What Makes Up The Club Experience

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Recent Rotary research confirms that the single most important factor
in member satisfaction is the club experience.

Confidence in club
leadership — When
Meeting enjoyment — When members feel that they have
members have fun, and feel input in the club, their club
that they are included and leaders are open to their
belong ideas, and when they trust
the leaders to make good
decisions for the club

WHAT MAKES Personal growth

UP THE CLUB opportunities — When

members feel that their

EXPERIENCE? club and Rotary offer

ways for them to
develop skills and to
Connections — When
members feel that
Meaningful service —
they’ve formed valuable
When members feel that
relationships through
the service their club does
makes a difference in the
world and in their

Using our Membership Assessment Tools guide, which includes the

Member Satisfaction Survey, can help you craft an experience that
reflects your members’ interests and needs.

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