Grade 9 - First Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________ Date: ________
General Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following is the characteristic of music from Medieval Period?
A. Homophonic C. Monophonic
B. Polyphonic D. none of the above
2. This type of music consists of two or more melodic lines and is a main characteristic during
Renaissance Period.
A. Homophonic C. Monophonic
B. Polyphonic D. none of the above
3. What music style is used in religious services?
A. Sacred Music C. Kundiman
B. Secular Music D. Kpop
4. It is the other word for Baroque which means pearl of irregular shape.
A. Barako C. Baroto
B. Barroco D. Barko-Barko
5. He is considered as the greatest master of Roman Catholic church music during the Renaissance
A. Halle C. Palestrina
B. Vivalde D. Morley
6. The term Renaissance comes from the word renaitre which means?
A. Reconcile C. Rewind
B. Rebirth D. Restrict
7. Agnues Dei: Lamb of God, Credo: ______________?
A. Lord Have Mercy C. Glory to God in the Highest
B. Blessed is He D. Apostles Creed
8. It is usually written in 3 – 4 parts with a main theme called?
A. Subject C. Lyrics
B. Piece D. Chorus
9. Known as the Red Priest.
A. Halle C. Palestrina
B. Vivalde D. Morley
10. Known as the most famous composer of secular music during Renaissance Period.
A. Halle C. Palestrina
B. Vivalde D. Morley

a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque

Direction: Identify each composer according to where period they belong. Choose your answer from the
box. Write the letter only.

11. Adam de la Halle

12. Thomas Morley
13. Antonio Vivalde
14. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
15. George Friedrich Handel

16. The following are methods of Greek paintings. Which one is done through water-based pigments
ideally for murals?
a. Fresco b. encaustic c. Collage d. Tromped-l’-oeil
17. Prehistoric architecture was based on megaliths. What are the three types of megaliths?
a. Menhir, Giza and Dolmens c. Giza, Cromlech and Dolmens
b. Menhir, Cromlech and Giza d. Dolmens, Cromlech and Menhir
18. It is considered the most substantial ancient structure of the world.
a. Megaliths b. Pyramids of Giza c. Mastaba d. Parthenon
19. The following are dominant themes in Byzantine sculpture, EXCEPT one;
a. Religious c. Everyday life scenes
b. Motifs from nature d. Political issues
20. What is the most significant reason for prehistoric paintings inside the cave?
a. A form of communication with each other
b. A way of entertaining people through paintings on cave
c. To show preservation of the knowledge of the past
d. Reveal a grasp of naturalistic representation of arts
21. What is the usual subject of painting for the Gothic era?
a. Love stories b. Both A&B c. Popular legends d. None of the above
22. Which of the following is the main purpose of creating stained-glass windows during the Gothic era?
a. For people to amaze the creation of such arts
b. For interiors and instruct Christians in faith
c. For future use and income of artists
d. For personal expression of artist through arts
23. Which of the following is a distinct feature of Romanesque sculpture to Prehistoric?
a. It is made of costly materials for aristocratic patrons
b. The materials vary according to its region and locality
c. The common materials are wood, ivory and stones
d. It is mainly made from monumental terra-cotta
24. Dolmens and cromlechs both have altars. However, its structure differs in ________________.
a. Dolmens consists of two stones while cromlech has three.
b. Dolmens consists of one standing huge stone while cromlech has two.
c. Dolmens consists of three standing stones while cromlech has four.
d. Dolmens consists of three standing stones while cromlech has two.
25. Your teacher in arts requires you to make “Mosaic”. How will you do it?
a. Assemble small pieces of colored glass, stones or other materials
b. Cut out pictures of your subjects and pastes on a designated canvass
c. Collect pictures of subjects and paste to designated form
d. Sketch a particular subject and apply water-based pigment in a certain wall
26. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
A. Sports Officiating C. Sports Science
B. Sports Psychology D. Sports Youth
27. What sport in which participants compete as individuals?
A. dual sports C. team sports
B. individual sports D. gymnastics
28. The following are example of myths and fallacies on physical activity participation EXCEPT?
A. if you are a woman, lifting weights will make you bulky like a man
B. a 4- 5 work out will burn more fat than shorter works
C. if you isolate a specific muscle, you will reduce fats
D. physical activities reduce health risks
29. A grade 9 student has an inferiority on his physical attribute for he is obese and cannot perform
heavy tasks like walking with a long distance. One fine morning, his teacher conducted a Physical
Fitness Test on the health- related fitness, he cannot perform the push- ups, three-minute step &
etch. He realized that he needs to do something that will enable him to perform the said tasks. If you
were Charlie what would be the best thing to do?
A. make a personal commitment, discipline yourself on food intake and engage more on physical
B. continue to eat more and focus yourself being physically inactive
C. more food intake and never mind the physical activities
D. lesser the food intake and lesser physical activities
30. Felmark, a badminton player of Saint Jude High School had won the game on their district that made
him qualified to the unit meet. During the unit meet he did not win but still he manages to accept the
result and he even congratulate his opponent. If you were to assess his behavior he had shown?
A. Teamwork C. patience
B. Sportsmanship D. discipline
31. Hydration is important in officiating. If they want to hydrate what is the best drink to take?
A. Energy Drinks C. Water
B. Juice D. Iced Tea
32. Michael John was about to attend a birthday party. When he was about to wear his coat and tie, he
noticed that it doesn’t fit to him anymore. He had a self- assessment, so he wanted to measure the
visceral amount of fats carried in his body. What health- related fitness he should undergo?
A. Hexagon Agility Test C. Curl ups
B. 90˚ push ups D. BMI
33. Mrs. Gina Perez, a PE teacher in a MAPEH-7 class conducted a physical fitness test. When she started
consolidating the result on health- related fitness, she found out that most of her students were
underweight. What health- related fitness did she administer?
A. 3- minute step test C. Hexagon Agility
B. 40 meter sprint D. BMI
34. What is the best value that a sports official must possess?
A. Fairness B. Unjust C. Sweet D. All of the above
35. Officiating has a high physical demand, what should the referee do prior doing his/her task?
A. Warm Up C. Exercise
B. Proceed to officiating D. Nothing

36 – 40: Identify the following activities if it’s Dynamic Stretching Exercise or Static Stretching Exercise.
Write D for Dynamic Stretching Exercise and S for Static Stretching Exercise.
36. Neck Stretch
37. Shoulder Curls
38. Jogging
39. Side Shuffles
40. Arm Stretches

41. Which of the following statement explains about health?
A. State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease
B. to have a balance dimension of health
C. ability to learn new things in life
D. striving to live life
42. Defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment.
A. Health C. Environmental health
B. Community health D. Community
43. It is the art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the welfare of all members.
A. Health C. Environmental health
B. Community health D. Community
44. The are waste materials refers to leftover vegetables, animal, fish from kitchen and establishments.
A. Special wastes C. Garbage
B. Dead animals D. Street refuse
45. It is a sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain.
A. Illegal Mining C. Soil Erosion
B. Flashflood D. Pollution
46. Which of the following is not a factor contributing to pollution?
A. Soil C. Air
B. Peace D. Noise
47. It means of destruction of forests.
A. Flashflood C. Coral Reef Degradation
B. Deforestation D. Soil Erosion
48. Comprises those aspects of human health that are determined by physical, chemical, biological
factors in environment.
A. Health C. Environmental health
B. Community health D. Community
49. Why do we need to ensure community health in community development?
A. To attain luxury in life
B. To keep the safety of environment
C. To live comfortably
D. To have an enjoyable lifestyle
50. What is the main purpose of knowing your health?
A. keeps you uninformed about your general health status
B. does not inform you on your dental problems
C. doesn’t give you an idea about growth rate
D. keeps you informed on your general health

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