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Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

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Applied Thermal Engineering

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Phase-change materials for thermal management of electronic devices

Vincenzo Bianco a , Mattia De Rosa b ,∗, Kambiz Vafai c
Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering, University of Genoa, Italy
Engineering Research Group, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sassari, Italy
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Riverside, 92521, CA, United States


Keywords: The increase in power density of electronic devices, driven by the higher performance and miniaturization
Phase change materials demands, has led researchers seek new and alternative thermal management techniques. Since most of the
Electronics electronic devices often experience high frequency power cycles, cooling systems must also be capable of
managing transient thermal profiles to delay the temperature response and reduce the temperature gradients
Heat transfer enhancement
within the device, which can cause thermal stresses and, in the long run, the failure of the electronic
Thermal management
device. The integration of Phase-Change Materials (PCM) into heat sinks for electronic devices represents
an interesting technique to increase the thermal inertia of the cooling system, while also ensuring more stable
operating temperatures within the electronic components. However, several technical challenges still limit their
commercial viability in electronic applications. The present paper critically discusses the latest research trends
in this field, with a special focus on electric batteries, power electronic and portable device applications.
Methods to enhance PCM-based heat sinks for electronic devices are also discussed. Generally, integrating
PCMs into the thermal management system of electronic devices is an effective technique to reduce hot spots
(between 6%–10%) and have a more uniform temperature distribution inside the component. However, more
experimental research is needed to test their suitability over extended usage period and to establish practical
design procedures.

1. Introduction following the development of electric vehicles (EV), portable compact

devices and stand-alone electric storage deployments. Battery packs can
The rising demand for augmented performances of electronic de- suffer from overheating due to internal heat generation, especially if
vices has propelled manufactures to increase the level of miniaturiza- high charge/discharge rates are applied [6]. In the long run, thermal
tion of their products. Consequently, the power density of electronic stress and corrosion induced by off-design hot spots reduce the battery
components has continued to rise steadily over the last decades. This is
efficiency and its operating life span. Therefore, thermal management
the case, for instance, for commercial processors where power densities
systems, capable of dissipating the heat generated by electronic devices,
have reached values greater than 100 W∕cm2 [1,2], as shown in Fig. 1.
need to be designed to contain the temperature rise within acceptable
These higher power densities are generally localized and, thus,
creates local thermal hot spots with values between 0.1–1 kW∕cm2 [3], values, to limit hot spots and manage thermal transients induced by
which can lead to high local temperatures, often above the recom- high frequency operating cycles [7]. In this context, four levels of
mended thresholds [1], and large temperature gradients (e.g., 5 ◦ C–30 complexity can be identified as function of the cooling system scale.
◦ C) within the component [4]. Prolonged high temperature opera- Starting from the smallest scale, they are: (i) transistor level, (ii)
tions may result in performance impairment and, eventually, failure chip/module level, (iii) board level and (iv) packed system level [2].
of the electronic device. This risk is particularly high for fast switch- While the thermal management at the smallest transistor scale is mainly
ing frequency equipment, where strong temperature variations can focused on the solid–solid interfaces between semiconductor compo-
cause thermal and mechanical stresses which, if not controlled, may nents and metal connections between transistors, the heat dissipation
undermine the component reliability and safety [5].
at chip-module and board levels is aimed at reducing the temperature
Similar issues also occur in electro-chemical batteries – such as, Li-
gradients inside the components and, thus, limiting the risk of the hot-
ion, sodium-based, Nickel-based and lead–acid batteries, etc. – which
spots. Finally, at packed system level, the cooling system is aimed at
have gone through a large technical improvement over the last decade

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V. Bianco), [email protected] (M. De Rosa), [email protected] (K. Vafai).

Received 29 November 2021; Received in revised form 15 May 2022; Accepted 9 June 2022
Available online 17 June 2022
1359-4311/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

during high-power operating periods, while their high thermal capac-

Nomenclature itance delays the temperature rise. Despite this promising framework,
𝛥ℎ𝑚 Heat of fusion (Jkg−1 ) several challenges and limitations in the use of PCMs for the thermal
𝑎𝑚 PCM melted fraction (–) management of electronic components – e.g., their low conductivity –
still require research efforts.
𝑐𝑝 Specific heat (Jkg−1 K −1 )
The present work provides a critical assessment of the latest re-
𝐶𝑃 𝑈 Central processing unit
search findings related to the use of PCMs for the thermal management
𝐸𝑉 Electric vehicles
of the electronic components. After introducing some general features
𝑓 Final state related to PCMs in electronic devices (Section 2), the selection of
𝐹 𝐸𝑇 Field-effect transistor the most promising technologies to integrate PCM into heat sinks of
𝐺𝑃 𝑈 Graphics processing unit electronic devices (Section 3) is presented, with a special focus on
𝐻𝑃 𝑆𝐿𝐷 High-power semiconductor laser diodes electric batteries, power electronic applications and portable electronic
𝑖 Initial state devices. Enhanced PCM solutions to improve the performance of PCM-
𝐼𝐶 Integrated circuits based heat sinks – i.e, combination with porous media and metal foams
𝐼𝐺𝐵𝑇 Insulated gate bipolar transistors – are outlined in Section 4. Finally, discussions and conclusions on the
𝑚 Mass (kg) status of the technology and future research directions are provided in
Section 5.
𝑀𝑂𝑆 Metal-oxide semiconductor
𝑃 𝐶𝑀 Phase-change materials
2. Overview of PCM applications in electronic components
𝑄 Heat flow rate (𝑊 )
𝑆𝐵𝐶 Single board computer Phase change materials (PCM) represents a type of material which
𝑆𝑆𝐷 Solid state drive undergoes through a solid–liquid state change during the charging/
𝑇 Temperature (◦ C) discharging processes, thus exploiting the latent heat of the material.
𝑇𝑓 Fusion temperature (◦ C) The interest in using PCMs for the thermal management of electronic
𝑇𝑚 Melting temperature (◦ C) devices lies on the possibility of exploiting the isothermal phase change
to reduce internal temperature spikes and to control the transient
temperature rise.
Generally, a heat charging and discharging processes between initial
removing the heat from the whole equipment and discharge it to the and final temperatures (𝑇𝑖 and 𝑇𝑓 ) in a PCM can be described as shown
environment. in Eq. (1), where 𝑄𝑃 𝐶𝑀 is the total thermal energy stored or released, 𝑚
Over the last decades, a lot of efforts have been put forward by is the mass of the storage medium, 𝑎𝑚 the fraction melted, 𝑐𝑝 the specific
researchers and scientist to optimize the thermal management of elec- heat (kJ∕(kgK)), 𝛥ℎ𝑚 the heat of fusion per unit of mass (kJ∕kg) and 𝑇𝑚
tronic components. Most of the technologies adopted for the thermal is the melting temperature [15].
management are based on heat sinks connected to the heat source
(i.e., motherboard, battery pack, etc.). The heat sink extracts the heat 𝑇𝑚 𝑇𝑓
𝑄𝑃 𝐶𝑀 = 𝑚𝑐𝑝 𝑑𝑇 + 𝑚𝑎𝑚 𝛥ℎ𝑚 + 𝑚𝑐𝑝 𝑑𝑇 (1)
from the thermal source (i.e., by conduction) and release it to the ∫𝑇𝑖 ∫𝑇𝑚
external environment. If this release is supported by a cooling system
Typically, PCMs are divided into three categories, as shown in
– such as, fans or cooling pipes [8] – an active thermal management
Fig. 2 [16]: organic compounds, inorganic compounds and eutectic
is employed. Otherwise, the thermal management is called passive [9].
mixtures. Organic compounds – e.g., like paraffin waxes (𝐶𝐻3 −(𝐶𝐻𝑛 )−
Generally, a proper design of the thermal management system is crucial
𝐶𝐻3 ), fatty acids, alcohols and glycols – are generally stable, recyclable
to achieve high dissipation rates and a uniform cooling, capable of
and non-corrosive and have an operating temperature range between
ensuring stable temperature profiles inside the electronic device [10,
16–70 ◦ C and an energy storage potential between 120–210 kJ∕kg [17].
11]. Heat sink geometry, thermo-physical properties of the material
The main disadvantages of organic PCM are represented b 𝑦 the low
and operating conditions strongly affects the efficiency of the ther-
thermal conductivity (about 0.2 W∕mK), flammability, instability in-
mal management system and, thus, the performance of the electronic
creasing with temperature and some degree of toxicity. Moreover,
device [12,13]. paraffin-based PCMs experience a large volume change during the
Nonetheless, high dissipation rates are not the only target of the phase change process.
cooling systems. As mentioned before, electronic components – like, Salt hydrates are typical PCM inorganic mixtures in the form 𝐴𝐵 ⋅
high power batteries, power electronics, micro-chips, etc. – often ex- 𝑛𝐻2 𝑂 in which the phase change process is related to the hydra-
perience high frequency power cycles, which can cause thermal stress tion and dehydration of the salt [15]. Several studies have demon-
and, eventually, failure of the electronic devices. Being capable of strated that salt hydrates have high volumetric latent heat capacity,
managing the transient thermal profiles during these cycles – e.g., by high thermal conductivity and low corrosiveness (if coupled with plas-
delaying the thermal response of the components – can ensure more tics), while they experience small volume variation during the phase
reliable and safer operating conditions for the electronic devices, thus change. However, the hydration process may not be uniform thus caus-
extending their life span [14]. ing solid residuals accumulation, temperature gradients and property
In this context, the integration of Phase-Change Materials (PCMs) differences between the components. For instance, 𝑁𝑎2 𝑆𝑂4 ⋅ 𝐻2 𝑂,
into heat sinks for electronic devices has attracted substantial interest the most common salt used for thermal storage, has an operating
among researchers and scientists, due to their potential in increasing temperature between 25–35 ◦ C with a latent heat capacity of 254
the thermal capacitance of the cooling system and, thus, improving the kJ∕kg [17].
management of the operational thermal response of the components. Metal alloys and compounds with low-temperature melting point
Generally, PCMs exploit the latent heat of fusion of the material during are another category of inorganic PCMs. Due to the higher thermal
their operation, thus undergoing through phase-state changes during conductivity and energy storage density per unit of volume, metal
the charging and discharging process (e.g., solid to liquid and vice- alloys have been suggested as a promising technique for PCM-based
versa). The isothermal nature of the phase-change process supports cooling in power electronic applications [18]. However, numerical and
the reduction of the peak temperature (i.e., peak shaving), especially experimental investigations are still scarce and fragmented and more

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 1. Historical trend of (a) number of transistors per integrated circuit (die) and (b) power densities of commercial processors over the last decades Smoyer and Norris [2].

Fig. 2. PCM classification [16].

research efforts are needed to fully understand and characterize their and (iv) ensure the long-term thermal stability of the PCM. Generally,
performance and suitability [5]. technologies for the PCM containment can be divided into four cat-
Eutectic PCMs consist of a mixture of components – e.g., organic/ egories depending on the dimension of the single PCM package [23,
organic, inorganic/inorganic and organic/inorganic mixtures [17] –
which are generally developed in order to reduce the melting temper-
ature and to improve the thermo-physical properties of the resulting
• Bulk containment: it consists of a relative large size PCM stor-
blend, depending on the specific application. The current literature
on eutectic PCM is still scarce, despite some suggestions on eutectic age inside a metallic or plastic enclosure specially designed to
compounds have been made [19–21], and more research efforts are increase the heat transfer (e.g., fins) López-Navarro et al. [25].
needed to characterize optimal eutectic mixtures, to ensure high ther- • Macro-encapsulation: PCM is packaged into capsules with di-
mal stability, low component separation and to address supercooling mension greater than 10−2 m [26], which are then stored into
issues (Section 2.2). A recent review by Singh et al. [22] summarizes containers with a specific geometry designed to increase the heat
the current state of art of eutectic-based PCMs. exchange surface.
• Micro-encapsulation: it includes all applications in which PCMs
2.1. PCM containment for electronic applications
are encapsulated into small capsules (between 10−3 m and 10−2
Specific containment acting as a barrier between the PCM and other m). Micro-encapsulation techniques lead to a better matching
components must be designed in order to (i) ensure PCM structural between the PCM storage and the other components, while also
integrity, (ii) guarantee the corrosion resistance, (iii) favor the process allow high customization degree and transport flexibility [26].

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 3. Desirable properties of PCMs for their application in electronics applications [9]. The typical low thermal conductivity of PCM still represents one of the major challenge.

• Nano-encapsulation: PCM is embodied in very small particles with occurs with PCM based on multiple components (e.g., salt hydrates),
a dimension lower than 10−3 m, thus reducing the phase segrega- especially for low-temperature applications as shown by Oró et al.
tion at a nano-scale level and improving the cycle stability [27]. [35]. Furthermore, the supercooling effect is another common problem,
especially for inorganic PCMs, which consists of the delay in starting
Generally, the integration of PCM in electronic devices requires
the solidification process during the discharge process typically caused
different levels of packaging, depending on the geometry of the specific
by heterogeneous geometries and nucleation at the surface of heat ex-
application. Most of the research carried out on PCM-based thermal
changers [37]. This delay leads to part of the liquid fraction to solidify
management for power electronics – e.g., transistors, chip-sets, batter- at a temperature lower than the PCM freezing temperature, causing
ies (see Section 2) – adopted small PCM bulk containment inserted temperature gradients inside the PCM volume and, consequently, the
into finned heat sinks [28–30]. Notwithstanding, the latest research delay in starting the phase-change [36].
trend shows an emerging interest in developing novel micro/nano Other common problems with PCM are represented by flammability
flexible encapsulation techniques to incorporate enhanced PCMs com- and corrosion. Organic PCMs can be flammable under certain operating
pounds (e.g., PCM-film with reduced thickness, paraffin-based micro- conditions, which poses important safety risk, especially in electronic
encapsulated PCM, etc.), due to the increasing miniaturization of the components. Typically, the flammability risk is assessed by evaluating
electronic components, especially for portable devices [31,32], as it will the ignition time, component stability, smoke and mass losses [38].
be described in Section 3.3. Flame retardants made by phosphorous and nitrogen can be employed
to improve safety, while other techniques like graphite and nano-
2.2. Outstanding challenges and limitations silica flame retardants are still under investigation. Finally, corrosion
is an important aspect for PCM, since it affect the suitability of the
The suitability of a PCM for the thermal management of electronic PCM containment technique adopted. As shown in Section 3, most of
components depends on several properties, as listed in Fig. 3. Generally, the PCM-based heat sink structures are made by metal alloys, which
choosing the right PCM requires several technical, economic, safety typically experience a high degree of corrosion, especially for salt-
and environmental considerations driven by the type of application hydrates, as demonstrated by Oró et al. [39] and Calabrese et al. [41].
and operating conditions. As a first consideration, the PCM melting This represents a barrier to the use of salt-hydrates in power electronic
point needs to be in a temperature range compatible with the specific applications.
application analyzed. Higher latent heat per unit of mass, high specific
heat in the solid phase and high thermal conductivity are desirable 3. PCMs for thermal management of electronic components
aspects to reduce the amount of PCM required and to increase the heat
transfer, thus reducing the charging/discharging times. Furthermore, Generally, the thermal management of electronic components can
a low shrinking coefficient and volumetric expansion coefficient allow be classified into (i) active and (ii) passive systems [9]. Active cooling
low variations of thermophysical properties and volume change during systems are mechanically driven – e.g., by fan-assisted cooling, spray
the phase-change process. cooling, micro-channel with single or multi-phase flows [42], etc. –
Even though most of the criteria can be met by PCM, they still and can ensure high heat removal capacity and a reasonable degree
face several issues (listed in Table 1) limiting their deployment in of control of their working conditions. However, issues such as higher
electronic applications. In particular, PCM low thermal conductivity, maintenance, noise and vibration may occur. On the other hand, in
and the consequent slow heating/cooling process, is still a challenge, passive cooling systems, heat is removed without the assistance of any
especially in those applications characterized by fast heat transients. external component — such as, heat pipes [43–46], heat sinks [11], etc.
In order to overcome this limitation, PCMs need to be associated with Despite their lower heat removal capacity compared to active systems,
high thermal conductivity materials to support the heat transfer rate. passive techniques represent an interesting solutions in electronic appli-
The use of metallic fins, nano-particles and metallic foam matrices cations as they are noise-free and they have no parasitic consumption
have been suggested as heat transfer enhancement techniques for PCM and low operational and maintenance costs.
systems. For instance, Şahan et al. [33] demonstrated that using a 80%– The integration of phase change materials (PCM) into heat sinks has
20% paraffin-Fe3 O4 PCM mixture allowed an increase of the thermal attracted a lot of interest by researchers due to their high latent heat
conductivity by 60%. A comprehensive review of these methods applied of fusion, low flammability and safety. During the device operation,
to the electronic sector is reported in Section 4. PCMs absorb the generated heat at a constant temperature while going
Another phenomenon limiting the PCM performance is represented through a phase change (e.g., from solid to liquid). When the device
by the phase segregation related to thermal instability of the compound is turned off, the PCM releases heat to the external environment and
which can lead to an increase of the melting temperature. It generally it starts the phase-change process in the opposite direction (e.g., from

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Table 1
General issues and challenges associated with the use of PCMs in electronic applications.
Challenge Description
Low thermal conductivity PCMs have a relative low thermal conductivity, which leads to a reduction of the heat dissipation
rate. The increase of the surface areas and the use of carbon-based and metal-based additives are
typically employed to enhance the heat transfer [33,34].
Phase segregation After a certain number of melting/solidification cycles, PCMs made by components with different
properties (i.e., salt hydrates) may segregate due to thermal instability [35].
Supercooling Delay in starting the process of phase transition to solid due to a nonuniform cooling. It is common
in inorganic and organic micro-encapsulated PCMs [36,37].
Flammability Some organic PCMs can be flammable under specific working conditions; flame retardants like
phosphorous and nitrogen, can be employed to reduce the PCM flammability [38].
Corrosion Some compounds like salt hydrates are corrosive to metals, thus requiring proper containment design
(see Section 2.1). Generally, copper and carbon steel must be avoided, while aluminium is not
recommended. Stainless steel and polymer materials show higher resistance to corrosion [39].
Costs Market cost is driven by raw elements price, additives and containment methods. While raw materials
are not expensive, additives and encapsulation process may increase the cost between 45%–65% for
organic and paraffin-based PCMs, and between 30%–35% for inorganic compounds [40].

liquid to solid). Therefore, the main motivation of including PCM into life. This issue becomes more severe in the case of compact devices,
electronic devices is the need to reduce their operating temperature such as battery packs, in which many batteries are closely packed
over a specific period of time while also increasing the thermal response together [51], where spatial constraints limit the heat dissipation.
of the equipment. Most of the numerical and experimental researches The design of battery thermal management systems is therefore
carried out are aimed at [5,47]: paramount to dissipate the excess heat generated by the battery and
contain the temperature rise within acceptable values [52]. Generally,
• determining the magnitude of the reduction of the maximum
active cooling systems made by fans or cooling pipes are employed for
operating temperature (i.e., peak shaving) achievable due to the
this purpose (a comprehensive review can be found in Liu et al. [8]). In
this context, the integration of PCM into thermal management systems
• calculating the temperature response of the PCM under transient
for large battery packs and batteries with high charge/discharge rates
heat pulse;
have been suggested by various researchers to improve the performance
• identifying the critical aspects – e.g., geometry, configuration,
of the heat removal system and stabilize the operating temperature of
PCM thermo-physical properties, active/passive cooling, enhance-
the batteries. The effectiveness of this solution was demonstrated ex-
ment techniques, etc. – influencing the performance of PCM-based
perimentally by Al Hallaj and Selman [53], who also discussed several
heat sink for electronic devices;
aspects on PCM thermal properties, configurations, PCM encapsulation
• developing methodologies and guidelines for the design of PCM-
and possible heat transfer enhancement techniques.
based cooling system depending on the application type (i.e.,
Typically, PCMs are integrated into heat sinks, made by metal or
macro/micro applications, high power devices, etc.).
other high thermal conductivity materials, by filling the air gaps (see
The following sections provide a critical overview of the main Fig. 4), various configurations can be adopted [28]. Khateeb et al.
applications of PCM-base cooling systems for the thermal manage- [54] tested the integration of PCM (paraffin wax) for the thermal
ment of electronic components, with a special focus on electric bat- management of the Li-ion battery of an electric scooter. Three different
teries (Section 3.1), power electronic (Section 3.2) and portable device configurations were adopted: (i) PCM without any additive, (ii) PCM
(Section 3.3) applications. with aluminium metallic foam and (iii) PCM with aluminium metallic
foam and fins. The numerical analysis was performed under different
3.1. Electric batteries applications ambient temperature conditions in the range 0–40 ◦ C. All configu-
rations demonstrated to be capable of reducing the battery working
Reliable and efficient electric energy storage is widely recognized temperature, although including the metallic foam and fins proved to
as a fundamental pillar of the sustainable transition since they allow be necessary to guarantee high performance under stress conditions
increasing the flexibility of the power network in balancing power gen- (i.e., high discharge rate and high ambient temperature). The results
eration and demand [48] and, therefore, unlocking higher penetration were confirmed by a subsequent experimental work from the same
of stochastic renewable energy [49]. Among all technologies available authors [55], where the temperature profiles of the battery pack were
to store electric energy, electrochemical storage (i.e., Li-ion, sodium- recorded. The PCM was capable of reducing the operating temperature
based, Nickel-based and lead–acid batteries) have experienced a sub- by 8–10 ◦ C (i.e., 50% drop in the temperature rise), with the better
stantial development and influence on different sectors, from small results obtained by the configuration with metallic foam and fins.
compact devices to applications related to buildings, power systems and Similarly, Duan and Naterer [56] investigated two configurations of
transportation sectors. PCMs for the thermal management of a battery cell, simulated by an
Generally, the charge/discharge capabilities (i.e., charge/discharge electric heater. The two configurations were (i) a cylindrical container
current) of a battery are measured by the so-called C-rate, which is filled with PCM and (ii) a PCM sheet wrapped around the heater. The
defined as the rate at which the battery can be charged or discharged experimental results showed similar performance with reductions of
with reference of its maximum capacity. For instance, a battery with the temperature increase in the range of 5–8 ◦ C and stable operating
nominal capacity of 100 Ah and a C-rate equal to 1C is capable of temperature < 60 ◦ C.
providing 100A for 1 h, while the same battery with c-rate equal to 0.5C Since the effectiveness of integrating the PCMs in batteries and bat-
can provide 50 A in 1 h. This parameter is extremely important from tery packs was demonstrated by several authors, latest researches have
a thermal management point of view since a battery with high charge been focused on improving their design and increase the performance
and discharge rates suffers from higher temperature rise, due to internal by investigating new PCM mixtures and enhanced cooling techniques.
losses which can reach values above the standard operating values For instance, Lv et al. [58] developed a battery thermal manage-
(i.e., 60 ◦ C) [6,50]. Prolonged high operating temperature cycles leads ment technique based on a composite PCM consisting of expanded
to a reduction of the battery efficiency and compromise its operating graphite, paraffin and low-density polyethylene coupled with low fins.

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 4. Example of PCM-based thermal management of electric battery.

Source: Adapted from Wang et al. [57].

The composite PCM was prepared through a physical mixing method In a recent work, Choudhari et al. [64] investigated numerically the
which permitted obtaining a final compound with different expanded thermal performance of different PCM-based heat sink configurations
graphite/paraffin mass ratios. In particular, the authors tested two com- for an EV lithium-ion battery module. The study highlighted that using
pounds with mass ratio of 7:3 and 1:9. The experimental testing of the a PCM coupled with a fin structure layout in the internal cells allows
novel composite PCM configuration showed sufficient heat dissipation to dissipate effectively the heat stored, thus reducing the maximum
rates, since it was capable of keeping the battery operating temperature operating temperature by about 8% while resulting in a more uniform
at about 50 ◦ C at high discharge rate. temperature profile. Wang et al. [59] investigated both numerically and
Generally, an operating temperature of 50 ◦ C of the battery is experimentally the thermal behavior of a cylindrical battery coupled
widely recognized as acceptable, since higher values can accelerate its with a composite paraffin (melting temperature of 44 ◦ C) and a fin
performance degradation [59]. Song et al. [60] introduced a battery structure which showed the influence of ambient temperature and fin
working time 𝑡50 , defined as the time required by the battery to reach configurations on the melting process. Their research was extended
the temperature of 50 ◦ C, as a benchmark to measure the transient in subsequent works [65,66], where the correlation between the heat
thermal performance of the heat sink. In their work, the authors transfer characteristics for different paraffin-fin structures (i.e., acrylic
investigated the melting process of a composite paraffin-based PCM – and metal housing) and the melting process was characterized. The
with a melting temperature of 41–44 ◦ C, density of 880 kg∕m3 and experiments showed that the use of an acrylic housing can lead to
thermal conductivity of 0.13 W∕(mK) – coupled with a fin structure for the battery overheating and, in order to enhance the thermal per-
a cylindrical battery pack by using different geometrical configurations formance, the authors suggested adopting specially designed metal
(e.g., PCM-layer radius thickness, battery spacing, heat) and battery housing instead.
heating power. The results showed that it is possible to optimize the Another technique for PCM integration for the thermal management
of electric batteries is represented by the so-called form-stable compos-
heat sink configuration, by varying the battery spacing and PCM size,
ites [67] in which paraffin waxes is directly blended with polymeric
to achieve the required thermal performance for prolonged period of
matrix which acts as supporting material to prevent leakages. Despite
the well established and relatively easy production technology, the
Wu et al. [61] tested experimentally a finned copper-mesh with
strong rigidity leads to installation difficulties and possible low ther-
paraffin and expanded graphite as a composite PCM for the thermal
mal contact resistances. To overcome this challenge, Wu et al. [68]
management of a battery pack under several discharge rates. The
developed a novel composite PCM, based on the incorporation of PCM
configuration displayed better heat dissipation performances than tra-
(paraffin) with a thermoplastic elastomer (olefin block copolymer) and
ditional systems. In a subsequent work [62], the authors enhanced the
graphite, capable of maintaining the form-stable characteristic while
configuration further by inserting a heat pipe system to support the
also having a higher degree of flexibility and a good thermal conduc-
heat removal. During the charging/discharging phase, the PCM absorbs
tivity. Experimental tests conducted in a real battery application [69]
the heat generated by the battery, while the evaporating section of the
have shown that the new composite PCM can be easily installed and is
heat pipe transfer it to the condenser section where it is discharged to capable of maintaining the battery operating temperature below 50 ◦ C
the external environment. The experiments have demonstrated that the during a full discharge process, with a recorded maximum temperature
heat pipe-PCM system was capable of maintaining the battery operating of 43.4 ◦ C.
temperature below 50 ◦ C, even under high discharge rates (i.e., 5C). A In conclusion, as shown in prior literature the integration of PCM
sensitivity analysis on different design parameters (e.g., PCM thermal in electric batteries can help management of their thermal cycles by
conductivity, PCM thickness, heat pipe length, etc.) were performed to delaying the temperature increment and reducing temperature hot
optimize the system configuration [63]. spots even under high charge/discharge rates. However, research ef-
Zhang et al. [30] developed an experimental test on the thermal forts are currently ongoing to establish installation procedures and the
management of a FePO4 battery inserted in cylindrical cavities of an development of new flexible compounds capable of adapting the batter
aluminium module covered by a novel aluminium-nitrite composite geometry. Moreover, it can be noted that most of the cited works
PCM. The aluminium-nitrite was used to improve the thermal conduc- have focused their attention on the thermal management of batteries
tivity of the mixture, and different percentages between 0% and 25% for electric vehicle applications Indeed, the transportation sector has
were investigated. The resulting compound was a solid composite PCM attracted a lot of interest over the last decade due to an increase in the
with an average density of 0.89 g∕cm3 . The results showed an improve- usage of electric vehicles (EVs) worldwide. Since the performance of
ment of the heat dissipation of the battery pack and a reduction of the EVs is highly related to the adopted battery technology, efforts have
maximum operating temperature of about 19% at high discharge rate. been made to optimize their design. Generally, the techniques used
Moreover, the authors investigated various mass fraction of aluminium- to integrate the PCM in the electric vehicle batteries and their perfor-
nitrite (from 0% to 25%), showing a 20% value as the optimal design mance does not differ from what has been outlined earlier [57,70–72].
strategy for this configuration. Other aspects – such as system compactness [73], prevention of heat

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

propagation and thermal runaway under stress conditions [74], and the (i.e., active and passive) cooling system for high power electronic sys-
effect of vehicle vibration on the PCM performance [75] are aspects tems, under both steady and pulsating conditions. While the composite
which needs more investigation. graphene is capable of reducing the maximum temperature by 6 ◦ C
under steady heat generation only, the hybrid mode allows an extension
3.2. Power electronic applications of the fan on-set time, with 11%–23% energy savings under periodic
heat generation.
The thermal management of high-power electronic components, The thermal management is a critical issue also for high-power
which may experience transient high voltages and currents, is semiconductor laser diodes (HPSLD). HPSLDs consist of a laser diode
paramount since high temperatures are detrimental to their operating arrays converting injected electrons into photons and they are largely
conditions and life expectancy. Switching devices – such as insulated used in telecommunications, medicine, industrial machining, image
gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) and metal oxide semiconductor field- scanning, military applications, etc. [14]. These systems have a high
effect transistor (MOSFETs), which are typically employed for traction optical efficiencies (e.g., 30 to 50%) with power density over 1 kW∕cm2
applications, power generation and management – suffer from strong [84,85] and heat losses generally arising from optical conversion effi-
temperature cycling, which is considered one of the major cause of ciencies and contact resistances. These losses cause a surge in power
the system failures [76]. The internal electric resistances of leads, consumption and heat generation inside the component, which can
transistors and silicon layers cause significant heat generation, which cause very fast temperature oscillation (of the order of 1–10 ◦ C in
needs to be removed in order to contain the temperature rise. This heat microseconds) and, in turn, leads to a spectral shift of the emitted
laser [1]. Despite a large amount of research data demonstrating that
generation is particularly excessive when high switching frequencies
standard techniques – such as, micro-channel liquid cooling, thermo-
occurs [1] causing thermo-mechanical stress to the component junc-
electric cooling and jet impingement [86–88] – can dissipate the heat
tions – where materials with different thermal expansion coefficients
generated under steady state conditions, more efforts are required to
are in contact [77] – which, eventually, may lead to malfunctioning
handle the fast thermal transients typically occurring in these compo-
and physical damages of the electronic component.
nents [89]. Integrating PCM into conventional heat sinks for HPSLD
Different techniques have been developed and implemented to man-
represents a promising technique to improve the optical efficiency and
age the heat generation of IGBT systems — such as, air cooling,
reduce the thermal stress of these components. To the best knowledge
forced convection liquid cooling, spray cooling, jet impingement and
of the authors, very little effort has been made to test experimentally
two-phase flows [78]. Among all the techniques, the use of PCM for
the suitability of PCM for HPSLD devices, which represents a possible
high-power electronic cooling has been investigated intensively over
application for PCMs and an interesting future research direction.
the last few years. Typically, PCMs are inserted into specific contain-
ment layers installed directly on the heat sink structure to increase the
3.3. Portable devices applications
thermal capacity and, consequently, the thermal response. The heat
sink structure is generally metallic (i.e., aluminium), to guarantee high
Over the last decade, the usage of portable devices – such as,
thermal conductivity, with a fin structure to increase the heat exchange
laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. – have been rising globally. Tech-
nological advancement has allowed more complex, miniaturized and
Chang et al. [76] had experimentally analyzed the performance
performing devices, which have a higher power density, which in turn
of a PCM-based heat sink for the thermal management of a 15 kW leads to higher internal heat generation. Consequently, the design of
IGBT system. The heat sink consisted of an aluminium container with effective thermal management systems for portable devices has become
a closed cavity filled by paraffin and graphite nano-platelets. The ex- paramount to ensure users’ comfort and safety, while also reducing
perimental results showed that the adopted configuration is capable of the risk of malfunctioning or failure [90]. Generally, larger devices
achieving a stable operating temperature for the IGBT system. They also – such as, personal computers and laptops – rely on fans and heat
pointed out that the addition of graphite is paramount in improving the sinks for dissipating the heat generated by the central processing unit
performance of the heat sink. Hao et al. [29] analyzed the coupling of (CPU) [91]. This solution, however, is not feasible for compact devices,
a metal-based PCM integrated with molybdenum plate for a press-pack like smartphones and tablets, and passive solutions must be adopted.
IGBT to improve the thermal response time and the heat dissipation. In this context, PCMs have attracted a lot of interest as a promis-
The simulations showed that the cooling system is capable of absorbing ing solution for passive thermal management of portable electronic
the generated heat and reducing the IGBT junction temperature by 9 devices and several numerical and experimental investigations have
◦ C–16 ◦ C. Similar conclusions were found by Liu et al. [79], who tested
been carried out. As for instance, Tomizawa et al. [92] analyzed,
numerically different layers of a low-melting metal PCM integrated into both numerically and experimentally, the integration of PCM sheets,
a fin heat sink for the thermal management of a thyristor system. consisting of micro-encapsulated polyethylene composite material with
In the same context, the miniaturization and power increase ob- relatively high thermal conductivity, for a compact mobile device
served for microchips over the last decades has led to extensive studies simulated by an electric heater. The PCM consisted of paraffin, which
aimed at developing advanced thermal management cooling techniques was micro-encapsulated by melamine resin, with a melting point of 32
for their thermal management [81,82]. Issues such as limited space ◦ C, latent heat of 140–160 kJ∕kg and density between 300–600 kg∕m3 .
for cooling system, reduced heat exchange areas, high power densities In particular, the authors investigated the influence of different PCM
are still to be addressed to ensure high dissipation rates for stable mass quantities and geometrical configurations on the thermal response
and safe operating conditions. Farzanehnia et al. [80] investigated and operating temperature of the device. The results showed that lower
experimentally the effects of a PCM heat sink coupled with carbon operating temperature can be achieved due to the PCM layer, while a
nanotubes for the thermal management of a real electronic chipset delay effect between 16 − 24% occurred. These results were confirmed
under steady and transient operating conditions (Fig. 5). The results by Ahmed et al. [93] who investigated the thermal performance of
illustrated that the PCM coupled with carbon nanotube is capable of PCMs encapsulated in a thin aluminium film and coupled with a PC
reducing the cooling time approximately by 6% and also to reduce the tablet was investigated under a continuous.
operating temperature under intermittent usage. The authors concluded Recently, Li et al. [31] developed a PCM-film with reduced thickness
that the mix of passive and active (i.e., fan-induced forced convection) (i.e., 0.4 mm), based on n-octadecane and semi-refined paraffin wax,
is preferable, especially at high temperature ranges. This aspect was with high flexibility degree which proved to be suitable for the instal-
also outlined by Joseph and Sajith [83], who investigated the perfor- lation in complex compact devices for heat dissipation purposes. High
mance of paraffin–graphene composite PCM integrated into a hybrid latent heat is achievable (i.e., in the range 160–153 J∕K), while the

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 5. Experimental set up of a nanotube/paraffin based heat sink for the thermal management of an electronic device developed by Farzanehnia et al. [80]. (a) Heat sink
assembly. (b) Thermocouples positions and dimensions in mm. (c) Temperature response of the PCM and nano-PCM thermal module under 6.000 W∕m2 power density.
Source: Adapted from Farzanehnia et al. [80].

thermal conductivity is enhanced by using a graphene-based film (ther- thermal capacity which was attained after the installation of the PCM
mal conductivity 1500 W∕mK). The experimental results have shown (i.e., 115.2 J∕g−𝑃 𝐶𝑀) with significant temperature reductions (Fig. 6).
that the PCM-film is capable of reducing the operating temperature of The device usage pattern has a paramount influence on the perfor-
the device up to 14.3 ◦ C, while the thermal control time is increased mance of PCM cooling systems for a smartphone. Numerical and exper-
by 32.4%. imental investigations carried out over the last decade demonstrated
Preliminary experimental research involving smartphone/tablet that integrating PCMs into mobile devices leads to the stabilization of
motherboard were conducted by Ganatra et al. [94], who tested the in- its temperature over high-load time, thus reducing the user discomfort
tegration of a PCM layer into a single board computer (SBC) where the related to excessive device temperature. As indicated in Setoh et al.
essential electronic components of common mobile devices (e.g., CPU, [90], PCM-based cooling system for mobile devices can be effective
GPU, SSD) were installed. The SBC simulated the operation of an
only before the PCM is fully melted. After this point, the presence of
Android smartphone with benchmark applications. The PCM consisted
PCMs can deteriorate the heat dissipation rate and local overheating
of three commercial wax-based paraffins confined into a copper-based
may occur. Furthermore, it is also suggested avoiding the complete
rectangular enclosures. The authors tested the thermal response and the
melting of the PCM since the re-solidification process (i.e., PCM dis-
maximum temperature of the SBC with different PCMs configuration,
charging which can occur during CPU low loads) is typically longer
comparing the result with the benchmark test case (i.e., no PCM).
than the charging part (i.e., CPU high loads). Therefore, PCM thermal
Generally, the inclusion of PCMs increased the time response of the
management system is suitable for smartphones and other portable
system and reduced the temperature of the hot spots. However, it was
devices under low to moderate operating conditions when usage does
noted that increasing the thickness of the PCM layer will cause an
increase in the thermal resistance between the PCM and the copper not exceed the time needed to fully melt the PCM.
heat sink, which in turn may jeopardize the heat dissipation rate. Generally, more research efforts are required to completely charac-
Similarly, Zhu et al. [32] developed a micro-encapsulated PCM made terize the performance of PCM for mobile devices. In particular, further
of paraffin wax and polyurea shells, which was then attached onto experimental tests to collect data to understand the influence of PCM
the central processing unit (CPU) of a commercial smartphone. The properties, containment structure and geometry, operating conditions
experimental results have demonstrated that the micro-encapsulated and design optimization techniques. This will unlock the development
PCM was capable of delaying the temperature rise during phone stress of guidelines to support the standardization and commercialization of
operating condition (> 80% CPU maximum power) due to the high PCM systems in portable electronic components.

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 6. Example of microencapsulated PCM for mobile phone cooling developed by Zhu et al. [32]. Four PCMs mixtures with different component concentration and core–shell
ratios were analyzed. (a) Silicon sheet with PCM installation layout. (b)–(e): Electron microscope images of the different mixtures analyzed. (f) Infrared thermal images of the
phone under intensive working operation. (g) Comparison of the temperature profiles, with and without the application of the PCM layer, under intensive working operation. (h)
Infrared thermal images of the phone during the subsequent cooling period. (i) Comparison of the temperature profiles, with and without the application of the PCM layer, during
the subsequent cooling period.
Source: Reprinted from Zhu et al. [32].

4. Enhanced PCM solutions for electronic applications They considered different shapes for the honeycomb – i.e., square,
diamond and octahedral – to develop a parametric analysis for the
4.1. PCM combination with porous media and metal foam optimization of the PCM quantity to use in each of the considered
porous structures. The coupling between the porous material and the
Traditional heat sinks for electronic cooling are represented by PCM can be achieved in different ways. Nayak et al. [101] proposed
metal fins, usually utilizing aluminium or copper,by itself or along two configurations, one with the PCM distributed in a porous matrix
with using a fan. They are usually jointed on the component to cool and another one where the PCM is integrated with highly conductivity
it with the aid of thermal pastes to reduce the contact resistances. fins. They applied the two devices to the cooling of a chip. These
These devices are quite effective in conducting the heat generated by configurations allow a significant enhancement of the PCM thermal
the operation of electronic devices, but their accumulation capacities conductivity and heat transfer inside the component, which lead to
are quite limited. In order to improve their performances more sophis- a much higher performances than using the PCM by itself. Other
ticated devices are conceived by using other methods. Many authors researchers have explored the same topic by developing experimental
have focused on the combination of porous materials and metal foams, and numerical investigations. The proposed analyses are generally
with PCMs (Fig. 7). presented as passive solutions for electronic cooling, as shown in Qu
Porous materials have high conductivity, but low thermal storage et al. [82], where a saturated copper matrix with PCM is considered,
capacity [97,98], whereas the opposite is true for PCMs. Thus, an or in Ghahremannezhad et al. [102] where the transient behavior of a
innovative concept is to couple these materials together and fill porous copper metal foam filled with a PCM, i.e., paraffin wax, is investigated
materials with PCMs. In such a configuration, porous materials rep- (Fig. 7).
resent the thermal conductivity enhancers whereas PCMs guarantee When PCMs and porous materials are combined, many parameters
the storage capabilities. The addition of porous inserts within PCM influence the overall performance of the system and, therefore, var-
enhances the melting capacity. Xu et al. [99] demonstrated that the ious authors have focused their analyses on device optimization and
addition of porous insert made by copper foam in a PCM-based hori- parametric analysis. The aim is to find optimal values in terms of the
zontal thermal storage can augment both the heat transfer and thermal overall cost, filling ratio, porosity etc., or to establish the impact that
capacitance of the unit, leading to an increase of the melting rate by each parameter has on the overall efficiency of the system, in order
five times with a consequent reducing of the melting time by 80%. to concentrate the analytical effort on the most influential factors. To
A parametric analysis was developed to determine the sub-optimal this aim, Bianco et al. [95] proposed a novel finned heat sink based on
position for the porous inserts and the porosity. This device can be PCM and metal foams. The design of such a complex device required
used to recover thermal energy for large power units to guarantees an the definition of many variables to achieve an optimized solution. The
adequate cooling and an enhancement of the energy efficiency. optimization was developed with respect to the operational time and
With advancements in manufacturing capabilities, porous structures device cost (Fig. 7a).
can assume specific shapes. As such, Gopalan and Eswaran [100] A relevant parameter which is often under investigation is the filling
proposed the coupling of PCMs with honeycomb porous structures. ratio, namely the amount of PCM to be used. Different experimental

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 7. Examples of coupling of PCMs with heat transfer enhancers: (a) combination of PCMs with a metal foam and heat fins — reprinted from Bianco et al. [95]; (b) combination
of PCMs, nanoparticles, and finned surface [96]; comparison among different configurations, namely heat sink containing a combination of PCM with metal foam or pure PCM [82].

tests were developed in Zhu et al. [103] to find the optimal PCM sufficient time to exploit the enhanced thermal conductivity. Generally,
volume fraction and an optimal value of 2/3 was determined. Similarly, it is relevant to define which are the system requirements and the real
the combination of a copper foam with paraffin wax is experimentally operating conditions before considering enhanced cooling devices.
analyzed in Ali et al. [104,105] where an average optimal filling
ratio of 0.8 was obtained. The filling ratio influences the weight, 4.2. Enhanced PCM-based heat sink for electronic devices
cost, and life cycle assessment of the heat sink. Parametric analysis is
also proposed in other research works [106–109]. It is found that the Many researchers are engaged in studies to find simple solutions for
porosity and thermal conductivity of the porous structure are among enhancing overall thermal performances of traditional heat sinks. An
the most influential parameters in relation to the overall performances. interesting opportunity is represented by the coupling between finned
In particular, both the pore size and porosity have relevant effects on surfaces and PCMs. As discussed in the previous section, the idea is to
the thermal performance of the whole system, especially at high heat create a combined device which can optimize the high thermal capacity
generation and low convective cooling conditions, which is a typical of PCMs and the high thermal conductivity of traditional fins, usually
situation for portable electronic devices [106]. Similar conclusions are manufactured in copper or aluminium.
also obtained in Mesalhy et al. [107]. For each system an optimal A common solution proposed in different works is the filling of the
or equilibrium condition can be found. The deviation from this value air gap between fins with PCMs or to consider a matrix of pin fins satu-
rated with PCMs (Fig. 8). The transient behavior of n-eicosane coupled
determines a worsening of the performance. In fact, a lower porosity
with an aluminium heat sink is investigated in Arshad et al. [121].
would reduce the thermal resistance of the system (i.e., more porous
They have indicated that a critical value of the heat generation can
material and less PCM) and the thermal storage capacity. A higher
be found and the system can guarantees a proper thermal management
porosity, despite the increase in thermal storage capability, does not
up to this value only. When this value is exceeded, the overheating
improve the performance [108]. On the contrary, melting temperature
may happen. Kalbasi et al. [122] have focused on the estimation of the
of the PCM has no relevant effect [109].
optimal fin space when RubithermTM RT-27 is used as a PCM. They
To obtain further improvement of the system, some research works
had determined some correlations for the estimation of the optimal fin
[110,111] have proposed the coupling between PCMs and heat pipes.
distance and volumetric fraction of the PCM. Similarly, the interaction
The idea is based on the fact that heat pipes are efficient cooling
between the surface of a finned battery and a PCM, i.e., paraffin wax,
devices [112], capable of providing high heat transfer rates, whereas is considered in Weng et al. [123]. Different configurations of the fins
the PCMs can be used as storing medium which can also be connected are analyzed to evaluate their impact on the overall performance.
with a heat exchanger for recovering the heat to be used in other In the analysis of heat sinks, it is necessary to consider different
applications. The addition of PCMs was found to enhance the heat operating conditions, since an electronic device may experience dif-
dissipation rate by approximately 10% [111]. Other researchers have ferent thermal loads depending on the performed operation. In this
proposed more complicated devices which include the utilization of regard, Mozafari et al. [124] had analyzed a heat sink – composed of an
nanofluids [113–117], nanoparticles enhanced bio-based PCMs [118], aluminium finned surface coupled with three different PCMs, namely
and carbon nanotubes [119]. All these systems target a further increase RT58, RT44 and eicosane – subjected to different heat fluxes simulating
in the thermal conductivity enhancement of the system in order to work different working conditions. They concluded that the joint utilization
with higher heat generation rates. of a finned surface and PCM is a winning approach for the thermal
Finally, it is important to mention the work of Righetti et al. [120] management of high critical temperature devices.
who have highlighted the importance of considering real-life working To improve the design of PCM based heat sinks, it is necessary to
conditions for the improved heat sinks. The result of their experiments understand the heat transfer and hydrodynamic characteristics of the
have shown that the use of enhanced surfaces is not always the optimal melting flow, as illustrated in Bondareva and Sheremet [96], where the
solutions when considering the junction temperature. This is especially combination of a copper finned surface with n-octadecane was inves-
true when fast intermittent conditions are considered, since there is not tigated numerically in terms of heat transfer enhancement (Fig. 8b).

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

Fig. 8. Summary of some possible PCMs-based heat sinks configurations for electronic components: (a) Standard air-cooled heat (reference). (b) PCM integration into heat sinks.
(c) Air gaps filling with PCM in fin-based heat sink. (d) Hybrid PCM-air filling in fin-based heat sink. (e) Hybrid PCM-porous media integration in fin-based heat sink.

The thermal and fluid-dynamic fields were determined for different Another solution aiming at exploiting both the advantages of tra-
melting stages until the complete change of phase (i.e., from solid to ditional and PCM-based heat sinks is presented in Kozak et al. [128]
liquid) and the heat transfer performance was measured. The results where a novel device, composed of an aluminium heat sink partitioned
showed that it is possible to optimize the fin configuration in order to and filled with a PCM (i.e., eicosane), was presented. The cooling of
maximize the overall heat transfer of the PCM-based heat sink. Another the chip was achieved with classical rectangular air fins. On top of the
solution which is extensively investigated is the saturation of a pin- air fins two conditions were considered, namely natural convection or
finned surface with a PCM as reported in Arshad et al. [125] and Ashraf the presence of a fan. The authors had concluded that the use of PCM
et al. [126] where circular and squared sections pin fins coupled with is recommended when the share of latent heat is more relevant.
different PCMs, namely paraffin wax, RT-54, RT-44, RT-35HC, SP-31 Cavities filled with PCMs highlight another possibility for the pas-
and n-eicosane, are considered. They had investigated the impact of sive thermal management of electronic equipment as shown in El Omari
pin dimensions and the filling ratio on the overall performance of the et al. [129]. In particular the best performances are obtained by en-
system. closures without corners. Other more sophisticated solutions are rep-
To exploit the advantages of traditional heat sinks and enhanced resented by fins or mini channels filled with PCMs [130,131] and
PCM-based configurations, a hybrid solution is proposed in Kalbasi the utilization of innovative PCMs such as Field’s metal [132]. Filling
[127]. In the hybrid heat sink, the fin spaces are alternatively filled fins with PCMs allows the realization of effective compact cooling
with PCM and air. High cooling performances are detected until the full devices operating under steady state conditions while stabilizing the
melting of the PCM, after which a sudden decrease occurs. Generally, temperature in case of rapid changes [130]. Similar considerations can
the hybrid structure allows an enhancement of the heat transfer from be done for the mini channels where the hydraulic diameter is found
the PCM due to a higher convective heat transfer coefficient (i.e., 50 to be the most significant parameter [131]. Another option to obtain
W∕m2 K) when the complete melting occurs, compared to a purely enhanced performances is the utilization of more sophisticated PCMs
PCM-based solution. such as Field’s metal [132], an alloy of bismuth, indium, and tin, with

V. Bianco et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 214 (2022) 118839

the following mass fractions: 32.5% Bi, 51% In, 16.5% Sn. The alloy • PCMs are a useful aid for thermal management of power electron-
melts at 60 ◦ C and it is indicated in high heat flux electronic devices. ics applications and portable electronic devices. These devices are
When a PCM based heat sink is considered, the number of pa- characterized by a limited availability of space, which limits the
rameters influencing the overall performance is very high. Therefore, size of the heat exchange device. The PCMs combined with active
many authors have exploited optimization and parametric analysis in systems and sinks can be utilized to control the temperature and
order to determine optimal configurations or to identify the parameters avoid overheating. Generally, maximum operating temperature
which have the most prominent impact. An optimization study was reduction between 9 ◦ C–16 ◦ C and energy savings up to 23% can
proposed in Dammak and El Hami [133] where a reliability-based be achieved.
design optimization for determining the optimal thermal configuration • The main limit of PCMs is represented by the low thermal con-
ductivity, which can hamper their effectiveness in some contexts.
which satisfies a given degree of reliability which showed to be capable
To overcome this limit, PCMs can be combined with metallic heat
of reducing the operating temperature by 30%. Srikanth et al. [134]
fins (e.g., by filling the spaces between fins) and porous materials
analyzed a heat sink composed of aluminium fins filled with a PCM —
(e.g., saturation of metal foams with PCMs), thus creating a higher
i.e., eicosane. The aim of their study is to optimize the system in order
effective thermal conductivity for the setup, which can lead to an
to maximize the melting time of the PCM, while minimizing the solid-
improved performance of about 10%.
ification time. They had numerically simulated 40 three dimensional
• Particular attention should be devoted to the optimal configura-
configurations. The output of their simulations was used in a neural
tion of the cooling system, especially when PCMs are combined
network and a multi-objective optimization was executed to determine
with other cooling devices (e.g., heat sinks). Optimal filling ratios
the optimal configuration. or amount of PCMs to be added to the combined system is critical
Parametric analyses are developed in Wang et al. [135] and Kumar in attaining an effective device.
et al. [136]. A parametric study of a PCM based heat sink for cool-
ing of portable electronic devices was also performed in Wang et al. Based on the above considerations, it can be concluded that PCMs
[135]. They investigated the impact of different parameters, namely can continue to have an important role in the thermal management
PCM volume fraction, temperature difference, aspect ratio, and PCM of electronic equipment, due to their capability of reducing hot spot
properties, on the overall performance of the system. Their results temperature which creates a more uniform temperature distribution
indicate that the inclusion of the PCM improves the overall system inside the components. Future research should address the stability and
performance. Similarly, a parametric analysis of an aluminium heat suitability of the PCMs over extended usage periods, as well as the
sink partitioned in different ways by cross plate fins arrangement and establishment of practical design procedures which can assist engineers
filled with different PCMs is considered in Kumar et al. [136]. They in the application of PCMs based cooling systems.
concluded that the addition of PCMs to the heat sink is beneficial for
a better thermal management. They found that the PCM melting is Declaration of competing interest
faster in the initial stages when a single cavity heat sink is considered,
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
whereas the complete melting is achieved quicker in multi-cavity heat
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
In conclusion, the integration of PCM in heat sinks for electronic
devices have proven to be a promising technique to enhance the
thermal management. This integration can be made by filling the
air gap between the fins with PCMs. Considerable research has been Vincenzo Bianco acknowledges the support of
carried out in order to optimize the configurations and layouts under Ministero dell’Universitá e della Ricerca (MUR, Italy), grant number
different operating conditions. Parametric analysis has been carried out PRIN-2017F7KZWS.
to understand the influence of PCM volume fraction, operating tem-
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