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Table of Contents November/December 2023 • Vol. 28, No. 10

26 Company Capabilities
Buyers’ Guide Cross Reference 58

Industry Suppliers Cross Reference 61

Buyers’ Guide Company Listings 90

Distributors’ Profiles 102

Distributors’ Guide 122

Distributors’ Cross Reference 126

Trade Association Directory 128

Business Corner ................................................... 15
A Current Review of European Regulatory Activity
Editorial ................................................................. 6
International Coatings Scene ............................... 18
As We Go ............................................................... 8
Europe Report • Second Stages and Second Thoughts at
Fresh Paint ........................................................... 10
the EU
New Products ...................................................... 14
Latin America Report • Mexico Battles Black Market in
People in the News ............................................ 131
Industry News .................................................... 133
Russia Report • Former Russian PPG, Hempel and Jotun
Suppliers Corner ................................................ 134
Factories Gather Under One Umbrella
Meetings ............................................................ 135
Africa Report • Role of Lead-free Laws in Growing Africa’s
Final Coat........................................................... 138
Coatings Market

Classified Ads..................................................... 136 Advertising Index............................................... 137

COATINGS WORLD (ISSN 152-711-29) is published ten times a year (with a July/August & November/December issue) by Rodman Media Corp., 25 Philips Parkway,
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4 | Coatings World November/December 2023

04 TOC 1123.indd 4 11/15/23 2:51 PM

Custom Milling and Consulting LLC

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Editors Page

Comprehensive Guide A Rodman Media Publication

25 Philips Parkway, Ste. 200 • Montvale, NJ 07645 USA

for Coatings Industry (201) 825-2552 • Fax: (201) 391-1008

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Kerry Pianoforte • [email protected]
he Coatings World Buyers’ Guide is a unique resource for the paint
and coatings industry. This annual issue features our Company CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER
Tom Branna • [email protected]
Capabilities Profiles, Distributor Profiles, Buyers’ Guide and
Distributor Guide, offering our readers an all-in-one tool to help choose ASSISTANT EDITOR
the most suitable partners to assist in achieving success in this industry. Lianna Albrizio • [email protected]

Available in both digital and print versions, it is comprised of a
Michele Catalano
comprehensive listing of companies offering raw materials – pigments,
resins, additives, solvents and oils; production/laboratory equipment; and INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS
consultants to the paint and coatings industry. The digital version allows Terry Knowles (Europe)
readers to search our online database at to look Charles W. Thurston (Latin America/Americas)
up raw material and equipment suppliers and their contact details. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
David Savastano • Gary Shawhan • Steve McDaniel
The Coatings World staff has been working hard throughout the year
to make sure this guide offers the most complete listing of suppliers to EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
our industry. Contact information for suppliers includes sales offices in the Jim Berry (Berry Environmental)
Joseph Cristiano (consultant)
U.S., Europe and Asia-Pacific region. We have also added a Distributor
Thomas Frauman (consultant)
Profiles section showcasing select distributors to the coatings industry. Joseph Prane (consultant)
Isadore Rubin (consultant)
Want to be included in our Buyers’ Guide? Richard M. Tepper (PPG Industries)
Shelby F. Thames (University of So. Mississippi
If your company makes products used to formulate, produce or test
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Rodman J. Zilenziger, Jr.
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helpful tool for sourcing ingredients and solutions for developing coatings. Donna Campbell • [email protected]

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6 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

06 Editorial 1123.indd 6 11/15/23 12:14 PM

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As We Go To Press

BCF ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ About New

UK Outline for Chemicals

newly published ‘policy di- we now need to see the detail in the engage with Defra through the forth-
rection’ by Defra for UK formal consultation and impact assess- coming formal consultation process to
REACH has been received ment documents, which we hope will be turn this broad direction of travel into
with cautious optimism by the British published soon. a detailed, workable and proportionate
Coatings Federation. “From what we can see so far, though, regulation,” he continued. “As a trade as-
The new proposals seem to re- the new approach seems more propor- sociation that represents downstream us-
spond to some of the concerns previ- tionate and workable than the original ers of chemicals in a vital part of the UK
ously expressed by the British Coatings and will mean the UK still remains at the economy, the BCF is well placed to assist
Federation on behalf of the coatings sec- forefront of environmental and human in this process. We want to help ensure
tor and others in the chemicals industry safety when it comes to chemicals regu- the new system is robust yet practical for
supply chain. lation,” added Bowtell. businesses to comply with easily and ef-
These concerns included, in particu- “It takes account of the work carried fectively, to help secure the future of UK
lar, that full data dossiers for all 20,000 out elsewhere in the world by other reg- manufactured formulated products.
chemical substances currently in the EU ulatory regimes and allows UK regula- “It has taken more than two years to
REACH database did not need to be tors to focus their time and resources on get to this point. However, the seemingly
recreated in a stand-alone UK REACH those substances and uses where there positive steps contained in today’s an-
database. Instead, the statement calls may be most legitimate concerns. Indeed, nouncement move us closer to providing
for only ‘the essential minimum’ haz- this approach could mean regulators are industry with the level of certainty it re-
ard data to be required for ‘transitional able to better police concerns than under quires about the future of UK chemicals
registration’ substances, except in cases the current system. Taken together, these regulations. That certainty is essential to
where UK regulators’ concern, or global steps seem a sensible way to deal with ensure future investment in our sector,
evidence suggests, detailed reviews or the issue after Brexit. and we hope further progress is made
more data is needed. “We look forward to continuing to quickly from this point on.” CW
This more targeted approach on ‘haz-
ard’ data for transitional registration
substances will be accompanied by a Index to Companies
greater focus on collecting ‘use and ex- This index gives the starting page for a department or feature with a
posure’ at work data, building knowl- significant reference to a manufacturer of paint, coatings, adhesives and sealants
edge of how chemicals are used across Subsidiaries are indexed under their own names.
the UK and therefore the risks that might
need to be managed. AkzoNobel..........................................................................................10, 18, 142
While the latter will still require sub-
stantial input from industry, overall, Axalta............................................................................................................ 131
the new proposal seems to offer the po-
tential for a much more workable and
proportionate system, without lessening Beckers...................................................................................................... 10,, 18
existing protections to the environment
or human health and safety. ICP................................................................................................................. 131
There will follow a period of consul-
tation on key elements of the scheme,
Masco............................................................................................................ 131
including, crucially, the amount of data
required in individual registrations.
“While the devil will be in the detail, PPG.......................................................................................................... 10, 131
the British Coatings Federation gives
an initial cautious welcome to Defra’s Sherwin-Williams................................................................................10, 15, 131
new proposals for UK REACH,” Tom
Bowtell, CEO of BCF, said. “We are
WEG................................................................................................................ 10
grateful for the work of officials and
ministers in getting us to this point, but

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Fresh Paint

PPG Opens Customer & Employee

Experience Center at Global HQ

PG has opened a customer and em-
ployee experience center at its glob-
al headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA.
The center showcases innovative paints,
coatings and specialty materials and tech-
nologies from across the organization.
The 1,400-square-foot experience
center is part of a recent renovation of
the top two floors of One PPG Place,
the company’s iconic, Philip Johnson-
designed global headquarters. The center
features wall coverings, furniture and TV
screens from its customers, along with a
host of products that exemplify the com-
pany’s purpose – We Protect and Beautify
the World. PPG opened a customer and employee experience center at its global headquarters in Pittsburgh.
In addition to the experience center, the The center showcases innovative paints, coatings and specialty materials and technologies from across
renovations include new, open-concept the organization. The opening of the customer and employee experience center also marks the 140th
workspaces, collaboration areas, meeting anniversary of PPG. (Photo: Business Wire)
rooms and employee kitchens. These are
surrounded by views of Pittsburgh’s riv- has strategically transformed to become of AkzoNobel’s Global Aesthetic Center.
erfronts and more than 20 PPG paint col- a leading paint, coatings and special- “Starting at home, we’re looking to cre-
ors, including PPG’s just-announced 2024 ty materials manufacturer, with more ate our own ‘special somewhere’ that
color of the year, Limitless PPG1091-3; than 52,000 employees in more than grounds us in our individual memories
the 2023 color of the year, Vining Ivy 70 countries. and relationships. Our Color of the Year,
PPG1148-6; and the 2022 color of the Sweet Embrace, and its three complemen-
year, Olive Sprig PPG1125-4. AkzoNobel Names tary color palettes can help us achieve
“The modern design enables increased Sweet Embrace that. They enable us to personalize our
collaboration by providing an innova- Color of the Year 2024 environments to fit the times we live in,
tive, open environment for everyone If any color could give a home a hug, it’s as well as bringing a sense of stability and
who works at or visits our global head- Sweet Embrace, AkzoNobel’s Color of moments of joy to our spaces.”
quarters,” said Tim Knavish, PPG presi- the Year 2024. The pastel pink shade, in- As part of the 2024 ColourFutures
dent and CEO. “One of PPG’s enterprise spired by soft feathers and evening clouds, color trend report, three decorative paint
growth focus areas is to modernize our is perfect for creating the calm and wel- color stories have been designed around
operations around the world, and this is coming spaces so many of us crave. Sweet Embrace to help consumers choose
another step forward in that journey.” This welcoming color reflects exten- on-trend and harmonious wall colors
Additional modernization projects sive research into global social, design that reflect their unique personalities. The
across PPG this year include renova- and consumer trends for 2024 which warm color story reminds you of home, a
tions of facilities in Amsterdam; Rueil- found that, in an uncertain world, we’re place that feels comfortable and safe, and
Malmaison, France; Prague; and Mexico on a quest to belong. We need places that combines shades of stone, soil and clay.
City; as well as an expansion of the make us feel calm, and we also seek mo- The calm color story evokes thoughts
Zhangjiagang plant in China and the ments of joy in everyday experiences. of nature and the essence of life, bringing
opening of a Battery Pack Application Identified by in-house paints and coatings together the soft greens and blues of the
Center in Tianjin. color experts and international design woods and sea. Lastly, the uplifting color
The opening of the customer and professionals, these three trends will in- palette puts a smile on your face with
employee experience center marked the fluence how we live in the coming year. dreamy lilacs and modern yellows.
140th anniversary of the founding of “With society in a state of flux, we’re On-trend colors, textures and special
PPG in 1883 as Pittsburgh Plate Glass reassessing how we cope with the world,” effects have been designed for the aero-
Company. Over its history, the company said Heleen van Gent, creative director space, automotive, consumer electronics,

10 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

10-13 Fresh Paint NovDec 1123.indd 10 11/15/23 12:18 PM

Fresh Paint
Flower Tea; this vibrantly-hued
Southeast Asian flower, when
gently steeped as a tea, mirrors
the shade and spirit of Upward
SW 6239.
With a natural touch of this blue
botanical and a hand-glazed fondant
topping, the custom pastry invites a
blissful sense of well-being (and a hint
of sweetness) into the day. The limited-
edition vegan Cronut was available at
Dominique Ansel Bakery in New York
City from Thursday, Sept. 21 through
Photo courtesy of AkzoNobel. Sunday, Sept. 24.
“Creating a vegan version of the
metal furniture, lighting, cabinetry, floor- pastry chef Dominique Ansel to create Cronut has always intrigued me – we’re
ing, building products and architecture his first-ever vegan Cronut inspired by always looking for forward-thinking
markets, as well as decorative paints. Upward SW 6239, available for a limited ways to create new pastries, and this col-
“Color of the Year often inspires long- time at his namesake bakery in New York laboration was a natural opportunity
term design partnerships in our business- City’s Soho neighborhood. The all-vegan to do so,” said Ansel. “At first glance,
es,” said Jan-Piet van Kesteren, business version of Ansel’s iconic “half croissant, Upward SW 6239 draws up a sense of
unit director for Decorative Paints in half doughnut” creation is filled with co- balance and lightness for me; it’s the same
Europe, Middle East and Africa. “We conut riz au lait (rice pudding) infused feeling I wanted to impart into our very
combine consumer trend insights with with naturally-flavored Butterfly Pea first vegan flavor. We sourced a butterfly
in-depth color and materials research
and market analysis in our ColorSurfaces
trend collection to bring market-specific
solutions to our customers and work to-
gether with them on the perfect finish for
their projects.”

Sherwin-Williams Reveals
2024 Color of the Year,
Upward SW 6239
Sherwin-Williams introduces its 2024
Color of the Year Upward SW 6239,
a breezy and blissful shade of blue that
evokes the ever-present sense of peace
found when slowing down, taking a
breath and allowing the mind to clear.
“Upward SW 6239 represents the
gentle forward momentum in all of our
lives,” said Sue Wadden, director of color
marketing at Sherwin-Williams. “It brings
to life that carefree, sunny day energy that
elicits a notion of contentment and peace.
With this color, we invite our consumers
to take a pause and infuse a new sense
of ease and possibility into their spaces
– one that doesn’t overwhelm, but rather
establishes meditation and tranquility.”
To bring this light and buoyant hue
to the lives (and tastebuds) of consum-
ers, Sherwin-Williams has partnered
with James Beard Award-winning French

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 11

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Fresh Paint

spirit within the Beckers Group” said

Judith Jungmann, CHRO.
With mental health assessments, 44
employees were identified for coun-
seling in Malaysia. More than 90%
of these employees no longer require
counseling support.
“In some countries, the subject of
mental health is still taboo but our work
at Beckers in recent years has helped ad-
dressed this matter with better education
and awareness,” said Kumar. “At a per-
Photo courtesy of Sherwin-Williams. sonal level depending on the employee’s
comfort level, they have warmed up to
pea flower tea which naturally imparts a Beckers sites in the UK, US, France, this initiative. We respect employee views
soft blue shade into the ganache, paired Sweden, India, UAE and Malaysia are on the subject and any engagement has
with a creamy coconut ganache, all while leading the way with other countries hav- been voluntary to establish the credibility
preserving the light and flaky layers that ing the flexibility to develop a custom- of our initiatives.”
are signature to our pastry. This was an ized approach in pursuing this initiative.
exciting challenge for me, and I can’t wait Each country can adapt its initiatives to WEG to Expand Production
for our guests to try it and open their eyes local needs and culture, although gen- of Industrial Paints in Brazil
to finding inspiration all around – even eral guidelines are provided in line with WEG has announced investments of R$
where they least expect it.” best practices. 70 million ($14 million) to expand the
“Some of our sites have conducted production capacity of industrial liquid
Becker’s Global Mental mental health assessments that have paints in Brazil by 2024.
Health Program Shows measured individual employee health,” In addition to the construction of a
Positive Impact said Kumar. “The assessments and their new unit for industrial liquid paint pro-
Since it was launched in 2021, Beckers’ analysis have been instrumental in iden- duction, which is expected to increase
mental health program and its vari- tifying gaps in the mental health of our the current production capacity by ap-
ous initiatives have been introduced at workforce. They have also helped us to proximately 70%, the project includes
Beckers’ sites around the world and will identify general topics and areas, such a new logistics distribution center, with
be stepped up in the months ahead. as stress management and mental agil- approximately 6,400 square meters of
Beckers’ focus on mental health is ity, to address and focus on individuals built area, designed to allow for gradual
part of its wider approach to employee who may need particular support such and continuous capacity expansion to
well-being, health and safety. The work as counseling.” meet the company’s growth needs in the
is driven by HR teams and line manag- In countries such as Malaysia, UAE coming years.
ers with sponsorship from the respective and the US, Beckers has also engaged “These investments are important for
country MDs. The Beckers mental health external mental health counselors to the growth of WEG’s industrial paint
program will ultimately involve everyone provide counselling services to employ- business in the country, as they signifi-
in the company. ees in need of support with confidential cantly expand our production and logis-
“We have a moral obligation to take therapy sessions. The confidential nature tics capacity to meet the growing demand
care of our employees in line with our of these services has been appreciated for more efficient and sustainable indus-
Sustainability Strategy and aspirations,” by employees. trial paints,” said Rafael Torezan, WEG
said Sureash Kumar, HR director for “We recognized the severity of the Industrial Paints managing director.
Africa and the Middle East. “We aspire to global mental health crisis and felt it The investments will be made in the
be role models in caring for our employ- was imperative not to solely rely on the industrial park in the city of Guaramirim,
ee’s mental health and well-being. It’s the healthcare systems of individual coun- in the state of Santa Catarina, where the
right thing to do and it helps to nurture tries to address it. That’s why we have company already produces liquid and
and retain our employees as well.” taken a proactive stance as an employer, powder paints, resins, and electro-insu-
Most employees at Beckers’ sites continually seeking ways to make a posi- lating varnishes for the industrial and in-
have already experienced their local tive impact. I’m particularly proud that frastructure segments.
mental health programs. This may have in two of our countries, we’ve seen a WEG has been producing industrial
been in the form of assessments, train- remarkable willingness among our col- paints and varnishes since 1983 and,
ing/workshops or even counseling by leagues to volunteer as mental health in addition to its headquarters in Santa
trained therapists. aiders, demonstrating a world class team Catarina, currently has production

12 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

10-13 Fresh Paint NovDec 1123.indd 12 11/15/23 12:18 PM

Fresh Paint
units in Mauá, São Paulo, Buenos Bluebird and the Fusion All-In-One with consumers.
Aires, Argentina, and Atotonilco de line are founded on Krylon’s color exper- As a timeless and versatile
Tula, Mexico. tise to offer DIY enthusiasts and craft- shade, Bluebird is set to trans-
ers a convenient way to infuse the latest form homes into havens of se-
Krylon Announces 2024 trends into their homes. renity and sustainability.
Color of the Year: Bluebird Krylon’s selection of Bluebird as the Fusion All-In-One spray paint and
A contemporary shade that evokes a pro- 2024 Color of the Year reinforces its other Krylon products are available at
found connection to serene blue spaces dedication to offering innovative and various national retailer locations with
found in nature, Bluebird is Krylon’s inspiring design solutions that resonate selections varying by retailer. CW
2024 Color of the Year.
Bluebird reimagines pastel blue with a
bold yet pale hue that uplifts and com-
forts, serving as a platform for mod-
ern minimalism while celebrating the
beauty of natural tones and textures in
perfect harmony.
“Bluebird evokes joy and contentment
within a space, embracing consumer de-
sire for ‘dopamine décor’,” said Ashley
Banbury, Krylon’s color marketing man-
ager. “Bluebird is a welcoming color that
harmonizes effortlessly with both warm
and cool shades and facilitates a balance
in pairing accent colors, vintage furnish-
ings and modern elements. Its soft yet
sophisticated tone pushes the boundaries
of transformation that pale shades can
achieve on a wide range of materials.”
The resurgence of vintage and eccen-
tric home décor continues to captivate
DIYers and crafters as they strive to cre-
ate spaces rich in meaning and personal-
ity. In an era where sustainability takes
center stage, Bluebird’s exuberant yet
versatile tone is the perfect medium for
breathing fresh life into unique second-
hand or antique pieces.
“Krylon embraces the creative explo-
ration of reducing and reusing materials,
and Bluebird aligns perfectly with this
ethos by giving DIYers an opportunity to
refresh and revive décor in a contempo-
rary color,” said Banbury. “Bluebird is the
perfect accent to add a refreshing touch
to home interiors and inject modern per-
sonality into any space.”
Curated based on Krylon’s analysis of
today’s most up-to-date trends, Bluebird
is a new color offering in the Fusion All-
In-One spray paint product line, which
provides 5X stronger adhesion compared
to Krylon general purpose paints on dif-
ficult surfaces such as plastic, metal and
wood, and ready-to-assemble furniture
without sanding or priming.

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 13

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New Products

Sherwin-Williams Introduces Heat-Flex 7000

Insulative Coating

ew Heat-Flex 7000 thermal in- reduces thermal losses on assets that need the risk of CUI altogether. Coated assets
sulative coating system from to stay warmer or diminishes solar heat are also easier to inspect and repair, as in-
Sherwin-Williams Protective & gain on assets that need to stay cooler. sulation/cladding systems require periodic
Marine offers personnel protection, insu- Able to be directly applied to hot sub- removal for inspections or specialized ul-
lating capabilities and solar heat reflectiv- strates, Heat-Flex 7000 is spray-applied in trasonic/radiography testing for CUI.
ity for an array of industrial applications. a single coat — typically 50-75 mils dry Heat-Flex 7000 can protect heat-sensi-
The single-component, spray-applied film thickness (DFT) — over a required tive assets from solar heat gain. In these
coating system meets Occupational Safety corrosion-resistant primer. The coating situations, a reflective white formulation
and Health Administration standards for system features new technology that yields is recommended to insulate the asset,
protecting personnel from skin-contact a thick, fully cured coating film with a high enabling it to maintain a lower internal
burns on assets operating at temperatures volume that effectively resists the transfer operating temperature. Lower operating
up to 350°F (177°C) in one coat. of heat from the underlying substrate to temperatures can help reduce the loss of
A single coat of Heat-Flex 7000 can the surface, as well as from the surface to fuels or cooling water in tanks and pipes
eliminate the costs of installing, inspect- the substrate. due to vaporization.
ing and repairing conventional insulation Because there’s no way for water to Heat-Flex 7000 can be specified for
and cladding systems for personnel skin- penetrate down to the asset substrate and use in indoor or outdoor environments
contact protection, thereby also eliminat- remain trapped there and because no to protect personnel and insulate assets
ing the common threat of corrosion under physical cladding system is applied on top involved in oil & gas production and off-
insulation (CUI). In addition, the coating of the coating, Heat-Flex 7000 eliminates shore and marine operations. CW

SpecMetrix® systems deliver real-time absolute coating layer thickness data of unprecedented accuracy.
These flexible systems easily integrate with customer spray systems and coating lines in all manufacturing
and lab environments, helping global manufacturers decrease costs by reducing
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Find out more at or call +1.336.315.6090.

14 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

14 CW new products 1123.indd 14 11/15/23 12:20 PM

SpecMetrix revised .indd 1 10/24/22 11:56 AM
Strategies & Analysis Business Corner

A Current Review of European Regulatory

Activity: New Initiatives and Their Potential Impact
On the Global Coatings Market
by Gary Shawhan, microplastic pollution or sustainable the individual manufacturer. This group
Contributing Editor product design. The fight against en- would account for the remainder or an
[email protected] vironmental crime represents another estimated 40-50%. As an indicator of
“Green Deal” focus. The Environmental the scope of the cost to address compli-
Criminal Regulations will be reviewed ance, when these new regulations are fi-

uropean regulations continue to to better address violations of REACH, nalized and implemented, it is estimated
play the leading role for the glob- BPR, and RoHS. that there are approximately 200,000
al coatings market in defining and Although discussions have been pro- polymers in use today within the EU.
setting standards for compliance. This gressing at a fast pace in these past two Finally, once the dust settles, it is es-
article addresses several new initiatives years, Europe remains far behind its timated that 10-20% of the polymers in
that will have a significant impact on self-anticipated schedule for the revi- use will require full registration under
our industry. We have interviewed Ray sions to REACH. A draft that was ex- the new regulations.
Rex, of CRC-US, and Lars Dobertin, pected initially by the end of 2022 has
general manager of the CSB Compliance already been pushed back to the end of CW: Can you offer any insight into how
Group, Krefeld Germany to develop 2023. It is likely that “hands-on” regula- the polymers would be defined in these
this information. tory text will not be published until af- regulations?
ter the European elections in mid-2024. Rex: The expectation is that polymers
REACH Activity Regarding will be broken out into groups that
Polymer Classifications CW: Are there any key issues of critical represent a consensus of inputs from
And Regulations importance to our industry? manufacturers, trade organization and
CW: What is the “Green Deal”? Rex: Polymer registrations are a key ele- other industry connected sources. These
Rex: In December 2022, the European ment in this directive. Suppliers will be individual polymer groups will facili-
Parliament, the Council of the European required to provide data on the toxic- tate the use of consortiums to mitigate
Union and the European Commission ity of the polymers they manufacture the individual costs for data generation
presented a declaration on the EU’s and sell. The expectation is that about where possible.
legislative priorities for the next years. 50-60% of the polymers now sold will As an example, there may be seven
Implementing the “Green Deal” con- fall into a category of polymers NOT or eight categories of polymers listed in
cepts through related legislative initia- requiring registration (PRR-polymers the regulations within which there will
tives remains a top political priority. The requiring registration). These polymers likely be multiple sub-categories. These
“Green Deal’s” primary focus is on driv- will still need an initial notification to categories will define the polymer infor-
ing major revisions to EU REACH and be submitted by each company, includ- mation profiles and testing protocols re-
CLP (European Classification, Labeling ing supporting analytical data and a quired for registration by REACH.
and Packaging) regulations. PRR assessment.
The “Green Deal” also includes A second category will likely iden- CW: Is there a conceptual timeline for
addressing other issues such as fur- tify unique polymers. In these cases, the the REACH update?
ther chemical regulations related to burden of data generation will rest with Rex: The process for moving forward

FIGURE 1. Conceptual Timeline for Polymer Registration

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 15

15-17 Business Corner 1123.indd 15 11/15/23 12:22 PM

Business Corner Strategies & Analysis

TABLE 1. New Hazard Classifications now be required for import quantities of

1-10 MT and 10-100 MT. This is in ad-
dition to the traditional 100-1000 MT,
1,000-10,000 MT and 10,000+ MT
volume categories.
The EU is currently still lacking data
on ED substances (as strange as it may
sound) since only registered high volume
imported substances have been tested up
till now. This is bound to change, pos-
sibly soon, with new ED test require-
ments are bound to be included in the
1-10MT and 10-100MT test regimes
under REACH.
The addition of these lower annual
import volume quantities is likely to
have a significant effect on the economic
viability of certain imported products
that are consumed in small quantities.

CW: What is the ECHA timeline

with the planned updates to REACH hazard classifications for labeling and for implementation of these new
is fluid and dependent on many factors packaging (CLP) for chemicals entering Classifications?
including the time it will take to con- the EU? Rex: Figures 2 and 3 provide the ECHA
sider all industry inputs. The following Rex: The new hazard classifications (European Chemical Agency) timeline
graphic offers a conceptual timeline concern endocrine disruptors. These for reaching mandatory compliance
based on current information. are substances that damage hormonal with the revised regulations for the
balance in humans or in the environ- new hazard classifications and labeling
CW: Are there differences between ment. These new classes also include require requirements.
REACH and Brexit on how they are persistent, very mobile disruptors that
planning to address the issues of poly- are highly mobile in soils. This can al- Reach Regulation Revisions
mer registration? low them the potential to enter drinking and Recent Changes
REX: UK authorities pushed back the water. In addition, the new cases also CW: How is REACH addressing
chemical registration scheme effectively include those substances that are toxic sustainability?
by three years. However, new substances and bioaccumulate (Table 1). Rex: Sustainability (within REACH)
to the UK must register before import- is one of the most far-reaching chang-
ing over 1MT to the UK. While the CW: Can you elaborate on the objec- es that is pending with the revision of
current registration scheme still closely tives and the industry impact of the new the REACH Regulation. This effort is
follows that of Europe, very recent news labeling and packaging classifications? driven by public concerns regarding the
indicates the UK and Brexit will shift Rex: A key objective for adding new cat- potential adverse impacts of chemicals
away from a hazard data-driven-to-use egories of endocrine disruptors was to on the environment and human health.
and exposure-driven registration effort. ensure that specific attention was placed It is also elevated in importance by the
While involved parties are highlighting of those materials that were very mobile political climate across the EU. The
potentially huge cost savings by this and those that have issues with bioac- main objectives of an amendment to the
effort, it remains to be seen what the cumulation. This includes their behavior REACH Regulation follows the 2020
change will finally look like. More in- in humans as well as the environment. “Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability”
formation will possibly be published in This also highlights the severity that the policy goals (CSS) (EC2020b).
early 2024. EU is attributing to this specific hazard
class, which already meets the SVHC CW: Can you elaborate on the current
Expanded Hazard (substance of very high concern) criteria. status of the sustainability initiative?
Classifications Under the Another aspect of these new hazard Rex: Consequently, the focus of this
Global Harmonization classifications is the expanded require- effort will be on measures for the tar-
System for Hazard ments for testing of smaller volumes geted implementation of requirements
Communications of imported product than had been re- for so-called “safe and sustainable by
CW: What is the intent of the new quired in the past. Testing protocols will design chemicals.” It will also include

16 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

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Strategies & Analysis Business Corner

FIGURE 2. ECHA Timeline for Substances

FIGURE 3. ECHA Timeline for Mixtures

the introduction of “non-toxic mate- new requirements for approving new • Authorization (ANNEX XIV), and
rial cycles” and the establishment of biocides (e.g.. ED assessment) have been • Restricted (Annex XVII)
an “essential use” concept. In addition, implemented in the meantime making it The candidate list (SVHC) is the
the most hazardous substances as well more complicated and costly. compilation of substances found to
as endocrine disruptors and evaluation The on-going active substance review be carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic
criteria for mixtures will be considered. program, which was targeted to end in to reproductive health through the
Studies commissioned in connection 2024, will be prolonged as authorities “evaluation” phase of REACH. Any
with the revision have largely been com- are not able to assess the remaining “ac- substance that is persistent, bio ac-
pleted, whereby the evaluation of a re- tives” within this timeframe. This is a cumulative and toxic or is very per-
form of authorizations and restrictions “big deal” as they are now conducting sistent and very bio accumulative may
as well as the support regarding the the evaluations to complete the active also become an SVHC. SVHC’s are on
impact assessment are still open. After chemicals permitted for use. Completion the Candidate list because they have
various delays, the draft of the intended of this scheme will be pushed off become candidates for Authorization,
amendments is expected in the course of beyond 2024. Annex XIV of the REACH regulation.
this year. Once this list is set, its impact will Note that the new CLP has new clas-
The adoption of a corresponding be felt through restrictions on new bio- sifications for substances that are endo-
proposal by the Commission is now cide “actives,” which are to be approved crine disruptors, persistent toxic, bio
expected for the last quarter of 2023 first (the process currently taking many accumulative, or mobile. It is expected
according to the Commission Work years) before marketing is allowed. The that the endocrine disruptor focus will
Programme for 2023 of 18.10.2022. expense and time required to bring a place more substances on the list.
new biocide to the market will be ex- The Candidate list has been updated
CW: What about biocides? tremely high and likely prohibitive. 29 times, the last being June 14, 2023,
Rex: The European Biocidal Products and currently contains 235 substances.
Regulation (BPR) of September 2013 CW: What is the Candidate List of See the link for a full listing of chemicals
requires active biocide approval (Article Substances for Authorization? - Candidate List of substances of very
59 listing) followed by the authoriza- Rex: The REACH regulation maintains high concern for Authorisation - ECHA
tion of the biocide product. The pro- three separate lists with different re- ( The REACH candidate list
cess for approving new biocides has not quirements for the substances: is the authentic version of chemicals
changed since its inception in 2013 but • The Candidate List (SVHC), under consideration. CW

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 17

15-17 Business Corner 1123.indd 17 11/15/23 12:22 PM

International Coatings Scene Europe

Second Stages and Second Thoughts at the EU

Almost all goods

sold in EU
markets will be
subject to scrutiny
of sustainability
considering the nature of consumers buying on-
requirements by Terry Knowles line, rising consumer awareness of sustainability
European Correspondent and will place a much greater emphasis on the
across their [email protected] circular economy.
The new framework regulation will be appli-
life-cycles. cable to a much broader gamut of products than

eviewing some recent developments what has previously been included, so that almost
that have emerged in EU chemical leg- all goods sold in EU markets are subject to scru-
islation, some key matters appear to be tiny of sustainability requirements across their
advancing and some look as if they might be life-cycles. (Food, feed, medicine, veterinary prod-
relaxed. These will be quite significant develop- ucts and motor vehicles are excluded.) The great-
ments for the paint and coatings industry and er sweep of this approach is in stark contrast to
are outlined below. previous legislative targets where only energy- or
raw material-intensive products were considered.
Second Stage on What is expected now is that sustainability re-
Product Ecodesign quirements will be enacted through delegated acts
The European Council (EC) and the European for certain product groups. These priority groups
Parliament have reached alignment and are re- will include paints, chemicals, iron, steel, alumin-
portedly close to adopting their official positions ium, furniture, textiles and ICT (information and
on the Regulation for Ecodesign of Sustainable communication technologies) equipment.
Products, which will repeal the previous 2009 As part of the aim to make things easier for
Ecodesign Directive. The new one will be more the consumer and to reduce waste, the regula-
attuned to modern purchasing trends insofar as tion is aimed at ensuring the consumer goods

18 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

18-19 Europe Report 1223.indd 18 11/15/23 12:23 PM

Europe International Coatings Scene

are energy and resource-efficient in terms

of manufacture, but that they are durable,
reliable, reusable, upgradable, repairable,
recyclable and easier to maintain in terms
of design. Furthermore, although this is
unlikely to affect the coatings sector, the
regulation will seek to ban the destruc-
tion of unsold goods (chiefly footwear,
clothes, electrical and electronic equip-
ment) from 12 months after the regulation
becomes effective. AkzoNobel has developed a bio-based interior coating that has a dual rosin base. Credit: AkzoNobel
This is the legislation that also pro-
poses the digital product passport for down to how ‘essential’ is defined and which it is present. It is anticipated that
consumer goods so that they may be cir- whether it forms some sort of lynchpin in the recycled resin would form a drop-
culated throughout the single market. The supplying goods for a certain function on in substitute.
passport will have to provide data on safe- the part of society, or whether it is essential Beckers is collaborating with two other
ty and sustainability, details necessary for because there are no alternatives available. parties on this endeavour: BioBTX and
importation and exportation and allow These developments are to be viewed in the Symeres. The ambition is to create a sup-
traceability throughout the value chain. context of the EU re-examining its REACh ply chain for sustainable aromatic mono-
The ambition is to have the digital prod- legislation last year, 15 years after it origi- mers made from plastic waste.
uct passport concept in place by the end nally took effect. BioBTX already has a method in place
of 2024. for converting waste plastic into BTX
Since this is framework legislation, the Coatings Firms (benzene, toluene and xylene), which is ef-
greater challenges will lie ahead when the Advance Their fectively the start of the circle. Thereafter,
EC starts adopting the delegated acts that Environmental Agendas Symeres oxidizes the xylenes into aromatic
set out the sustainability requirements for New industry announcements from within phthalic monomers for Beckers to convert
those specific product groups. Currently the European coatings sector have placed into phthalic anhydride.
there’s a very good chance that the draft recyclability and sustainability right at the The pilot involves processing mixed
regulation will be agreed between the EC heart of present and future coatings de- plastic waste into sustainable chemical
and the European parliament before the sign, which is clearly at the heart of the building blocks and finally high-value
end of this year. EU’s ambitions for the region. products, using multiple advanced sustain-
Very recently AkzoNobel announced able chemical conversions. This includes
Second Thoughts Balancing that it has developed a bio-based coat- the unique Integrated Cascading Catalytic
Banning with ‘Essential’ Use ing that is formulated with two bio-based Pyrolysis (ICCP) technology. Beckers is
Given how the environment has more rosins – one is a rapeseed rosin, the other particularly interested in xylenes, which
prominence in the EU’s consciousness since is pine rosin. It has already agreed to sup- can be oxidized to produce monomers,
its Green Deal announcement, and with ply this new bio-based automotive interior such as phthalic anhydride, for use in poly-
its much stronger emphasis on finding re- coating to the South Korean car manufac- ester resins for coatings.
placement chemicals, there have been some turer KIA, in response to its demand for The pilot is still in development but is
questions around how much energy and an interior bio-based coating. Supplied as expected to have significant sustainabil-
effort needs to be invested into finding and part of a wider coatings portfolio agree- ity benefits. Besides upcycling thousands
developing replacements, which eventually ment with KIA, AkzoNobel stated that the of tons of waste plastic into high-value
turns into an industry and environmental new formulation fulfils all of the physical products, early estimates suggest that the
balancing act. On the future hand there are and chemical resistance requirements (to process has the potential to reduce white
the eventual possible successes, but on the heat, scratch, sun cream and air freshener) coating carbon emissions by at least 10%.
present hand there are the essential chemi- that were specified by KIA. “Nobody has ever created a coil coat-
cals products that are currently effective in Meanwhile in the coil coatings sec- ing containing phthalic anhydride made
what they do. tor, Beckers Group has announced that from plastic waste, so this world first is
This aspect of certain chemicals being it is collaborating on the recycling of an important step forward in terms of
essential is believed to be prompting sec- plastic into phthalic anhydride, en- producing more sustainable resins and
ond thoughts on the EU’s REACh legisla- visioning its long-term use in coil paints,” said Julien Marquiant, resin lab
tion, which had sought to eliminate the coating formulations. manager at Beckers. “It really is a game-
most potentially harmful chemicals from Phthalic anhydride is significant in changer for us and our ability to incor-
the European chemical supply chain. polyester resin synthesis and constitutes porate high-quality materials made from
The gist of the argument largely boils not far off 50% of the resin structures in plastic waste.” CW

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 19

18-19 Europe Report 1223.indd 19 11/15/23 12:24 PM

International Coatings Scene Latin America

Mexico Battles Black Market in Derivatives

by Charles W. Thurston
Latin America Correspondent
[email protected]

he Mexican government’s battle against the black
market in fuel and other petroleum derivatives is put-
ting pressure on the nation’s paint and coatings pro-
ducers, according to the Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes
de Pinturas y Tintas (Anafapyt), the national coatings
trade association.
The government effort to control the black market took the
form of a declaration by the Secretaría de Energía en México
(SENER), the energy ministry, on October 23 that includes a
requirement for petroleum product importation approval and
usage follow-up reports for domestic manufacturers. Reports
suggest that 68 individual petrochemicals will fall under
these rules.
SENER is seeking to document import volumes, destina-
tions and end use in such a way that the paint and coatings imported in a traditional way,” Anafapyt said.
industry would be harmed, Anafapyt said in a statement on U.S. observers also point out the potentially broad impact
October 27. of the SENER decree. “While the Decree aims to regulate the
“This would cause a disruption in the supply of inputs for importation of certain products to combat the illegal market
companies that use chemicals and lubricants for their opera- of adulterated petroleum products and the environmental con-
tions, such as those dedicated to the manufacture of paints, sequences they generate, it may also harm various legitimate
inks and coatings, which use petrochemical products that are participants in the hydrocarbon industry or in companies that,
not supplied sufficiently, or that are not produced in the coun- despite not being related to that sector, depend on the importa-
try, such as synthetic fibers and resins, which have always been tion of the products included in the Single Annex of the Decree,”
attorneys at White & Case LLP opined on November 1.
Others agree. ”No one wants to have unfair markets, but
what they fear is the issue of implementation; that instead of
becoming a regulation to prevent smuggling, it becomes an-
other burden for the people who do import legally,” Alejandra
León, associate director of S&P Global Commodity Insights,
told Reuters on October 27.

Logistics, Storage Facilities Affected

The government measures will not only affect end users of pe-
troleum-based imports, but also the logistics and storage net-
work in the country, Anafapyt warned.
“Likewise, the investments made in the terminals to import
certain products would be put at risk, which would destabilize
the market and leave private companies without the ability to
operate correctly in the country. In addition, the activities es-
tablished in the decree require planning in ordering the goods
and, in some cases, they are already in transit, so a reasonable
time is required to obtain said permits from the agency,” the
association said.
Source: The Global Catholic Review The control measures may be excessive and still result in

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Latin America International Coatings Scene

little improvement in the black market,

Anafapyt said.
“It also establishes non-tariff mea-
sures that could be disproportionate for
international trade in such materials,
since they could damage the integration
of value chains, in addition to excessive
times for the review and authorization
of applications and notices. In contrast,
the restrictions on the international mar-
ket that have been imposed in the past
have had limited results in terms of con-
trolling and reducing the illicit entry of
substances,” the association said.
One troubling result of the con-
trol measures could be a curtailment 2019 in which at least 66 people were estimated that resins represent 49% and
of foreign investment in the industry, killed and 76 injured near Pachuca, that solvents represent 12% of the total
Anafapyt noted. Hidalgo,” MND said. cost of raw materials used in coatings,
“We consider that this resolution Government control over private based on 2017 data.
sends a negative message to the invest- petroleum derivatives import facilities “Oxygenated solvents comprise over
ment of global companies that seek to are also a contentious issue. In May, 60% of demand within coatings formu-
relocate their operations in Mexico, Bloomberg reported that Pemex is in lations, and include chemical compo-
since the determination establishes re- talks to buy KKR & Co.’s Monterra nents such as alcohols, ketones, esters,
strictions on the supply of raw materi- Energy fuel-storage terminal in Tuxpan, glycols and glycol ethers. Hydrocarbon
als essential for production and puts Veracruz for $320 million. solvents are either aliphatic or aromat-
legal certainty and regional supply at In February 2022, Monterra Energy ic and comprise less than 40% of total
risk. Furthermore, this places it in an said it planned to pursue legal action usage within coatings formulations,”
unfavorable condition to attract foreign against Mexico and seek damages of the American Coatings Association
investments, since it discourages their about $667 million for the “unlawful” (ACA) noted.
realization, which reduces the country’s closure of its Tuxpan fuel imports termi- Other common petroleum-based
economic growth, its global position nal in the Mexican state of Veracruz for chemicals include ethylene, propylene,
and the boost to competitiveness,” the five months, Reuters reported. benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene,
association stated. “The Houston, Texas-based private which are used to produce a wide range
oil company filed a ‘notice of intent to of products, such as plastics, synthetic
Pipeline Damages submit a claim of arbitration,’ alleging fibers, adhesives, solvents, and resins, ac-
By ‘Huachicoleros’ the closure of its Gulf port was unlaw- cording to Wikipedia.
SENER may have been motivated, in ful and discriminatory, and the Mexican
part, to pursue the controls following a government violated provisions of the U.S.-Mexico Logistics
March explosion of a pipeline contain- North American Free Trade Agreement Already Affected
ing hydrocarbon gas in Atlacomulco, (NAFTA),” Reuters said. Because of the problem of illegal pipe-
near the Mexico state capital of Toluca. line taps, the government hopes to shift
“Authorities [were] quick to blame Pressure on Resins, more the transportation of petrochemical
huachicoleros – black market fuel Solvents, Other products to truck and rail.
thieves,” reported Mexico News Daily Components However, the new ruling has already
(MND). “Officials…said the explo- The SENER measures could affect the affected the flow of petrochemicals
sion was caused by illegal extraction coatings industry’s demand for resins, sol- into Mexico.
from the nearby Petróleos Mexicanos vents and other raw materials. Mexico’s “Rail company Canadian Pacific
(Pemex) pipeline,” the news agency said. overall consumption of imported petro- Kansas City (CPKC) has temporarily held
“Reports from the scene suggest that six leum derivatives has increased dramati- back rail cars containing fuel and petro-
1000-liter drums were recovered near cally over the past few years. chemicals bound from Texas to Mexico
the pipeline,” MND reported. Total petroleum product imports following Mexico’s restrictions for oil
“Pipeline explosions from people were up to $74 billion last year, more imports in a move to fight smuggling,
stealing petroleum and gas are nothing than double the 2020 level. according to a note sent to clients and
new in Mexico. The worst incident in Much of the cost of paint and coatings seen by Reuters,” the agency reported on
recent years was a horrific explosion in is based on petrochemicals. ChemQuest October 27. CW

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 21

20-21 Latin America 1123.indd 21 11/15/23 12:26 PM

International Coatings Scene Russia

Former Russian PPG, Hempel and Jotun

Factories Gather Under One Umbrella

ithum Group, the former Russian
branch of Norwegian paint mak-
er Jotun, has become the largest
coating manufacturer in the country
after taking over the business of PPG
and Hempel. The company pledges to
gradually put capacities back into op-
eration and eventually break out to
foreign markets.
Jotun sold its Russian assets to
Atomstroykomplex, a Ural-based con-
struction firm, in August 2022 for an
undisclosed amount.
The Jotun factory in the country re-
mained shut since March 3, 2022, be-
cause, as Morten Fon, president and
CEO, explained, it had become more
and more challenging to operate in the
country under the sanction regimes, and
the company realized that the situation
would not change in the near future.
Jotun Paints has passed through a re-
branding and got a new name, Lithum,
shortly after the deal was closed.
In July 2023, Atomstroykomplex ac-
quired Hempel assets in Russia, though,
as the Danish company pointed out, no
active business was involved in the deal. selling price should be limited to 50% player in the domestic coatings market,
Hempel closed its operations on March of the market cost of the involved as- “setting the tone” for the entire indus-
1, 2022, and announced its intentions sets. In July 2023, the Russian Finance try, Lithum said in a statement follow-
to exit Russia on April 6, 2022. Ministry unveiled that it had also im- ing the PPG assets takeover.
In September 2023, Lithum an- posed a rule, introducing a two-year “At the very start, we saw one of
nounced that PPG followed the same option of buying shares back. Lithum’s key tasks as becoming the
path and sold its Russian assets to The Russian newspaper Vedomosti successor to Jotun, maintaining busi-
the company. quoted a source close to the govern- ness processes, quality standards and,
Again, the terms of the deal, spe- ment as saying that the logic behind the as a main priority, employees,” Andrey
cifically the value and whether a buy- adjustments was to make it harder for Druzhinin, general director of Lithum
back option was included, have not companies to exit. Group, said.
been disclosed. Not playing by Moscow’s rules is “Today, we face an even bigger chal-
Since the first half of 2023, foreign not an option, which is evidenced by lenge – to accumulate the unique experi-
companies seeking to leave Russia examples of the international dairy firm ence of predecessor companies, without
started facing additional hurdles. All Danone and Danish brewer Carlsberg, exaggeration, world industry leaders,
selloff deals involving capital from whose assets in the country were seized and to introduce the best practices us-
the countries deemed “unfriendly” by the authorities. ing the best personnel. In this case, the
by the Russian authorities must be synergistic effect for the industry can be
cleared by a specially established Playing the First Fiddle much stronger, and consumers will ben-
government commission. The new company formed on the basis efit from this,” Druzhinin added.
One of the key requirements for of the former Jotun, Hempel and PPG Lithum plans to consolidate its
the deal to get a green light is that the assets in Russia will become the largest position as the leader of the Russian

22 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

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Russia International Coatings Scene

Lithum Group is formed on the basis of the former Jotun,

Hempel and PPG assets in Russia.

coatings market in the next five years, “The takeover and the following re- plans to put it back into business as
and eventually begin export sales. branding took some time, during which soon as possible.
Currently, the company owns coat- we lost a part of our projects,” Kravtsov
ings factories in the Leningrad region, explained, adding that Jotun tradi- New Old Competitors
Kolomna, Lipetsk and Ulyanovsk, with tionally was the leader in the Russian In the meantime, it looks like the
a designed production performance of marine coatings market, and the com- Russian coatings industry managed to
around 100,000 tons per year. pany hoped to gain back lost position replace Western coatings, at least to a
R&D has become a vital aspect of in 2023. certain extent.
the company’s strategy, the company Resuming operations at some fac- During the first nine months of 2023,
said in the statement. tories will take more time than at oth- Russia produced 1.3 million tons of poly-
Lithum intends to implement an in- ers. In September 2023, Lithum signed mer-based coatings, 11.7% up compared
tegrated approach, providing customers an investment agreement with the with the same period of the previous
with not just paint in a can, but also Leningrad region, under which it plans year, the Russian state statistical service
protective coatings. to invest one billion roubles ($10 mil- Rosstat estimated. Production of other
“Occupying a leading position in the lion) to resume operation at the former coatings totaled 448,000 tons, 14.8%
market means setting the tone, creating Jotun plant near the Annolovo village more than in the previous year, the
trends. Based on the intellectual capital by 2026. service said.
and resources of Litum, we plan to cre- The factory is due to manufacture Some Russian coatings manufacturers
ate a whole cluster of development and 26 million liters of liquid coatings and acknowledged that the mass exodus of
training,” added Druzhinin. 6,000 tons of powdered products per Western businesses from Russia has ben-
year, the regional government reported. efited their sales.
Back into Business The former Hempel factory in As former assets of Western firms are
Lithum is working to put the acquired Ulyanovsk is due to resume operation on the way back to business, the com-
capacities back into operation, which by the end of the year, the regional gov- petitive fight on the market is likely to
looks to be a challenging task, given ernment has recently disclosed. get fiercer.
that Hempel and PPG factories stood Druzhinin said the factory would “The temporary withdrawal of foreign
idle for more than a year. re-start manufacturing coatings for manufacturers has spurred the interest of
Besides, the Russian coatings indus- construction, shipbuilding, ener- Russian shipping companies in domestic
try keeps experiencing difficulties in gy, oil and gas industries, and large coatings,” said Alexander Gareev, direc-
sourcing raw materials, as some of the infrastructure facilities. tor of the aviation and shipbuilding de-
Western suppliers severed their ties with He added that the same state-of- partment of prominent Russian coatings
the country. the-art technological lines and equip- manufacturer, Russian Paints.
Lithum, however, managed to keep ment transferred by the previous owner “It is difficult to calculate in monetary
its Jotun business intact, Vladimir should be used in renewed operation. terms how much we benefited, but there
Kravtsov, director of the Lithum ma- During the outage, the employees is no point in denying the fact that we
rine coatings department, told the local of the Hempel factory were paid two- saw positive dynamics. Nevertheless, we
press at the end of 2022. Aside from thirds of their monthly salary, which evidence that foreign coatings factors,
changed labels and banners, operations helped keep the staff, Lithum said. The bought by Russian companies, are gradu-
kept running as before, though the importance of this achievement is hard ally returning to the market and have al-
company needed to establish its own to overestimate, as Russia has been fac- ready begun to manufacture products,”
R&D department. ing a persistent labor shortage in the Gareev said, adding that this factor has
“Our product is identical to that of past couple of years, as reported by the not hurt Russian Paint’s business so far.
Jotun,” Kravtsov said, adding that the Central Bank. It is fair to say that gathering the for-
company renewed contracts with all There is no clarity about the future mer Russian assets of three of the world’s
Jotun raw material suppliers. On the of the former PPG factory in Lipetsk. leading coatings manufacturers under
other hand, last year Lithum did not Lithum and the regional authorities one roof, is a significant development that
utilize former Jotun production capaci- remained silent about its prospects, promises major changes for the market
ties at full. though there is speculation the company in the long run. CW

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 23

22-23 Russia Report 1223.indd 23 11/15/23 12:28 PM

International Coatings Scene Africa

Role of Lead-Free Laws in Growing Africa’s

Coatings Market

Despite the
number of paint
who are
their products to
by Shem Oirere Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.
eliminate lead, Africa Correspondent Although other countries are at various
phases of passing a similar law, a new report
some companies released in October 2023 shows progress by

frica’s paint and coatings market has Malawi’s paint and coatings industry despite
are yet to comply ended 2023 with a mixed performance the country having not been previously listed
in its commitment to achieve 100% for- among the most progressive in elimination of
with the new mulation of paints and coatings using non-lead- lead in paint.
based ingredients. The report, published after a study by Global
regulations. Diverse reports portray a continent with Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint’s partner Lead
markets that have either done well in adopt- Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP), in collab-
ing laws that require reformulation of paints, oration with the Malawi Bureau of Standards,
constraining ingredient suppliers to produced said the amount of lead in sampled paint prod-
non-lead ingredients as well as restricting paint ucts across the country declined from 53% in
importers to products that comply with lead- previous studies to 33% in 2023.
free regulations, or markets that have not con- Dr. Bernard Thole, Malawi Bureau of
sidered any restriction to the amount of lead in Standards director general, attributed the
the protective and decorative products for sale. achievement to strengthening of the bureau’s
As early as 2017, five of the 54 countries in testing capacity and government determination
the continent, less than 10%, had passed laws to enforce compliance to the “mandatory stan-
that limited the lead content in paint, varnish- dards prohibiting lead in paint.”
es and related products to a maximum of 90 One of the key players in Malawi’s paint and
parts per million (ppm). They include Algeria, coatings market, Rainbow Paints, said through

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Africa International Coatings Scene

a spokesperson it has completely switched

to lead-free products and terms the eradi-
cation of lead from paint “technically and
commercially feasible.”
But despite the increasing number of
paint manufacturers who are reformulat-
ing their products to eliminate lead, some
companies are yet to comply with the
new regulations.
The report identifies Monolux and
Valmore Paints among those still retailing
in leaded paints although they have pub-
licly committed to have new formulations
by mid-2024.
For instance, Monolux has committed and coatings manufacturers, especially the more countries introduce lead paint laws,”
to embrace eco-friendly products by early small and medium enterprises, must con- it said.
2024 with the company spokesperson say- tend with in their quest to produce, stock For instance, in East Africa, where
ing the paint manufacturer is “currently and distribute eco-friendly products is the the East African Community (EAC), an
in the process of transitioning to lead-free limited technical capacity and resources to intergovernmental organization com-
formulations in our paints” according to formulate lead-free paint. posed of seven countries in the Great
the report. According to a policy brief released by Lakes region of East Africa, has adopted
Valmore Paints, on the other hand, said World Health Organization (WHO) in region-wide paint standards regulations
although still stocking leaded paints, it has 2020, ‘Global elimination of lead paint: that limit lead content to the globally ac-
committed to achieve lead-free paints by why and how countries should take cepted 90 ppm.
mid-2024. action,’ “there may be some initial in- EAC finalized the regional lead paint
Malawi, which is one the 94 countries vestment costs for manufacturers to refor- standard in September 2019 with anoth-
on the global WHO observatory, and one mulate their paints.” The reformulation, er regional economic bloc, the Economic
of only 10 countries in Africa with con- the brief said could lead to an increase in Community of West African States
trols on lead in paint, spends an estimated the retail price of the paint products. (ECOWAS) agreeing in December 2020
$878 million in addressing lead poisoning However, the brief said, past experience to “develop a regional lead paint stan-
among 3.4 million children the substance shows despite the likelihood of an increase dard,” with paint testing having been
affects annually. in retail prices for paint formulated from completed in at least 21 countries across
Across Africa, some of the paint and lead-free ingredients, “it does not necessar- the continent.
coatings markets have been slow in intro- ily reduce paint sales in the longer term.” The challenge with the EAC adoption
ducing regulations to reduce lead in paints, “Many manufacturers, including of lead-free paint regulations across the
hence limiting access by manufacturers in small- and medium-sized enterprises, have regional economic bloc is that some of
their jurisdiction to international markets already successfully reformulated their the member-countries, such as Rwanda,
where stringent anti-lead laws have been products to avoid the use of lead-based are yet to domesticate the law, ham-
passed and strictly enforced. ingredients, seeing it as part of their cor- pering initiatives to harmonize market
A case in point is Zimbabwe, where al- porate social responsibility to protect regulations, hence reduce barriers to in-
though there are no statistics yet for 2023 workers, consumers and the environ- creasing trade in paints and coatings.
on the share of leaded paints, a previous ment,” the brief said. As it stands today, Africa loses an esti-
study by LEEP at the end of 2022 con- With the likely opportunities from ini- mated $135 billion annually due to expo-
cluded 70% of the paint in the country’s tiatives such as the creation of the African sure to lead, an equivalent of nearly 14%
market contained dangerously high levels Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), a of the world’s $977 billion loss every year.
of lead. free trade area established in 2018 with As 2024 beckons, the anticipation of
The study estimated up to 60% of the 43 countries and 11 signatories, the brief many players within Africa’s paint and
paint samples contained total lead concen- by WHO said paint and coatings manu- coatings market is that the elimination
trations above 600 ppm and at least 20% facturers embracing non-lead ingredients of lead paint, would not only help cre-
had more than 10,000 ppm. as feedstock for production, stand a bet- ate a robust and fair business environ-
Another 20% of the samples ter chance “to access to markets in coun- ment for manufacturers, exporters and
were found to contain up to 12,000 tries where the lead content in paint is importers but also pave the way for har-
ppm, “which is over 130 times the already restricted. monization of industry laws that could
recommended limit.” “Moreover, the existing market for boost market-widening economic initia-
One of the biggest constraints paint lead-containing paint is likely to shrink as tives such as the AfCFTA. CW

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 25

24-25 Africa Report 1223.indd 25 11/15/23 12:30 PM

Collaborating with the Right Suppliers
Global supply chain concerns appear to be stabilizing, but there are always
more challenges ahead. Selecting your partners wisely is essential.

In this section, Coatings World provides paint & coatings manufacturers with a select list of
raw material and equipment suppliers who can help you meet your goals now and in the future.


Arxada Corporation ........................................... 28

American Machining Inc./Cygnet ...................... 30

Brilliant Group .................................................... 31

Buhler.................................................................. 32

Engineered Polymer Solutions .......................... 34

Fischer Technology ............................................. 36

Hockmeyer Equipment ...................................... 38

IPCO Italy ............................................................ 40

Micro Powders .................................................... 42

Munzing.............................................................. 44

Oxerra ................................................................. 45

Shamrock Technologies ..................................... 46

Shepherd Color................................................... 48

Siltech.................................................................. 50

Trust Chem Co., Ltd. ........................................... 52

WAB US ............................................................... 54

WYN Polymers .................................................... 56

26 | Coatings World November/December 2023

26 Company Caps Opening 1123.indd 26 11/15/23 12:33 PM

Coatings World University presents
Surface Coatings for Sales Personnel
This 4-hour on-demand online course is designed to impart basic knowledge of surface coatings to sales
personnel employed in the coatings industry who do not have a formal scientific education or background.

Dr. Robson F. Storey is currently Professor Emeritus within the School of Polymer Science
and Engineering at The University of Southern Mississippi, where he has held a faculty
appointment since 1983. He has published approximately 180 scientific articles in refereed
journals and is the inventor on 41 granted U.S. Patents.

Dr. Robson F. Storey

Dr. James W. Rawlins has held a faculty appointment at the University of Southern
Mississippi since 2004. He has published 57 peer-reviewed articles; delivered more than
115 scientific presentations, delivered 82 conference papers, and 67 poster presentations;
organized and lectured numerous short courses; and holds 17 U.S. and European patents.

Dr. James W. Rawlins

Enroll Today!

Proud Partners:

Untitled-1 1 1 4/25/23
4/25/23 2:30 PM
2:45 PM
Company Capabilities 2024

The company is dedicated to protecting and maintaining the
health and wellbeing of people, and improving the longevity of
vital infrastructure, while supporting the health of the planet.
HEADQUARTERS Arxada is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen
Basel, Switzerland for the benefit of customers, employees, neighboring communities,
Tel: +41 61 563 80 00 and the environment.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Paints & Coatings Industry Brands
Arxada’s brands, such as Polyphase® and Proxel®, are regarded
Better Science to Solve the World’s Toughest globally as benchmarks for product excellence. The Arxada
Preservation Challenges portfolio includes widely recognized brand names in the paints
Arxada is a global science-based specialty chemicals business creat- & coatings industry, and beyond.
ing innovative chemistry and solutions. With customers in more
than 100 countries, it achieved sales of Chf 2.4 billion in 2022. The Polyphase® Dry-Film Preservatives
company aims to solve the world’s toughest preservation challenges Troysan® Dry-Film Preservatives
by enhancing sustainability with cleaner, greener solutions. Arxada Fungitrol® Dry-Film Preservatives
focuses on multiple end-markets, primarily in: Human Health & Densil® Dry-Film Preservatives
Nutrition, Home & Personal Care, Paints & Coatings and Wood Omadine® Dry-Film Preservatives & Marine Antifouling
Protection, providing a broad portfolio of differentiated products UmiGard® Marine Antifouling
and solutions, supported by its science and innovation capabilities, Proxel® Wet-State Preservatives
in-depth regulatory know-how and track record in manufacturing Mergal® Wet-State Preservatives
and process development. Headquartered in Basel (Switzerland), Nuosept® Wet-State Preservatives
the company’s 3,600 employees contribute to the success of its cus- Troykyd® Defoamers
tomers, spanning 24 production sites and 13 R&D centers. Troythix® Rheology Modifiers
Troysol® Substrate Wetting, Flow & Leveling Additives
Industrial Microbial Control Troysperse® Dispersants
Arxada is a force in microbial control and performance additives, Effexel® Specialty Additives
built upon the powerful legacies of industry leaders, such as Troy Troymax®,
Corporation. Industrial Microbial Control, or IMC, is the arm of Troycat®,
Arxada dedicated to preservatives and additives for customers in & Troychem Driers, Catalysts, & Anti-Skinning Agents
paints & coatings, marine antifouling, metalworking fluids, plastics, Powdermate® Powder Coatings Additives
textiles, and energy. Through Arxada IMC, customers can experi-
ence new levels of control, performance, reliability, and sustainabil- Partnership & Services
ity, enabled by an extensive portfolio of products, and one of the Arxada offers a full suite of value-added services to support its
largest global manufacturing and supply networks in the industry. customers, and to augment its broad product range. Arxada has
field testing sites located around the world, as well as state-of-the-
The company’s goal is to innovate solutions that enhance the art technical service and development centers that provide a wide
performance of customer products. Arxada’s solutions, expertise, range of testing and support to customers, including microbiology,
and support enable customers and their products to work better - application services, and more. Additionally, Arxada offers the
to be more efficient, more effective, and more sustainable. unique TMMA microbial management program to assist customers
to achieve contamination-free products and processes, and reduce
The Power of Science & Sustainability total preservation cost.
Arxada is dedicated to advancing a more sustainable future
through responsible innovation. With its focus on Planet, Co-Branding
Preservation, and People, Arxada has an aggressive vision and Arxada offers its unique Micropel® Antimicrobial Protection co-
strategy in place to achieve industry transformation through branding program to enable customers to differentiate their products
sustainable preservation. Arxada is operating eco-efficiently on on the shelf and communicate added value to end-use consumers.
a path toward net zero, employing responsible sourcing and
supporting the use of good science that advances these goals. For more information, visit

28 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Arxada Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 1:58 PM

Two leaders in material protection and
performance additives have joined forces.
Troy and Arxada are now one company,
offering new levels of innovation and value.
Harnessing the strengths of our legacies,
we are developing new platforms of
performance and service for our customers.

Learn how we are Making Great Chemistry


Untitled-1 1 8/22/22 5:37 PM

Company Capabilities 2024


Fenton, MI 48430 USA
Phone: 877-629-0091; 810-629-0091
Email: [email protected]

American Machining, Inc (AMI) is a Michigan based com-
pany that has been producing quality stainless steel totes, parts
and mixing equipment for more than 44 years. We specialize in Many of the mixers we build can be adjusted based on the size
building containers, supplying replacement parts and providing of your containers, and the viscosity of your product. We have
repair services to the OEM paint suppliers, and their customers, mixers that are designed to work in various sizes of containers,
throughout North America. Many of our customers have been ranging from a 55-gallon drum, poly tote or IBC stainless steel
with us for over 40 years, and we pride ourselves on having supe- container. We also offer accessories for your totes, such as stands,
rior products with personalized customer service. heating/cooling coils, mixer systems and specialty components.

TECHNICAL MISSION American Machining can provide a full-service support system

We are committed to exceeding our customer’s expectations by for all of your liquid handling and blending needs. There are a
delivering consistent quality products and services. Our core handful of suppliers who can provide containers, but very few
values, business processes, and continuous improvement of them can provide parts, containers and mixing components.
methodology serve as the basis for our superior customer
performance. We also have the capacity to offer repair services, re-certifications
and cleaning for these same customers. In a sense, we are a “One-
MARKETS SERVED Stop- Shop” for IBC customers, and have been recognized in the
In addition to manufacturing containers, parts and mixers for industry as “The IBC Resource.”
the paint, coatings & chemical industry, American Machining
has also manufactured products for the beverage, cosmetic and CONTACTS
adhesives industries as well. Tiffany Stolzenfeld
Vice President Sales & Marketing
MAJOR PRODUCTS [email protected]
American Machining provides all standardized OEM parts
and containers, as well as offer customization to fi t your 877-629-0091
manufacturing needs.

30 | Coatings World November/December 2023

AMI/Cygnet Profile CWM1123.indd 30 11/14/23 1:50 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Brilliant Group, Inc.

Our capabilities range from developing fluorescent pigments for

Simply Brighter! all manner of printing inks to pigments for water and solvent-
based coatings, as well as plastic colorants. Wherever there is
HEADQUARTERS an application of fluorescent color, it is highly likely that our
750 National Court, Suite 100 experts are familiar with the technology.
Richmond, CA 94804
Tel.: +1-415-771-4757 Major Products
Fax #: +1-415-789-4150 BGP: general purpose grade for paper coating, textiles, tempera
E-mail: [email protected] paints, etc.
Web: BSR: solvent resistant grade for nail polish, aerosol paints, etc.
BMS: non-migrating pigment for vinyl plastisol and to eliminate
We are world-class fluorescent pigment experts, providing a seam- plateout in masterbatch
less end-to-end experience for our customers. BNF: completely non-formaldehyde pigment for masterbatch,
crayons, etc.
Directly, and through our global distribution network, we provide BSTS: solvent soluble toner for solvent flexo and UV flexo
local inventory of best-of-breed fluorescent and phosphorescent BSTW: water soluble toner for water flexo
technology paired with technical support from our team who has BFE: water-based emulsions for water flexo, textile printing, etc.
extensive experience in a wide variety of applications.. BIB2: extra strength ink base for both conventional and UV
Applications BVC: liquid vinyl colorant for traffic cones
Brilliant Fluorescent Pigments are used in a wide range of applications: UVB: 100% reactive, high strength UV Base for non-porous
Paints/Coatings: Aerosol Paints, Aircraft Finish, Clay Target substrates
Coatings, Craft Paints, Industrial Coatings, Nail Polish, Paper
Coatings, Powder Coatings, etc. Global Capabilities
Inks: Flexo, Gravure, Litho, Screen, UV, Industrial Ink Jet, etc. Our global headquarters, with corporate offices, R&D and manufactur-
Plastics: Masterbatch, Liquid Color, Rotomolding and Casting ing, is located in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California, USA.
applications for Olefins, PVC, EVA, Polyurethanes, etc.
Miscellaneous: Crayons, Paint Balls, Seed Coatings Contacts
Brilliant is supported by an extensive global distribution net-
What Makes Us Different work. To be connected to a local distributor in your area, please
Innovation. Our team is steeped in fluorescent pigment tech- direct your inquiry to:
nology. We create specialty polymeric pigments that give the
brightest fluorescence while also performing in a vast array of US and Canada Sales:
applications. Our innovations include formaldehyde-free formu- Mike Oberski
lations and products that can stand up to strong solvents, mini- +1-415-964-7453
mize swelling and thixotropy, or eliminate plateout. [email protected]

Partnership: Our team is comprised of technical experts, many International Sales:

with over twenty years experience in the world of fluorescent Darren Bianchi
pigments. We pride ourselves on offering our expertise to solve +1-415-519-8166
challenges and devise unique solutions. [email protected]

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 31

Brilliant Profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/14/23 2:14 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Bühler Inc.

13105 12th Avenue North

Plymouth, MN 5544, USA
Tel.: 763-847-9900
E-mail: [email protected]

Date Founded
1860, with multiple locations in North America since 1924.

Company Description
Bühler develops highly advanced process solutions along
complete value chains. Each day, billions of people enjoy
end-products produced on Bühler technologies. Having this
global relevance, we are in a unique position to turn today’s
global challenges into sustainable and reputable business

Markets Served
Our products and solutions are successfully applied in a
diversified range of industries: ink, paint, coatings, battery
electrode slurries, chemicals, electronic materials, cosmetics,
agrochemicals, and many more.

Geographic Locations Served

Bühler has a united global presence in over 140 countries with
more than 100 service stations, 30 manufacturing sites, and 25
application centers.

Technical Services
A comprehensive selection of support, parts, digital and rebuild
services are designed and offered to maintain optimal productivity
on Bühler equipment and process solutions.

Major Products and Global Capabilities

The Grinding & Dispersing business area provides sustainable,
future-orientated wet-processing solutions for a variety of
laboratory and production applications globally.

32 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Buhler Profile CWM 2023 Revised.indd 2 11/14/23 2:18 PM

and efficient
wet grinding
The perfect solution for a
productive and sustainable wet
grinding process.
• The compact MacroMedia
Wet-grinding process with an
homogeneous mix and excellent
particle size distribution.
• The new MicroMedia Invicta
Remarkable benefits such as 25%
increased efficiency, 50% increase in
productivity, and 100% increase in flow

Scan to learn more

and contact us at
[email protected]

Innovations for a better world.

full page template.indd 1 10/24/23 3:20 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

EPS® - Engineered Polymer Solutions

Major Products
EPS 2786
All-acrylic resin for near-zero VOC architectural formulations
without fluorosurfactants.
EPS 2252
High-solids acrylic emulsion designed to adhere to low-energy
substrates used in roofing.
1400 N. State St. High-solids acrylic emulsion for general industrial and railcar
Marengo, Illinois 60152 USA coatings with excellent hardness, block resistance and early
Phone: 1-800-654-4242 water resistance.
Email: [email protected] EPS 2133
Website: All-acrylic polymer made without APEO surfactants that offers
broad formulation latitude for pressure-sensitive adhesives.
Date Founded 1994
Global Capabilities
Company Description Headquartered in Marengo, IL, USA, EPS maintains operations in
At Engineered Polymer Solutions, the United States, Europe and China providing innovative products
our experts are committed to with exceptional R&D resources.
excellence, delivering advanced
polymers that are the cornerstone Manufacturing Facilities
of formulating cutting-edge North America Resins North America Colorants
coatings technologies. Through Los Angeles, CA Rockford, IL
continuous innovation and development of next-generation Woodburn, OR South Holland, IL
products, we empower manufacturers globally to create highly Marengo, IL
successful solutions that elevate performance in the architectural, Kankakee, IL Europe Resins
construction and industrial coatings industries. Garland, TX Ambacht, The Netherlands
Chester, NC
Markets Served Richmond, KY Asia Pacific Colorants
• Architectural polymers for primers and topcoats. Hagerstown, MD Guangdong, China
• Construction polymers for roof coatings,
concrete coatings, admixtures, sport court coatings Contacts
and waterproofing. North America and APAC
• Industrial polymers for metal and wood applications. Jon Remissong: Sales Director, Western U.S. & Canada,
• Polymers for pressure-sensitive adhesives. Global Commercial Colorants
• Specialty products: polymers for graphic arts, arts and [email protected]
crafts, textile and paper coatings. North America
• Pigment dispersions for POS and in-plant OEM systems. Dan Grobe: Sales Director, Eastern US & Canada
[email protected]
Geographic Locations Served EMEAI
EPS offers innovative acrylic resins and pigment dispersions to Massimo Longoni: Senior Sales Manager
customers in North America, EMEAI, and APAC. [email protected]

Technical Services
EPS offers outstanding formulation and technical support. We
have decades of exterior exposure data, with test fences in Florida
evaluating exposure to UV light and hot, humid climates; in
Illinois assessing reactions to multiple freeze-thaw cycles and
hot, humid environments; and in California measuring durability
to hot, dry areas and UV exposure, as well as dirt pickup resistance.

­ November/December 2023

EPS Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 2:29 PM


Follow us on LinkedIn


Before you develop your final coating, our experts at Engineered
Polymer Solutions work hard to provide the high-performance resins and
polymers you need to formulate innovative products for the architectural,
construction and industrial coatings industries. Our customers have direct
access to high-quality sustainable solutions, innovative technical service
and dedicated customer support.

Contact us for more information:
[email protected]

Untitled-10 1 10/28/22 5:39 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Fischer Technology Inc.

Geographic Locations Served

Fischer Technology Inc. Fischer Technology Inc. supports the USA and Canada.
750 Marshall Phelps Road However, we are a worldwide company.
Windsor, CT 06095 USA
Tel: 860-683-0781 Technical Services
Fax: 860-688-8496 Fischer is your reliable partner with a comprehensive, professional
E-mail: [email protected] and seamless service. With us, you get complete measurement expertise from one source: 100% performance, competence and
Company Description
1979 Major Products
We develop precisely tailored, intelligent measurement solutions
Company Description in the areas of coating thickness measurement, material analysis,
We are the technology leader and your partner for precise and and nanoindentation. The portfolio is diverse: from handheld
absolutely reliable measuring technology in the field of coating devices for fast coating thickness measurement in corrosion
thickness measurement, material analysis, nanoindentation and protection, to XRF spectrometers for precise gold testing, or
material testing. With a wide range of products, from simple XRF analysis in electroplating to fully integrated high-end
handheld devices for quick measurements on the go to fully systems in the electronics industry.
integrated high-end systems that automatically monitor
production, we offer measuring devices for numerous industries. Global Capabilities
Worldwide network of subsidiaries and representatives:
Markets Served 21 international subsidiaries, a worldwide dealer network and
• Electro plating regional warehouses ensure fast Fischer service with the right
• Electronics and Semiconductor material.
• Automotive
• Jewelry Contacts
• Paint & Varnish Fischer Technology Inc., Windsor CT 06095:
• Corrosion Sales, Service, Application engineering. 860-683-0781
• Aerospace
• PCB For International contacts:
• Defense

36 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Fischer Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 2:34 PM

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Company Capabilities 2024

Hockmeyer Equipment Corporation


Customers are encouraged to visit the Testing Center for lab-
sized and production-sized trials. The technical staff will work
with you through trials and the scale-up and validation processes
to determine which equipment is best suited for each application
while achieving the highest level of confidence in the equipment
HEADQUARTERS and its operation. Attended and virtual consultations available.
610 Supor Boulevard, Harrison, NJ 07029, USA
[email protected]
Manufacturing, Parts & Service, Customer Testing Lab
6 Kitty Hawk Lane, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, USA
Tel: 252-338-4705 Fax: 252-338-6540
Commercial Contact: Sara Fulford, VP of Sales & Marketing
Technical Contact: Dustin Thomas, Technical Process Specialist

standing supplier of custom-designed milling, dispersing, and
mixing equipment for the ink industry and associated chemical
manufacturers. Our global team of sales representatives and
technical support professionals provide each customer with solid PRODUCT LINES
solutions to their production needs. NEXGEN™ Milling & Dispersion Technology [patented] Ultra-
efficient use of shear, vacuum, and recirculation for maximum
TECHNICAL MISSION productivity with minimum effort. The quickest path to nanoparticles.
HOCKMEYER’s selection of processing technologies allows
coatings manufacturers to consistently produce competitive, HCP Immersion Mills Hockmeyer invented the immersion (bas-
quality products. With innovations in milling, mixing, dispersion, ket) mill. It offers excellent particle reduction and distribution
and vessel washing clients enjoy a single-source solution for many and requires minimal cleaning time. Quick change-overs. Easy
stages of their production process. Reliable and robust process operation. Reliable results.
equipment combined with state-of-the-art digital controls for
accurate data acquisition and batch monitoring for well-informed Dispersers Mechanical and inverter drives with horsepower
decision-making. ranging from 2 to 400 hp. Hoist or tank-mounted.

MILLING INNOVATION High Viscosity Mixing Systems Multi-shaft Mixers with pat-
The NEXGEN™ line of Mills and Rotor-Stators uses a ented blade & scraper designs for thorough mixing and tem-
combination of rapid flow, vacuum, recirculation, and high perature control.
shear to produce the purest grinds. Its efficiency reduces
process times and delivers a tighter particle size distribution Presses For high-viscosity feedstocks: Portable, Lift to Discharge,
than any other milling process. The technology combined with and Platform Presses.
the portable and ergonomic design makes the NEXGEN™ the
most versatile mill on the market. CMX Washers Tank cleaning brush system with efficient & safe
• Rapid recirculation for tight particle distribution operation.
• Efficient remote monitoring and control via pre-set
specifications and live data reporting APC (Advanced Process Control) Systems: Recipes, operator
This versatile mill works with your existing tanks, consciously work instructions, and multiple data gathering points with live
curtailing capital expenses. reporting: for consistent production.

38 | Coatings World November/December 2023

Hockmeyer Profile CWM 2024.indd 2 11/14/23 2:40 PM

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Company Capabilities 2024


via A. Grandi 1, Rho, 20017 (MI) – Italy

Tel.: +39 0238255330
Fax: +39 0238255326

Date Founded Geographic Locations Served

2018 (previously operating as Sandvik Process Systems – IPCO serves customers on every continent. The company has
founded in 1901) dedicated service centers in Europe, America and Asia and a
presence in 130 countries. Service support is provided by fully
Company Description trained and equipped engineers, with local teams ensuring a
IPCO provides customized process equipment solutions with rapid response to minimize downtime.
high technology content, and supports this through engineering
expertise and a comprehensive global service offering including Technical Services
spare parts and maintenance. IPCO provides a comprehensive service from installation to main-
tenance, repair and troubleshooting through a service network of
In terms of the powder paint market, the company designs and skilled technicians. The company is also able to offer customers
manufactures innovative, integrated powder paint production support through its Productivity Center, with 100 kg/h and 1000
lines, feeding and extrusion equipment, cooling, flaking and kg/h lines available for product trials and feasibility/quality tests.
downstream handling solutions. IPCO also provides service
and refurbishment of equipment of most leading OEMs, and Major Products
performance optimization consulting. • Twin screw extruders from 1 to 2500kg/h capacity.
• Steel belt cooling systems.
Markets Served • Compact drum coolers.
IPCO provides a range of highly efficient production solutions • Feeding systems.
for manufacturers and processors of powder paint products. • Flaking systems.
These systems combine high productivity and energy efficient • Spare parts.
operation to deliver an attractive return on investment. In • Revamping and refitting of extruders and cooling equipment.
addition to supplying production solutions, IPCO also offers • Comprehensive after-sales package.
service and refurbishment of existing equipment from most • Performance optimisation consulting.
leading OEMs.
Global Capabilities
IPCO’s main production and service facility for extruder and
cooling ranges is in Milan, Italy. The company also has major
production centers in Germany, Sweden, Holland, Spain, Korea
and China.

Europe: Davide Mazzavillani – [email protected]
Europe: Kevin Richardson – [email protected]
Americas: David Shneider – [email protected]
India: Bhaviksinh Mahida – [email protected]
China: Alexander Pollnow – [email protected]
Japan: Mitsuhide Tsuji – [email protected]
Korea: Yongjin Oh – [email protected]
SEA: Danny Heng – [email protected]

­ November/December 2023

IPCO Profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/14/23 2:48 PM

At IPCO we design and manufacture innovative, • Twin screw extruders from 1 to 2500kg/h capacity.
integrated powder paint production lines. Our • Steel belt cooling systems and compact drum coolers.
scope of supply covers everything from feeding • Spare parts, maintenance and servicing for all
and extrusion equipment to cooling, flaking and leading brands.
downstream handling solutions, spare parts, • New Productivity Center with 100 kg/h and 1000 kg/h
service and refurbishment of equipment. lines for product trials and feasibility/quality tests.
• Comprehensive after-sales package.
• Global service network.
• Performance optimisation consulting.

Contact IPCO today for information about our complete extrusion lines,
twin screw extruders, cooling conveyors, drum coolers, spare parts,
worldwide service, revamping and refitting.

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Company Capabilities 2024

Micro Powders, Inc.

Visit to find the ideal

product for your formulation solution
580 White Plains Rd.
Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA
Tel.: 1-914-793-4058 Contacts
E-mail: [email protected] President: Gary Strauss
Website: CEO & Executive Vice President: Deena Strauss
Vice President: Rich Czarnecki
Company Description Director of Global Sales: John McAllister
Micro Powders is the innovation leader in the specialty wax Technical Director: Ranell Santa Cruz
additives market, with a portfolio of fine and coarse powders,
composites, and nanocomposites that improve performance U.S. Regional Sales Manager:
in all types of paints and coatings. Our natural and synthetic Bob Stearns
powders, dispersions, and emulsions provide surface protection, [email protected]
gloss reduction, water repellency, texturing, and haptics. We
offer the most extensive commercial portfolio of PTFE alternative U.S. Regional Sales Manager:
products in the industry. Christopher Niblock
[email protected]
Markets Served
Micro Powders supplies high performance particle technology International Sales Director:
to the following markets: industrial and architectural coatings, Tom Laakso
graphic arts, agricultural, lubricants, energy, ceramics, elastomers, [email protected]
color masterbatch, powdered metals, and automotive care.
Asia Pacific Regional Sales Manager:
Geographic Locations Served Terence Yeo
Headquartered in the United States, Micro Powders has a global [email protected]
network of authorized sales agents and stocking distributors.

Technical Services
Micro Powders’ state of the art laboratory has complete formulary,
analytical, and testing capabilities in place to support our customer

PTFE-Alternative and Natural Additives

Micro Powders has introduced a full range of PTFE free nano-
composite waxes for ultimate surface protection.
• PolyGlide 1226XF: Polyethylene/Ceramic composite
Superior abrasion resistance
• Superslip 6515AL: Polyethylene/Aluminum Oxide/Amide
Wax composite
Exceptional slip and scratch resistance
• MP-28AL: Biodegradable Synthetic Wax/Aluminum Oxide SMALL PARTICLES
composite TM

High surface lubricity with rub and scratch resistance,

• Biodegradable products: NatureFine R331 for surface
protection, NatureMatte® 31 for matting, and
NatureTex® Series for fine texture.

42 | Coatings World November/December 2023

Micro Powders Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 4:04 PM

We continue to lead the way in developing natural alternatives to deliver biodegradable, no-compromise
solutions that meet the industry's highest standards of performance.

See what blossoms when you choose our new cellulose based powders, NatureTex® Series for gloss
reduction and surface texturing or NatureMatte® C44 for maximum lubricity and heat resistance.
Contact us for your customized reformulation solution.

Learn about our proven


(914) 793-4058 •

MICRO POWDERS, INC. [email protected]
©2023 Micro Powders, Inc.

full page template.indd 1 9/29/23 12:27 PM

Company Capabilities 2024


North America
1455 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Tel.: 973-279-1306 Technical Services
Fax: 973-338-0420 Munzing offers technical service testing to focus on solving
E-mail: [email protected] customer issues by duplicating the customer process and not
Website: by the generalization of formulation characteristics. We employ
a wide range of test methods to reproduce the conditions that
Company Description a coating experiences during manufacturing, packaging and
Munzing is a highly regarded, privately owned specialty application.
additive company with headquarters in Abstatt, Germany.
We have a presence in over 40 countries and are a technology- Major Products
driven organization with an extensive staff of highly experienced • CERETAN® and LUBA-print® – micronized and coated waxes
R&D and technical service personnel in Europe, the Americas and wax dispersions
and Australia. Our manufacturing plants in Germany, USA, • DEE FO® and AGITAN® – defoamers for printing inks, coat-
Australia, and Asia have broad synthesis and formulation ings and adhesives
capabilities in order to best serve our global customer base. • EDAPLAN® – leveling and universal dispersing agents
We are committed to creating value and improving our • METOLAT® – wetting agents and dispersants for specific pig-
customers’ formulations with our complete range of specialty ment groups
additives. • SUDRANOL® and WUKONIL® – wax emulsions
• TAFIGEL® – rheology modifiers for printing ink and coatings
Markets Served formulations
Munzing’s wide-ranging products and brands, include defoamers,
dispersants, leveling- and wetting agents, rheology modifiers, *To download a PDF of the latest Paint & Coatings brochure
micronized waxes, wax dispersions and -emulsions. All these visit
products are broadly used in printing inks and coatings of all
kinds, such as: Architectural Coatings, Adhesives, Industrial Global Capabilities/production facilities
Coatings, Printing Industry, Wood Coatings and Grinding 975 Ultra Avenue, Clover, SC 29710 USA
Munzing Chemie Gmbh, Salzstrabe 174, D-74076
Technologies Heilbronn – Germany
Munzing has state-of-the-art R&D labs in the United States
and Europe. Seasoned scientists in these labs continually de- Sales Contact: John Kwasneski, [email protected]
velop new additives that create value for the paint and coatings
industry. Furthermore, Munzing has unique and proprietary Technical Contact: Leah Sullivan, [email protected]
technology available solely through its organization.

44 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Munzing 2023 Profile.indd 53 11/14/23 4:12 PM

Company Capabilities 2024


A color solutions revolution is underway at OXERRA—

a fusion of global powerhouses in the iron oxide pigment
industry. With the exciting combination of quality brands,
OXERRA is positioned as a global leader, complete color
solution manufacturer and provider of advanced, sustainable
OXERRA AMERICAS, INC. and cutting-edge solutions in the highly technological and
2340 Kenyon Road demanding coatings, plastics, construction and specialty
Bartlett, IL 60103 markets.
Tel.: (312) 233-2311
Email: [email protected] We’re your new home for Mapico, CathayCoat, Kroma Red,
Web: Hoover Color, CathayRed, Copperas Red, CathayTherm and
Ferroxide. These pigments include both synthetically produced
iron oxides and naturally occurring umbers, ochres, siennas and
unique eco-friendly transparent iron oxides.

OXERRA’s combined global resources and technical expertise

allows us to provide innovative pigment products with
consistency and quality for the most demanding applications.
We have branch and sales offices throughout the world and
work to continuously expand our capabilities to provide the
best value iron oxides to meet our customers many needs.

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 45

Oxerra/Hoover Profile CWM 2023.indd 32 11/14/23 4:19 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Shamrock Technologies, Inc.

Product Lines
• BioSLIP: Natural bio-based wax micropowders with
excellent slip and superior mar resistance, with a controlled
impact on gloss and clarity.
HEADQUARTERS • RC Series: EU Regulatory Compliant (RC) PTFE containing
Shamrock Technologies, Inc. products available in powder, dispersion and compound form
Foot of Pacific Street • Hydrocer Products: pre-dispersed or emulsified additives for
Newark, NJ 07114-2888 water based systems
Tel.: 800-349-1822 / 973-242-2999 • SST® Products: full range of micronized PTFE powders
Fax: 973-242-8074 • AquaFLON® Products: micronized water based PTFE
E-mail: [email protected] dispersions
Website: • S-Products: wide variety of micronized waxes and alloys
• Texture Products: texturing agents for all liquid coatings
Company Description • PowderTEX Products: texturing agents for powder coatings
Shamrock creates innovative products our customers need to • FluoroSLIP® Products: micronized PTFE/wax blends for optimal
grow their businesses. For over 80 years, Shamrock advances slip and abrasion resistance
have driven the use of PTFE and wax additives in a wide range • Neptune Products: micronized PTFE and waxes for water
of applications including inks, coatings, lubricants, thermoplastics, based systems
and personal care products. Shamrock is the global leader in
PTFE additives, pioneering their use for inks and coatings and Global Capabilities
offering an extensive product line including PTFE powders, U.S. Production Facilities:
specialty waxes, compounds, emulsions, and dispersions. These Foot of Pacific Street
materials enhance our customers’ products by controlling slip, Newark, NJ 07114-2888
rub/abrasion resistance, texturing, water repellency, gloss/
matting and feel. 557 South Woods Drive
Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Technical Mission
Our in-depth technical knowledge and production experience 109 N. McKinley Street
gives ink and coatings formulators the edge they need. Henderson, KY 42420
Shamrock serves our customers’ needs with extensive
application and R&D laboratories, custom production 301 Community Drive
equipment, and industry experienced professionals. Our Henderson, KY 42420
chemists, scientists, and engineers are highly trained experts
in the major applications and industries and bring valuable Europe:
first-hand knowledge to customers through our Technical Shamrock Technologies BVBA
Service Group (TSG). All of our facilities are ISO 9001:2015 Heersterveldweg 21
Certified. B-3700 Tongeren, Belgium
Tel: +32 1245 8330
Commitment to Service
We strive to make buying and using Shamrock products as
easy and efficient as possible. Shamrock’s international Sales Asia:
Network ensures that each of our customers receives optimal Shamrock Technologies (Tianjin) Co., LTD.
attention, support, and service, while our Customer Service Factory No. 5, 9th Avenue, Fenghua Industrial Park
Group offers assistance with scheduling, normal and special TEDA, Tianjin, China 300457
deliveries, warehousing, and many other details, before, during, Tel: +1 86 22 59813085; Fax: +1 86 22 59813099
and after the sale. [email protected]

Shamrock RecyclesTM
46 | Coatings World November/December 2023

Shamrock Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 4:27 PM

It’s an eternal material
Shamrock offers:
PTFE: Regulatory Compliant Fluoropolymer based
micropowders providing the lowest COF of any material available

PTFE DISPERSIONS: Predispersed RC-PTFE wax micropowders

As well as:
NATURAL WAX: Sustainable micronized waxes

SYNTHETIC WAX: Micronized Waxes with varying sizes and

melting points


AQUEOUS DISPERSIONS: Pre-dispersed waxes

TEXTURING MACROPOWDERS: Controlled sized polymers

Visit us at ChinaCoat in Booth E5.8E5.B06!

PTFE will keep your wagon working!

We keep the world from wearing out
Shamrock Recycles

full page template.indd 1 11/1/23 3:49 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

The Shepherd Color Company

Dynamix stir-in pigments take out the time consuming, expensive
and variable steps associated with pigment grinding. Dynamix is
100% pure color that works in solvent and waterborne coatings.
Get Pure Profitability, Pure Consistency and Pure Convenience
with Dynamix.

The Shepherd Color Company Arctic®

4539 Dues Drive Arctic Infrared Reflective Pigments allow for the design of
Cincinnati, OH 45246 USA products that remain cooler under the sun-without sacrificing
Tel: 1-513-874-0714 color. Durable Cooler Color.
E-mail: [email protected] StarLight®
Special Effect pigment with MircroMirror technology of silver-
Company Description coated glass flake used for unsurpassed sparkle and brilliance to
Founded in 1981, The Shepherd Color Company produces create dramatic effects.
a wide range of high-performance Complex Inorganic Color
Pigments (CICP). These pigments are an extraordinary class Markets
of inorganic pigments that offer stable, long-lasting color for • Building & Construction • General Industrial
many applications. They have unbeatable weatherability, • Automotive • ACE
heat and chemical resistance, are non-warping and easy • High Heat • Architectural
to disperse. If you develop new and innovative paints and
coatings, you need differentiated and specialized raw materials. Serving Customers Worldwide with offices in
Shepherd Color provides an extensive color tool box for chemists AUSTRALIA/ASIA
to work with. Phone: +613-9532-2632 [email protected]

NTP Yellow and RTZ Orange CHINA

NTP Yellow is a new and patented high-performance pigment Phone: +86-755-82124112 [email protected]
in the middle-yellow color space with high opacity, excellent
stability, and unmatched chromaticity. RTZ Orange is an EUROPE
improvement in this pigment chemistry with the reddest Phone: +32 56 89 25 11 [email protected]
shades for a true orange color. Together NTP Yellow and
RTZ Orange make excellent ultra-high performance colorants JAPAN
for the most demanding applications. Phone: +813-3344-3010 [email protected]

48 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Shepherd Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 4:32 PM

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and receive a $5 Gift Card

Complete a 2-minute survey about

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meet your needs.

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Untitled-3 1 1 3/1/23
3/7/23 10:29
5:01 PM
Company Capabilities 2024

Siltech Corporation

R&D Capabilities
Our R&D, Technical Service and Process R&D laboratories
are modern, well-equipped, co-located with our manufacturing
facilities and staffed with first-class chemists and engineers. These
scientists have years of experience in synthesis and key applications.
225 Wicksteed Avenue
Toronto, ON Canada M4H 1G5 QC Capabilities
Tel: 416-424-4567 Our first rate analytical labs and personnel support the quality
Fax: 416-424-3158 of our manufactured products as well as new product development and technical service.

Company Description ISO & Environmental Standards

Siltech is a privately owned business, we hope and believe that ISO 9001:2008 Registered, Siltech advocates and follows the
the pride we feel in this company channels its way through each three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.
of our employees to every customer. We develop, manufacture Sustainability pervades our decisions both strategically and tactically.
and market a full line of organo-functional silicone compounds We believe that every person and company need to consider their
and related specialties for a wide range of industrial applications, impact. We partner with ECOVADIS to monitor and report on our
using our patented and otherwise proprietary technologies. progress.

Products’ Scope Additional Facilities and Contacts

Siltech offers the coatings industry a broad line of silicone Additional manufacturing: Mississauga, ON Canada
additives and Silmer ® reactive silicones as well as more Sales Contact: Bob Ruckle, [email protected]
unique chemistries. Our additives provide special properties European Contact: Dave Wilson; [email protected]
including slip, gloss, mar resistance, flow, leveling, and foam Latin American Contact: Bob Ruckle, [email protected]
control. These are efficient at very low concentrations, cost Asian Contact: Lizal; [email protected]
effective, and widely used. Technical Contact: Rick Vrckovnik; [email protected]
Our expertise and portfolio of reactive silicones aligns with
industry needs to bind into an ink as well as to modify resins Conclusion
obtaining hybrid properties including 3D printing matrices. Siltech is a medium sized, family owned, innovation-based,
specialty silicone supplier with excellent customer service,
Major Products technical and manufacturing capabilities.
• Silmer ACR acrylated silicone series for slip, softness, flexibility, We offer a broad line of additives and reactive silicones for
stain and mar resistance in UV cured inks and coatings and 3D printing inks and 3D printing matrices. We typically partner
printing matrices. with customers to create new and useful products.
• Siltech Additives for softness, flow, leveling, slip, mar, and
foam control.

Unique Products
Recently from our R&D labs we have continued developing coatings
additives with enhanced new carbon content with alkyl silicones as
well as polyether silicones. By procuring the organic components
from botanical sources instead of petroleum feedstocks, we have
increased the new carbon content of classic coatings additives by
up to 70% while retaining performance.
We have also applied our Q resin technology platform developing
several approaches to water beading and protection on fabric, leather
and coatings with these unique cross linkers. Most recently we have
shown oleophobicity, relevant to PFAS replacement.
50 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Siltech profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/14/23 4:37 PM

Heisenberg is Certain:
Siltech Specialty Silicones
Help You Break Today’s
Tougher Problems
3 6
14 Li 52 C 1
Si 6.94 Te 12.011
28.085 127.60 H
1.008 Your Technology
- Our Chemistry

Siltech Corporation
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 416-424-4567

full page template.indd 1 10/30/23 5:11 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Trust Chem USA, LLC

in China, housing a dedicated team of over sixty full-time

technicians responsible for QC, R&D, and analysis. Our
professional EHS team is well-versed in the laws and regulations
of various countries. Trust Chem is committed to fully register
their manufactured pigments for REACH.
Currently, we have finalized full registration for 89 substances.
We specialize in problem solving for our wide customer base.
Our labs in Hangzhou China offer testing capabilities for all
industries. They include many different types of lab equipment,
including an automated and air-controlled spray booth for
Trust Chem USA, LLC automotive applications, Weather-Ometer Ci5000, a Plastic
4 Office Park, Pod 2, Suite 230 Twin Screw Extruder, Film Blowing Line, and Plastic Mold
Palm Coast, FL 32137 USA Injection Machine for plastics applications. Trust Chem is able
Tel: +1 386 302 5925 to control the quality for all of our manufactured organic
Fax: +1 386 246 2984 pigments in most customer systems.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Major Products
Trust Chem offers a large variety of color indexes. Major
Company Description products are in the high-performance yellow, orange and
Trust Chem Co., Ltd., founded in 1996, is dedicated to providing red area. We offer a full range of HPP Azo, Isoindolinone,
comprehensive solutions for organic pigments and dyes, with its Anthraquinone, Benzimidazolone, Dioxazine, Perylene,
headquarters in China. It has multiple production bases in Carbazole, Quinacridone, Quinophthalone, Phthalo, DPP
China and 7 subsidiaries, along with 1 representative office pigments tailored for the Coatings markets.
overseas. Trust Chem’s business has expanded to more than
70 countries and regions worldwide. Sales, Technical, European and Asian Contacts
Recently, our state-of-the-art organic pigment and dye Asia: Trust Chem Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
manufacturing facility, boasting an annual capacity of 10,000 No. 1069 Donglian Street, Cangqian Sub-district,
tons, has commenced operations, and the world’s largest Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China 311121
Carbazole violet project is currently under construction. Tel: + 86-571-8195 7777 • Fax: +86-571-8195 7500
E-mail: [email protected] • Website: :
Markets Served
Trust Chem offers a wide variety of color indexes and serves Europe: Trust Chem Europe BV
the Coatings, Inks, Plastics and textile markets globally. For Bergpoortstraat 65, NL-7411 CL Deventer, The Netherlands
Coatings, we provide color indexes across all categories, Tel: +31 (0) 570 662699 • Fax: +31 (0) 570 662698
including OEM for the highest-grade applications. For Inks, E-mail: [email protected] • Website:
we offer pigments for Paste Ink, Water-based Ink, Solvent-
based Ink, and Special Ink industries. For Plastics, we supply
pigments for a wide range of Masterbatch applications, including
fiber industries.

In Trust Chem’s three manufacturing plants in Asia, we produce
a wide range of pigment technologies including Phthalocyanine
Pigments, Classical Azo, HPP Azo, Benzimidazolone, Disazo
Condensation, Anthraquinone, Isoindolinone, Isoindoline and
Quinacridone pigments.

Technical Services
Trust Chem operates the largest organic pigment laboratories

52 |Coatings
60 CoatingsWorld ­
World ­ November/December 2022

Trust Chem Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 5:01 PM

Trust Chem CWM1123.indd 1 10/31/23 1:56 PM
Company Capabilities 2024


Geographic Locations Served

WAB Group® operates in every global geographic market with
both company owned and distributor partner sales offices.
Supported by our headquarters in Switzerland, WAB US Corp.
services the USA, Canada and Mexico from our North America
headquarters in Allendale, NJ.

3 Pearl Court, Suite E Technical Services

Allendale, NJ 07401 USA Our Process Technology Center (PTC) offers laboratory analysis
+1-973-873-9155 service with our WAB technology. We prepare offers for new
[email protected] machine investments in close cooperation with our process engineering and design department. We advise and support you
in modifying or expanding existing systems.
Date Founded
1933 Major Products
Coatings are of great importance in a variety of industries as
Company Description they play an important role in improving surface properties,
The WAB Group® is a leading specialist in wet grinding technology, protection, aesthetics, and functionality. Whether corrosion
three-dimensional mixing technology and flow chemistry. The protection, shine, color strength, lotus effect or increasing wear
WAB-GROUP® includes global customers from the areas of resistance – with WAB Group® agitator ball mills and 3D shaker
paints & coatings, inks, crop protection, printing industry, mixers you have the right solution from our company.
battery powders, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,
and innovative food production. We are process technology Global Capabilities
experts, innovative thinkers, and reliable partners. WAB Group ® operates production facilities in all major
geographic regions with various levels of production. The
Markets Served North America headquarters in New Jersey is capable of
All our technologies, wet grinding, 3D mixing and flow customizing machine control design to customers’ exact
chemistry, have very broad fields of application in a wide specifications supporting any level of automation.
variety of industries: coatings, paints and varnishes, printing
colors, inkjet, plant protection, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, Sales, Technical, Contacts
ceramics, battery materials, wear testing, sintered materials, North America – US, Canada & Mexico
innovative food (edible oils), diamond tools, cell disruption, [email protected]
flow chemistry, surface processing, pyrotechnics, and analysis. 973-873-9155

For All Other Global Regions visit:

54 | Coatings World November/December 2023

WAB Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 5:05 PM

Experts in Wet Milling Technology


■ More efficient use of energy
■ Optimum development of the color strength

■ Use of a hydraulic flow bead motion

■ Flexible operation

■ Small grinding volumes for less grinding media

■ Fast product turnover without retention

■ Less cleaning time and cleaning media

■ Compact design for minimum footprint

■ Reliable equipment at best cost of ownership

Curious how we can help you to achieve this?

Schedule a meeting with our experts or join us for a trial in our fully equipped
Process Technology Center in New Jersey:

WAB US Corp.
3 Pearl Court, Suite E
Allendale, NJ 07401
 +1 973 873-9155
[email protected]

Untitled-4 1 7/5/23 3:12 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Wyn International LLC

Geographic Locations Served

• North America
• Central America
• South America
• Caribbean
8000 W IH 10 STE 1100
San Antonio, Texas, USA, 78230 Technical Services
United States and Canada: + 1 726-600-8896 WYN is proud to provide the following lab services for
Latin America: +52 5555614666 our customers: Physical properties, Gas Chromatography,
[email protected] FT-Infrared, Glass Transition Temperature, MFFT, Salt- Fog Chamber, QUV Exposure, Condensation Chamber,
Scrub Resistance, Elongation, Tensile Strength, Scrub
Date Founded Resistance, Rheology Profiles, and many more performance
1964 properties.

Company Description Major Products

Since 1964, we are a North American acrylic polymer Acrylics, Styrene-Acrylics, Vinyl-Acrylics, Polyvinyl Acetates,
manufacturer focused in providing sustainable solutions Polyacrylic Dispersants, Acrylic Rheology Modifiers (ASE/
for the industry. HASE), Self-Crosslinking Polymers, Core-Shell, Low-VOC
Capable, APEO-Free, Alkali-Soluble Polymers, and much
Our R&D labs, along with our manufacturing process, allow more.
for customization and adaptability to meet the unique
demands of our customers. Global Capabilities
• Manufacturing Facility in Mexico with over
Supported by a team of skilled technical experts and chemists, 130 million pounds per year
we are committed to creating the perfect polymer tailored to • Sales Office in Texas
specific market requirements. • Global Partners, Distributors, and Reps
• Corporate Offices in Mexico City
Markets Served
• Paints & Coatings Sales, Technical, Contacts
• Roof Coatings • United States and Canada: Jorge Saldana
• Graphic Arts (Inks & OPVs) +1 726-600-8896 ext. 1
• Construction [email protected]
• Concrete Modifiers • Mexico: Esther Cortes, +52 5555614666 ext. 140
• Adhesives [email protected]
• Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) • Central, South America, and the Caribbean:
• Leather Finishing Jorge David Saldana, +52 5555614666 ext. 119
• Textiles & Non-Woven [email protected]

56 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

WYN Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 5:10 PM

WYN CWM1123.indd 1 10/27/23 10:31 AM
58-60 BG Cross Ref Index 1123.indd 58 11/15/23 3:32 PM
Cross Reference Index
The time-saving index below lists each cross reference category along with
the page number where that particular cross reference starts.

Additives Scrub Resistant Agents 68 Extender Pigments - Calcium Carbonate 80

Abrasion Resistant Agents 61 Slip Aids 68 Extender Pigments - China Clay 80
Absorbents 61 Special Effects Additives - Hammer Finish 68 Extender Pigments - Fillers 80
Acids (Non-Fatty) 61 Stabilizers 69 Extender Pigments - Glass Spheres 80
Acrylates 61 Stearates 69 Extender Pigments - Mica 80
Adhesion Promoters 61 Surfactants 69 Extender Pigments - Nepheline Syenite 80
Algicides 61 Suspension Agents 69 Extender Pigments - Silica 80
Alkyl 61 Texturizers 69 Greens 80
Amine Neutralizers 61 Thickeners/Rheology Modifiers 69 Greens - Chrome 80
Anti-Blocking 61 Thickening Agents 70 Greens - Complex Inorganic 80
Anti-Blocking Agents 61 Thickening Agents - Solvent 70 Greens – Phthalocyanine 80
Anti-Floating Agents 62 Thickening Agents - Water 70 Iron Oxides 80
Anti-Flooding Agents 62 UV Absorbers 70 Iron Oxides - Black Iron Oxide 80
Anti-Foaming – Non-Silicone 62 Varnishes 70 Iron Oxides - Burnt Umber 80
Anti-Foaming - Silicone 62 Water Repellents 70 Iron Oxides - Indian Red 80
Anti-Foaming Agents 63 Water Soluble/Dispersible 70 Iron Oxides - Raw Umber 81
Anti-Marring Agents 63 Water Treatment Chemicals 70 Iron Oxides - Red/Brown 81
Anti-Rust Agents 63 Waxes 70 Iron Oxides - Yellow Iron Oxide 81
Anti-Sagging Agents 63 Waxes - Paraffin 71 Metallics 82
Anti-Scratch Resistance 63 Waxes - Polyethylene 71 Metallics - Aluminum Pastes 82
Anti-Settling Agents 64 Waxes - Polyolefins 71 Metallics - Aluminum Powders 82
Anti-Skid/Slip Agents 64 Waxes - Polypropylene 71 Metallics - Gold Bronze Powders 82
Anti-Skinning Agents 64 Waxes - PTFE 71 Reds 87
Antioxidants 64 Waxes Synthetic 71 Reds - Lithol Rubine 87
Bactericides 64 Wetting Agents 71 Reds - Naphthol Red 87
Biocides 64 Reds - Perylene Red 87
Bodying Agents 64 Reds - Pigment Scarlet 87
Consultant Reds - Quiracridone Maroon 87
Catalysts 64
Consultant 78 Reds - Quiracridone Red 87
Caustic Sodas 65
Analytical Services 78 Reds - Quiracridone Violet 88
Caustics 65
Testing Services/Labs 78 Reds - Rhodamine 88
Co-Emulsion/Blends 65
Toll Manufacturing 78 Specialty Pigments 88
Coalescing Agents 65
Corrosion Inhibitors 65 Specialty Pigments - Bismuth Vanadate 88
Dispersing Agents 65 Color Shifting / Color Variable 88
Oils & Fatty Acids
Dispersing Agents - Grind Aids 65 Specialty Pigments - Holographic 88
Castor Oil 82
Driers 66 Specialty Pigments - Iridescent 88
Coconut Oil 82
Emulsifying Agents 66 Specialty Pigments - Fluorescent 88
Fatty Acids 82
Fillers 66 Specialty Pigments - Pearlescent 88
Linseed Oil 82
Flame Retardants 66 Whites 88
Soybean Oil 83
Flash Rush Inhibitors 66 Whites - Titanium Dioxide - Anatase 88
Sunflower Oil 83
Flatting Agents 66 Whites - Titanium Dioxide - Antimony 88
Tung Oil 83
Flocculants 66 Whites - Titanium Dioxide - Rutile 89
Flow and Leveling Agents 66 Yellows and Oranges 89
Freeze Thaw Stabilizers 67 Pigments Cadmium Yellow / Orange 89
Fungicides 67 Blacks 77 Chrome Yellow 89
Glycerine 67 Blacks - Black / Grey 77 Yellows and Oranges - Complex Inorganic 89
Homogenizers 67 Blacks - Carbon Black 77 Diarylide Orange Toner 89
Light Stabilizers 67 Blacks - Complex Inorganic 77 Diarylide Yellow Toner 89
Lubricants 67 Blacks - Graphite 77 Hansa Yellow 89
Mar/Scratch Resistance 67 Blacks - Lampblack 77 Yellows and Oranges - Inorganic Bismuth
Matting/Flatting Agents 67 Blacks - Pigment Black 77 Vanadate 89
Mildewcides 67 Blues 78 Metallized Azo Yellow 89
Organic-Inorganic Hybrids 68 Blues - Complex Inorganic 78 Molybdate Orange 89
Phosphate Esters 68 Blues - Phthalocyanine Blue 78 Yellows and Oranges - Orthonitraniline
Phosphates 68 Blues - Ultramarine Blue 78 Orange 89
Plasticizers 68 Corrosion Inhibiting 78
Polyethlenes 68 Extender Pigments 80
Preservatives 68 Extender Pigments - Aluminum Trihydrate 80 Dispersions
PTFE-Modified 68 Extender Pigments - Barium Sulfate 80 Dispersions - Acrylic Vehicle 78
Release Aids 68 Extender Pigments - Bentonite 80 Dispersions - Alkyd Vehicle 78

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 59

58-60 BG Cross Ref Index 1123.indd 59 11/15/23 3:32 PM

Cross Reference Index

Dispersions - Aqueous 79 Silicone Polyesters 76 Production Equipment

Dispersions - Color Concentrates 79 Silicone Resins 76 Agitators 83
Dispersions - Machine Colorant 79 Solventborne 76 Batch Controllers 83
Dispersions - Nitrocellulose Vehicle 79 Styrene Resins 76 Blenders 83
Dispersions - Non-Aqueous 79 Styrene Vinyl 76 Blending Tanks 83
Dispersions - Polyester Vehicle 79 TGIC Resins 76 Cleaning Equipment 83
Dispersions - Nitrocellulose Vehicle 79 Urethane and Polyurethane Resins 76 Computer Software 83
Dispersions - Universal Solvent Vehicle 79 Urethane Crosslinkers 76 Containers 83
Dispersions - Water Soluble 79 Urethane Lacquers 76 Conveyors 83
UV Curing Resins 76 Curing Systems 83
Dyes Vinyl Resins 77 Disperser Blades 83
Dyes Organic 79 Vinyl Resins - Polyvinyl Acetate 77 Dispersers 83
Dyes Solvent Soluble 80 Vinyl Resins - Polyvinyl Alcohol 77 Drums 83
Dyes Water Soluble 80 Vinyl Resins - Solid 77 Feeders 84
Vinyl Resins - Vinyl Acetate Ethylene 77 Filling / Packaging / Labeling 84
Vinyl Resins - Vinyl Acetate Polymer 77 Film Applicators 84
Resins Vinyl Resins - Vinyl Copolymers 77 Films 84
Acrylic Resins 72 Waterborne Resins 77 Filtering / Straining 84
Acrylic Resins - Polymer Emulsion 72 Waterborne Resins - Aliphatic 77 Grinding and Milling 84
Acrylic Resins - Solid 72 Grinding and Milling - Attrition 84
Acrylic Resins - Solution 72 Grinding and Milling - Ball 84
Acrylic Resins - Water Reducible 72 Solvents
Grinding and Milling - Bead 84
Acrylic Styrene Emulsions 72 Solvents - Alcohols 88
Grinding and Milling - Colloid 84
Adhesion Resins 72 Solvents - Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 88
Grinding and Milling - Horizontal 84
Alkyd Resins 72 Solvents - Aromatic Hydrocarbons 88
Grinding and Milling - Impact 84
Alkyd Resins - Alkyd and Oil Co-Polymers 72 Solvents - Esters 88
Grinding and Milling - Lab 85
Alkyd Resins - Alkyd Latex 72 Solvents - Glycol Ethers 88
Grinding and Milling - Pebble 85
Alkyd Resins - Drying Oil - Modified 73 Solvents - Glycols 88
Grinding and Milling - Roller 85
Alkyd Resins - Non Drying 73 Solvents - Hydrocarbon Solvents 88
Grinding and Milling - Small Media 85
Alkyd Resins - Oil - Modified 73 Solvents - Ketones 88
Grinding Media 85
Alkyd Resins - Semi Drying 73 Solvents- Reclaimed Solvents 88
Handling - Conveyors - Mechanical 85
Alkyd Resins - Water Reducible 73 Solvents - Solvent Blending 88
Handling Conveyors - Pneumatic 85
Amino Resins 73 Handling Conveyors 85
Cellulose Derivatives 73 Infrared Curing Equipment 85
Lab Equipment
Copolymers 73 Instrumentation and Control 85
Accelerated Weathering 81
Crosslinking Resins 73 Instrumentation and Control - Systems 85
Balances/Scales 81
Emulsions 73 Mixers 85
Coating Application Equipment 81
Epoxy Hardeners 74 Mixers - Double Planetary 85
Color Cards 81
Epoxy Resins 74 Mixers- Dual Shaft 86
Color Control Systems 81
Epoxy Resins - Ester 74 Mixers - Pipe Line 86
Color Display 81
Epoxy Resins - Liquid 74 Mixers - Rotary Shaft 86
Color Matching / Measuring 81
Epoxy Resins - Solids 74 Mixers - Rotor Blade 86
Color Merchandising Aids 81
Epoxy Resins - Solution 74 Mixers - Spiral Blade 86
Color Meters 81
Ester Gums 74 Mixers - Triple Shaft 86
Computer Software 81
Epoxy Resins - Water-Based 74 Mixing Dispersing 86
Distintness of Image Meters 81
High Solid Resins 74 Mixing Dispersing - Change Can 86
Gages 81
Hybrid Resins 75 Mixing Dispersing - Drum 86
Gages - Coating Thickness 81
Hydrocarbon Resins 75 Mixing Dispersing - Homogenizers 86
Gages - Film Thickness 81
Liquid / Solution 75 Mixing Dispersing - Horizontal Paddle 86
Gages - Pressure 81
Hydrocarbon Resins - Liquid/Solution 75 Mixing Dispersing - Kneaders 86
Gloss Meters 81
Methacrylic Monomers / Polymers 75 Palletizers 86
Holiday Detectors 81
Phenolic Resins 75 PH Meters 86
Humidity/UV/Cond. Chambers 81
Phenolic Resins - Modified 75 Pumping Metering 87
Lab Equipment 81
Phenoxy Resins 75 Pumps 87
Lab Mills 82
Polyamide Resins 75 Ram Dischargers 87
Light Booths 82
Polybutadienes 75 Reactor / Recovery Systems 87
Microscopy 82
Polyester Resins 75 Reduction Equipment 87
Outdoor Exposure Test Equip. 82
Polyester Resins - Oil Free 75 Safety & Protection Equipment 87
Ovens 82
Polyester Resins - Powder 75 Separators 87
Particle Characterization 82
Polyester Resins - Saturated 75 Solvent Recovery 87
pH Meters 82
Polyester Resins - Unsaturated 75 Tanks 87
Rheologicals 82
Polyester Resins - Water Reducible 75 Tinting Machines 87
Spectrophotometers 82
Polyethylene Resins 75 Valves 87
Surface Tension Instruments 82
Rosin Esters 75
Test / Measurement 82
Rubber 76
Test Chart & Panels 82
Silanes 76
Viscosity Meters 82

60 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

58-60 BG Cross Ref Index 1123.indd 60 11/15/23 3:32 PM

Industry Suppliers Cross Reference
ADDITIVES Acids (Non-Fatty) Milagro Rubber Co. Borchers: A Milliken Brand
Allied Market Research Nagase America +1 800-321-9696
Hexion Inc., Versatic Acids and Peninsula Polymers borchers.cust.service
Abrasion Resistant Agents Derivatives UCT, Inc.
NEEMCCO. Worlee-Chemie GmbH

Acrylates Algicides Evonik Corporation -

Shamrock Technologies, Inc. Arxada AG Coating Additives
973-242-2999 +41 61 563 80 00 973-929-8000
[email protected] [email protected] coating-additives-americas
Artekya Technology Siltech Corporation Inhibit Coatings com/en
+90 212 670 1395 416-424-4567 Janssen PMP
[email protected] [email protected] Keim Additec Alkyl Surface USA LLC
Keim Additec keith.condon
Surface USA LLC Allied Market Research
630-746-9105 Arpadis Benelux nv
keith.condon Miwon Specialty Chemicals Co. Ltd. Siltech Corporation 416-424-4567 Micro Powders, Inc. Adhesion Promoters [email protected] 914-793-4058
allnex [email protected]
Micro Powders, Inc. 770-280-8366
914-793-4058 [email protected] Allied Market Research
[email protected] Arya Chem Inc. Amine Neutralizers Cimbar Performance Minerals
Artekya Technology Advancion Corporation (formerly
BSB Nanotechnology Joint Stock +90 212 670 1395 ANGUS Chemical Co.) Anti-Blocking Agents
Company [email protected] Lorama Group
Koster Keunen, Inc.
Waziri Minerals Processing Anti-Blocking
Company for Talc Powder Borchers: A Milliken Brand
Worlee Chemie GmbH +1 800-321-9696 Arkema
borchers.cust.service 919-469-6700
Absorbents arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Siltech Corporation
Keim Additec [email protected]
Surface USA LLC
W. R. Grace & Co. 630-746-9105
410-531-8261 keith.condon
[email protected]
Siltech Corporation
Arkema Inc. W. R. Grace & Co. 416-424-4567
SHAMOKIN Carbons ASCOTEC 410-531-8261 [email protected]
Eastman [email protected]
Gabriel Chemical
Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc.

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 61

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 61 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Anti-Foaming - Non Silicone Anti-Foaming - Silicone

W. R. Grace & Co. Siltech Corporation Shamrock Technologies, Inc.

410-531-8261 416-424-4567 973-242-2999 Siltech Corporation
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 416-424-4567 [email protected]
Arxada AG Arxada AG Arxada AG
+41 61 563 80 00 +41 61 563 80 00 +41 61 563 80 00 Arxada AG
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] +41 61 563 80 00 [email protected]
Borchers: A Milliken Brand Borchers: A Milliken Brand Borchers: A Milliken Brand
+1 800-321-9696 +1 800-321-9696 +1 800-321-9696 Borchers: A Milliken Brand
borchers.cust.service borchers.cust.service borchers.cust.service +1 800-321-9696 borchers.cust.service
Keim Additec Eagle Specialty Products Eagle Specialty Products
Surface USA LLC 888-241-9802 888-241-9802 Eagle Specialty Products
630-746-9105 [email protected] [email protected] 888-241-9802
keith.condon [email protected] Evonik Corporation -
Coating Additives Evonik Corporation -
Micro Powders, Inc. Anti-Flooding Agents 973-929-8000 Coating Additives
914-793-4058 coating-additives-americas 973-929-8000
[email protected] coating-additives-americas www.coating-additives.
com/en www.coating-additives.
Vivify Active Minerals com/en
973-814-9940 410-825-2920 HYDRITE
michael.luciano@ [email protected] 262-792-1450 HYDRITE [email protected] 262-792-1450 [email protected]
Cimbar Performance Minerals Arxada AG Keim Additec
+41 61 563 80 00 Surface USA LLC Keim Additec
Anti-Floating Agents [email protected] 630-746-9105 Surface USA LLC keith.condon 630-746-9105 keith.condon
Borchers: A Milliken Brand
+1 800-321-9696
Active Minerals borchers.cust.service Baker Hughes
410-825-2920 Harmony Additives Dow
[email protected] Lorama Group Harmony Additives Nippon Paint Malaysia

62 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 62 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Anti-Foaming Agents Ceramisphere Pty Ltd Peninsula Polymers

Cortec Corporation
NAVTEC ENGINEERING AG Anti-Scratch Resistance
Nippon Paint Malaysia
Siltech Corporation ThinTech Coatings
Siltech Corporation 416-424-4567 Zavod Kronakril LLC
416-424-4567 [email protected] Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
[email protected] Anti-Sagging Agents 973-242-2999 [email protected]
Arxada AG
Arxada AG +41 61 563 80 00
+41 61 563 80 00 [email protected]
[email protected] Active Minerals 410-825-2920
Keim Additec [email protected]
Borchers: A Milliken Brand Surface USA LLC
+1 800-321-9696 630-746-9105 Siltech Corporation
borchers.cust.service keith.condon 416-424-4567 [email protected]

HYDRITE Micro Powders, Inc. Arkema

262-792-1450 914-793-4058 919-469-6700 Artekya Technology
[email protected] [email protected] arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ +90 212 670 1395 [email protected]
Keim Additec Vivify
Surface USA LLC 973-814-9940 Borchers: A Milliken Brand
630-746-9105 michael.luciano@ +1 800-321-9696
keith.condon borchers.cust.service Siltech Corporation
Koster Keunen, Inc. 416-424-4567
Munzing [email protected] Keim Additec
973-276-1309 Anti-Rust Agents Surface USA LLC
[email protected] Artekya Technology 630-746-9105 +90 212 670 1395 Arxada AG keith.condon
[email protected] +41 61 563 80 00
Arkema Inc. [email protected]
Arya Chem Inc.
Ashland Micro Powders, Inc. Micro Powders, Inc.
BYK USA Inc. 914-793-4058 Borchers: A Milliken Brand 914-793-4058
Patcham USA [email protected] +1 800-321-9696 [email protected] borchers.cust.service
Anti-Marring Agents Vivify
973-814-9940 BSB Nanotechnology Joint Stock
michael.luciano@ Keim Additec Company Surface USA LLC EMD Electronics – Surface Solutions
Shamrock Technologies, Inc. 630-746-9105 NanoProf’s Holland
973-242-2999 keith.condon
[email protected] Armus Marine

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 63

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 63 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Anti-Settling Agents Evonik Corporation - Keim Additec NEEMCCO.

Coating Additives Surface USA LLC Newport Industries Ltd.
973-929-8000 630-746-9105
coating-additives-americas keith.condon Bactericides Arxada AG
Active Minerals www.coating-additives. +41 61 563 80 00
410-825-2920 com/en [email protected]
[email protected] Micro Powders, Inc. Keim Additec 914-793-4058
Surface USA LLC [email protected] Inhibit Coatings
630-746-9105 Reactive Surfaces, Ltd., LLP
keith.condon Vivify Biocides 973-814-9940 Arxada AG
Arkema michael.luciano@ +41 61 563 80 00
919-469-6700 BSB Nanotechnology Joint Stock [email protected]
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Company Cabot Corporation Huzhou Haipu Chemical Industries Anti-Skinning Agents HYDRITE
Arxada AG 262-792-1450
+41 61 563 80 00 [email protected]
Anti-Skid / Slip Agents [email protected]
Avalon International Corp.
Siltech Corporation Borchers: A Milliken Brand Clariant Corporation - Industrial &
416-424-4567 Shamrock Technologies, Inc. +1 800-321-9696 Consumer Specialties
[email protected] 973-242-2999 borchers.cust.service Inhibit Coatings [email protected] Janssen PMP Reactive Surfaces, Ltd., LLP

Arxada AG AdvanSix Bodying Agents

+41 61 563 80 00 Dura Chemicals, Inc. Chattem Chemicals
[email protected] Nippon Paint Malaysia Catalysts
Siltech Corporation Antioxidants allnex
Borchers: A Milliken Brand 416-424-4567 Borchers: A Milliken Brand 770-280-8366
+1 800-321-9696 [email protected] +1 800-321-9696 [email protected]
borchers.cust.service borchers.cust.service Artekya Technology
+90 212 670 1395
BruggemannChemical U.S., Inc. [email protected]
Chitec Technology Co., Ltd.
Clariant Additives

View the Buyers’ Guide online at

64 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 64 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Arxada AG Borchers: A Milliken Brand Dispersing Agents Keim Additec

+41 61 563 80 00 +1 800-321-9696 Surface USA LLC
[email protected] borchers.cust.service 630-746-9105 keith.condon
BruggemannChemical U.S., Inc. Arkema
Chattem Chemicals HYDRITE 919-469-6700
EnviraPAC Monticello 262-792-1450 arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Micro Powders, Inc.
Estron Chemical [email protected] 914-793-4058
Gabriel Chemical [email protected]
Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc.
Patcham USA Keim Additec
Reactive Surfaces, Ltd., LLP Surface USA LLC Munzing
UCT, Inc. 630-746-9105 973-276-1309
keith.condon [email protected]
Caustic Sodas Siltech Corporation
HYDRITE 416-424-4567
262-792-1450 [email protected] Advancion Corporation (formerly
[email protected] Micro Powders, Inc. ANGUS Chemical Co.) 914-793-4058 Arya Chem Inc.
[email protected] Baker Hughes
Cockcroft Global allnex BYK USA Inc.
770-280-8366 Clariant Corporation - Industrial &
Caustics Advancion Corporation (formerly [email protected] Consumer Specialties
HYDRITE ANGUS Chemical Co.) Dow
262-792-1450 Arkema Inc. Dura Chemicals, Inc.
[email protected] ASCOTEC Arxada AG Harmony Additives Ceramisphere Pty Ltd +41 61 563 80 00 Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc.
Co-Emulsions/Blends ChemCeed [email protected] Locus Performance Ingredients
Michelman - World HQ Cortec Corporation Milliken & Co.
HMH Pigments LLC Oxiteno
Coalescing Agents HZO, Inc. Borchers: A Milliken Brand Pflaumer Brothers Inc
Eastman Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc. +1 800-321-9696 Spherix Products
Kyowa Hakko USA, Inc. NanoProf’s Holland borchers.cust.service Vanderbilt Minerals, LLC
Locus Performance Ingredients NAVTEC ENGINEERING AG
Oxiteno Nycote Laboratories Corp.
Zavod Kronakril LLC Dispersing Agents /
Eagle Specialty Products Grind Aids
Corrosion Inhibitors 888-241-9802
Corrosion Inhibitors - [email protected]
Sulfonates / Derivatives

Evonik Corporation - Siltech Corporation

W. R. Grace & Co. Coating Additives 416-424-4567
410-531-8261 973-929-8000 [email protected]
[email protected] W. R. Grace & Co. coating-additives-americas 410-531-8261
[email protected]
Artekya Technology Borchers: A Milliken Brand
+90 212 670 1395 +1 800-321-9696
[email protected] ASCOTEC borchers.cust.service Nycote Laboratories Corp.

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 65

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 65 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Eagle Specialty Products Driers - Napthenates Consumer Specialties Flash Rust Inhibitors
888-241-9802 Arxada AG Colonial Chemical Artekya Technology
[email protected] +41 61 563 80 00 Harmony Additives +90 212 670 1395 [email protected] Locus Performance Ingredients [email protected] Pilot Chemical Company
Keim Additec Solvay
Surface USA LLC Borchers: A Milliken Brand Advancion Corporation (formerly
630-746-9105 +1 800-321-9696 Fillers ANGUS Chemical Co.)
keith.condon borchers.cust.service ASCOTEC Ceramisphere Pty Ltd Cortec Corporation

Micro Powders, Inc. Dura Chemicals, Inc. Active Minerals Flatting Agents
914-793-4058 410-825-2920
[email protected] Driers - Neodecanoates [email protected] Arxada AG
+41 61 563 80 00 Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Advancion Corporation (formerly [email protected] 973-242-2999
ANGUS Chemical Co.) Brenntag [email protected]
Brandt Technologies, LLC 800-732-0562
BruggemannChemical U.S., Inc. Borchers: A Milliken Brand [email protected]
Colonial Chemical +1 800-321-9696
Lorama Group borchers.cust.service Eagle Specialty Products
Milliken & Co. Burgess Pigment Company 888-241-9802
Spherix Products Cimbar Performance Minerals [email protected]
EnviraPAC Monticello
Dura Chemicals, Inc. Fineton Industrial Minerals Limited
Driers Hoffmann Mineral GmbH Micro Powders, Inc.
allnex Driers - Octoates Imerys 914-793-4058
770-280-8366 Arxada AG Kärntner Montanindustrie [email protected]
[email protected] +41 61 563 80 00 Kish Company, The [email protected] Malvern Modified Materials SHAMOKIN Carbons
Arxada AG Vanderbilt Minerals, LLC Flocculants
+41 61 563 80 00 Borchers: A Milliken Brand HYDRITE
[email protected] +1 800-321-9696 Flame Retardants 262-792-1450 borchers.cust.service Artekya Technology [email protected] +90 212 670 1395
Borchers: A Milliken Brand [email protected]
+1 800-321-9696
borchers.cust.service Dura Chemicals, Inc. Flow And Leveling Agents Brenntag Emulsifying Agents 800-732-0562
[email protected]
Eagle Specialty Products
888-241-9802 Arkema
[email protected] Alexium International 919-469-6700 Siltech Corporation Arpadis Benelux nv arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@
416-424-4567 ChemCeed
Energy Sciences [email protected] Chitec Technology Co., Ltd.
Vanderbilt Minerals, LLC Clariant Additives
Venator NanoProf’s Holland
Arkema Inc.
Clariant Corporation - Industrial &

66 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 66 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Estron Chemical Lubricants Micro Powders, Inc.

Harmony Additives 914-793-4058
Patcham USA [email protected]
Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
973-242-2999 Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
[email protected] Freeze Thaw Stabilizers 973-242-2999 Clariant Additives [email protected] Hunan Great Steel Pipe CO.,Ltd Michelman - World HQ

Active Minerals Micro Powders, Inc. Matting / Flatting Agents

410-825-2920 914-793-4058
[email protected] [email protected]
Siltech Corporation
[email protected] Emery Oleochemicals LLC W. R. Grace & Co. CovationBio PDO EnviraPAC Monticello 410-531-8261
Gabriel Chemical [email protected]
Arxada AG Fungicides SHAMOKIN Carbons
+41 61 563 80 00 Arxada AG Spherix Products
[email protected] +41 61 563 80 00 [email protected] Mar/Scratch Resistant allnex 770-280-8366
Brenntag [email protected]
800-732-0562 Avalon International Corp.
[email protected] Inhibit Coatings Shamrock Technologies, Inc. Janssen PMP 973-242-2999 Eagle Specialty Products
Reactive Surfaces, Ltd., LLP [email protected] 888-241-9802
Eagle Specialty Products [email protected]
888-241-9802 Glycerine
[email protected] Arpadis Benelux nv Keim Additec
Homogenizers Surface USA LLC
Evonik Corporation - ystral gmbh 630-746-9105
Coating Additives keith.condon
973-929-8000 Light Stabilizers Siltech Corporation
coating-additives-americas Brenntag 416-424-4567 800-732-0562 [email protected] [email protected] Micro Powders, Inc. 914-793-4058
Keim Additec [email protected]
Surface USA LLC Chitec Technology Co., Ltd. Artekya Technology
630-746-9105 Clariant Additives +90 212 670 1395 BSB Nanotechnology Joint Stock
keith.condon Everlight Chemical Industrial [email protected] Company Corporation Hoffmann Mineral GmbH Imerys
Keim Additec
Munzing Surface USA LLC
973-276-1309 630-746-9105 Mildewcides
[email protected] keith.condon Arxada AG +41 61 563 80 00 [email protected]
Baker Hughes

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 67

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 67 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Janssen PMP Plasticizers - Sebacates Micro Powders, Inc. Micro Powders, Inc.
Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd. 914-793-4058 914-793-4058
Organic-Inorganic Hybrids [email protected] [email protected]

Release Aids
Slip Aids
Siltech Corporation Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
416-424-4567 973-242-2999
[email protected] [email protected] Shamrock Technologies, Inc. 973-242-2999 Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
[email protected] 973-242-2999
HMH Pigments LLC [email protected]
Phosphate Esters 800-732-0562
Colonial Chemical [email protected]

Phosphates Micro Powders, Inc. Siltech Corporation

HYDRITE 914-793-4058 416-424-4567 Siltech Corporation
262-792-1450 [email protected] [email protected] 416-424-4567
[email protected] [email protected]
Allied Market Research Keim Additec
Cockcroft Global Surface USA LLC Borchers: A Milliken Brand
Zavod Kronakril LLC Preservatives 630-746-9105 +1 800-321-9696
Arxada AG keith.condon borchers.cust.service
Plasticizers +41 61 563 80 00
Allied Market Research [email protected]
Allied Merchants
& Marketing Co., Inc. Micro Powders, Inc. Micro Powders, Inc.
Eastman Inhibit Coatings 914-793-4058 914-793-4058
Emery Oleochemicals LLC Janssen PMP [email protected] [email protected]
Huzhou Haipu Reactive Surfaces, Ltd., LLP
Chemical Industries Ltd
Koster Keunen, Inc. PTFE-Modified Koster Keunen, Inc. The International Group, Inc
Kyowa Hakko USA, Inc.
Scrub Resistant Agents Special Effect Additives -
Plasticizers - Abietates Hammer-Finish Effects
ChemCeed Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Plasticizers - Castor Oil [email protected]
ChemCeed Siltech Corporation
Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd. 416-424-4567 Siltech Corporation
Keim Additec [email protected] 416-424-4567
Plasticizers - Phosphates Surface USA LLC [email protected]
ChemCeed 630-746-9105
keith.condon Artekya Technology
Plasticizers - Phthalates +90 212 670 1395 NEEMCCO.
Polynt [email protected]
[email protected]

68 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 68 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Stabilizers Brenntag Arxada AG Thickeners / Rheology

Eagle Specialty Products 800-732-0562 +41 61 563 80 00 Modifiers
888-241-9802 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Evonik Corporation - Kima Chemical
Huzhou Haipu Chemical Industries Coating Additives Pilot Chemical Company Active Minerals
Ltd. 973-929-8000 410-825-2920
Kima Chemical Co.,Ltd coating-additives-americas Texturizers [email protected]
Sartomer Americas
Stearates com/en
Emery Oleochemicals LLC Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
HYDRITE 973-242-2999
262-792-1450 [email protected]
Surfactants [email protected] Arkema 919-469-6700
Micro Powders, Inc. arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@
Achiewell LLC 914-793-4058
AdvanSix [email protected]
Siltech Corporation Ashland
416-424-4567 BYK USA Inc.
[email protected] Clariant Corporation - Industrial & AMETEK Brookfield, Instrumentation Arxada AG Consumer Specialties & Specialty Controls Division +41 61 563 80 00
Colonial Chemical [email protected]
EMD Electronics – Surface Solutions Thickeners / Rheology
Artekya Technology Locus Performance Ingredients Modifiers • Calcium
+90 212 670 1395 Oxiteno Sulfonates Borchers: A Milliken Brand
[email protected] Pilot Chemical Company Borchers: A Milliken Brand +1 800-321-9696 Solvay +1 800-321-9696 borchers.cust.service
Arxada AG Suspension Agents
+41 61 563 80 00
[email protected] Brenntag Kima Chemical Co.,Ltd 800-732-0562
[email protected]
Borchers: A Milliken Brand Active Minerals
+1 800-321-9696 410-825-2920
borchers.cust.service [email protected] Eagle Specialty Products 888-241-9802 [email protected]

View the Buyers’ Guide online at

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 69

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 69 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Evonik Corporation - Arxada AG Water Repellents Water Treatment Chemicals

Coating Additives +41 61 563 80 00 HYDRITE
973-929-8000 [email protected] 262-792-1450
coating-additives-americas [email protected] Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
www.coating-additives. Eagle Specialty Products 973-242-2999
com/en 888-241-9802 [email protected] West Bengal Chemical Industries
[email protected] Limited
973-276-1309 Waxes
[email protected] Chattem Chemicals
Thickening Agents - Water
Ashland Siltech Corporation
BSB Nanotechnology Joint Stock 416-424-4567 Arkema
Company [email protected] 919-469-6700
Cabot Corporation arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@
Chattem Chemicals Arkema
Dow 919-469-6700
Kima Chemical Co.,Ltd arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Artekya Technology
Patcham USA +90 212 670 1395
Vanderbilt Minerals, LLC [email protected]
Thickening Agents Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Arxada AG Borchers: A Milliken Brand Micro Powders, Inc. 973-242-2999
+41 61 563 80 00 +1 800-321-9696 914-793-4058 [email protected]
[email protected] borchers.cust.service [email protected]
Borchers: A Milliken Brand NanoProf’s Holland Artekya Technology
+1 800-321-9696 Eagle Specialty Products UCT, Inc. +90 212 670 1395
borchers.cust.service 888-241-9802 [email protected] [email protected] Water Soluble/Dispersible Artekya Technology
+90 212 670 1395 Brenntag
Eagle Specialty Products Chattem Chemicals [email protected] 800-732-0562
888-241-9802 [email protected]
[email protected] UV Absorbers Brenntag Arxada AG
800-732-0562 +41 61 563 80 00 Keim Additec
Kima Chemical Co.,Ltd [email protected] [email protected] Surface USA LLC
Pilot Chemical Company 630-746-9105
Thickening Agents - Solvent Birla Carbon Eagle Specialty Products
Chitec Technology Co., Ltd. 888-241-9802
Everlight Chemical Industrial [email protected]
Corporation Micro Powders, Inc.
NanoProf’s Holland 914-793-4058
Arkema Ceramisphere Pty Ltd [email protected]
919-469-6700 Varnishes Kima Chemical Co.,Ltd
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Arpadis Benelux nv

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Cross Reference

Munzing Keim Additec Waxes - PTFE Wetting Agents

973-276-1309 Surface USA LLC
[email protected] 630-746-9105 keith.condon Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Vivify 973-242-2999 Siltech Corporation
973-814-9940 [email protected] 416-424-4567
michael.luciano@ Micro Powders, Inc. [email protected] 914-793-4058 [email protected] Keim Additec Surface USA LLC
Achiewell LLC 630-746-9105 allnex
Allied Merchants & Marketing Co., Vivify keith.condon 770-280-8366
Inc. 973-814-9940 [email protected]
Arya Chem Inc. michael.luciano@
Clariant Additives Micro Powders, Inc. Arxada AG
Koster Keunen, Inc. 914-793-4058 +41 61 563 80 00
Michelman - World HQ Waxes - Polyolefins [email protected] [email protected]
The International Group, Inc Micro Powders, Inc.
[email protected] Waxes - Synthetic Borchers: A Milliken Brand
Waxes - Paraffin +1 800-321-9696
Baker Hughes
The International Group, Inc Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Shamrock Technologies, Inc. 973-242-2999
973-242-2999 Waxes - Polypropylene [email protected] Brenntag
[email protected] 800-732-0562 [email protected]
Shamrock Technologies, Inc. Keim Additec
Micro Powders, Inc. 973-242-2999 Surface USA LLC Eagle Specialty Products
914-793-4058 [email protected] 630-746-9105 888-241-9802
[email protected] keith.condon [email protected]
The International Group, Inc Keim Additec Evonik Corporation -
Surface USA LLC Micro Powders, Inc. Coating Additives
630-746-9105 914-793-4058 973-929-8000
Waxes - Polyethylene keith.condon [email protected] coating-additives-americas www.coating-additives.
Baker Hughes com/en
Shamrock Technologies, Inc. Micro Powders, Inc. The International Group, Inc
973-242-2999 914-793-4058 Micro Powders, Inc.
[email protected] [email protected] 914-793-4058 [email protected]

[email protected]

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 71

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 71 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

BYK USA Inc. Estron Chemical Estron Chemical allnex

Locus Performance Ingredients Gabriel Chemical Gabriel Chemical 770-280-8366
Milliken & Co. Hexion Inc., Versatic Acids and [email protected]
Patcham USA Derivatives Acrylic Resins - Water
Pflaumer Brothers Inc Hibond Bearings Pvt Ltd Reducible
Pilot Chemical Company Lorama Group allnex Brenntag
Solvay Nagase America 770-280-8366 800-732-0562
Sartomer Americas [email protected] [email protected]
Worlee-Chemie GmbH
WYN Polymers
BINDERS / RESINS Acrylic Resins - Polymer 800-654-4242 800-654-4242
Emulsion Beatriz.M.Batlle Beatriz.M.Batlle
Acrylic Resins

Acrylic Styrene Emulsions Polynt

Arkema EPS 800-312-8103
919-469-6700 800-654-4242 [email protected]
Arkema arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Beatriz.M.Batlle
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Brandt Technologies, LLC OPC Polymers Gabriel Chemical The CHEMARK Consulting Group
allnex Worlee-Chemie GmbH
770-280-8366 Adhesion Resins
allnex [email protected] Evonik Corporation -
770-280-8366 Coating Additives Alkyd Resins - Alkyd & Oil
[email protected] 973-929-8000 Copolymers EPS coating-additives-americas Polynt
800-654-4242 800-312-8103
Brenntag Beatriz.M.Batlle www.coating-additives. [email protected]
800-732-0562 com/en
[email protected] Bakelite Synthetics Gabriel Chemical
Dow Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC OPC Polymers
EPS Oxiteno Vestolit/Mexichem
800-654-4242 Specialty Resins, Inc. Alkyd Resins - Alkyd Latex
Beatriz.M.Batlle Acrylic Resins - Solid Estron Chemical Alkyd Resins Gabriel Chemical

262-792-1450 Acrylic Resins - Solution 919-469-6700
[email protected] allnex Arkema arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ 770-280-8366 919-469-6700
[email protected] arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@
[email protected] Polynt Polynt 800-312-8103 800-312-8103
[email protected] [email protected]
Arkema Inc.
Brandt Technologies, LLC

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Cross Reference

The CHEMARK Consulting Group Alkyd Resins - Water Copolymers - Acrylic / Vinyl Emulsions
Reducible HYDRITE
EPS 262-792-1450
Alkyd Resins - Drying Oil - 800-654-4242 [email protected]
Modified Beatriz.M.Batlle
Polynt Hexion Inc., Versatic Acids and Arkema
800-312-8103 Derivatives 919-469-6700
[email protected] arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Polynt Copolymers - Urethane
800-312-8103 Michelman - World HQ
Alkyd Resins - Non Drying [email protected]
Polynt Crosslinking Resins
800-312-8103 allnex
[email protected] Gabriel Chemical 770-280-8366 Peninsula Polymers [email protected] Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Worlee-Chemie GmbH 973-242-2999
[email protected]
Alkyd Resins - Oil - Modified Amino Resins Artekya Technology
allnex +90 212 670 1395
770-280-8366 [email protected]
[email protected] allnex 770-280-8366
Arkema Polynt [email protected]
919-469-6700 Cellulose Derivatives 800-312-8103
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Ashland [email protected] Eastman Brenntag 800-732-0562
Copolymer - Polyester Covestro LLC [email protected]
Polyurethanes Evonik Corporation - Industries AG
EPS Polynt Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC
800-654-4242 800-312-8103 Kuraray America, Inc. EPS
Beatriz.M.Batlle [email protected] Miwon Specialty Chemicals Co. Ltd. 800-654-4242 Sartomer Americas Beatriz.M.Batlle
Copolymers Dispersion - Aqueous
Polynt Artekya Technology EPS
800-312-8103 +90 212 670 1395 800-654-4242 HYDRITE
[email protected] [email protected] Beatriz.M.Batlle 262-792-1450 [email protected]
Gabriel Chemical Polynt
800-312-8103 Polynt Polynt
Alkyd Resins - Semi Drying [email protected] 800-312-8103 800-312-8103
Polynt [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Michelman - World HQ Vestolit/Mexichem CovationBio PDO Advanced Polymer, Inc.
Specialty Resins, Inc. Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC Worlee-Chemie GmbH

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Cross Reference

Emulsions - Vinyl Acetate Epoxy Resins Exoxy Resins - Water-Based

Ethylene Emulsion Polymers Epoxy Resins - Ester Polynt
(VAE) allnex 800-312-8103
HYDRITE 770-280-8366 [email protected]
262-792-1450 [email protected]
[email protected] Siltech Corporation 416-424-4567 Westlake Epoxy
[email protected] Polynt 800-312-8103
Epoxy Hardeners [email protected] High Solid Resins
allnex Miwon Specialty Chemicals Co. Ltd.
770-280-8366 OPC Polymer
[email protected]
Arkema Epoxy Resins - Liquid Arkema
919-469-6700 919-469-6700
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Brenntag arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ 800-732-0562 [email protected] Siltech Corporation
allnex Keyland Polymer [email protected] allnex
770-280-8366 Material Sciences 770-280-8366
[email protected] 216-741-7915 [email protected] [email protected] Evonik Corporation - Industries AG Peninsula Polymers
Brenntag Evonik Corporation -
800-732-0562 Polynt Epoxy Resins - Solids Coating Additives
[email protected] 800-312-8103 Gabriel Chemical 973-929-8000 [email protected] coating-additives-americas Epoxy Resins - Solution
Polynt Evonik Corporation - Industries AG www.coating-additives.
800-312-8103 Achiewell LLC com/en
[email protected] Cardolite Corporation Ester Gums - Solid Evonik Corporation - Industries AG Newport Industries Ltd. Polynt
Cardolite Corporation Gabriel Chemical 800-312-8103
Gabriel Chemical Hibond Bearings Pvt Ltd [email protected]
Pflaumer Brothers Inc International Paint Ibéria, Lda
Westlake Epoxy Keeneyes
Nagase America Covestro LLC

To be featured in next years Buyers’ Guide,

contact Kerry Pianoforte, Editor at
[email protected]

74 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 74 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC Hydrocarbon Resins - Liquid Polyester Resins Polyester Resins - Powder
Westlake Epoxy / Solution
Cardolite Corporation

Hybrid Resins Hydrocarbon Resins - Solid

Kuraray America, Inc. Arkema Arkema
919-469-6700 919-469-6700
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@
Methacrylic Monomers /
Arkema Polymers
919-469-6700 Miwon Specialty Chemicals Co. Ltd.
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Sartomer Americas Solvay allnex Keyland Polymer 770-280-8366 Material Sciences
Natural Resins [email protected] 216-741-7915
Hibond Bearings Pvt Ltd [email protected]
Phenolic Resins EPS
Cardolite Corporation 800-654-4242 Polynt
Siltech Corporation Gabriel Chemical Beatriz.M.Batlle 800-312-8103
416-424-4567 Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC [email protected]
[email protected] Newport Industries Ltd. Westlake Epoxy
Evonik Corporation - CovationBio PDO
Keyland Polymer Phenolic Resins - Modified Coating Additives International Paint Ibéria, Lda
Material Sciences Polynt 973-929-8000
216-741-7915 800-312-8103 coating-additives-americas Polyester Resins - Saturated
[email protected] [email protected] Polynt www.coating-additives. 800-312-8103
com/en [email protected]
Polynt OPC Polymers
800-312-8103 Polynt
[email protected] Phenolic Resins - Solid 800-312-8103 Covestro LLC Westlake Epoxy [email protected] Polyester Resins - Solid
Vivify Phenoxy Resins Gabriel Chemical
973-814-9940 Achiewell LLC Emery Oleochemicals LLC
michael.luciano@ Gabriel Chemical Polyester Resins - Polyamide Resins Hexion Inc., Versatic Acids and Unsaturated Gabriel Chemical Derivatives Keyland Polymer
Keeneyes Material Sciences
Advanced Polymer, Inc. Polyester Resins - Oil Free 216-741-7915
ThinTech Coatings Polybutadienes CovationBio PDO [email protected]
Milagro Rubber Co. Gabriel Chemical
Hydrocarbon Resins
Allied Merchants
& Marketing Co., Inc. Polyethylene Resins
Eastman WYN Polymers
Kuraray America, Inc. Rosin Esters
Newport Industries Ltd. Allied Merchants
& Marketing Co., Inc.
Newport Industries Ltd.

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Cross Reference

Rubber Silicone Resins EPS EPS

Orion Engineered Carbons 800-654-4242 800-654-4242
832-445-3300 Beatriz.M.Batlle Beatriz.M.Batlle
[email protected]
Siltech Corporation
Akron Rubber Development 416-424-4567 NEI Corporation Polynt
Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL) [email protected] ThinTech Coatings 800-312-8103
Milagro Rubber Co. VENCOREX France [email protected]
Silanes Stabilizers
Artekya Technology Artekya Technology Armus Marine Cardolite Corporation
+90 212 670 1395 +90 212 670 1395 Colonial Chemical CovationBio PDO
[email protected] [email protected] Covestro LLC Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd.
Styrene Resins Keeneyes
Brenntag Brenntag WYN Polymers Pflaumer Brothers Inc
800-732-0562 800-732-0562 Resinate Materials Group Inc.
[email protected] [email protected] Styrene Vinyl / Toluene VENCOREX France Polymer & Copolymer
Solution Urethane Crosslinkers
Achiewell LLC Evonik Corporation - HYDRITE Covestro LLC
Advanced Polymer, Inc. Coating Additives 262-792-1450 Nagase America
UCT, Inc. 973-929-8000 [email protected] VENCOREX France
Zhejiang Feidian Chemical Co., Ltd. coating-additives-americas UV Curing Resins
Silicone Polyesters www.coating-additives. OPC Polymers
TGIC Resins
Advanced Polymer, Inc.
Dow Siltech Corporation
Siltech Corporation Wacker Chemical Corporation 416-424-4567
416-424-4567 [email protected]
[email protected] Solventborne Arkema 919-469-6700
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ allnex
Evonik Corporation - 770-280-8366
Coating Additives Arkema [email protected]
973-929-8000 919-469-6700
coating-additives-americas arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Urethane And Polyurethane Resins Keyland Polymer
www.coating-additives. Material Sciences
com/en 216-741-7915
[email protected]
770-280-8366 Arkema
[email protected] 919-469-6700 Hibond Bearings Pvt Ltd arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ Miwon Specialty Chemicals Co. Ltd. Prime UV Equipment
Artekya Technology Sartomer Americas
+90 212 670 1395 Solvay
[email protected]

76 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

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Cross Reference

UV-Cured Powder Coatings Vinyl Resins - Vinyl Acetate Brenntag Orion Engineered Carbons
Keyland Polymer Ethylene Copolymers 800-732-0562 832-445-3300
Material Sciences [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Polynt Birla Carbon
Arkema 800-312-8103 Cabot Corporation
International Paint Ibéria, Lda 919-469-6700 [email protected] Milagro Rubber Co.
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ PentaCarbon GmbH
Vinyl Resins
Brenntag Evonik Corporation - Industries AG
800-732-0562 Nagase America Blacks - Complex Inorganic
[email protected] NEI Corporation Black Vinyl Resins - Vinyl Acetate Resinate Materials Group Inc.
Polymer Emulsions VENCOREX France
Polynt HYDRITE Wanhua Chemical Group
800-312-8103 262-792-1450 WYN Polymers
[email protected] [email protected] Shepherd Color Company, The Waterborne - Aliphatic 513-874-0714
[email protected]
Vestolit/Mexichem Wacker Chemical Corporation Nagase America
Specialty Resins, Inc. Resinate Materials Group Inc.
Wacker Chemical Corporation Vinyl Resins - Vinyl VENCOREX France
WYN Polymers Copolymers Heubach Colorants USA
Hexion Inc., Versatic Acids and +1 510-446-8762
Vinyl Resins - Polyvinyl Derivatives [email protected]
Acetate Vestolit/Mexichem
262-792-1450 Wacker Chemical Corporation Orion Engineered Carbons
[email protected] 832-445-3300 Waterborne Blacks - Black / Grey [email protected]
Orion Engineered Carbons
Vestolit/Mexichem 832-445-3300
Specialty Resins, Inc. [email protected]
Wacker Chemical Corporation
Arkema Blacks - Graphite
Vinyl Resins - Polyvinyl 919-469-6700 Armus Marine SHAMOKIN Carbons
Alcohol / Formal / Butyral arkema.usph-emulsion-systems-cs@ EMD Electronics – Surface Solutions
Kuraray America, Inc. EnviraPAC Monticello Blacks - Lampblack PentaCarbon GmbH Orion Engineered Carbons
Vinyl Resins - Solid 832-445-3300
[email protected]
Kuraray America, Inc. allnex Blacks - Carbon Black
770-280-8366 Brenntag
[email protected] 800-732-0562 Birla Carbon [email protected] PentaCarbon GmbH
Artekya Technology Blacks - Pigment Black
+90 212 670 1395 Heubach Colorants USA Orion Engineered Carbons
[email protected] +1 510-446-8762 832-445-3300 [email protected] [email protected]

Birla Carbon

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Cross Reference

Cabot Corporation HMH Pigments LLC Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL) ThinTech Coatings
PentaCarbon GmbH Pravenium Exim LLP ALFA SRL
SHAMOKIN Carbons Venator Beta Analytic
Spectra Colors Corporation Coatings Chemistry Solutuions
DEKAP Kaplama Makine Yüzey
Teknolojileri San. ve Dış. Tic. A.Ş.
BLUE PIGMENTS Market Research Store
Consultant Motus Corrosion Inhibiting - Red
Blues - Complex Inorganic Artekya Technology NAVTEC ENGINEERING AG Lead / Litharge / Blue Lead
Blue +90 212 670 1395 NEI Corporation Cortec Corporation
[email protected] Testing Services/Laboratories
Artekya Technology
Stonebridge Coatings +90 212 670 1395
Shepherd Color Company, The Laboratory, Inc. [email protected] DISPERSIONS
513-874-0714 810-991-1662
[email protected] [email protected] Keyland Polymer Dispersions - Acrylic Vehicle
Material Sciences Eagle Specialty Products
Cockcroft Global 216-741-7915 888-241-9802
Heubach Colorants USA HAZMATPAC, INC. [email protected] [email protected]
+1 510-446-8762 Impact.
[email protected] Siva Consultancy - Paints & Coatings The CHEMARK Consulting Group Stonebridge Coatings Heubach Colorants USA
Viking Equipment Finance Laboratory, Inc. +1 510-446-8762
810-991-1662 [email protected]
Vibrantz Technologies [email protected]
Blues - Phthalocyanine Blue Pan Technology, Inc.
Heubach Colorants USA CONSULTING AND SERVICES Xtrutech Inc 201-438-7878
+1 510-446-8762 267-922-3121 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] Analytical Services
Artekya Technology Chemsultants
Vivify +90 212 670 1395 Applied Optix Milliken & Co.
973-814-9940 [email protected] Beta Analytic
michael.luciano@ NEI Corporation Dispersions - Alkyd Vehicle Presto Stantest Private Limited Eagle Specialty Products Custom Milling and Taber Industries 888-241-9802
Consulting LLC ThinTech Coatings [email protected]
Buckeye Color & Chemical 610-926-0984 Viking Chemical Solutions
Liberty Specialty Chemicals, Inc. [email protected]
Pravenium Exim LLP Toll Manufacturing Heubach Colorants USA
Sincol USA Summit Dispersions LLC +1 510-446-8762
Trust Chem Co., Ltd. Stonebridge Coatings 205-558-9220 [email protected]
Vibrantz Technologies Laboratory, Inc. [email protected]
810-991-1662 www.summitdispersions.
Blues - Ultramarine Blue [email protected] com Pan Technology, Inc.
Heubach Colorants USA 201-438-7878
+1 510-446-8762 Hunan Prime Steel Pipe Co.,Ltd [email protected]
[email protected] Actylis Malvern Modified Materials Akron Rubber Development Shinestar Steel Group Co.,Ltd

78 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

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Cross Reference

Peninsula Polymers Dispersions - Color Heubach Colorants USA Spherix Products

Concentrates +1 510-446-8762
Dispersions - Aqueous Brenntag [email protected] Dispersions - Water Soluble
800-732-0562 Artekya Technology
[email protected] +90 212 670 1395 Dispersions - Non-Aqueous [email protected]
Shamrock Technologies, Inc. Artekya Technology
973-242-2999 Brilliant Group Inc. +90 212 670 1395
[email protected] 415-771-4757 [email protected] Brenntag [email protected] 800-732-0562 [email protected]
Artekya Technology Eagle Specialty Products
+90 212 670 1395 Eagle Specialty Products 888-241-9802
[email protected] 888-241-9802 [email protected] Eagle Specialty Products [email protected] 888-241-9802 [email protected]
Brilliant Group Inc. Heubach Colorants USA
415-771-4757 Heubach Colorants USA +1 510-446-8762
[email protected] +1 510-446-8762 [email protected] Heubach Colorants USA [email protected] +1 510-446-8762 [email protected]
Eagle Specialty Products Pan Technology, Inc.
888-241-9802 Orion Engineered Carbons 201-438-7878
[email protected] 832-445-3300 [email protected] Pan Technology, Inc. [email protected] 201-438-7878 [email protected]
Heubach Colorants USA Day-Glo Color Corp
+1 510-446-8762 Vivify
[email protected] 973-814-9940 Dispersions - Polyester Vivify michael.luciano@ Vehicle 973-814-9940 Eagle Specialty Products michael.luciano@
Pan Technology, Inc. 888-241-9802
201-438-7878 [email protected]
[email protected] American Colors, Inc. Lorama Group Spherix Products
Milliken & Co. Day-Glo Color Corp
Vivify Pflaumer Brothers Inc
973-814-9940 Dispersions - Universal
michael.luciano@ Dispersions - Machine Solvent Vehicle Colorant Eagle Specialty Products DYES Heubach Colorants USA 888-241-9802
+1 510-446-8762 [email protected]
Cabot Corporation [email protected] Dyes Organic
Chemsultants Heubach Colorants USA
Day-Glo Color Corp Heubach Colorants USA +1 510-446-8762
DCL Corporation Dispersions - Nitrocellulose +1 510-446-8762 [email protected]
Union Colours Limited Vehicle [email protected]
Vibrantz Technologies Eagle Specialty Products Buckeye Color & Chemical
888-241-9802 Day-Glo Color Corp
[email protected] Pan Technology, Inc. Liberty Specialty Chemicals, Inc. 201-438-7878
[email protected]

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Cross Reference

Dyes Solvent Soluble Extender Pigments - Betonite Extender Pigments - Greens - Complex Inorganic
Heubach Colorants USA New Brook International, Inc. Nepheline Syenite
+1 510-446-8762 Fineton Industrial Minerals Limited
[email protected] Extender Pigments - Calcium Carbonate Extender Pigments - Silica,
Brenntag Amorphous Shepherd Color Company, The
Vivify 800-732-0562 Hoffmann Mineral GmbH 513-874-0714
973-814-9940 [email protected] [email protected]
michael.luciano@ Extender Pigments - Silica, Quartz / Diatomaceous Extender Pigments - China Fineton Industrial Minerals Limited
Clay / Aluminium Silicate Imerys
Buckeye Color & Chemical Malvern Modified Materials Greens - Phthalocyanine
Spectra Colors Corporation Heubach Colorants USA
Extender Pigments - Silican, +1 510-446-8762
Dyes Water Soluble Amorphous - Synthetic [email protected]
Heubach Colorants USA Active Minerals Evonik Corporation -
+1 510-446-8762 410-825-2920 Coating Additives
[email protected] [email protected] 973-929-8000 Vivify coating-additives-americas 973-814-9940 michael.luciano@
Vivify www.coating-additives.
973-814-9940 Burgess Pigment Company com/en
michael.luciano@ HD Microns Limited Imerys Buckeye Color & Chemical Extender Pigments - Talc / Liberty Specialty Chemicals, Inc.
Extender Pigments - Fillers Magnesium Silicate Pravenium Exim LLP
Avalon International Corp. HYDRITE Kärntner Montanindustrie Sincol USA
Buckeye Color & Chemical 262-792-1450
Spectra Colors Corporation [email protected]


EXTENDER PIGMENTS Burgess Pigment Company
Hoffmann Mineral GmbH
Imerys Greens - Chrome Iron Oxide Pigments - Black
Extender Pigments - Kärntner Montanindustrie Vivify Iron Oxide
Aluminum Trihydrate Kish Company, The 973-814-9940
Brenntag Malvern Modified Materials michael.luciano@ Lanxess Corporation
800-732-0562 Vanderbilt Minerals, LLC Oxerra
[email protected] Spectra Colors Corporation Extender Pigments - Glass
Spheres Hunter Chemical LLC
Kish Company, The Lanxess Corporation Iron Oxide Pigments - Burnt
Extender Pigments - Barium Malvern Modified Materials Umber
Sulfate Oxerra
Brenntag Extender Pigments - Mica
800-732-0562 Brenntag Iron Oxide Pigments - Indian
[email protected] 800-732-0562 Red [email protected] Spectra Colors Corporation
Kish Company, The
New Brook International, Inc. Kärntner Montanindustrie
Venator Kish Company, The

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Cross Reference

Iron Oxide Pigments - Raw Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. Computer Software (Lab & Gages - Pressure
Umber UV Process Supply, Inc Testing) Xtrutech Inc
Vivify Albert Invent 267-922-3121
973-814-9940 Elcometer Ltd. [email protected]
michael.luciano@ Coating Application Formulator Software, LLC Equipment Revvity Signals SpecMetrix Systems PCE Instruments UK Ltd
(Sensory Analytics ) Distinctness Of Image Meters
Oxerra 336-315-6090 BYK-Gardner USA Gloss Meters
Vibrantz Technologies [email protected] BYK-Gardner USA Gages Elcometer, Inc. USA
Iron Oxide Pigments - Red / SpecMetrix Systems Gardco - Paul N. Gardner Company
Brown Iron Oxide - Natural & Gardco - Paul N. Gardner Company (Sensory Analytics ) Great Lakes Gages
Synthetic Leneta Company, Inc. 336-315-6090 Konica Minolta Sensing
Little Joe Industries [email protected] Miltec UV
Lanxess Corporation Prime UV Equipment PCE Instruments UK Ltd
Oxerra Presto Stantest Private Limited
Color Cards Elcometer, Inc. USA
Iron Oxide Pigments - Yellow Leneta Company, Inc. Fischer Technology, Inc. Holiday Detectors
Iron Oxide Sample-Ease UV Process Supply, Inc Elcometer, Inc. USA
Vivify Fischer Technology, Inc.
973-814-9940 Color Control Systems Gages - Coating Thickness
michael.luciano@ Datacolor SpecMetrix Systems Humidity / UV / GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. (Sensory Analytics ) Condensation Chambers Harper Corporation of America 336-315-6090 Akron Rubber Development
[email protected] Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL)
Lanxess Corporation Color Display Applied Optix
Oxerra Datacolor Atlas Material
Sample-Ease Elcometer, Inc. USA Testing Technology LLC
Fischer Technology, Inc. Great Lakes Gages
Color Matching / Measuring Presto Stantest Private Limited
Datacolor Gages - Film Thickness Q-Lab Corporation
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. SpecMetrix Systems
Konica Minolta Sensing (Sensory Analytics ) Lab Equipment
Nix Sensor Ltd. 336-315-6090 Microtrac MRB
Accelerated Weathering Presto Stantest Private Limited [email protected] 717-843-4433
Akron Rubber Development Vibrantz Technologies [email protected]
Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL)
Applied Optix Color Merchandising Aids Elcometer, Inc. USA
Atlas Material GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Fischer Technology, Inc. Firebird Optics
Testing Technology LLC Gardco - Paul N. Gardner Company Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc.
Q-Lab Corporation Color Meters Ladybug Scientific LLC
Konica Minolta Sensing Presto Stantest Private Limited
Balances / Scales PCE Instruments UK Ltd Taber Industries
PCE Instruments UK Ltd

View the Buyers’ Guide online at

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 81

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 81 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Lab Mills Ovens Akron Rubber Development Shinestar Steel Group Co.,Ltd
Microtrac MRB Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL) technoPRINT GmbH & Co KG - print
717-843-4433 AMETEK Brookfield, Instrumentation & color technology
[email protected] & Specialty Controls Division Applied Optix Metallics - Aluminum
ROSS Mixers Atlas Material Powders
631-234-0500 Heraeus Noblelight America Testing Technology LLC International Paint Ibéria, Lda
[email protected] Miltec UV Avalon International Corp. Metaflake Limited Prime UV Equipment Calright Instruments Schlenk Metallic Pigments
Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC Chemsultants United Mineral & Chemical Corp.
Buhler Inc. Particle Characterization Fischer Technology, Inc. Metallics - Gold Bronze
763-847-9900 Microtrac MRB Formulator Software, LLC Powders
jennifer.noyes 717-843-4433 Great Lakes Gages International Paint Ibéria, Lda [email protected] GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. New Brook International, Inc. Heraeus Noblelight America Schlenk Metallic Pigments
content/buhlergroup/global/en/ Leneta Company, Inc.
homepage.html AMETEK Brookfield, Instrumentation Little Joe Industries
& Specialty Controls Division Miltec UV
Custom Milling and Little Joe Industries Q-Lab Corporation OILS/FATTY ACIDS
Consulting LLC Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. Sample-Ease
610-926-0984 Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik
[email protected] PH Meters GmbH Castor Oil Harper Corporation of America Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. Alnor Oil Company
PCE Instruments UK Ltd Taber Industries Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd.
Microtrac MRB StarChem USA
717-843-4433 Rheologicals Test Chart & Panels
[email protected] AMETEK Brookfield, Instrumentation BYK-Gardner USA Coconut Oil & Specialty Controls Division Leneta Company, Inc. HYDRITE
UV Process Supply, Inc Q-Lab Corporation 262-792-1450
Xtrutech Inc Sample-Ease [email protected]
267-922-3121 Spectrophotometers Taber Industries
[email protected] BYK-Gardner USA Gardco - Paul N. Gardner Company Viscosity Meters Alnor Oil Company
Konica Minolta Sensing AMETEK Brookfield, Instrumentation Global Savors
Glen Mills Inc. Nix Sensor Ltd. & Specialty Controls Division StarChem USA
NETZSCH Premier Technologies Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. ATO Rotational Viscometer
Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC BYK-Gardner USA Fatty Acids
Union Process, Inc. Elcometer Ltd. HYDRITE
VMA-Getzmann GmbH Surface Tension Instruments Gardco - Paul N. Gardner Company 262-792-1450
KRÜSS GmbH Great Lakes Gages [email protected]
Light Booths Harper Corporation of America
GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Test / Measurement
Konica Minolta Sensing Microtrac MRB Allied Merchants
717-843-4433 & Marketing Co., Inc.
Microscopy [email protected] Emery Oleochemicals LLC
Harper Corporation of America METALLICS PIGMENTS Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. Kyowa Hakko USA, Inc.
SpecMetrix Systems
Outdoor Exposure Test (Sensory Analytics ) Metallics - Aluminum Pastes Linseed Oil
Equipment 336-315-6090 CQV Co., Ltd. StarChem USA
Atlas Material [email protected] Hunan Prime Steel Pipe CO.,Ltd
Testing Technology LLC Metaflake Limited
Q-Lab Corporation Schlenk Metallic Pigments

82 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 82 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Soybean Oil Batch Controllers Cleveland Steel Container Disperser Blades

262-792-1450 HAZMATPAC, INC.
[email protected] Blenders Containers - Interior Lining
Cleveland Steel Container ROSS Mixers
Alnor Oil Company 631-234-0500
Containers - Plastic [email protected]
Sunflower Oil BWAY Corporation
Alnor Oil Company ROSS Mixers UV Process Supply, Inc
631-234-0500 Bladeshop Inc.
Tung Oil [email protected] Containers - Protective Liners Conn and Company, LLC
Alnor Oil Company Cleveland Steel Container The Blade Shop, Inc.
StarChem USA VMA-Getzmann GmbH
Containers - Reconditioned
Jaygo, Incorporated American Machining, Inc. Dispersers
Sigma Equipment Corporation
Blending Tanks American Machining, Inc.
BWAY Corporation
Agitators Cleveland Steel Container ROSS Mixers
Conveyors [email protected]
Xtrutech Inc
ROSS Mixers 267-922-3121
631-234-0500 [email protected]
ROSS Mixers [email protected] Custom Milling and
631-234-0500 Consulting LLC
[email protected] Heraeus Noblelight America 610-926-0984 Miltec UV [email protected]
Cleaning Equipment
JEM Chemical Company Curing Systems
Keyland Polymer Admix
Computer Software Material Sciences Conn and Company, LLC
Albert Invent 216-741-7915 Hockmeyer Equipment Corporation
WAB US Corp ALFA SRL [email protected] Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/
862-621-5902 Formulator Software, LLC Blade Depot/Tank PROvider
[email protected] Schold Manufacturing Containers EIT 2.0 LLC Shar Systems
American Machining, Inc. Energy Sciences Sigma Equipment Corporation
BWAY Corporation Excelitas Technologies Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC
Xtrutech Inc Cleveland Steel Container Heraeus Noblelight America VMA-Getzmann GmbH
267-922-3121 EEEISA Miltec UV ystral gmbh
[email protected] HAZMATPAC, INC. Phoseon Technology Prime UV Equipment Drums
Containers - Aerosol Xtrutech Inc
Admix Packaging 267-922-3121
American Machining, Inc. BWAY Corporation [email protected]
Conn and Company, LLC Containers - Aluminum
Reynolds Industries, Inc. EEEISA
Schold Manufacturing
The Blade Shop, Inc. Containers - Can / Pail Drums - Plastic
Closures Gizmo Engineering
BWAY Corporation

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 83

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 83 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Drums - Steel Filtering / Straining - Filter / Bladeshop Inc. Grinding And Milling -
HAZMATPAC, INC. Pressure Vessels Glen Mills Inc. Colloid
Russell Finex Inc Hockmeyer Equipment Corporation
Feeders Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik NETZSCH Premier Technologies
Xtrutech Inc GmbH Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/
267-922-3121 Blade Depot/Tank PROvider
[email protected] Filtering / Straining - Filtering Schold Manufacturing Bags / Strainers The Blade Shop, Inc. ROSS Mixers
Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik Union Process, Inc. 631-234-0500
Palamatic Process Inc GmbH Viking Equipment Finance [email protected]
Filling / Packaging / Labeling Filtering / Straining - Filtering Grinding And Milling -
Operations Cartridge Attrition
Anthony Barber Associates, Ltd. Russell Finex Inc. Custom Milling and Grinding And Milling -
Heisler Industries, Inc. Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik Consulting LLC Horizontal
GmbH 610-926-0984
Filling / Packaging / Labeling [email protected]
Operations - Can Casing Filtering Strain - Screening
Machines Machines
Heisler Industries, Inc. Union Process, Inc. WAB US Corp
Viking Equipment Finance Russell Finex Inc. 862-621-5902
Grinding And Milling - Ball [email protected]
Filling / Packaging / Labeling Filtering Strain - Straining
Operations - Fillers Equipment Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC
Anthony Barber Associates, Ltd. Russell Finex Inc.
Palamatic Process Inc Grinding And Milling - Bead Buhler Inc.
Grinding And Milling 763-847-9900
Filling / Packaging / Labeling jennifer.noyes
Operations - Label Machines
Heisler Industries, Inc.
Filling / Packaging / Labeling WAB US Corp homepage.html
Operations - Label Printing ROSS Mixers 862-621-5902
Heisler Industries, Inc. 631-234-0500 [email protected] Custom Milling and
[email protected] Consulting LLC
Filling / Packaging / Labeling 610-926-0984
Operations - Labels [email protected]
Chemsultants Buhler Inc.
Film Applicators jennifer.noyes NETZSCH Premier Technologies
Great Lakes Gages VMA-Getzmann GmbH
Films 862-621-5902 content/buhlergroup/global/en/
Xtrutech Inc [email protected] homepage.html Grinding And Milling -
267-922-3121 Impact
[email protected] Custom Milling and Palamatic Process Inc Consulting LLC
Custom Milling and 610-926-0984
Filtering / Straining Consulting LLC [email protected]
Russell Finex Inc. 610-926-0984
Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik [email protected]
GmbH Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/
Blade Depot/Tank PROvider

84 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 84 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Grinding And Milling - Lab Grinding And Milling - Small Instrumentation And Control Mixers
Media SpecMetrix Systems
(Sensory Analytics )
[email protected]
WAB US Corp WAB US Corp ROSS Mixers
862-621-5902 862-621-5902 Control Instruments Corp. 631-234-0500
[email protected] [email protected] Gizmo Engineering [email protected]
Instrumentation And Control
- Control Systems
Custom Milling and Buhler Inc. Custom Milling and
Consulting LLC 763-847-9900 Consulting LLC
610-926-0984 jennifer.noyes 610-926-0984
[email protected] [email protected]
content/buhlergroup/global/en/ ROSS Mixers
Bladeshop Inc. homepage.html 631-234-0500 Xtrutech Inc
Glen Mills Inc. [email protected] 267-922-3121
Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc. Custom Milling and [email protected]
The Blade Shop, Inc. Consulting LLC
Grinding And Milling - [email protected] SpecMetrix Systems ALFA SRL
Pebble Mills / Linings (Sensory Analytics ) Conn and Company, LLC
Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/ 336-315-6090 Gizmo Engineering
Blade Depot/Tank PROvider Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/ [email protected] Glen Mills Inc.
Blade Depot/Tank PROvider Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc.
Grinding And Milling - Roller Union Process, Inc. Jaygo, Incorporated
Xtrutech Inc NETZSCH Premier Technologies
Grinding Media 267-922-3121 Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/
[email protected] Blade Depot/Tank PROvider
Glen Mills Inc. Reynolds Industries, Inc.
Jaygo, Incorporated Schold Manufacturing
ROSS Mixers Sigma Equipment Corporation Control Instruments Corp. Shar Systems
631-234-0500 Union Process, Inc. EIT 2.0 LLC Sigma Equipment Corporation
[email protected] UV Process Supply, Inc Handling - Conveyors - Instrumentation And Control Viking Equipment Finance
Mechanical - Recovery Systems ystral gmbh
Palamatic Process Inc Catalytic Products International (CPI)
Buhler Inc. Kono Kogs, Inc. Mixers - Double Planetary
763-847-9900 Handling - Conveyors - Custom Milling and
jennifer.noyes Pneumatic Instrumentation And Control Consulting LLC Palamatic Process Inc - Temperature Control 610-926-0984 IPCO Italy S.r.l [email protected]
content/buhlergroup/global/en/ Infrared Curing Equipment +39 02 3825 5309
homepage.html Heraeus Noblelight America
Miltec UV Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc.
Sigma Equipment Corporation Prime UV Equipment Gizmo Engineering Jaygo, Incorporated
Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 85

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 85 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Mixers - Dual Shaft Custom Milling and Custom Milling and Mixing Dispersing -
Consulting LLC Consulting LLC Horizontal Paddle - Type
610-926-0984 610-926-0984
[email protected] [email protected]

ROSS Mixers American Machining, Inc. Admix

631-234-0500 Bladeshop Inc. ROSS Mixers
[email protected] Mixers - Spiral Blade Conn and Company, LLC 631-234-0500 Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc. [email protected]
Hockmeyer Equipment Corporation
The Blade Shop, Inc.
Custom Milling and ystral gmbh
Consulting LLC Xtrutech Inc
610-926-0984 ROSS Mixers Mixing Dispersing - Change 267-922-3121
[email protected] 631-234-0500 Can [email protected] [email protected]
Admix Mixing Dispersing -
Hockmeyer Equipment Corporation Kneaders / Extenders
Mixers - Triple Shaft
ROSS Mixers
Mixers - Pipe Line 631-234-0500
[email protected]
ROSS Mixers ROSS Mixers
631-234-0500 631-234-0500
[email protected] Mixing Dispersing - Drum [email protected]
ROSS Mixers
[email protected] Custom Milling and Custom Milling and
Consulting LLC Consulting LLC
610-926-0984 ROSS Mixers 610-926-0984
Admix [email protected] 631-234-0500 [email protected] [email protected]
Mixers - Rotary Batch
American Machining, Inc. Hockmeyer Equipment Corporation Jaygo, Incorporated

Mixers - Rotor Blade Mixing Dispersing Mixing Dispersing - Palletizers

Homogenizers Xtrutech Inc
[email protected]

ROSS Mixers ROSS Mixers ROSS Mixers Heisler Industries, Inc.

631-234-0500 631-234-0500 631-234-0500
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PH Meters Gizmo Engineering

Bladeshop Inc.
NETZSCH Premier Technologies
VMA-Getzmann GmbH
ystral gmbh

86 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 86 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Pumping Metering - Pumps Safety & Protection Tanks - Process Colourscapes Europe ApS
Xtrutech Inc Equipment Union Colours Limited
267-922-3121 Catalytic Products International (CPI)
[email protected] Control Instruments Corp. Reds - Naphthol Red Heubach Colorants USA
Separators +1 510-446-8762
Pumps Russell Finex Inc. ROSS Mixers [email protected]
ALFA SRL 631-234-0500
Solvent Recovery [email protected]
Ram Dischargers Catalytic Products International (CPI) Vivify
CleanPlanet Chemical 973-814-9940
Kono Kogs, Inc. michael.luciano@
American Machining, Inc.
Tanks Reynolds Industries, Inc.

ROSS Mixers Tanks - Storage Colourscapes Europe ApS

631-234-0500 Pidilite Industries Ltd (India)
[email protected] Sincol USA Union Colours Limited
ROSS Mixers
631-234-0500 Reds - Perylene Red
Custom Milling and [email protected] ROSS Mixers Heubach Colorants USA
Consulting LLC 631-234-0500 +1 510-446-8762
610-926-0984 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] American Machining, Inc.
JEM Chemical Company Vivify
Reynolds Industries, Inc. Schold Manufacturing 973-814-9940
Shar Systems michael.luciano@
Reactor / Recovery Systems Tanks - Thinning / Tinting
Tanks - Metal Hibond Bearings Pvt Ltd
American Machining, Inc.
JEM Chemical Company Tanks - Tote Trust Chem Co., Ltd.
Shar Systems American Machining, Inc.
ROSS Mixers Reds - Pigment Scarlet
631-234-0500 Tanks - Portable Tinting Machines Heubach Colorants USA
[email protected] ALFA SRL +1 510-446-8762 [email protected]
Catalytic Products International (CPI) American Machining, Inc.
Reynolds Industries, Inc. Reds - Quiracridone Maroon
ROSS Mixers Pidilite Industries Ltd (India)
Reduction Equipment 631-234-0500
Custom Milling and [email protected] Reds - Quiracridone Red
Consulting LLC RED PIGMENTS Heubach Colorants USA
610-926-0984 +1 510-446-8762
[email protected] [email protected] Reds - Lithol Rubine
Heubach Colorants USA
Aquajet +1 510-446-8762 Vivify
Catalytic Products International (CPI) [email protected] 973-814-9940 michael.luciano@

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 87

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Cross Reference

Liberty Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Solvents - Aromatic CleanPlanet Chemical Specialty Pigments -
Pidilite Industries Ltd (India) Hydrocarbons Luminscent / Fluorescent
Trust Chem Co., Ltd. Artekya Technology Solvents - Solvent Blending Brilliant Group Inc.
+90 212 670 1395 Brenntag 415-771-4757
Reds - Quiracridone Violet [email protected] 800-732-0562 [email protected]
Heubach Colorants USA [email protected]
+1 510-446-8762
[email protected] Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc. Day-Glo Color Corp HYDRITE New Brook International, Inc.
Solvents - Esters 262-792-1450 technoPRINT GmbH & Co KG - print
Vivify Kyowa Hakko USA, Inc. [email protected] & color technology
973-814-9940 United Mineral & Chemical Corp.
michael.luciano@ Solvents - Glycol Ethers HYDRITE JEM Chemical Company Specialty Pigments - 262-792-1450 Pearlescent
[email protected] Brenntag
DCL Corporation 800-732-0562
Pidilite Industries Ltd (India) [email protected]
Clariant Corporation - Industrial & SPECIALTY PIGMENTS
Reds - Rhodamine Consumer Specialties
Colourscapes Europe ApS CQV Co., Ltd.
Solvents - Glycols Specialty Pigments - Bismuth EMD Electronics – Surface Solutions
Brenntag Vanadate technoPRINT GmbH & Co KG - print
800-732-0562 Heubach Colorants USA & color technology
[email protected] +1 510-446-8762 United Mineral & Chemical Corp.
SOLVENTS [email protected]
Solvents - Alcohols 262-792-1450 HMH Pigments LLC
Artekya Technology [email protected] Sincol USA TRADE ASSOCIATIONS
+90 212 670 1395 United Mineral & Chemical Corp.
[email protected] Cockcroft Global Specialty Pigments - Color Trade Associations
Fineton Industrial Minerals Limited Shifting / Color Variable NOVA Paint Club
Brenntag Kyowa Hakko USA, Inc. CQV Co., Ltd. technoPRINT GmbH & Co KG - print
800-732-0562 Oxiteno EMD Electronics – Surface Solutions & color technology
[email protected] The CHEMARK Consulting Group Solvents - Hydrocarbon Specialty Pigments -
Solvents Holographic
AdvanSix CleanPlanet Chemical technoPRINT GmbH & Co KG - print
Arpadis Benelux nv & color technology
CleanPlanet Chemical Solvents - Ketones WHITES PIGMENTS
Cockcroft Global AdvanSix
Fineton Industrial Minerals Limited
Solvents - Aliphatic Huzhou Haipu Chemical Industries Specialty Pigments - Whites - Antimony Oxide
Hydrocarbons LtD Iridescent United Mineral & Chemical Corp.
Artekya Technology CQV Co., Ltd.
+90 212 670 1395 Solvents - Reclaimed
[email protected] Solvents Whites - Titanium Dioxide - HYDRITE Anatase
262-792-1450 CPM Industries, Inc.
[email protected] Tinox Chemie GmbH Venator

88 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 88 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Cross Reference

Whites - Titanium Dioxide - Yellows And Oranges - Yellows And Oranges - Yellows And Oranges -
Rutile Complex Inorganic Hansa Yellow Molybdate Orange
Arya Chem Inc. Heubach Colorants USA Vivify
Brandt Technologies, LLC +1 510-446-8762 973-814-9940
Coatings Chemistry Solutuions [email protected] michael.luciano@
CPM Industries, Inc.
Tinox Chemie GmbH Shepherd Color Company, The
Venator 513-874-0714 Vivify
[email protected] 973-814-9940 DCL Corporation michael.luciano@ Yellows And Oranges - Orthonitraniline Orange /
YELLOWS AND ORANGES Dinitraniline Orange
PIGMENTS Yellows And Oranges - Colourscapes Europe ApS Heubach Colorants USA
Diarylide Orange Toner DCL Corporation +1 510-446-8762
Union Colours Limited Pidilite Industries Ltd (India) [email protected]
Yellows And Oranges - Pravenium Exim LLP
Cadmium Yellow / Orange Yellows And Oranges - Sincol USA
Pravenium Exim LLP Diarylide Yellow Toner Trust Chem Co., Ltd. Vivify
Tinox Chemie GmbH Heubach Colorants USA 973-814-9940
+1 510-446-8762 Yellows And Oranges - michael.luciano@
[email protected] Inorganic Bismuth Vanadate
Yellows And Oranges - Heubach Colorants USA
Chrome Yellow +1 510-446-8762
Vivify Vivify [email protected]
973-814-9940 973-814-9940
michael.luciano@ michael.luciano@ DCL Corporation HMH Pigments LLC
New Brook International, Inc.
Lanxess Corporation Colourscapes Europe ApS
Tinox Chemie GmbH Yellows And Oranges -
Trust Chem Co., Ltd. Metallized Azo Yellow
Union Colours Limited Tinox Chemie GmbH

To be featured in next years Buyers’ Guide,

contact Kerry Pianoforte, Editor at
[email protected]

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 89

61-89 Cross Reference 1123.indd 89 11/15/23 3:22 PM

Industry Companies
3C Inc. Admix ALFA SRL Alnor Oil Company
194 Warburton Avenue 144 Harvey Road Via Santa Chiara 2 70 East Sunrise Highway
Hawthorne, NJ 07506 Londonderry, NH 03053 Bologna, 40137 Valley Stream, NY 11581
United States United States Italy United States
973-340-3416 800-466-2369 +39 051 082 8494 516-561-6146
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Achiewell LLC Advanced Polymer, Inc. All-Flo Pump Co. American Colors, Inc.
401 Industrial Drive 400 Paterson Plank Road 7750 Tyler Blvd. 1110 Edgewater Avenue
Building A Carlstadt, NJ 07072 United States Mentor, OH 44060 Sandusky, OH 44870
North Wales, PA 19454 201-933-0600 United States United States
United States [email protected] 440-269-8155 419-621-4000
267-242-9652 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Advancion Corporation
(formerly ANGUS Chemical Allied Market Research American Machining, Inc.
Co.) Office No.102D & E 2232 Wiggins Road
1500 East Lake Cook Road 2nd Floor Fenton, MI 48430
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 A-3 Building E space IT Park United States
United States Pune Nagar Road 810-629-0091
Active Minerals 847-215-8600 Pune, MH 411014 [email protected]
34 Loveton Circle [email protected] India
Suite 100 +91 20 6634 6060
Sparks Glencoe, MD 21152 [email protected] AMETEK Brookfield, Instrumenta-
United States AdvanSix tion & Specialty Controls Division
410-825-2920 300 Kimball Drive 11 Commerce Blvd.
[email protected] Suite 101 Allied Merchants & Marketing Middleboro, MA 02346 Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ 07054 P.O. Box 694 United States
United States New York, NY 14207 508-946-6200
Active Minerals International LLC 973-526-1800 United States [email protected]
(AMI) is the world’s largest producer [email protected] 716-432-2500
of gel-grade attapulgite and air-float [email protected]
kaolin clay-based mineral products. Anthony Barber Associates, Ltd.
Guided by the foremost authorities Akron Rubber Development 9030 Northfield Drive
in attapulgite technology, its prod- Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL) Fort Mill, SC 29707
ucts are sold throughout the world 2887 Gilchrist Road United States
for industrial, agricultural and con- Akron, OH 44305 803-396-0621
struction related applications. AMI is United States [email protected]
an award winning environmentally 330-794-6600 allnex
responsible company. We maintain [email protected] 9005 Westside Parkway
decades of reserves and recently Alpharetta, GA 30009 Applied Optix
expanded our capacity for products United States 6675 Parkland Boulevard #100
serving the coatings industry. 770-280-8366 Solon, OH 44139
Albert Invent [email protected] United States
Actylis 492 9th Street 440-487-8343
4 Tri Harbor Court Suite 310 doug_vermillion
Port Washington, NY 11050 Oakland, CA 94607 allnex is a leading producer of spe-
United States United States cialty polymers with a clear focus
516-627-6000 415-515-9643 on sustainability. We have key po-
[email protected] [email protected] sitions in coating markets and be- APV Engineered Coatings yond, across industries in mobility 1390 Firestone Parkway
& transportation, construction & Akron, OH 44301
Aditya Birla Alexium International infrastructure as well as packaging United States
1st Floor, ‘C’ Wing, 350 W. Phillips Road & consumer goods. 330-773-8911
S.K. Ahire Marg, Worli, Greer, SC 29650 [email protected]
Mumbai , Maharashtra 400 030 United States
India 864-254-9923 ext. 2122 [email protected]

90 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 90 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Aquajet ASCOTEC BASF Corporation

15 Brunnsvägen SE-574 53 8 Rue Jean Servanton 11501 Steele Creek Road
Jönköpings län 570 15 Saint-Étienne Charlotte, NC 28273
Sweden Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 42000 United States
+46 383 508 01 Artekya Technology France 800-231-7868
[email protected] I.O.S.B. Heskop Industrial Area M 00 33 4 77 57 58 46 [email protected] 10 Block No 189-190-191 [email protected] dpsolutions
Basaksehir Istanbul, 34490
Turkey Beta Analytic
+90 212 670 1395 Ashland 4985 SW 74th Court
[email protected] 500 Hercules Road Miami, FL 33155 Building 8145 United States
Arkema Wilmington, DE 19808 305-662-7760
410 Gregson Drive Artekya Technology produces nano- United States [email protected]
Cary, NC 27511 coating products for many surfaces 877-546-2782
United States such as metal, glass, ceramics, wood [email protected]
919-469-6700 and textile. Products with unique Birla Carbon
arkema.usph-emulsion-systems- nano-technological formulations 1800 West Oak Commons Court
[email protected] developed under the brand name Atlas Material Marietta, GA 30062 NASIOL are used in the automo- Testing Technology LLC United States
tive, industrial, maritime and textile 1500 Bishop Court 770-792-9400
Arkema offers a range of water- sectors, as well as in areas such as Mount Prospect, IL 60056 birlacarbon.specialty
borne, solventborne and powder household and personal goods. United States
resins along with additives for for- 773-327-4520
mulators of architectural coatings, [email protected]
industrial finishes, construction Bladeshop Inc.
products, traffic paints, sealants, ad- 2891 Rodman Drive
hesives, inks, floor care and graphic ATO Rotational Viscometer Seneca Falls, NY 13148
arts products. The business main- Citadel Drive United States
tains operations worldwide, provid- Arxada AG Commerce, CA 90040 315-568-8093
ing customers access to products, 80 Peter Merian-Strasse United States [email protected]
R&D resources and sales support Basel, BS 4052 320-680-1219
spanning many different industry Switzerland [email protected]
segments. +41 61 563 80 00
[email protected]
Arkema Inc. Avalon International Corp.
900 First Ave. 317 Lockwood Avenue
King of Prussia, PA 19406 Arxada is a global science-based Northfield , IL 60093 Borchers: A Milliken
United States specialty chemicals business creat- United States Brand
610-205-7000 ing innovative chemistry and solu- 847-446-9986 811 Sharon Drive
arkema.usph-general tions. The company aims to solve [email protected] Westlake, OH 44145 the world’s toughest preservation United States challenges by enhancing sustainabil- 800-321-9696
ity with cleaner, greener solutions. Bakelite Synthetics borchers.cust.service
Armus Marine Arxada provides a broad portfolio 1040 Crown Pointe Parkway
137 Grand St. of differentiated products and solu- Suite 250
New York, NY 10013 tions, supported by its science and Atlanta, GA 30338
United States innovation capabilities, in-depth United States As one of the world’s leading brands
347-909-0656 regulatory know-how and track +49 2374 925467 of coating additives, Borchers is
[email protected] record in manufacturing and pro- [email protected] committed to the continuous devel- cess development. Headquartered opment and improvement of coat-
in Basel, Switzerland, the company ings systems across the spectrum of
Arpadis Benelux nv serves customers worldwide from Baker Hughes chemistries, applications and end
Desguinlei 88A 24 production sites and 13 R&D 12645 W. Airport Blvd. markets. Borchers’ products and
Antwerp, 2018 centers. Sugar Land, TX 77478 services make the world safer and
Belgium United States more colorful, and enhance quality
+32 3 206 93 70 Arya Chem Inc. 800-331-5516 of life every day.
[email protected] 4789 Yonge Street [email protected] Suite 1203 Brandt Technologies, LLC
Toronto, ON M2N 0G3 231 West Grand Avenue
Canada Suite 202
416-217-0666 Bensenville, IL 60106
[email protected] United States 630-787-1800
[email protected]

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 91

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 91 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Buckeye Color & Chemical Calright Instruments Cimbar Performance Minerals

666 Plainsboro Road 8715 Mesa Point Terrace 49 Jackson Lake Road
Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92154 Suite O
Plainsboro Township, NJ 08536 United States Chatsworth, GA 30705
Brenntag United States 619-429-4545 United States
5083 Pottsville Pike 609-750-0093 [email protected] 800-852-6868
Reading, PA 19605 [email protected] [email protected]
United States
800-732-0562 Cardolite Corporation
[email protected] 140 Wharton Road CINIC Chemicals America, LLC Bristol, PA 19007 681 Andersen Drive
United States Foster Plaza #6, Suite 235
We are the global market leader in 800-322-7365 Pittsburgh, PA 15220
chemical and ingredient distribution, Buhler Inc. [email protected] United States
and we will continue to increase 13105 12th Avenue North 412-458-5569
our focus on connecting products, Plymouth, MN 55441 [email protected]
knowledge and innovation. Our United States Catalytic Products
CASE & Construction portfolio com- 763-847-9900 International (CPI)
prises both specialty and industrial [email protected] 980 Ensell Road Citrine Informatics
chemicals from a world-class sup- Lake Zurich, IL 60047 2629 Broadway
plier base. We work alongside our buhlergroup/global/en/homepage. United States Redwood City, CA 94063
partners to create successful out- html 847-881-3572 United States
comes. [email protected] [email protected]
Burgess Pigment Company
525 Beck Blvd.
Sandersville, GA 31082 Ceramisphere Pty Ltd Clariant Additives
United States Unit 10 500 East Morehead Street
478-552-2544 43-51 College St. Suite 400
Brilliant Group Inc. coatingsworld Gladesville, NSW 2111 Charlotte, NC 28202 \
750 National Court Australia United States
Suite 100 02 8011 1360 704-331-7000
Richmond, CA 94804 [email protected] [email protected]
United States BWAY Corporation
415-771-4757 8607 Roberts Drive Units/Additives
[email protected] Suite 250 Chattem Chemicals Atlanta, GA 30350 3708 St. Elmo Avenue Clariant Corporation - Industrial
United States Chattanooga, TN 37409 & Consumer Specialties
We are world-class fluorescent pig- 800-527-2267 United States 626 East Catawba Avenue
ment experts, providing a seamless [email protected] 423-822-5030 Mount Holly, NC 28120
end-to-end experience for our cus- [email protected] United States
tomers. Directly, and through our 800-942-7239
global distribution network, we pro- BYK-Chemie GmbH [email protected]
vide local inventory of best-of-breed Abelstraße 45 ChemCeed
fluorescent and phosphorescent 46483 Wesel 1720 Prosperity Court
technology paired with technical Germany Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 CleanPlanet Chemical
support from our team who has ex- +49 281 670-0 United States 6207 Bee Cave Road
tensive experience in a wide variety 715-726-2300 Austin, TX 78746
of applications. [email protected] United States
BYK-Gardner USA 855-256-7568
Bruggemann Chemical U.S., Inc. 9104 Guilford Road [email protected]
18 Campus Blvd. Suite H Chemsultants
Suite 100 Columbia, MD 21046 9079 Tyler Blvd.
Newton Square, PA 19073 United States Mentor, Ohio 44060 Cleveland Steel Container
United States 301-483-6500 United States 30310 Emerald Valley Parkway
610-353-9852 inquiries.BYK.Gardner.USA 440-974-3080 #400
[email protected] [email protected] Glenwillow, OH 44139 United States
BSB Nanotechnology Joint Stock Cabot Corporation Chitec Technology Co., Ltd. [email protected]
Company 157 Concord Road 16F, No. 51, Section 2,
Floor 5, SCS Building, Billerica, MA 01821 Keelung Road, 16F
D1 Street, Saigon Hi-Tech Park, United States Taipei, 110
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 617-345-0100 Taiwan
+84 8 7108 7101 [email protected] +886 2 2700 6678
[email protected] [email protected]

92 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 92 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Coatings Chemistry Solutuions CovationBio PDO Day-Glo Color Corp. equipped to create custom colorants
Funzi Road #17 198 Blair Bend Drive 4515 St. Clair Avenue and even toll manufacture product.
Nairobi, Nairobi County Loudon, TN 37774 Cleveland, OH 44103 Whether it’s conventional or low
Kenya United States United States VOC formulation, we can outfit you
+254 723 583316 484-947-6520 216-391-7070 with the perfect solution.
[email protected] jessica.gallagher@ [email protected]
coatings-chemistry-solutions.busi- Eastman
200 South Wilcox Drive
Cockcroft Global Covestro LLC DCL Corporation Kingsport, TN 37660
Croft House 29 1 Covestro Circle 1 Concorde Gate United States
Harrogate, HG2 9BP Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Suite 608 443-904-1336
United Kingdom United States Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 [email protected]
07774 213389 412-413-3983 Canada
[email protected] [email protected] 416-791-4200 [email protected] EEEISA Av. Jardines del Pedregal #420
Colonial Chemical CPM Industries, Inc. Mexico, DF 01900
225 Colonial Drive 1200 First State Blvd. DEKAP Kaplama Makine Yüzey Mexico
South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Wilmington, DE 19804 Teknolojileri San. ve Dış. Tic. A.Ş. +52 55 5652 5452 ext. 141
United States United States 1/A 16. Sokak [email protected]
423-837-8800 302-478-8200 İstanbul 34888
[email protected] [email protected] Turkey 0216 576 8334 EIT 2.0 LLC
[email protected] Sycolin Road Southeast
Colourscapes Europe ApS CQV Co., Ltd. Suite 130
9 Knud Højgaards Vej 144, Seongjung-ro, Jincheon-eup Leesburg, VA 20175
Søborg, 2860 Jincheon-gun Dow United States
Denmark Choong Buk Do 27845 South 400 Arcola Road 571-578-3075
00 44 7592 707620 Korea Collegeville, PA 19426 [email protected]
carolinesimpson 989-450-7031 United States [email protected] 800-447-4369 [email protected] Elcometer, Inc. USA 6900 Miller Drive
Conn and Company, LLC Warren, MI 48092
11 South Marion Street Dura Chemicals, Inc. United States
Warren, PA 16365 2200 Powell St. 248-650-0500
United States Suite 450 [email protected]
814-723-7980 Custom Milling Emeryville, CA 94608
[email protected] and Consulting LLC United States 1246 Maidencreek Road 510-658-1987 EMD Electronics
Fleetwood, PA 19522 [email protected] – Surface Solutions
Control Instruments Corp. United States 1200 Intrepid Avenue
25 Law Drive 610-926-0984 Suite 300
Fairfield, NJ 07004 [email protected] Philadelphia, PA 19112
United States United States
973-575-9114 888-367-3275
jsampson When your business demands pre- [email protected] cisely the right solution in particle Eagle Specialty size reduction or mixing technology Products
– CMC provides an experienced, 1 Lincoln Way Emery Oleochemicals LLC
Corning Incorporated flexible and resourceful partner. The St. Louis, MO 63120 4900 Este Avenue
1 Riverfront Plaza CMC team has a diverse range of United States Cincinnati, OH 45232
Corning, NY 14831 capabilities, from equipment manu- 888-241-9802 United States
United States facturer to toll processor, and we [email protected] 513-762-2500
607-974-9000 can help you define and realize your [email protected]
[email protected] vision. Serving industrial paint and coatings
Datacolor manufacturers since 1959, we spe- Energy Sciences
Cortec Corporation 5 Princess Road cialize in creating high-performance 42 Industrial Way
4119 White Bear Parkway Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 color pigment dispersions for water, Wilmington, MA 01887
Saint Paul, MN 55110 United States solvent-based, and 100% solids ap- United States
United States 609-924-2189 plications. We also offer opportu- 978-694-9000
651-429-1100 [email protected] nities for customization. As an ISO [email protected]
[email protected] 9001:2015 certified company, our research and development team is

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 93

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 93 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

EnviraPAC Monticello Firebird Optics Gizmo Engineering

Firing Range Road 12 Warren Court 3 North Newark Street
Monticello, AR 71655 Northport, NY 11768 Phelps, NY 14532
United States United States United States
281-382-3632 Evonik Corporation - 631-606-2936 585-301-0970
[email protected] Coating Additives [email protected] [email protected] 7001 Hamilton Blvd.
Trexlertown, PA 18087
United States Fischer Technology, Inc. Glen Mills Inc.
973-929-8000 750 Marshall Phelps Road 220 Delawanna Ave.
coating-additives-americas Windsor, CT 06095 Clifton, NJ 07014 United States United States
EPS 860-683-0781 973-777-0777
1400 N. State Street [email protected]
Marengo, IL 60152 The Coating Additives business line
United States of Evonik offers a diverse product Formulator Software, LLC
800-654-4242 portfolio including additives, silicas, 122 West Main Street Global Savors
Beatriz.M.Batlle co-binders and silicone resins. Our Clinton, NJ 08809 [email protected] world-famous brands include ACE- United States MATT®, AEROSIL® , SURFYNOL® 908-735-2038
and TEGO®. In addition to our [email protected] Great Lakes Gages
EPS provides performance-based product portfolio, our COATINO® 3689 Hadley Road
resins and colorants specifically de- digital service platform provides Metamora, MI 48455
signed for the architectural, con- product recommendations and for- Gabriel Chemical United States
struction, industrial, and adhesive mulation support to help optimize 388 S. Main Street 810-797-8300
industries. With a personalized ap- your coating and inks. Akron, OH 44311 [email protected]
proach, innovative technology, con- United States
sistent product performance and Evonik Corporation 866-800-2436
exceptional technical service – we - Industries AG [email protected] GTI Graphic Technology, Inc.
make doing business with us easy. 7001 Hamilton Blvd. 211 Dupont Ave.
Trexlertown, PA 18087 Newburgh, NY 12550
Estron Chemical United States Gardco United States
807 North Main Street 800-345-3148 - Paul N. Gardner Company 845-562-7066
Calvert City, KY 42029 [email protected] 9104 Guilford Road [email protected]
United States Suite H
216-386-7880 Columbia, MD 21046
[email protected] Excelitas Technologies United States Harmony Additives 2260 Argentia Rd. 954-946-9454 PLOT 77-77, Harmony House,
Mississauga, ON L5N 6H7 [email protected] RSC Road No. 9, Gorai-1
Everlight Chemical Canada Mumbai, MH
Industrial Corporation 905-821-2600 India
10507 Southern Loop Blvd. [email protected] GBD International, Inc. 09820780452
Southern Loop Business Park One Home News Row [email protected]
Pineville, NC 28134 gory/omnicure-uv-curing-systems New Brunswick, NJ 08901
United States United States
704-588-1004 Fineton Industrial 732-246-3001 Harper Corporation of America
[email protected] Minerals Limited 11625 Steele Creek Road 11 Sha Tsui Road Marketing Department
No. 11, 3rd Floor Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC Charlotte, NC 28273
New Territories Hong Kong 133 Peachtree Street Northeast United States
+852 2402 1782 10th Floor 704-808-4607
[email protected] Atlanta, GA 30303 executive.assistant United States
[email protected]

View the Buyers’ Guide online at
94 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 94 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc. Hexion Inc., Huzhou Haipu Chemical insightSLICE

37735 Enterprise Court Versatic Acids and Derivatives Industries LtD Larkfield Center
Suite 100 180 East Broad Street China Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Columbus, OH 43215-3799 +8613757061525 United States
United States United States [email protected] 707-736-6633
877-773-6937 614-986-2497 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
try/versatic-acid-and-derivatives/ International Paint Ibéria, Lda
HAZMATPAC, Inc. Av. António Rodrigues Manito
7905 Blankenship Drive Hibond Bearings Pvt Ltd nº 49 D
Houston, TX 77055 246 GIDC PHASE II Setúbal, 2900-065 Setúbal
United States Aji Industrial Area HYDRITE Portugal
713-922-9123 Jamnagar, GJ 361006 17385 Golf Parkway, 00 351 265 241 880
[email protected] India Brookfield, WI 53045 [email protected] 98253 03773 United States
[email protected] 262-792-1450
HD Microns Limited [email protected]
HD HOUSE, Pooja ‘A’ Complex,
Above ICICI Bank Ltd HMH Pigments LLC
Station Road 410 Madero Drive Hydrite offers a full line of defoam-
Bhuj, GJ Thiensville, WI 53092 ers, antifoams and air release agents
India United States designed to assist PCIA applications. IPCO Italy S.r.l
+91 2832 251 135 414-739-6284 Our defoamer solutions are formu- Via A. Grande, 1
[email protected] [email protected] lated for solventborne, water reduc- Milano, 20017 Italia ible, water-based and 100% active +39 02 3825 5309
systems. Leverage our vast defoamer
Heisler Industries, Inc. Hockmeyer knowledge to help resolve defects,
224 Passaic Avenue Equipment Corporation satisfy regulatory requirements, and Janssen PMP
Fairfield, NJ 07004 610 Supor Blvd. custom formulate. 1125 Trenton-Harbourton Road
United States Harrison, NJ 07029 Titusville, NJ 08560
973-227-6300 United States HZO, Inc. United States
[email protected] 252-338-4705 5151 McCrimmon Parkway 445-265-6285 [email protected] Morrisville, NC 27560 [email protected] United States
Heraeus Noblelight America 919-439-0505
910 Clopper Road Hoffmann Mineral GmbH [email protected] Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd.
Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Muenchener Str. 75 701, Tower A
United States Neuburg a.d. Donau Peninsula Business Park
301-527-2660 Bavaria 86633 Imerys Mumbai, MH 400013
[email protected] Germany 100 Mansell Court Road India +49 8431 53478 Suite 300 +91 22 4027 1300
tobias.gartz Roswell, GA 30076 [email protected] United States 770-645-3300
[email protected] Jaygo, Incorporated
Hunan Prime Steel Pipe CO.,Ltd 7 Emery Avenue
China Randolph, NJ 07869
Heubach Colorants USA 073188739521 Impact. United States
5500 77 Center Drive [email protected] Jalan Letjen S. Parman 908-688-3600
Suite 120/140 Soho Podomoro City [email protected]
Charlotte, NC 28217 Daerah Khusus Ibukota
United States Hunter Chemical LLC Jakarta, Indonesia
510-446-8762 220 Commerce Drive 0857-2499-8845 JEM Chemical Company
[email protected] Suite 200 [email protected] 814 Castro Street Fort Washington, PA 19034 San Leandro, CA 94577
United States United States
Heubach is a leading global pro- 215-461-1900 Inhibit Coatings 888-819-9620
vider of high performance and [email protected] Kelburn Parade [email protected]
economical organic, inorganic, and Inhibit Coatings Ltd, Level 5 Laby
anti-corrosive pigments, pigment Building, Victoria University
preparations and dyes that meet Wellington, Wellington 6012
the high standards for the coloration New Zealand
of automotive finishes, industrial 027 236 3765
paints, wood stains, and decorative [email protected]

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 95

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Industry Companies

Kärntner Montanindustrie Kono Kogs, Inc. Leneta Company, Inc.

Schloss 1 1367 Reber Street 15 Whitney Road
Wolfsberg, 9400 Green Bay, WI 54302 Mahwah, NJ 07430
Austria United States United States
+43 4352 54535 Keyland Polymer 920-432-2699 201-847-9300
[email protected] Material Sciences [email protected] [email protected] 4621 Hinckley Industrial Parkway
Suite 8
Keeneyes Cleveland, OH 44109 Koster Keunen, Inc. Liberty Specialty Chemicals, Inc.
8F.-2, No.51, Hengyang Rd. United States 1021 Echo Lake Road 6849 Fairview Road
Zhongzheng Dist 216-741-7915 Watertown, CT 06795 Suite 701
Taipei, 100 [email protected] United States Charlotte, NC 28210
Taiwan 860-945-3333 United States
886223131000 [email protected] 704-554-1487
[email protected] Keyland Polymer Material Sciences [email protected] is the global leader in the develop-
ment, formulation, manufacture KRÜSS GmbH
and application of UV (Ultra Violet) Borsteler Chaussee 85 Little Joe Industries
light curable solid materials; res- Hamburg, 22453 10 Ilene Court
ins, powder coatings and additives Germany Suite 4
cured with UV microwave, Electron 00 49 40 5144010 Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Beam, and UV LED technology. As- [email protected] United States
Keim Additec sists in the design, installation and 908-359-5213
Surface USA LLC start up of UV powder coating sys- [email protected]
2058 North Pointe Alexis Drive tems. Kuraray America, Inc.
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 2625 Bay Area Blvd.
United States Kima Chemical Suite 600 Locus Performance Ingredients
630-746-9105 Huaguang Road188 Houston, TX 77058 30600 Aurora Road
[email protected] Shangdong, China United States Solon, OH 44139 +86 151 6933 1170 800-423-9762 United States
[email protected] [email protected] 888-510-0004
keim additec surface GmbH, [email protected]
founded in 1988 and located in
Kirchberg, Germany since 1996, Kima Chemical Co., Ltd. Kyowa Hakko USA, Inc.
has specialized very early in the de- [email protected] 767 Third Avenue Lorama Group
velopment and production of water 19th Floor 2695 Meadowvale Blvd.
based ULTRALUBE wax additives in New York, NY 10017 Mississauga, ON L5N 8A3
order to achieve an improvement or The Kish Company United States Canada
modification of surface properties of 8020 Tyler Blvd. 847-608-7321 905-878-2833
aqueous coating formulations like Suite 100 [email protected] [email protected]
printing inks, over-print varnishes, Mentor, OH 44060
lacquers, wood stains, adhesives United States
and polishes. keim additec surface 440-205-9970 Ladybug Scientific LLC Maheshwari Organochem
USA LLC, located in Warminster, PA, [email protected] 12 Warren Court Plot No 33-A-1 Namakkal
was founded for sales and distribu- Northport, NY 11768 Tamilnadu
tion in 2004. United States Komarapalayam, TN 638183
Kohl Marketing, Inc. 631-606-0088 India
Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc. 1103 Bombay Lane [email protected] +91 93724 69158
570 Broadway #32 Roswell, GA 30076 maheshwariorganochem@
Bayonne, NJ 07002 United States
United States 770-753-4979 Lanxess Corporation maheshwari-organochen.
201-823-9000 [email protected] 111 RIDC Park West Drive ueniweb.c
[email protected] Pittsburgh, PA 15275 United States Malvern Modified Materials
Konica Minolta Sensing 412-809-2214 3807 Malvern Road
101 Williams Drive [email protected] Hot Springs, AR 71901
Ramsey, NJ 07446 United States
United States 501-623-8893
201-236-4300 Lanxess Deutschland GmbH Rhein [email protected]
marketing.sus Chemie 1 Kennedyplatz Köln, NRW 50679 Market Research Store
Germany [email protected]
+49 221 88850
[email protected]

96 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 96 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Metaflake Limited Milagro Rubber Co. Nagase Specialty Materials Newport Industries Ltd.
Station Road 3355 Bee Caves Road 450 East Devon Avenue 23 Sheen Road
Scotland KY10 3JA Suite 304 Suite 300 England TW9 1BN
United Kingdom West Lake Hills, TX 78746 Itasca, IL 60143 United Kingdom
+44 1333 313440 United States United States 44-2083-322519
[email protected] 512-934-7144 630-228-7644 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Michelman - World HQ Nix Sensor Ltd.
9080 Shell Road Milliken & Co. NanoProf’s Holland 175 Longwood Road South
Cincinnati, OH 45236 920 Milliken Road 18 Sumatrastraat Suite 408A
United States Spartanburg, SC 29304 Delft, ZH 2612 AM Hamilton, ON L8P 0A1
513-793-7766 United States The Netherlands Canada
[email protected] 864-503-6513 +31 6 47641068 905-581-6363 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Miltec UV NAVTEC Engineering AG Norstone/Grinding Media Depot/

146 Log Canoe Circle Fronalpstrasse 7 Blade Depot/Tank PROvider
Stevensville, MD 21666 Niederurnen, GL 8867 315 E. 4th Street, Rear
United States Switzerland Bridgeport, PA 19405
Micro Powders, Inc. 410-604-2900 +41 79 209 74 79 United States
580 White Plains Road [email protected] [email protected] 484-684-6986
Tarrytown, NY 10591 [email protected]
United States; grindingmedi-
914-793-4058 Miwon Specialty Neemco.;
[email protected] Chemicals Co. Ltd. 264/9, Panchshil, 2nd Floor, 100 Arrandale Blvd. Sulochna Shetty Road Nycote Laboratories Corp.
Suite 104 Bombay, MH 400022 12750 Raymer Street
Micro Powders is the innovation Exton, PA 19341 India Building A-3
leader in the specialty wax additives United States 982-003-9043 Los Angeles, CA 91605
market, with a portfolio of fine and 484-872-8177 [email protected] United States
coarse powders, composites and [email protected] 818-764-9498
nanocomposites that improve per- [email protected]
formance in all types of paints and NEI Corporation
coatings. Our natural and synthetic Motus 400 Apgar Drive
powders, dispersions and emulsions 60 South Street Suite E OPC Polymers
provide surface protection, gloss re- Boston, MA 02111 Franklin Township, NJ 08873 1920 Leonard Avenue
duction, water repellency, texturing United States United States Columbus, OH 43219
and haptics. We offer the most ex- 888-801-6714 732-868-3141 United States
tensive commercial portfolio of PTFE [email protected] [email protected] 614-253-8511
alternative additives in the industry [email protected]
NETZSCH Premier Technologies
125 Pickering Way
Exton, PA 19341
United States
Microtrac MRB Munzing [email protected]
3230 North Susquehanna Trail 1455 Broad Street Orion Engineered Car-
York, PA 17406 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 bons
United States United States New Brook International, Inc. 1700 City Plaza Drive
717-843-4433 973-276-1309 393 Crescent Avenue Suite 300
[email protected] [email protected] Suite C Spring, TX 77389 Wyckoff, NJ 07481 United States
United States 832-445-3300
Microtrac MRB provides particle MÜNZING offers a complete 201-891-7923 [email protected]
characterization from 1 nm to over range of specialty additives that [email protected]
10 cm with leading technologies in are recognized worldwide for their
Dynamic Light Scattering, Dynamic performance, quality and technical Orion manufactures Specialty Car-
and Static Image Analysis, Laser innovation. They include defoam- bon Blacks for paint, coatings, ink,
Diffraction, BET surface area and ers, dispersants, rheology modifi- toner, adhesives, polymers, batter-
physi-/chemi-sorption. We offer ers, emulsifiers, wetting and leveling ies, tires and rubber goods. Our Spe-
free initial analysis of samples, vir- agents, micronized and coated cialty Carbon Blacks tint, colorize,
tual or in-house demonstrations, waxes as well as wax dispersions impart conductive properties to, and
and world-wide Service and Sales. and emulsions. enhance the performance of paints

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 97

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Industry Companies

and coatings. The company runs 15 PCE Instruments UK Ltd Reactive Surfaces, Ltd., LLP
production sites and four Applied Chester Road 300 West Avenue
Technology Centers worldwide. Suite 1N-BA Suite 1316
Stretford, England M32 0RS Austin, TX 78701
Oxerra United Kingdom Polynt United States
2170 Julia Simpkins Road 4401614649020 99 East Cottage Avenue 512-472-8282
Hiwassee, VA 24347 [email protected] Carpentersville, IL 60110 [email protected]
United States United States
540-980-7233 ext. 102 english 800-312-8103
[email protected] [email protected] Resinall Corp. Peninsula Polymers P.O. Box 195
3401 College Blvd. Severn, NC 27877
Oxiteno Suite 230 Polynt is a leading producer of coat- United States
Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antonio, Overland Park, KS 66211 ing resins for architectural, industrial, 800-421-0561
1343 São Paulo, 01317-910 United States and OEM coating applications. Resin
Brazil 913-647-8100 offerings include solvent-borne,
601-255-1639 [email protected] waterborne, and 100 percent solid Resinate Materials Group Inc.
[email protected] systems. Chemistries include alkyd, 801 W. Ann Arbor Trail latex, polyester, urethane, epoxy, Suite 230
PentaCarbon GmbH acrylic, phenolic, and unique curing Plymouth, MI 48170
Palamatic Process Inc Annabergstrasse 168 agents. United States
1510 Cecil B. Moore Avenue Haltern am See, 45721 800-891-2955
Suite 200 Germany Powder Technology [email protected]
Philadelphia, PA 19121 00 49 2364 8997970 551 Alderson Street
United States [email protected] Schofield, WI 54476
215-498-9303 United States Revvity Signals
[email protected] 763-441-8242 710 Bridgeport Avenue Pflaumer Brothers Inc. deb.savage Shelton, CT 06484
1008 Whitehead Road Extension United States
Ewing Township, NJ 08638 225-634-5988
United States [email protected]
609-883-4610 Pravenium Exim LLP
[email protected] Odhav Road 58, Tejendra Estate Reynolds Industries, Inc.
Pan Technology, Inc. Ahmedabad, GJ 380038 3601 Foothills Way
117 Moonachie Avenue Phoseon Technology India Fort Mill, SC 29708
Carlstadt, NJ 07072 7425 NE Evergreen Parkway 91234 56789 United States
United States Hillsboro, OR 97124 [email protected] 803-548-4301
201-438-7878 United States [email protected]
[email protected] 503-439-6446 [email protected] Presto Stantest Private Limited I-42
Pan Technology, Inc. is an ISO Faridabad, HR
9001:2015 certified corporation Pidilite Industries Ltd (India) India
known for its expertise in disper- 31 Middle Dunstable Road 092109 03903
sion technology. We are a lead- Nashua, NH 03062 [email protected]
ing manufacturer of pigmented United States
dispersions, serving the archi- 781-640-9999 ROSS Mixers
tectural and industrial coatings, [email protected] 710 Old Willets Path
inks, automotive, plastic, and Prime UV Equipment Hauppauge, NY 11788
cosmetic industries. The PanTINT 416 Mission Street United States
portfolio of dispersions include Pilot Chemical Company Carol Stream, IL 60188 631-234-0500
aqueous, solvent and 100% solid 9075 Centre Pointe Drive United States [email protected]
Easy Dispersible Pigment Powder Suite 400 630-681-2100
Preparations. West Chester, OH 45069 [email protected]
United States ROSS is a leading manufacturer of
Patcham USA 513-326-0600 mixing, blending, drying, emulsi-
10 Commerce Road [email protected] Q-Lab Corporation fication, homogenization, disper-
Fairfield, NJ 07004 800 Canterbury Road sion and control equipment for the
United States Westlake, OH 44145 coatings, ink, paint, chemical and
201-293-4282 United States other process industries. With over
[email protected] 440-835-8700 170 years of experience, ROSS of- [email protected] fers standard and custom designs to meet the varied processing require-
ments of our customers.

98 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

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Industry Companies

Russell Finex Inc. Better Performance. Best Value. Siva Consultancy -

625 Eagleton Downs Drive That’s Shepherd Color. Paints & Coatings
Pineville, NC 28134 1/120 P, Lakshmi Nagar
United States Shimadzu Scientific Kondanagaram, TN 627004
704-588-9808 Shamrock Instruments Inc. India
[email protected] Technologies, Inc. 7102 Riverwood Drive 917-395-9268 ext. 86 Foot of Pacific Street Columbia, MD 21046 [email protected]
Newark, NJ 07114 United States
Sample-Ease United States 800-477-1227
1200 Mendelssohn Avenue North 973-242-2999 [email protected] Solvay
Suite 104 [email protected] 504 Carnegie Center
Minneapolis, MN 55427 Princeton, NJ 08540
United States Shinestar Steel Group Co., Ltd United States
763-746-7830 Shamrock creates innovative prod- Hunan China 888-776-7337
[email protected] ucts our customers need to grow 073188739521 [email protected] their businesses. For 75 years, [email protected]
Shamrock advances have driven the
Sartomer Americas use of PTFE and wax additives in a
502 Thomas Jones Way wide range of applications including Sigma Equipment Corporation
Oaklands Corporate Center inks, coatings, lubricants, thermo- 199A Marbledale Road
Exton, PA 19341 plastics, and personal care products. Tuckahoe, NY 10707
United States Shamrock is the global leader in United States SpecMetrix Systems
610-363-4100 PTFE additives, pioneering their use 914-682-1820 (Sensory Analytics )
sartomer.exto-comm for inks and coatings and offering [email protected] The Sensory Building an extensive product line includ- 405 Pomona Drive ing PTFE powders, specialty waxes, Greensboro, NC 27407
compounds, emulsions, and disper- United States
Schlenk Metallic Pigments sions. These materials enhance our 336-315-6090
40 Nickerson Road customers’ products by controlling [email protected]
Ashland, MA 01721 slip, rub/abrasion resistance, textur-
United States ing, water repellency, gloss/matting
800-991-2684 and feel. Sensory Analytics supplies highly
[email protected] Siltech Corporation precise SpecMetrix® in-line and off- Shar Systems 225 Wicksteed Avenue line coating thickness measurement
3210 Freeman Street Toronto, ON M4H 1G5 systems. SpecMetrix systems deliver
Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Canada continuous non-contact absolute
United States 416-424-4567 thickness data for applied wet or
Schold Manufacturing 260-432-5312 [email protected] dry coatings in real-time down to
7201 West 64th Place sub-micron levels, to help improve
Chicago, IL 60638 coating quality and process control,
United States Using our proprietary technologies, while minimizing waste streams.
708-358-3788 Siltech develops, manufactures and
[email protected] markets a full and unique line of Spectra Colors Corporation organo-functional silicones. With 25 Rizzolo Road
more than 25 years of experience, Kearny, NJ 07032
Schwegmann The Shepherd Color and two manufacturing facilities, we United States
Filtrations-Technik GmbH Company offer a broad portfolio of cationic, 201-997-0606
Carl-Bosch-Str. 22 4539 Dues Drive polyether, alkyl and reactive silicones [email protected]
Grafschaft-Ringen, 53501 Cincinnati, OH 45246 for many markets. In Coatings we
Germany United States have a complete line of additives
00 49 2641 9117717 513-874-0714 and defoamers as well as reactive Spherix Products
[email protected] [email protected] silicones which includes acrylate, 1618 Two Notch Road epoxy, amine, isocyanate, hydroxyl Lexington, SC 29073
and other functionalities. United States
Shamokin Carbons The Shepherd Color Company is 844-774-3749
453 Venn Access Road a leading global manufacturer of Sincol USA customersupport
Hermosillo Sonora Mexico high-performance Complex Inor- 2940 Horizon Park Drive
Fairview-Ferndale, PA 17866 ganic Color Pigments (CICPs) used Unit A
United States in a variety of industries. These pig- Suwanee, GA 30024
570-644-0437 ext. 117 ments are an extraordinary class United States StarChem USA
[email protected] of inorganic pigments that offer 909-931-9954 5689 Northwest 35th Court stable, long-lasting color for many [email protected] Miami, FL 33142
applications. They have unbeatable United States
weatherability, heat and chemical 305-859-1418
resistance, are non-warping and [email protected]
easy to disperse. More Expertise.

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 99

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 99 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Taber Industries Tinox Chemie GmbH United Mineral & Chemical Corp.
455 Bryant Street Dusseldorf 160 Chubb Avenue
North Tonawanda, NY 14120 NRW Germany Suite 206
United States 49-1152-809600 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Stonebridge Coatings 716-694-4000 [email protected] United States
Laboratory, Inc. [email protected] 201-507-3300
10311 Bergin Road [email protected]
Howell, MI 48843 Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC
United States technoPRINT GmbH & Co KG - 6370 Lusk Blvd.
810-991-1662 print & color technology Suite F111 UV Process Supply, Inc.
[email protected] Juteweberstr. 1 San Diego, CA 92121 1229 West Cortland Street Rheine, 48432 United States Chicago, IL 60614
Germany 858-558-6666 United States
Stonebridge Coatings Laboratory, +49 5975 929927 [email protected] 773-248-0099
Inc., is an independent testing lab [email protected] [email protected]
serving the paint, coatings and re-
lated industries offering formula- Trust Chem USA
tion, product development, testing, The Blade Shop, Inc. 1050 Main Street Vanderbilt Minerals, LLC
problem-solving, competitive bench- 2891 Rodman Drive Suite 22 33 Winfield Street
marking, failure analysis, reverse en- Seneca Falls, NY 13148 East Greenwich, RI 02818 Norwalk, CT 06855
gineering and more. Our attention United States United States United States
to detail is second to none. 315-568-8093 401-398-7301 203-295-2140
[email protected] mineralsales
UCT, Inc.
The CHEMARK Consulting Group 2731 Bartram Road
120 Crest Road Bristol, PA 19007 Venator
Southern Pines, NC 28387 United States Titanium House
Summit United States 800-385-3153 Hanzard Drive
Dispersions LLC 860-552-3026 [email protected] Teesside, TS225FD
553 Elm Street gshawhan United Kingdom
Helena, AL 35080 +44 1740 608001
United States Union Colours Limited coatings_expert
205-558-9220 Union House
[email protected] The International Group, Inc. Hempshaw Lane 50 Salome Drive Stockport, SK1 4LG
Toronto, ON M1S 2A8 United Kingdom VENCOREX France
Summit Dispersions is a brand-new Canada +44 0161 475 7200 196 allée Alexandre Borodine
state-of-the-art facility for manufac- 513-310-3621 [email protected] Saint-Priest, 69800
turing water-based dispersions. We [email protected] France
have both large and small dispersion +33 4 26 22 38 05
tanks, high-speed horizontal mills, Union Process, Inc. [email protected]
and a complete QC lab with all the ThinTech Coatings 1925 Akron-Peninsula Road
necessary equipment for QC testing Đường Số 2 Akron, OH 44313
as well as R&D. Packaging is avail- Industrial Park United States
able in totes, drums, or customized Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 330-929-3333
to meet your standards. Let us work Vietnam [email protected]
for you! +84 38 8743 584
[email protected]

View the Buyers’ Guide online at

100 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 100 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Industry Companies

Vestolit/Mexichem VMA-Getzmann GmbH Wacker Chemical Corporation

Specialty Resins, Inc. Euelerhammerstrasse 13 3301 Sutton Road
33653 Walker Road Reichshof, D-51580 Germany Adrian, MI 49221
P.O. Box 277 +4922968030 United States
Avon Lake, OH 44012 [email protected] 888-922-5374 Xtrutech Inc
United States [email protected] 1635 Market Street
877-226-7355 Suite 1600
[email protected] Philadelphia, PA 19103 Wanhua Chemical United States
Group Co., Ltd. 267-922-3121
Vibrantz Technologies 2319 Timberloch Place [email protected]
2600 Michigan Avenue Suite I
Ashtabula, OH 44004 W. R. Grace & Co. The Woodlands, TX 77380
United States 7500 Grace Drive United States Xtrutech design and manufacture
440-344-6093 Columbia, MD 21044 346-754-5237 Twin Screw Extruders, specializing
[email protected] United States in complete lines for powder coat- 410-531-8261 ings. This includes extruders, feeders
[email protected] Waziri Minerals Processing and cooling systems for a seamless
Viking Chemical Solutions Company for Talc Powder production or laboratory line. For
1318 Sycamore Court Kabul-Jalalabad-Highway comprehensive support, Xtrutech
Charlottesville, VA 22901 Grace is a global leader in silica- Bagrami New Abad Stre No 1 offer global engineering services
United States based and silica-alumina-based ma- Kabol, Kabul alongside OEM spare parts such as
434-529-6175 terials . Our additives are designed Afghanistan barrels, screw elements and shafts.
[email protected] for use in premium performance 00 93 78 558 1111
coatings, consistently exceeding cus- [email protected] ystral gmbh
Viking Equipment Finance tomer requirements and the needs Wettelbrunner Str. 7
5900 Lake Forest Drive of the rapidly evolving coatings in- Ballrechten-Dottingen, 79282
Suite 300 dustry. Our expertise in materials sci- West Bengal Germany
McKinney, TX 75070 ence enables us to produce a wide Chemical Industries Limited +49 7634 56030
United States range of silicas with excellent prop- Jessore Road [email protected]
972-885-8899 erties that improve the performance Kolkata, WB
info of your coatings. Grace offers coat- India ings additives in the following key 91629 20691 ext. 51 Zavod Kronakril LLC
www.vikingequipmentfinance. segments: matting agents, anti-cor- [email protected] Stroiteley 11D
com/industrial/ rosive pigments, moisture scaven- Yaroslavl Reg, Tutaev
gers, functional additives, and TiO2 Russia
extenders. Westlake Epoxy +79 6197-49494
12650 Directors Drive [email protected]
Stafford, TX 77477
United States
614-986-2484 Zhejiang Feidian
Vivify [email protected] Chemical Co., Ltd.
561 Mitchell Road Shibei, 4 Floor
Glendale Heights, IL 60139 WAB US Corp Qingdao, SD China
United States 3 Pearl Court Worlee-Chemie GmbH 0571 8818 9922 ext. 6
973-814-9940 Suite E Söllerstraße 16 [email protected]
michael.luciano Allendale, NJ 07401 Lauenburg/Elbe, SH 21481 United States Germany 862-621-5902 +49 4153 5960
[email protected] [email protected]
Vivify has more than 40 years of ex-
pertise in pigments and dyes and we
export to more than 50 countries WAB-GROUP is a leading specialist WYN Polymers
globally. Products are manufactured in wet grinding technology, three- San Antonio, TX
in the U.S., India and China, along dimensional mixing technology and United States
with our market specific integrated flow chemistry. For the international 726-600-8896
laboratories. We specialize in or- clientele in the fields of industrial jorgedavidsm@wyndemexico.
ganic pigments, dyes, liquid colo- paint and ink and coatings the
rants, slip additives, and specialty WAB-GROUP is today one of the in-
resins. novative and reliable partners.

November/December 2023 Coatings World | 101

90-101 INDUSTRY Companies 1123.indd 101 11/15/23 2:22 PM

Partnering with the Right Distributors
Having local representation in this challenging business environment
is a major key to success. In this section, Coatings World offers
suppliers to the paint & coatings market a select list of distributors
who can help you reach your goals.

102 | Coatings World November/December 2023


102-103 DG Opening 1123.indd 102 11/15/23 2:25 PM

Cross Reference Index
The time-saving index below lists each cross reference category along with
the page number where that particular cross reference starts.


Acme-Hardesty ........................................................................... 104

Azelis........................................................................................... 106

Barentz........................................................................................ 108

EMCO .......................................................................................... 110

Fortune International ................................................................ 112

IMCD ........................................................................................... 114

Superior Materials ..................................................................... 115

Lintech ........................................................................................ 116

R.E. Carroll .................................................................................. 118

Univar ......................................................................................... 120

Distributors Guide...................................................................... 122

Distributors Cross Reference ..................................................... 126

November/December 2023
2022 Coatings World | 103

102-103 DG Opening 1123.indd 103 11/15/23 2:25 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Acme-Hardesty, a Division of Jacob Stern & Sons, Inc.

450 Sentry Parkway
Blue Bell, PA 19422 USA
We’ve got you
Tel: 800-223-7054
Fax: 215-591-3620
E-mail: [email protected]

Company Description
Acme-Hardesty is one of the largest distributors of castor oil
The quality products coatings manufacturers
and its derivatives, palm derivatives, preservatives and surfactants,
as well as a full range of oleochemicals, glycerine, fatty acids, need to fulfill and advance formulations—
fatty alcohols and esters. We focus our sourcing efforts on including sustainable bio-based solutions
green, naturally derived, renewable and sustainable products —on time and as promised.
to meet our customer’s needs. Our products are available as
RSPO Mass Balance and organic certified. Acme-Hardesty is
committed to product quality, security of supply and excellent
customer service.
Markets Served
Markets served include Polyurethanes, Coatings, Adhesives,
Sealants & Elastomers. Our full line of sustainable and renew-
able products made from palm oil, castor oil, tallow, and other
natural raw materials will compliment your polyurethane and
CASE products and formulations.

Geographic Locations Served Major Products

Acme-Hardesty has six warehouses and five bulk terminals Acme-Hardesty has a complete line of castor oil & derivatives,
across the country to service the United States, Canada and oleochemicals, glycerine, fatty acids, fatty alcohols, specialty
Mexico. This gives us the capabilities to ship tank trucks, esters, bio based PEGs, surfactants, ESO, metallic stearates,
railcars, isotanks, truckloads, and LTL quantities in a timely and other sustainable and renewable products. Our products
and effective manner. In addition to traditional business, are certified USDA BioPreferred. Our palm based products are
Acme-Hardesty provides smaller pack sizes on our on-line RSPO Mass Balance.
store, 18c.
Key Personnel
Technical Services • Jeff Kenton, President
Acme-Hardesty has a market dedicated Technical Service Manager • Bryan Huston, VP Polyurethanes
to assist our sales team to solve our customer’s formulation • Pamela Carney, VP Industrial Specialties
problems. Our newly operating Innovation Lab is available for
formulation work and speeds up the recommendation process.

104 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Acme profile CWM 1123.indd 128 11/14/23 5:16 PM

Untitled-4 1 10/25/22 11:36 AM
Company Capabilities 2024

Azelis Americas CASE

talc, kaolin clay, calcium carbonate, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide,

carbon black, acrylic polyols, acrylate monomers, alkyds,
hydrocarbon resins, melamine formaldehydes, polybutadienes,
polyester polyols, polyvinyl acetates, polyvinyl ethers, styrene
butadienes, styrene maleic anhydrides, vinyl chlorides, and
organic and inorganic pigments.

Technical Services
Azelis Americas CASE Azelis Americas CASE has Application Labs dedicated to the
9025 Centre Pointe Drive CASE market segment located in Wisconsin and Georgia. Coat-
Suite 300 ings, Construction and Graphic Arts laboratories are housed in
West Chester, OH 45069 our Wisconsin Technical Center. The Georgia Technical Center
Tel: 800-543-1121 handles Construction and CASE projects. Both are equipped to
E-mail: [email protected] perform extensive applications testing and staffed with market experts who provide formulation recommendations to our
customers and suppliers.
Date Founded
Azelis Americas CASE was formed on February 1st, 2019 Major Products
when Azelis consolidated their two CASE brands- GMZ We offer resins, epoxies, epoxy curing agents, silanes, pigments,
and Ribelin. fillers, intermediates, isocyanates, polyols, polymeric MDI/TDI,
specialty additives, dispersants, rheology modifiers, defoamers,
Company Description biocides/fungicides, stabilizers, plasticizers, surfactants, waxes,
Azelis Americas CASE is a leading specialty chemicals amines, antioxidants.
distributor with superior customer service, quality products
and end-market expertise. Our sales territories are divided Global Capabilities
into four regions: Northeast, Midwest, South, and West. This Azelis has dedicated sales specialists and offices supporting the
regional focus allows us to better understand our customer’s CASE (Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and Elastomers) market
needs and offer custom solutions that create value and help grow segment in nearly 30 countries plus 6 Application Labs around
their business. the globe.

Markets Served Contacts

We offer products for the following markets: Coatings (including Steve Brownfield – General Manager, Azelis Americas CASE
architectural, industrial, transportation, powder), Construction [email protected]
(including stucco, EIFS, decorative concrete, tile installation,
waterproofing, precast), Adhesives/Sealants (including construc- Bob McKie – Senior Vice President of Sales, Azelis Americas CASE
tion, transportation, pressure sensitive), Inks (including water [email protected]
based, solvent based, flexo, gravure), Plastics, Cast Polymers, 513.325.9306
Composites, Elastomers, and Textiles (woven and nonwoven).

We provide acrylics, styrene-acrylics, urethanes, urethane
prepolymers, epoxies, VAEs, cellulosic ethers, fatty acids, fire
retardants, fumed silica, polyvinylpyrrolidones, polyisocyanates,
blocked isocyanates, silanes, nepheline syenites, amines, MDI/
TDI, mercaptans, polyamides, polyetheramines, attapulgite clay,

106 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Azelis profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/14/23 5:20 PM

Taking action together
Our commitment
to sustainable

Sustainable behaviors and solutions are vital. For the health of our planet and society, and for the
prosperity of Azelis.
Consumer demand for sustainable products is growing across the globe. And we’re proud to
Together we will continue
support ourto build a resilient,
customers thriving,
by driving and responsible
the development business. Weinnovations
of sustainable will meet the
and concepts.
needs of our stakeholders, whilst goes
Our commitment also creating a positive andsupport,
beyond formulation widespread impact on
application kitsthe
video demonstrations;
and communities around the world.
by collaborating with Future generations
customers need sustainable
and partners action now.
in our formulation labs, we’re proud to pioneer a
more sustainable future for our planet.
Through ‘Action 2025’, our sustainability strategy, we want to become the world-leading distributor
of sustainable solutions
Learn more and services
about our in the specialtysustainability
gold-standard chemicals distribution industry.
program, and our ambitions for the future.
Download our 2019 sustainability report:
It is our vision to fulfill our role as a specialty chemical service provider by empowering the sustainability
aspirations of our principals and customers into innovative sustainable solutions.

Top 5th
Industry Ranked
of 14,500
companies Top 1% of
leader in No. 1 rated the 75,000
sustainability in our companies
industry by assessed by
Sustainalytics EcoVadis

To join our journey towards a more

sustainable future, please get in touch.


full page template.indd 1 11/6/23 11:25 AM

Company Capabilities 2024



Additives Colorants
• Bruno Bock • American Chrome &
• Buckman Chemicals
1390 Jaycox Road • Cargill • Elementis Chromium
Avon, OH 44011, USA, Canada, Mexico, & Central America • Cenostar • Evonik Coatings and
Tel: 440-937-1000 • Chitec Adhesive Resins
Fax: 440-937-1001 • Dixie Chemical • Mazda
Email: [email protected] • Elementis • Orion Engineered • Hexigone Carbons
• Honeywell • Tomatec
DATE FOUNDED 1953 • Kemitura • UPL
• Madhu • Venator
Barentz is a leading global life science ingredients and specialty • SNCZ • Vibrantz
chemicals distributor for the Performance Materials, Human • Synthomer • Yipin
Nutrition, Pharmaceutical, Personal Care, and Animal Nutrition • Zinc Nacional
markets. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Barentz is a leading Minerals
global life science ingredients and specialty chemicals distribu- Resins • Covia
tor. The company sources branded specialty ingredients from • Allnex • Cimbar
leading manufacturers worldwide and its ingredient experts provide • Ecoat • Elementis
value-added technical support which includes pre-mixing, blending, • Evonik Coating and • EP Minerals
ingredient formulation and ingredient testing from its state-of-the- Adhesive Resins • RT Vanderbilt
art, customized formulation centers and application laboratories in • HP Polymers
EMEA, Americas and Asia-Pacific. • Ingevity Crosslinkers
• Lawter • BRB
Established in 1953, Barentz has operations in more than 70 • Roehm • Evonik Crosslinkers
countries with a strong presence in Europe and North America, • Synthomer • Huntsman
and a rapidly growing network in Latin America and Asia-
Pacific. With a turnover of €2.5 billion, the company employs CONTACTS
around 2,600 people worldwide and serves over 25,000 customers. Todd Yonker, Vice President of Sales, CASE - Midwest Region
For more information, visit: 1390 Jaycox Road
Avon, OH 44011
MARKETS SERVED 440-937-1000
Barentz servers customers in the Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants, [email protected]
Elastomers, and Plastics markets, as well as Human Nutrition,
Pharmaceutical, Personal Care, Household Care & Industrial William Nicholas, Senior Vice President of Sales, CASE –
Cleaning, Animal Nutrition, and Synthesis Solutions markets. Western and Southwest Region
178 Center Street, Suite 2A
North East United States 440-937-1000
South East United States [email protected]
Midwestern United States
South West United States Tom Papasso, Vice President of Sales, CASE – Eastern Region
North West United States 1390 Jaycox Road
Mexico Avon, OH 44011
Canada 440-937-1000
Central America [email protected]
108 | Coatings World ­ Novembe/December 2023

Barentz Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 5:27 PM

The global life science &
specialty ingredients distributor
At Barentz, we’re in the business of creating better solutions for
success. Guided by principles of Knowledge, Entrepreneurship,
and Partnership, we perpetually think, act, and collaborate to help
you conquer old challenges and unearth new opportunities. This
continuous pursuit of better is what Barentz was founded upon
seven decades ago, and it’s what continues to be the not-so-secret
ingredient shaping our future success - and possibly yours too. Always a better solution.

full page template.indd 1 10/30/23 4:57 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

EMCO Chemical Distributor, Inc

8601 95th Street

Pleasant Prairie WI 53158
Tel: 262-427-0400
Fax: 262- 947-0075
Email: [email protected]

Date Founded
July 1 1971

Company Description Major Principals and Products

We are committed to the needs of our customers by providing Additives
zero-defect products with on-time deliveries. It’s important to Resins
us to build beneficial partnerships with our customers, employees, Pigments
and suppliers that is based on honesty and respect. EMCO Chemical Solvents
Distributors, Inc. is the standard of excellence in chemical
distribution, manufacturing and packaging.

Markets Served
Adhesives & Sealants
Construction Food
Heat Transfer Fluid
Metal Fabricators
Paint and Coatings
Personal Care
Water Treatment

Geographic Sales Locations

North East United States
South East United States
Midwestern United States
South West United States
North West United States

110 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Emco Profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/15/23 9:28 AM


From our humble

beginnings filling and

packaging chemicals out
of a one-car garage in
TH northern Illinois; EMCO
Chemical Distributors has
grown to become a
leading provider of
chemical and chemical
related products in North
America. We've done this
by providing the best
solutions for today’s
problems, and tomorrow’s


Since 1971


AL Corporate Headquarters Chemical Packaging Environmental Services
S 8601 95th St.
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
2100 Commonwealth Ave.
North Chicago, IL 60064
4909 70th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone: (262) 427-0400 Phone: (847) 689-2200 (262) 658-4000

EMCO CWM1123.indd 1 10/25/23 1:14 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Fortune International Technology

Geographic Sales Locations

• North East United States
5883 Chatham Drive • South East United States
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60192 • Midwestern United States
Tel: 847-429-9791 • South West United States
Fax: 847-429-9785 • North West United States
Email: [email protected] • Mexico • Canada

Date Founded Major Principals and Products

May 2004 • Pigments
• Anti-Oxidants - 1010, 1076, 168, 215
Company Description • Solvent Dyes
Fortune International Technology is a globally recognized • UV Absorbers
colorant, additive and process equipment distributor, and • Wax EBS
sourcing agent. We’ve developed key supply relationships • Stearates
with the largest, ISO certified Chinese suppliers. Our mission • Optical Brighteners
is to bring cost effective, raw material choice and process • Nucleating Agents
solutions for your customers’ most demanding formulations. • Milling Media
Your company will markedly reduce formulation cost while • Hockmeyer Immersion Mills, Process Vessels,
improving productivity and profitability. Dual Axis Mixers
• Tanks, Vessels
Markets Served
• Plastics Contact
• Coatings Ron Oberstar
• Dispersion Cell 440-476-1642
• Adhesives Email [email protected]

112 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Fortune Profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/14/23 6:01 PM

Untitled-4 1 6/28/23 1:27 PM
Company Capabilities 2024


Technical Services
IMCD Coatings & Construction has laboratories situated in
the U.S. and other key locations across the globe, made up
of application laboratories, testing facilities and training sites.
We offer customers formulation advice, guidance to optimize
performance, and provide troubleshooting assistance.

Head office - United States Major Principals

2 Equity Way, Ste 210 ACS Technical Products, Albemarle, Ashland, Birla Carbon,
Westlake, OH 44145 USA Borregaard, Cerflon Technologies, COIM S.p.A, Covestro,
Toll Free: 800 729 8900 Covia, CP Kelco, CR Minerals, Daikin, Dairen Chemical
Local: 216 286 8900 Corporation, Elkem Silicones, Evonik, FP Pigments, Georgia
Fax: 216 228 9916 Pacific, Hallstar, Honeywell, Huber Engineered Materials,
Email: [email protected] Hydrite Chemical, Imerys, King Industries, Kraton, Lanxess, Magris Talc, Olin, Polynt-Reichhold, Stepan, Sun Chemical,
Trinseo, Tronox, Troy Corporation, US Silica, Vertellus, Young-
Date Founded sun & Essen, Zeeospheres Ceramics
In 2015 IMCD expanded into North America (US & Canada)
and established a national US footprint, providing suppliers Major Products
and customers with coast-to-coast coverage as well as establishing Bio-based coalescents, resins, epoxies, epoxy curing agents &
local laboratories which are part of our global network that diluents, rheology modifiers, color & effect pigments, functional
support our business partners with high quality technical advice fillers, carbon black, redispersible latex powders, isocyanate
and formulation expertise. prepolymers, polyols, polymeric MDI/TDI, ceramic spheres,
biocides & fungicides, plasticizers, surfactants, defoamers,
Company Description wetting and dispersing aides, flame retardants, slip & mar
IMCD is a global leader in the distribution and formulation additives, silicone resins, TiO 2 , silanes, silica, specialty
of specialty chemicals and ingredients, providing solutions additives, waxes, rosin & rosin esters.
to its partners. Operating coast-to-coast in the United States
with an extensive portfolio of specialty chemicals and Contacts
ingredients from leading global producers, the IMCD team Muge Tamkan
delivers market-focused knowledge and worldwide expertise Vice President, Coatings & Construction, Americas
to develop forward reaching solutions that inspire innovation. [email protected]

Markets Served Ayaz A. Khan

The Coatings & Construction business group offers speciality raw Technical Director, Coatings & Construction, Americas
materials that drive performance, innovation and sustainability [email protected]
of paints, coatings, construction, adhesives, printing inks, textile,
leather and paper formulations. We work with some of the
world’s leading brands to offer a diverse and innovative
portfolio of additives, functional fillers, pigments, resins, and
specialty solvents.

Geographic Sales Locations

North East United States
South East United States
Midwestern United States
South West United States
North West United States

114 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

IMCD Profile CWM1123.indd 2 11/14/23 6:06 PM

Company Capabilities 2024

Superior Materials, Inc.

• KaMin Kaolin: ASP® and Satintone® kaolin clay for a wide

range of coating, printing ink, adhesive and related applications;
MetaMax® pozzolan for concrete
• Celanese Elotex: Redispersible polymer powders and
585 Stewart Ave Ste LL32, Garden City, NY 11530 powdered functional additives for cementicious dry mixes
Tel: 1-516-222-1010 • Clariant Attapulgite: Granular attapulgite
Fax: 1-516-222-1332 • DayGlo Color: Fluorescent pigments and dyes; specialty resins
[email protected] • Dura Chemicals: Metal carboxylates (driers) • EMD Surface Solutions: Effect pigments (pearlescent,
metallic-look and color-shifting) for industrial applications;
DATE FOUNDED 1946 static dissipative and laser marking additives; high performance
fluorosurfactants with clean environmental profile
COMPANY DESCRIPTION • EP Minerals (US Silica): Celatom ® diatomaceous earth
Superior Materials, Inc. was founded in 1946 as the distribution functional additives for coatings; expanded perlite; whole
arm of an innovative and successful consulting laboratory dating grain cristobalite (EverWhite®); PE fibers
to 1923. Through four generations of private ownership (so far), • Essential Polymers: Polymers for Adhesives, Concrete
Superior has continuously grown and evolved, focused on a finite Coatings, Inks, Metal and Wood Coatings applications
number of top-tier principals; we distribute specialty chemical • Huber: Fine to large particle size calcium carbonate products,
ingredients to manufacturers of coatings, adhesives, sealants, including specialty surface treated grades
elastomers, inks and related industries in 26 states. Technical • Mayzo: Antioxidants, UV and Light Stabilizers, and Optical
expertise, commercial know-how, four strategically located Brighteners for coatings, inks, plastics and related applications
warehouses, and a diverse and dedicated workforce have not only • Nouryon: Bermocoll ® cellulosic thickeners; dispersants,
proven to be a winning formula after seventy-seven years, but a surfactants, and wetting agents; aqueous rheology modifiers
clear path forward for the next seventy-five. • OCI (Korechem): Konasil® hydrophilic and hydrophobic
fumed silica
MARKETS SERVED • Oxerra: High purity natural and synthetic iron oxide
Superior serves the majority of the process industries, including pigments for construction, coatings and specialty applications;
CASE, HI&I, construction products, printing inks, plastics and color range including red, yellow, black, brown, sienna, umber,
rubber, nutraceuticals, cosmetics and personal care products, and green, tan and ultramarine blue
food. • PQ Corporation: Specialty Silicas for industrial applications.
Matting silicas (silica gels), free flow and liquid carrying
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS SERVED (precipitated silica).
Northeast, Southeast and Midwestern United States • JRS USA: Natural-derived fibers for industrial applications
• Raybo Chemical Company: Paint additives
WAREHOUSE LOCATIONS • Schlenk Metallic Pigments: Bronze and aluminum metallic
Bensalem, PA powders, pastes and pellets
Cleveland, OH • The Quartz Corp: High-purity, low-iron feldspar
Charlotte, NC • Venator: Tioxide® Titanium dioxide pigments; barium sul-
Tampa, FL fate; lithopone (Sachtleben®)


AND RELATED MARKETS: Bruce Schimmel, Director of Strategic Partnerships
• Active Minerals Inc. Attapulgite: Min-U-Gel ® specialty 516-222-1010
additives for architectural and industrial coatings, roof coatings, [email protected]
adhesives, sealants and related products

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 115

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Company Capabilities 2024

Lintech International LLC

7705 NE Industrial Blvd.

Macon, GA 31216
Tel: 877-LINTECH – 877-546-8324
Fax: 478-784-1745
E-mail: [email protected]
Geographic Sales Locations
Date Founded 1983 United States and Mexico

Company Description Technical Services

Lintech International LLC is a leading national specialty Complete technical sales and service staff to
chemical distributor of resins, monomers, additives, pigments support your formulating needs.
and performance minerals. Lintech is ISO 9001:2015 certified,
a Women’s Business Enterprise National Certified company Principals and Products
(WBENC) and a proud member of NACD Responsible • Additives
Distribution ®. With twelve regional warehouses, Lintech • Resins
provides excellent service to customers nationwide. • Pigments
• Monomers
Markets served • Performance Minerals and Fillers
• Coatings
• Inks Contacts
• Plastics Sales & Business Development:
• Adhesives Jay Downs –
• Composites Director of Sales & Business Developmentt
• Agriculture Tel: 919-930-5082
• Rubber E-Mail: [email protected]

116 | Coatings World November/December 2023

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full page template.indd 1 11/14/23 6:28 PM
Company Capabilities 2024

R.E. Carroll Inc.

Specialty Chemicals • Petroleum Products Sales & Technical Contacts

Western New York, New England
Linda Ashby
R.E. Carroll Inc 609-695-6211 ext 109
1570 N. Olden Ave. [email protected]
Ewing, NJ 08638
Tel: 1-800-257-9365 Eastern New York, NYC, Long Island, Southern CT
Fax: 1-609-883-0102 Debbie Leudemann
E-mail: [email protected] 609-455-0821 [email protected]

Company Description SW, Texas

Specialty Chemicals and Petroleum Products Distributor based Ricky Pursell
in New Jersey with warehouse facilities in Dalton GA, Ennis 609-439-6257
TX, Ewing NJ, Kent OH and Elizabeth NJ. We distribute raw [email protected]
materials by the bag, pail, drum, tote, pallet or bulk to our
customers in North America and overseas. California
David Carroll
Markets Served 609-439-1591
Paints & Coatings, Adhesives & Sealants, Inks, Rubber, Plastics [email protected]
and related industries
Delaware, Maryland, Northeast OH, Pennsylvania
Technologies Michael Clark
Repackaging of bulk Petroleum Products into pails, drums & 609-439-3109
totes, Sales of dry products and powders in bag, partial pallet, [email protected]
and full pallet quantities.
Midwest & Quebec
Technical Services Charleen Heinke
Highly skilled technical sales team of 8 individuals located from 609-439-1873
Texas to the Carolinas and from IL to Connecticut. [email protected]

Major Products Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina

Organic Pigments, Hydrocarbon Resins & Rosin Esters, Fillers, Dave Weaver
Flame Retardants, Plasticizers, Silanes, Petroleum Products & 609-439-8849
Waxes, and related Additives [email protected]

Global Capabilities/Warehouses Inside Sales

Ennis TX Linda Ashby
Dalton GA 609-695-6211 ext 109
Ewing NJ [email protected]
Kent OH
Elizabeth NJ

118 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

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AD TEMP0919.indd 1 2/3/20 3:27 PM
Company Capabilities 2024

Univar Solutions

Central Asia
East Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia
3075 Highland Parkway, #200 Western Asia
Downers Grove, IL 60515 USA
Tel: 1-800-531-7106 TECHNICAL SERVICES
Email: [email protected] We offer formulation development, raw material recommen- dations and full product performance and analytical testing,
carried out by application and formulation experts in multiple
DATE FOUNDED 1924 global state-of-the-art CASE labs, covering:

COMPANY DESCRIPTION • Architectural, industrial, construction and automotive coatings

Univar Solutions is a leading global specialty chemical and • Adhesives
ingredient distributor representing a premier portfolio from • Sealants
the world’s leading producers. With the industry’s largest • Graphic arts
private transportation fleet and technical sales force, un-
paralleled logistics know-how, deep market and regulatory MAJOR PRODUCTS
knowledge and formulation expertise, we are well-posi- • Additives
tioned to offer tailored solutions and value-added services • Binders
to a wide range of markets, industries and applications. • Extenders
• Pigments
The Univar Solutions CASE team serves a full range of markets • Surfactants
globally, including Coatings—Architectural, Industrial, Con- • Resins
struction, Graphic Arts and Inks, Adhesives, Sealants, Elasto- • Laboratory Services
mers and Rubber and Plastic additives.
GLOBAL Email: [email protected]
North East United States
South East United States
Midwestern United States
South West United States
North West United States
Central America
South America
Northern Europe:
Southern Europe
Eastern Europe
Middle East

120 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

Univar Profile CWM 2023.indd 2 11/14/23 6:19 PM

full page template.indd
0000144716 1 Advert - NA - Your Paints and Coatings - resize Q4 2023.indd 1
Univar - CASE 11/2/23 6:2014:15
02/11/2023 PM
Hexigone, HPCraft Polymers, Rianlon, Rohm, Shandong QL,
Huntsman, ICT, Innospec, Ingevity, SNCZ,, Synthomer, Thiele, To-
KemituraSil, Lambiotte, Lawter, matec, UPL, Universal Matter,
Madhu Silica, Mazda, Michelman, Vanderbilt Minerals, Venator,
Azelis Americas CASE MicroChem, Nan Ya, Norac Addi- Vibrantz, Xunyu, Yipin Pigments,
225 Pictoria Drive tives, Orion Engineered Carbons, Zeochem, Zinc Nacional
Acme-Hardesty Cincinnati, OH 45246 Potters, Rianlon, Rohm, Shandong Regions: United States - North-
Company United States QC, SNCZ, Solvay, Synthomer, east US, United States - Midwest
450 Sentry Parkway East 800-543-1121 Thiele, Tomatec, UPL, Universal US, United States - South US,
Suite 104 [email protected] Matter, Vanderbilt Minerals, Ve- United States - West US, Canada
Blue Bell, PA 19422 nator, Verdcol, Vibrantz, Xunyu - Western Canada, Canada - Cen-
United States Chemical, Yipin Pigments, Zeo- tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic
800-223-7054 Principals: Arxada, BASF, Cela- chem Zinc Nacional Canada, Mexico, Central America
[email protected] nese, Covia, Huntsman, Lanxess, Regions: United States - North- & Caribbean Islands Momentive, SE Tylose, Specialty east US, United States - Midwest Categories: Additives, Binders/
Minerals, US Zinc US, United States - South US, Resins, Pigments
Principals: KLK, KLK/Temix, and Regions: United States - North- Canada - Western Canada, Can- Barentz is a leading global life
Eckart Effect Pigments east US, United States - Midwest ada - Central Canada, Canada science ingredients and specialty
Regions: United States - North- US, United States - South US, - Atlantic Canada, Mexico chemicals distributor for the
east US, United States - Midwest United States - West US Categories: Additives, Binders/ Performance Materials, Human
US, United States - South US, Categories: Additives, Binders/ Resins, Pigments Nutrition, Pharmaceutical, Per-
United States - West US, Canada Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments sonal Care, and Animal Nutrition
- Western Canada, Canada - Cen- Barentz is a leading global life markets.
tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic Azelis Americas CASE, a specialty science ingredients and specialty
Canada, Mexico chemical distribution company, chemicals distributor for the
Categories: Additives, Binders/ builds unwavering loyalty by Performance Materials, Human
Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments helping our suppliers and cus- Nutrition, Pharmaceutical, Per-
tomers solve their most complex sonal Care, and Animal Nutrition
Acme-Hardesty: Leading distribu- problems. With our unparalleled markets.
tor of bio-based ingredients like technical expertise, knowledge- Barentz - CASE
castor oil, derivatives, palm-based able and helpful customer service, Southwest Region
and organic glycerine, surfactants, and a world class supply chain, we 1390 Jaycox Road
preservatives, and more. Exper- deliver exceptional value in every Avon, OH 44011
tise, innovation, ethical sourcing, transaction. United States
and high-quality solutions across Barentz - 440-937-1000
oleochemicals, specialties, and CASE Midwest Region [email protected]
more. Your trusted partner for 1390 Jaycox Road
sustainable ingredients and supe- Avon, OH 44011
rior solutions. United States Principals: Aekyung, American
Barentz - 440-937-1000 Chrome & Chemicals, Arakawa,
Arpadis Benelux NV CASE Eastern Region [email protected] Aurorium, BRB, Bruno Bock, CCP,
88 Desguinlei, 53 Frontage Road C.E.D. Process Minerals, Chem-
Antwerpen, 2018 Suite 255 met, Clariant, Colonial Chemical,
Belgium Hampton, NJ 08827 Principals: Aekyung, Allnex, Croda, Dixie Chemical, Ecoat, Ele-
+32 3 206 93 70 United States American Chrome & Chemicals, mentis, Eternal, Evonik, Hexigone,
[email protected] 908-730-6010 Aurorium, Bomar, BRB, Bruno HPCraft Polymers, ICT, Innospec, [email protected] Bock, Buckman, CCP, C.E.D. KemituraSil, Lambiotte, LG Chem, Cenostar, Chemmet, Chitec, Cim- LG MMA, Lawter, Madhu, Mazda,
Regions: United States - North- bar, Clariant, Colonial Chemical, MicroChem, MKS, Nan Ya, Norac
east US, United States - Midwest Principals: Aekyung, American Covia, Croda, Dixie Chemical, Additives, Orion Engineered Car-
US, United States - South US, Chrome & Chemicals, Arakawa, Elementis, EP Minerals, Evonik, bons, Potters, Rianlon, SNCZ, Sol-
United States - West US, Mexico, Aurorium, Bomar, BRB, Bruno Hexigone, Honeywell, Huntsman, vay, Synthomer, Thiele, Tomatec,
Northern Europe, Western Eu- Bock, Buckman, CCP, C.E.D. ICT, Innospec, Ingevity, Kemitu- UPL, Unigel, Universal Matter,
rope, Eastern Europe, Southern Process Minerals, Celanese, Ceno- raSil, Lambiotte, Lawter, Madhu, Vanderbilt Minerals, Venator,
Europe star, Chemmet, Chitec, Clariant, Mazda, Michelman, MicroChem, Verdcol, Xunyu, Yipin Pigments,
Categories: Additives, Binders/ Colonial Chemical, Croda, Dixie Nan Ya, Norac Additives, Orion Zeochem
Resins, Pigments, Solvents Chemical, Elementis, Evonik, Engineered Carbons, Potters, Regions: United States - North-

View the Buyers’ Guide online at

122 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

122-125 DistributorListings 1123.indd 122 11/15/23 2:34 PM


east US, United States - Midwest Performance Materials, Human warehouses spread throughout
US, United States - South US, Nutrition, Pharmaceutical, Per- the Midwest, EMCO focuses on
United States - West US, Canada sonal Care, and Animal Nutrition bringing both Technology in the
- Western Canada, Canada - Cen- markets. form of Specialty Chemicals and
tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic basic industrial chemicals to you JNS-Smithchem, LLC
Canada, Mexico, Central America with competitive prices. 90 6th Avenue
& Caribbean Islands EIT 2.0 LLC Paterson, NJ 07524
Categories: Additives, Binders/ 900 Sycolin Road SE United States
Resins, Pigments Suite 130 Fortune International 973-278-9050
Leesburg, VA 20175 Technology [email protected]
Barentz is a leading global life United States 5883 Chatham Dr.
science ingredients and specialty 571-578-3075 Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
chemicals distributor for the [email protected] United States Principals: Dianal America, Dow
Performance Materials, Human 847-429-9791 Construction Chemicals, Sibelco
Nutrition, Pharmaceutical, Per- [email protected] Specialty Minerals, H.B. Fuller, Bur-
sonal Care, and Animal Nutrition Regions: United States - North- gess Pigment, DCL Corporation,
markets. east US, United States - Midwest Cimbar, US Silica, Keim Additec
US, United States - South US, Regions: United States - North- Surface
United States - West US, Canada east US, United States - Midwest Regions: United States - Northeast
- Western Canada, Canada - Cen- US, United States - South US, US, United States - Midwest US,
tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic United States - West US United States - South US
Canada, Mexico, Northern Eu- Categories: Additives, Pigments, Categories: Additives, Binders/Res-
Barentz - rope, Western Europe, Eastern Laboratory Equipment, Production ins, Pigments, Production Equipment
CASE Western Region Europe, Southern Europe, China, Equipment
400 Continental Blvd. India, Japan, South Korea, Central JNS Smithchem is a specialty
6th Floor, #6160 and South Asia, Australia and distributor of raw materials and
El Segundo, CA 90245 Oceania, South America, Middle chemicals for use in Coatings, plas-
United States East, North Africa and Greater tics & rubber, inks, building mate-
440-937-1000 Arabia rials, adhesives, personal care and
[email protected] Categories: Laboratory Equip- related industries. ment, Production Equipment
IMCD Coatings
Principals: Aekyung, American & Construction
Chrome & Chemicals, Arakawa, 2 Equity Way
Aurorium, Bomar, BRB, Bruno Suite 210
Bock, Buckman, CCP, C.E.D. Pro- Westlake, OH 44145
cess Minerals, Cenostar, Chem- United States
met, Clariant, Colonial Chemical, 800-729-8900 Lintech International
Croda, Dixie Chemical, Ecoat, EMCO Chemical [email protected] 7705 NE Industrial Blvd.
Elementis, Evonik, Hexigone, ICT, Distributors, Inc. Macon, GA 31216
Innospec, Ingevity, KemituraSil, 8601 95th Street United States
Lambiotte, LG Chem, LG MMA, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 Principals: Ashland, Birla Car- 877-546-8324
Madhu, MKS, Mazda, Michel- United States bon, Covestro, Evonik, Imerys, jay.downs
man, MicroChem, Norac Addi- 262-427-0400 JM Huber, Polynt-Reichhold, Sun
tives, Orion Engineered Carbons, [email protected] Chemical, Tronox, Troy Corpora-
Potters, Rianlon, Shandong QL, tion
SNCZ, Solvay, Synthomer, Thiele, Regions: United States - North- Principals: Heubach, Evonik,
Tomatec, UPL, Unigel, Universal Principals: Essential Polymers, east US, United States - Midwest Huntsman, Aditya Birla, Dow,
Matter, Vanderbilt Minerals, Ve- Vencorex, Cimbar, Eastman, Exx- US, United States - South US Sasol, Silberline, Magris Talc, Ac-
nator, Verdcol, Vibrantz, Xunyu onMobil, Calumet, Momentive, Categories: Additives, Binders/ tive Minerals
Chemical, Yipin Pigments, Zeo- OCI, Kolon Industries Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments, Regions: United States - North-
chem, Zinc Nacional Regions: United States - Midwest Solvents east US, United States - Midwest
Regions: United States - North- US US, United States - South US,
east US, United States - Midwest Categories: Additives, Binders/ The Coatings & Construction United States - West US
US, United States - South US, Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments, business group offers specialty Categories: Additives, Binders/
United States - West US, Canada Solvents raw materials that drive perfor- Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments
- Western Canada, Canada - Cen- mance, innovation and sustain-
tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic EMCO Chemical Distributors, ability of paint, coatings, ink, and Lintech International LLC is a
Canada, Mexico, Central America Inc. is one of the largest chemical construction formulations. We leading specialty chemical dis-
& Caribbean Islands distributors and contract packag- work with some of the world’s tributor of resins, monomers, ad-
Categories: Additives, Binders/ ers in North America. With over leading brands to offer a diverse ditives, pigments and performance
Resins, Pigments 2 million gallons of bulk capacity and innovative portfolio of addi- minerals. We have partnered with
and over 1 million square feet of tives, functional fillers, pigments, world-class suppliers to meet our
Barentz is a leading global life storage, EMCO has the breadth resins, and specialty solvents.​ customers’ needs in a variety of
science ingredients and specialty of products you need when you markets including coatings, inks,
chemicals distributor for the need them. With distribution adhesives, rubber, plastics and

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 123

122-125 DistributorListings 1123.indd 123 11/15/23 2:34 PM


composites. We provide a compre- related industries from our five

hensive line of quality raw materi- strategically placed warehouses
als, superior sales representation, in Ewing NJ, Kent OH, Dalton
award winning logistical abilities, GA, Ennis TX and Elizabeth NJ.
and the highest level of service. Palmer Holland, Inc. We supply pigments, rosins, fillers,
Since 1983, our focus has been on Omya Specialty 191 American Blvd. additives, and petroleum products
the success of our customers. Materials Suite 300 in a variety of packages from a
6300 Bartmer Industrial Drive Westlake, OH 44145 bag or drum, all the way up to a
St. Louis, MO 63130 United States truckload.
United States 800-635-4822
800-878-6699 [email protected]
[email protected] SEMicro Div. M.E.Taylor Engineering Inc.
Nagase Specialty Regions: United States - North- 15817 Crabbs Branch Way
Materials Principals: Aralon, BYK USA, east US, United States - Midwest Rockville, MD 20855
450 East Devon Avenue Campine, Cardolite, Cargill, US, United States - South US, United States
Suite 300 Celanese, Chemik, Chemours, United States - West US, Canada 301-975-9798
Itasca, IL 60143 Diransa, Dura, Dystar, ECKART - Western Canada, Canada - Cen- [email protected]
United States America, Everlight USA, EverZinc, tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic
630-228-7644 Incorez, ICL, Lanxess, Lawter, Canada
[email protected] Minmetals East, Nouryon, Ona Categories: Additives, Binders/ Regions: United States - North- Polymers, Total Energies, Trico Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments east US, United States - Midwest
Technologies, Specialty Polymers, US, United States - South US,
Principals: Asahi Kasei-Duranate, StanChem Resins, Teckrez, TOR Palmer Holland is an employee- United States - West US, Canada
Birla, Huber Carbonates, Ineos, Specialty Minerals, Tronox, Vena- owned, North American specialty - Western Canada, Canada - Cen-
Magris Talc, Nagase ChemteX-De- tor, Verglass chemical distributor that repre- tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic
nacol, PQ, TOR, Vibrantz, Vinavil Regions: United States - Midwest sents many of the most well-known Canada, Mexico, Western Europe,
Regions: United States - Midwest US, United States - South US, global coatings raw material China, India, Japan, South Korea,
US, United States - South US, United States - West US, United manufacturers. Our market pres- Australia and Oceania
United States - West US, United States - Northeast US, Canada ence extends across all coatings Categories: Laboratory Equip-
States - Northeast US, Canada - Atlantic Canada, Canada - Cen- end-use segments as we offer a ment
- Atlantic Canada, Canada - Cen- tral Canada , Canada - Western complete product portfolio of core
tral Canada , Canada - Western Canada resins, additives, and pigments.
Canada, Mexico Categories: Additives, Binders/
Categories: Additives, Binders/ Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments,
Resins, Pigments, Solvents Solvents

NAGASE Specialty Materials is Omya is a leading global producer Specialty Chemicals • Petroleum Products
a leading distributor & manufac- of industrial minerals – mainly Superior Materials Inc.
turer of specialty chemicals. NA- derived from calcium carbon- 585 Stewart Ave
GASE Group is a public company ate, dolomite and perlite – and a R.E. Carroll Inc. Suite LL32
with $8 billion in annual revenue. worldwide distributor of specialty 1570 N Olden Ave Garden City, NY 11530
Founded in Kyoto, Japan in 1832 chemicals. The company provides Ewing, NJ 08638 United States
as a specialized purveyor of dyes innovative products and environ- United States 516-222-1010
and chemicals, NAGASE now mental solutions that contribute 800-257-9365 [email protected]
spans over 32 countries with 114 to its customers’ competitive- [email protected]
group companies and more than ness in multiple industries such
7,000 team members. as Construction, Paper & Board, Principals: Active Minerals,
Polymers, Food, Pharma, Personal Principals: HollyFrontier Refin- Celanese Elotex, Clariant, DayGlo,
New Brook & Home Care, Agriculture, Water ing & Marketing LLC, Active Dura, EMD Electronics Surface
International, Inc and Energy. Minerals, Cimbar, Zochem Inc., Solutions, EP Minerals, Essential
393 Crescent Avenue Excalibar Minerals, Meghmani Polymers, Huber Carbonates,
Wyckofff, NJ 07481 Organics Ltd. , Kerala Minerals & JRS USA, KaMin, Nouryon, OCI,
United States Marketing, Kinsley Materials, AB Oxerra, PQ Corporation, Raybo,
201-891-7923 Silicones, Sierra Madre Schlenk, The Quartz Corporation,
[email protected] Regions: United States - North- Venator east US, United States - Midwest Regions: United States - North-
US, United States - South US, east US, United States - Midwest
Regions: United States - North- United States - West US, Canada - US, United States - South US
east US, United States - Midwest Atlantic Canada, Mexico Categories: Additives, Binders/
US, United States - South US, Categories: Additives, Binders/ Resins, Pigments
United States - West US, Canada Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments
- Central Canada, Canada - Atlan- Superior Materials, Inc. was
tic Canada, Mexico 96-year-old privately held spe- founded in 1946 as the distribu-
Categories: Additives, Pigments cialty chemical distributor ser- tion arm of an innovative and
vicing the Paint & Coatings and successful consulting laboratory

124 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

122-125 DistributorListings 1123.indd 124 11/15/23 2:34 PM


dating to 1923. Through four At Terra Firma, we embody a com-

generations of private ownership pany that is secure, dependable,
(so far), Superior has continuously and stable. With this foundation
grown and evolved, focused on a and a history as a specialty chemi-
finite number of top-tier princi- cals distributor since 1949, we are Univar Solutions
pals; we distribute specialty chem- firmly established as a recognized 3075 Highland Parkway
ical ingredients to manufacturers leader in North America. Working Suite 200 Van Horn, Metz
of coatings, adhesives, sealants, alongside our Supplier Partners Downers Grove, IL 60515 & Co., Inc.
elastomers, inks and related indus- and Customers, Terra Firma is United States 201 East Elm St.
tries in 26 states. Technical exper- counted on to help create, build, 800-531-7106 Conshohocken, PA 19428
tise, commercial know how, four and grow business. josh.ackerman United States
strategically located warehouses, 610-828-4500
and a diverse and dedicated work- [email protected]
force have not only proven to be United Mineral
a winning formula after seventy & Chemical Corp. Principals: ANGUS, AGC, BASF,
five years, but a clear path for- 160 Chubb Ave. Cabot, Denka, Dow, Georgia Principals: Chemours, Evonik,
ward for the next seventy five. Suite 206 Pacific Chemical, Ineos, Invista, Wuxi-Honghui New Materials
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Kraton, Olin, Patcham, Prefere Technology, US Polymers-Accurez,
United States Melamines, Solvay, Synthomer Magris Talc, CINIC, OXERRA ,
201-507-3300 Regions: United States - North- Arxada, Kuncai, Tosoh
[email protected] east US, United States- Midwest Regions: United States - North- US, United States - South US, east US, United States - Midwest
United States - West US, Canada US, United States - South US,
Regions: United States - North- - Western Canada, Canada - Cen- United States - West US, Canada
east US, United States - Midwest tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic - Western Canada, Canada - Cen-
The Terra Firma US, United States - South US, Canada, Mexico, Northern Eu- tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic
Company, LLC United States - West US, Canada rope, Western Europe, Eastern Canada, Mexico, Western Europe
1700 Pacific Avenue - Western Canada, Canada - Cen- Europe, Southern Europe, China, Categories: Additives, Binders/
Suite 3680 tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic India, Japan, South Korea, Cen- Resins, Pigments, Solvents
Dallas, TX 75201 Canada, Mexico tral and South Asia, Australia
United States Categories: Additives, Binders/ and Oceania, Central America & Manufacturing relies on raw ma-
925-820-7222 Resins, Pigments Caribbean Islands, Middle East, terials, but sourcing materials is
[email protected] North Africa and Greater Arabia, time-consuming and challenging. Sub-Sahara Africa With VHM, you’ll get the spe-
Categories: Additives, Binders/ cialty raw materials you need to
Principals: Please log onto our Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments, create innovative products that
website at to view Solvents will help grow your business. We
the extensive list of principals that believe you should have a reli-
we represent. Univar Solutions is a leading able, knowledgeable source for
Regions: United States - North- global specialty chemical and in- specialty raw materials – a trusted
east US, United States - Midwest gredient distributor representing a partner.
US, United States - South US, premier portfolio from the world’s
United States - West US, Canada leading producers. With the indus-
- Western Canada, Canada - Cen- try’s largest private fleet, technical
tral Canada, Canada - Atlantic sales force, unparalleled logistics
Canada know-how, deep market knowl-
Categories: Additives, Binders/ edge and formulation expertise,
Resins, Oils/Fatty Acids, Pigments we are your source for tailored
coatings solutions.

To have your company included in next years Buyers’ Guide, contact

Kerry Pianoforte, Editor at [email protected]

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Distributors Regional Cross Reference

Asia - Australia Europe - Northern United Mineral & Chemical New Brook International
And Oceania Arpadis Benelux NV Univar Solutions Omya Specialty Materials
EIT Instrument Markets EIT Instrument Markets Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. Palmer Holland, Inc.
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor Univar Solutions R.E. Carroll Inc.
Engineering SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor
Univar Solutions Canada - Western Engineering
Europe - Southern Acme-Hardesty Company Superior Materials Inc.
Arpadis Benelux NV Barentz - CASE The Terra Firma Company, LLC
Central And South Asia EIT Instrument Markets EIT Instrument Markets United Mineral & Chemical
EIT Instrument Markets Univar Solutions Nagase Specialty Materials Univar Solutions
Univar Solutions Omya Specialty Materials Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc.
Palmer Holland, Inc.
Europe - Western SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor
China Arpadis Benelux NV Engineering United States -
EIT Instrument Markets EIT Instrument Markets The Terra Firma Company, LLC Northeast
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor United Mineral & Chemical Acme-Hardesty Company
Engineering Engineering Univar Solutions Arpadis Benelux NV
Univar Solutions Univar Solutions Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. Azelis Americas CASE
Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. Barentz - CASE
EIT Instrument Markets
India North America - Mexico Fortune International
EIT Instrument Markets Canada - Atlantic Acme-Hardesty Company Technology
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor Acme-Hardesty Company Arpadis Benelux NV IMCD Coatings & Construction
Engineering Barentz - CASE Barentz - CASE JNS-Smithchem, LLC
Univar Solutions EIT Instrument Markets EIT Instrument Markets Lintech International
Nagase Specialty Materials Nagase Specialty Materials Nagase Specialty Materials
New Brook International New Brook International New Brook International
Japan Omya Specialty Materials R.E. Carroll Inc. Omya Specialty Materials
EIT Instrument Markets Palmer Holland, Inc. SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor Palmer Holland, Inc.
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor R.E. Carroll Inc. Engineering R.E. Carroll Inc.
Engineering SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor United Mineral & Chemical SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor
Univar Solutions Engineering Univar Solutions Engineering
The Terra Firma Company, LLC Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. Superior Materials Inc.
United Mineral & Chemical The Terra Firma Company, LLC
South Korea Univar Solutions United Mineral & Chemical
EIT Instrument Markets Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. United States - Midwest Univar Solutions
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor Acme-Hardesty Company Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc.
Engineering Arpadis Benelux NV
Univar Solutions Canada - Central Azelis Americas CASE
Acme-Hardesty Company Barentz - CASE United States - South
Barentz - CASE EIT Instrument Markets Acme-Hardesty Company
Europe - Eastern EIT Instrument Markets EMCO Chemical Arpadis Benelux NV
Arpadis Benelux NV Nagase Specialty Materials Distributors, Inc. Azelis Americas CASE
EIT Instrument Markets New Brook International Fortune International Barentz - CASE
Univar Solutions Omya Specialty Materials Technology EIT Instrument Markets
Palmer Holland, Inc. IMCD Coatings & Construction Fortune International
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor JNS-Smithchem, LLC Technology
Engineering Lintech International IMCD Coatings & Construction
The Terra Firma Company, LLC Nagase Specialty Materials JNS-Smithchem, LLC

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Distributors Regional Cross Reference

Lintech International Barentz - CASE Other Regions

Nagase Specialty Materials EIT Instrument Markets - Central America
New Brook International Fortune International & Caribbean Islands
Omya Specialty Materials Technology Barentz - CASE
Palmer Holland, Inc. Lintech International Univar Solutions
R.E. Carroll Inc. Nagase Specialty Materials
SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor New Brook International
Engineering Omya Specialty Materials Middle East,
Superior Materials Inc. Palmer Holland, Inc. North Africa
The Terra Firma Company, LLC R.E. Carroll Inc. And Greater Arabia
United Mineral & Chemical SEMicro Div., M.E. Taylor EIT Instrument Markets
Univar Solutions Engineering Univar Solutions
Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. The Terra Firma Company, LLC
United Mineral & Chemical
Univar Solutions South America
United States - West Van Horn, Metz & Co., Inc. EIT Instrument Markets
Acme-Hardesty Company
Arpadis Benelux NV
Azelis Americas CASE

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Trade Association Directory

Malaysian Paint Manufacturers European Council of Paint, National Association of Paints,

Asia/Pacific Association Printing Ink and Artists’ Inks, Sealants, Adhesives
Jalan 205, P.O. Box 78 Colours Industry (CEPE) Manufacturers & Adhesives
Australian Paint Manufacturers 46700 Petaling Avenue Van Nieuwenhuyse, and Sealants Group (AVISA)
Federation (APMF) Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan 6 BE-1160 Brussels, Belgium Via Accademia 33, I-20131
Suite 604, Level 6 60-3-7912322 32-0-2-676-74-80 Milano, Italy
51 Rawson St., North Sydney, Fax: 60-3-7914846 Fax: 32-0-2-676-74-90 39-2-26-8101
NSW Australia 2121 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 39-2-26-810-350
02-9876-1411 Surface Coatings Association Website:
Fax: 02-9876-1433 Australia (SCAA) Norwegian Paintmakers
E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 3141 European Isocyanate and Association
Website: Wheelers Hill, VIC 3150 Polyols Producers Association P.O. Box 2724 St. Hanshaugen
61-3 9827-8921, 800-803-378 (ISOPA) Oslo 0131, Norway
China National Coatings Fax: 61-3-9561-1559 Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 47-22-961041
Industry Association E-mail: [email protected] 4, Box 9, B-1160 Fax: 47-22-961099
(CNCIA) Website: Brussels, Belgium
No. 1, The Middle Street, 32-2-676-74-75 NOVA Paint Club
The First District of Liu Pu Kang, Surface Coatings Association Fax: 32-2-676-74-79 UK Secretariat
Beijing 100011, China of New Zealand, Inc. (SCANZ) E-mail: [email protected] 7 Banckside, Hartley,
86-10-62004186 P.O. Box 1282 Website: Longfield, Kent DA3 7RD, UK
Fax: 86-10-62376292 Pukekohe 2340, New Zealand 44-1474-705422
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] European Solvents Industry Fax: 44-1474-709744
Website: Website: Group (ESIG) E-mail: [email protected]
2 Ave. E van Niewenhuysen, Website:
Indian Small Scale Paint Taiwan Paint Industry Bte 4, B-1160 Head Office: c/o Ernst & Young
Association Association Brussels, Belgium 59, Route de Chancy,
104, Shubham Center No.1B, Rm. 7, 3rd Floor, No. 20, Lane 609, 32-0-2-676-72-64 Case Postale 48
Cardinal Gracias Road Chung Hsin Rd., Sec. 5 Fax: 32-0-2-676-72-16 CH - 1213 Geneva, Switzerland
Chakala, Andheri (E), San Chung City, Tapei, Hsien, Taiwan E-mail: [email protected]
Mumbai-400 099 India 886-2-2999-3236 Website: Oil & Colour Chemists
91-022-28366359 Fax: 886-2-2999-5312 Association (OCCA)
Fax: 91-022-28-326656 German Association for Paint Charnwood House
E-mail: [email protected] Chemists Harcourt Way,
Website: Europe VILF-Geschäftsstelle Meridian Business Park
Nelkenstr. 12 Leicester, LE19 1WP, UK
Japan Paint Manufacturers Association of Swiss Adhesives 97854 Steinfeld 44-0-116-257-5488
Association Manufacturers (FKS) 49-9359-909164 Fax: 44-0-116-257-5499
3rd Floor, Tokyo Toryo Kaikan Postfach 213, E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
3-12-8 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku CH-5401 Baden Website: Website:
Tokyo 150-0013 Japan Zurich, Switzerland
81-3-3443-2011 41-1-56-221-51-00 Italian National Association of The Paint Research Association
Fax: 81-3-3443-3599 Fax: 41-56-221-51-41 Industrial Coaters (ANVER) (PRA)
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Via Torri Bianche, 3P 14 Castle Mews,
Website: Website: 20059 Vimercate (MI) Italy High Street
39-039-629041 Hampton, Middlesex,
Korea Paint & Printing Ink British Coatings Federation Fax: 39-039-62904208 TW12 2NP, UK
Industry Cooperative Riverbridge House E-mail: [email protected] +44-0-20-8487-0800
Korean Paint & Printing Ink Hall, Guildford Road Website: www.larivistadelcolore. Fax: +44-0-20-8487-0801
204-6, Nonhyun-Dong Leatherhead com, Website:
Kangnam-ku Seoul, Korea Surrey KT22 9AD
82-2-549-3321 44-01372-365989
Fax: 82-2-549-3226 Fax: 44-01372-365979
Website: E-mail: [email protected]

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128-130 BG Trade Assoc 1123.indd 128 11/15/23 2:35 PM

Trade Association Directory

Painting and Decorating American Society of Interior Chemical Heritage Foundation Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC)
Association Designers (ASID) 315 Chestnut St. 11491 Sunset Hills Road
32 Coton Road, 608 Massachusetts Ave., NE Philadelphia, PA 19106-2702 Reston, VA 20190
Nuneaton, Warwickshire, Washington, D.C. 20002-6006 215-925-2222 703-318-0263
CV11 5TW UK 202-546-3480 Fax: 215-925-1954 Fax: 703-318-0514
44-024-7635-3776 Fax: 202-546-3240 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 44-024-7635-4513 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website:
E-mail: info@ Website:
paintingdecoratingassociation. Chemistry Industry Association International Paint & Printing ASTM International of Canada Ink Council (IPPIC)
Website: www. 100 Barr Harbor Dr., 350 Sparks St., Suite 805 c/o IPPIC Secretariat, NPCA
paintingdecoratingassociation. P.O. Box C700 Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8, Canada 1500 Rhode Island Ave., NW West Conshohocken, PA 19428 613-237-6215 Washington, DC 20005-5503
610-832-9585 Fax: 613-237-4061 202-462-6272
Fax: 610-832-9555 Website: www. Fax: 202-462-8549
North America E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:
The Adhesive and Sealant Consumer Specialty Products
Council, Inc. Association for Materials Association The Mexican Paint and
7101 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 990 Protection and Performance 1667 K St., NW, Suite 300 Printing Ink Manufacturers
Bethesda, MD 20814 (AMPP) Washington, DC 20017 Association (ANAFAPYT)
301-986-9700 15835 Park Ten Place 202-872-8110 Gabriel Mancera 309, Col.
Fax: 301-986-9795 Houston, TX 77084 Fax: 202-872-8114 del Valle
E-mail: [email protected] 800-797-6223 E-mail: [email protected] 03100 Mexico City, D.F. Mexico
Website: 281-228-6200 (international) Website: 52-5-682-7794
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 52-5-543-6488
American Chemistry Council Website: Color Marketing Group Website:
(ACC) 1908 Mount Vernon Ave.
700 Second St., NE Asociacion Mexicana de Third Floor NACE International
Washington, DC 20002 Industriales de Acabados Alexandria, VA 22301 15835 Park Ten Place
202-249-7000 Superficales 703-329-8500 Houston, TX 77084-4906
Fax: 202-249-6100 Paseo Cuesta Bonita 315-B Email: [email protected] 281-228-6200, 800-797-NACE
Website: www. Edificio Cuesta Santa Fe Website: Fax: 281-228-6300 Primer Nivel, Col Cuesta Bonita E-mail: [email protected]
Querétaro, Qro. CP 76063 Color Pigments Manufacturers Website:
American Chemical Society +52-442-6902-121 Association, Inc. (CPMA)
(ACS) E-mail: [email protected] 1850 M St. NW, Suite 730 National Coil Coatings
1155 16th St., NW Website: Washington, DC 20036 Association (NCCA)
Washington, DC 20036 202-465-4900 1300 Sumner Ave.
202-872-4600, 800-227-5558 Asociacion Nacional de la Fax: 202-296-8120 Cleveland, OH 44115
Fax: 202-872-4615 Industria Quimica, A.C. E-mail: [email protected] 216-241-7333
E-mail: [email protected] Eje 6 Sur (Angel Urraza) 505 Website: Fax: 216-241-0105
Website: Del Valle, Benito Juárez E-mail: [email protected]
03100 Ciudad de México, D.F., The Electrocoat Association Website:
American Coatings Association Mexico P.O. Box 541083
1500 Rhode Island Ave., NW E-mail: [email protected] Cincinnati, OH 45254-1083 National Association of
Washington, DC 20005 Website: 816-496-2308, Printing Ink Manufacturers
202-462-6272 800-579-8806 (NAPIM)
Fax: 202-462-8549 Canadian Paint and Coatings Fax: 513-27-8801 National Press Building
E-mail: [email protected] Association (CPCA) E-mail: [email protected] 529 14th Street NW, Suite 1280
Website: 170 Laurier Ave. West, Website: Washington, DC 20045 USA
Suite 608 410-940-6589
American Oil Chemists Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V5 International Interior Design E-mail: [email protected]
Society (AOCS) 613-231-3604 Association Website:
2710 S. Boulder, P.O. Box 17190 Fax: 514-231-4908 222 Merchandise Mart, Suite 567
Urbana, IL 61802 Chicago, IL 60654
217-359-2344 312-467-1950, 888-799-4432
Fax: 217-351-8091 Fax: 312-467-0779
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

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Trade Association Directory

Ontario Painting Contractors The Powder Coatings Institute Roof Coatings Manufacturers Society of Vacuum
Association 2170 Buckthorne Place Association Coaters (SVC)
7611 Pine Valley Drive, Unit 10 The Woodlands, TX 77380 750 National Press Building 71 Pinon Hill Place NE
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 0A2 832-585-0770; 800-988-COAT 529 14th St., NW Albuquerque, NM 87122-1914
416-498-1897 Fax: 832-585-0220 Washington DC 2005 505-856-7188
800-461-3630 Email: [email protected] 202-591-2452 Fax: 505-856-6716
Fax: 416-498-6757 Website: Fax: 202-591-2445 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: ontariopainting. E-mail: [email protected] Website:
contractors Pressure Sensitive Tape Website:
Painting and Decorating 50 S. Main St., Suite 200 Sealant, Waterproofing and South America
Contractors of America Naperville, IL 60563 Restoration Institute (SWRI)
2316 Millpark Drive 630-544-5053 400 Admiral Blvd. Associacao Brasileira dos
Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Fax: 630-544-5055 Kansas City, MO 64105 Fabricantes de Tintas
800-332-7322 E-mail: [email protected] 816-472-SWRI (ABRAFATI)
Fax: 314-514-9417 Website: Fax: 816-472-7765 Av. Dr. Cardoso de Mello, 1.340,
Website: E-mail: [email protected] 60 andar, cj. 62, Vila Olimpia
RadTech The Association for Website: Sao Paulo SP Brazil 04548-004
Paint and Decorating Retailers UV and EB Technology 55-11-3845-8755
Association (PDRA) 7720 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 208 SSPC: The Society for Fax: 55-11-3845-1728
1401 Triad Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20814 Protective Coatings E-mail: [email protected]
St. Peters, MO 63376 240-497-1242 40 24th St., 6th Floor Website:
636-326-2636 Fax: 240-209-2340 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 412-281-2331, 877-281-7772
Website: Website: Fax: 412-281-9992
E-mail: [email protected]

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Sherwin-Williams Board of Directors Elects
Heidi Petz CEO Effective Jan. 1, 2024

he Sherwin-Williams Company an- Corporation, Newell Rubbermaid and Tim Knavish Elected
nounced that its Board of Directors PriceWaterhouseCoopers. PPG Chairman and CEO
has elected Heidi G. Petz to serve as “The selection of Heidi as CEO is the PPG announced that its Board of Directors
the company’s next chief executive officer result of a well-developed and thoughtful has unanimously elected PPG president
(CEO), effective Jan. 1, 2024. Petz, who has process to ensure a seamless leadership and CEO Tim Knavish as chair of the
served as president and transition that focuses on strength, mo- company’s Board of Directors and CEO,
chief operating officer mentum and growth,” commented Jeff M. effective Oct. 1, 2023. Knavish succeeds
of Sherwin-Williams for Fettig, Sherwin-Williams lead director. Michael McGarry, who served as chair-
the last two years, will “We are pleased John has agreed to man and CEO from 2016 to 2022 and is
assume the CEO duties remain in his role as executive chairman, retiring as executive chairman, also effec-
currently held by chair- continuing an incredible career that began tive Oct. 1, 2023.
man and CEO John G. 39 years ago as a member of one of the “On behalf of the
Morikis. Petz will contin- Petz first Sherwin-Williams management train- PPG board of directors,
ue to serve as president. ee classes, progressing through numerous we want to congratu-
After serving as CEO since 2016, roles of increasing responsibility, and ulti- late Tim and recognize
Morikis will continue to serve as executive mately ascending to CEO,” added Fettig. the significant contribu-
chairman. In addition, the board increased “On behalf of the entire board, we thank tions Michael has made
its size from 10 to 11 members and elected John for his extraordinary leadership, in leading PPG through
Petz to fill the resulting vacancy, effective commitment and dedication to Sherwin- some of the most chal- Knavish
Oct. 10, 2023. Williams, as well as his many accomplish- lenging periods in its
“Today’s announcement follows a ments and business decisions that drove 140-year history,” said
comprehensive process and multi-year the company’s strong performance and Hugh Grant, PPG independent lead di-
organizational succession plan to iden- unprecedented growth during his tenure rector and retired chairman and CEO,
tify the best candidate to lead the com- as CEO.” Monsanto Company.
pany,” said Morikis. “Heidi has been Petz succeeds Morikis surrounded by “Michael’s leadership has made a sig-
an invaluable member of my leadership a highly experienced group of leaders, nificant impact on expanding the com-
team, demonstrating a record of driving which remains intact and averages 27 pany’s portfolio and reach in key growth
growth and operational excellence that years of Sherwin-Williams experience. markets, strengthened PPG’s position, and
has generated increased value for our Allen J. Mistysyn will continue as senior set the company on a solid path for future
customers, shareholders and employees. vice president ¬– finance and CFO, and growth and success,” Grant added. “We
With this transition, Heidi becomes only Justin T. Binns, Karl J. Jorgenrud and wish him the very best. As we look ahead,
the tenth CEO in the 157-year history of Todd D. Rea will continue as leaders of the board fully supports Tim and the en-
the company. Supported by a deep and the company’s reportable segments. tire PPG team as they work to achieve
experienced senior leadership team, she Colin M. Davie will lead the global future growth and increased value for
is the right leader to accelerate achieve- supply chain organization, inclusive of our shareholders.
ment of the company’s growth and global manufacturing operations, which “After a thoughtful and deliberative
profitability goals.” will continue to be led by Joseph F. Sladek. process, the board of directors agreed
Prior to serving as the company’s Binns and Jorgenrud will assume ad- that appointing Tim as chair and CEO
president and COO, Petz served as presi- ditional enterprise-wide responsibili- enhances the alignment between PPG
dent of The Americas Group and previ- ties, including greater engagement with management and the board in implement-
ous to that role, served as president of the global supply chain organization ing PPG’s enterprise growth strategy. Tim
the Consumer Brands Group, successful- to accelerate customer solutions and has an intimate knowledge of the busi-
ly leading both of these global businesses drive productivity. ness, can quickly identify and implement
through some of the most challenging Petz serves on the Board of Directors strategic priorities, and has demonstrated
periods in the company’s history. of Ulta Beauty, Inc. She also serves on the the ability to serve as an effective bridge
Petz joined the company in June 2017 board of the Universityh Hospitals Health between the board and management,”
in connection with the Valspar acquisition. System in Cleveland, O and is a member added Grant.
Prior to joining Valspar in 2013, she held of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Knavish joined PPG in 1987 at PPG’s
various leadership positions with Target Studies Policy Advisory Board. global headquarters in Pittsburgh and he

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has held roles of increasing re- groups of Fox Rothschild LLP and Blank With experience in the building prod-
sponsibility during his 36 years Rome LLP. ucts industry, Doubman rejoins ICP Group
with the company. Knavish has after previously serving as president of
served in his current role as presi- Masco Corporation ICP’s Building Solutions Group as recently
dent and CEO since Jan. 1, 2023 and pre- Names Richard as 2021. Immediately prior to his appoint-
viously served as chief operating officer Westenberg VP, CFO ment as CEO, Doubman served as chief
beginning in March 2022. Prior to being Masco Corporation announced the elec- operating officer of Ecore International, a
named chief operating officer, Knavish tion of Richard (Rick) Westenberg as vice leading manufacturer of recycled-rubber
was executive vice president beginning in president, chief financial officer (CFO), ef- indoor and outdoor surfaces.
October 2019. fective Oct. 16, 2023. “We’re excited to welcome Jay back
Westenberg is a seasoned executive to ICP, where he was a valuable leader
Axalta’s Brian who brings to Masco more than 25 years and contributor to the company’s suc-
Berube to Retire of experience, including nearly 15 years cess,” said Don Bramley, partner, Audax
Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. announced leading global finance organizations. Most Private Equity.
that Brian Berube has decided to retire recently, he served as vice president and “ICP has been at the forefront of the
as SVP, general counsel and corporate CFO of General Motors North America, industry with an innovative, cutting-edge
secretary at the end of this year. Alex overseeing the financial management and offering and well-known, trusted brands,”
Tablin-Wolf, who currently serves as VP financial performance of this approxi- said Doubman. “I’m thrilled to be a part
and associate general counsel, has been mately $125 billion segment, and leading a of such an incredible organization again
appointed his successor effective Jan. team across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. and will leverage my experience in the
1, 2024. Tablin-Wolf will become SVP, Prior to that, he served as VP, finance building products space to build on the
general counsel and corporate secretary and CFO of SAIC-General Motors, GM’s exemplary work of the team and keep the
at that time, reporting directly to Chris approximately $30 billion joint venture momentum going.”
Villavarayan, Axalta CEO and president. in China, with responsibility as a mem-
“On behalf of our board and the entire ber of the executive committee for the Azelis Appoints Shiona
organization, I want to thank Brian for his key operational and strategic decisions Stewart Managing Director
exceptional legal expertise and guidance of the joint venture. He held roles of in- of CASE U.S.
that has proven instrumental in enabling creasing responsibility during his tenure at Azelis announced that Shiona Stewart will
Axalta’s success now and in the future,” GM, including as the corporate treasurer join the company in a senior management
said Villavarayan. “He has been a trusted and head of corporate financial planning role as managing director
advisor, valued partner and strong stew- and analysis. of CASE in the United
ard for the company, with contributions “I am very pleased to welcome Rick States. Commencing her
well beyond legal counsel. His passion for to Masco’s leadership team,” said Keith role on Nov. 7, 2023,
strong corporate governance and ethical Allman, Masco president and chief ex- Stewart will play a piv-
leadership is embedded in a global legal ecutive officer. “Rick is a strategic, accom- otal role in leading Azelis’
team that will continue a commitment plished leader with extensive financial and CASE U.S. business.
to integrity while supporting Axalta’s operational experience. His demonstrated Stewart will report to Vuk
growth. We wish him all the best in his up- excellence in leading diverse international Milojkovic, managing di- Stewart
coming retirement. teams and driving results in a global man- rector of Azelis U.S..
“This transition is enabled by strong ufacturing business will be extraordinarily With more than 25 years of exper-
bench strength, and we are fortunate to valuable to us as we continue to build tise in the specialty chemicals sector,
have someone internally with Alex’s cali- upon our strong financial and operational Stewart’s career includes roles of signifi-
ber and global experience to step in and foundation and deliver long-term value for cant responsibility in technical, strate-
lead our global legal organization,” added our shareholders.” gic marketing, and global key account
Villavarayan. “Alex has deep knowledge management functions.
of Axalta’s business and has helped ad- Jay Doubman Named Her previous roles encompass regional
vance many key strategic initiatives during President and CEO and global leadership positions at chemi-
his time with the company. I am confident Of ICP Group cal suppliers such as BASF Corporation,
he will uphold the integrity of our gover- ICP Group has named Jay Doubman as its Troy, Lubrizol, Dow and Rohm & Hass.
nance framework and will be a strategic new president and chief executive officer. Prior to joining Azelis, Stewart was
advisor to our board and a strong addition In this capacity, Doubman will lead a team the North American business director
to our Executive Committee.” of more than 1,000 employees and will for additives at BASF, followed by the
Tablin-Wolf joined Axalta in January be responsible for accelerating revenue Dispersions business director role for
2017. He previously served as an associ- growth and enhancing profitability for construction, paper coatings, and carpet
ate in the corporate and securities practice the company. business at BASF. CW

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Industry News
Nouryon Starts New Microspheres Plant
For Automotive Coatings in Wisconsin

ouryon announced that it has where the group invested to double the Excelitas Technologies
started full-scale production at capacity, as announced the end of 2021. To Acquire Heraeus
its new Expancel expandable The Nansha capacity expansion lever- Noblelight Business
microspheres plant in Green Bay, WI. ages the most recent process and manu- Excelitas Technologies Corp. announced
The launch of the new plant is an im- facturing standards. that it has signed a definitive agreement
portant milestone to better serve specialty The whole plant has an energy ef- with Heraeus Group to acquire the
additives customers in North America in ficiency program and aims at carbon Heraeus Noblelight business with ap-
the packaging, construction, mining and neutral growth through green electric- proximately 850 employees, including
automotive industries and complements ity purchasing and the installation of operations in Germany, UK, US, China
Nouryon’s existing full-scale plant in solar panels. and Japan.
Sundsvall, Sweden and product expan- “Doubling the capacity of the Nansha Heraeus Noblelight is an operative
sion facilities in China and Brazil. plant will allow us to support the growth, company within Heraeus Group. Heraeus
Expancel expandable microspheres innovation and regional supply of our Noblelight specializes in the develop-
are used as a lightweight filler and blow- customers in Asia. The accelerating need ment and manufacture of specialty light
ing agent to make customers’ end prod- for lower carbon solutions is creating sources and solutions, from ultraviolet
ucts lighter, incorporate high-performing new opportunities for the UV/LED cur- to infrared, used within analytical instru-
insulation properties or better reflect light ing technology, which is expanding fast to mentation, industrial curing, water treat-
to reduce energy consumption, cost and a wider range of substrates and applica- ment, electronics manufacturing, medical
environmental impact. tions” said Richard Jenkins, senior vice and cosmetic therapy and many others.
These properties are valued across a president of Arkema’s Coating Solutions. “We see tremendous potential in the
number of applications including cool This key project is part of the group’s union of Heraeus Noblelight’s technology
roof coatings, automotive coatings and strategy to expand its leading portfolio of portfolio with our own extensive offering
body fillers. high performance and sustainable mate- in plasma and LED products. Leveraging
“Nouryon continues to invest in devel- rials, including UV/LED, powder, water- our combined investments and expanded
oping solutions that support our custom- borne and high solid technologies. offering will drive growth and present
ers’ sustainability targets while boosting innovative integrated solutions to our
the performance of their end-products,” OXERRA to Build Complex highly complementary customer and
said Larry Ryan, president at Nouryon. Inorganic Color Pigments product mix across a variety of unique
“Our customers around the world rely on Facility in China markets,” said Michael Ersoni, Excelitas
our Expancel expandable microspheres OXERRA, an iron oxide pigment manu- Technologies EVP commercial business.
and we are pleased to expand our capac- facturer, announces its intention to build The acquisition of Heraeus Noblelight
ity to meet growing demand.” a manufacturing facility of complex in- will represent the latest in a series of strate-
Customers also use Expancel expand- organic color pigments (CICP) and a gic acquisitions by Excelitas Technologies
able microspheres to enhance products comprehensive research center in China since its establishment in 2010.
in applications including curbside recy- before the end of 2023. “As a leading player in the specialty
clable packaging materials, freeze- and “This new plant will supplement light market, Heraeus Noblelight has a
thaw-resistant concrete as well as seal- our current manufacturing facility in strong footprint in the areas of market
ants and coatings applications in the con- Kidsgrove, UK, and further emphasizes access, problem-solving expertise, and
struction industry where prevention of our commitment to global support and technological bandwidth. We are con-
cracks and water absorption are essential sustainability for the color pigment mar- vinced that this agreement will further
to prolong the life of weather-exposed ket,” said Terence Yu, chief executive of- boost Heraeus Noblelight’s stable growth
building materials. ficer, OXERRA Group. path of the last years,” said Jan Rinnert,
“The plant’s dedicated research center CEO and chairman of the board of man-
Arkema Starts Up Specialty will provide continued and comprehen- aging directors of Heraeus Group.
UV/LED Curing Resins sive development of high-performance, The agreement has been approved by
Expansion in China heat-resistant inorganic color pigments,” both companies. Terms are not being dis-
Arkema has begun production of added Yu. closed and the transaction is expected to
Sartomer specialty UV/LED curing resins OXERRA expects the new facility to close before the end of 2023, subject to
at its expanded facility in Nansha, China, be operational before the end of the year. obtaining regulatory approvals. CW

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 133

133 CW Industry News 1123.indd 133 11/15/23 2:42 PM

Suppliers Corner

New Evonik TEGO Guard 9000 Protects

Facades from Moment of Application

hile the formulation of exterior reduction and burnish resistance. chain production sites over the last year.
paints may differ around the Another naturally derived product, “This is an important step for our
world, the challenge of protect- NatureMatte C44, is an ultrafine cellulose customers and the markets we serve,”
ing buildings from environmental impact powder that provides gloss reduction in all said Erwoan Pezron, SVP, Arkema’s High
seems universal. With the new additive types of inks and coatings, while offering Performance Polymers. “The lower car-
TEGO Guard 9000 from Evonik Coating best-in-class film clarity for clear coatings bon footprint we announce today applies
Additives, it is possible to protect building on wood and other substrates. to our entire global production, not just a
facades from the moment of application. PolyTuf 1229 is a high-performance particular set of grades or a certain loca-
“The application of facade paints has composite of low density polyethylene tion. This allows our customers to deliver
been highly dependent on the weather, and ceramic, adding to Micro Powders’ on their commitment to decarbonize and
as newly applied facade coatings had portfolio of ceramic modified additives. to develop more sustainable products
traditionally long drying times, making This product combines the toughness and at scale.”
them more vulnerable to water and dirt,” durability of LDPE with the improvement
said Ellen Reuter, head of the Decorative in abrasion resistance contributed by the ROSS Ribbon Blenders
market segment for the EMEA region. ceramics inside the composite wax par- Improve Powder Blending
“Evonik’s new TEGO Guard 9000 ad- ticle. PolyTuf 1229 is ideal for higher COF Efficiency and Safety
dresses this key customer pain-point coating applications such as flooring and ROSS Ribbon Blenders handle a wide
by improving the stabilization of paint walking surfaces. range of dry materials, from seasonings
ingredients in facade coatings and pro- and beverage mixes to pharmaceuti-
viding almost immediate protection Arkema Lowers Carbon cals, chemicals, plastics, and agricultural
against weathering.” Footprint of Bio-Based powders or granules. These blenders
While conventional high pigment vol- Polyamide 11 Chain also efficiently incorporate minor liquid
ume concentration (PVC) exterior facade Arkema continues to lower the carbon components to effectively coat individual
coatings typically take three hours or more footprint of the global production of its solid particles.
to dry, the new “Quick-Set property” of bio-based polyamide 11 chain. The ROSS Model 42N-18SS is crafted
TEGO Guard 9000 technology enables The group further decreased by 46% from type 316 stainless steel with interior
high rain resistance just a few minutes af- the carbon footprint of its bio-based Rilsan surfaces polished to a 150-grit finish for
ter application. polyamide 11 grades, reaching less than easy cleaning. With a maximum working
Additionally, the special formulation of 2 kg CO2e/kg (according to ISO14040, capacity of 18 cu.ft., the blender is direct
TEGO Guard 9000 allows for customized 14044 and 14067), by using renewable or driven by a 10 HP gear motor for pro-
addition to formulations without affect- low carbon energy sources and by making cessing materials with a bulk density of
ing storage stability. The additive can be several energy efficiency improvements in up to 60 lbs/cu.ft.
used universally, regardless of the binder, its production sites. It represents an im- The agitator is a solid double ribbon
PVC and color selected, and is suitable provement of approximately 70% relative design, ideal for center discharge, with
for environmentally friendly waterborne to traditional polyamide resins using fos- internal flanges welded to shaft stub
facade coatings. sil-based raw materials and conventional ends and a heavy-duty anti-friction bear-
energy sources. ing on the non-driven end. A two-piece
Micro Powders Showcases Derived entirely from renewable cas- safety grating with ½” diameter perfora-
Natural, PTFE Alternative tor seeds, Rilsan polyamide 11 is 100% tions ensure safe operation while the split
Additives at 2023 WCS segregated bio-based. Furthermore, the folding covers are open. A spray bar with
Micro Powders, Inc. showcased sev- amino 11 monomer and the downstream fan type spray nozzles is installed on the
eral new natural and PTFE alterna- polymers are produced using a significant trough via sanitary tri-clamp connections
tive products at the 2023 Western proportion of low carbon and renewable for liquid additions.
Coatings Symposium. energy – both in terms of electricity and The blender is operated from a 4”
NatureTex is a line of naturally de- combustible fuels. color touchscreen that includes a cycle
rived, biodegradable additives for mat- Arkema recently announced a bio- timer, start/stop, forward/reverse and
ting and surface texturing. It is available methane supply agreement with ENGIE in speed controls. The finished product is
in four particle sizes that offer a range of France and carried out several energy ef- discharged through a pneumatically-op-
haptic effects along with efficient gloss ficiency improvements in its polyamide 11 erated 4” dust-tight knife gate valve. CW

134 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

134 CW suppliers corner 1123.indd 134 11/15/23 2:45 PM

The Waterborne Symposium is Feb. 4-9
January 17-19, 2024 April 30 - May 2, 2024 Technology
EC Leading Women’s Forum 2024 American Coatings Show Phone: 601-310-7687
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia Location: Indianapolis, IN Email: [email protected]
Phone: + 49 511 99 10 - 273 Venue: Indianapolis Convention Center Contact: American Coatings Association
conference/ec-leading-women-2024/ (ACA) June 19-21, 2024
Email: [email protected] Coatings for Africa
February 4 - 9, 2024 Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
The Waterborne Symposium Venue: Sandton Convention Center
Location: New Orleans, LA May 20 - 22, 2024, 2024 Phone: + 971 4 445 3773
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel RadTech 2024 UV+EB Technology Email: [email protected]
Contact: University of Southern Expo & Conference
Mississippi School of Polymer Science Location: Orlando, Florida
and Engineering Venue: Hyatt Regency Orlando Sept. 6-8, 2024
Email: [email protected] Asia Pacific Coatings Show Location: Bangkok, Thailand
June 2 - 5, 2024 Venue: Bangkok Internation Trade and
February 22 - 24, 2024 SSCT Annual Technical Meeting Expo Center
PAINTINDIA 2024 Location: St. Petersburg, FL Email: andrewgathercole@dmgevents
Location: Mumbai, India Venue: The Vinoy CW
Venue: Bombay Exhibition Centre Contact: Southern Society for Coatings
Email: [email protected]

PCI Powder Coating Week
Location: Orlando, FL
Venue: Renaissance Orlando at
Contact: Kelly LeCount
Phone: 859-525-9988

March 26-28, 2024

Eurocoat 2024
Location: Paris, France
Venue: Porte de Versailles
Contact: Cyril Ladet
Phone: +33 (0)1 7792 8684
Email: [email protected]

April 16-18, 2024

Middle East Coatings Show
Location: Dubai, UAE
Venue: Dubai World Trade Center
Email: andrewgathercole@dmgevents

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 135

135 Meetings 1123.indd 135 11/15/23 4:13 PM


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Advertising Index

Company Name Page Website

Acme-Hardesty Company 104-105

American Machining Inc. / Cygnet 30

Arxada 28-29

Azelis Americas 106-107

Barentz North America 108-109

Brilliant Group Inc. 31

Buhler 32-33

Conn and Co. L.L.C. 13

Custom Milling and Consulting 5

EMCO Chemical Distributors Inc. 110-111

Engineered Polymer Solutions 34-35

Fischer Technology 36-37

Fortune International 112-113

Hockmeyer 38-39

Oxerra Americas, Inc. 45, Cover 4


IPCO Italy S.r.l 40-41

Lintech International LLC 116-117

Lorama Group Inc. Cover 2

Micro Powders, Inc 42-43

Munzing 44

Pidilite Industries Limited 7

R.E. Carroll 118-119

Ross Mixers 3

Shamrock Technologies Inc. 46-47

Shepherd Color Company 48

Siltech Corporation 11, 50-51

SpecMetrix (Sensory Analytics) 14

Summit Dispersions LLC 9

Superior Materials Inc. 115

Trust Chem Co,. Ltd. 52-53

Univar Solutions USA Inc. 120-121

WAB US Corp 54-55

WYN Polymers (WYN de México Productos Químicos SA de CV) 56-57

November/December 2023 ­ Coatings World | 137

CWM CLASSIFIEDS 1123.indd 49 11/15/23 12:01 PM

Final Coat

AkzoNobel Art Foundation Explores Earth’s

Precious Landscape

deeper appreciation of the natural world and a height-
ened understanding of the climate crisis are conjured up
by the latest exhibition at AkzoNobel’s Art Foundation.
Officially opened at the company’s head office in Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, EARTH – A Collective Landscape explores our
relationship with nature and encourages visitors to renew their
sense of connection with the planet’s fragile environment.
“We’ve gathered together a diverse collection of brilliant art-
ists who, in their own unique ways, interpret thought-provoking
themes such as ecological awareness, landscape and the artificial
distinction between man and nature,” said Hester Alberdingk
Thijm, director of AkzoNobel’s Art Foundation.
“It’s an exploration of the landscape of the imagination. An
invitation to contemplate the Earth’s natural environment and Photo: Martin van Welzen
our place in it.”
Visitors enter a world without humans and experience a sym- that we emotionally engage with our natural surroundings to
biosis with the landscape of which we form a part – from the better understand the challenges we’re all facing.
idyllic to the dystopic. Whether it’s Lin de Mol’s reindeer moss “As a company, it’s also an opportunity to reflect on how
installation, or Jan Robert Leegte’s sinister landscape, the mes- the natural world feeds our own imagination – providing in-
sage is that we need to come down to earth and realize what’s spiration for new color palettes and the development of more
at our very feet. sustainable products.”
“Every day, we seem to hear another story about the ongoing EARTH – A Collective Landscape is now open to the general
climate crisis,” continued Hester. “One of the main objectives of public, free of charge, at the AkzoNobel Art Space in Amsterdam
the exhibition is to highlight why it’s more important than ever Zuid, on weekdays from 9am to 6pm. CW

EARTH – A Collective Landscape includes artworks by Mirte van Laarhoven, Bob Bonies, Hadassah Emmerich, Job Koelewijn, Monika Michalko,
Alejandra Venegas, Kyra Sacks and Michelle Piergoelam. Photo: Martin van Welzen

138 | Coatings World ­ November/December 2023

138 Final Coat 1123.indd 138 11/15/23 2:47 PM


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