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Event Management System

The Project is entitled as an Event Management system
that helps you remotely create, remove, retrieve, modify, and
manage events. It provides all the necessary access to the
system manager, admin, and each registered user related to
your event. It gives the event organizer access to see the
attendees and guest list, as well as creating or deleting an
event, and the end user can view the events created and
register for them. This project will reduce the amount of
office work and manpower, thus providing a hassle-free way
of managing events. This event management system allows
you to easily keep track of ticket reservations for various
events. As this is a GUI project, we have developed various
files and modules to manage the various features of this
system. This application was created with the intention of
digitizing the hosting procedures; furthermore, it is accessible
at all times and anywhere. It offers the most basic
functionality needed by any event coordinator to manage the
events without any issues. This is to satisfy both the occasion
members' and the event manager's wants.
Event management system is an online event management
system software project that serves the functionality of an
event manager. The system allow only registered user login
and new user are allowed to register on the application .This
proposed to be a web application. The project provides most
of the basic functionality required for an event type e.g.
[marriage, Dance Show birthday party, etc.], the system then
allows the user to select date and time of event, place and the
event equipment. All the data is logged in the database and the
user is given a receipt number for his booking.


Event management is the application to manage and

development of festivals, events and conferences. Proposed
work Involves study of identifying the target of budget, cost,
and analysis. Post event analysis and ensuring a return on
investment have become significant drivers for the event
industry. This is an online event management system,
software project that serves the functionality of an event
manager. The project provides most of the basic functionality
required for an event .It allows the user to select from list of
event types.
Events Management System is very helpful for events. This
application being as a platform to know the events, to apply
for the events. Event organizer is an application under project
management for managing festivals or social events like
gathering, colleges, events, conferences etc. To understand
use of this application consider the flow of actions happening,
by this application user can register the students, after
registering, user can login, after login, event details including
name ,contact, address, venue of the event, date, event
conducting time, cost of events etc. After receiving SMS
student can register through application.
Event management is a process of organizing a professional
and focused event, for a particular target audience. It involves
visualizing concepts, planning, budgeting, organizing and
executing events such as wedding, musical concerts, corporate
seminars, exhibitions, birthday celebrations, theme parties,
etc. Event Management is a multi-million dollar industry,
growing rapidly, with events hosted regularly. Surprisingly,
there is no formalized research conducted to access the
growth of this industry. The industry includes fields such as
the MICE (Meetings, Incentives and Events), exhibitions,
conferences and seminars as well as live music and sporting
events. On the profession side, event management is a
glamorous and exciting profession that demands a lot of hard
work and dynamism. The logistics side of the industry is paid
less than the sales/sponsorship side, though some may say that
these are two different industries.


The objective of this application is to develop a system that

effectively manages all the data related to the various events
that take place in an organization. The purpose is to maintain
a centralized database of all event related information. The
goal is to support various functions and processes necessary to
manage the data efficiently.


This existing system is not providing secure registration and
profile management of all the users properly. This system is
not providing on-line help. This system doesn’t provide
tracking of users activities and their progress. This manual
system gives us very less security for saving data and
some data may be lost due to mismanagement. This system is
not providing proper events information. The system is giving
manual information through the event management executer.
In present system Event Company has to do all management
work manually. They keep all payment information on papers.
The present system will help to check the past expenses on
any event.


Event Management System is an event managem

e n t s o f t w a r e p r o j e c t t h a t s e r v e s t h e functionality of
an event manager. The system allows only registered users to
login and new users are allowed to register on the
application. This is a desktop application but web
application of the same application is also available. The
project provides most of the basic functionality required for
an event. It allows the user to select from a list of event types.
Once the user enters an event type (e.g. Marriage, Birthday
parties etc), the system then allows the user to select the
date and time of event, place and the event equipment’s.
All this data is logged in the database
and the user is setting up his username and pass
w o r d w h i l e registering. The data is then sent to the
administrator (website owner) and they may interact with the
client as per his requirements and his contact data stored in
the database.

A feasibility study is a high-level capsule version of the
entire System analysis and Design Process. The study begins
by classifying the problem definition. Feasibility is to
determine if it’s worth doing. Once an acceptance problem
definition has been generated, the analyst develops a logical
model of the system. A search for alternatives is analyzed
carefully. There are 3 parts infeasibility study.
Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a proposed
system solves the problems, and takes advantage of the
opportunities identified during scope definition and how it
satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements
analysis phase of system development. The operational
feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the
proposed development projects fits in with the existing
business environment and objectives with regard to
development schedule, delivery date, corporate culture and
existing business processes. To ensure success, desired
operational outcomes must be imparted during design and
development. These include such design-dependent
parameters as reliability, maintainability, supportability,
usability, producibility, disposability, sustainability, affordabil
ity and others. These parameters are required to be
considered at the early stages of design if desired operational
behaviours are to be realised. A system design and
development requires appropriate and timely application of
engineering and management efforts to meet the previously
mentioned parameters. A system may serve its intended
purpose most effectively when its technical and operating
characteristics are engineered into the design. Therefore,
operational feasibility is a critical aspect of systems
engineering that needs to be an integral part of the early
design phases.
Technical Feasibility
This involves questions such as whether the technology
needed for the system exists, how difficult it will be to build,
and whether the firm has enough experience using that
technology. The assessment is based on outline design of
system requirements in terms of input, processes,
output, fields, programs and procedures. This can be qualified
in terms of volume of data, trends, frequency of updating in
order to give an introduction to the technical system. The
application is the fact that it has been developed on windows
XP platform and a high configuration of 1GB RAM on Intel
Pentium Dual core processor. This is technically feasible.
The technical feasibility assessment is focused on gaining an
understanding of the present technical resources of the
organization and their applicability to the expected needs of
the proposed system. It is an evaluation of the hardware and
software and how it meets the need of the proposed system.

Establishing the cost-effectiveness of the proposed system i.e.

if the benefits do not out weight he costs then it is not worth
going ahead. In the fast paced world today there is a great
need of online social networking facilities. Thus the benefits
of this project in the current scenario make it economically
feasible. The purpose of the economic feasibility assessment
is to determine the positive economic benefits to the
organization that the proposed system
will provide. It includes quantification and identification of all
the benefits expected. Thisassessment typically involves a
cost/benefits analysis.



Hardware :

Clock speed :

RAM size : 512 MB

Hard Disk capacity :

Monitor type :


Operating System :
Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Internet connection : Existing telephone lines, Data card.

Browser : Google chrome latest version

Database : MySQL.
Performance : The turn-around time of the project

Documentation : MS-Office

Design and Implementation


The System “Event Management System” is an

automated system for event management. It is capable
of managing multiple events happening in different
locations. The System enables even the r e m o t e c l i e n t
to make online registrations. It is powerful,
u s e r - friendly and flexible and it offers great degree of
customization with ease of management. It manages the
whole logistics of the company with maximum
optimization. It provides analytical status of event
processing and follows efficient approach towards the
execution of the show. The system protects the status of the
events based on the authorization provided for the
different entities. With its powerful f u n c t i o n a l i t y
it can maintain the records of various
e v e n t simultaneously, and can print various reports. Event
management is the o r g a n i z a t i o n o f a l l t a s k s a n d
activities necessary for the execution of an

event regarding its strategy, planning,

implementation, and control, based on the
principles of event marketing and the methods
of protect management (Loos et al,2008) . The
context of event flows includes multiple states
and participation from different people such as
event registration,p e n d i n g r e g i s t r a t i o n , c a n c e -
l l e d e v e n t , a p p r o v e d r e g i s t r a t i o n , attendees, and
event managers. The manual process of managing an event is
time consuming as man is prone to error.
As the world goes through internet revolution, the demand
for system that ease human from their daily work is increasing
and there are lots of internet applications that provide
support for organization so as to help them achieve their
goals. One of these applications is a web based application for
proper event management.
Statement Problem
Event involves bringing people together within a time frame
in a particular place. The major problem is that it does not
provide up-to-date status and accurate data
regarding each event and how information about the
event is been communicated. The manual way of conveying
messages bring about certain restrictions such as
non- availability of the proposed receiver, omission of vital
details from the dispatcher, etc. Another problem is people
forgetting about the event date or time, because there is no
proper documentation about the event. Sometimes the
purpose of the event is not well sent out, so lack of
preparation for such meeting occurs. In addition, we have
different unit in an institution, each with different work
and functions. Sometimes different unit fix the same
venue as been schedule for another meet-
ing. This leads to congestion of event and
most events as been terminated or conducted
lately because of lack of lately because of lack of venue. It is
in this light that this project seeks to develop a system that
will provide solution to these problems stated above.

Significance and Study

In academic environment, proper coordination of venues for

an e v e n t a n d t h o s e t h a t a r e t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n s u c h
e v e n t i s o f h i g h importance towards preventing clashes
of venues and also uninvited personnel to a particular event.
In this modern age where computing is becoming ubiquitous,
organizations are being encouraged to have an information
System that will assist them in the management of

The Event Management System developed in this

research work will be beneficial to the staff of a particular
institution (Federal university of Technology). The institution
will benefit immensely from implementing this system as
it will make the assigning of event venues and sending
of notifications to attendee a seamless effort.
The employee o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n w i l l a l s o b e a b l e
t o g e t notification when a new event is created in which
they are to be part of also the System will send a reminder in
form of SMS and Email to t h e a t t e n d e e i n s o m e d a y s
o r h o u r s a s i t i s b e i n g s e t u p b y t h e organization.
Finally, the organization can generate frequent reports on
event venues, date, time and those that are to attend
a scheduled event.

Scope and Study

This research work is limited to event
m a n a g e m e n t system.

Limitation and Study

In carrying out the research work, some challenges were faced

that limited the study such as:

Time: The time given for the completion of the research

work was too short hence the researcher had speed up
the research work to meet up and this has an impact on the
Limited Materials: Few materials were found per-
taining to the research area and this limited the bulk of the
literature review.
The high cost of textbooks, internet brow-
s i n g a n d transportation to different libraries to
gather materials stood as a constraint to the research
Operation Definition of terms

Information: knowledge communicated or received

concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news
Event: An occurrence, especially one that is
particularly significant, interesting, exiting or unusual
Organization: A group of people identified by a shared
purpose or interest.
Management: T h e a c t o f c o n t r o l l i n g o r h a n d
– l i n g s o m e t h i n g successfully.
System: An assembly of computer hardware and software
peripheral working together.


System Analysis

This section deals with the concept of system analysis, which

is the primary phase of the software development. The
purpose is to identify the new system and establish
what the new system is to accomplish. Moreover a
brief review of requirement determination, software
environment, a report on feasibility analysis DFD is also
presented. The proposed system was subjected to thorough
analysis and the findings are recorded here. System analysis is
an important activity that takes place when new system is
being build. It is the c e n t r a l w h o l e o f s y s t e m
d e v e l o p m e n t a n d i t i n c l u d e s g a t h e r i n g necessary
data and developing a plan to the new system. It is not an
easy task because many people need to be satisfi
e d a n d m a n y conflicts resolved. System analysis should
be creative and imaginative in producing new solutions to
meet the user requirements.

Design and Architectures

Design is the first step in development phase for any
techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device,
a process or system in sufficient detail to permit its physical
realization. Once the software requirement have been
analyzed and specified the software design involves three
technical activities-Design, Coding, Implementation, Testing
that are required to build and verify the software. The design
activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this
activities decisions ultimately affecting the success of the
software implementation and its ease of maintenance are
made. These decision has the final bearing upon reliability
and maintain ability of the a system. Design is only way to
accurately transfer the customers requirements into finished
software or system .Design is the place where quality is
fostered in development. Software design is the process
through which requirements are translated into a
representation of software. Software requirement is
conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is concerned with
the transformation of requirements into data.


The system after careful analysis has been identified to be

presented with the following modules.

User Module

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