DLL - English 1 - Q3 - W7
DLL - English 1 - Q3 - W7
DLL - English 1 - Q3 - W7
EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1
Listen to short stories/poems and
Relate story events to one’s
Recognize rhyming words in nursery
experience. EN1V-IIIa-e-5
EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1.1 Listen to short rhymes, poems, songs heard
C. Learning Competencies/ EN1OL-IIIb-c 1.3.3 Use words that are related to self,
stories/poems and relate story EN1OL-IVd- 1.3.4
Objectives Write the LC for Talk about one’s personal family, school, community, and
events to one’s experience Talk about topics of interest (likes
each experiences pertaining to the concepts such as the names for
and dislikes)
family, one’s pets, and personal colors, shapes, and numbers.
3. Textbook pages
Ask: if they have seen or tasted a Show new pictures and at the right
Teacher posts her/his favorite food.
coconut. side are the name words
C. Presenting Teachers reads again the poem,” All
Posts new picture of a community
examples/instances of the Pupils will think also their favorite things bright and Beautiful”.
Let pupils to list some food with on the board.
new lesson food and share it in a class.
coconut ingredients.
Let pupils identify the picture
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher reads the story to the Teacher will continue to read the Let pupils identify the rhyming words The teacher reads all the words on
and practicing new skills #2 pupils from pages 1 to 13 using second part of the story using in the poem. the board.
predictive questions, to make predictive questions, to make
reading interactive. reading interactive. Write the rhyming words on the Guide pupils as they read the words
board. correctly
Pause at some parts of the story to Pause at some parts of the story to Stanza
ask questions. ask questions. Rhyming words
1beautiful-full; small-all
Read the story again together with
Read the story again together with the pupils.
the pupils.
Ask comprehension questions
Ask comprehension questions about about the story.
the story. Where did Mother and Pilo
Who are Mother, Father, go to buy pants? Call 4 volunteer
and Ate Bebeng looking for? –What did Pilo do when Each pupil will holding a word of
–What does Pilo like to do? they were at the store? Teacher will read all the listed person, place, things and animals.
F. Developing mastery (Leads
–In what places did he –What happened when rhyming words in the board.
to formative assessment)
hide? Pilo came out of the clothes rack? Give a word that pupils will identify,
–What did Pilo suddenly –What did he feel when he Asks pupils to read the rhyming whether it is a name of persons,
say to Mother, Father, and Ate couldn’t find Mother? words together places, things or animals
Bebeng? –If you were Pilo, what
–Do you also like to hide? would you feel if you can’t find your
–Where do you hide? mother? What would you do?
–What happens when you –Are you like Pilo? Do you
hide? also love to hide? Or have you been
lost before?
I.Evaluating Learning Direction: Fill in the blank reads Direction: Draw a happy face or a Direction: Read each set of words. Direction: put an X in the box next
each sentence and answer each sad face inside the circle to show Circle the rhyming words in each to the picture that does not belong
question. how you feel about each picture. row. to the group.
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation