter
/ˈenvə lə ʊ p/
Finish v A finisa, a termina, a incheia, to bring/come to an end; to complete
Give/gave/given v A acorda, a darui, to hand over as a gift; to supply
/ɡ ɪv/
Help n Ajutor,sprijin,support, assistance; aid
Identification n Act de identitate, evidence of identity
In line /ˈɪn expr In linie, in rind, in a row; to be in an organized succession of people
Letter n Scrisoare, mail
/ˈletə r/
License /ˈlaɪsns/ n Autorizatie, permis, driver's license
Mail n Corespondenta, posta, letters, packages transported by post office
Mail v A expedia prin posta, to send by mail
Mailman/mailmen/ˈmeɪlmæn n Posta, mail delivery person(s)
Money order /ˈmʌni n Ordin de plata, mandate postal, an order for payment of sum of money
ɔːrdə r/
Near p Linga, in apropiere, close to
Package n Colet,pachet, wrapped/boxed item; parcel
People n Oameni, persons of all nations/races; humans
Pick out /pɪk v A allege, to choose
aʊ t/
Post office /ˈpə ʊ st n Posta, ofociu postal, place where mail is sorted, stamps are sold, etc.
ɑ ːfɪs/
Postcard n Vedere, picture card for mailing
/ˈpə ʊ stkɑ ːrd/
Return address/rɪˈtɜːrn n Adresa a expeditorului, sender's address on a letter/package
ə dres/
Send/sent /send/ v A trimite, a expedia, to dispatch; have a package delivered
Show v A arata, a expune, to exhibit; display
/ʃə ʊ /
Sign /saɪn/ v A semna, to write one's signature
Stamp n Timbre, postage stamp
State n Stat, political subdivision
Street /striːt/ n Strada, public road in a city
Teller n Casier, functionar de banca, bank clerk who pays out/receives money
/ˈtelə r/
Traveler's check n check used to exchange foreign money to local currency
/ˈtrævə lə rz tʃek/
Write a check expr A scrie un cec to pay for with a bank draft

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
At first /ə t e Initial, la inceput, at (in) the beginning
At last /ə t e In sfirsit, in cele din urma, finally
Because c Deoarece,fiindca, for the reason that
/bɪˈkə z/
But c Insa, on the contrary
Camera n Aparat de fotografiat, a device for taking pictures
/ˈkæmrə /
Check in /ˈtʃek ɪn/ v A se inregistra,a se prezenta (la aeroport, etc.) to register; to report your arrival
Check out / ˈtʃek v a pleca de la hotel, spital, to leave; to report your departure
aʊ t/
Film /fɪlm/ n Film, pelicula, a roll of substance used to take pictures
Final /ˈfaɪnl/ adj Ultim, last; coming at the end
For /fə r/ p în timpul, time
Go sightseeing/ˈɡ əʊ
saɪtsiːɪŋ/ expr a merge să vizitezi obiective turistice, to go about seeing sights of interest
Hotel N Hotel, an establishment providing lodging for travelers
/hə ʊ ˈtel/
Lake /leɪk/ n Lac, iaz, large body of water
Load v A incarca, to put (film) into(camera)
/lə ʊ d/
Long /lɔːŋ/ adj De durata lunga, duration
Mountain n Munte, land mass higher than a hill
/ˈmaʊ ntə n/
Ocean n Ocean, body of salt water that covers 70% of the earth's surface
/ˈə ʊ ʃn/
Overnight a Peste noapte, pe noapte, during the night; the length of a night
/ˌə ʊ və rˈnaɪt/
Relax /rɪˈlæks/ v A te/se relaxa, to rest from work
Rest /rest/ v A te/se odihni, to lie down; to stop being active
Roll /rə ʊ l/ n Chifla, rolfilm, sul, rola, a cylinder
Short /ʃɔːrt/ j De scurta durata, brief in time
Sightseeing /saɪtsiːɪŋ/ n Vederea, vizitarea locurilor turistice, looking at places of interest
Smile /smaɪl/ v A zimbi, to show pleasure, affection on the face
Spoonful n Cantitatea unei linguri pline, as much as a spoon will hold
/ˈspuːnfʊ l/
State /steɪt/ n Stat, political subdivision
Stay /steɪ/ v A sta, a trai, to dwell/live
take (a) picture(s) of expr A fotografia to photograph
Take a rest expr A se odihni, to be temporarily still or inactive
Tree /triː/ n Copac, pom, large woody plant with one trunk and many branches
Vacation /və ˈkeɪʃn/ n Vacanta, period of rest from work/school
Why /waɪ/ adv De ce? for what cause/reason/purpose

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Alike adj Asemanatoare,(nu identic) in a very similar way
/ə ˈlaɪk/
Both adj Ambii, ambele, involving the two together
/bə ʊ θ/
Circle n Cerc, a round figure
Compare v A compara, to judge things based on their similarities and
/kə mˈper/ differences
Describe v A descrie,a caracteriza, to tell or write about something; to picture with
/dɪˈskraɪb/ words
Description n Descriere, caracteristica, statement that describes or pictures something
Draw/drew/drawn v A desena (draw a picture/map/diagram) to cause to move; to extract; to produce a likeness
/drɔː/ /druː//drɔːn/ A trage, a atrage; a atrage sau interesa pe cineva
Edge /edʒ/ n Margine, muchie, frontier, lama, part along the outside of something
Fast /fæst/ adv Rapid, rapidly; quickly
It/This is called.... expr Se numeste…. Acesta/aceasta se numeste…. The name of it is....
Job N Profesie, ocupatie, profession; occupation
/dʒɑ ːb/
Like / laɪk/ prep Asemanator, asemenea, similar, similar to somebody/something
Line /laɪn/ n Linie, dunga, cuta a thin mark
Little adj Mic, putin, small
mathematics n Matematica, study of numbers, symbols, and shapes
/ˌmæθə ˈmætɪks/
Mistake /mɪˈsteɪk/ n Greseala, eroare, a wrong, thought, act, etc.; error
Narrow adj Ingust, strâmt (d. un cerc de prieteni, etc.) not wide; slender
/ˈnærə ʊ /
Opposite adv Opus, invers, contrar, entirely different, exactly contrary
/ˈɑ ːpə zɪt/
Other adj Alt, altfel, altul, remaining one; different one; additional one
/ˈʌðə r/
Rectangle n Dreptunchi, parallelogram with right angles
/ˈrektæŋɡ l/
Round /raʊ nd/ adj Rotund, shaped like a circle
Shape /ʃeɪp/ n Forma, imagine,figura (geometrica) form
Side /saɪd/ n latură (a unui unghi, poligon,etc.)margine(a unei pagini) bounding line of geometric figure
Slow adj Incet, not fast; moving at less than usual speed
/slə ʊ /
Square /skwer/ n Patrat, equilateral rectangle
Strong /strɔːŋ/ adj Puternic,tare not easily changed; having power
Triangle n Triunghi, figure with three sides and three angles
/ˈtraɪæŋɡ l/
Weak /wiːk/ adj Fara putere, slab, lipsit de vlaga, lacking physical strength
What do/does/did...look like? expr Cum arata? Descrie trasaturile fizice. describe (its) appearance
What is/are...called? expr Cum se numeste ? care e numele lui? request to name an
What is/ expr Cum este ea/el? Ce fel de persoana e? Descrie caracterul describe what it is similar to
Wide adj Lat, larg, vast not narrow; broad

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Add /æd/ v A aduna,a adauga to combine to form a sum
Any pron Ceva, niste, orice, some/one/thing/person
Both pron Ambii, the two together
/bə ʊ θ/
Bottom n Baza, temelie,parte de jos, fund (de mare, de navă ) lowest part/place; opposite of top
/ˈbɑ ːtə m/
Center n Centru, the middle part or point of something
/ˈsentə r/
Circumference/sə rˈkʌmfə rə n n Circumferinta, the distance around a circle
Count v A Numara, a lua in considerare, a se baza pe… to name the numbers in order, one by one or in groups; total
/kaʊ nt/
Curved /kɜːrvd/ adj Indoit, incovoiat, curbat, strimb bent, not straight
Diameter n Diametru, a straight line passing through the center of a circle
/daɪˈæmɪtə r/
Each /iːtʃ/ adj fiecare (luat în parte), every single one (of two or more) separately
Easy /ˈiːzi/ adj Usor, facil, not difficult
Equal v A egala, to be the same in size, number, rank, etc.
/ˈiːkwə l/
Error n Eroare, greseala, mistake; something done wrong
/ˈerə r/
Explain v A explica, a clarifica, to give the meaning of something; to make clear
Explanation n Explicatie, clarificare, something that explains/makes clear
/ˌeksplə ˈneɪʃn/
Half/halves /hæf/ n Jumatate, jumatati, either of two equal parts of something
Hard /hɑ ːrd/ adj Dificil de inteles, difficult to do or understand
Heavy /ˈhevi/ adj Greu ( trage mult la cintar) having great weight
Into prep în (indicând transformarea sau rezultatul), inspre, to the inside of; to the condition/form of
Light adj Usor ( trage putin la cintar) not heavy
Make a mistake Expr A face o greseala, to create/produce an error
More adj Mai mult, additional
Multiplied by /ˈmʌltɪplaɪd expr Inmultit cu , to find the product by multiplication
multiply/ied v A inmulti, a multiplica, to increase
Other pron Alt, altfel, altul, the other one; some other one
/ˈʌðə r/
Plus /plʌs/ prep Semnul plus, in plus added to
Price /praɪs/ n Pret, cost, cost
Problem n Problema, a question proposed for solution
/ˈprɑ ːblə m/
Radius /ˈreɪdiə s/ n rază (a unui cerc), line/ from the center of a circle to the outside edge
Some /sʌm/ pron Ceva,citiva, niste, vreo certain, unspecified quantity/number
Straight /streɪt/ adj Linie dreapta, not crooked or bent
Subtract v A scade, a scadea to take away/deduct
/sə bˈtrækt/
Than c Decit, ca, in comparison to
Top /tɑ ːp/ n Virf, pastea de sus, opposite of bottom; highest part/region
Total n Total, suma, sum; total of addition
/ˈtə ʊ tl/
Understand/understood v A intelege, a pricepe,a deduce, to grasp/perceive the meaning of
/ˌʌndə rˈstænd/
/ˌʌndə rˈstʊ d/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Above prep de mai sus, de innainte,precedent (într-un text, etc.) deasupra, over; higher than
/ə ˈbʌv/
Absent adj Absent, care lipseste, not in class/here/school
/ˈæbsə nt/
Animal n Animal, fiara, living creature having senses and ability to move itself
Around prep Imprejur, de jur imprejur, inpreajma, nu departe so as to encircle
/ə ˈraʊ nd/
Back /bæk/ adj Din spate, din urma of the back/rear
Back /bæk/ n Spate, urma, sfirsit, rear/reverse of something
Backyard n Curte,gradina in spatele casei, area behind the house
/ˌbækˈjɑ ːrd/
Below prep Dedesubt, inferior,de mai jos, dincolo de under; in a lower place/position
/bɪˈlə ʊ /
Bird /bɜːrd/ n Pasare, a creature with wings and feathers which can usually fly
By /baɪ/ p Alaturi de , linga, near/next to
Cat /kæt/ n Pisica, a small feline, house pet
Climb /klaɪm/ v A urca,a se catara,a se ridica to go from a lower to a higher position
Dog n Caine, a canine house pet
/dɔːɡ /
Earth /ɜːrθ/ n Pamant, glob pamantesc, tarana, planet/world we live on
Fence /fens/ n Gard, a wire or wooden wall used to divide two areas of land
Flower n Floare, the beautiful, colored part of a plant which produces seeds
/ˈflaʊ ə r/
Front j In fata, din fata at/near/in/on the part facing forward
Front /frʌnt/ n Parte din fata, the forward part/surface of something; a position ahead
Garage/ɡ əˈrɑ ːʒ//ˈɡ ærɪ n Garaj, a building for cars
Gate n Poarta, intrare, a passage through a fence
/ɡ eɪt/
Grass /ɡ ræs/ n Iarba, green plants with narrow leaves growing in meadows or lawns
Weed /wiːd/ Buruiana,
High j Inalt, point well above the ground
Hill /hɪl/ n Deal,musuroi, urcus, raised part of earth's surface not as high as a mountain
Land /lænd/ n Suprafata de teren, pamant,mosie, sol, solid part of earth's surface; ground/soil
Leaf/leaves /liːf/ n Frunza, flat, thin, green parts of plants
Low adj Nivel mic, redus,slab, decazut, jos, micsorat opposite high
/lə ʊ /
Moon n Luna de pe cer, earth's revolving satellite
Next to / nekst p Aproape, linga, in apropiere, close beside
Over p Deasupra, position above
/ˈə ʊ və r/
Past /pæst/ adj Trecut, gone by, ended
Past /pæst/ n Trecut, an earlier time
Present adj Present, existing in attendance
Present n Present, acum la moment, current, actual existing/happening now; right now
Rear /rɪr/ j In spate in back of; in the back
Rear /rɪr/ n Spate, not front; position at the back
River n Riu, natural flowing stream of water
/ˈrɪvə r/
Roof n Acoperis, outside top covering of a building
Run/ran /rʌn/ v A fugi, to move swiftly
Star /stɑ ːr/ n Stea, any luminous heavenly body
World n Lumea, univers, pamant, earth
Yard n Curte, ograda, the ground around/next to house/building
/jɑ ːrd/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Armchair n Fotoliu, a chair with supports for the arms
/ˈɑ ːrmtʃer/
Bookcase /ˈbʊ kkeɪs/ n Dulap pentru carti, biblioteca piece of furniture with shelves used for storing books
Blind /blaɪnd/ n Jaluzea, a covering for a window, (open,pull up/down, raise)
Cabinet n Servant, dulap a piece of furniture with shelves used for storing things
/ˈkæbɪnə t/
Can opener /kæn n deschiză toare (pt. conserve), tirbuson, device used for opening cans
ˈə ʊ pə nə r/
Carpet n Covor, a rug which usually covers large areas, i.e., floors, stairs
/ˈkɑ ːrpɪt/
Ceiling /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ n Plafon, tavan, the interior upper surface of a room
Coffee table /ˈkɔːfi n Masuta de reviste, a small low table, usually in front of a sofa
Couch n Canapea, a piece of furniture used for sitting/ sleeping; sofa
/kaʊ tʃ/
Curtain n Perdea, draperie, a piece of cloth used to cover a window/door
Drapes /dreɪps/ n Draperii, heavy curtains
Drawer /drɔːr/ n Sertar, a sliding box like container with an open top
End table /ˈend teɪbl/ n Masa mica linga canapea, small table usually next to a sofa
Fan /fæn/ n Ventilator, a cooling device, especially electric
Faucet /ˈfɔːsɪt/ n Robinet, device for controlling the flow of water
Floor /flɔːr/ n Podea, dusumea, the surface you stand on when indoors
Furniture n Mobile, things in a room which equip it for living
/ˈfɜːrnɪtʃə r/
Keep /kiːp/ v A pastra,a tine, to store
Kitchen n Bucatarie, place/room for cooking/food preparation
Lamp /læmp/ n Lampa, felinar, light producing device
lay/laid (down) /leɪ/ leɪd/ v A pune, a aranja,a pozitiona, a se aseza in pozitie to put/place
Living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ n Camera de zi, room in a home with furniture for socializing
Often a Frecvent, deseori, frequently
Outlet n Prize electrica, electrical socket to plug in appliances
/ˈaʊ tlet/
Pan /pæn/ n Tigaie, broad, shallow container for cooking
Plug n Stift, electrical device with prongs for connection to an outlet
/plʌɡ /
plug in /ˈplʌɡ v A conecta, a anclasa, to insert a plug into an electrical outlet
Pot /pɑ ːt/ n Cratita, round container for cooking
Pretty adj Frumos, simpatic, dragut, attractive; appealing
Refrigerator n Frigider, appliance for keeping food cold
/rɪˈfrɪdʒə reɪtə r/
Rug /rʌɡ / n Covoras, tol, thick fabric used as floor covering
Seldom adv Rar, uneori, rarely; infrequently
/ˈseldə m/
window shade/ˈwɪndə ʊ expr Jaluzele a covering for a window, (open,pull up/down, raise)
Shelf/shelves /ʃelf/ /ʃelvz/ n Raft, rafturi, a flat, long, narrow board placed along a wall or in a frame
Sink /sɪŋk/ n Chiuveta, a basin
Sofa n Canapea, divan, a comfortable seat wide enough for two/three people to sit
/ˈsə ʊ fə / o
Stove n Aragaz, kitchen device for cooking
/stə ʊ v/
Ugly adj Urit,antipatic,neplacut, not pretty; unpleasant to see
/ˈʌɡ li/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
be going to m a fi pe cale să (adesea înlocuieşte viitorul) will
Good/better/best adj Bun, mai bun decit, cel mai bun comparative/ superlative of good

Block n Corp de case, cvartal, bloc, distance between two cross streets
Celsius n Celsius, Centigrade; scale for measuring temperature
centigrade n Centrigrad, a scale of temperature
comma n Virgula, punctuation mark (,)
corner n Colt,ungher, the place where two streets meet
degree(s) n Grade, a measurement of temperature
direction(s) n Directie, sens, the point to which something faces; north, east, south, west
/də ˈrekʃn/ /daɪˈrekʃn/
Directions n Indrumare, orientare a set of instructions
east a/j/n Est, la/spre est, partea de est, towards the east, the direction in which the sun rises
exclamation mark n Semnul exclamarii, punctuation mark (!)
Fahrenheit (F) n (termometru) Fahrenheit, a scale of temperature
Fall/fell (down) v A cadea, a se darima, a se surpa, to lose your balance, especially suddenly
Follow v A urma, a merge in urma cuiva, to listen to carefully, to understand clearly
for (time) p Pe durata, in timpul used to indicate amount/extent/ duration
freeze/froze/frozen v A ingheta, to (cause to) harden into/become covered with ice
Ground n Sol, pamant, teritoriu, soil, earth; the surface of the earth
grow/grew v A creste, a se mari, a cultiva to increase in size; to allow to grow (plants)
highway n Sosea nationala, autostrada, broad main road used especially to go from one town to
How do/can I get to...? expr Cum ajung la… used when asking for directions
Ice n Gheata, water frozen solid by cold
Land v A ateriza, to come to earth
Mile n Mila, 5,280 feet; unit of measurement
north a/j/n Nord, in/spre/la nord, to, toward, in the north; direction to the right when facing
Of p at a distance from
park n Parc, recreation area
quotation marks n Ghilimele, punctuation marks ("...")
Road n Strada, sosea, drum, along which wheeled vehicles can travel
/rə ʊ d/
south a/j/n Sud, la /spre/in sud, to, toward, in the south;direction to the left when facing sunset
straight (ahead) j Inainte, direct inainte, forward; the way you are facing
take (a right/a left) e Ia-o la stinga/dreapta to go (to) a street)
take/took off v A decola, to depart
temperature n Temperature, warmth or coolness of environment
thermometer n Termometru, temperature measuring device
west a/j/n Vest, la/spre/in vest, to, towards, facing west; one of four main points on compass, left of north
Bad,worse/worst j Rau, mai rau decit, cel mai rau comparative/superlative of bad

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Beautiful adj Frumooasa, frumos, minunat, very pretty
Difficult adj Dificil, greu, not easy, hard; tough
/ˈdɪfɪkə lt/
Exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ adj Captivant, palpitant, excitant, (something) that excites
Exercise /ˈeksə rsaɪz/ n Exercitiu,exersare, antrenament, use of any part of the body or mind to strengthen/improve it
Exercise /ˈeksə rsaɪz/ v A exersa, a se antrena, to (cause to) get exercise
Forget/forgot to v a nu-şi (mai) aminti, a uita, a scapa din vedere, to fail to remember
/fə rˈɡ et/
Free time /friː taɪm/ expr Timp liber, unoccupied time ()
Fun n Distractie, veselie, amuzament, pleasure; something done for pleasure, amusement
Get in shape /ɡ et ɪn ʃeɪp/ expr A se pune/reveni in forma (fizica buna) to become physically fit
Gymnasium (gym) n Sala de sport, large room used for indoor sports
/dʒɪmˈneɪziə m/
Have a good time Expr A se distra/ a petrece bine, de minune, enjoy oneself
Have fun expr A se distra, a se amuza, have a good time
Healthy adj Sanatos, rezistent, in good health
Hers /hɜːrz/ Pron A ei, ale ei possessive form of she
His /hɪz/ Pron a/ale lui possessive form of he
Hit/hit /hɪt/ v A lovi,a tinti, to give a blow to; strike
Important adj Important, has much significance/value
In (good) shape /ʃeɪp/ e Cu o conditie fizica buna, in good physical condition
Interesting j Interesant, arousing or holding one's attention
/ˈɪntrə stɪŋ/
Its /ɪts/ j possessive
Mine /maɪn/ r a/ale mele, possessive form of I
Miss /mɪs/ v A rata, a scapa trenul,a pierde, not hit
Ours r a/ale noaste possessive form of we
/ˈaʊ ə rz/
Out of shape /aʊ t ə v ʃeɪp e A nu fi in forma fizica buna, not physically fit
Push-up /ˈpʊ ʃ n Flotare, an exercise performed lying face down, raising/lowering
ʌp/ body with arms
Remember (to)/rɪˈmembə r/ v a-si adduce aminte,a tine minte, a-si aminti, to take care not to forget
Shut/shut v A inchide (usa, geam) to close
Sit-up /ˈsɪt n Abdomene, ridicarea trunchiului. athletic exercise; physical training

Terrific j Remarcabil, minunat, frumos, unusually fine; great
/tə ˈrɪfɪk/
Theirs /ðerz/ r a/ale lor possession; belongs to them
try/tried (to) /traɪ/ v A incerca, to attempt
Watch n Ceas de mana, a small clock worn on the wrist or carried in a pocket
/wɑ ːtʃ/
Work out v A face sport, exercitii to exercise
/ˈwɜːrkaʊ t/
Workout n Exercitii , sport in sala, session of physical exercise/hard work
/ˈwɜːrkaʊ t/

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Busy j ocupat (d. telefon), ocupat (cu), plin, in use, as a telephone line
/ˈbɪzi/ incarcat(despre o zi), aglomerat,
Call /kɔːl/ n Sunet(telefon) a phone conversation
call up /kɔːl v A telefona, to telephone
Change n Maruntis, rest, money returned when the amount given is more than enough
Cheap /tʃiːp/ j Ieftin, inexpensive; low in price
Coin /kɔɪn/ n Ban, moneda, a flat, round piece of metal money
Conversation n Conversatie, convorbire, informal talk between/ among people
/ˌkɑ ːnvə rˈseɪʃn/
Deposit v A depune(bani) to place money in pay phone
/dɪˈpɑ ːzɪt/
Expensive /ɪkˈspensɪv/ j Scump, costing a lot of money
Factory n Fabrica, uzina, a building where things are made, usually by machine
/ˈfæktə ri/
Find/ found /faɪnd/ v A gasi, a descoperi, to discover by looking for
/faʊ nd/
Hang/hung up v A finaliza o convorbire Telefonica, a inchide end a phone conversation
/hæŋ/ /hʌŋ/ convorbirea,
Just /dʒʌst/ a Doar, only
Just a minute e O minuta doar! wait a minute
kind [kind(s) of] n Un fel de, type [type(s) of]

Least /liːst/ j Cel mai putin/mic, superlative of less
less/least /les/ /liːst/ j Mai putin decit, cel mai putin, to a smaller degree (than)/to the smallest amount
Line (phone) /laɪn/ n linie (de telegraf, telefon, etc.), wire for phone
Local (call) j Sunet local (fara taxe suplimentare) a call for which there is no additional cost
/ˈlə ʊ kl/
Long distance cal j Sunet de lunga durata (cu taxe suplimetare) a call for which there is an additional cost
Make (phone call) v A da un sunet, a telefona, to call someone on phone
May m A fi posibil/probabil possibility
Might /maɪt/ m A fi posibil/probabil, possibility
More /most /mɔːr/ a Mai mult, cel mai mult to a greater/greatest degree
/mə ʊ st/
Operator n Operator telefonic, a person who works a telephone switchboard
/ˈɑ ːpə reɪtə r/
Page /peɪdʒ/ n Pagina, paper which comprises a book, magazine
pay phone /ˈpeɪ n Telefon public, coin-operated public phone
fə ʊ n/
pay/paid /peɪ/ v A plati, to give (money) to (someone) in return for goods bought
Person n Persoana, human being, especially somebody unknown or unnamed
person-to-person e operator assisted (call)
public phone /ˈpʌblɪk n Telefon public, pay phone
fə ʊ n /
Slot /slɑ ːt/ n Deschiratura, orificiu, narrow opening for a coin
station-to-station e usually a non-operator assisted call
Whom r Cui? Pe cine? Pe care? alternate form of who

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
...(minutes) past/after expr 10 minute dupa/trecut de ….. indicates time after/or to/til the hour
...(minutes) till (hour) expr 10 minute pina la ….. indicates time before the hour
...(minutes) to (hour) expr 10 minute pina la …. indicates time before the hour
a quarter past/after expr Un sfert trecut de …. 15 minutes after the (hour)
/ˈkwɔːrtə r/
a quarter to/till (hour) expr Un sfert pina la…. 15 minutes before the hour

Apartment/flat n Apartament, a set of rooms (usually bedroom, kitchen, bath) where
/ə ˈpɑ ːrtmə nt/ person lives
Basement /ˈbeɪsmə nt/ n Subsol, demisol, a room/rooms below street level; cellar
Be back /biː bæk/ v A se intorce, to return
Bedroom n Dormitor, a room for sleeping
Bell /bel/ n Clopot, sunerie, a metal device which rings
Call back /kɔːl bæk/ v A suna inapoi, to return a telephone call; to call again
Deposit n bani depuşi (în bancă ), a partial payment
/dɪˈpɑ ːzɪt/
Dining room /ˈdaɪnɪŋ n Sufragerie, room used for meals
For rent /fɔːr rent/ expr Pentru chirie, se da in chire, available to be rented
From p Din, de la shows starting time
Garden n Gradina, a piece of land where flowers and vegetables are grown
/ˈɡ ɑ ːrdn/
Half past (hour) expr 30 minute dupa ora 5 30 minutes after
Hold the line/hə ʊ ld ðə laɪn Expr A stepta la telefon, to wait on the telephone
Hold/held v to keep in one's grasp
/hə ʊ ld/held/
Hold/held (on) v A astepta(la telefon) wait on the phone
/hə ʊ ld/held/
Leave a message expr A lasa/transmite un mesaj, give information
Look for /lʊ k v A cauta, to search
Manage v A gestiona, a conduce,a supraveghea, supervise; control behavior of; oversee
Manager n Administrator, coordinator, supervisor
/ˈmænɪdʒə r/
Message n Mesaj, spoken or written information passed from one person to
/ˈmesɪdʒ/ another
Moment n Moment, clipa, very short period of time
/ˈmə ʊ mə nt/
Past/after (hour) p Trecut, dupa, after
Rent /rent/ n Chirie, dare cu chirie, payment for use of things
Rent /rent/ v A da in chirie, a inchiria, to lease
Residence /ˈrezɪdə ns/ n Domiciliu, resedinta, place where one lives
Return a call /rɪˈtɜːrn ə kɔːl/ expr A telefona inapoi, to call (someone) back
Ring/rang /rɪŋ/ v A suna (clopotul, telefonul) to sound (of a bell, telephone, etc.)
Take a message expr A lua/scrie un mesajpentru –al transmite to write/give a message to another person
/teɪk ə cuiva,

Tell/told /tel / v A spune, to express in words
tə ʊ ld/
That /ðæt/ c used to introduce a noun clause
Till /tɪl/ Prep Pina la, until
To (time) /tə / prep Pina la, before
Until Prep Pina la, up to the time of
/ə nˈtɪl/
Wait (for) /weɪt/ v A astepta, to stay until something expected occurs

Word Class Translation Definition/ Explanation
Account n Cont,(bancar) a business arrangement involving credit or the exchange of
/ə ˈkaʊ nt/ money
Bill /bɪl/ n Bancnota, paper money
Bitter adj Amar, having a sharp unpleasant taste; cynical
/ˈbɪtə r/
Card n Card,(bancar) flat, stiff piece of paper
/kɑ ːrd/
Cash /kæʃ/ n Bani în bancnote, coins/paper money; money paid at time of purchase
Checkbook n Carnet cu cecuri, a book of forms for writing checks
/ˈtʃekbʊ k/
Checking account n cont curent (bancar) bank account from which money can be taken out by check
/ˈtʃekɪŋ ə kaʊ nt/
Close an account expr A închide contul to end/withdraw all money from the account
Complete /kə mˈpliːt/ v a finisa, a incheia, to finish
Deposit n Depozit bancar money put in a bank account
/dɪˈpɑ ːzɪt/
Deposit v A depozita bani to place money in a bank account
/dɪˈpɑ ːzɪt/
Feel/felt /fiːl/ v A pă rea, a simţi to experience by touching or being/seeming to be
Fill out /fɪl v A completa/scrie un formular to complete (a form) thinking
aʊ t/
Form /fɔːrm/ n Formular, document which requests information
hide/hid v A ascunde, a se ascunde to conceal; conceal oneself
Immediately a Imediat, at once
/ɪˈmiːdiə tli/
Information n Informaţie, date, noutati, facts; news/knowledge
/ˌɪnfə rˈmeɪʃn/
Lemon n Lă mîie, a fruit; flavor
/ˈlemə n/
Look /lʊ k/ v A pă rea, a arata, to seem; appear
Lose/lost /luːz/ /lɔːst/ v A pierde, a se pierde, to fail to keep; can't find
Open an account e A deschide un cont bancar deposit money for first time in bank account
Passport /ˈpæspɔːrt/ n Paşaport, a government document of identity
Right away /raɪt/ ə ˈweɪ/ e Imediat, at once; without delay
Right here /raɪt hɪr/ e Aici, exactly in this place
Safe /seɪf/ j fă ră pericol, în siguranţă secure; free from danger
Salty j Să rat, containing or tasting of salt
Save /seɪv/ v A salva, to keep for future use
Savings account n Cont bancar de economii, a bank account that draws interest
/ˈseɪvɪŋz ə kaʊ nt/
Signature n Semnă tură , a person's name written by him/herself
/ˈsɪɡ nə tʃə r/
Slip /slɪp/ n Bucată mică de hîrtie,fisa, a small piece of paper
Smell /smel/ v Miros, to have an odor
Soon /suːn/ a Curînd, degraba, in scurt timp, in a short time; quickly
Sound /saʊ nd/ lv Sunet, to seem when heard
Sour j Acru, having acid taste; distasteful/ unpleasant
/ˈsaʊ ə r/
spend/spent /spend//spent/ v A cheltui, to give out as payment
Sweet /swiːt/ j Dulce, having a sugary flavor
Take/took /teɪk/ v A lua, to carry along
/tʊ k/
take/took out (of) v A scoate, to remove
Taste /teɪst/ v Gust, to have specific flavor
Wallet n Portmoneu, billfold
/ˈwɑ ːlɪt/
withdraw/withdrew v a scoate (bani de la bancă , etc.), a retrage, to take out
Withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːə l/ n Retragere de bani, money withdrawn

accident n accident a mishap; an unintended happening
across p parte opusă opposite
at fault j vinovat deserving blame
auto ab auto automobile, car
automobile n automobil auto/car
behind p după in back of
bicycle n bicicletă two-wheeled vehicle ridden by pushing pedals
with the feet
bike ab bicicletă bicycle
bother v a deranja to annoy or cause trouble in little ways
break/broke v a strica to come apart or separate into pieces; violate
the law
buckle (up) v a strînge (centura) to secure/fasten a belt, especially a seat belt
careful j atent using care to avoid danger
careless j neatent not taking care
cause n cauză something that produces an effect
cause v a căuza to make something happen
cross v a trece (strada) to go/extend across
curve n curbă sharp bend in the road
dark j întuneric little/no light or brightness
dent n adâncitură small hollow place on the surface of something
caused by a blow
different from e diferit not the same as; unlike
face v a întoarce cu faţa to turn toward, to turn in the direction of
înspre ceva, cineva
fasten v a strînge to attach; to make secure
fault n greşeală, defect defect; mistake
fine n amendă money paid as punishment
happen v a se întîmpla to occur, to take place
heavy traffic e ambutiaj a lot of cars on the road
in back of a după behind
in front of a în faţa toward/outside front of
insurance n contract de asigurare a contract giving protection against loss
keep/kept v a continua, a menţine to continue/maintain in action/conduct
law n lege all/any rules made by government
left a stîng opposite right
light a uşor with little weight
light j lumină not dark
light n lampă electrică electric lamp
obey v a te supune, subordona to carry out orders
place n locul location
pole n pol a long, thin stick/post
police/police n poliţie, ofiţer de dept. which enforces law; member of police
officer poliţie force
ride/rode v a călări, a merge pe to be carried/conveyed
rider n persoana ce călăreşte one who rides
right a drept opposite left
run/ran v a fugi to pass through (e.g., red light)
seat belt n centură de siguranţă a safety strap/harness
similar (to) e similar, acelaşi alike, though not identical
stop n oprire, stop the act of stopping
the same as e identic identical
ticket n bilet paper showing fine for breaking driving rules
traffic n trafic movement/of cars/trucks/people in street
traffic jam e ambutiaj a lot of cars, usually moving very slowly


a little white lie e 9 3 menţire intenţionată a diplomatic well- intentioned untruth

advice n 9 3 opinie counsel; opinion given by one person to another
anyone r 9 3 oricare any person; anybody
badly a 9 3 rău, inadmesibil in a bad manner; not acceptable
borrow v 9 3 a lua cu împrumutul to take something from someone with the
intention of returning it
care (about) v 9 3 a avea grijă to be concerned about/interested in
care for v 9 3 a plăcea to like
carefully a 9 3 atent using care
carelessly a 9 3 indiferent, neatent without concern; indifferently
correctly a 9 3 corect, drept right; properly
easily a 9 3 uşor without difficulty
enjoy v 9 3 a savura, a avea to get pleasure or happiness from
excited j 9 3 excitat full of strong, pleasant feelings
fast a 9 3 repede quickly
feelings n 9 3 emoţii emotions; sensations of love, hate, etc.
fix v 9 3 a repara to repair
friendship n 9 3 prietenie the state of being friends
garage n 9 3 garaj place for auto repair
go out e 9 3 a părăsi to leave the house, especially for fun
guess v 9 3 a crede, a presupune to believe, suppose
how a 9 3 cum (maneră) manner
hurt (someone's) e 9 3 a răni (sentimentele) to offend (someone)
feelings a ofensa
hurt/hurt v 9 3 a răni, a produce to cause pain, injury, distress
in my opinion e 9 3 după părerea mea I think/believe
lend/lent v 9 3 a da cu împrumutul to let another use/have it temporarily
lie n 9 3 minciună falsehood
lie/lied v 9 3 a minţi to tell a falsehood
-ly af 9 3 adj + ly = adv adj + -ly = adv
maybe a 9 3 probabil perhaps
not care for v 9 3 a nu plăcea pe not to like (something/someone)
cineva, ceva
opinion n 9 3 opinie belief not based on certainty
park v 9 3 a parca (auto) to leave (a vehicle)
party n 9 3 petrecere a social get-together
repair v 9 3 a repara to fix
roommate n 9 3 coleg de cameră a person with whom one shares a room
safely a 9 3 în siguranţă in a safe way
secret n 9 3 secret something hidden
should m 9 3 trebuie advice; obligation
should not m 9 3 nu ar trebui negative of should
shouldn't t 9 3 nu ar trebui should + not
slowly a 9 3 încet not quickly
someone r 9 3 cineva an indefinite person
story n 9 3 povestire, istorie a tale; description of an event
tell (somebody) a e 9 3 a minţi to tell a falsehood
tell (somebody) a e 9 3 a divulga un secret to relate something unknown to others
tell (somebody) a e 9 3 a povesti o (poveste, to relate a tale
story istorie)
tell (somebody) e 9 3 a zice cît este to inform (somebody) of the hour
the time timpul
tell (somebody) e 9 3 a zice adevărul to relate a fact
the truth
tool n 9 3 instrument an instrument used to do a special job
truth n 9 3 adevăr fact


alarm clock n 9 4 deşteptător a clock that can be set to make noise at a

desired time
almost a 9 4 aproape, cît pe ce nearly but not quite
apologize (for/to) v 9 4 a cere scuze express regrets for fault/insult
baggage n 9 4 bagaj luggage; suitcases, etc., carried by traveler
bath n 9 4 baie act of washing your body usually in a tub; a
room with a bathtub
bathe v 9 4 a face baie to take a bath
bathtub n 9 4 cadă de baie a tub used for bathing
bill n 9 4 bon de plată a statement of charges
blanket n 9 4 plapumă a covering used on a bed; a covering of any
closet n 9 4 cameră mică (pentru small room/cupboard for clothes/supplies
haine, instrumente)
empty j 9 4 gol, nimic înăuntru having nothing/nobody in it
end n 9 4 sfîrşit conclusion; the point where something stops
fill (up) v 9 4 a umple to make/become completely full
forgive/forgave v 9 4 a ierta to be/say you're no longer angry about
full j 9 4 plin filled to capacity
gas station n 9 4 staţie de alimentare a service/filling station
gas/gasoline n 9 4 combustibil liquid obtained from petroleum used for
powering engines in cars, airplanes, etc.
gauge n 9 4 ecartament an instrument for measuring amount, size, etc.
hang/hung (up) v 9 4 a agăţa to put on a hook or hanger

hanger n 9 4 pe care se agaţă clothes-hanging device
hard j 9 4 tare not soft
hope (to) v 9 4 a spera to want/expect
ladies' room n 9 4 viceu pentru doamne restroom
lady n 9 4 doamnă, femeie woman/female
laundry n 9 4 haine murdare dirty clothes
mean/meant (to) v 9 4 înseamnă to intend to convey/indicate
men's room n 9 4 viceu pentru bărbaţi short for men's restroom
motel n 9 4 motel, hotel mic motor hotel
lîngă carosabil
pillow n 9 4 pernă a cushion used to support the head while
pleased j 9 4 satisfăcut, bucuros happy, satisfied
ready j 9 4 gata, pregătit prepared; willing
realize v 9 4 a realiza to become aware
really a 9 4 întradevăr actually; in fact; very
restroom n 9 4 viceu public bathroom
run/ran out of v 9 4 a folosi to use up
sheet n 9 4 prostire covering used on a bed
so a 9 4 atît de to such an extent
soft j 9 4 moale opposite hard; giving way easily under pressure
sorry j 9 4 scuze feeling regret/pity
spill v 9 4 a vărsa (accidental) to pour out accidentally
step (on) v 9 4 a păşi to move by alternately lifting feet up and
down; put weight on something
take a bath e 9 4 a face baie to bathe oneself
tank n 9 4 container container
worried (about) j 9 4 grijă pentru concerned about; anxious about
worry v 9 4 a face grijă to be concerned; to be anxious


after c 10 1 după following the time when

another j 10 1 încă unul one more (of the same kind)
another r 10 1 altul one additional; one more of the same kind
be supposed to m 10 1 a trebui să to be expected to

before c 10 1 înainte de earlier than the time that
candy bar n 10 1 batonaş de ciocolată a solid confection of chocolate, nuts, sugar,
chip n 10 1 cips, cartofi prăjite a type of snack food
tăiate mărunt
coin e 10 1 buton de întoarcere a lever/button which activates a machine to
return/release monedei return coins
cream n 10 1 cremă fatty part of milk which rises to the top of a
detergent n 10 1 detergent a chemical substance used for cleaning clothes
or dishes
diet drink e 10 1 apă dulce artificially sweetened soft drink
dispense v 10 1 a distribui to give out; to distribute
drop v 10 1 a scăpa, a arunca to fall; let/make fall
everywhere a 10 1 oriunde in every place
exact j 10 1 corect, precis correct; precise
exactly a 10 1 exact precisely; with complete accuracy
favorite j 10 1 favorit being liked better than another person/thing
finally a 10 1 în sfîrşit at last
find out/found out v 10 1 a descoperi to learn about something; to discover a fact
that was hidden
for p 10 1 pentru purpose
get/got back v 10 1 a primi to receive
gum/chewing gum n 10 1 gumă de mestecat a sweet substance for chewing
insert v 10 1 a introduce to put something into something else
knob n 10 1 mîner rotund small, round handle
last a 10 1 ultimul at the end; conclusively
last/lastly a 10 1 după toate, în after everything else; in the end
lift v 10 1 a ridica to raise
machine n 10 1 maşină de lucru man-made apparatus using power to do work
no a 10 1 nu (tot) not at all
no j 10 1 nu (fiecare) not any
nut n 10 1 nucă food
opening n 10 1 dispărţitură a hole, a slot
operate v 10 1 a opera, a controla to run/control
out (of) p 10 1 în afară away from
out of a 10 1 fără de having no; don't have any
out of order e 10 1 nu lucrează not working
popular j 10 1 popular well-liked; sought after
selection n 10 1 alegere, selecţie a choice
soda/soda pop n 10 1 apă dulce carbogazată sweet-flavored carbonated drink
soft drink n 10 1 apă dulce soda/soda pop
stick/stuck j 10 1 to become fixed or obstructed; adhere to

stuck j 10 1 fixed in place; fixed by sticky material
teach/taught v 10 1 a învăţa to impart knowledge
time n 10 1 timp occasion
tray n 10 1 tava a flat object for holding/ arraying
until c 10 1 pînă cînd up to the time
vending machine n 10 1 maşină de vînzare coin-operated machine used for selling food
washing machine n 10 1 maşină de spălat a machine used for washing clothes
when c 10 1 cînd at the time that
while c 10 1 în timp ce during the time that
work v 10 1 a lucra to function


adult n 10 2 matur, adult a grown person, usually over 18 or 21 years

afraid (of) j 10 2 speriat frightened (of); full of fear (of)
alone a 10 2 singur without any other person; only
cafeteria n 10 2 cafetărie restaurant where people serve themselves
clothing store n 10 2 magazin de haine store that sells clothes
decide (to) v 10 2 a decide to make up one's mind; to make a choice
department store n 10 2 magazin universal retail business selling a variety of
down a 10 2 jos from a higher place to a lower place
down p 10 2 în jos to or in a lower place
downstairs a 10 2 jos pe scări to or on a lower floor
downstairs j 10 2 cu un etaj mai jos on a lower floor
escalator n 10 2 escalator, scări a set of moving stairs
everybody r 10 2 fiecare (persoană) every person
everyone r 10 2 fiecare (în parte) everybody; every person
floor n 10 2 etaj level/story
go shopping e 10 2 a pleca după go to store to examine purchase something
Have you met e 10 2 îl cunoaşteţi? laţi Have you been introduced?
(noun/pro întilnit? aţi făcut
noun/proper noun) cunoştinţă cu?
How do you do? e 10 2 ce mai faci? greeting used when meeting someone for the
first time
I'd like you to e 10 2 aş vrea să-ţi fac I'd like you to know (), used with
meet (somebody) cunoştinţă cu... introductions
introduce v 10 2 a face introducere de to make known by name for the first time to
sine each other
introduction n 10 2 introducere an occasion of telling people each other's
It's a pleasure e 10 2 îmi pare bine să (vă It's a joy to know you/meet you.
to.... cunosc)
Let me introduce… e 10 2 permiteţi să mă allow me to introduce…
let/let v 10 2 a permite to give permission, allow
mall n 10 2 centru comercial a shopping center
neighbor n 10 2 vecin one who lives near another
parking lot n 10 2 locul de parcare place where vehicles can be parked
polite j 10 2 politicos having/showing good manners
politely a 10 2 politicos showing good manners
receive v 10 2 a lua, a obţine to get
rule n 10 2 regulă custom; regulation
shake/shook v 10 2 a scutura to cause to move; clasp hands
shop n 10 2 magazin store
shop v 10 2 a cumpăra to visit stores to buy goods; buy goods
shopping center n 10 2 centru comercial a group of retail stores in one large building
stairs n 10 2 scări series of steps
supper n 10 2 cina a light meal served in the evening
up a 10 2 în sus from a lower to a higher level
up p 10 2 sus to a higher place
upstairs a 10 2 sus pe scări to the upper floor of a building
upstairs j 10 2 cu un etaj mai sus on the upper floor of a building
variety store n 10 2 magazin universal retail store that sells different kinds of
write/wrote down v 10 2 a scrie to put words on paper


air n 10 3 aer mixture of gases surrounding earth; that which

we breathe
can m 10 3 a putea polite request
can't m 10 3 a nu putea polite response
certainly a 10 3 sigur of course
common j 10 3 simplu, comun usual; found often and in many places
could m 10 3 a putut polite request
cover n 10 3 adăpost a lid, top, etc.; a shelter
cover v 10 3 a adăposti to place something on/over; to hide, protect
do e 10 3 a face to help or do some thing nice for somebody, a
enough j 10 3 destul a sufficient amount
enough r 10 3 suficient sufficient; as much/many as is necessary
extra j 10 3 adiţional, extra additional
flat j 10 3 spart, dezumflat smooth, not contoured; deflated
hand out v 10 3 a transmite to pass out
hubcap n 10 3 capac butuc metal cover over center of wheel
hurry (up) v 10 3 a grăbi move fast
in a hurry e 10 3 în grabă without delay
inflate v 10 3 a umfla to fill with air or gas
jack n 10 3 cric a tool for lifting a car
jack up v 10 3 a ridica to lift
keep lv 10 3 a rămîne, a păstra to remain
key n 10 3 cheie unlocking device
loose j 10 3 larg not restrained
loosen v 10 3 a slăbi to make less tight; to untighten
lower v 10 3 mai mic, mai jos (în to be below in position, rank
grad, poziţie)
lug n 10 3 piuliţă nut; kind of fastener
mind v 10 3 a refuza to object to
nut n 10 3 securing device
of course e 10 3 sigur certainly
pass (out) v 10 3 a transmite to give to someone else
quick j 10 3 repede prompt; without delay
quickly a 10 3 rapid moving fast or rapidly
raise v 10 3 a ridica to lift up
remove v 10 3 a scoate to take off
replace v 10 3 a schimba, a pune to put back
spare j 10 3 în plus extra; kept in reserve
the back (of) e 10 3 partea din spate the rear part of something
the front (of) e 10 3 partea din faţă a place or position before anything
tight j 10 3 strîns not loose
tighten v 10 3 a strînge to make or become tighter
tire n 10 3 anvelopă inflatable rubber tube placed on wheel
trunk n 10 3 port bagaj compartment
wheel n 10 3 roată a circular frame turning on a rod or axle
will m 10 3 voi request/response
would m 10 3 aş request/response
wrench n 10 3 cheie tool used for loosening/tightening lugs/nuts


about a 10 4 despre approximately; a little more or less than

article n 10 4 articol story in a newspaper, magazine, etc.
aunt n 10 4 tanti mother/father's sister; uncle's wife
baby n 10 4 copil infant; a very young child
be able to m 10 4 a fi în stare să to have the ability to do something
boss n 10 4 şef the person in charge
business n 10 4 afacere commercial enterprise (i.e., store, shop)
businessman/woman n 10 4 om/femeie de afacere a person in business
cashier n 10 4 casier person in charge of cash, receipts in
collect v 10 4 a colecta, a acumula to accumulate; to bring/gather together
collection n 10 4 colecţie things collected
company n 10 4 companie business enterprise
cousin n 10 4 verişor the child of one's aunt/uncle
dentist n 10 4 dentist doctor who repairs and takes cares of teeth
driver n 10 4 şofer one who drives a vehicle
famous j 10 4 vestit very well known
far a 10 4 departe a long way; not near
far j 10 4 îndepărtat distant, a long way off; lengthy
folks n 10 4 neamuri relatives; especially parents
from p 10 4 din (loc) place, position
get married e 10 4 căsătorit be joined as husband and wife
grandfather n 10 4 bunel the father of somebody's father/mother
grandmother n 10 4 bunică the mother of somebody's father/mother
grandparent n 10 4 unul din bunei the mother/father of someone's parents
how a 10 4 cum degree/extent
it r 10 4 acesta impersonal
It e 10 4 este nevoie...pentru It
magazine n 10 4 jurnal a periodical with articles/stories/ads/pictures
marriage n 10 4 căsătorie state of being married
married j 10 4 căsătorit having a husband/wife
marry v 10 4 a te căsători to wed/take in marriage
nephew n 10 4 nepot the son of one's sister or brother
news n 10 4 ştiri information reported in a newspaper/ newscast
newspaper n 10 4 ziar a daily/weekly publication reporting
niece n 10 4 nepoţică the daughter of one's brother or sister
occupation n 10 4 lucru, ocupaţia a job
own v 10 4 a avea, a fi posesor to possess
parent n 10 4 părinte mother or father of somebody
pleasant j 10 4 plăcut enjoyable
relative n 10 4 neam, membru a family member
sales n 10 4 vînzător / vînzătoare one who sells goods man/woman
secretary n 10 4 secretar a person employed to handle correspondence
single j 10 4 celibatar not married
take/took v 10 4 este nevoie (timp) to need (distance relative to time)

type v 10 4 a dactilografia to write with a typewriter
uncle n 10 4 unchi the brother of one's mother or father
What (kind of e 10 4 ce (fel de lucru) te request for specific information
work) ocupi?
work n 10 4 lucru job
work on v 10 4 a lucra, a repara to repair
writer n 10 4 scriitor one who writes for a living


ache n 11 1 durere continuă a continuous dull pain

ache v 11 1 a durea to have or suffer continuous dull pain
annual j 11 1 anual happening every year
any longer a 11 1 deacum încolo not now; not anymore
anymore a 11 1 vreodată at the present time
appointment n 11 1 întîlnire programată a meeting at a special time
back n 11 1 spate the part of a person's body opposite the chest
backache n 11 1 durere de spate pain in the back
catch/caught/caugh v 11 1 a prinde to get hold of something to stop motion; to get
t an illness
checkup n 11 1 examinare medicală a general medical exam
chest n 11 1 piept the upper front part of the body enclosing the
heart and lungs
cold n 11 1 răceala an illness of the head, nose, and throat
come/came/come in v 11 1 a veni, a sosi to arrive as expected
connect v 11 1 a conecta to join; to unite two or more things
cough n 11 1 tusa the sound coming from the throat when pushing
air from lungs
cough v 11 1 a tuşi to push air from the lungs suddenly and noisily
dot n 11 1 punct small, round mark
earache n 11 1 durere de ureche pain in inner ear
emergency n 11 1 urgenţă unexpected and dangerous happening which needs
immediate action
examination/exam n 11 1 examinare physical examination by a doctor
fever n 11 1 temperatură ridicată a high temperature (caused by illness)
headache n 11 1 durere de cap pain in the head
horizontal j 11 1 orizontal parallel to the horizon
How about...? e 11 1 cum crezi despre? What do you think about?
in a 11 1 în to the inside; to/at a certain place
inch/inches n 11 1 inci, mărime de measure of length/one twelfth of a foot
make it e 11 1 a reuşi (în timp) to achieve; to be on time
middle n 11 1 centru center
nurse n 11 1 soră medicală person who cares for people in hospital
out a 11 1 afară away from a place; to the outside
pain n 11 1 durere hurt or physical suffering
parallel j 11 1 paralel of straight lines going in same direction which
never meet
patient n 11 1 pacient person who is being treated by a doctor
perpendicular j 11 1 perpendicular vertical; at right angles
physical n 11 1 fizical medical examination
problem n 11 1 problemă trouble
regular j 11 1 regulat consistent/usual
run a temperature e 11 1 creştere de to have a fever
run/ran v 11 1 a curge (apa) to flow
runny j 11 1 curgător inclined to run/flow
see/saw/seen v 11 1 a vedea to visit
since a 11 1 decînd at a time in the past
since p 11 1 în timp ce from a time in the past
sneeze n 11 1 strănut sudden uncontrollable burst of air from nose
and mouth
sneeze v 11 1 a strănuta to blow air involuntarily through the nose
sometime a 11 1 vreodată some uncertain time
still a 11 1 pînă cînd up to and including the present time
stomach n 11 1 stomac bag-like part of body which digests food
stomachache n 11 1 durere de stomac pain in the stomach
symptom n 11 1 simptom indication/sign, usually of a bad condition
temperature n 11 1 temperatură ridicată fever
then a 11 1 atunci at that time
vertical j 11 1 vertical straight up, right angles to a horizontal line


ahead a 11 2 în faţă in front; in advance

anybody r 11 2 oricare any person
become/became lv 11 2 a deveni to come to be
caution n 11 2 atenţie act of paying attention; great care
cautious j 11 2 atent careful; paying attention
cautiously a 11 2 atent carefully
confuse v 11 2 a confuza to cause to be mistaken; to mix up
crossing n 11 2 intersecţie intersection; a place where you can cross
fail (to) v 11 2 a cădea (la examen), to not perform or do; does not produce the
a pierde (joacă) desired result
flash v 11 2 a sclipi to send out sudden light
follow v 11 2 a urma to obey; to go behind
get/got lv 11 2 a lua to become
in advance e 11 2 în creştere ahead of time
instructor n 11 2 instructor teacher
intersection n 11 2 intersecţie place where two or more roads cross
lane n 11 2 bandă rulantă part of road
lost j 11 2 rătăcit unable to find one's way
m.p.h. ab 11 2 mile pe oră rate of speed
mean/meant v 11 2 a însemna to signify
miles per/an hour e 11 2 mile pe oră rate of speed
mind n 11 2 minte attention
nervous j 11 2 nervos uneasy
no one r 11 2 nimeni no person; nobody
nobody r 11 2 nimeni no person
one-way j 11 2 o direcţie moving/allowing movement in one direction
pass v 11 2 a trece to reach and move beyond; to succeed
pedestrian n 11 2 pieton a person who is walking
pull over v 11 2 a opri pe marginea to stop at side of road
railroad n 11 2 linia de tren a track for trains
relaxed j 11 2 relaxat not tense/worried
right of way n 11 2 dreptul de a trece the right of traffic to drive, pass, etc.
before other vehicles
sidewalk n 11 2 drum pentru pietoni path for pedestrians at the side of a street
sign n 11 2 semn a mark/notice set up to give a warning
signal n 11 2 semnal a sign/mark to give a warning
signal v 11 2 a semnala to give a warning
slow down/up v 11 2 a merge mai încet to make/become slower
somebody r 11 2 cineva someone
speed n 11 2 viteză rate of movement
speed limit n 11 2 limit de viteză the fastest speed allowed
speed/sped v 11 2 a accelera to move/cause to move rapidly; increase
steering wheel n 11 2 volan wheel in a car used for guiding it
stop sign n 11 2 semnal de oprire sign that warns cars to stop
that r 11 2 acesta used to refer to a person or thing
turn n 11 2 a întoarce point at which one can change direction
two-way j 11 2 două direcţii moving/allowing movement in both directions
way n 11 2 direcţie direction; manner
which r 11 2 care refers to things only
who r 11 2 cine refers to persons only
yield v 11 2 semn permite trecerea to give way; allow to pass

brake n 11 3 frînă device for slowing or stopping the speed of a
car, truck, etc.
bug n 11 3 insectă any small insect
charge n 11 3 preţ price asked/paid for goods/services
charge v 11 3 a plăti cu cartul to ask as a price; to pay with a credit card
credit n 11 3 credit a way of buying something now and paying at a
later date
credit v 11 3 a intra în credit to enter as credit; to place an amount of money
in an account
dissatisfied j 11 3 ne satisfăcut displeased; not satisfied
engine n 11 3 motor machinery which changes electric power to
exchange v 11 3 schimb to give and receive something in return for
something else
fly n 11 3 muscă a small flying insect with two wings
give/gave back v 11 3 a întoarce to return
grease n 11 3 unsoare lubricant/fat
grease v 11 3 a unge to lubricate
greasy j 11 3 unsuros covered with grease/an oily substance
guarantee n 11 3 garanţie written assurance
guarantee v 11 3 a garanta to give a statement of assurance
hose n 11 3 furtun flexible tube
leak n 11 3 scurgere opening allowing escape of something
leak v 11 3 a scurge to permit something to escape through a hole;
to escape
leaky j 11 3 scurgător allowing water/liquid/ gas to leak out
motor n 11 3 motor machine that gives motion or power
noise n 11 3 gălăgie unwanted/confused sound
noisy j 11 3 gălăgios making a loud noise
oil n 11 3 ulei substance used to make machines run better
oil v 11 3 a turna ulei to put oil on/rub oil onto
oily j 11 3 uleios covered with/ containing oil
on sale e 11 3 reducere offered at a lower price
part n 11 3 segment, o parte partial segment; separable element
refund n 11 3 restituire an amount of money returned
refund v 11 3 a restitui to give money back
sales slip n 11 3 cec receipt given at a store
satisfaction n 11 3 plăcere contentment or pleasure
satisfied j 11 3 satisfăcut pleased
satisfy v 11 3 a satisface to please (someone)
service n 11 3 serviciu work or duty done
stall v 11 3 a se bloca to stop through lack of power (an engine)
too a 11 3 prea more than enough; excessive

tune-up n 11 3 ajustare act of adjusting engine
tune-up v 11 3 a ajusta to adjust an engine
unhappy j 11 3 ne satisfăcut dissatisfied
warm (up) v 11 3 a încălzi to make ready for performance
-y af 11 3 subst. + y = adj. noun + -y = adj


as a matter of e 11 4 în pofida faptului really; actually

boring j 11 4 ne interesant, uninteresting, dull
busy j 11 4 ocupat active; at work
cards n 11 4 cărţi de jucat a set of 52 cards; game played with cards
channel n 11 4 canal (TV/radio) TV/radio frequency band
commercial n 11 4 publicitate advertisement on radio or TV
could m 11 4 a putut ability (in the past)
couldn't t 11 4 nu a putut could not
dish n 11 4 veselă, fel de a particular kind of food
dull j 11 4 ne ascuţit boring; not sharp
entertain v 11 4 a amuza to amuse or interest
entertaining j 11 4 amuzant amusing and interesting
entertainment n 11 4 amuzare the act of amusing people
feel/felt v 11 4 a simţi to think
frequently a 11 4 frecvent happening often
frighten v 11 4 a speria to make afraid; terrify
frightening j 11 4 groaznic terrifying
funny j 11 4 amuzant amusing; causing laughter
great j 11 4 bun; mare, larg good; large
If you ask me,.... e 11 4 după părerea mea In my opinion
impolite j 11 4 ne politicos not polite; rude
impolitely a 11 4 ne politicos, urît rudely
in fact e 11 4 întradevăr really
intend (to) v 11 4 a intenţiona to plan to
laugh (at) v 11 4 a rîde to make sounds with voice showing happiness
loud j 11 4 tare (sunet) strongly audible; noisy
loudly a 11 4 tare (sunet) strongly audible; noisy
love n 11 4 iubire a strong feeling of fondness for a person
love v 11 4 a iubi to have strong feelings for; to care for
plan n 11 4 plan, schemă a scheme
plan (to) v 11 4 a planifica to intend to
program n 11 4 program show; plan; list
prompt j 11 4 fără ezitare acting without delay
promptly a 11 4 repede, fără ezitare quickly
reasonable j 11 4 responsabil fair
reasonably a 11 4 cu responsabilitate fairly
recommend v 11 4 a recomanda to suggest; endorse
rude j 11 4 urît, nepoliticos not polite
rudely a 11 4 urît, nepoliticos not politely
serve v 11 4 a servi to set food before somebody
sharp j 11 4 ascuţit having a fine edge/point; keen
since c 11 4 pînă cînd because
spend/spent v 11 4 a cheltui, a petrece to devote time
terrible j 11 4 foarte rău very bad
terribly a 11 4 foarte very
variety n 11 4 varietate different things; an assortment
wonderful j 11 4 frumos unusually good


be over v 12 1 a fi sfîrşit to end; to be finished

beach n 12 1 plajă sandy shore by the ocean, sea, lake or river
belong(s) to v 12 1 a aparţine to be the property of
blow/blew/blown v 12 1 a sufla to send out a strong current of air
breeze n 12 1 vînt uşuratic a light, gentle wind
calm j 12 1 calm still; not moving; not windy
clear up v 12 1 a lămuri to make or become clear
climate n 12 1 climat the average weather conditions of a place
could use e 12 1 a putea folosi to need
dangerous j 12 1 periculos unsafe; able to cause danger
deep j 12 1 adînc extending far downward; inward/backward
during p 12 1 în timpul all through a length of time; at some moment in
ever a 12 1 oricînd at any time
except p 12 1 cu excepţie but; not including
expect (to) v 12 1 a expecta to think something will happen; to hope
freezing j 12 1 foarte rece very cold; icy
frightened j 12 1 speriat afraid
heat n 12 1 căldură hotness
humid j 12 1 umed damp, moist (weather)
humidity n 12 1 umiditate dampness, especially of air
if c 12 1 dacă in case that; on condition that; whether
last v 12 1 a rămîne to remain in use/ existence; endure; be enough
like p 12 1 ca şi... almost the same as; show same qualities
no longer a 12 1 nu... deacum not anymore
none r 12 1 nici unul not any, no one
occasionally a 12 1 ocazional infrequently
quiet j 12 1 încet inactive; not noisy
remain v 12 1 a rămîne to be left behind; stay
remain lv 12 1 rămas to continue without change; stay
sea n 12 1 mare various bodies of water smaller than oceans
slip v 12 1 a cădea to fall down
slippery j 12 1 lunecos liable to cause slipping
stay v 12 1 a sta, a rămîne to remain
thought n 12 1 gînd idea, concept, etc.; act of thinking
unpleasant j 12 1 neplăcut disagreeable
wind n 12 1 vînt strong moving air


accept v 12 2 a accepta to take/receive; approve

already a 12 2 de-acum by or before a particular time; previously; so
associate degree n 12 2 diplomă de absolvire a degree given after 2 year's study at a
colegială college
bachelor's degree n 12 2 diplomă de a degree usually given after 4 years of college
career n 12 2 carieră, profesie profession which one plans to have for a long
change one's mind e 12 2 a schimba părerea, change one's decision or opinion
choice n 12 2 alegere selection; a variety from which to choose
college n 12 2 colegiu school for higher and professional education
confused j 12 2 confuz mixed up; unable to think clearly
confusing j 12 2 confuz causing inability to think clearly
course n 12 2 curs series of studies or lessons
decision n 12 2 decizie choice/judgment
degree n 12 2 diplomă de absolvire title given by a university
diploma n 12 2 diplomă, certificat certificate of completion of a course
de absolvire a unui
discuss v 12 2 a discuta to talk about something from several points of
discussion n 12 2 discuţie a talk about something with another person or
other people
educate v 12 2 a educa to teach
education n 12 2 educaţie teaching or training of the mind
educator n 12 2 educator teacher
elementary school n 12 2 şcoală primară first 6-8 years of school where basic subjects
are taught
field n 12 2 structură, job area; a branch of knowledge
future n 12 2 viitor time after the present
grade n 12 2 clasa (an şcolar) level in school
high school n 12 2 şcoala medie secondary school
instead a 12 2 în loc să in place of that
instead of p 12 2 în locul (persoana) in place of; rather than
just a 12 2 numai ce a short time ago
make up one's mind e 12 2 a decide to decide
master's degree n 12 2 diplomă a şcolii degree, which requires 2-3 years beyond
polivalente, bachelor's degree
medical j 12 2 medical relating to medicine
middle school n 12 2 între şcoala primară grades between elementary/ high school
şi medie de studii
offer n 12 2 ofertă act of offering; thing offered
offer v 12 2 a oferi to present for acceptance/refusal; express
Ph.D. n 12 2 diplomă de masterat advanced degree beyond master's
profession n 12 2 profesie career; way of earning a living
professional j 12 2 profesional of/engaged in profession
professional n 12 2 profesionist one engaging in activity requiring special
refusal n 12 2 refuz act of refusing
refuse (to) v 12 2 a refuza to reject; decline (to do, grant, etc.)
retire v 12 2 a te elibera de la to stop working
so c 12 2 deci with the result/consequence that
take/took/taken v 12 2 a susţine (examen) to accept; study
talk over v 12 2 a discuta to discuss
technical j 12 2 tehnic of industrial/mechanical arts
think/thought/thou v 12 2 a gîndi to consider carefully over
turn down v 12 2 a refuza to refuse (a request, person, etc.)
university n 12 2 universitate educational institution composed of
graduate/undergraduate schools
yet a 12 2 pînă cînd up to now; at the present


add on v 12 3 a adăuga to increase size of

addition n 12 3 adiţional, adăugat something added
boil v 12 3 a fierbe to turn rapidly from liquid to vapor when

build/built/built v 12 3 a construi to form/construct one or more things by putting
pieces together
builder n 12 3 zidar person who builds things, especially houses
burn v 12 3 a arde to be/become on fire
cassette n 12 3 casetă (multimedia) a cartridge for film or magnetic tape
could m 12 3 putea possibility
den n 12 3 birou family room used for relaxing
dining room n 12 3 sufragerie room used for meals
enlarge v 12 3 a lărgi to make larger
fire n 12 3 foc something burning; light/heat from combustion
fireplace n 12 3 sobă an opening in the wall with a chimney (for
building a fire)
get/got/gotten v 12 3 a se întîlni to meet
get-together n 12 3 întîlnire ne formală an informal meeting
heat v 12 3 a încălzi to become warm/hot
idea n 12 3 idee plan; opinion
interested j 12 3 interesat showing/having interest
leave v 12 3 a lăsa to allow to remain
meeting n 12 3 întîlnire a coming together; a gathering, for a purpose
microwave n 12 3 cuptor cu microunde device for cooking
near a 12 3 lîngă close in place/time
near j 12 3 lîngă, aproape close in place/time
oven n 12 3 cuptor compartment for baking food
patio n 12 3 terasă open paved area by house
perhaps a 12 3 probabil maybe; possibly
plan n 12 3 plan, diagramă diagram
play v 12 3 a cînta to emit sound or be sounded; perform
record n 12 3 disc înscris grooved disc
room n 12 3 cameră space
shed n 12 3 depozit a small building for protection or storage
solution n 12 3 soluţie an answer to a problem
solve v 12 3 a rezolva to find an answer to
stereo n 12 3 stereo a sound system with two or more speakers
story n 12 3 etaj floor/level in a building
suburb n 12 3 suburbie area on outskirts of city/town where people
take/took/taken v 12 3 a avea loc to happen
then a 12 3 atunci... in that case/accordingly
tiring j 12 3 obositor causing physical tiredness
tour/tour of duty e 12 3 deplasare military overseas assignment
trouble n 12 3 probleme cause or source of difficulty
wood n 12 3 lemn hard substance beneath tree bark


all over a 12 4 peste tot everywhere; in all parts

bang! i 12 4 sunet tare a sudden loud noise
catch/caught/caugh v 12 4 a prinde to capture
country n 12 4 sat area outside a city, often a farm area
deer/deer n 12 4 cerb a large, four-legged animal with antlers
duck n 12 4 raţă a type of bird that swims
farther/further a 12 4 mai departe more far; comparative of far; more
fish n 12 4 peşte creature that lives in water and swims
fish v 12 4 a prinde peşte to try to catch fish
fishing rod n 12 4 unghiţă a pole for fishing
further a 12 4 mai departe comparative of far
furthest a 12 4 cel mai departe superlative of far
go/went/gone v 12 4 a pleca, a merge to travel somewhere to do something
gun n 12 4 armă weapon with a long tube through which a
projectile is fired
hard a 12 4 greu with great effort; difficult
high a 12 4 înalt to a high level in position/sound
hunt v 12 4 a vîna to pursue animals/birds for food or sport;
search for
in the open e 12 4 afară outdoors
indoors a 12 4 înăuntru inside a building
instructions n 12 4 instrucţiuni directions which tell how to do something
kill v 12 4 a ucide to cause the death of
line n 12 4 linie string/cord, etc.
low a 12 4 jos in/to a low position, point, degree
more r 12 4 mai mult a greater number/amount
once a 12 4 odată one time; some time ago
outdoors a 12 4 afară in the open air; outside
outdoors n 12 4 afară the open air: outside
out-of-doors a 12 4 afară outdoors
own j 12 4 propriu belonging to oneself
own n 12 4 avere belonging to
pistol n 12 4 pistol a small hand gun
plenty n 12 4 mult a lot; more than enough
practice v 12 4 a practica to perform to gain skill
prepare v 12 4 a pregăti to cook; get ready
rifle n 12 4 pistol mitralieră long-barreled gun

several a 12 4 cîteva a few/not many
several r 12 4 cîteva a few/not many
shoot/shot v 12 4 a împuşca to fire from a weapon
shoot/shot v 12 4 a ucide, a răni, a to hit/wound/kill with a missile fired from a
împuşca weapon
shot n 12 4 împuşcătură the firing of a weapon
slow a 12 4 încet slowly
twice a 12 4 de două ori two times
used to v 12 4 a obişnui used to show past routine; discontinued habit
walk n 12 4 plimbare a usually short journey on foot
weapon n 12 4 armament tool for harming/killing
whole j 12 4 totul all of
would m 12 4 aş fi past routine


beat/beat/beaten v 13 1 a bate to defeat; to be better than in a sport

believe v 13 1 a crede to hold as an opinion; to think
certain j 13 1 sigur sure; positive; definite; having no doubt
certainly a 13 1 cu siguranţă surely; positively; definitely
coach n 13 1 antrenor person who trains athletes for competition
coach v 13 1 a antrena to give instruction/advice
doubt n 13 1 dubiu feeling of uncertainty
doubt v 13 1 a avea dubii to be uncertain about/to consider unlikely
farthest/furthest a 13 1 cel mai departe most far; superlative of far
field n 13 1 cîmp open farm land; an open area for outdoor sports
for sure e 13 1 la siguranţă certainly, without a doubt
goal n 13 1 scop aim/purpose; points scored; place where points
are scored
imagine v 13 1 a imagina to think
join v 13 1 a uni to become a member of
kick v 13 1 a păli cu piciorul to hit with foot
knot n 13 1 a lega, a face nod fastening formed by tying
lose/lost/lost v 13 1 a pierde to fail to win
match n 13 1 meci, competiţie contest/game; device for igniting
match v 13 1 a potrivi to be suitable for use with another
meaning n 13 1 definiţie, însemnare definition
most j 13 1 cel mai greatest number/amount
player n 13 1 jucător one who plays
point n 13 1 punctaj unit of value in games
positive j 13 1 pozitiv, sigur sure
practice n 13 1 practică repeated performance
quite a 13 1 foarte very
race n 13 1 competiţie (auto) contest
race v 13 1 a face to have a contest of speed
reporter n 13 1 reporter one who writes news for newspaper, etc.
rope n 13 1 funie thick cord
score n 13 1 scor, punctaj points gained in game
score v 13 1 a face scorul to make points in a game
shoe laces n 13 1 şireturi strings/cords used for tying shoes
so a 13 1 aşa ”eu cred aşa” noun clause substitute, "I think so."
stadium n 13 1 stadion building with or without a roof where sports
events are held
string n 13 1 aţă thin cord
suppose v 13 1 a crede to think; assume to be true
surely a 13 1 sigur of course
team n 13 1 echipă people who work, play together
tie n 13 1 egal (scorul) equal score
tie (up) v 13 1 a lega (şireturi), a to bind/fasten; even the score of game
egala scorul
toward(s) p 13 1 înspre in the direction of
uncertain j 13 1 nesigur, dubios doubtful, undecided
win/won/won v 13 1 a cîştiga to be first/best in a game, etc.


allow v 13 2 a permite to permit; to let somebody do something

appreciate v 13 2 a aprecia to be grateful for
ashtray n 13 2 scrumieră container for cigarette butts and ash
away a 13 2 departe, în altă in another direction; at a stated distance
be made (up) of v 13 2 a fi făcut din to be formed of; consisting of
bracelet n 13 2 braslet kind of jewelry usually worn around the wrist
chain n 13 2 lănţişor a length of metal rings which are connected
copper n 13 2 cupru a type of soft reddish metal
cotton n 13 2 bumbac a type of plant; a woven cloth
could m 13 2 aş putea să permission
diamond n 13 2 diamant precious stone; shape
Do you mind if...? e 13 2 nu eşti contra dacă? Do you object if...? Is it okay, if...?
do/did/done over v 13 2 a reface do again
earring n 13 2 cercei ear ornament
fond (of) j 13 2 aţi plăcea having a liking
glass n 13 2 sticlă material
gold n 13 2 aur metal
into p 13 2 înăuntru to the inside of
iron n 13 2 fier a kind of metal used in making steel
jewelry n 13 2 bijuterie decoration worn on clothes/body
leather n 13 2 piele (animal) animal skin
leave n 13 2 permisie permission to be absent from duty
man-made j 13 2 manufactură produced by people
material n 13 2 material substance
metal n 13 2 metal mineral (gold, copper, etc.)
natural j 13 2 natural not made by people
necklace n 13 2 colier an ornamental chain worn around the neck
nylon n 13 2 niilon man-made material
owe v 13 2 a fi dator to have to pay; in debt to
past p 13 2 pe lîngă gone by and after beyond
pay/paid/paid back v 13 2 a întoarce, a plăti to return what is owed
plastic n 13 2 plastic man-made material
polyester n 13 2 poliester man-made material
put/put/put out v 13 2 a stinge to extinguish
ring n 13 2 inel circular band
rock n 13 2 stâncă large piece of stone
rubber n 13 2 cauciuc a stretchable, water repellent material
silk n 13 2 mătase a kind of cloth
silver n 13 2 argint a kind of metal often used in making jewelry
stone n 13 2 piatră a small rock
throw/threw/thrown v 13 2 a arunca to toss
throw/threw/thrown v 13 2 a arunca to get rid of
throw/threw/thrown v 13 2 a arunca to dispose of
wake/woke/woken up v 13 2 a trezi to (cause to) stop sleeping
wool n 13 2 blană animal hair; cloth

' nbr 13 3 simbol de măsurare a symbol for foot/feet (measurement)
" nbr 13 3 simbol de măsurare a symbol for inch/inches (measurement
% nbr 13 3 simbol procente percent sign
amount n 13 3 cantitate, sumă quantity/sum
amount to v 13 3 a se ridica la add up to; to be equal to
bargain n 13 3 afacere, negociere something bought at a lower than usual price
p/u un preţ mai mic
bargain v 13 3 a negocia pentru un to talk about the conditions of a sale, trying
preţ mai mic to lower the price
cloth n 13 3 pînză, ţesătură material made from wool, cotton, etc.
deal n 13 3 afacere a business arrangement made for mutual
decrease v 13 3 a scădea to cause to become less in size, number, etc.
discount n 13 3 reducere reduction in price
discount v 13 3 a reduce to reduce the price
dressing room n 13 3 cabină pentru actori area for trying on clothes in a store
-er/-or af 13 3 verb + -er/-or = subs verb + -er/-or = noun
fabric n 13 3 material p/u haină cloth, material
fit/fit/fit v 13 3 a potrivi (mărime) to be the right size, shape for
foot/feet n 13 3 mărime de măsură measurement
for sale e 13 3 reducere offered to be sold usually at a reduced price
free j 13 3 gratis, liber no charge; not busy
hip n 13 3 şold area on side of the body
in. ab 13 3 mărime de măsură inch/inches
inch/inches n 13 3 mărime de măsură a measurement of length
increase v 13 3 a mări to become larger in amount, size, number, etc.
irregular j 13 3 neregulat, defect unusual; not even or uniform
item n 13 3 articol, unitate an article, unit, separate thing
jeans n 13 3 jins kind of pants
length n 13 3 lungime distance from end to end; extent of time
less j 13 3 mai puţin smaller amount
measurement n 13 3 dimensiune, mărime dimension
medium j 13 3 mediu of middle size, amount, etc.
much a 13 3 mai (mare, mic) intensifier
off a 13 3 ...fără so as to be less; away from work
off p 13 3 a fi închis no longer on or attached
on sale e 13 3 reducere offered at a lower price
pair n 13 3 pereche two similar things used together
percent (%) a 13 3 procent per hundred
percent (%) n 13 3 procent one part in a hundred
percentage n 13 3 procentaj a proportion in relation to a whole
receipt n 13 3 recetă written statement that one has received money
reduce v 13 3 a reduce to decrease
sale n 13 3 vînzare, reducere selling; offered at a lower price
sales j 13 3 vînzări of, for, or related to selling
sew v 13 3 a coase to make by sewing; fasten by stitches
size n 13 3 mărime degree of bigness/ smallness
special 1 13 3 special not ordinary or usual

tax n 13 3 taxă money paid to government according to income,
property, goods bought
try/tried on v 13 3 a încerca to put on for size
waist n 13 3 talie narrow part of body above the hips


(go) on a diet e 13 4 a ţine dietă restrict food intake

a few r 13 4 puţin (numerabil) a small number
a little r 13 4 puţin (ne numerabil) a small amount
a lot r 13 4 mult a great many/amount
age n 13 4 vîrstă period of time a person has lived or a thing
has existed
by p 13 4 pînă term used with measurements
centimeter n 13 4 centimetru measurement of length
cm ab 13 4 centimetru centimeter
depth n 13 4 adîncime distance from the surface to the bottom
diet n 13 4 dietă the kind of food/drink you usually eat/drink
diet v 13 4 a ţine dietă to restrict intake of food/drink
distance n 13 4 distanţă the amount of space between 2 points
fat j 13 4 gras having too much fat; not thin
foot/feet (ft.) n 13 4 mărime de măsurare a linear distance of 12 inches; ab
ft. ab 13 4 mărime de măsurare a foot/feet (meas.)
gain v 13 4 a obţine, a primi obtain or add as an increase
height n 13 4 înălţime distance from top to bottom; altitude
jump n 13 4 săritură a distance jumped
jump v 13 4 a sări to leap; move or rise suddenly
kilometer n 13 4 kilometru measurement of length
length n 13 4 lungime linear measurement
many r 13 4 mult (numerabil) many persons/things
measure v 13 4 măsură to find size, length, amount, etc.
meter n 13 4 metru 100 cm
much r 13 4 mult (ne numerabil) a great amount
scale n 13 4 cîntar device for weighing
strength n 13 4 putere quality of being strong
thick j 13 4 gras large distance between opposite surfaces
thin j 13 4 slab not thick; slender
weigh v 13 4 a măsura greutatea to measure weight; have a certain weight
weight n 13 4 greutate heaviness of anything
width n 13 4 lăţime distance from side to side
yd(s) ab 13 4 mărime de măsurare a yard(s); 3 feet, 36 inches

advanced j 14 1 avansat ahead/higher in progress/development

airman basic (AB) n 14 1 aviator încorporatE-1 Air Force enlisted (E-1)
airman (A1C) n 14 1 aviator încorporatE-3 Air Force enlisted (E-3)
Amn (Airman) ab 14 1 aviator încorporatE-2 Air Force enlisted (E-2)
armed forces n 14 1 forţele armate combined military forces
assign v 14 1 a numi appoint; give a particular job to someone
assignment n 14 1 misiune an assigned task
bar n 14 1 bară a long narrow piece of metal
basic j 14 1 de bază fundamental; on which everything else is built
be assigned v 14 1 a fi numit to be appointed to a post or duty
be promoted v 14 1 a fi promovat to be raised to a higher rank/position
be stationed v 14 1 a fi staţionat to be assigned to a place
be up for v 14 1 a fi în stare să to be eligible for
captain (O-6) n 14 1 căpitan Navy officer (O-6)
chance n 14 1 şansă, posibilitate opportunity
commander (O-5) n 14 1 comandant, ofiţer Navy officer (O-5)
corporal (CPL) n 14 1 caporal Army NCO (E-4)
duty n 14 1 serviciu work; responsibility; something you must do
E-1/E-6 n 14 1 gradele enlisted ranks
enlist v 14 1 a încorpora to enter the armed forces
enlisted j 14 1 încorporat E-1/E-6 ranks
ensign (O-1) n 14 1 grad Navy officer (O-1)
follow-on j 14 1 urmarea describes consequent military base and/or
antrenamentului training
grade n 14 1 grad militar rank
insignia n 14 1 insigna emblem(s) of rank
lance corporal n 14 1 caporal marinar Marine Corps enlisted (E-3)
lieutenant (O-3) n 14 1 locotenent navy officer (0-3)
lieutenant n 14 1 locotenent-colonel navy officer (0-4)
lieutenant junior n 14 1 locotenent inferior navy officer (0-2)
Marine Corps n 14 1 forţele marine branch of the military
noncommissioned n 14 1 plutonier a junior/senior (NCO) enlisted person (E-4 to
officer E-9)
O-1/O-6 n 14 1 pentru ofiţeri officer
opportunity n 14 1 oportunitate a chance
personnel n 14 1 personal people employed
petty officer (PO) n 14 1 plutonier marinar Navy NCO (E-4 to E-9)
private (PVT) n 14 1 soldat, încorporat Army/Marines enlisted
private first n 14 1 soldat, clasa 1 Army E-3 (PFC) (A)
promote v 14 1 a promova to raise to a higher rank/position
promotion n 14 1 promoţie advancement to a higher rank/position
recruit n 14 1 recrut newly enlisted member of armed forces
retired j 14 1 eliberat din serviciu having stopped working
retirement n 14 1 perioada după period after giving up work
seaman (Seaman) n 14 1 marinar încorporatE-3 Navy enlisted E-3
seaman apprentice n 14 1 marinar încorporatE-2 Navy enlisted E-2
seaman recruit n 14 1 marinar recrut E-1 Navy enlisted E-1
serve v 14 1 a servi to work or do a useful job for
service n 14 1 serviciu duty in any of the armed forces
staff sergeant n 14 1 sergent major Air Force/Marine Corps; Army NCO (AF E-5, Army,
(SSgt) MC E-6
station n 14 1 staţie place of duty
station v 14 1 a staţiona to assign to a place
technical sergeant n 14 1 sergent tehnician air force rank
(TSgt) (forţe aeriene)
train v 14 1 a antrena to instruct; make fit
training n 14 1 antrenament instruction

a green thumb e 14 2 norocos to have good luck or talent for making things grow
a little a 14 2 puţin not much
a lot a 14 2 mult to a great extent; very much
around a 14 2 în jur on all/various sides
barn n 14 2 ambar farm building for storing food/crops/animals
be born v 14 2 a fi născut to be brought to life by birth
because of p 14 2 din cauza on account of; by reason of
bloom v 14 2 a înflori (primăvara) to produce/yield flowers
blossom n 14 2 flori pe copaci (primăvara) flower of a tree/bush
blossom v 14 2 a înflori (flori pe copaci primăvara) to produce/yield flowers
bridge n 14 2 pod structure built over a river, road, etc.
bull n 14 2 bou adult male of any bovine family
cabin n 14 2 cabină small, rustic house; hut
calf/calves n 14 2 viţel young of bovine family
cattle n 14 2 bovine farm animals kept for their meat or milk
cow n 14 2 vacă adult female, bovine farm animal which provides milk
crop n 14 2 roadă agricultural product
destroy v 14 2 a distruge to put an end to existence of something
destruction n 14 2 distrugere act of destroying/state of being destroyed
dirt n 14 2 glod unclean matter, earth, soil
extremely a 14 2 extrem, foarte very
farm n 14 2 fermă land where crops/animals are raised
farmer n 14 2 fermier a person who manages a farm
forest n 14 2 pădure trees/bushes that cover a large area
graze v 14 2 a paşte to feed on grass
harvest n 14 2 recoltă a season's crop; the gathering of a crop
harvest v 14 2 a strînge recolta to gather a crop
horse n 14 2 cal large domestic animal
in (full) bloom e 14 2 în plină floare abundant in blossoms
light/lit v 14 2 a aprinde (focul) to ignite a match, etc.
locate v 14 2 a localiza to learn position of; find position
location n 14 2 loc, poziţie place/position
make/made v 14 2 a face to cause to be
much a 14 2 mult by a great degree
picnic n 14 2 picnic a meal eaten outdoors
plant n 14 2 plantă vegetation
plant v 14 2 a planta to put in soil
probably a 14 2 probabil likely
raise v 14 2 a creşte to grow; bring up
ranch n 14 2 rancio, gospodărie farm where cattle, sheep, etc., are raised

rancher n 14 2 gospodar a person who owns or works on a ranch
raspberry n 14 2 zmeură a small, soft, red fruit
rather a 14 2 decît somewhat
reflect v 14 2 a reflecta to throw back light from a surface
reflection n 14 2 reflectare image in mirror
sheep n 14 2 oaie animal kept for meat and wool
silo n 14 2 ambar de cereale a round tower on a farm used for storage
take/took/taken care of v 14 2 a asuma responsabilitate faţă de... (ceva, to assume responsibility for
thick j 14 2 dens dense; abundant; wide depth
valley n 14 2 vale land between hills/mountains
wheat n 14 2 grîu plant/grain from which flour is made
when a 14 2 cînd relative adverb
where a 14 2 unde relative adverb


afford v 14 3 a fi în stare to be able to do, spend, buy, without loss

all r 14 3 toţi everyone; everything; every part
be born v 14 3 a fi născut to be brought to life by birth
believe in v 14 3 a crede în to accept as true; consider to be of worth
beside p 14 3 după by the side of; next to
besides a 14 3 în afară de in addition to; also
besides p 14 3 în afară de in addition to; as well as
birth n 14 3 naştere act/time of being born
birthday n 14 3 ziua de naştere date of birth
blow/blew/blown v 14 3 a sufla (cause to) stop burning by blowing; to burst or
out explode
blowout n 14 3 spargere bursting of a container/tire
born j 14 3 naştere brought into existence/life by birth
broke j 14 3 bancrot temporarily without money
candle n 14 3 candelă, lumînare stick of wax which gives off light when it
come/came/come v 14 3 a face o vizită ne to make a short, informal visit
over formală
comfortable j 14 3 confortabil having/providing comfort; free from tension
comfortably a 14 3 confortabil having/providing comfort
continue v 14 3 a continua to last; to state again after an interruption;
to go on happening
couple n 14 3 cuplu two of the same kind; two people together
drop by v 14 3 a face o vizită ne to visit unexpectedly or informally
drop over v 14 3 a face o vizită ne to visit unexpectedly or informally
from now on e 14 3 de acum încolo from the present to the future
gift n 14 3 cadou a present
go/went/gone over v 14 3 a face o vizită to make short/a short, informal visit
scurtă ne formală
look forward to v 14 3 anticipat to anticipate
microscope n 14 3 microscop instrument which magnifies
must m 14 3 trebuie (să fie) deduction
poor j 14 3 sărac having little money; unfortunate
poorly a 14 3 săracul badly
present n 14 3 cadou gift
pretty a 14 3 nostim fairly
proud j 14 3 mîndru feeling great pride/joy
proudly a 14 3 mîndru with pride
rich j 14 3 bogat wealthy
scared j 14 3 înfricoşat frightened
sing/sang v 14 3 a cînta to make musical sound with the voice
soft j 14 3 încet (volum) not loud
softly a 14 3 încet (volum) not loud
song n 14 3 cîntec music with words
take turns e 14 3 a rîndui, unul după to alternate
turn n 14 3 rînd (a face ceva) duty or chance to do something
turn down v 14 3 a da mai încet to decrease the volume
turn up v 14 3 a da mai tare to increase; be found
uncomfortable j 14 3 inconfortabil not comfortable

uncomfortably a 14 3 inconfortabil not comfortably
underneath a 14 3 sub below
underneath p 14 3 sub below
volume n 14 3 volum loudness
wrap v 14 3 a înveli to cover


abroad a 14 4 peste hotare to/in another country

accidental j 14 4 accidental happening by chance
accidentally a 14 4 accidental happening by chance
as soon as c 14 4 cît de repede not later than; when
attempt (to) v 14 4 a încerca to try (to); to make an effort to do something
better/best a 14 4 mai bun / cel mai bun comparative/ superlative of well
board v 14 4 a se îmbarca to go on board; take passengers on a plane,
train, ship
by p 14 4 pînă la no later than
by accident e 14 4 din întîmplare happening by chance
by chance e 14 4 accidental by luck; with no apparent cause; accidentally
cancel v 14 4 a finisa, a închide to call off a planned activity, idea, etc.
chance n 14 4 şansă a risk
fare n 14 4 preţ special price of a trip (by plane, bus, taxi)
foreign j 14 4 străin (din altă of a nation or country that is not one's own
group n 14 4 grup persons/things gathered together
just as [when/as] c 14 4 la fel ca şi / în while, when
timp ce
lottery n 14 4 loterie gambling game for prizes or money with numbered
luck n 14 4 noroc, succes good/bad happening by chance
lucky j 14 4 norocos having good fortune
off a 14 4 ce nu lucrează not working
on p 14 4 ce lucrează working for; using; by means of
on and on e 14 4 continuu for a long time; continuously
ought to m 14 4 trebuie să used to express advisability
passenger n 14 4 pasager person riding a bus, train, car, etc.
promise n 14 4 promisiune statement that one will do/not do something
promise (to) v 14 4 a promite să to make a promise; pledge
put/put/put aside v 14 4 a salva (bani) to save; keep for later
refreshment n 14 4 gustare food and drink
report n 14 4 raport a written account of something
report v 14 4 a raporta to tell or/give a written account of something
rough j 14 4 rău uneven surface; not calm or even in movement
smell n 14 4 miroase odor
smell v 14 4 a mirosi to detect the odor of
smooth j 14 4 moale an even surface; even in movement/comfortable
smoothly a 14 4 moale an even surface; even in movement/ comfortable
take a chance e 14 4 a folosi şansa, a to endanger; place in jeopardy
taste n 14 4 gust sensation when food/drink put into mouth;
taste v 14 4 a gusta to detect/experience the taste of
tour n 14 4 tur trip to/through a place
tour v 14 4 a face un tur to visit as a tourist
tourist n 14 4 turist person traveling for pleasure
worse/worst a 14 4 cel mai rău comparative/superlative of badly


area n 15 1 regiune region; a particular space or surface

at attention e 15 1 drepţi! (comanda military position in which the soldier stands
militară) straight and still
attend v 15 1 a urma to be present at
Battle Dress n 15 1 ţinută de campanie informal military (BDU) clothing
Uniform p/u exerciţii tactice
briefing n 15 1 instrucţiune pe scurt meeting where concise instructions/ information
are given
broom n 15 1 mătură long-handled brush used for sweeping
cadet n 15 1 cadet a student in a military school
complain v 15 1 a se plînge (pe ceva) to express displeasure/dissatisfaction
crawl v 15 1 a merge tîrîş to move on hands/knees
dorm n 15 1 dormitor dormitory
drill n 15 1 exerciţii (militare) exercise; practice which is repeated
drill v 15 1 a exersa (militar) to train/exercise by drills
drill instructor n 15 1 instructor militar a military training instructor, usually a
(DI) sergeant
enter v 15 1 a intra, a deveni to go into; to become a member of
everything r 15 1 totul all things; each thing
fall in v 15 1 a se alinia line up in formation
firing range n 15 1 tir a place for shooting practice
guard n 15 1 garda one whose job is to protect
guard v 15 1 a păzi to protect
instruct v 15 1 a instructa, a învăţa to teach; direct; guide
instruction n 15 1 instrucţiuni process of being taught
-ion af 15 1 vb + -ion = subst. vb + -ion = noun
iron n 15 1 fier de călcat electric device used to make clothes smooth
with heat
iron v 15 1 a călca (haine) to make smooth with an iron
join v 15 1 a se alătura la to become a member of
march v 15 1 a se deplasa cu pas to walk with regular step as in military
de defilare formation
mop n 15 1 spălător a tool for washing floors
mop v 15 1 a spăla to wash; clean with mop
physical j 15 1 fizic of the body
physical training n 15 1 antrenament fizic training of strenuous physical activity
polish n 15 1 cremă de lustru a liquid used to make something smooth/shiny
polish v 15 1 a lustrui to make clean/shiny
scrub v 15 1 a curăţa, a freca to wash with hard rubbing
sweat n 15 1 transpiraţie perspiration
sweat/sweat v 15 1 a transpira to perspire
sweep/swept v 15 1 a mătura to clean with a broom/brush
This is killing e 15 1 aceasta mă doboară to cause extreme pain or discomfort
tough j 15 1 puternic difficult to deal with/overcome; strong
trainee n 15 1 instruitul a person being trained
training n 15 1 instructor antrenor one who gives military training
instructor (TI)
yell v 15 1 a striga to speak/shout loudly


afraid j 15 2 aţi părea rău sorry (polite expression)

afterward(s) a 15 2 după aceasta later, after that
anniversary n 15 2 aniversare the yearly return of the date of some event
anywhere a 15 2 oriunde any place at all
as c 15 2 ca while, when
barbecue n 15 2 frigărui party where the food is cooked over a fire
barbecue v 15 2 a face frigărui to cook meat over an open fire
beer n 15 2 bere alcoholic drink
before a 15 2 înainte de at an earlier time; previously
catsup n 15 2 sos din tomate picant a type of thick tomato sauce (ketchup)
celebrate v 15 2 a aniversa to mark a special event or occasion with
public/ private rejoicing
celebration n 15 2 aniversare the act of celebrating
ceremony n 15 2 ceremonie formal acts performed to mark important events/
cheese n 15 2 caşcaval a dairy product
chocolate n 15 2 ciocolată food/flavor made from cacao
club n 15 2 club a society of people who join for a certain
company n 15 2 companie guest/guests
drink n 15 2 băutură any liquid to drink
drop in v 15 2 a intra în ospeţie to pay a visit informally
fresh j 15 2 proaspăt unprocessed/not stale
guest n 15 2 oaspete visitor
have got v 15 2 a trebui to have
have over v 15 2 a invita to invite someone to your home for a visit or
help yourself e 15 2 deservire de sine serve yourself
hold/held/held v 15 2 a ţine to be able to contain; to convene or assemble

inside p 15 2 înăuntru in/within
invitation n 15 2 invitaţie message used to invite
invite v 15 2 a invita to ask to go/come somewhere
ketchup n 15 2 sos din tomate picant thick tomato sauce (catsup)
luncheon n 15 2 prînz oficial a formal lunch
mayonnaise n 15 2 maioneză creamy salad dressing; bread spread
miss v 15 2 a fi dor (de cineva) to feel sorry/unhappy at the absence of
mustard n 15 2 muştar spicy, yellow condiment
nowhere a 15 2 nicăieri not at, to; in any place
outside p 15 2 afară on/to the outer side of
pickles n 15 2 castraveţi muraţi preserved cucumbers
potato salad n 15 2 salată din cartofi cooked potato dish usually served cold with
rain check n 15 2 extinderea ofertei assurance of deferred extension of an offer
reception n 15 2 recepţie social function for receiving of guests
roll n 15 2 chiflă a small, round piece of bread
sauce n 15 2 sos condiment that adds flavor to food
slice v 15 2 bucată to cut
somewhere a 15 2 undeva in or to some place
stale j 15 2 tare, ne proaspăt not fresh
steak n 15 2 bucată de carne slice of meat, usually beef
strawberry n 15 2 căpşună small soft, red fruit; flavor
wedding n 15 2 ceremonie de marriage ceremony
will m 15 2 acordul willingness
wine n 15 2 vin alcoholic drink made from grapes or other
would m 15 2 acordul willingness


Africa n 15 3 Africa a continent south of Europe between the

Atlantic and Indian Oceans
air n 15 3 aer travel by plane
alive j 15 3 viu living; not dead
Antarctica n 15 3 Antarctica continent on Arctic Circle at the South Pole
application n 15 3 aplicaţie written request, usually for job/position
apply v 15 3 a aplica to request something, usually in writing
around p 15 3 în jur approximate; about
Asia n 15 3 Asia a continent separated from Europe by the Ural
Australia n 15 3 Australia a continent southeast of Asia between the
Pacific and Indian Oceans
certificate n 15 3 certificat an official document
continent n 15 3 continent any of the seven main large masses of land on
the earth
dead j 15 3 mort not living
death n 15 3 moarte end of life
die v 15 3 a muri to stop living or functioning
document n 15 3 document papers of proof, information or support
earn v 15 3 a primi (pentru to gain for work/effort; deserve
lucru, bani)
else j 15 3 alt ceva, other/different; more
Europe n 15 3 Europa a continent
history n 15 3 istoria past events; record of past events
holiday n 15 3 sărbătoare, zi de day free from work; legal commemoration of an
odihnă event
honeymoon n 15 3 luna de miere trip after a wedding
in addition to a 15 3 la fel ca şi as well as
in addition to j 15 3 în plus la different; in addition
ITO ab 15 3 ordin de invitaţie invitational travel orders
leave/left/left v 15 3 a lăsa to fail to include or take along
life/lives n 15 3 viaţă time/act of living
museum n 15 3 muzeu artistic/historical/ scientific exhibit
North America n 15 3 America de nord northern continent in western hemisphere
notice v 15 3 a nota to observe; pay attention to
order n 15 3 ordin a request; a command
order v 15 3 a ordona to request; command
overseas a 15 3 peste mări beyond/across the seas
overseas j 15 3 peste mări beyond/across the seas
photograph v 15 3 a fotografia to take a picture/photograph of
photograph (photo) n 15 3 fotografie picture made with a camera
postpone v 15 3 a amîna to put off until later
reason n 15 3 cauza cause/motive
require v 15 3 a avea nevoie to need; to demand as necessary
ride n 15 3 a merge călare a trip in a vehicle or on an animal
South America n 15 3 America de sud southern continent located in western
stage n 15 3 scenă raised area on which plays are performed
unusual j 15 3 neobişnuit uncommon; out of the ordinary
unusually a 15 3 neobişnuit out of the ordinary
usual j 15 3 obişnuit common, customary
visa n 15 3 visa passport endorsement granting entry into a
was/were going to m 15 3 trebuia să past intention
while n 15 3 în timp ce a short length of time


(all) by oneself e 15 4 singur alone

allergic j 15 4 alergic sensitive to foods, pollens, etc.
allergy n 15 4 alergie a physical sensitivity to foods, pollens, etc.
appear lv 15 4 aparenţă to seem; to look
aspirin n 15 4 aspirina a type of medicine used to reduce fever/pain
bed rest n 15 4 tratament de pat confinement of a sick person to bed
bleed/bled/bled v 15 4 a pierde sînge to lose blood
blood n 15 4 sînge red fluid which flows through the body and is
circulated by the heart
blood pressure n 15 4 tensiune measurable force with which blood travels
through the body and blood vessels
calm (down) v 15 4 a se calma to become calm, still
care n 15 4 responsabilitate, responsibility
clinic n 15 4 clinica center usually for specialized medical
dizzy j 15 4 ameţit feeling unsteady, faint
drug n 15 4 medicament medicine
examine v 15 4 a examina to look at a person or thing closely to find
something out
flu n 15 4 gripă influenza; grippe
get a prescription e 15 4 a primi prescripţie receive medication from druggist
filled farmaceutică
herself r 15 4 ea de sine reflexive, feminine pronoun
himself r 15 4 el de sine reflexive, masculine pronoun
ill j 15 4 bolnav sick
injure v 15 4 a răni to hurt
injury n 15 4 rană wound; broken bones
itself r 15 4 aceasta de sine reflexive form of it
laboratory n 15 4 laborator room for scientific work/research
lie/lay down v 15 4 a se culca to recline
-ly af 15 4 subst + -ly = adj noun + -ly = adj
medication n 15 4 medicament a drug
mirror n 15 4 oglindă smooth, reflecting surface
muscle n 15 4 muşchi elastic body tissue which contracts and expands
to produce movement
myself r 15 4 eu de sine reflexive form of I
operate v 15 4 a face operaţie to perform surgery
operation n 15 4 operaţie surgery
ourselves r 15 4 noi de sine reflexive form of we
penicillin n 15 4 penicilină antibiotic; drug
pharmacy n 15 4 farmacie drugstore; place to buy medicine
pill n 15 4 tabletă small tablet of medicine for swallowing
prescribe v 15 4 a prescrie to advise as a medicine/treatment
prescription n 15 4 prescripţie written direction for preparation, use of
pulled j 15 4 luxaţie strained (muscle)
pulse n 15 4 puls regular beating in arteries due to heart
quiet (down) v 15 4 a fi mai încet to become less noisy
record n 15 4 informaţie despre statement of facts, etc.
starea organismului
seat n 15 4 şezătoare a place to sit
seem v 15 4 a părea to appear to be
shot n 15 4 injecţie injection
sick call n 15 4 consultaţie la medic scheduled time for reporting as sick to doctor
sign in/out v 15 4 a interna, a externa to write one's name on roll for record keeping
social security n 15 4 cart / număr de ID card/number issued by government agency
card/number asigurare socială
sprained j 15 4 sclintit twisted/injured (a joint)
still j 15 4 nemişcat silent; not moving
sulfa n 15 4 medicament de tratare drug used to inhibit bacterial infection
a infecţiei
swollen j 15 4 a înghiţi bulging/distended (with fluid)
tablet n 15 4 tabletă pill
themselves r 15 4 ei de sine reflexive form of they
treat v 15 4 a trata to give medical attention to
treatment n 15 4 tratament medical care
twisted j 15 4 sclintit sprained (injured at a joint by sudden
wipe v 15 4 a şterge to remove dirt, liquid, etc., with a cloth
yourself r 15 4 tu de sine refers to you; reflexive pronoun for you
yourselves r 15 4 voi de sine refers to you and every one with you; plural
reflexive pronoun for you


active j 16 1 activ engaged in an action or activity

activity n 16 1 activitate action; movement; something that is done
avoid v 16 1 a se feri de to keep away from, especially on purpose
check out v 16 1 a verifica to examine closely; to borrow
closed j 16 1 închis not open to the public
convenient j 16 1 convenabil suited to one's needs; near; easy to reach
cut/cut/cut down v 16 1 a reduce din to reduce in quantity or amount
(on) cantitate
cut/cut/cut out v 16 1 a opri to stop/give up practice
doubtful j 16 1 dubios, ne sigur full of doubt; uncertain
energy n 16 1 energie full of life, action, strength
equipment n 16 1 echipament things needed for an activity
even a 16 1 chiar dacă in fact/indeed
fit j 16 1 sănătos, în stare in good physical condition; healthy
fizică bună
fitness n 16 1 starea bună a the state of being healthy and in good physical
sănătăţii şi a condition
pregătirii fizice
gradual j 16 1 pe etape, în creştere occurring in small stages
gradually a 16 1 încet slowly
had better m 16 1 mai bine să should, ought to
health n 16 1 sănătate the state of being well and without disease
impossible j 16 1 imposibil not possible
it r 16 1 acesta anticipatory
jog v 16 1 a fugi încet to run at a slow pace
lap n 16 1 tură one circuit around track/ across pool
little by little e 16 1 încetul cu încetul gradually
look after v 16 1 a avea grijă de to take care of
nap n 16 1 somn fugitiv a short sleep
nap v 16 1 a dormi fugitiv to sleep briefly especially during the day
necessary j 16 1 necesar that which must be had or obtained; needed
open j 16 1 deschis not shut
possible j 16 1 posibil that which can happen
possibly a 16 1 posibil in accordance with what is possible; maybe
proper j 16 1 convenabil right/suitable
properly a 16 1 convenabil, detaliat suitably
regularly a 16 1 de obicei at regular time
relaxation n 16 1 relaxare rest and amusement
skip v 16 1 a omite to omit
sleep n 16 1 a dormi state of being asleep
suggestion n 16 1 sugestie an idea to be considered
swimming pool n 16 1 bazin concrete tank for swimming
take/took/taken v 16 1 a lua parte în to participate in
part in
take/took/taken up v 16 1 a începe (a face, to begin to do or study
try tried out v 16 1 a încerca to test first

unnecessary j 16 1 inesenţial,nu necesar not essential
weights n 16 1 greutăţi heavy objects; sports equipment


admiral (0-10) n 16 2 admiral highest ranking naval officer

against p 16 2 contra contrary to
authority n 16 2 autoritate the right to command and power to control
behave v 16 2 a comporta to conduct oneself in a polite/particular way
behavior n 16 2 comportament a way of acting in social situations
brigadier general n 16 2 general de brigadă Army/Marine/Air Force officer
chain of command n 16 2 linia de comandă steps of command within an organization
commissioned n 16 2 ofiţer promovat în 2nd lieutenant/ensign or higher

officer grad
compulsory j 16 2 obligatoriu required
courtesy n 16 2 amabilitate polite behavior or good manners
custom n 16 2 obicei an established, socially accepted practice
general n 16 2 general military rank (O-7 to O-10) (A, MC)
have got to m 16 2 trebuie să obligation; must
honor n 16 2 onoare esteem, respect; glory, fame
honor v 16 2 a onora to show high regard for
honorable j 16 2 onorabil worthy of being honored
installation n 16 2 instalaţie military base/post
junior j 16 2 junior, statut mai lower status
lieutenant general n 16 2 general locotenent high ranking officer(Army, AF, USMC)
loyal j 16 2 devotat faithful
loyalty n 16 2 devotare the state of being loyal
major general (O- n 16 2 general maior high ranking officer(O-8) Army, AF, USMC
observe v 16 2 a observa to adhere to; celebrate; watch
privilege n 16 2 privilegiu special right/favor granted to person/group
rear admiral n 16 2 admiral (0-7) high ranking Navy officer (O-7)
(lower half)
rear admiral n 16 2 admiral (0-8) Navy officer (O-8)
(upper half)
regulation n 16 2 regulă rule for conduct
render v 16 2 salut în răspuns to give; perform
respect n 16 2 respect admiration; feeling of honor
respect v 16 2 a respecta to show honor for
responsibility n 16 2 responsabilitate something for which one is responsible
right n 16 2 drept de privilege
salute n 16 2 salut militar a military sign of recognition
senior j 16 2 superior of higher rank
seniority n 16 2 superioritate the state of being senior in rank/age
sense n 16 2 sens awareness/feeling/ understanding
subordinate j 16 2 subordonare below another in rank
subordinate n 16 2 subordonat lower in rank
take advantage of e 16 2 a profita de to profit by/exploit
vice admiral (09) n 16 2 vice admiral Navy officer one rank below an admiral


act v 16 3 a juca (actori), a to perform; behave

actor n 16 3 actor man who acts in play or movie
actress n 16 3 actriţă woman who acts in a play or movie
adventure n 16 3 aventură exciting, strange, sometimes dangerous
antique j 16 3 antic belonging to an earlier period, usually old and
ballet n 16 3 balet a kind of dance which tells a story
classical j 16 3 clasic put together and arranged with serious artistic
close to p 16 3 aproape de next to, near
comedy n 16 3 comedie funny play/film with a happy ending
concert n 16 3 concert musical performance given by singers/musicians
dislike v 16 3 a nu plăcea opposite of like

drama n 16 3 drama a serious play
either j 16 3 sau (unul sau altul) one or the other of 2
either r 16 3 sau (unul sau altul) one or the other of 2
fight/fought/fough v 16 3 a se bate to use violence around others
furthermore a 16 3 în afară de, în plus besides; in addition
hate v 16 3 a urî to dislike very strongly
humor n 16 3 umor comical quality; expression/appreciation of
what's funny
humorous j 16 3 umoristic funny
kind j 16 3 plăcut helpful
likewise a 16 3 în acelaşi fel in the same way
modern j 16 3 modern of the present time
musical j 16 3 muzical of, like, or producing music
musical n 16 3 act muzical play/film with music
musician n 16 3 muzicant a person who plays a musical instrument
neither j 16 3 nici (unul nici not one and not the other of two
neither r 16 3 nici (unul nici not one and not the other of two
opera n 16 3 opera a play with musical text, accompanied by an
orchestra n 16 3 orchestra group of musicians playing together
perform v 16 3 a performa, a juca to carry out; act
performance n 16 3 performanţă ability to do something; a public presentation
play n 16 3 operă teatralizată a stage representation of a story
prefer (to) v 16 3 a prefera să to like better
preference n 16 3 preferinţă liking one thing rather than another
quit/quit/quit v 16 3 a opri to stop
rather than c 16 3 preferinţă preference
rock music n 16 3 muzică roc music with strong, regular beat; rock and roll
row n 16 3 rînd, linie seats in a line
scary j 16 3 groaznic frightening, causing fear
seat n 16 3 şezătoare place for sitting
serious j 16 3 serios not joking; important; dangerous
stand/stood/stood v 16 3 a sta, a rezista to bear/endure
symphony n 16 3 simfonie large orchestra for playing music
theater n 16 3 teatru building where plays/movies are shown
type [type(s) of] n 16 3 tip kind [kind(s) of]
walk n 16 3 plimbare action of walking
would rather m 16 3 mai bine aş preferably


ability n 16 4 abilitate power and skill to do/think/make something

adjust v 16 4 a ajusta to change in order to make suitable
air conditioner n 16 4 condiţioner apparatus to cool air in a car, room, building
assemble v 16 4 a asambla to put parts together to make something
-ation af 16 4 vb + -ation = subst. vb + -ation = noun
battery n 16 4 baterie a device for storing/furnishing electrical
be unable to m 16 4 a nu fi în stare să cannot/could not
capable j 16 4 capabil able/competent
computer n 16 4 calculator machine which can store information
copy n 16 4 copie a thing made to look exactly like another
copy v 16 4 a copia to make a copy of something
data n 16 4 data, informaţie information; facts
drums n 16 4 tobă musical instrument played by beating on it with
dumb j 16 4 prost stupid
enough a 16 4 suficient sufficiently
experience n 16 4 experienţă knowledge gained by direct observation and
figure out v 16 4 a gîndi, a înţelege to understand by
for example e 16 4 ca exemplu for instance

glasses [eye] n 16 4 ochilari lenses worn to aid vision
guitar n 16 4 ghitară musical instrument with six strings played by
picking strings
handle n 16 4 mîner part of an object especially made for
holding/opening it
handle v 16 4 a opera to operate; manage; respond to control
incapable j 16 4 incapabil not able
install v 16 4 a instala to set (an apparatus) up, ready for use
installation n 16 4 instalaţie act of installing
instrument n 16 4 instrument object played to give musical sounds
intelligent j 16 4 inteligenţă having power of reasoning; smart
key in v 16 4 a tapa to input (to a computer) by means of a keyboard
keyboard n 16 4 tastatura row of keys on a machine or musical instrument
lend a hand e 16 4 a da o mînă de ajutor help
piano n 16 4 pian large, stringed keyboard musical instrument
print n 16 4 printat letters/words in printed form; photo; mark
print v 16 4 a printa to write/press letters using print; make photo
printer n 16 4 printer device that prints; person in print shop
put/put/put v 16 4 a asambla to assemble parts
puzzle n 16 4 joacă logică a game or toy which tests ingenuity
radiator n 16 4 radiator device that uses water to cool an engine
replace v 16 4 a schimba to exchange for another
screen n 16 4 ecran surface of an electronic device on which
pictures/info appear
shut/shut/shut v 16 4 a opri to stop in operation
smart j 16 4 deştept intelligent
take/took/taken v 16 4 a separa to separate into pieces
typewriter n 16 4 maşină de tapat a machine used for printing letters, etc.
violin n 16 4 vioară 4-stringed instrument played with a bow


appearance n 17 1 aparenţă outward aspect or look

attractive j 17 1 atractiv appealing; pleasing; common terms used to
express this are pretty (for women)/handsome
(for men)
bald j 17 1 chel with little or no hair on the head
beard n 17 1 barbă hair on the face below the mouth
blond j 17 1 blond light colored, usually yellow hair
blond/blonde n 17 1 blond somebody with blond hair
brunet/brunette n 17 1 brunet somebody with dark hair
character n 17 1 caracter the qualities which make a person different
from other people
clever j 17 1 deştept quick at learning and understanding
curly j 17 1 creţos having curls
demand n 17 1 pritenţie something asked for strongly
demand v 17 1 a cere to ask for very strongly
demanding j 17 1 pritenţios requiring a lot of attention; making demands
deny v 17 1 a nega to declare untrue; with-hold (food, medical
care, permission)
depend on/upon v 17 1 a depinde de to trust a person; to rely on
dependable j 17 1 dependent trustworthy; reliable
dishonest j 17 1 ne onest not honest
elderly j 17 1 mai în vîrstă nearing old age; advanced age
friendly j 17 1 prietenos acting or ready to act as a friend
generous j 17 1 generos willing to give/share
glasses n 17 1 ochilari eye glasses, used to improve vision
gray j 17 1 sur a color
handsome j 17 1 frumos (doar pentru good looking

hardworking j 17 1 lucru manual industrious
honest j 17 1 onest, cinstit having principles; truthful
if c 17 1 dacă whether
irresponsible j 17 1 iresponsabil not responsible; lacking a sense of duty
judgment n 17 1 judecată, părere an opinion
mean j 17 1 rău bad tempered; liking to hurt
messy j 17 1 murdar untidy
middle (mid) j 17 1 mijloc in or nearly at the center
mustache n 17 1 mustăţi hair grown above the upper lip
neat j 17 1 aranjat, ordonat showing care in appearance
observation n 17 1 observaţie action of noticing
personality n 17 1 personalitate quality/characteristics of a person
redhead n 17 1 roşcat person with red hair
reliable j 17 1 de încredere dependable
rely on/upon v 17 1 a avea încrede în to depend on
responsible j 17 1 responsabil having the duty of or looking after someone or
scream v 17 1 a striga to cry out loudly
selfish j 17 1 egoist concerned excessively with oneself
stingy j 17 1 zgîrcit not generous; not giving/spending
-tion/-sion af 17 1 vb + -tion/-sion = vb + -tion/-sion = noun
trust n 17 1 credinţă confidence in or reliance on
trust v 17 1 a crede to have confidence in or rely on
unfriendly j 17 1 ne prietenos not friendly
unselfish j 17 1 generos generous; not selfish
wavy j 17 1 văluros having curves; not straight
whether c 17 1 sau, dacă shows a choice between possibilities; if


advertise v 2 a reclama to make known to public (sale, service, etc.)

advertisement n 2 publicitate notice of something for sale (usually in paper or TV)
air n 2 aer condiţionat system to cool a building
appliance n 2 tehnică de uz casnic household or office equipment operated by gas or
argue v 2 a se sfădi to quarrel; reason in defense
argument n 2 argument quarrel; reason given to decide/support
available j 2 valabil able to be obtained
central j 2 central being in the center; at or near the center
classified j 2 clasificat listing
consider v 2 a considera to think about; take into account; believe
court n 2 curte, teren de joc playing area for ball games, i.e., tennis
dishwasher n 2 maşină de spălat vesela a machine that washes dishes
district n 2 sector, regiune division/region of a city or country
dryer n 2 uscător an appliance that dries
due j 2 datorie required payable/expected
dye n 2 substanţă pentru schimbarea a substance used to change the color of something
dye v 2 a vopsi (material) to change the color of something
efficiency n 2 eficient a one-room apartment
electricity n 2 electricitate power which provides heat, light, etc.
exclude v 2 a exclude to keep or leave out
excluding p 2 excluzînd not including
fairly a 2 destul de for the most part; rather, moderately
furnish v 2 a asigura cu mobilier to supply with furniture, equipment, etc.
furnished j 2 cu mobilier having furniture
garbage n 2 gunoi waste material
garbage n 2 tub pentru gunoi an appliance for getting rid of waste material/garbage
gas n 2 gaz vapor used for lighting/heating; fuel
heating n 2 sistem de încălzire system to warm a building
include v 2 a include to contain in addition to other parts
including p 2 incluzînd having as a part
lease n 2 acord de împrumut written agreement to rent house/land
lease v 2 a semna acordul de împrumut to give/take the use of
off p 2 a ieşi de pe carosabil turning away from of a street/road
paint n 2 vopsea liquid used as coloring
paint v 2 a vopsi to put paint on surface
perfect j 2 perfect highest possible degree; suitable
privacy n 2 confidenţialitate being away from others
private j 2 privat not public
public j 2 public not private; accessible to everyone
real estate n 2 investiţie property in land/houses, especially to be bought
section n 2 secţie district/part/portion
security n 2 securitate being secure/protected
transportation n 2 transportare a carrying of passengers/goods/etc.
unfurnished j 2 fără mobilă without furniture
utility n 2 serviciu public, utilitate service of gas, water, electricity, etc.
want ad n 2 publicitate an advertisement
wonder v 2 a vrea a şti to wish to know


although c 3 chiar dacă in spite of the fact, even if

anthem n 3 imn a country's official song; song of praise or loyalty
associate v 3 a asocia to join as a friend or business partner
chief master n 3 sergent major (forţe aeriene) Air Force/NCO (E-9) (CMSgt)
chief petty officer n 3 plutonier (marin) Navy/NCO (E-7)
chief warrant officer n 3 plutonier adjutant a military officer (W2-4) ranking between an NCO
and an officer
Class A Uniform n 3 ţinută de clasa A (de paradă, de gală) dress uniform, uniform worn for special occasions
debt n 3 datorie something owed to someone
discipline n 3 disciplină control gained as a result of physical/mental
discipline v 3 a disciplina, a antrena to train a person's mind/body to produce obedience
and selfcontrol
disciplined j 3 disciplinat self-controlled in body and mind
display n 3 ecran, arătat an exhibit; something that is shown
display v 3 a arăta to exhibit; to show
E-7/E-9 n 3 grade superioare senior enlisted ranks
even though c 3 chiar dacă although; in spite of the fact
first sergeant (1Sgt) n 3 primul sergent Army, MC NCO (E-8)
flag n 3 steag, drapel the unique national emblem of a country
fly/flew/flown v 3 a zbura (to cause) to float or flutter in air
formal j 3 formal, ceremonial ceremonial; following accepted rules and customs
gather v 3 a strînge (oameni) to meet in a group; collect
gathering n 3 întîlnire a meeting
govern v 3 a conduce to rule (a country)
government n 3 guvernul the people who rule
gunnery sergeant n 3 sergent mitralior Marine NCO (E-7)
heart n 3 inimă the organ which controls blood flow
indicate v 3 a indica to show
informal j 3 ne formal not formal
international j 3 internaţional concerning more than one nation
mandatory j 3 necesar required
master chief petty n 3 plutonier marin(E-9) navy senior NCO (E-9) officer (MCPO)
master sergeant n 3 sergent (E-7) AF NCO (E-7); Army, USMC(E-8)
nation n 3 naţiune community of people possessing defined territory
and government
national j 3 naţional of, concerning, or belonging to a nation
occasion n 3 ocazie special event/ceremony
official j 3 oficial of/about/from a position of trust, power and
official n 3 oficial a person who holds an office
parade n 3 paradă a gathering together for a march or ceremony
participate (in) v 3 a participa în to take part or have a share in an activity or event
place v 3 a plasa to put
position n 3 poziţie point of view; rank or status; posture; job
precede v 3 a precede to be/come/go before
retreat n 3 retragere time when flag is lowered
senior chief petty n 3 plutonier superior Navy NCO (E-8) officer (SCPO)
senior master n 3 sergent superior Air Force NCO (E-8) (SMSgt)
sergeant first class n 3 sergent clasa 1 Army NCO (E-7) (SFC)
sergeant major n 3 sergent major Army, Marine Corps NCO (E-8)
set/set/set v 3 a pune to furnish; put
support v 3 a suporta to maintain with strength or subsistence; hold up
symbol n 3 simbol an object used to represent something abstract
though c 3 necătînd la faptul in spite of the fact that
warrant officer (WO) n 3 plutonier military officer, between NCO and commissioned


aluminum n 17 4 aluminiu a type of lightweight metal

attach v 17 4 a ataşa to fasten/join
bare wire e 17 4 fir gol wire that is not insulated
charge n 17 4 încărcat energy stored
charge v 17 4 a încărca to cause to take in the correct amount of electricity
circuit n 17 4 circuit circular path of an electric current
conduct v 17 4 conduct transmit/convey; direct
conductor n 17 4 conductor substance that conducts electricity/heat
copper n 17 4 cupru a type of soft reddish metal
cord n 17 4 fir conectat la sursă insulated wire on an appliance which is plugged into a
electrică power source
current n 17 4 curent flow of water or air
dead wire e 17 4 fir fără curent wire without electricity
electric j 17 4 electric producing or worked by electricity
electrical j 17 4 electric concerned with or using electricity
electrician n 17 4 electrician a person who fits and repairs electrical apparatus
-en af 17 4 adj + -en = verb adj + -en = verb
energy n 17 4 energie the power which does work and drives machines;
electrical energy
flow n 17 4 curent a pouring out; the rate of a smooth steady movement
flow v 17 4 a curge to run or spread smoothly (liquids/electrons)
generate v 17 4 a produce to produce
generator n 17 4 generator machine that produces electricity
go/went/gone out v 17 4 a stinge, a ieşi to stop burning/shining
insulate v 17 4 a izola to cover or wrap to prevent escape of electricity, heat,
insulated j 17 4 izolat covered to prevent escape of electricity, heat, sound
insulation n 17 4 izolaţie something that protects/ covers
insulator n 17 4 izolator material used to prevent undesired flow of electricity
live wire e 17 4 fir conectat la curent wire with electricity flowing through it
magnet n 17 4 magnet any object (especially iron) which can draw other
objects to it
power n 17 4 putere force; ability
power v 17 4 a împuternici to supply with power
powerful j 17 4 puternic having force; a strong affect
produce v 17 4 a produce to make; bring forth
product n 17 4 produs something made in a factory or grown/ raised to sell
production n 17 4 producţie the act of producing
protect v 17 4 a proteja to shield from danger; defend
protection n 17 4 protecţie act of protecting; something that protects
run/ran/run v 17 4 a funcţiona to work or be in operation
screw n 17 4 înşurubat fastener
screwdriver n 17 4 şurubelniţă tool
shock n 17 4 şoc jolt
short n 17 4 scurt (circuit) faulty electrical circuit
solder v 17 4 a suda to join or repair metals with liquid tin
splice v 17 4 a uni to join two pieces of wire or rope together
switch n 17 4 comutator apparatus for stopping flow of electricity
switch on/off v 17 4 a aprinde / a stinge to turn on/off
through a 17 4 printre into one side and out the other; by means of
through j 17 4 prin, până la sfârşit finished
through p 17 4 printre into one side and out the other; by means of
twist v 17 4 a suci to turn
uninsulated j 17 4 ne izolat not covered to prevent passing of heat, electricity, etc.
use n 17 4 folosire act of using; purpose for using
wire n 17 4 fir metal drawn into long thread
wiring n 17 4 sistem de fire arrangement of wired electrical system


academic j 18 1 academic concerning teaching/studying

academy n 18 1 academie school for training in a special skill
acquire v 18 1 a obţine to gain/possess as one's own
active duty n 18 1 serviciu activ presently in military service

anthropology n 18 1 antropologie a scientific study of the human race
appoint v 18 1 a stabili to choose for a position, etc.; decide/arrange
appointee n 18 1 persoană stabilită person who has been appointed
appointment n 18 1 stabilirea unei the choosing of someone for a position/job; a
persoane p/u funcţie position
as p 18 1 ca şi in the role/function of
biology n 18 1 biologie a science which studies living things
both...and c 18 1 ambii şi... şi not only...but also; the one as well as the
candidate n 18 1 candidat one who seeks or is nominated for an office,
prize, honor, etc.
chemistry n 18 1 chimie a branch of science which studies the elements
of the universe
commission n 18 1 ducument autoritar ce an official document making a person a military
identifică ofiţerul officer
militar, avansare
commission v 18 1 a avansa to give military rank
design n 18 1 schiţă, planificare a plan; drawing/pattern showing how to make
design v 18 1 a schiţa, a planifica to draw /make plans
economics n 18 1 economie the study of money
either...or c 18 1 sau... sau (din 2) one or the other of 2
eligible j 18 1 potrivit suitable to be chosen especially for
engineer n 18 1 inginer person who plans/understands the making of
machines, roads, etc.
engineering n 18 1 inginerie science and profession of an engineer
establish v 18 1 a fonda to set up (an organization, school, etc.)
graduate n 18 1 absolvent person who has graduated
ineligible j 18 1 ne calificat not qualified
lead/led/led v 18 1 a conduce to direct/guide; to be ahead; live
leader n 18 1 lider, conducător person who directs/guides; the head leader
leadership n 18 1 abilitate de a capability/ability to lead; position/office of
conduce leadership
motivate v 18 1 a motiva to provide a motive/ incentive
motivated j 18 1 motivat having motivation
name v 18 1 a numi to give a name to; say the name of;
neither...nor c 18 1 nici... nici not either
not only...but c 18 1 nu doar acesta... dar not just this, also that
also şi acesta
physics n 18 1 fizica subject of science
President n 18 1 preşedinte president of U.S.
primarily a 18 1 primar chief/main

primary j 18 1 primar chief/main/first
program n 18 1 procedură, program plan/procedure
qualification n 18 1 calificare ability/training enabling one to do something
qualified j 18 1 calificat competent/eligible
qualify v 18 1 a califica to make/declare competent or eligible
quality n 18 1 calitate characteristic element
reach v 18 1 a ajunge to arrive at; attain; get a message to
science n 18 1 ştiinţă study of knowledge which depends on facts and
general natural laws
scientist n 18 1 ştienţist, om de a person who works in science
social j 18 1 social of/concerning society; shared with friends
social science n 18 1 ştiinţă socială study of people in society
sociology n 18 1 sociologie social science
Strategy n 18 1 strategie, tactică skillful planning, especially military


accustomed to j 18 2 deprins să in the habit of

barricade n 18 2 baricadă something that blocks passage
barricade v 18 2 a baricada to block off passageway
be used to m 18 2 a fi deprins să be accustomed to
condition n 18 2 condiţie state of existence; prerequisite
damage n 18 2 vătămare harm/loss
damage v 18 2 a vătăma to cause harm to
danger n 18 2 pericol possibility of harm/loss
drizzle n 18 2 burezare fine, misty rain; rain in very small drops
drizzle v 18 2 a bureza to rain very lightly or in small drops
evacuate v 18 2 a evacua to take/move people away from a place and out
of danger
evacuation n 18 2 evacuare the act of moving people out of danger
favorable j 18 2 favorabil advantageous, pleasing; approving
favorably a 18 2 favorabil pleasingly; approvingly
flash n 18 2 fulger sudden light/occurrence; a brief news report
flash v 18 2 a fulgera to appear suddenly; exhibit briefly
flood n 18 2 inundaţie an overflowing of water on an area normally dry
flood v 18 2 a inunda to cause to be covered with water
fog n 18 2 ceaţă a thick mist which makes it difficult to see
foggy j 18 2 ceţos full of fog; not clear
forecast n 18 2 prognoza prediction
forecast/forecast/ v 18 2 a prognoza to predict what will forecast happen in the
hail n 18 2 grindină frozen rain
hail v 18 2 a ploua cu grindină to shower hail
hazard n 18 2 primejdie danger
hazardous j 18 2 primejdios dangerous
invisible j 18 2 invizibil that can't be seen; hidden
lightning n 18 2 fulger flash of light
likely a 18 2 probabil probably
likely j 18 2 probabil probable
look out (for) v 18 2 a avea grijă to take care/be careful of
probable j 18 2 probabil likely
rise/rose/risen v 18 2 a creşte to come/go up; get higher
run/ran/run into v 18 2 a intra în contact to encounter; collide with
set/set/set up v 18 2 a stabili to establish; erect
severe j 18 2 sever not kind; harmful
severely a 18 2 sever not kindly; harmfully
sleet n 18 2 zăpadă udă partly frozen rain
sleet v 18 2 a ploua cu zăpadă udă to shower sleet
strike/struck/stru v 18 2 a păli to hit; come suddenly; ignite a match
take precaution(s) e 18 2 a avea grijă to protect against danger
thunder n 18 2 tunet loud noise which follows lightning
unfavorable j 18 2 nefavorabil detrimental; not approving
unfavorably a 18 2 nefavorabil detrimentally; disapprovingly
unlikely j 18 2 improbabil not probable
visibility n 18 2 vizibilitate degree of clearness
visible j 18 2 vizibil able to be seen; evident
visibly a 18 2 vizibil noticeably
warn v 18 2 a preîntîmpina to caution
warning n 18 2 preîntîmpinare sign of danger; advise to beware
watch out (for) v 18 2 a avea grijă de to take care/be careful of
weatherman n 18 2 persoana ce duce weather forecaster
prognoza meteo
wish (to) v 18 2 aş vrea să to want/desire


advise v 18 3 a sfătui to give advice, recommend, or suggest

agree v 18 3 a fi de acord to have/share same opinion feeling, purpose,
agreement n 18 3 acord an understanding between people; a contract
benefit n 18 3 benefit an advantage or good effect
benefit v 18 3 a beneficia to be useful or helpful
can't be m 18 3 nu poate sa fie indicates logical impossibility
chief j 18 3 şef highest in rank/most important
chief n 18 3 şef leader/person with highest rank
chiefly a 18 3 cel mai important mainly
concern n 18 3 îngrijorare a matter of interest or importance to someone
concerned j 18 3 îngrijorat worried; interested in
convince v 18 3 a convinge persuade by argument/ evidence
couldn't be m 18 3 nu putea fi logical impossibility
definite j 18 3 clar, definit clear/without any uncertainty
definitely a 18 3 definitiv without a doubt; clearly
disagree v 18 3 a nu fi de acord to have/show a different opinion
disagreement n 18 3 dezacord a difference of opinion
employ v 18 3 a angaja to use a person as a paid worker
employee n 18 3 lucrător, muncitor a person who is employed
employer n 18 3 angajator a person who pays people to work
employment n 18 3 lucru the state of being employed; work
excellent j 18 3 excelent very good
fire v 18 3 a elibera de la to dismiss from a job; shoot
get the point e 18 3 a înţelege ideea to understand the main idea
get/got/gotten off v 18 3 a părăsi lucrul to leave work
get/got/gotten rid v 18 3 a se elibera to free oneself from; to throw away/to give
of away
head n 18 3 şef, lider leader/ruler
hire v 18 3 a angaja to employ someone for pay
indefinite j 18 3 indefinit not clear/not fixed, especially as to time
indefinitely a 18 3 indefinit for a period of time without a fixed end
main j 18 3 cel mai important chief/most important
mainly a 18 3 cel mai important chief/most important
now (that) c 18 3 acum că... since; seeing that
on the one/other e 18 3 dintr-o parte... din one point of view/the opposite point
hand altă parte
permit v 18 3 a permite to allow
personal j 18 3 personal private; done/made by a particular person
personally a 18 3 personal speaking for oneself
point n 18 3 punct, ideea fact/idea; a sharp end
point of view e 18 3 punct de vedere a way of considering/judging a thing, person,
event, etc.
point out v 18 3 a explica, a arăta to explain; show the way
supervise v 18 3 a supraveghea to keep watch over
supervisor n 18 3 supraveghetor one who supervises
to tell you the e 18 3 a-ţi spune adevărul truly; actually
unemployed j 18 3 şomer not having a job
unemployment n 18 3 şomaj lack of jobs; lacking a job
without p 18 3 fără lacking; not having


accuse v 18 4 a acuza to charge with an error or offense

all of a sudden e 18 4 dinadins unexpectedly
along a 18 4 cu (cineva) forward; with others, as a companion or
associate; in line with
along p 18 4 de-a lungul parallel with the length or direction of
blame v 18 4 a învinovăţi to consider someone responsible for/being at
blind j 18 4 orb unable to see
blind v 18 4 a orbi to make unable to see
bring/brought/brou v 18 4 a readuce to cause to return; recall to mind
ght back
carry v 18 4 a căra to bear, convey, or transport
childhood n 18 4 copilărie period of being a child
coast n 18 4 coastă (lîngă mare) the land next to the sea/ocean
consideration n 18 4 consideraţie careful thought for the wishes/feelings of
control n 18 4 control power to direct/regulate
control v 18 4 a controla to direct/regulate
could have m 18 4 putea avea past possibility
deaf j 18 4 surd unable to hear at all or to hear well
detail n 18 4 detaliu small point or fact
dormitory n 18 4 cămin a building where students live and study;
fact n 18 4 fact something known to be true
force n 18 4 forţă power of wind, water; body strength; group of
people trained for special purpose
force v 18 4 a forţa to use physical power or influence on
get/got/gotten v 18 4 a lua causative
have/had/had v 18 4 a avea causative
however a 18 4 oricum in spite of this
hurricane n 18 4 uragan storm with high wind/rain
in the back of p 18 4 în spatele in the rear part of
in the front of p 18 4 în faţa in the front part of
look after v 18 4 a avea grijă de to take care of somebody/something
may have m 18 4 putea avea past possibility
memory n 18 4 memorie act of remembering; something remembered
-ment af 18 4 vb + -ment = subst. vb + -ment = noun
might have m 18 4 ar putea avea past possibility
must have m 18 4 trebuie să aibă past deduction
ought to have m 18 4 trebuie să aibă unfulfilled advisability
persuade v 18 4 a convinge to cause to do by reasoning; convince
remind v 18 4 a reaminti to tell/cause to remember
semester n 18 4 semestru either of two periods into which a school year
is divided
set/set/set aside v 18 4 a lăsă dintr-o parte to save for a special purpose
share n 18 4 împărţire part of
share v 18 4 a împărţi to use, have, etc., with others
should have m 18 4 trebuie să aibă unfulfilled advisability
should not have m 18 4 nu trebuie să aibă past inadvisability
sign language n 18 4 limba semnelor system of hand movements for expression as used
(muţilor) by deaf/mutes
spoil v 18 4 a strica to ruin/decay; treat very/too well
such as p 18 4 aşa ca for example
sudden j 18 4 neaşteptat, repede unexpected; abrupt; quick
suddenly a 18 4 pe neaşteptat unexpectedly; abruptly; quickly
take into e 18 4 a lua în consideraţie to keep something in mind when making a
consideration decision
take e 18 4 a trata fără to treat without consideration or kindness
someone/something amabilitate
for granted
therefore a 18 4 deci for that reason; so
tornado n 18 4 tornado whirling wind


all at once e 19 1 totul de odată suddenly

along with p 19 1 odată cu together with/in addition to
alongside a 19 1 dea lungul beside/parallel
alongside (of) p 19 1 paralel cu beside/parallel
attract v 19 1 a atrage draw to; allure
complete j 19 1 complet whole; lacking nothing/to full extent
consequently a 19 1 ca rezultat a, as a result
divorce n 19 1 divorţ ending of a marriage
divorce v 19 1 a divorţa end a marriage
eager j 19 1 doritor full of interest/desire
end up v 19 1 a finisa finish in a certain place/way
ex- af 19 1 cineva / ceva ce nu no longer/former
mai este de acum
female n 19 1 feminin one of the sexes
general j 19 1 general most common; not specific
get/got/gotten v 19 1 a progresa progress (in)
get/got/gotten v 19 1 a te înţelege be in agreement (with)
grandchild/- n 19 1 nepot, nepoţei child/ren of one's son/daughter
granddaughter n 19 1 nepoţică daughter of one's son/daughter
grandson n 19 1 nepot son of one's son/daughter
in addition a 19 1 de asemeni, în plus also
incomplete j 19 1 incomplet lacking something
in-law n 19 1 în lege relation by marriage
inquire (about) v 19 1 a întreba (despre) ask/ask for information
knowledge n 19 1 cunoştinţă that what is known/ understanding
male n 19 1 masculin one of the sexes
neglect (to) v 19 1 a neglija give little care to or fail to do something
once in a while e 19 1 odată sometimes
put/put/put up v 19 1 a tolera tolerate without complaining
relationship n 19 1 relaţie connection, as in thought, meaning, blood
sand n 19 1 nisip small, loose pieces of rock found on beaches
and deserts
sex n 19 1 sex male/female
specific j 19 1 specific particular; definite; exact
spouse n 19 1 soţ sau soţie husband or wife
tolerance n 19 1 toleranţă being tolerant
tolerant j 19 1 tolerant showing tolerance
tolerate v 19 1 a tolera allow/respect others' beliefs, etc.


absolutely a 19 2 absolut completely

according to p 19 2 referitor la in agreement with; as stated by
arrange v 19 2 a aranja set in order/plan in advance
assist v 19 2 a asista help/support
assistance n 19 2 asistenţă help/aid
at least a 19 2 în sfîrşit not less than; if nothing else
bite n 19 2 muşcătură act of biting; something to eat
bite/bit/bitten v 19 2 a muşca cut/crush with the teeth, mouth, etc.
can't have m 19 2 nu poate avea past logical impossibility
convinced j 19 2 convins very sure
convincing j 19 2 convingător persuasive
could have m 19 2 putea avea unfulfilled past ability
couldn't have m 19 2 nu putea avea past logical impossibility
drop off v 19 2 a aduce take/deliver; doze
drown v 19 2 a se îneca die/cause to die under water
entire j 19 2 toată, întreaga whole; lacking nothing/to the full extent
fatal j 19 2 fatal resulting in death; disastrous
few j 19 2 puţin (numărabil) absence of almost all quantity
fuel n 19 2 combustibil material used for producing power
get/got/gotten v 19 2 a ajunge la, a finisa finish; reach someone, (with/to) especially by
through phone
in order e 19 2 în ordine properly arranged; neat
in place of p 19 2 în locul instead of
insist (on) v 19 2 a insista la declare firmly; order something to happen
keep/kept/kept v 19 2 a se feri de avoid
away (from)
kill v 19 2 a ucide cause to die
little j 19 2 puţin (ne numărabil) absence of almost all quantity
misplace v 19 2 a putea în locul put in wrong place
order n 19 2 ordine arrangement where everything is in proper
otherwise a 19 2 dacă nu... atunci if not
prevent v 19 2 a preveni stop/keep from doing/happening
preventable j 19 2 prevenibil able to be prevented
rest n 19 2 odihnă remainder
run/ran/run across v 19 2 a găsi din întîmplare find by chance
stay away (from) v 19 2 a se feri de avoid
telegram n 19 2 telegramă message sent by telegram
trim j 19 2 curat, îngrijit in good condition
use up v 19 2 a folosi totul consume; finish completely
vitamin n 19 2 vitamină chemical substance important for health


-able af 19 3 verb/subst + -able = verb/noun + -able = adj

accomplish v 19 3 a finisa succeed in doing; complete
account for v 19 3 a explica explain
achieve v 19 3 a obţine do successfully; get by effort
adjust to v 19 3 a se adapta adapt
assume e 19 3 a asuma take on responsibility
responsibility responsabilitate
attendance n 19 3 frecventare act of being present; number present
capability n 19 3 capabilitate quality of being capable
communicate v 19 3 a comunica give/exchange info; impart
confidence n 19 3 încredere în sine belief in one's ability; assurance
confident j 19 3 încrezut în sine full of confidence; certain
congratulate v 19 3 a felicita express pleasure at one's good fortune
develop v 19 3 a dezvolta cause to/give or become more complete; stages
of production
educational j 19 3 educaţional pertaining to education
guidance n 19 3 îndrumare leadership; advice
guide v 19 3 a îndruma lead; control
-ible af 19 3 verb/subst + -ible = verb/noun + -ible = adj
make sense e 19 3 a avea sens be logical
method n 19 3 metodă manner of doing
mission n 19 3 misiune duty/purpose
object (to) v 19 3 a nega state by way of objection; express disapproval
obtain v 19 3 a obţine get possession of
once c 19 3 odată from the moment that/when
quite a few e 19 3 cîteva many
quite a(n) (adj) + e 19 3 cît de cît, mai to some degree, rather
routine j 19 3 rutină regular
routine n 19 3 rutină fixed way of doing things
self-confidence n 19 3 încredere în sine confidence in one's ability
sensible j 19 3 sensibil having/showing good sense
skill n 19 3 abilitate ability/proficiency
someday a 19 3 odată at some future day or time
succeed v 19 3 a reuşi be successful
success n 19 3 succes a favorable result
successful j 19 3 norocos turning out as hoped
sufficient j 19 3 suficient enough/adequate
technique n 19 3 tehnică (de a face) manner of doing


annoy v 19 4 a deranja bother

annoyed j 19 4 deranjat angry
annoying j 19 4 deranjabilă irritating
as well as c 19 4 la fel ca şi in addition to
attention n 19 4 atenţie thought/consideration
disappoint v 19 4 a dezamăgi fail to satisfy hopes/expectations
disappointed j 19 4 dezamăgit unhappy at not seeing hopes come true
disappointing j 19 4 dezamăgitor causing to be unhappy at not seeing hopes come
drop out of v 19 4 a închide, a finisa quit
guilty j 19 4 vinovat having or showing a feeling of guilt
hand in v 19 4 a prezenta submit
helmet n 19 4 casca de protecţie protective head covering
helpful j 19 4 folositor willing help; useful
helpless j 19 4 fără de folos unable to look after oneself or act without
in a rush e 19 4 în grabă hurrying
lack v 19 4 a nu ajunge not having enough of
lack (of) n 19 4 neajuns absence of
lazy j 19 4 leneş avoiding work/activity
learn a lesson e 19 4 a primi lecţie learn from experience
lenient j 19 4 liniştit not harsh; merciful
lose one's temper e 19 4 a-şi pierde become angry
controlul, a fi inervat
pay attention to e 19 4 a atrage atenţia la give thought/consideration to
put/put/put aside v 19 4 a lăsa dintr-o parte reserve for later use
regret n 19 4 regret sorrow over acts/omissions
regret v 19 4 a regreta feel sorry about
rush n 19 4 grabă hasty movement; great activity
rush v 19 4 a se grăbi hurry/act quickly
start out (on) v 19 4 a începe leave/begin a trip, career, etc.
stay up v 19 4 a fi treaz to remain awake
strict j 19 4 strict enforcing rules
stupid j 19 4 prost silly/foolish
take/took/taken v 19 4 a părăsi leave; take time from work, etc.
turn in v 19 4 a rîndui, a prezenta submit
volunteer n 19 4 voluntar one who gives services without payment
volunteer v 19 4 a fi voluntar give services without payment
waste v 19 4 a folosi în zadar use wrongly; use too much of


a good deal of e 20 1 mult a lot of

a great deal of e 20 1 mult a lot of
apart a 20 1 separat, aparte separately
apart from p 20 1 separat de separate from; with the exception of
bag n 20 1 sacoşă container made of paper, plastic, etc.;
become/became/beca v 20 1 a se întîmpla happen to
me of

bet n 20 1 pariu wager/agreement
bet/bet/bet v 20 1 a bate pariu wager
call for v 20 1 a cere go and get; require
can't help e 20 1 în zadar, nu va ajuta unable to refrain from
combine v 20 1 a combina mix together
cost n 20 1 costul price/amount paid/asked
create v 20 1 a crea make; produce
depend on v 20 1 a depinde de be contingent on
feel like e 20 1 a simţi de parcă would like to
from time to time e 20 1 cîteodată sometimes
give/gave/given v 20 1 a face cadou make a gift of
groceries n 20 1 alimente items sold at a grocery store
ingredient n 20 1 ingredient one of the parts of a mixture
jar n 20 1 borcan glass container
label n 20 1 etichetă paper/cloth attached to something as
list n 20 1 listă series of items in order
list v 20 1 a lista make a list of
mix n 20 1 combinaţie combination
mix v 20 1 a combina put ingredients together
mixture n 20 1 combină product of mixing
most r 20 1 cel mai almost all
mostly a 20 1 cel mai des chiefly/for the most part
on hand e 20 1 la mînă available for use now
property n 20 1 proprietate anything owned; land
purchase n 20 1 cumpărătură act of buying
purchase v 20 1 a cumpăra to buy
put/put/put off v 20 1 a amîna postpone
quantity n 20 1 cantitate an amount
raw j 20 1 crud uncooked
recipe n 20 1 recetă list of things needed and directions for
preparing food
separate j 20 1 separat not together/different
separate v 20 1 a separa keep apart; divide into parts
set n 20 1 set number of things, etc. that form a group
stir v 20 1 a amesteca mix
tear/tore/torn v 20 1 a rupe pull apart/to pieces by force
thus a 20 1 deacea therefore


additional j 20 2 adiţional in addition/added

alert j 20 2 alarmat watchful
alert v 20 2 a alerta warn as to be ready
ally n 20 2 aliat person/country joined with another
attack n 20 2 atac an attacking
attack v 20 2 a ataca act upon harmfully
authorize v 20 2 a autoriza give power, authority to
battle n 20 2 bătălie conflict
border n 20 2 hotar line between nations; edge
call up v 20 2 a mobiliza summon for duty
combat n 20 2 bătălie battle
defend v 20 2 a apăra guard from attack; protect
defense n 20 2 apărare something that defends against attack
define v 20 2 a defini give meaning
enemy n 20 2 inamic person, etc., hostile to another
engage v 20 2 a se implica enter into conflict; mesh together
freedom n 20 2 libertate state of being free
maintain v 20 2 a menţine keep in a certain state; defend/support
maintenance n 20 2 menţinere maintaining/being maintained
neutral j 20 2 neutru supporting neither side
nevertheless a 20 2 totuşi however
notify v 20 2 a notifica tell/inform
on alert e 20 2 în alertă ready for danger, etc.
peace n 20 2 pace absence of conflict
secure j 20 2 în securitate free from danger
security n 20 2 securitate protection
settle v 20 2 a instala to reach an agreement; take up permanent
situation n 20 2 situaţia condition/circumstance
take control of e 20 2 a lua control asupra assume control of
take sides e 20 2 a lua parte support a group
take steps e 20 2 a întreprinde măsuri begin to act
take/took/taken v 20 2 a lua sub control begin controlling
threaten v 20 2 a ameninţa make threats
war n 20 2 război armed conflict/hostility

accelerate v 20 3 a accelera increase the speed of
align v 20 3 a alinia bring into a straight line
altogether a 20 3 toţi odată, împreună in all; completely
-ative af 20 3 verb/subst + -ative = verb/noun + -ative = adj
automatic j 20 3 automat done as from habit; working by itself
carburetor n 20 3 carburator device for mixing gasoline with air
clutch n 20 3 ambriaj device for gears
defect n 20 3 defect lacking something; imperfection
defective j 20 3 cu defect having defects
estimate n 20 3 apreciere general guess; opinion
estimate v 20 3 a aprecia guess size, cost, etc. of; form an opinion
exterior n 20 3 exterior outside part of
fluid n 20 3 lichid liquid
function n 20 3 operaţie, funcţiune operation
function v 20 3 a funcţiona operate
gear n 20 3 cutie de viteză toothed wheel
have a look at e 20 3 a examina examine
hydraulic j 20 3 hidraulic operated by movement/force of liquids
ignite v 20 3 a aprinde set fire to/catch fire
ignition n 20 3 aprindere starting system
interior n 20 3 interior inside part of
-ive af 20 3 verb/noun + -ive = verb/noun + -ive = adj
lever n 20 3 pîrghie bar used to apply pressure
liquid n 20 3 lichid fluid
look over v 20 3 a examina examine
manual j 20 3 manual made, done, worked by hand
pedal n 20 3 pedală lever operated by foot
pipe n 20 3 ţeavă metal tube
provide v 20 3 a asigura furnish what is needed
pump n 20 3 pompă device used for pumping
pump v 20 3 a pompa move fluids, gases to and from
release v 20 3 a lăsa, a da drumul allow to come out/let go
repair n 20 3 reparaţie work done in repairing
service v 20 3 a deservi make fit/furnish with a service
shift v 20 3 a schimba move from one person/place to another; change
spark n 20 3 scîntee small part of fire
spark plug n 20 3 bugie device which produces electric spark
standard j 20 3 standard regularly used
step on the gas e 20 3 a accelera accelerate
supply v 20 3 a asigura furnish what is needed
system n 20 3 sistem arrangement of things to form a whole; method
take a look at e 20 3 a examina examine
-tive af 20 3 verb/subst + -tive = verb/noun + -tive = adj
transmission n 20 3 transmisie part of automobile
transmit v 20 3 a transmite send out
used j 20 3 folosit second hand; used before
wear/wore/worn out v 20 3 a uza reduce to useless state; tire greatly
worn out j 20 3 uzat used until no longer effective; tired out


antifreeze n 20 4 antifriz chemical substance used to keep liquid from

circulate v 20 4 a circula move in a circuit and return
combustible j 20 4 combustibil that can burn
combustion n 20 4 aprindere act/process of burning
component n 20 4 component part
coolant n 20 4 lichid de răcire fluid used for cooling engines
cylinder n 20 4 cilindru hollow/solid body with circular base and
straight sides
eliminate v 20 4 a elimina remove/get rid of; omit
exhaust n 20 4 gaz de eşapament air, smoke which escapes from engine
external j 20 4 extern of/on the outside; foreign
filter n 20 4 filtru device through which liquid/air is
filter v 20 4 a filtra pass through a filter; remove with a filter
for the purpose of p 20 4 în loc să in order to
friction n 20 4 frecţie rubbing of one object against another
in order to p 20 4 în loc să with the purpose of
internal j 20 4 intern of/in the inside
least r 20 4 cel mai puţin smallest amount
lubricate v 20 4 a unge, a aplica make slippery; apply a lubricant
malfunction n 20 4 defecţiune instance of malfunctioning
malfunction v 20 4 a defecta fail to function as it should

overhaul n 20 4 reparaţie completă a major repair job
overheat v 20 4 a se supra încălzi become excessively hot
overheated j 20 4 supra încălzit excessively hot
piston n 20 4 piston cylinder fitted within hollow cylinder
pressure n 20 4 presiune applied force
process n 20 4 proces system of operations
purpose n 20 4 cauză reason; objective
rebuild/rebuilt/re v 20 4 a reconstrui construct again
regulate v 20 4 a controla control
rub v 20 4 a şterge cu radiera move along a surface with pressure and friction
so (that) c 20 4 în loc să in order that
speedometer n 20 4 spidometru device used to indicate speed
surface n 20 4 suprafaţă outer part; top of a liquid
tear/tore/torn v 20 4 a distruge destroy; disassemble
thermostat n 20 4 termostat device used to regulate temperature
threat n 20 4 preîntîmpinare warning; menace
useful j 20 4 folositor that can be used; helpful
wear and tear e 20 4 uzat şi folosit damage resulting from use


abnormal j 21 1 neobişnuit not usual; odd

anyway a 21 1 oricum in any manner/at any rate
appetite n 21 1 dorinţă desire
approximately a 21 1 aproximativ not exact, but nearly
average j 21 1 normal, obişnuit normal/usual
average n 21 1 obişnuit usual amount; result of division
average v 21 1 a obişnui figure out the average
brand n 21 1 fel, nume, tip kind/make/name
call off v 21 1 a închide cancel
conclude v 21 1 a decide finish; decide
contribute v 21 1 a contribui to join with others in giving; bring about
dense j 21 1 dens thick; crowded; close together
density n 21 1 densitate number per unit
desert n 21 1 pustiu dry, barren region
drain v 21 1 a usca draw off; empty
growth n 21 1 creştere act/rate of growing; increase in number
habit n 21 1 obicei custom; usual way of doing
in that case e 21 1 în acest caz conditional adverbial phrase
industry n 21 1 industrie business; manufacture
keep/kept/kept up v 21 1 a fi în legătură maintain pace; remain informed
maximum j 21 1 maxim greatest possibly allowed
minimum j 21 1 minim smallest/lowest
model n 21 1 model particular type; representation
normal j 21 1 normal regular/usual
occur v 21 1 a se întîmpla happen
once again e 21 1 din nou again as before
once more e 21 1 încă odată one more time
peak n 21 1 pic, cel mai înalt highest point
punct, vîrf
per p 21 1 pe for each

pick up v 21 1 a prinde din mers learn at random
populate v 21 1 a popula live in a particular area
population n 21 1 populaţie number of people living in a place
portion n 21 1 porţie section/piece
rapid j 21 1 rapid fast/quick
rate n 21 1 rată price; amount measured in relation to something
recent j 21 1 recent done/occurring not long ago
region n 21 1 regiune area
scenery n 21 1 panoramă surrounding views
spread/spread/spre v 21 1 a răspîndi open out; cover with; make known
take/took/taken v 21 1 a desface, a lua după resemble


absorb v 21 2 a absorbi take in

affect v 21 2 a afecta produce an effect on
airtight j 21 2 ermetic so tight that air cannot get through
artificial j 21 2 artificial not natural
as a result a 21 2 ca rezultat consequently
as a result of p 21 2 ca rezultat a shows effect/result of something
bend/bent/bent v 21 2 a îndoi force into a different shape
bounce (back) v 21 2 a sări rebound
characteristic n 21 2 calitate, feature/quality
chemical n 21 2 chimic a substance
contain v 21 2 a conţine hold
content n 21 2 conţinut amount contained; all that is contained
effect n 21 2 efect result caused by something
effective j 21 2 efectiv producing a desired result
elastic j 21 2 elastic capable of being stretched
escape v 21 2 a evada come/get out of a place
flexible j 21 2 flexibil able to bend; adjustable to change
form v 21 2 a forma take the shape of; make
hardly a 21 2 aproape că nu almost none
-ility af 21 2 adj + -ility = subst adj + -ility = noun
inflexible j 21 2 tare, ne flexibil unable to bend; not able to change
-ity af 21 2 adj + -ity = subst adj + -ity = noun
nowadays a 21 2 zilele noastre at the present time
original j 21 2 original first
property n 21 2 proprietate characteristic
real j 21 2 real natural; not artificial
resist v 21 2 a rezista fight against/withstand
result n 21 2 rezultat what happens because of an action
result from v 21 2 a rezulta din be the result of
result in v 21 2 a rezulta în cause a result
rigid j 21 2 rigid stiff/not bending
seal n 21 2 sigilă something that seals
seal v 21 2 a sigila close/fasten tightly
shape v 21 2 formă give form to
so...that c 21 2 iată de ce introduces clause of result
soak v 21 2 a se inflirta to draw in; to enter/ be/place in water
squeeze v 21 2 a aplica presiune apply pressure
stretch v 21 2 a întinde pull to a greater length; extend
substance n 21 2 substanţă material
such (a) j 21 2 aşa de of that kind; so bad, great, good, etc.
such...that c 21 2 aşa... încît introduces clause of result
-ty af 21 2 adj + -ty = subst adj + -ty = noun
waterproof j 21 2 impermiabil so tight that water cannot get through
watertight j 21 2 ermetic so tight that water cannot get through
-y af 21 2 adj + -y = subst adj + -y = noun


abbreviation n 21 3 abreviere a shortened form
abundance n 21 3 abundenţă more than enough
aid n 21 3 asistenţă (medicală) assistance
aid v 21 3 a ajuta help; assist
architect n 21 3 arhitect designer of buildings
be no use e 21 3 fără de folos be useless
case n 21 3 caz problem tried in court; a particular instance
civil j 21 3 civil relating to citizens rights
client n 21 3 client person who engages the professional service of
commit v 21 3 a comite do something wrong or unlawful
court n 21 3 curte judicial assembly
crime n 21 3 crimă act prohibited by law
criminal j 21 3 criminal relating to/involving/being a crime
determine v 21 3 a determina decide; form a firm intention
dis- af 21 3 negaţie negative/opposite
dual j 21 3 dublu of two/double
efficient j 21 3 eficient producing desired result with little effort
enforce v 21 3 a forţa compel observance of
fair j 21 3 cinstit, liniştit not stormy; just
fill v 21 3 a umple order the use of
for a living e 21 3 pentru trai as an occupation
illegal j 21 3 ilegal against the law
in general e 21 3 în general usually
innocent j 21 3 nevinovat not guilty
interpret v 21 3 translator explain; translate
judge n 21 3 judecător public official; one who judges
judge v 21 3 a judeca form an opinion about; believe
judicial j 21 3 judicial of judges, courts, etc.
jury n 21 3 juriu group of people who decide
just j 21 3 cinstit fair
justice n 21 3 judecătorie fairness
lawyer n 21 3 avocat attorney
legal j 21 3 legal within the law
pharmacist n 21 3 farmacist druggist
plumber n 21 3 instalator one who works with plumbing
represent v 21 3 a reprezenta express by a symbol; act in place of
rescue v 21 3 a salva save from danger, etc.
search v 21 3 a căuta examine to find something
stand/stood/stood v 21 3 a tolera represent; tolerate
un- af 21 3 negativ negative/opposite


advantage n 21 4 avantaj favorable condition

be in contact with e 21 4 a fi în contact cu be in communication with
be in touch with e 21 4 a fi în legătură cu be in communication with
beneficial j 21 4 beneficial, de folos helpful; useful
beyond a 21 4 prin to the further side of; past the limits of
beyond p 21 4 prin to the further side of; past the limits of
branch n 21 4 ramură, secţiune section

brief j 21 4 rapid short, especially in time
brief v 21 4 a informa scurt give necessary information
category n 21 4 categorie division/class
command n 21 4 comandă order; control
command v 21 4 a comanda order
conduct n 21 4 comportament behavior
contact v 21 4 a contacta be in touch with
department n 21 4 departament division/branch
disadvantage n 21 4 dezavantaj unfavorable condition
discharge n 21 4 descărcare act of discharging
discharge v 21 4 a descărca release; fire a gun
discover v 21 4 a descoperi find/learn something
extend v 21 4 a extinde reach/stretch/continue in relation to time and
extension n 21 4 extensiune continuation; addition
get in contact e 21 4 a fi în contact cu get in communication with
get in touch with e 21 4 a fi la legătură cu get in communication with
hesitate v 21 4 a ezita pause in/before an action
influence n 21 4 influenţă effect
influence v 21 4 a influenţa have an effect on
inform v 21 4 a informa tell; give info to
obligation n 21 4 obligaţie duty/necessity
prohibit v 21 4 interzicere not permit; prevent
recruit v 21 4 a recruta get new people for
re-enlist v 21 4 a reîncorpora enlist again
request v 21 4 rugăminte ask for something; ask someone to do something
subject to j 21 4 dependent under authority of; contingent upon
suggest v 21 4 a propune offer/propose
urge v 21 4 a urgenta advise
veteran (vet) n 21 4 veteran ex-military person


ambulance n 22 1 ambulanţă vehicle for transporting sick/wounded

approach v 22 1 a se apropia come near to
as if c 22 1 de parcă as it would be if something were true
as though c 22 1 de parcă as it would be if something were true
at once e 22 1 imediat immediately/now
breathe v 22 1 respiraţie respire
call on v 22 1 a apela la cineva pay a visit; request one to speak/recite
choke v 22 1 a se înăduşi have difficulty breathing; cause not to breathe
concern v 22 1 a face griji to relate; to worry
conscious j 22 1 conştient awake; able to think
crash n 22 1 impact tare loud impact
crash v 22 1 a păli cu forţă hit with force
critical j 22 1 critic at an important stage; the crisis of a disease
cut/cut/cut in v 22 1 a întrerupe interrupt
faint v 22 1 a pierde conştiinţa pass out
favor n 22 1 act de binefacere helpful act
give a hand e 22 1 a ajuta help
guy n 22 1 băiat man/boy; male person
insect n 22 1 insectă six-legged invertebrate
interrupt v 22 1 a întrerupe cause break in activity; cut in on a
major j 22 1 major main/most important
minor j 22 1 minor unimportant
-ness af 22 1 adj + -ness = subst adj + -ness = noun
object n 22 1 obiect thing that can be seen or touched
particular j 22 1 particular special; unusual; worthy of notice
pass out v 22 1 a pierde conştiinţa faint
poison n 22 1 iad, otravă deadly chemical
poisonous j 22 1 otrăvitor having capability to kill
re- af 22 1 încă odată again/back
shout v 22 1 a striga speak loudly
slight j 22 1 mic small in amount/extent
snake n 22 1 şarpe cold-blooded, crawling animal with no legs
steal/stole/stolen v 22 1 a fura take dishonestly
stuff n 22 1 lucruri things
swallow v 22 1 a înghiţi pass from mouth to stomach
within p 22 1 prin inside the limits of

beauty n 22 2 frumuseţe something that pleases/ satisfies the senses

catch/caught/caugh v 22 2 a ajunge din urmă overtake
t up with
complex j 22 2 complex difficult
complicated j 22 2 complicat difficult
declare v 22 2 a declara state; make known officially
designate v 22 2 a numi name/appoint
differ v 22 2 a diferenţia be unlike
difference n 22 2 diferenţă unlikeness
due to p 22 2 datorită because of
elect v 22 2 a alege select by vote
entrance n 22 2 intrare place of admission; door or gate
entry n 22 2 intrare entrance
exit n 22 2 ieşire place for leaving
familiar j 22 2 familiar closely acquainted
feature n 22 2 caracteristică prominent part
flame n 22 2 flacără burning fuel
flammable j 22 2 inflamabil easy to burn
former j 22 2 fost first of two; in past time
huge j 22 2 extrem de mare extremely large
latter j 22 2 următorul second of two
lens n 22 2 lentile optical glass
nominate v 22 2 a nomina name/propose for a position
note n 22 2 notiţă short written message
patience n 22 2 răbdare ability to endure
patient j 22 2 răbdător showing forbearance
plain j 22 2 clar, uşor simple; easy to see, hear, or understand
reckless j 22 2 indiferent careless; not caring about danger
run/ran/run across v 22 2 a întîlni din meet by chance
simple j 22 2 simplu not complex
spot v 22 2 a identifica locate
surprise n 22 2 surpiză sudden unexpected event
surprise v 22 2 a uimi amaze/come upon suddenly
voice n 22 2 voce sound produced by people when speaking or
vote v 22 2 a vota, a lege formal expression of choice
yet c 22 2 încă but; strange but true

adhere (to) v 22 3 a ataşa stick firmly; follow

aim n 22 3 intenţie, scop purpose/intention
back and forth e 22 3 încolo şi încoace one way and then the opposite
bare j 22 3 dezgolit not covered/naked
blunt j 22 3 tocit dull
board n 22 3 tablă long, flat piece of wood
bolt n 22 3 bold metal fastener; bar that positions the
bore v 22 3 a găuri make a hole
carpenter n 22 3 lemnar person who builds/ repairs things made of wood
clockwise a 22 3 în direcţia acelor in direction of a clock's rotation
clockwise j 22 3 în direcţia acelor in direction of a clock's rotation
coarse j 22 3 zgrimţuros rough
counterclockwise a 22 3 contra direcţiei in opposite direction of clock's rotation
acelor ceasornicului
counterclockwise j 22 3 contra direcţiei in opposite direction of clock's rotation
acelor ceasornicului
device n 22 3 mecanism mechanical apparatus
dig/dug/dug v 22 3 a săpa break up and move earth
drill n 22 3 burghiu tool for boring holes
drill v 22 3 a găuri make a hole by boring
drive/drove/driven v 22 3 a conduce push or force
enable v 22 3 a porni make able
fine j 22 3 neted not coarse
-ful af 22 3 subst + -ful = adj noun + -ful = adj
glue n 22 3 clei, lipici sticky substance used to attach things
glue v 22 3 a lipi make stick
goggles n 22 3 ochelari de protecţie protective eye covering
grip v 22 3 a ţine strîns hold tightly
hammer n 22 3 ciocan tool for driving/striking nails
hole n 22 3 gaură empty area
join v 22 3 a strînge fasten
-less af 22 3 subst + -less = adj noun + -less = adj
motion n 22 3 mişcare movement
nail n 22 3 ţinte metal pin to fasten wood
pliers n 22 3 cleşte gripping tool
rust n 22 3 rugină residue of oxidation on metal
sand v 22 3 a presăra make smooth
sandpaper n 22 3 hîrtie abrazivă paper coated with sand used to smooth
saw n 22 3 ferestrău edged tool for cutting
saw v 22 3 a tăia cut with saw
scissors n 22 3 foarfece twin-bladed cutting tool
shovel n 22 3 hîrleţ tool for lifting/moving loose material
tip n 22 3 vîrful point/end
workshop n 22 3 atelier place where work is done


adequate j 22 4 adecvat, suficient sufficient

ammunition n 22 4 muniţie projectile used in a weapon
arm v 22 4 a înarma supply with weapon
barrel n 22 4 ţeavă tubelike part of weapon; round container
bullet n 22 4 glonte, proiectil projectile
cartridge n 22 4 cartuş case of a bullet
case n 22 4 tub cartuş container
chamber n 22 4 camera cartuşului compartment
check off v 22 4 a marca mark items on a list
detect v 22 4 a descoperi discover
ease n 22 4 în repauz relaxed effort
equip v 22 4 a echipa provide what is needed
essential j 22 4 esenţial important
explode v 22 4 a exploda burst violently
extreme j 22 4 excesiv, extrem excessive
firearm n 22 4 armă de foc weapon
firing pin n 22 4 percutor pointed object which strikes the cartridge
causing the bullet to be fired
identify v 22 4 a identifica verify or recognize identity
ignite v 22 4 a se aprinde begin burning
il- af 22 4 negativ negative/opposite
im- af 22 4 negativ negative/opposite
in- af 22 4 negativ negative/opposite
inner j 22 4 înăuntru inside
interest v 22 4 a atrage atenţia attract attention of
ir- af 22 4 negativ negative/opposite
magazine n 22 4 încărcător a compartment in some firearms to hold
make sure e 22 4 a fi sigur be certain
non- af 22 4 negativ negative/opposite
on account of p 22 4 din cauză că due to
outer j 22 4 extern external
pin n 22 4 percutor pointed object used to detonate bullet;
powder n 22 4 praf fine dust
risk v 22 4 a risca take a chance
shell n 22 4 adăpost covering
sight n 22 4 vedere power/ability to see; aiming device
stationary j 22 4 staţionar standing still; fixed
tend v 22 4 a tinde be likely
tendency n 22 4 înclinaţie inclination
thorough j 22 4 aprofundat, complet complete
trigger n 22 4 trăgaci lever used to discharge a firearm
troubleshoot/troub v 22 4 a găsi defecţiune locate malfunction
upper j 22 4 deasupra highest part


altitude n 23 1 altitudine height

atmosphere n 23 1 atmosferă air surrounding the earth
atmospheric j 23 1 atmosferic of the atmosphere
atom n 23 1 atom small particle
barometer n 23 1 barometru device that measures atmospheric pressure
be composed of v 23 1 a fi compus din be made up of
carbon dioxide n 23 1 bioxid de carbon gas produced in respiration
compress v 23 1 a compresa press together
consist (of) v 23 1 a fi compus din be made up of
convert v 23 1 a schimba change
element n 23 1 element a basic or simple substance; part of a whole
evaporate v 23 1 a evapora change to vapor
exert v 23 1 a elimina use strength, skill, etc.
exhale v 23 1 a expira release air from lungs
exist v 23 1 a exista to be
expand v 23 1 a se lărgi become larger
float v 23 1 a pluti suspend on fluid
form n 23 1 formă arrangement/shape
gas n 23 1 gaz invisible substance
hydrogen n 23 1 hidrogen gaseous element
inhale v 23 1 a inhala draw air into lungs
layer n 23 1 strat single thickness of matter
lung n 23 1 plămîn organ used in respiration
matter n 23 1 materie, substanţă basic substance of things
melt v 23 1 a se topi change from solid to liquid
molecule n 23 1 moleculă smallest part of an element
nitrogen n 23 1 nitrogen gaseous element
occupy v 23 1 a ocupa take up space
oxygen n 23 1 oxigen gaseous element
particle n 23 1 particula small amount
press v 23 1 a presa exert force
sea level n 23 1 nivelul mării level of sea's surface
solid n 23 1 solid not a liquid or a gas
space n 23 1 spaţiu, cosmos universe; empty area
state n 23 1 stare condition
steam n 23 1 vapor de apă water vapor
surround v 23 1 a înconjura enclose
tiny j 23 1 mic small
vacuum n 23 1 vacuum space completely empty
vapor n 23 1 vapor substance in gaseous state
volume n 23 1 volum cubic space/loudness

apply v 23 2 a plica put/spread on; put into use
artery n 23 2 arteră vessel taking blood away from the heart
aware j 23 2 conştient conscious; having realization or knowledge
bandage n 23 2 bandaj gauze strip for binding wounds
by the time (that) e 23 2 cînd when
carry on v 23 2 a continua continue; do/perform
carry out v 23 2 a finisa accomplish
collapse v 23 2 a se prăbuşi fall down; fall into pieces
collide v 23 2 a ciocni come into contact with
collision n 23 2 ciocnire violent contact
conscious j 23 2 conştient aware; knowing
continuous j 23 2 constant constant
crush v 23 2 ciocnire press violently together
during the time e 23 2 în timpul acesta during this time
elevate v 23 2 a ridica raise
expose v 23 2 a arăta bring into view; leave unprotected
firm j 23 2 tare steady; solid
first aid n 23 2 primul ajutor initial treatment
first of all e 23 2 în primul rînd the first thing
fracture n 23 2 fractură a break/breaking of a bone
infect v 23 2 a infecta put disease into body
initial j 23 2 iniţial first
investigate v 23 2 a investiga search/inquire into
procedure n 23 2 procedură, metodă method of doing things
proceed v 23 2 a porni, a începe start/continue
restrict v 23 2 a restricţiona keep within certain limits
safety n 23 2 în siguranţă condition of being safe
sequence n 23 2 secvenţă orderly series
series n 23 2 serie one after another
somewhat a 23 2 mic a little
steady j 23 2 ne schimbător, stabil unchanging
step n 23 2 pas stage in a process
unconscious j 23 2 inconştient not alert/aware
vein n 23 2 vînă vessel leading blood to the heart
victim n 23 2 victimă one who suffers pain or harm
whenever c 23 2 oricînd at whatever time
wound n 23 2 rană injury
wound v 23 2 a răni injure


arrow n 23 3 săgeată symbol used to indicate direction

beneath a 23 3 sub below
beneath p 23 3 sub below
by means of p 23 3 cu ajutorul by using
by way of p 23 3 prin intermediul via
converge v 23 3 a strînge meet together

correspond v 23 3 a comunica communicate by mail; be in agreement
correspondence n 23 3 corespondenţă mailed communication
destination n 23 3 destinaţie intended place of travel
direct v 23 3 a îndruma, a arăta guide
distribute v 23 3 a distribui give out/scatter
endorse v 23 3 a susţine write name; support
-ern af 23 3 subst +-ern = adj noun +-ern = adj
fold v 23 3 a strînge turn/bend
forward a 23 3 înainte to or toward what's ahead or in front
forward j 23 3 înainte situated in advance
go/went/gone over v 23 3 a revedea review
in the meantime e 23 3 în timpul acesta during this time
intersect v 23 3 a intersecta cross
island n 23 3 insulă land surrounded by water
look in on v 23 3 a face o vizită make a brief visit to
means n 23 3 mijloc de transport method
meanwhile a 23 3 în timpul indicat during this time
northeast a 23 3 nord-est to or toward the northeast
northeast j 23 3 partea nord-estică coming from the northeast
northeast n 23 3 nord-est direction between north and east; area of the
northwest a 23 3 nord-vest to or toward the northwest
northwest j 23 3 partea nord-vestică coming from the northwest
northwest n 23 3 nord-vest direction between north and west; area of the
on top of p 23 3 pe on
opposite p 23 3 opus facing
previous j 23 3 precedent past/before
route n 23 3 ruta line of travel
run short of e 23 3 a folosi aproape use almost all/not having enough left
secondary j 23 3 secundar second in order, rank, importance, etc.
southeast a 23 3 sud-est to or toward the southeast
southeast j 23 3 sud-estic coming from the southeast
southeast n 23 3 sud-est direction between south and east; area of the
southwest a 23 3 sud-vest to or toward the southwest
southwest j 23 3 sud-vestică coming from the southwest
southwest n 23 3 sud-vest direction between south and west; area of the
throughout a 23 3 peste in every part; from beginning to end
throughout p 23 3 peste in every part; from beginning to end
track n 23 3 cale, pistă path

transport v 23 3 a transporta carry
tray n 23 3 tavă flat receptacle with raised edges
-ward af 23 3 sub + -ward = adj/adv noun + -ward = adj/adv
zip code n 23 3 cod poştal part of address


accuracy n 23 4 grijă correctness/precision

accurate j 23 4 grijuliu exact/precise
advance v 23 4 a avansa go forward
aim v 23 4 a conduce control direction
-ance af 23 4 verb + -ance = subst verb + -ance = noun
artillery n 23 4 artilerie large guns
awfully a 23 4 foarte rău very
barely a 23 4 aproape că nu almost not, by a very little
demonstrate v 23 4 a demonstra show
depress v 23 4 a depresa push down
effort n 23 4 efort attempt to accomplish
elementary j 23 4 elementar basic
-ence af 23 4 verb + -ence = subst verb + -ence = noun
event n 23 4 eveniment a happening
expert j 23 4 expert skilled; knowledgeable
expert n 23 4 expert highly skilled person
failure n 23 4 nereuşita lack of success/ nonperformance
give/gave/given v 23 4 a distribui distribute
give/gave/given up v 23 4 a se preda surrender/stop doing
go/went/gone on v 23 4 a continua continue
immediate j 23 4 imediat just then
improve v 23 4 a perfecta make better
infantry n 23 4 infanterie foot soldiers
inspect v 23 4 a inspecta search thoroughly
interfere v 23 4 a interveni hinder
intermediate j 23 4 intermediar, mijlociu middle
level j 23 4 nivel horizontal; even
level n 23 4 poziţie, nivel position/height
marksman/marksmen n 23 4 bun trăgător one who's proficient with weapons
marksmanship n 23 4 ochire sigură quality of being a marksman
ought to m 23 4 trebuie să present/future expectancy
phase n 23 4 fază stage in a cycle
pre- af 23 4 înainte before
progress n 23 4 progres development
progress v 23 4 a progresa move forward
satisfactory j 23 4 satisfăcător, adecvat adequate
should m 23 4 trebuie present/future expectancy
should have m 23 4 trebuia să aibă past expectancy
skilled j 23 4 cu capacităţi mari, having great proficiency
squad n 23 4 grup (militar) the smallest unit of military personnel
target n 23 4 ţintă object aimed at


abundant j 24 1 abundent present in great quantity

access n 24 1 acces means, place, or way of approach
actual j 24 1 actual real
actually a 24 1 actual existing in fact
alloy n 24 1 aliaj mixture of metals
brass n 24 1 alamă copper-zinc alloy
bronze n 24 1 bronzul copper-tin alloy
carbon n 24 1 carbon non-metallic element
cement n 24 1 cement glue-like material that hardens
comparatively a 24 1 comparativ in a comparative way
concrete n 24 1 beton mixture of cement, sand, and rocks
construct v 24 1 a construi build
erect v 24 1 a construi build
extensive j 24 1 extensiv having wide extent
fixed j 24 1 fixat fastened; not movable or changeable
-fy af 24 1 sub/adj + -fy = verb noun/adj + -fy = verb
-ify af 24 1 sub/adj + -ify = verb noun/adj + -ify = verb
liquefy v 24 1 a lichifia make or become a liquid
mine n 24 1 mină, rudament excavated area where one gets metals
mine v 24 1 a săpa excavate
mineral n 24 1 mineral material found in earth
ore n 24 1 zăcăminte rock; earth
origin n 24 1 origine beginning
overall j 24 1 tot major; counting all
pour v 24 1 a turna dump out
pure j 24 1 pur free of contamination
refine v 24 1 a purifica, a rafina make pure
relatively a 24 1 relativ in a comparative way
solidify v 24 1 a solidifica make or become a solid
source n 24 1 sursă place of origin
steel n 24 1 oţel alloy made of iron
turn into v 24 1 a se transforma în become; change into
utilize v 24 1 a utiliza put to use
various j 24 1 diferit of different kinds
vary v 24 1 a schimba change


aircraft n 24 2 maşină de zburat, machine for flight

altimeter n 24 2 altimetru instrument for measuring altitude
attitude n 24 2 atitudine disposition; physical position
aviation n 24 2 aviaţie science of flying aircraft
bumpy j 24 2 drum accidentat rough
co- af 24 2 coo (împreună cu) together with/joint
cockpit n 24 2 cabina pilotului part of aircraft where pilot sits
compass n 24 2 busolă direction finder
concentrate v 24 2 a se concentra direct one's attention
cross off v 24 2 a tăia (cu o linie) draw a line through
cross out v 24 2 a tăia (cu o linie) draw a line through
cross-check v 24 2 a verifica check correctness
disaster n 24 2 dizastru, calamitate calamity
discard v 24 2 a arunca throw away
dive v 24 2 a înota move downward; enter water headfirst; submerge
fear n 24 2 teamă, groază feeling of danger
fear v 24 2 a se teme be afraid of
flap n 24 2 clapă a wide flat part of anything that hangs down
fuselage n 24 2 fuzilaj, corpul body of an airplane
go right e 24 2 lucrează bine work smoothly
go wrong e 24 2 lucrează rău not working properly
ignore v 24 2 a ignora pay no attention to
instrument n 24 2 instrument tool or device
keep track of e 24 2 a fi la curent keep informed
lose track of e 24 2 a nu fi la curent not keep informed
maneuver n 24 2 manevră movement
maneuver v 24 2 a manevra move
mask n 24 2 mască covering to conceal/protect the face
missile n 24 2 rachetă, proiectil projectile
navigate v 24 2 a naviga plot course
needle n 24 2 indicator indicator
panel n 24 2 panou section for controls/ instruments; group of
precaution n 24 2 precauţie care taken in advance
precise j 24 2 precis, exact exact
propel v 24 2 a se mişca înainte, a move forward
se roti
propeller/prop n 24 2 morişcă airplane propelling device
runway n 24 2 pistă landing strip
tail n 24 2 coada end part
turbine n 24 2 turbina type of engine
velocity n 24 2 viteză speed
windscreen n 24 2 fereastra din faţă la glass protective device for airplanes
windshield n 24 2 fereastra din faţă la glass protective device for cars
wing n 24 2 aripă part of plane/bird


accumulate v 24 3 a acumula collect or bring together

adapt v 24 3 a adapta made adjustments
condense v 24 3 a condensa change from vapor to liquid/shorten
dissolve v 24 3 a dizolva cause to pass into solution
especially a 24 3 îndeosebi for a particular purpose
eventually a 24 3 eventual happening at last as a result
exceed v 24 3 a depăşi go beyond
excess n 24 3 exces more than enough
excessive j 24 3 excesiv exceeding the usual number
fertile j 24 3 fertil fruitful
fluent j 24 3 fluent speaking/writing in an easy manner
for instance e 24 3 ca de exemplu for example
gravity n 24 3 gravitate attraction of earth for objects
look into v 24 3 a investiga investigate
moisture n 24 3 umiditate dampness
ordinary j 24 3 ordinar usual
penetrate v 24 3 a penetra pierce
precipitation n 24 3 precipitaţie rain, snow, sleet, etc.
principal j 24 3 principal main
principal n 24 3 director head of school
principle n 24 3 principiu basic truth
prior j 24 3 prioritar earlier
prior (to) p 24 3 prioritar earlier
reservoir n 24 3 rezervor place for storing fluid
saturate v 24 3 a sătura fill completely
saturated j 24 3 saturat filled completely
scientific j 24 3 ştiinţific dealing with science; based on scientific
soil n 24 3 pămînt dirt

vaporize v 24 3 a vaporiza change into vapor
viscosity n 24 3 viscositate thickness of a liquid
well n 24 3 fîntînă hole dug in ground for water


admit v 24 4 a admite allow to enter; acknowledge or assent to

-ant af 24 4 verb + -ant = adj verb + -ant = adj
anyplace a 24 4 oriunde anywhere
assure v 24 4 a asigura make sure
brain n 24 4 creier nerve tissue in the head
break/broke/broken v 24 4 a separa separate
chart n 24 4 diagramă sheet of tables, diagrams, etc.
confine v 24 4 a limita restrict to a space
cure v 24 4 a lecui, a trata restore to soundness
digest v 24 4 a se dizolva (în change food taken into body into absorbable
sistemul digestiv) form
digestion n 24 4 digestie process of digesting
digestive j 24 4 digestiv relating to digestion
disease n 24 4 boală sickness
dismiss v 24 4 a concedia cause or allow to leave
dismissal n 24 4 concediere act of allowing to leave
ensure v 24 4 a asigura make sure
-ent af 24 4 verb + -ent = adj verb + -ent = adj
erratic j 24 4 instabil irregular
eyesight n 24 4 vedere, viziune vision
faith n 24 4 credinţă belief; trust/confidence
fluctuate v 24 4 a balansa change irregularly
get/got down v 24 4 a reduce to reduce
get/got/gotten v 24 4 a se însănătoşi recover
guard against e 24 4 apărare, prevenire foresee and prevent
human j 24 4 om having qualities representative of people
in charge (of) e 24 4 responsabil de to have the care/control of
inject v 24 4 a injecta push into
intestinal j 24 4 esenţial of the intestines
intestine n 24 4 intestin guts
manner n 24 4 maneră way
mild j 24 4 blînd, moale not harsh
no place a 24 4 nicăieri nowhere
no place n 24 4 nicăieri nowhere
organ n 24 4 organ part of a system; musical instrument
pull through v 24 4 a se însănătoşi recover
recover v 24 4 a se însănătoşi regain
recovery n 24 4 însănătoşire regaining of something lost; becoming well
again after illness
skull n 24 4 craniu bony framework of head
someplace a 24 4 undeva somewhere
stable j 24 4 stabil, neschimbător unchanging
surgeon n 24 4 doctor chirurg a doctor
surgery n 24 4 chirurgie, operaţie medical operation
typical j 24 4 tipic representative
undergo/underwent v 24 4 a trece prin (boală) experience undergone
unit n 24 4 unitate single thing; group/part
vision n 24 4 viziune, vedere sight
x-ray n 24 4 radiogramă photo made with x-rays
x-ray v 24 4 scanarea radiografică to take photograph with x-rays

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Above all e Mai presus de toate/orice before every other consideration
/ə ˈbʌv/
Advances n Progresare, dezvoltare, progress in development
/ə dˈvænsis/
Anti- /ˈæntaɪ/ af Anti, împotriva against
Atomic j Atomic, relating to atoms
/ə ˈtɑ ːmɪk/
Compulsory j Obligatoriu, mandatory
/kə mˈpʌlsə ri/
Contaminate v a contamina, a polua, a murdari to pollute
/kə nˈtæmɪneɪt/
Coordinate v a strînge, a coordona, to adjust properly
/kə ʊ ˈɔːrdɪneɪt/
Emission n Emisie, emanatie, the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc.
Emit v a emite, to send out smth. such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc.
Endanger v a risca, a pune in pericolm a primejdui, to risk
/ɪnˈdeɪndʒə r/
Environment n mediu ambiant, ambianta, surroundings
/ɪnˈvaɪrə nmə nt/
Exhaust /ɪɡ ˈzɔːst/ v a istovi, a epuiza, to tire out; use up
Expel v a exmatricula, a da afara, to officially make somebody leave a school or an
/ɪkˈspel/ organization
Fume /fjuːm/ n fum smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly
or is dangerous to breathe in
If not e dacă nu.., in caz contrar, or else
In the same manner e cu acelasi fel, similarly
In the same way e Similar, similarly
Industrial j Industrial, pertinent to industry
/ɪnˈdʌstriə l/
Invent v a inventa, a descoperi, to plan or make for first time
Involve (in) v a implica, a lua parte in, include as part; be interested in
/ɪnˈvɑ ːlv/
Manufacture v a produce industrial, a fabrica, to make a product
/ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə r/
Moreover a mai mult decit atît, in plus, in addition/besides
/mɔːrˈə ʊ və r/
Nuclear j Nuclear, relating to atomic bomb, power, etc.
/ˈnuːkliə r/
Optional j opţional voluntary
/ˈɑ ːpʃə nl/
Permanent j Permanent, fix, stabil lasting forever
/ˈpɜːrmə nə nt/
Plant n Uzină , centrala electrica, a factory
Pollute v a polua, to make dirty or impure
/pə ˈluːt/
Pro af Pro, in favor of
/prə ʊ /
Project n Proiect, proposed activity
/ˈprɑ ːdʒekt/
Radioactive j Radioactiv, giving off atomic energy
/ˌreɪdiə ʊ ˈæktɪv/
Resource /ˈriːsɔːrs/ n Resursă , wealth; assets
Respiratory j Respirator, relating to respiration
/ˈrespə rə tɔːri/
Similarly a Similar, in a similar manner

/ˈsɪmə lə rli/
Site /saɪt/ n Poziţie, locatie, loc, Location, place
Surroundings n Împrejurimi, mediul inconjurator, things around a person
/sə ˈraʊ ndɪŋz/
Technology n Tehnologie, the science of skilled processes
/tekˈnɑ ːlə dʒi/
Temporary j Temporar, occurring for a limited time
/ˈtempə reri/
Toxic j Toxic, poisonous
/ˈtɑ ːksɪk/
Waste /weɪst/ n Deşeu, pierdere(inutila), reziduuri, Scrap, materials that are no longer needed and are
thrown away

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Abandon v a abandona, a lasa, a parasi, to leave, quit, forsake
/ə ˈbændə n/
Aboard a la bordul avionului..... on/in a ship, plane, etc.
/ə ˈbɔːrd/
Antenna n Antena, a device for receiving radio waves
/ænˈtenə /
Bow n Partea din faţă a corabiei (proră ) the front end of a ship
/baʊ /
Capture v A captura, a prinde, to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or
/ˈkæptʃə r/ shut them in a space that they cannot escape from
Cargo n Încă rcă tură , the freight of ship/airplane
/ˈkɑ ːrɡ əʊ /
Clearance /ˈklɪrə ns/ n Spaţiu, 1. space between two objects
Lichidare, curatare, defrisare 2.the process of removing things that are not wanted
Crew /kruː/ n echipaj [nav., mil., av.] a group of working people
deal/dealt/ with /diːl/ v a fi încrezut în, a avea afacere cu to be concerned with; handle
Displace /dɪsˈpleɪs/ v A schimba poziţia, to move from
Equally a Echivalent, egal, having same amount, size, number, etc.
/ˈiːkwə li/
Fleet /fliːt/ n Grup de corabii, flota, convoi de corabii/masini a group of ships
Hull n corp de navă , carcasa, carenă [nav.] the main, bottom part of a ship, that goes in the
/hʌl/ water
Launch v A porni, to begin something; fire
Navigator n Navigator, one who sets a course
/ˈnævɪɡ eɪtə r/
On board /ɔn e Pe corabie, on/in a ship
Port n Port, babord (partea din stinga a navei) a harbor; left side of ship
Radar /ˈreɪdɑ ːr/ n Radar, an electronic detection device
Range /reɪndʒ/ n Varietate, a variety of things of a particular type
Interval, oscilatie, raza de actiune, the limits between which something varies, extent,
Rocket /ˈrɑ ːkɪt/ n Rachetă , a self-propelled missile
Sail /seɪl/ v a pluti (cu corabia), a naviga, to travel by water
Seaport n Oraş marin, port maritim a city on the coast, a town with a harbour used by
/ˈsiːpɔːrt/ large ships
Sonar n Sonar, radar a detection device
/ˈsə ʊ nɑ ːr/
Starboard n partea dreaptă a corabiei, tribord the right side of a ship
/ˈstɑ ːrbə rd/
Stern /stɜːrn/ n partea din spate a corabiei, etravă , the rear end of a ship
Structure n Structura,constructie, something built
/ˈstrʌktʃə r/
Submarine n Submarin, an underwater boat
/ˈsʌbmə riːn/
Submerge v a se scufunda, a afunda, a se cufunda to go underwater
/sə bˈmɜːrdʒ/
Torpedo n Torpilă , mină , an underwater explosive missile
/tɔːrˈpiːdə ʊ /
Transmitter n Transmiţă tor de unde, a device for sending radio waves
/trænzˈmɪtə r/
Underwater j Sub apă , beneath the water
/ˌʌndə rˈwɔːtə r/
Vessel /ˈvesl/ n Navă , vapor, a ship
Warfare n Ră zboi, the activity of fighting a war, especially using particular weapons
/ˈwɔːrfer/ or methods. air/naval/guerrilla warfare.
Warship n navă de luptă , a combat ship
Wave /weɪv/ n Val, ( val de caldura, succes) undulating movement through a medium

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Anesthetic n Anestezic, substance causing loss of sensation
/ˌænə sˈθetɪk/
As long as c Atît timp cît, deoarece, fiindca, provided that
Be about to v cît pe ce să , a fi pe punctul de a, immediate future
Cavity n Cavitate, gaura, a hollow place
/ˈkævə ti/
Comment v A comenta, a discuta, to remark,
/ˈkɑ ːment/
Constant j Constant, neschimbator, invariabil never changing,
/ˈkɑ ːnstə nt/
Delay v A amîna, a intirzia, to put off for period of time, to procrastinate,
Dental j Stomatologic, concerning teeth or dentistry
Despite prep contrar, in pofida, in spite of
Dread v a-i fi frica, a se teme de, to fear
Endure v a îndura, a suporta, a rezista to bear,
/ɪnˈdʊ r/
Even so expr chiar aşa(stând lucrurile), in spite of that
Facility n Edificiu, cladire, asezare, [plural] buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are
/fə ˈsɪlə ti/ Facilitate provided for a particular purpose,
fall/fell/fallen apart v a se destră ma, a se face bucă ţi to disintegrate
Filling n plombă a substance used to fill something
Glance /ɡ læns/ v A arunca o privire, a luci, to look briefly
go/went/gone through v A examina, a cauta, perchezitiona, to search; to look at or examine smth carefully,
/θruː/ a îndura especially in order to find smth
endure, to experience or suffer smth
Grind/ground/ɡ raɪnd//ɡ raʊ n v a sfă rma, a toca to rub harshly
In a way expr Partial, intr-o oarecare masura in a way of speaking; partly, to some extent; not
In spite of p a nu ţine cont, neţinând seamă de,cu toate(eforturile) taking no notice of
Needle n Ac, a pin-like device
Nerve n Nerv, tissue of nervous system
Nonetheless a cu toate acestea, totusi, nevertheless
/ˌnʌnðə ˈles/
Nor c Nici, or not
Numb j Amorţit, paralizat having loss of sensation
Regardless a Nepă să tor,indiferent de, despite the fact that
/rɪˈɡ ɑ ːrdlə s/
Regardless of p fă ră a ţine seamă de, indiferent de, in spite of
Relieve /rɪˈliːv/ v a reduce, a slă bi to lessen or reduce
Take effect expr a avea efect,a-si face efectul, a incepe sa lucreze to become operative; to be effective,to come into use;
to begin to apply
Though a Deşi, however
/ðə ʊ /
To begin with/ to start with expr începînd cu, in primul rand, used to introduce the first point you want to make,
Vanish v a dispă rea, to disappear
Vicinity n Vecină tate, the surrounding area
/və ˈsɪnə ti/

withstand/withstood v a rezista, a se opune, a se impotrivi to endure
/wɪθˈstʊ d/

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
-al af verb + al = substantiv verb + al = noun
Algebra n Algebra, a branch of mathematics
/ˈældʒɪbrə /
Amaze v a surprinde, a ului, a uimi greatly surprised
/ə ˈmeɪz/
Amazed j Surprins,uluit, uimit, surprised
/ə ˈmeɪzd/
Amazing j Surprinză tor, minunat,uimitor, surprising
/ə ˈmeɪzɪŋ/
Angle n Unghi, separation of straight lines
/ˈæŋɡ l/
Approval n Aprobare,acord, confirmare
/ə ˈpruːvl/
Approve of v a aproba, a fi de acord cu, to regard favorably, to think that somebody/something
approve of somebody/something Do you approve of is good, acceptable or suitable,
my idea?
Be fed up with expr a i se acri/uri cu ceva, a fi să tul de ceva, cannot tolerate any longer,
Calculate v a calcula, to determine, compute
Cheer up /tʃɪr v A incuraja, a inveseli, (cause to) become happier (Oh, come on—cheer up!)
Compute v a calcula, to calculate, figure out
/kə mˈpjuːt/
Curious /ˈkjʊ riə s/ j Curios, inquisitive
Despite the fact that e deşi, necă tînd la faptul că , taking no notice of the fact
Diagonal j Diagonal, having a slanting direction
/daɪˈæɡ ənl/
Digit n numă r digital (1,2-9) a number from 1 through 9
Dimension/daɪˈmenʃn/, n Dimensiune, measurement
Disturb v a deranja, to bother, to interrupt somebody when they are trying
/dɪˈstɜːrb/ to work, sleep, etc. to make smb. Worry
Disturbed j Deranjat, annoyed
Disturbing j Deranjant, care provoacă neplă cere unsettling
Evident j Evident, clar, clear
/ˈevɪdə nt/
Fundamental j Fundamental, basic
/ˌfʌndə ˈmentl/
Get/got/gotten across v a fi înţeles, a explica cu succes, to be communicated or understood; to succeed in
a traversa strada, podul.... communicating smth (Did your speech get across to
the crowd?)
travel across or pass over,(How are we going to get
across the river?)
Impression n Impresie, effect on the mind
in spite of it all e in pofida faptului, although
in spite of the fact that e In pofida faptului ca, although something is true
Individual n Persoana, individ, om one person
/ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuə l/
Irritate v a deranja, a irita, a supara to disturb; make sore
Irritated j Deranjat, suparat, angry; sore
Irritating j Suparator, agasant, annoying
Mess up /mes/ v A strica(planuri), a da de necaz, a da de necaz, a face to ruin,to fail at something or do it badly, to make
dezordine, something dirty or untidy
Obvious j Evident, apparent
/ˈɑ ːbviə s/
Once and for all e odată şi pentru totdeauna, odata si bine, for the last time
Recognize /ˈrekə ɡ naɪz/ v A recunoaşte, to identify
Valuable j Valorabil, having worth
/ˈvæljuə bl/
Value /ˈvæljuː/ n Valoare, worth in money; usefulness of something
Worth /wɜːrθ/ p Care merita, vrednic de used like a preposition, followed by a noun, pronoun
Our house is worth about £100 000. or number, or by the -ing form of a verb
How much is this painting worth?
to be worth a bomb/packet/fortune (= a lot of
It isn't worth much.

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Activate v A activa, to cause to start/be active
Allowance /ə ˈlaʊ əns/ n raţie, alocaţii an amount of money that is given to somebody
regularly or for a particular purpose
Ample j Abundent, destul, incapator, vast, suficient, more than enough,ample opportunity/evidence/space/proof
Be behind (in) v a fi în întârziere, a fi in urma, to be overdue in work, to be late or slow in smth
Bear/bore/borne v a îndura, a suporta, a rabda, to endure, accept,
Bring/brought up v a ridica, a creşte copii, a mentiona..., in atinge un to raise; to mention a subject or start to talk about it
Capacity n volum, capacitate, volume
/kə ˈpæsə ti/
Catch/caught up (on) v a ajunge din urmă (pe cineva) [şi fig.] to reach somebody who is ahead by going faster
Concerning p Referitor, about
/kə nˈsɜːrnɪŋ/
Dispose (of) v a arunca, a se debarasa, to get rid of
/dɪˈspə ʊ z/
Fall/fell/fallen behind (in) v a ră mîne în urmă , to be overdue in work
Forbid v a interzice, to command not to do something
/fə rˈbɪd/
get/got/gotten behind in v a ră mîne în urmă , a intirzia, to fail to keep up with
go/went/gone ahead v a continua, a nu te opri, to permit to continue
hang/hung on to v a pă stra, to keep
Ideal /aɪˈdiːə l/ j perfect, ideal perfect
Imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ v A sugera, to indicate indirectly, tu suggest
In place of e în locul as a substitute for
In regard to e cu privire la concerning
Income n venit, banii primiţi money earned
Instant n instantaneu a small amount of time
/ˈɪnstə nt/
Instantly a instantaneu at once
/ˈɪnstə ntli/
Mental j mental of the mind
overcome/overcame/ v a învinge, a depasi, a trece peste, to defeat
Pertain v a se referi, a apartine, to have reference to
/pə rˈteɪn/
Practical j practic useful
Practically /ˈpræktɪkli/ a aproape că almost
put/put/put away v something in its usual place,
something,3.put someone in prison, money,
5.score a goal, 6.kill someone
Refer v a se referi to relate to; send to for aid
Reference /ˈrefrə ns/ n referinţă a source of information
Steer /stɪr/ v a conduce (auto, nav.)a pilota, to guide
Substitute v a substitui to replace
Transfer v a transfera to convey or carry
-y af verb + -y = subsantivt verb + -y = noun

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Amusement n amuzare, distracţie entertainment
/ə ˈmjuːzmə nt/
Assume v a-şi asuma (responsabilită ţi), a presupune, to suppose; perform/begin to use
/ə ˈsuːm/
Author n Autor, a person who writes books
/ˈɔːθə r/
Be charged with e a fi acuzat de, to be accused of
/tʃɑ ːrdʒd/
Be up on v a fi bine informat despre to be well informed about
Break/broke/broken /breɪk/ v a întrerupe to interrupt in (on)
Cartoon n desen animat, a humorous drawing
/ˈkɑ ːrtn/
Chapter n Capitol, a division of a book
/ˈtʃæptə r/
Chip in /tʃɪp/ v a contribui, a stringe bani pentru ceva, to contribute
Column n Coloană , a vertical arrangement of items
/ˈkɑ ːlə m/
Come/came/come across v A descoperi, a gasi to find or discover
Come/came/come up with v a gîndi, a veni cu o idee/gind to think of
Comics /ˈkɑ ːmɪks/ n comics, desene amuzante comic strips
Editor /ˈedɪtə r/ n Editor,redactor, supervisor in a newspaper
Editorial n Editorial, an article giving opinion of an editor
/ˌedɪˈtɔːriə l/
Emphasis /ˈemfə sɪs/ n Accentuare, stress
Emphasize /ˈemfə saɪz/ v A accentua, to stress
Governor n Guvernator, conducă torul statului political head of a state
/ˈɡ ʌvə rnə r/
Handicap n Handicap, disadvantage; physical distortion
Hardship n Orice ce provoacă suferinţă . Greutate, dificultate, anything causing suffering
/ˈhɑ ːrdʃɪp/ e.g. After years of worry and hardship, her health
broke. After several years of hardship fortune smiled
at him.
Legislature n Legislatură , a lawmaking group
/ˈledʒɪsleɪtʃə r/
Objective j Cinstit, obiectiv fair
/ə bˈdʒektɪv/
Oppose v a fi contra, a opune to be against
/ə ˈpə ʊ z/
-ous af subst + -ous = adj. noun + -ous = adj.
Publish v a publica print for public
Put across v A vorbi/explica simplu pe intelesul tuturor to make clear or understandable
Resign v a se concedia to leave a job, position
Sort /sɔːrt/ n tip de, fel de, a type or kind
Strange /streɪndʒ/ j Straniu, neobisnuit, ciudat unusual

Stress /stres/ v a sublinia, a accentua, to point out importance, to be worried or nervous
stress about,
Subscribe /sə bˈskraɪb/ v a se abona (la ziar) to order and pay for newspaper
Think/thought up v a inventa, a nascoci, a pune ceva la cale, to invent or create
Viewpoint n opinie an opinion or attitude

Term Class Translation Definition/Explanation
Armor n Armură , blindaj, inserţie de sârmă , protective covering, military vehicles used in war
/ˈɑ ːrmə r/
Blast /blæst/ n explozie an explosion, rafală (de vânt), sunet (al unui instrument
de suflat),
Bomb n bombă a shell that explodes, a bomb goes off/explodes
/bɑ ːm/
Burst /bɜːrst/ v a exploda, plesni,crapa, to come apart, especially because of pressure from
inside; to make something break in this way
Camouflage v Camuflaj,mascare, to disguise,
/ˈkæmə flɑ ːʒ/
Check out on v a face cunoştinţă cu to make one familiar with a procedure/operation
Chopper n helicopter a helicopter
/ˈtʃɑ ːpə r/
Clear away /klɪr v a scoate, a indeparta, a curata, to remove, to remove something because it is not
ə ˈweɪ/ wanted or needed, or in order to leave a clear space,
Conceal /kə nˈsiːl/ v a ascunde to hide,
Contrast n Diferenţă , deosebire, constrast, opozitie, a difference
/ˈkɑ ːntræst/
Contrast v a diferenţia, a contrasta, a compara to compare; show a difference
/ˈkɑ ːntræst/
Encounter v a se întâlni cu (cineva), to meet somebody, or discover or experience
/ɪnˈkaʊ ntə r/ a se lovi de, a da de (dificultă ţi, etc.) something, especially somebody/something new,
unusual or unexpected
Even if c chiar dacă though
Hoist /hɔɪst/ v a ridica to raise up
Hover v a fi stabil, a nu se mişca to stay in one place
/ˈhʌvə r/
Live on v a supravieţui to continue to live or exist,
no matter what exp Indiferent de, it is of no importance
no matter where exp nu contează unde, indiferent unde it is of no importance
no matter who exp Indiferent cine it is of no importance
Obstacle n obstacol a hindrance
/ˈɑ ːbstə kl/
Obstruct v a bloca to block
/ə bˈstrʌkt/
Proficient adj capabil capable
-proof af subst + -proof = adj. noun + -proof = adj.
Reverse n revers, direcţie opusă opposite direction
Rotary adj rotitor turning around on an axis
Rotate v a roti to spin around
Rotor n rotor, partea rotantă a maşinei rotating part of machine
Set/set/set out v a seta to begin course of action; to arrange or spread out
Shallow adj ne adînc not deep
Shield n scut a protective device
Spin/spun/spun v a se roti to turn around
Survive v a supravieţui to remain alive
Suspend v a suspenda to hang
Sustain v a susţine to keep strong; to maintain
Tank n tank armored military vehicle

Terrain n teren land contour
Unless c chiar dacă if not, except if
View n vedere a range of vision
Vital adj important extremely important


accompany v 26 4 a acompania to go with

at all e 26 4 cu totul in the least
be up to v 26 4 a fi în stare să to be good enough for; be the responsibility of
come/came/come v 26 4 a merge cu, a to accompany

along acompania
commerce n 26 4 comerţ buying and selling
commercial j 26 4 comercial of/related to commerce
community n 26 4 comunitate a group of people living in an area
compartment n 26 4 compartiment an enclosed place
confirm v 26 4 a confirma to make sure
currency n 26 4 monedă de circulaţie money in use in a nation
economy n 26 4 economie the management of the money of a nation
equivalent j 26 4 echivalent equal/same as
export v 26 4 a exporta to sell items to another nation
historic j 26 4 istoric important in history
identical j 26 4 identic the same
idle j 26 4 inactiv inactive
import v 26 4 a importa to bring items in
in exchange for e 26 4 în schimb pe in return for
landmark n 26 4 reper an object used as a guide
lean v 26 4 slab rest oneself on/against something; bend
limit n 26 4 limit a boundary
limit v 26 4 a limita to set a boundary
part with v 26 4 parte cu to relinquish
path n 26 4 curs a course to follow
rarely a 26 4 rar not very often
scarcely a 26 4 aproape că nu almost never; almost not
stand/stood/stood v 26 4 a fi în gătinţă, a fi to stay ready; support
by gata
stress n 26 4 stres pressure
tension n 26 4 tensiune stress
trade n 26 4 vînzare, commerce
vibrate v 26 4 a vibra to move rapidly back and forth
wait on v 26 4 a servi to serve


at a time e 27 1 unul după altul one after another

axis n 27 1 axă imaginary line something spins around
call down v 27 1 a face observaţie to point out an error; to reprimand
challenge v 27 1 a provoca to dare someone to compete
count on v 27 1 a avea încredere în to depend on
countless j 27 1 prea mult pentru a too many to count
discrepancy n 27 1 dezacord inconsistency
disregard v 27 1 a ignora to ignore
equator n 27 1 ecuator imaginary line around the earth
experiment n 27 1 experiment a scientific test
funds n 27 1 fonduri money
geography n 27 1 geografie a study of the earth's surface and shape
human n 27 1 om a person
in/on behalf of p 27 1 pentru for
inferior j 27 1 inferior not as good as
isolate v 27 1 a izola separate
latitude n 27 1 latitudine parallels measured north or south from equator
longitude n 27 1 longitudine distance measured east or west from equator
look down on v 27 1 a avea opinie rea to disapprove of or have a low opinion of
look up to v 27 1 a respecta to respect
mass n 27 1 masă a large amount or bulk
period n 27 1 perioadă an amount of time
periodic j 27 1 periodic from time to time
reprimand v 27 1 a mustra to scold or firmly ` point out an error
revolve v 27 1 a roti to go around in circles
silent j 27 1 tăcut, liniştit quiet or not speaking
surrender v 27 1 a se preda to stop resisting, give up
talk back (to) v 27 1 a răspunde urît answer without respect
willing j 27 1 voluntar, doritor agreeable to doing
won't v 27 1 nu voi, ne dorinţă unwillingness
work out v 27 1 a rezolva, a lucra to solve
wouldn't v 27 1 nu va, ne dorinţă past unwillingness
zone n 27 1 zonă, loc an area usually with defined boundaries

all in all e 27 2 totul inclus everything being taken into account

basis n 27 2 temei essential facts or reasons
catch/caught/caugh v 27 2 a percepe, a înţelege to understand; learn about
t on
considerable j 27 2 considerabil large in extent or degree
dependent j 27 2 dependent relying on another
distinguished j 27 2 depistat, afirmat, famous, important
faimos, important
enthusiasm n 27 2 entuziasm a strong interest, liking
genuine j 27 2 autentic real
get/got/gotten v 27 2 a progresa to advance, progress
get/got/gotten by v 27 2 a face ceva fără to do something with little effort, work
(with) efort (un lucru)
gripe v 27 2 a se plînge to complain
-ic af 27 2 subst + -ic = adj. noun + -ic = adj.
-ical af 27 2 subst + -ical = adj. noun + -ical = adj.
imitate v 27 2 a copia, a emita copy in actions, manner
in all e 27 2 totul inclus altogether; everything considered
in common e 27 2 în comun shared together; equally with or by all
in comparison e 27 2 în comparaţie the act of comparing with
in conclusion e 27 2 în concluzie as the last thing, finally
in short e 27 2 pe scurt put it into a few words; briefly
independent j 27 2 independent not dependent on others
intention n 27 2 intenţie a purpose, plan
lecture n 27 2 discurs, lectură a talk to a group
leisure n 27 2 timp liber free time
make/made/made up v 27 2 creat create; settle differences
mechanical j 27 2 mecanic having to do with machines
mechanism n 27 2 mecanism a working system
muscular j 27 2 muscular relating to muscles; having a lot of muscles
numerous j 27 2 numeros, foarte mult very many
orderly j 27 2 în ordine neat, in order
protrude v 27 2 a impune to stick out, project out
stick/stuck/stuck v 27 2 a scoate afară to protrude; to be noticeable
to conclude e 27 2 a conclude to bring to an end
tremendous j 27 2 extraordinar, mare very large or great
trim v 27 2 a tunde to cut off excess
wealth n 27 2 bogăţie large quantity of money, possessions, etc.


absolute j 27 3 absolut complete; without restriction

be to v 27 3 necesitatea, indicates the future or necessity/obligation
bit n 27 3 părticică din ceva a small piece or quantity of anything; particle
blow/blew/blown up v 27 3 a exploda to explode or cause to explode
classify v 27 3 a clasifica to arrange in or assign to groups
composite j 27 3 compus din made up of separate parts or elements
composition n 27 3 compoziţie a combination of parts
compound n 27 3 compoziţie din 2 sau a mixture of two or more parts or ingredients
mai multe ingrediente
contact n 27 3 contact the point at which two things touch or meet;
corrode v 27 3 a coroda, a oxida to eat away chemically
corrosion n 27 3 corozie the act, process, or effect of corroding
detonate v 27 3 a detona to explode or cause to explode
deviate v 27 3 a se abate to stray from
diagram n 27 3 diagramă a plan or drawing
dynamite n 27 3 dinamit a powerful explosive
explosive n 27 3 exploziv a substance that explodes or causes an
fuse n 27 3 fitil a detonation device
impact n 27 3 impact force of contact
in accordance with p 27 3 în acord cu as stated by; in agreement
in the event of p 27 3 în caz de in case of
instantaneous j 27 3 instantaneu completed in an instant; immediate
interval n 27 3 interval a period of time between
kit n 27 3 echipament a set of tools or instruments
retain v 27 3 a reţine to keep
set/set/set off v 27 3 a detona to cause to explode; to set in motion or cause
to begin
shatter v 27 3 a distruge to break or burst into pieces
turn over v 27 3 a transfera puterea, to transfer power, possession, responsibility,
posesia, etc.
turn over v 27 3 a întoarce to turn upside down or from one side to the
whatever r 27 3 orice anything
wherever a 27 3 oriunde anyplace
whichever j 27 3 oricare any, either; referring to a choice
whoever r 27 3 oricine anyone, used as a subject
whomever r 27 3 oricine anyone, used as an object
wind/wound/wound v 27 3 a ajunge la (punct de to finally arrive at a place, situation, or
up destinaţie) condition; to end up
wind/wound/wound v 27 3 a finisa to finish or complete; to bring to an end
wind/wound/wound v 27 3 a strînge, a lega to twist or wrap around; to move in a curving
up or circular path; to tighten the spring of a


acid n 27 4 acid a chemical substance

background n 27 4 autobiografie, fundal past events
bar n 27 4 bară a thick or long, solid piece
be in on v 27 4 a participa la to participate in
beam n 27 4 rază a ray of light
breakdown n 27 4 defecţiune a failure to operate correctly
century n 27 4 secol a period of 100 years
check up on v 27 4 a verifica to investigate; make inquiries about
coil v 27 4 a bobina, a înfăşura to arrange in a ring
cut/cut/cut off v 27 4 a opri to stop suddenly; discontinue
drift v 27 4 a se deplasa încet, to move along slowly as driven by the wind,
dus de vînt waves, or current
each other r 27 4 unul cu altul each the other (used to indicate a mutual
relationship or action)
electrode n 27 4 electrod either of the 2 points at which the current
enters and leaves an electrical circuit
electron n 27 4 electron tiny particles which carry a negative charge
electronics n 27 4 electronica a branch of physics
extinguish v 27 4 a stinge to put out
flashlight n 27 4 lanternă a small hand light, usually powered by
in case c 27 4 în caz if it happens that
in case of p 27 4 în cazul if it happens that
in the event c 27 4 în caz dacă if it should happen that
magnet n 27 4 magnet something that attracts iron
magnetic j 27 4 magnetic of a magnet
negative j 27 4 negativ opposite of positive
one another r 27 4 unul de altul to indicate a reciprocal relationship
pole n 27 4 pol northern or southern ends of the earth
positive j 27 4 pozitiv positive electricity
primitive j 27 4 primitiv simple, not developed
provided/providing c 27 4 cu condiţia că on condition that
repel v 27 4 a respinge to drive back
rod n 27 4 tijă a long, narrow bar
static n 27 4 static a noise produced by electricity
stick/stuck/stuck v 27 4 a se lipi la, a to adhere; continue
to continua
surge n 27 4 val a sudden increase
surge v 27 4 a clocoti, a creşte to become greater
volt n 27 4 volt a unit of electrical force
voltage n 27 4 voltaj an electrical force measured in volts


aisle n 28 1 interval a path between or along rows of seats or

art n 28 1 artă expression of beauty, truth
claim v 28 1 a lua (în posesie) to state; to take or ask for as owner
come/came/come by v 28 1 a vizita to visit
come/came/come v 28 1 a se îmbolnăvi to catch an illness
down with
come/came/come to v 28 1 a moşteni to amount to
compact j 28 1 compact closely packed; taking little space
comparable j 28 1 comparabil able to be compared; similar
compete v 28 1 a concura to be in rivalry
conference n 28 1 conferinţă a meeting for discussion purposes
contest n 28 1 competiţie a competition
criticism n 28 1 criticism a judgment about good and bad qualities
criticize v 28 1 a critica to judge good and bad
denomination n 28 1 denominaţie a standard, especially of value
dent n 28 1 adâncitură a hollow mark
double j 28 1 dublu dual; in two parts or twice the amount
express v 28 1 a exprima to say; show
extent n 28 1 extins the degree or limits of something
first-class j 28 1 de clasa întîi best quality and/or costliest
go/went/gone by v 28 1 a vizita, a trece, a to visit; to pass; to follow
hang/hung/hung v 28 1 a aştepta, a sta fără to wait or stay near without purpose or
around treabă activity
have in mind e 28 1 a avea în gînd to be thinking of
-ist af 28 1 stem + -ist = subst stem + -ist = noun
junk n 28 1 drog, deşeu, useless articles, poor quality
just in time e 28 1 exact la timp at the last possible time or moment
limited j 28 1 limitat restricted; confined
luxury n 28 1 de lux enjoyable things usually not necessary and
often provided by wealth
mention v 28 1 a menţiona to talk of
occupied j 28 1 ocupat being used; busy
pleasure n 28 1 plăcere a source of enjoyment
reserve v 28 1 a rezerva to keep for a specific purpose
satellite n 28 1 satelit a body or object that revolves around another
see/saw/seen about v 28 1 a privi în, a face to look into; to make arrangements
starving j 28 1 extrem de flămînd extremely hungry
stay over v 28 1 a rămîne pentru un to remain for an additional period of time
timp adiţional
verify v 28 1 a verifica to make sure something is true or accurate


alternate v 28 2 a alterna
appropriate j 28 2 apropiat suitable, fit, or proper
bubble n 28 2 balon a thin film of liquid or solid material
containing air or gas
coat n 28 2 palton the covering or layer over a surface
coated j 28 2 acoperit having a coat, or covering
desire n 28 2 dorinţă, vis a wish or want
desire v 28 2 a dori to wish or want
dip v 28 2 a scufunda to lower then raise
dismount v 28 2 a demonta to get or take down from
fix up v 28 2 a repara to repair or improve the condition of
get one's hands on e 28 2 a dobîndi to acquire
groove n 28 2 canelură a long, narrow path, track, or depression in a
hinge n 28 2 balama a movable part that joins two objects
in the first e 28 2 în primul (al doilea, first, (second, third, etc.) place third...)
(second, al treilea)
-ize af 28 2 sub/adj + -ize = verb noun/adj + -ize = verb
leave/left/left v 28 2 a omite, a lăsa to omit
light bulb n 28 2 bec de lumină an electric device that emits light
line up v 28 2 a se alinia to get in line; to align
mal- af 28 2 rău, greşit wrong or bad
mark n 28 2 marcă, impresie a visible impression
mis- af 28 2 rău, greşit wrong or bad
mount v 28 2 a monta to get up on; or put onto
pile n 28 2 grămadă things laid on top of each other
pile v 28 2 a aduna to put items on top of each other
portable j 28 2 portabil able to be carried

pull apart v 28 2 a separa cu forţa to separate with force
roll v 28 2 a roti to move by turning over and over; to move on
wheels or rollers
slide/slid/slid v 28 2 a mişca lent pe to move smoothly on a surface
stack n 28 2 grămadă an orderly pile
stack v 28 2 a aranja to arrange into a neat pile
teamwork n 28 2 lucru în echipă cooperative effort for a common cause
trace v 28 2 a urmări to follow

ascend v 28 3 a se ridica to move upward

ascent n 28 3 ridicare an act of moving upward
calibrate v 28 3 a echilibra to mark, standardize, or adjust a measuring
code n 28 3 cod a system of symbols used to transmit secret
descend v 28 3 a se coborî to come or go down; to move from a higher to a
lower place
descent n 28 3 coborîre the act of going or coming down
die down v 28 3 a slăbi to stop gradually or become less strong
diesel n 28 3 dizel an internal combustion engine where air is
compressed to a temperature high enough to
ignite fuel in the cylinder; fuel
fight/fought/fough v 28 3 a se apăra de, a se to defend against; to fight to keep away, push
t off feri de back, or avoid
give/gave/given in v 28 3 a se preda to surrender; to stop opposing
in the course of p 28 3 în timpul during
in the face of p 28 3 în prezenţa, în loc up against; in the presence of; despite the
să opposition of; in spite of
input n 28 3 conectat that which is put in; power, energy, or
information that is supplied
issue v 28 3 a emite to give out; to distribute publicly or
minimize v 28 3 a minimaliza to reduce to a minimum; to place a low estimate
on; to make something appear to be of little
offense n 28 3 ofensivă the act of attacking; a wrong; the act of
breaking the law
output n 28 3 producţie, randament a quantity produced; power or energy delivered
petroleum n 28 3 petrol an oily, flammable liquid found underground:
the source of gasoline, oil, other lubricants,

prison n 28 3 prizonerie a place of confinement; a building where
criminals are kept
prisoner n 28 3 prizonier a person confined in prison; a person captured
or held captive
relating to p 28 3 cu privire la concerning
remote j 28 3 îndepărtat far away; far off in place or time
resistance n 28 3 rezistenţă the act of resisting; the capacity to resist;
storage n 28 3 depozitare the act of storing or keeping things for future
use; a place for storing
store v 28 3 a depozita to keep for future use
systematic j 28 3 sistematic based on a method; organized
take/took/taken on v 28 3 a angaja to agree to do; to hire
theory n 28 3 teorie an explanation which may or may not be true,
but which is formed on certain facts
tower n 28 3 turn a tall structure sometimes used for observation
trench n 28 3 tranşee a long, narrow hole cut in the ground
unite v 28 3 a uni to join together into one; to join together for
a purpose
vague j 28 3 vag, imprecis not clearly expressed; indefinite; not having
an exact mean meaning


actuate v 28 4 a porni, a pune în to put into action

amplifier n 28 4 amplificator an electric device that increases strength of
amplify v 28 4 a amplifica to increase strength
beacon n 28 4 semnal luminos guiding or warning (light or radio) signal
bearing n 28 4 rulment relative direction or position
blip n 28 4 spot de lumină pe a spot of light on radar screen
ecranul radarului
blurry j 28 4 neclar not clear
cable n 28 4 cablu a thick wire or rope
cliff n 28 4 stîncă a high, steep, surface of rock
cycle n 28 4 ciclu a regularly repeating occurrence
deflect v 28 4 a devia to bend or turn aside
distort v 28 4 a deforma to pull or twist out of shape
echo n 28 4 ecou a reflected sound wave
encircle v 28 4 a încercui to surround
enclose v 28 4 a include to close in all around
find one's way e 28 4 a găsi urma, direcţia to regain direction
focus v 28 4 a focusa to make image clear by adjusting; center one's
mind on a subject
frequency n 28 4 frecvenţă the number of occurrences per time period
grid n 28 4 grilă system of squares on a map
horizon n 28 4 orizont the meeting of earth and sky
image n 28 4 imagine a copy or likeness of person or thing
-like af 28 4 subst + -like = adj. noun + -like = adj.
minute j 28 4 minut very small
moderate j 28 4 moderat of a middle degree
obsolete j 28 4 învechit out of date
plot v 28 4 a repreyenta grafic to chart or plan a course
radiate v 28 4 a radia to emit or send out; to move out in lines from
the center
radiation n 28 4 radiaţie movement of light, heat, etc., waves
scatter v 28 4 împrăştia to spread out
scope n 28 4 aparat optic, scop the screen of a radar set; range or extent
technician n 28 4 tehnician a person skilled in a technical process or
terminate v 28 4 a termina to end
variable j 28 4 variabil changeable
visual j 28 4 vizual relating to seeing

adult n 29 1 adult a fully grown person, especially of legal age

bundle n 29 1 pachet articles fastened together, a package
call in v 29 1 a invita to summon for a particular purpose
catalog n 29 1 catalog a list arranged along a specific line
come/came/come out v 29 1 a ieşi, a apărea to appear
direct j 29 1 direct, onest straight; honest, easily understood
flaw n 29 1 defect a fault, weakness
glow v 29 1 a străluci to shine
goods n 29 1 bunuri merchandise
inventory n 29 1 inventar a list of goods, property
merchandise n 29 1 marfă things for sale
minor n 29 1 minor a person who is not an adult
one after another e 29 1 unul după altul in succession
pass away v 29 1 a muri, a trece to die
periodically a 29 1 ocazional, periodic occasionally; intermittently; at regular
reject v 29 1 a refuza to not accept; refuse
repeatedly a 29 1 repetabil again and again
salary n 29 1 salariu money paid on a regular basis for doing
since then e 29 1 pînă atunci from a past time until now
stock n 29 1 stoc goods on hand
take inventory e 29 1 a face o listă de to make a list of items or goods
take/took/taken in v 29 1 a înţelege to understand
take/took/taken e 29 1 a lua vacanţă, to take a vacation
leave concediu, zi liberă
trash n 29 1 de calitate rea, something worth less or of low quality
wreck v 29 1 a distruge to destroy


-al/-ial af 29 2 sub + -al/-ial = adj. noun + -al/-ial = adj.
alcohol n 29 2 alcool a solvent; a product of fermentation
announce v 29 2 a anunţa to cause to be known
balance n 29 2 balans remainder; equality
booth n 29 2 gheretă a small enclosed space
brave j 29 2 brav having or showing courage
cafe n 29 2 cafenea, bar a restaurant, bar
complicate v 29 2 a complica to make difficult
courage n 29 2 curaj bravery
distract v 29 2 a distrage to draw attention from
draw/drew/drawn v 29 2 a atrage to pull; attract
flavor n 29 2 gust taste
get/got/gotten on v 29 2 a continua cu to continue
host n 29 2 gazdă one who receives guests
in connection with p 29 2 în relaţie cu relating to
neighborhood n 29 2 vecinătate a small section of city/town
pass on v 29 2 a transmite to give, convey
preserve v 29 2 a salva, a feri de to save, keep
rare j 29 2 raritate not common
relation n 29 2 relaţie a connection
reside v 29 2 a locui to live in a place
resident n 29 2 locuitor one who resides
rivet n 29 2 nit a metal pin used for fastening
segment n 29 2 segment a part or section
specify v 29 2 a specifica to state in detail
tin n 29 2 tinichea a metallic element
torch n 29 2 aparat de sudat a device used to weld
tubing n 29 2 tub, conducte tubes or pipes
tunnel n 29 2 tunel a passage underground
weld v 29 2 a suda to unite by melting together
wild j 29 2 sălbatic not domesticated; having no restraint
wilderness n 29 2 sălbătăciune a place of rough land where people don't live


admire v 29 3 a admira to regard with pleasure and respect

competent j 29 3 competent capable, proficient, able
course of action e 29 3 plan, procedură a plan, procedure

defy v 29 3 a rezista to resist, oppose
distinct j 29 3 distinct clear; separate
distinguish v 29 3 a recunoaşte to recognize differences
encourage v 29 3 a încuraja to give hope, courage, confidence, support
evaluate v 29 3 a evalua to determine the value or degree of
exhibit v 29 3 a demonstra to demonstrate, display, show
factor n 29 3 factor an element contributing to a result
foundation n 29 3 fundaţie a solid base on which something is supported or
implement v 29 3 a implementa to carry out, put into practice or effect
incorporate v 29 3 a încorpora to unite together, include
integrity n 29 3 integritate, onoare, strict honesty, honor, principle
morale n 29 3 morală the state of mind of a person or organization
especially with regard to pride and
determination to succeed
nature n 29 3 natură the qualities and characteristics of a person,
outfit n 29 3 organizaţie an organization, group of people working
outfit v 29 3 a organiza to supply, provide, equip
potential n 29 3 potenţial an existing possibility, ability, capacity
prime j 29 3 primul main, first in importance, rank, or time
relate v 29 3 a relata to tell; to see or show connection between
self af 29 3 sine of, by, in, to, or with oneself or itself
style n 29 3 stilul a kind or type; a manner, a way of doing
take/took/taken e 29 3 a începe o acţiune to begin action
take/took/taken e 29 3 a lua controlul to take control (of)
charge (of)
take/took/taken it e 29 3 a fi supărat din to express one's feelings by making someone
out on cauza stării negative else suffer; be unpleasant or unkind to someone
al atei persoane because one is upset or angry
trait n 29 3 calitate a distinguishing characteristic, quality
trustworthy j 29 3 de încredere capable of being trusted, dependable
values n 29 3 valori standards, people's ideas about the value of
certain qualities


accessory n 29 4 accesorii something extra

auxiliary j 29 4 auxiliar helping; adding support
backbone n 29 4 coloana vertebrală the spine; the row of bones located in the
center of the back
blank n 29 4 spaţiu liber, curat an empty space to be filled out on a printed
bring/brought/brou v 29 4 a cauza începerea to cause to happen
ght about
by hand e 29 4 manual done with the hand as opposed to a machine
content n 29 4 conţinut what is within an enclosed space; subject
matter of a paragraph, book,etc.
core n 29 4 miez the center; the most important part of
curvature n 29 4 curbură the degree of a curve; being curved
diseased j 29 4 avînd o boală having a serious sickness
disk n 29 4 disc round, flat object
file v 29 4 a aranja în ordine to arrange in order
frame n 29 4 ramă a structural case which surrounds or supports
graph n 29 4 grafic a type of diagram with intersecting vertical
and horizontal lines
intense j 29 4 intens strong or extreme
kidney n 29 4 rărunchi an organ in the body which separates liquid
waste from the blood
monitor n 29 4 monitor a computer screen; a person or device for
checking performance
monitor v 29 4 a monitoriza to watch or check performance
network n 29 4 reţea a group of things connected, such as roads,
computers, persons, etc.
perspire v 29 4 a prespira to sweat
prove v 29 4 a demonstra to demonstrate as true
punch v 29 4 a păli cu pumnul to make holes in something; hit with the fist
reveal v 29 4 a scoate la iveală to tell or make known
skeleton n 29 4 schelet the bony frame of the body
slam v 29 4 a lovi to shut or apply pressure forcibly
spine n 29 4 coloana vertebrală backbone; the row of bones located in the
center of the back
strip n 29 4 bandă, panglică a long, narrow piece of land, tape, or wood
terminal n 29 4 terminal a station, as in bus, train, computer, etc.


appreciate v 30 1 a aprecia to be grateful for

band n 30 1 panglică a belt or strap
boost n 30 1 sprijin an increase or rise; an act that helps or
brings encouragement
boost v 30 1 a sprijini to raise
cleaners n 30 1 loc de curăţire a a place where clothing is cleaned
compliment n 30 1 compliment an expression of praise or admiration
compliment v 30 1 a face un compliment to praise or express approval
decorate v 30 1 a decora to make more pleasing by addition
don't mention it e 30 1 e în regulă it's all right
figure n 30 1 figură an amount/number; form
fraction n 30 1 fracţiune a part of
furnace n 30 1 cuptor a device for giving heat
grateful j 30 1 mulţămit, apreciativ thankful or appreciative
hook n 30 1 cîrlig a catch for attaching
invite over v 30 1 a invita în vizită to ask to visit
just the same e 30 1 la fel, oricum anyway
keep/kept/kept an e 30 1 a ţine ochiul pe to watch carefully
eye on
kid n 30 1 copil a child
link n 30 1 conexiune a connection
mate n 30 1 cunoscut a companion; spouse; one of a matched pair
microphone n 30 1 microfon a device to convert sound to electricity
praise v 30 1 a lăuda to express approval
remainder n 30 1 rest, rămăşiţă balance
research n 30 1 investigaţie an investigation to get facts
research v 30 1 a investiga to investigate to get facts
souvenir n 30 1 suvenir something that serves as a reminder
speak/spoke/spoken v 30 1 a vorbi cu glas tare to speak louder
speech n 30 1 discurs a talk given to an audience
stick/stuck/stuck v 30 1 a rămîne în loc to remain in/at a place
stick/stuck/stuck v 30 1 a rămîne cinsit to remain true/faithful
welcome v 30 1 a bineveni to greet or accept with pleasure

additive n 30 2 aditiv a substance added to something to change it in

some way
bureau n 30 2 o diviziune a a government department or division of a
departamentului department
compensate (for) v 30 2 a compensa to make payment for; make up for, or balance
compressor n 30 2 compresor a machine that presses or squeezes gases
crank n 30 2 manivelă an arm-like device used for turning things
crumble v 30 2 a se rupe în bucăţi to fall apart or break into pieces
deposit n 30 2 depozit a natural accumulation especially of a resource
such as oil or gas
diminish v 30 2 a diminua to reduce in size or effect
do/did/done away v 30 2 a elimina to get rid of or eliminate
duct n 30 2 canal, conduct a tube-like passage for liquids, gases, etc.
fully a 30 2 plin, complet completely
horsepower n 30 2 cal putere a unit for measuring power
in search of p 30 2 în căutare looking for
in working order e 30 2 în condiţie bună in good condition
intake j 30 2 admisie relating to taking something in
invert v 30 2 a învîrti to turn upside down
make/made/made up v 30 2 a compensa pentru to substitute for, or compensate for a mistake
for greşeală or offense
mechanized j 30 2 mecanizat automated, done with, or having machines
mercury n 30 2 mercuriu a silver-colored poisonous metal used in
thermometers, batteries, etc.
nozzle n 30 2 duză, ajutaj a device through which liquid is discharged;
used to speed up or slow down the flow of
punish v 30 2 a pedepsi to set as a penalty
rag n 30 2 cîrpă a worn cloth
reciprocate v 30 2 a răsplăti to move back and forth or up and down
residue n 30 2 reziduu that which remains or is left over, usually
after some kind of chemical or physical process
seep v 30 2 a infiltra to move or pass through slowly
simultaneous j 30 2 simultan occurring at the same time
spray v 30 2 a pulveriza to discharge liquid in a mass of small drops
thereby a 30 2 astfel by that means
underground a 30 2 sub pămînt below ground
upside down e 30 2 răsturnat, cu in a position with the top turned to the bottom
picioarele în sus
valve n 30 2 supapă a device used to control the flow of liquids or
wax v 30 2 a lustrui, a da cu to polish or shine
well n 30 2 puţ, sondă a deep hole which is drilled in the earth to
obtain oil, gas, or water


adopt v 30 3 a adopta to take for one's own

ambiguous j 30 3 îndoielnic not clear in meaning
base v 30 3 a întemeia to establish or use as a foundation for
caution v 30 3 a parveni to warn
commit v 30 3 a comite to obligate someone to follow a course of
concept n 30 3 idee, concept an idea or thought
conflict n 30 3 conflict a fight or war
conflict v 30 3 a conflicta to be in opposition to
contingency n 30 3 eventualitate an event that is uncertain or dependent upon
something else
contrary to p 30 3 contrar la in opposition to
conventional j 30 3 convenţional usual or ordinary
counter- af 30 3 contra against or opposite
derive v 30 3 a dobîndi to obtain or receive from a source
feasible j 30 3 realiyabil capable of being done
formula n 30 3 formulă to organize into expression
global j 30 3 global relating to the entire world
in essence e 30 3 în esenţă basically or fundamentally
in opposition to p 30 3 contra la, în against or opposing
opoziţie la
joint j 30 3 comun shared by or common to two or more
missing j 30 3 pierdut lost or absent
mobile j 30 3 mobil movable
mobility n 30 3 mobilitate ability to be moved
opponent n 30 3 oponent, adversar a person on the opposing side
originate v 30 3 a-şi avea origine to start or create
pattern n 30 3 model a design
policy n 30 3 tactică, politică a plan of action
political j 30 3 politic of or concerning government
priority n 30 3 prioritate preferential order or position
proportion n 30 3 proporţie comparative relation
ratio n 30 3 raport, proporţie proportion
secure v 30 3 a păzi to make firm or safe
security n 30 3 pază freedom from danger
setting n 30 3 stabilirea time and place; environment
simulate v 30 3 a simula to give the appearance of, or imitate
tactic n 30 3 tactica means or plan used to achieve a goal
task n 30 3 sarcină a job to accomplish

accord n 30 4 acord an agreement

amendment n 30 4 amendare a change
astonished j 30 4 uimit greatly surprised
astonishing j 30 4 uimitor surprising
back on one's feet e 30 4 a reveni be well again
burn down v 30 4 a arde complet to burn to the ground/cause to burn
condolence n 30 4 condoleanţe sympathy
constitution n 30 4 constituţie the structure or form of a person or thing;
basic laws of a nation
democracy n 30 4 democraţie a government directed by elected people
deserve v 30 4 a merita to be worthy of; earn
for lack of p 30 4 pentru lipsa de because of not having
for the sake of p 30 4 de dragul de for the good of
give/gave/given a e 30 4 a suna to call on telephone
in connection with p 30 4 în relaţie cu in relation to
It's a shame e 30 4 e păcat că, e o It's too bad that.
that.... ruşine că
king n 30 4 rege a male ruler
mayor n 30 4 primar an elected official
office n 30 4 funcţie a public position
pass v 30 4 a aproba to approve
queen n 30 4 regină a female ruler
religion n 30 4 religie a belief system
religious j 30 4 religios devoted; referring to religion
run/ran/run for v 30 4 campanie electorală to campaign for elected office
senator n 30 4 senator an elected official
send/sent/sent for v 30 4 a chema, a invita to request to come
service n 30 4 ceremonie a ceremony
set/set/set about v 30 4 a începe o sarcină to begin a task
shocked j 30 4 şocat greatly surprised
shocking j 30 4 şocant surprising
sympathy n 30 4 simpatie sharing in feeling or emotion
tragic j 30 4 tragic terrible
What a shame e 30 4 ce ruşine că It's too bad that....
with respect to p 30 4 cu respect la in regard to/concerning


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