Dream Children by - Charls Lamb

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By- Charls Lamb

The author of the essay "Dream Children: A Reverie"

is Charles Lamb. Here's a brief introduction about him:
Introductions of the author:-
• Full Name: Charles Lamb (1775 - 1834)

• Nationality: English

• Occupation: Essayist, poet, and literary critic

• Charles Lamb was a prominent figure in the English

Romantic movement.
• He is best known for his collection of Essays of

Elia, which includes "Dream Children."

• He co-authored Tales from Shakespeare with his

sister, Mary Lamb, a collection of simplified stories

based on Shakespeare's plays.
• Lamb faced personal struggles including mental

illness and the responsibility of caring for his

mentally ill sister.
Writing Style:
• Lamb's essays are known for their:

o Witty humor and playful tone

o Informal style that often feels like a

conversation with the reader

o Nostalgic reflections on his childhood and

past experiences
o Use of personal anecdotes(उपाख्यानों) to
illustrate his points
• Charles Lamb is considered a master of the essay

form, influencing generations of writers with his

unique style and ability to capture the essence of
human experience.
Here are some additional points about Charles
• He was a close friend of many other famous

Romantic poets like William Wordsworth and

Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
• Lamb's life was marked by tragedy, including the

death of his mother and his sister's mental illness.

• Despite his hardships, he found solace(साांत्वना) in

writing and left behind a rich literary legacy.

Note: While "Dream Children" is a well-known essay
by Charles Lamb, it's important to remember that he
wrote numerous(बहुत) other works throughout his
About ‘Dream Childern’/Introductions :-

"Dream Children" by Charles Lamb explores the

narrator's deepest(गहरी)desires through(के माध्यम से)
a dream. He encounters(सामना करता है ) a lost love and
their imaginary children, reflecting his longing(तड़प)for a
family. Humor and sadness intertwine(एक दस
ू रे से
लिपटना) as he interacts with them. Memories of his
childhood and sister surface. The fleeting dream
confronts him with his own mortality and unfulfilled
dreams, leaving a poignant(मालमिक) and open-ended
In essence(संक्षेप में ):
• The essay explores the narrator's longing for a

family through a dream.

• Humor and sadness mix as he interacts with his

dream family.
• The dream confronts him with impermanence and

unfulfilled desires.
• Character sketches of the main characters in

Charles Lamb’s “Dream Children”:

1. **Alice**:
• - Alice is the eldest of the “dream children.”
• - She is described as sweet-tempered and gentle, with
a loving demeanor(आचरण).
• - Alice is depicted(चचत्रित) as being close to her brother,
and she shares a special bond with him.
• - She displays a sense of innocence and curiosity, as
seen in her questions about their ancestors(पूवज ि ो).

2. **John**:
• - John is Alice’s younger brother and the other “dream
• - He is described as being lively and imaginative, with
a mischievous(शरारती)streak.
• - John enjoys playing and teasing(चचढाना) his sister,
but he also shows moments of tenderness towards her.
• - He exhibits a childlike wonder and fascination with
the stories their uncle tells them about their ancestors.
Let’s Start With Original Text:-

Here are Charles Lamb’s Dream Children in Hindi, along with the original

quote in English:

Original English Lines:-

“CHILDREN love to listen to stories about their elders, when they were

children; to stretch their imagination to the conception of a traditionary great-

uncle or grandame(दादी), whom they never saw. It was in this spirit that my

little ones crept(पेट के बल खिसकना) about me the other evening to hear about

their great-grandmother Field, who lived in a great house in Norfolk (a

hundred times bigger than that in which they and papa lived) which had been

the scene—so at least it was generally believed in that part of the country—of

the tragic incidents which they had lately become familiar with from the

ballad(गाथागीत) of the Children in the Wood. Certain it is that the whole story of

the children and their cruel uncle was to be seen fairly carved out(उकेरा हुआ) in
wood upon the chimney-piece of the great hall, the whole story down to the

Robin Redbreasts, till a foolish rich person pulled it down to set up a marble

one of modern invention in its stead, with no story upon it. Here Alice put out

one of her dear mother’s looks, too tender(नाजुक)to be called


In Hindi:-

बच्चों को अपने बडों (elders) के बारे में कहाननयां सुनना बहुत पसंद होता है , खासकर उनके

बचपन के बारे में । यह उनकी कल्पना को परं परागत रूप से कहे जाने वाले दादा या परदादी की छवव

बनाने में मदद करता है , जजन्हें उन्होंने कभी नहीं दे खा होता। इसी उत्सुकता के साथ मेरे छोटे बच्चे

ू रे ददन मेरे पास आए। वे अपनी परदादी फील्ड के बारे में सुनना चाहते थे, जो नॉरफोक (अपने

वपता और उनके घर से सौ गन
ु ा बडा) में एक बडे घर में रहती थीं। माना जाता था (कम से कम उस

इलाके में यह आम धारणा थी) कक यह वही घर था जहां “द वुड्स में बच्चे” नामक गाथा में वर्णित

ु द घटनाएं घटी थीं। यह सच है कक बच्चों और उनके क्रूर चाचा की पूरी कहानी उस बडे हॉल की

चचमनी के ऊपर लकडी पर खब

ू सरू ती से उकेरी गई थी। कहानी परू ी तरह से चचत्रित थी, यहां तक कक

रॉत्रबन रे डब्रेस्ट पक्षी भी ददखाए गए थे। लेककन बाद में एक मूखि अमीर आदमी ने उस पुरानी चचमनी

को हटा ददया और उसकी जगह एक नई संगमरमर की चचमनी लगवा दी, जजस पर कोई कहानी नहीं

थी। इस दौरान ऐललस ने अपनी मााँ की तरह एक नज़र डाली, जजसे डांट के रूप में नहीं माना जा

सकता था।
Description of these line:-

* बच्चे अपने बडों के बारे में कहाननयां सुनना पसंद करते हैं, भले ही वे उन्हें कभी नहीं लमले हों।

* लेखक के बच्चे अपनी परदादी के बारे में सुनना चाहते हैं।

* परदादी का घर बहुत बडा था और माना जाता था कक वहां एक डरावनी घटना घटी थी।

* उस घटना की कहानी चचमनी के ऊपर लकडी पर उकेरी गई थी, लेककन बाद में उसे हटा ददया गया।

* ऐललस ने लेखक की तरफ एक नज़र डाली, जो शायद इस बात से थोडी नाराज थी कक कहानी वाली

चचमनी हटा दी गई।

“Then I went on to say, how religious and how good their great-grandmother

Field was, how beloved and respected by everybody, though she was not

indeed the mistress of this great house, but had only the charge of it (and yet

in some respects she might be said to be the mistress of it too) committed to

her by the owner, who preferred living in a newer and more fashionable

mansion which he had purchased somewhere in the adjoining(समीप

वाली)county; but still she lived in it in a manner as if it had been her own, and

kept up the dignity(गररमा) of the great house in a sort while she lived, which

afterward(इसके बाद) came to decay, and was nearly pulled down, and all its old

ornaments stripped(छीन ललया गया)and carried away to the owner’s other

house, where they were set up, and looked as awkward as if some one were to

carry away the old tombs they had seen lately at the Abbey, and stick them up

in Lady C.’s tawdry gilt drawing-room.”

Get it in hindi:-
यहााँ चार्लसि िैम्ब एक दयािु और धालमिक महहिा श्रीमती फीर्लड की कहानी सन
ु ाते हैं, उनके सच्चे गुणों और
केवि धन की चमक के बीच के अांतर को रे खाांककत करते हुए।

श्रीमती फील्ड(Grand Mother) के सद्गुण:

• सम्माननत दे खरे खकताि: यह अांश स्पष्ट करता है कक श्रीमती फीर्लड असिी मकान मािककन नहीां थीां,
बल्र्लक असिी मालिक ने उन्हें इसकी दे खभाि सौंपी थी, जो एक आधुननक आवास को पसांद करते थे।
("not indeed the mistress of this great house, but had only "the charge of it"*)

• घर की गररमा बनाए रखना: मािककन न होने के बावजूद, श्रीमती फीर्लड ने बड़े घर के रखरखाव
को सुननल्चचत ककया और अपने रहने के दौरान उसकी भव्यता को बनाए रखा। ("kept up the
dignity of the great house")

• अ immense सम्मान प्राप्त ककया: उनकी दयािुता और धालमिक प्रकृनत ने आसपास के क्षेिों में
गरीबों और धनी दोनों से सम्मान प्राप्त ककया। (" beloved and respected by everybody" और
"attended by a concourse of all the poor, and some of the gentry too")

• गहरी धालमिक: कथाकार उनके असाधारण धालमिक ज्ञान को उजागर करते हैं, यह उर्लिेख करते हुए कक
वह पूरी स्तोि पुस्तक (Psaltery) और बाइत्रबि के एक महत्वपूणि भाग को स्मनृ त से पढ सकती थीां।
("knew all the Psaltery by heart" और *"a great part of the Testament besides"**)

भौनतकवादी मूर्लयों के साथ तुिना:

• मालिक का नया ननवास: मालिक का "a newer and more fashionable mansion" पसांद
करने से आधुननक रुझानों और बाहरी हदखावे पर ध्यान देने का पता चिता है।

• मजाककया ति
ु ना: कथाकार परु ाने मकबरे को आधनु नक ड्रॉइांग रूम में रखने की अजीबोगरीबता की
तुिना उस मालिक के कायि से करता है, ल्जसने परु ाने घर के सजावट को हटाकर उन्हें अपने नए
ननवास में रख हदया। ("as awkward as if some one were to carry away the old
tombs... and stick them up in Lady C.’s tawdry gilt drawing-room")

स्थायी ववरासत:
• यादों में सम्मान: मत्ृ यु के बाद भी, श्रीमती फीर्लड के अच्छे कायों और धालमिक स्वभाव को समदु ाय
के िोगों द्वारा साँजोया जाता रहा। ("her funeral was attended by a concourse... to show
their respect for her memory")

संक्षेप में, िैम्ब श्रीमती फीर्लड को सच्चे गुणों और आध्याल्त्मक समद्

ृ चध के प्रतीक के रूप में प्रस्तुत करते हैं,
इसकी तुिना धन और भौनतक सांपवि की सतही चमक से करते हैं। वह इस बात पर बि दे ते हैं कक सच्चा

मूर्लय चररि और धालमिक भल्तत में ननहहत होता है, जो भौनतक चीजों के खत्म हो जाने के बाद भी एक स्थायी
प्रभाव छोड़ता है।

“Here John(author’s son in his dream)smiled, as much as to say, “that would

be foolish indeed.” And then I told how, when she came to die, her funeral

was attended by a concourse(भीड) of all the poor, and some of the gentry too,

of the neighborhood for many miles round, to show their respect for her

memory, because she had been such a good and religious woman; so good

indeed that she knew all the Psaltery by heart, aye, and a great part of

theTestament besides. Here little Alice(author’s daughter in his dream)spread

her hands. Then I told what a tall, upright, graceful person their great-

grandmother Field once was; and how in her youth she was esteemed the

best dancer—here Alice’s little right foot played an involuntary movement, till

upon my looking grave, it desisted—the best dancer, I was saying, in the

county, till a cruel disease, called a cancer, came, and bowed her down with

pain; but it could never bend her good spirits, or make them stoop, but they

were still upright, because she was so good and religious. Then I told how

she was used to sleep by herself in a lone chamber of the great lone house;

and how she believed that an apparition(भूत)of two infants was to be seen at

midnight gliding up and down the great staircase near where she slept, but
she said “those innocents would do her no harm”; and how frightened I used

to be, though in those days I had my maid to sleep with me, because I was

never half so good or religious as she—and yet I never saw the infants.”

In hindi:

-**जॉन की प्रतततिया:** जॉन मुस्कुराता है, मानो कह रहा हो, “वह तो वाकई बेवकूफी भरा होगा।“ (“Here John

smiled, as much as to say, “that would be foolish indeed.”) यह इस बात का संकेत दे ता है कक वह

इस बात से सहमत हैं कक मकबरे को आधुकनक कमरे में रखना मूखखता है।

**दादी फील्ड का अंततम संस्कार:** कहानीकार वर्खन करता है कक दादी फील्ड की मृत्यु के समय उनके अंकतम

संस्कार में आसपास के गरीबों और कुछ रईसों की भीड़ उमटी थी। (“And then I told how, when she came

to die, her funeral was attended by a concourse of all the poor, and some of the gentry

too, of the neighborhood for many miles round…”) यह उनके द्वारा अर्जित सम्मान को दर्ाखता है।

(“to show their respect for her memory”)

**धार्मिक गुण:** उनकी धार्मिकता को दोबारा दोहराते हुए, कहानीकार बताता है कक वह पूरी स्तोत्र पुस्तक

(Psaltery) और बाइकबल के एक बड़े कहस्से को कंठस्थ जानती थी। (“because she had been such a

good and religious woman; so good indeed that she knew all the Psaltery by heart,

aye, and a great part of the Testament besides.”)

**छोटी एललस की प्रतततिया:** एललस कहानी सुनते हुए उत्सुक हो जाती है। दादी के बारे में सुनकर उसके हाथ फैल

जाते हैं (“Here little Alice spread her hands”) और जब नृत्य की बात आती है तो उसका छोटा पैर अनजाने

में कहलने लगता है। (“Then I told what a tall, upright, graceful person their great-
grandmother Field once was; and how in her youth she was esteemed the best

dancer—here Alice’s little right foot played an involuntary movement…”)

**दादी फील्ड का बीमारी से संघर्ष:** कहानीकार बताता है कक कैसे दादी फील्ड को कैंसर जैसी गंभीर बीमारी हो गई,

जजसने उन्हें र्ारीररक पीड़ा दी (“a cruel disease, called a cancer, came, and bowed her down

with pain”)। लेककन यह उनकी आस्था और हौसले को कम नहीं कर सका। (“but it could never bend her

good spirits, or make them stoop, but they were still upright, because she was so good

and religious.”)

**अकेले सोना और भूत की कहानी:** कहानीकार यह भी बताता है कक दादी फील्ड उस बड़े और सुनसान घर में

अकेली सोती थीं। (“Then I told how she was used to sleep by herself in a lone chamber of

the great lone house”)। वह मानती थीं कक आधी रात को दो बच्चों की आत्माएं बड़े सीढ़ियों के पास ऊपर-नीचे

चलती हुई ढदखाई दे ती हैं। (“and how she believed that an apparition of two infants was to be

seen at midnight gliding up and down the great staircase near where she slept”)।

हालांकक, उनका मानना था कक ये आत्माएं उन्हें कोई नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाएंगी। (“but she said “those

innocents would do her no harm””)। कहानीकार यह भी स्वीकार करता है कक वह बचपन में इन कहाकनयों

से डरता था, भले ही उसके साथ उसकी नौकरानी सोती थी। (“and how frightened I used to be, though

in those days I had my maid to sleep with me…”)। वह अपनी दादी जजतना धार्मिक नहीं था और

इसललए उसने कभी इन आत्माओं को नहीं दे खा। (“because I was never half so good or religious as

she—and yet I never saw the infants.”)

**संक्षेप में:** यह अंर् दादी फील्ड के जीवन के कवभभन्न पहलुओं को उजागर करता है, जजसमें उनके सम्माकनत अंकतम

संस्कार, धार्मिकता और बीमारी से लड़ने का हौसला र्ाममल है। साथ ही, यह बचपन की भूत की कहाकनयों और

कहानीकार की दादी के साथ उनकी तुलना को भी र्ाममल करता है।

“Here John expanded all his eyebrows and tried to look courageous. Then I told how good she was

to all her grand-children, having us to the great house in the holidays, where I in particular used to

spend many hours by myself, in gazing upon the old busts of the Twelve Cæsars, that had been

Emperors of Rome, till the old marble heads would seem to live again, or I to be turned into marble

with them; how I never could be tired with roaming about that huge mansion, with its vast empty

rooms, with their worn-out hangings, fluttering tapestry(फडफडाती टे पेस्री), and carved

(नक्काशीदार) oaken panels, with the gilding almost rubbed out—sometimes in the spacious old-

fashioned gardens, which I had almost to myself, unless when now and then a solitary gardening

man would cross me—and how the nectarines and peaches hung upon the walls, without my ever

offering to pluck them, because they were forbidden fruit, unless now and then,—and because I

had more pleasure in strolling about among the old melancholy-looking yew trees, or the firs, and

picking up the red berries, and the fir apples, which were good for nothing but to look at—or in lying

about upon the fresh grass, with all the fine garden smells around me—or basking in the orangery,

till I could almost fancy myself ripening, too, along with the oranges and the limes in that grateful

warmth—or in watching the dace that darted to and fro in the fish pond, at the bottom of the

garden, with here and there a great sulky pike hanging midway down the water in silent

state, as if it mocked at their impertinent friskings,—I had more pleasure in these busy-idle
diversions than in all the sweet flavors of peaches, nectarines, oranges, and such like

common baits of children.”

In Hindi:-

ये पांल्ततयााँ जॉन के बचपन की यादों का वणिन करती हैं, जो उस समय की हैं जब वह अपनी दादी ("grand-
mother") के बड़े घर ("great house") में छुट्हटयााँ त्रबताने आया करता था।

• Here is a summary of the text in Hindi, along with important

passages for English quotations:
• जॉन ने "अपनी सारी भौंहें चौड़ी कर िीां और साहसी हदखने की कोलशश की" ("Here John expanded
all his eyebrows and tried to look courageous") - यह शायद इस बात का सांकेत देता है कक वह
अपने बचपन के अनभ
ु वों को साझा करने में थोड़ा हहचककचा रहा है।कथावाचक बताता है कक उसकी
दादी अपने सभी नाती-पोतों (grandchildren) के लिए ककतनी दयािु थीां। उन्हें छुट्हटयों में बड़े घर
("great house") में रहने का मौका लमिता था। ("how good she was to all her grand-children,
having us to the great house in the holidays")वह वहााँ अकेिे घम
ू ने में आनांद िेता था, खासकर
परु ाने रोमन सम्राटों ("Twelve Cæsars") की सांगमरमर की मनू तियों को दे खते हुए। ("gazing upon the
old busts of the Twelve Cæsars")।ववशाि खािी कमरों ("vast empty rooms") और परु ाने ढां ग से
सजाए गए सामानों ("worn-out hangings, fluttering tapestry, and carved oaken panels") से भरे
ववशाि हवेिी ("huge mansion") की खोज में उसे कभी थकान नहीां होती थी। ("I never could be
tired with roaming about that huge mansion")बगीचे में घूमना और वहााँ के दृचयों का आनांद िेना
उसे पसांद था। वह मािी को छोड़कर ("unless now and then a solitary gardening man would cross
me") वहाां अकेिा होता था। ("the spacious old-fashioned gardens")वह फिों को तोड़ने का िािच
नहीां करता था, भिे ही वे दीवारों पर िगे हों ("the nectarines and peaches hung upon the walls")।
("because they were forbidden fruit")उसे बगीचे के पुराने पेड़ों ("melancholy-looking yew trees, or
the firs") के बीच घूमने में, िाि जामन
ु ("red berries") और सजावटी सेब ("fir apples") इकट्ठा करने
में ज्यादा मजा आता था। ("or in picking up the red berries, and the fir apples")वह ताजी घास पर
िेटना, बगीचे की खुशबू का आनांद िेना, ग्रीनहाउस ("orangery") में धूप सेंकना पसांद करता था।
("lying about upon the fresh grass... or basking in the orangery")वह तािाब में मछलियों को
दे खता था, बड़े मगरमच्छों को पानी में ल्स्थर ("silent state") दे खकर मजा िेता था। ("watching the
dace that darted to and fro in the fish pond... with here and there a great sulky pike hanging
midway down the water")कथावाचक कहता है कक उसे इन साधारण ("busy-idle") मनोरां जनों में, मीठे
फिों के स्वाद से कहीां ज्यादा आनांद आता था। ("I had more pleasure in these busy-idle diversions
than in all the sweet flavors of peaches, nectarines, oranges, and such like common baits of
“Here John slyly(सयानेपन से) deposited back upon the plate a bunch(घच्
ु छा)of grapes,
Which, not unobserved by Alice, he had mediated dividing with her, and both seemed
willing To relinquish(त्यागना) them for the present as irrelevant. Then, in somewhat a
more heightened tone, I Told how, though their great-grandmother Field loved all her
grand-children, yet in an Especial manner she might be said to love their uncle,
John(author’s cousin brother)L——, because he was so Handsome and spirited a youth,
and a king to the rest of us; and, instead of moping about in Solitary corners, like some
of us, he would mount the most mettlesome(साहसी) horse he could get, When but an imp
no bigger than themselves, and make it carry him half over the county in a Morning, and
join the hunters when there were any out—and yet he loved the old great house And
gardens too, but had too much spirit to be always pent up within their boundaries —and
How their uncle grew up to man’s estate as brave as he was handsome, to the
admiration of Everybody, but of their great-grandmother Field most especially; and how
he used to carry Me upon his back when I was a lame-footed boy—for he was a good bit
older than me—Many a mile when I could not walk for pain;—and how in after life he
became lame-footed Too, and I did not always (I fear) make allowances enough for him
when he was impatient(बेताब), And in pain, nor remember sufficiently(पयािप्त रूप से) how
considerate he had been to me when I was lame-Footed; and how when he died, though
he had not been dead an hour, it seemed as if he had Died a great while ago, such a
distance there is betwixt(बीच में) life and death; and how I bore his Death as I thought
pretty well at first, but afterward it haunted and haunted me; and though I Did not cry or
take it to heart as some do, and as I think he would have done if I had died, yet I missed
him all day long, and knew not till then how much I had loved him.”

In Hindi:-

यहााँ चार्लसि िैम्ब अपने बचपन की यादों को साझा करते हुए जॉन नाम के अपने चचेरे भाई

के साथ त्रबताए पिों को याद करते हैं।

**फलों को साझा करने से इनकार:**“Here John slyly deposited back upon the

plate a bunch of grapes, which, not unobserved by Alice, he had mediated

dividing with her, and both seemed willing to relinquish them for the present
as irrelevant.” (यहााँ जॉन ने चािाकी से अांगूरों का गुच्छा वापस प्िेट पर रख हदया,

ल्जसे ऐलिस ने दे ख लिया था। वह उसे ऐलिस के साथ बााँटने का ववचार कर रहा था, िेककन

कफिहाि दोनों ही उन्हें अनावचयक समझकर छोड़ने को तैयार हो गए।)

**दादी का पसंदीदा:**“Then, in somewhat a more heightened tone, I told how,

though their great-grandmother Field loved all her grand-children, yet in an

especial manner she might be said to love their uncle, John L——, because

he was so handsome and spirited a youth…” (कफर, थोड़े ऊाँचे स्वर में , मैंने बताया

कक कैसे उनकी परदादी फीर्लड सभी नाती-पोतों से प्यार करती थीां, िेककन खास तौर पर

उनके चाचा जॉन एि को ज्यादा प्यार करती थीां। ऐसा इसलिए था तयोंकक वह बहुत सुांदर

और उत्साही यव
ु क था...)

**जॉन की वीरता और दयालुता:**“…and a king to the rest of us; and, instead of

moping about in solitary corners, like some of us, he would mount the most

mettlesome horse he could get, when but an imp no bigger than

themselves, and make it carry him half over the county in a morning, and

join the hunters when there were any out…” (वह हमारे बाकी िोगों के लिए एक

राजा की तरह था। हम में से कुछ िोगों की तरह एकाांत कोनों में घूमने रहने के बजाय, वह
बचपन में ही एक बहुत तेज़ घोड़ा ढूांढकर उस पर सवार हो जाता था और आधी काउां टी घूम

िेता था। साथ ही, जब भी लशकार होता तो लशकाररयों में शालमि हो जाता था...)“…and

how he used to carry me upon his back when I was a lame-footed boy…”

(और वह मुझे अपनी पीठ पर त्रबठाकर कई मीि दरू िे जाता था, जब मैं िांगड़ा हुआ करता

था, तयोंकक वह मुझसे काफी बड़ा था...)“…and I did not always (I fear) make

allowances enough for him when he was impatient, and in pain, nor

remember sufficiently how considerate he had been to me when I was

lame-footed…” (और मुझे डर है कक मैंने हमेशा उसके लिए पयािप्त सहानुभूनत नहीां रखी,

जब वह अधीर और ददि में होता था। यह भी ठीक से याद नहीां रखा कक वह मेरे प्रनत

ककतना ववचारशीि था, जब मैं िांगड़ा हुआ करता था...)

**जॉन की मत्ृ यु का शोक:**“…and how when he died, though he had not been

dead an hour, it seemed as if he had died a great while ago, such a

distance there is betwixt life and death…” (और जब उसकी मत्ृ यु हुई, हािाांकक उसे

मरे एक घांटा भी नहीां हुआ था, ऐसा िगा मानो वह बहुत समय पहिे मर गया हो। जीवन

और मत्ृ यु के बीच इतनी दरू है ...)“…and though I did not cry or take it to heart as

some do, and as I think he would have done if I had died, yet I missed
him all day long, and knew not till then how much I had loved him.” (और

हािाांकक मैं रोया नहीां था या मैंने इसे हदि पर नहीां लिया, जैसा कक कुछ िोग करते हैं और

जैसा मझ
ु े िगता है कक अगर मैं मर जाता तो वह करता, कफर भी मझ
ु े परू े हदन उसकी

कमी खिती रही, और तब तक मुझे यह एहसास नहीां हुआ कक मैं उससे ककतना प्यार

करता था।)

**सार:**कुि लमिाकर, यह अांश जॉन के साथ त्रबताए बचपन के अनुभवों को याद करते

हुए उनके चररि और उनके साथ के बांधन को उजागर करता है । साथ ही, इसमें मत्ृ यु के

बाद पछतावे और खोए हुए वप्रयजन के लिए प्रेम की भावना को भी दशािया गया है ।

“I missed his kindness, and I missed his crossness(बदलमज़ाज), and wished him to be alive again,

to be quarreling with him (for we quarreled sometimes), rather than not have him again, and was as

uneasy without him, as he their poor uncle must have been when the doctor took off his limb(अंग).

Here the children fell a crying, and asked if their little mourning which they had on was not for

uncle John, and they looked up and prayed me not to go on about their uncle, but to tell them some

stories about their pretty, dead mother.”

In hindi:-

ये पांल्ततयााँ चार्लसि िैम्ब द्वारा “ड्रीम चचर्लड्रेन” ननबांध में उस गहरे दुःु ख को दशािती हैं, जो

कथावाचक अपने मत
ृ भाई जॉन के लिए महसूस करता है ।
**भावनात्मक उथलपुथल:**“मैंने उसकी दयािुता को याद ककया, और उसकी क्रोध को भी

याद ककया, और चाहता था कक वह कफर से जीववत हो जाए, उससे झगड़ने के लिए भी

(तयोंकक हम कभी-कभी झगड़ते थे),” (“I missed his kindness, and I missed his

crossness, and wished him to be alive again, to be quarreling with him”) –

यहााँ कथावाचक ववरोधाभासी भावनाओां को व्यतत करता है । वह अपने भाई की दयािुता को

याद करता है , िेककन साथ ही उसके क्रोध को भी याद करता है । वह उसे कफर से जीववत

चाहता है , भिे ही उनके बीच झगड़े होते थे। यह दशािता है कक मत्ृ यु के बाद वप्रयजन की

कमी ककतनी तीव्र होती है । “उसके त्रबना मैं उतना ही बेचैन था, ल्जतना उनका बेचारा चाचा

रहा होगा, जब डॉतटर ने उनका अांग काट हदया।“ (“and was as uneasy without him,

as he their poor uncle must have been when the doctor took off his limb.”)

– यह वातय भाई के खोने के दुःु ख की गहराई को दशािता है । कथावाचक अपने भाई की

अनुपल्स्थनत में खुद को उस व्यल्तत की तरह बेचैन महसूस करता है , ल्जसका अांग काट

हदया गया हो।

**बच्चों की प्रनतकक्रया:**“यह सुनकर बच्चे रो पड़े, और पूछा कक तया उनका छोटा सा शोक

वस्ि जो उन्होंने पहना था, वह चाचा जॉन के लिए नहीां था?” (“Here the children fell a

crying, and asked if their little mourning which they had on was not for
uncle John”) – बच्चों का रोना इस बात का सांकेत दे ता है कक कथावाचक की भावनाओां ने

उन्हें प्रभाववत ककया है । “उन्होंने ऊपर दे खा और मुझसे ववनती की कक मैं उनके चाचा के

बारे में और न बताऊां, बल्र्लक उन्हें उनकी प्यारी, मत

ृ मााँ के बारे में कुछ कहाननयााँ सुनाऊां।“

(“and they looked up and prayed me not to go on about their uncle, but to

tell them some stories about their pretty, dead mother.”) – बच्चे अब और दख
ु ी

नहीां होना चाहते और अपनी मत

ृ मााँ के बारे में सुनना पसांद करते हैं। यह दशािता है कक

मत्ृ यु का ववषय उनके लिए ककतना सांवेदनशीि है ।

**संक्षेप में :**ये पंजक्तयााँ मत्ृ यु के बाद वप्रयजन की कमी के गहरे दुःु ख को दशािती हैं।

कथावाचक अपने भाई को याद करता है और उसकी अनुपजस्थनत उसे असहनीय पीडा दे ती

है । हालााँकक, बच्चों की प्रनतकक्रया यह बताती है कक वे इस तरह के ववषयों को सन

ु ने के ललए

अभी तैयार नहीं हैं।

“Then I told them how for seven long years, in hope sometimes, sometimes in despair, yet

persisting ever, I courted the fair Alice W——n; and, as much as children could understand, I

explained to them what coyness(शमीलापन), and difficulty, and denial(इनकार) meant in

maidens—when suddenly, turning to Alice, the soul of the first Alice looked out at her eyes with

such a reality of re-presentment, that I became in doubt which of them stood there before me, or

whose that bright hair was; and while I stood gazing, both the children gradually grew
fainter(धुंधला) to my view, receding(दरू जाना), and still receding till nothing at last but two

mournful features were seen in the uttermost(संपूणि) distance, which, without speech, strangely

impressed upon me the effects of speech: “We are not of Alice, nor of thee, nor are we

children at all. The children of Alice call Bartrum father. We are nothing; less than nothing,

and dreams. We are only what might have been, and must wait upon the tedious(थकाऊ) shores of

Lethe millions of ages before we have existence, and a name”—and immediately awaking, I found

myself quietly seated in my bachelor armchair, where I had fallen asleep, with the faithful Bridget

unchanged by my side—but John L. (or James Elia) was gone forever.

In Hindi:-

ये पंक्ततयााँ चार्लसख लैम्ब द्वारा “ड्रीम लचल्ड्रेन” कनबंध में वर्र्ित स्वप्न के चरमोत्कर्ख और उसके बाद के जागरर् को दर्ाखती


**स्वप्न का चरमोत्कर्ष (Climax of the Dream):*** कथाकार बताता है कक उसने सात लंबे सालों तक

“आर्ा के साथ कभी, कभी कनरार्ा में” (“for seven long years, in hope sometimes, sometimes

in despair”) ऐललस डब्लर्लयू.एन. (Alice W——n) को प्रेम करने का प्रयास ककया। * वह बच्चों को समझाने की

कोलर्र् करता है कक “र्मख, कढठनाई और इनकार” (“coyness, and difficulty, and denial”) का मतलब

युवकतयों में तया होता है। अचानक, ऐललस की ओर मुड़ते हुए, पहली ऐललस की आत्मा उसकी आाँखों से इस तरह

झलकती है कक (“the soul of the first Alice looked out at her eyes with such a reality of re-

presentment”) वह असमंजस में पड़ जाता है कक उनमें से कौन सी उसके सामने खड़ी है (“which of them

stood there before me”) और* वे चमचमाते बाल ककसके हैं (“whose that bright hair was”).
**स्वप्न का अंत और जागरण (End of Dream and Waking Up):*** कथाकार यह दे खता है कक दोनों

बच्चे धीरे-धीरे फीके पड़ते जाते हैं (“gradually grew fainter to my view”) और अंत में केवदो उदास चेहरे

बहुत दूर ढदखाई दे ते हैं (“two mournful features were seen in the uttermost distance”). ये चेहरे

कबना बोले ही उसे यह जताते हैं (“without speech, strangely impressed upon me the effects of

speech”) कक “हम ऐललस के नहीं हैं, न ही तेरे, और न ही हम बच्चे हैं।“ (“We are not of Alice, nor of

thee, nor are we children at all”) “ऐललस के बच्चे बार्ट्खम को कपता कहते हैं।“ (“The children of

Alice call Bartrum father”) “हम कुछ नहीं हैं; कुछ से भी कम, और स्वप्न हैं।“ (“We are nothing; less

than nothing, and dreams”) “हम लसफख वही हैं जो हो सकता था, और लेट नदी के थकाऊ ककनारों पर लाखों

वर्ों तक इंतजार करना होगा, इससे पहले कक हमें अस्स्तत्व और नाम ममले।“ (“We are only what might

have been, and must wait upon the tedious shores of Lethe millions of ages before

we have existence, and a name”) कथाकार जाग उठता है (“awaking”) और खुद को अपने “कुसी पर

र्ांत बैठा हुआ पाता है” (“found myself quietly seated in my bachelor armchair”) जहााँ वह सो

गया था।* उसकी वफादार नौकरानी किजेट (“faithful Bridget”) उसके पास बैठी हुई है लेककन उसका दोस्त जॉन

एल. (या जेम्स एललया) हमेर्ा के ललए चला गया है (“John L. (or James Elia) was gone forever”).

**संक्षेप में:**ये अंर् दर्ाखता है कक कथाकार का स्वप्न अपने चरमोत्कर्ख पर पहुाँच जाता है जहााँ अतीत की प्रेममका की

छकव वतखमान में प्रकट होती है। हालााँकक, यह स्वप्न जर्लद ही टू ट जाता है और कथाकार वास्तकवकता में लौट आता है

जहााँ उसे अपने अकेलेपन का सामना करना पड़ता है।

Here are some literary devices used in Charles Lamb's "Dream Children" and examples:

• Metaphor:
o "The children of a lost Playmate" (Line 1): This metaphor refers to the imaginary
children based on the narrator's past love.
o "The tedious shores of Lethe" (Line 40): This metaphor refers to the river of
forgetfulness in Greek mythology, symbolizing the vast expanse of time the dream
children must wait before having a life.

• Personification:
o "John smiled" (Line 14): The dream character, John, is given the ability to smile,
attributing a human characteristic to him.

• Simile:
o "looked as awkward as if some one were to carry away the old tombs... and stick
them up in Lady C.’s tawdry gilt drawing-room" (Line 25-26): This simile compares the
act of moving historical artifacts to a new, unsuitable setting, highlighting the clash
between the past and the superficial present.

• Juxtaposition:
o The essay constantly contrasts the narrator's dream world filled with his lost love and
imaginary children with his lonely reality as a bachelor. This emphasizes the emotional
impact of his unfulfilled desires.

• Rhetorical questions:
o "which of them stood there before me" (Line 32): This question reflects the narrator's
confusion as the dream characters merge.

• Symbolism:
o "The great house" (Line 3): The grand house symbolizes the past, tradition, and a
sense of belonging that the narrator yearns for.

o "The children" (Line 1): The dream children represent the narrator's lost chance at
having a family and the longing for connection.

• Imagery:
o The essay is rich in vivid descriptions that create a sense of the dream world.

o Examples include: "a concourse of all the poor" (Line 34), "bright hair" (Line 32),
"mournful features" (Line 38).

• Irony:
o The title "Dream Children" itself is ironic as the children represent the narrator's
unrealized desires.

• Humor:
o Lamb uses wit and humor throughout the essay, particularly in his interactions with the
imaginary children. This helps to balance the underlying themes of loss and loneliness.
The End…
Thanks for reading….

Edit and Created By- Abhishek vermA

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