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Irish Standard

I.S. EN ISO 2819:2018

Metallic coatings on metallic substrates -

Electrodeposited and chemically deposited
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coatings - Review of methods available for

testing adhesion (ISO 2819:2017)

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I.S. EN ISO 2819:2018

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I.S. EN ISO 2819:2018 is the adopted Irish version of the European Document EN ISO 2819:2018, Metallic
coatings on metallic substrates - Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings - Review of methods
available for testing adhesion (ISO 2819:2017)

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ICS 25.220.40 Supersedes EN ISO 2819:1994

English Version

Metallic coatings on metallic substrates - Electrodeposited

and chemically deposited coatings - Review of methods
available for testing adhesion (ISO 2819:2017)
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Revêtements métalliques sur bases métalliques - Metallische Überzüge auf metallischen

Dépôts électrolytiques et dépôts par voie chimique - Grundwerkstoffen - Galvanische und chemische
Liste des différentes méthodes d'essai d'adhérence Überzüge - Überblick über Methoden der
(ISO 2819:2017) Haftfestigkeitsprüfung (ISO 2819:2017)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1 December 2017.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
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Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 3
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European foreword

This document (EN ISO 2819:2018) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 107 “Metallic
and other inorganic coatings” in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 262 “Metallic and
other inorganic coatings, including for corrosion protection and corrosion testing of metals and alloys”
the secretariat of which is held by BSI.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by September 2018, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by September 2018.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
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This document supersedes EN ISO 2819:1994.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
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Endorsement notice

The text of ISO 2819:2017 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 2819:2018 without any modification.

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Third edition

Metallic coatings on metallic

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substrates — Electrodeposited and

chemically deposited coatings —
Review of methods available for
testing adhesion
Revêtements métalliques sur bases métalliques — Dépôts
électrolytiques et dépôts par voie chimique — Liste des différentes
méthodes d'essai d'adhérence

Reference number
ISO 2819:2017(E)

© ISO 2017
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ISO 2819:2017(E)

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© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
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Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Methods of test........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
4.1 Burnishing test......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.2 Ball burnishing test.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.3 Shot peening test.................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.4 Peel test.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.5 File test............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.6 Grinding and sawing tests.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
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4.7 Chisel test..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

4.8 Scribe and grid test.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.9 Bending test................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.10 Twisting (winding) test.................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.11 Tensile test................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.11.1 Tensile test as qualitative test as a measure of adhesion in terms of
a classification..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.11.2 Tensile test as quantitative test for the determination of assembly
strength in N/mm2........................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.12 Thermal shock test............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.13 Drawing test............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.14 Cathodic test............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.15 Rockwell-C test........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
4.16 Scratch-test................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.17 Cavitation test........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Annex A (informative) Determination of adhesion of silver deposits (100 µm to 600 µm):
shot-peening method........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

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Metallic coatings on metallic substrates —

Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings —
Review of methods available for testing adhesion
WARNING — When particular methods of adhesion testing are included in International
Standards for individual coatings, they should be used in preference to the methods described
in this document and should be agreed upon beforehand by the supplier and the purchaser.

1 Scope
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This document specifies methods of checking the adhesion of electrodeposited and chemically
deposited coatings. It is limited to tests of a qualitative nature.
This document does not describe certain tests that have been developed at various times to give a
quantitative measure of adhesion of metallic coating to a substrate, since such tests require special
apparatus and considerable skill in their performance which renders them unsuitable as quality control
tests for production parts. Some of these quantitative tests can, however, be useful in research and
development work.

2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp

4 Methods of test

4.1 Burnishing test

If plated parts are subjected to burnishing in a localized area, the deposit will tend to work-harden and
absorb frictional heat. If the coating is thin, separation of the coating from the basis metal as blisters
will occur under these conditions in areas of poor adhesion.
When the shape and size of the part permit, an area of not more than 6 cm2 of the plated surface should
be rubbed with a smooth implement for about 15 s. A suitable implement is a steel rod 6 mm in diameter
with a smooth hemispherical end.
The pressure shall be sufficient to burnish the coating at every stroke but not so great as to cut the
coating. Poor adhesion is indicated by the appearance of a blister which grows as the rubbing is
If the mechanical properties of the coating are poor, the blister may crack and the coating will peel from
the basis metal. This test shall be limited to relatively thin deposits.

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4.2 Ball burnishing test

Ball burnishing is frequently used for polishing, but it can be used also to test adhesion. Using a barrel
or vibratory burnisher with steel balls about 3 mm in diameter and soap solution as lubricant, it is
possible to produce blisters when the adhesion is very poor. The method is suitable for relatively thin

4.3 Shot peening test

There are some variations of the principle by which the hammering action of iron or steel balls, allowed
to fall by gravity or forced by means of a pressure air stream onto the surface to be tested, produces
deformation of the deposit.
If the coating is poorly bonded, it will become blistered. Usually, the intensity of peening necessary to
cause non-adherent coatings to blister varies with the coating thickness, thin coatings requiring less
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than thick coatings.

One test can be performed using a tube 150 mm long, with 19 mm internal diameter, as the reservoir
for round iron or steel shot (0,75 mm diameter approximately) connected to a nozzle. Compressed air
is brought to the apparatus with a pressure of 0,07 MPa to 0,21 MPa1) and the distances between the
nozzle and the specimen are 3 mm to 12 mm.
Another test, that appears to be the most suitable for checking the adhesion of electroplated coatings of
silver during production of coatings from 100 μm to 600 μm in thickness, is described in Annex A and
employs a standard air-operated cabinet of the type used for shot-peening steel parts.
If the silver is poorly bonded, it will extend or flow and become blistered.

4.4 Peel test

This test is suitable for coatings less than 125 μm thick on substantially flat surfaces. A strip of tinned
mild steel or brass, approximately 75 mm long × 10 mm wide × 0,5 mm thick, is bent at right angles
10 mm from one end and the shorter limb soldered flat to the coated surface. A load is applied to the
free limb and normal to the soldered surface. The coating will be detached from the substrate if the
adhesion is weaker than the soldered joint. If the adhesion of the coating is greater than this, however,
failure will occur in the soldered joint or within the thickness of the coating.
This method is not widely used because the temperature reached during the soldering operation might
alter the adhesion. Alternatively, the test can be performed using an adhesive of hard-setting synthetic
resin of adequate tensile strength in place of solder.
Another test (the tape test) employs an adhesive cellulose tape, with an adhesion value of approximately
8 N per 25 mm width, whose adhesive side is applied to the coating under test, using a fixed-weight roller,
care being taken to exclude all air bubbles. After an interval of 10 s, the tape is removed by applying a
steady pulling force to the tape, perpendicular to the surface of the coating. The adhesion of the coating
shall be such that there is no evidence of detachment of the coating. This test is particularly used for
testing adhesion of coatings on the conductors and contacts of printed circuits. Coated conductors shall
be tested over an area of at least 30 mm2.

4.5 File test

A piece sawn off a coated article is held in a vice and a coarse mill file (one set of serrations only) is
applied to the cut in such a manner as to attempt to raise the coating. The file is used in the direction
from the basis metal to the coating at an angle of approximately 45° to the coated surface. No detachment
of the coating shall occur. This test is not suitable for very thin coatings and for soft coatings such as
zinc or cadmium.
NOTE See also ASTM B571.

1) 1 MPa = 1 MN/m2.

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4.6 Grinding and sawing tests

Grind an edge of the coated specimen with a grinding wheel with the direction of cutting from the basis
metal to the deposit. If adhesion is poor, the deposit is torn from the base. A hacksaw can be substituted
for the grinder. It is important to saw in such a direction that a force is applied that tends to separate
the coating from the basis metal. Grinding and sawing tests are especially effective on harder coatings
such as nickel and chromium.
NOTE See also ASTM B571.

4.7 Chisel test

The chisel test is normally used on coatings of considerable thickness (greater than 125 μm).
One variation of the test is to place a sharp chisel at the back of a coating overhang and give it a sharp
hammer blow. If the adhesion is good, the coating will break away or be cut through without the bond
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between basis metal and coating being affected.

Another type of “chisel test” is combined with the “saw test”. The test is made by sawing the specimen
perpendicular to the coating; if the adhesion is not very good, failure immediately becomes evident. In
cases where there appears to be no separation at the fracture, a sharp chisel is used to try to raise the
coating at the edge. If the coating can be peeled from the edge for an appreciable distance, poor or weak
adhesion is indicated. The cutting edge of the chisel shall be sharpened prior to each test.
Thinner coatings can be tested by substituting a knife for the chisel and light tapping with a hammer
may or may not be used. The chisel test is not suitable for soft coatings such as zinc or cadmium.

4.8 Scribe and grid test

Using a hardened steel scribe that has been ground to a sharp 30° point, two parallel lines are scribed
at a distance apart of about 2 mm. In scribing the two lines, enough pressure shall be applied to cut
through the coating to the basis metal in a single stroke. If any part of the coating between the lines
breaks away from the basis metal, the coating shall be deemed to have failed the test.
One variation of the test is to draw a square with a grid of 1 mm side and observe whether the coating
peels from the basis metal within this area.
NOTE See also ISO 9211-4 cross-hatch test for optical coatings and ISO 2409 for varnishes.

4.9 Bending test

The bend test consists in bending or flexing the coated products. The extent and nature of the
distortion will vary with the basis metal, the shape, the nature of the coating and the relative thickness
of the two layers.
The test is usually carried out by hand or with pliers, bending the specimen as sharply as possible first
to one side then to the other, until the specimen breaks. The rate and the radius of bending can be
controlled using suitable machines. The test produces a shearing stress between the basis metal and
the deposit; if the deposit is ductile, the shearing force is much reduced because the coating flows and
the basis metal can even break without the coating loosening.
A brittle deposit can crack but even so, the test can give some information about the adhesion; the fracture
shall be inspected to determine whether the deposit peeled or can be removed with a knife or chisel.
Any sign of peeling, chipping or flaking is taken as indication of poor adhesion.
The coated specimen can be distorted with the coating on either the inside or the outside of the
specimen. The behaviour of the coating is normally observed on the outside layer, although in some
cases, further information may be gained by examining the inside of the bend.

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4.10 Twisting (winding) test

In this test, the specimens (normally strips and wires) are twisted around a mandrel. Each part of
the test can be standardized: the length and width of the strip, the rate of bending, the uniformity of
bending movement and the diameter of the rod around which the piece is twisted.
Any sign of peeling, chipping or flaking is taken as indication of poor adhesion.
The coated specimen can be distorted with the coating on either the inside or the outside of the
specimen. The behaviour of the coating is normally observed on the outside layer, although in some
cases, further information may be gained by examining the inside of the bend.

4.11 Tensile test

4.11.1 Tensile test as qualitative test as a measure of adhesion in terms of a classification

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This is suitable only for certain types of coated article. The article is stressed in tension until it breaks.
Some cracking of the coating will normally be evident near to the fracture, but no detachment of the
coating from the basis metal shall be visible. This type of test is carried out by means of a tensile testing
machine and requires an appropriate two-sided clamping of the coated article.

4.11.2 Tensile test as quantitative test for the determination of assembly strength in N/mm2

This is suitable only for certain planar coated articles, planar reference blocks or planar witness
samples. A test stamp glued on the coated article, reference block or witness sample is pulled-off the
coated substrate unless special adhesive-bonded coated joints are directly tested under tensile stress
conditions. Given that the failure occurs at the coating/substrate interface, adhesive strength under
tensile load can be derived in N/mm2. In the case of other failure patterns, the adhesive strength is
larger than the assembly strength in N/mm2. A macroscopic and/or microscopic inspection of the
failure pattern is recommended. This test is carried out either as single-sample test by means of a
tensile testing machine or as multiple-sample test by means of a centrifuge.
NOTE See also EN 13144, ISO 4624, EN 15870 for tensile test arrangements and ISO 10365 for failure pattern.

4.12 Thermal shock test

The adhesion of many deposits can be determined by heating the coated specimen and then suddenly
cooling it. The principle involved in this test is the difference in coefficient of expansion between the
coating and the basis metal.
It is therefore applicable when the coefficient of expansion of a coating is appreciably different from
that of the basis metal. The test is performed by heating the specimen in an oven for a sufficient
time to achieve the appropriate temperature shown in Table 1. The temperature shall be maintained
within ±10 °C. Metals that are sensitive to oxidation shall be heated in an inert or reducing atmosphere
or in suitable liquids.

Table 1 — Thermal shock test temperatures

Coating metal
Basis metal Chromium, nickel, nickel +
chromium, copper and Tin
Steel 300 °C 150 °C
Zinc alloys 150 °C 150 °C
Copper and copper alloys 250 °C 150 °C
Aluminium and aluminium alloys 220 °C 150 °C

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The specimen shall then be quenched in water at room temperature. No separation, for example by
blistering, flaking or exfoliation, of the coating from the basis metal shall occur.
It should be mentioned that heating generally improves the bond strength of electrodeposits so that
any test method that requires heating of the test piece does not give a correct indication of the bond
strength “as plated”.
NOTE 1 In other cases, the diffusion of the coating into the basis metal can create a brittle layer so that the
peeling of the coating is caused by fracture rather than non-adhesion.

NOTE 2 See also ASTM B571 that discusses also other coating metals and temperatures.

4.13 Drawing test

Drawing tests are most generally used on coated sheet metal. The most common are the “Erichsen
cupping test” and the “Romanoff flanged cap test”.
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NOTE For a full description of the cupping method, see ISO 1520.

They produce a deformation of the deposit and basis metal into a cup or flanged depression by means of
some sort of plunger.
In the Erichsen test, a ball-shaped plunger 20 mm in diameter is pushed into the specimen with a speed
of 0,2 mm/s to 6 mm/s to a desired depth with a suitable hydraulic device. Poorly adherent deposits
peel or flake from the basis metal after a few millimetres distortion, while adherent deposits exhibit no
peeling, even when the basis metal has been cracked by the penetrating mandrel.
The apparatus for the Romanoff test consists of an ordinary press with a set of adjustable dies for
drawing a flanged cap. The flange is 63,5 mm in diameter and the cap 38 mm in diameter. The depth
of the cap is adjustable from 0 mm to 12,7 mm. The specimens are usually tested to a point that will
fracture the cap. The intact part of the draw shows how drawing affects the structure of the deposit.
These methods are used specially for deposits of the harder metals, such as nickel or chromium.
In all cases, the results shall be cautiously interpreted since the ductilities of both the deposit and basis
metal are involved.

4.14 Cathodic test

The coated part is made cathodic in a solution from which only hydrogen is evolved. Blistering of the
coating may take place due to pressure of gaseous hydrogen which diffuses through certain coatings
and accumulates at the site of any discontinuities between the coating and the basis metal.
The test is performed using a 5 % solution of sodium hydroxide (ρ = 1,054 g/ml) and treating the
specimen for 2 min with a current density of 10 A/dm2 at 90 °C. Small blisters form at points where
adhesion is poor. If the coating is still free from blisters 15 min afterwards, the adhesion may be
regarded as good. Alternatively, a solution of sulphuric acid (mass fraction of 5 %) can be used at 60 °C
with a current density of 10 A/dm2. Weakly adherent coatings develop blisters in 5 min to 15 min under
these conditions.
The electrolytic test is limited in application to coatings that are permeable to cathodically discharged
hydrogen. Nickel or nickel-chromium coatings react satisfactorily to the test if they are weakly adherent.
Coatings of metals such as lead, zinc, tin, copper or cadmium are not suitable for testing by this method.

4.15 Rockwell-C test

As described in ISO 26443, a Rockwell indentor is used for indentation on a coating/substrate system.
The observed delamination behaviour after load removal in terms of delamination pattern is correlated
to four quality classes of adhesion HF1 to HF4.

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4.16 Scratch-test
As described in EN 1071 (all parts), the instrumented scratch test makes use of an indentor at constant
or progressive load conditions during scratching. The critical load L c 2 is taken as measure of coating

4.17 Cavitation test

As described in ASTM G32, this erosion test may also be associated with adhesion as measured by the
degree of coverage as a result of cavitational load.

5 Summary
Table 2 shows all methods listed in this document.
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It indicates the suitability of each test for some of the most usual types of metallic coatings. Most of
the tests described are capable of destroying both the coating and the article being tested, but some
destroy the coating only. Even if the adhesion of the coating is found to be satisfactory on articles
not destroyed in testing, it should not be assumed that the articles are undamaged. For example, the
burnishing test (see 4.1) may render an article unacceptable and the thermal shock test (see 4.12) may
produce unacceptable metallurgical changes.

Table 2 — Adhesion tests appropriate for various coating metals

Coating metal
Adhesion test Nickel +
Cadmi- Chromi- Tin-nick-
Copper Nickel chromi- Silver Tin Zinc Gold
um um el alloy
Burnishing * * * * * * * * *
Ball burnishing * * * * * * * * * *
(soldering * * * *
(adhesive * * * * * * * *
File * * * *
Chisel * * * * *
Scribe * * * * * * * *
Bending and
* * * * *
Grinding and
* * * *
Tension * * * * * * *
Thermal shock * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
(Flanged cap)
Shot-peening * *
* * *

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Table 2 (continued)
Coating metal
Adhesion test Nickel +
Cadmi- Chromi- Tin-nick-
Copper Nickel chromi- Silver Tin Zinc Gold
um um el alloy
Rockwell C-test * * * * * *
Scratch test * * * * * * *
Cavitation test * * * * * * * * * *
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Annex A

Determination of adhesion of silver deposits (100 µm to 600 µm):

shot-peening method

A.1 General
This test method is used to evaluate the adhesion on steel of silver deposits of thicknesses between
100 µm and 600 μm. The results refer to qualitative tests only. The method does not destroy the parts
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on which the adhesion of the coating is satisfactory.

A.2 Test equipment

A.2.1 Peening equipment
Normal compressed air or centrifugal-type shot-peening equipment.

A.2.2 Shot
Spherical steel shot of average diameter 0,4 mm and hardness not less than 350 HV. Dimensions are
determined by screening and shall correspond to those given in Table A.1.
Inspection of shot dimensions shall be performed by screening at least once a week on a sample of 100 g
of shot taken from the peening nozzles.

Table A.1 — Dimensions of screen mesh

Screen mesh Shot held
mm %
0,707 ≤10
0,420 ≥85
0,354 ≥97

A.3 Procedure
Before peening, submit all parts to stress relieving by heating at (190 ± 10) °C for 2 h.
Mask all surfaces that are not to be peened.
Measure the thickness of the silver using a non-destructive method (for example, according to
ISO 2178). Discard the parts where silver thickness is less than 100 µm or greater than 600 µm and
those where the difference between the maximum and minimum thickness is 125 µm or more. Mark
all acceptable parts with their maximum thickness and group them in lots in which the difference in
maximum thickness is 125 μm or less.
Peen the silver-plated surfaces at the minimum peening intensity shown in Figure A.1 relative to the
maximum measured thickness. Peening intensity shall be regulated by tests on an Almen A specimen
(see A.5) before beginning treatment of each lot.
Control of peening intensity shall be done on an Almen A specimen at least once an hour.

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Remove the mask from the surfaces that have not been peened.
Inspect the peened surface visually; it should be completely peened. If there are non-peened areas,
treatment shall be repeated.
Check that no steel shot has been trapped in the coating. Remove any residual shot by means of air

A.4 Evaluation
Examine the silver-plated surface carefully with normal corrected vision. Where adhesion has been
poor, bubbles or blisters will form during the test on the silver deposit or the coating itself will be
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A.5 Regulation of peening intensity

Use a test specimen from carbon steel sheet, with hardness range of 400 HV 30 to 500 HV 30 and
thickness of 1,6 mm, which has been cut to a size of (76 ± 0,2) mm × (19 ± 0,1) mm and ground to a
thickness of (1,30 ± 0,02) mm (Almen A specimen).
The deviation from flatness shall not exceed an arc height of 38 µm when measured as specified below.
With the specimen rigidly held in the fixture shown in Figure A.1, peen it on the exposed side.
After peening, remove the specimen from the fixture and measure the curvature of the unpeened
surface with a depth gauge, the specimen being supported on four 5 mm diameter balls forming a
rectangle 32 mm × 16 mm. Align the gauge symmetrically on the specimen with its centre stylus at the
centre of the specimen. Measure the arc height at the centre of the specimen over the gauge length of
32 mm, measuring to the nearest 25 µm. The conditions of peening are then adjusted, if necessary, to
give the required arc height.

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ISO 2819:2017(E)

Dimensions in millimetres
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1 max. arc height X silver thickness, mm
2 min. arc height Y1 Almen A — arc height, mm
3 specimen Y2 peening intensity Almen gauge reading, mm
4 steel set screws, ∅ 4 mm to 5 mm
5 body, tool steel

NOTE For further explanation, see SAE J 442 a,

Figure A.1 — Fixture for peening test specimen

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I.S. EN ISO 2819:2018
ISO 2819:2017(E)


[1] ISO 1520, Paints and varnishes — Cupping test

[2] ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates — Measurement of coating thickness —
Magnetic method
[3] ISO 2409, Paints and varnishes — Cross-cut test
[4] ISO 4624, Paints and varnishes — Pull-off test for adhesion
[5] ISO 9211-4, Optics and photonics — Optical coatings — Part 4: Specific test methods
[6] ISO 10365, Adhesives — Designation of main failure patterns
This is a free 26 page sample. Access the full version online.

[7] ISO 26443, Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Rockwell indentation
test for evaluation of adhesion of ceramic coatings
[8] EN 1071 (all parts), Advanced technical ceramics — Methods of test for ceramic coatings
[9] EN 13144, Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Method for quantitative measurement of
adhesion by tensile test
[10] EN 15870, Adhesives — Determination of tensile strength of butt joints
[11] ASTM G32, Standard Test Method for Cavitation Erosion Using Vibratory Apparatus
[12] ASTM B571, Standard Practice for Qualitative Adhesion Testing of Metallic Coatings
[13] SAE J 442 a, Test strip, holder and gage for shot peening

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I.S. EN ISO 2819:2018
ISO 2819:2017(E)

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Price based on 11 pages

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