Vol1 - Part 07 - Design For Roundabouts - Cs - V2a
Vol1 - Part 07 - Design For Roundabouts - Cs - V2a
Vol1 - Part 07 - Design For Roundabouts - Cs - V2a
Part 7
Design for
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Contents Page
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Definitions and Principles......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2. Design Principles......................................................................................................................1
1.1.3. Roundabout Key Dimensions...............................................................................................2
1.2. Roundabout Categories............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2.3. Single-lane Roundabouts......................................................................................................5
1.2.4. Two-lane Roundabouts..........................................................................................................6
1.2.5. Grade-separated Roundabouts...........................................................................................8
1.2.6. Signalized Roundabouts........................................................................................................8
1.3. Road Space Allocation and Lane Management................................................................................ 9
1.3.1. Public Transport........................................................................................................................9
2 Operational Analysis.................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Traffic Operation........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1.1. Effect of Geometric Elements..........................................................................................12
2.1.2. Definition of Roundabout Capacity................................................................................12
2.2. Traffic Data.................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.3. Capacity and Performance Analysis.................................................................................................. 13
2.3.2. Performance Analysis..........................................................................................................13
2.4. Safety Considerations............................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.3. Two-wheeled Vehicles........................................................................................................16
2.4.4. Large Vehicles........................................................................................................................16
3 Geometric Design......................................................................................................... 19
3.1. General Considerations........................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.1. Design Objectives.................................................................................................................19
3.1.2. Location of Roundabouts...................................................................................................19
3.1.3. Design Vehicle........................................................................................................................20
3.1.4. Swept Path Analysis............................................................................................................20
References............................................................................................................................... 59
ϕ entry angle
e entry width
m meter(s)
UK United Kingdom
v approach half-width
1 Introduction
The use of roundabouts on various road classifications is subject to the permitted intersection
types defined in Volume 1, Part 4, Intersections and Roundabouts, Table 2.2, of this Manual.
This Part relates to permitted roundabout types on the road network. Recommendations are
given on roundabout type selection, geometric layout, visibility, pavement cross slope, and
the provision of facilities for nonmotorized users.
Roundabouts should be designed to match the forecast traffic demand and are most
efficient when vehicular flows are reasonably well-balanced between legs (UK Department
for Transport, 2007). Consideration should be given to the geometric layout of the approach
legs to achieve a satisfactory design.
Entry width and effective flare length are the most important determinants of capacity,
whereas the entry path radius is the most important parameter for safety, since it governs
the speed of vehicles through the roundabout (Kimber, 1980). The entry path radius is
particularly important when approach speeds are high. Roundabouts may, in some situations,
be successful in calming traffic, by reducing vehicle speeds through the intersection.
Approach half-width (v) is the width of the traffic lanes on the approach to the roundabout,
upstream of any entry flare. It is the shortest distance between the right edge of traveled
way and the centerline of a two-lane roadway, or in the case of a divided highway, the left
edge of traveled way. Where there are white edge line or hatched markings, the measurement
should be taken between the markings rather than curb to curb. Some capacity models use
approach half-width in order to estimate the capacity of the roadway in advance of the
Central island is the raised island at the center of the roundabout. On smaller roundabouts,
the central island can include a truck apron, allowing larger vehicles to negotiate the
roundabout while maintaining adequate entry path radius.
Circulatory roadway is the one-way roadway surrounding the central island or truck apron.
Entry angle (ϕ) serves as a geometric proxy for the conflict angle between entering and
circulating traffic streams. At smaller roundabouts, where entries and exits are closely
spaced, the angle can be measured between the entry and the adjacent exit.
Entry flare is a localized widening at the point of entry. Two-lane roundabouts usually have
flared entries at the yield line in order to increase capacity. Single-lane roundabouts should
also be slightly flared to accommodate large vehicles.
Entry curb radius (r) is the minimum radius of the right curb line at the entry. It is the radius
of the best fit circular curve over a length of 25 meters (m) measured on the curb line from a
point 25 m ahead of the yield line to a point 10 m downstream of it.
Entry path radius (a), or its inverse, the entry path curvature, is a measure of the deflection
to the right imposed on vehicles entering a roundabout. Entry path radius is the most
important determinant of safety at roundabouts as it governs the speed of vehicles through
the intersection and whether drivers are likely to yield to circulating vehicles. To determine
the entry path radius, the fastest path allowed by the geometry is drawn. This is the
smoothest, flattest path that a vehicle can take through the roundabout in the absence of
other traffic. The entry path radius is a measure of the smallest, best-fit circular curve with a
length of 25 m, occurring along the vehicle path in the vicinity of the yield line, but no more
than 50 m in advance of it.
Entry width (e) is the width available on immediate entry to the roundabout, measured
perpendicular to the approaching lanes, between the right curb and the splitter island or
median in the case of a divided highway. For capacity assessment, the measurement should
be taken as the total width of the lanes that drivers are likely to use, which is normally
between any white edge lining or hatching.
Exit curb radius is the exit equivalent to the entry curb radius, and is the minimum radius of
the right curb line at the exit.
Exit width (X) is the width available on the immediate exit measured perpendicular to the
exit lanes, between the right curb and the splitter island, or the median in the case of a
divided highway.
Inscribed circle diameter (ICD) is the diameter of the outside edge of the circulatory
roadway. In cases where the roundabout is noncircular, the local value in the region of the
entry is taken.
Splitter islands are curbed, raised areas on the approaches to a roundabout, located and
shaped to direct and separate traffic movements into and out of a roundabout. They may be
enhanced by road markings to further guide vehicles into the roundabout. Splitter islands
can act as a pedestrian refuge island if they are large enough to give adequate safe standing
space for accompanied wheelchair users and pedestrians with pushchairs.
1.2.2 Mini-roundabouts
On local roads in residential or recreational areas where large vehicles are not prevalent,
the provision of mini-roundabouts can be appropriate. The designer shall always use single-
lane roundabouts in preference to mini-roundabouts within the public right of way. Mini-
roundabouts can only be considered with the agreement of the Overseeing Organization.
Figure 1.2 Mini-roundabout
The central island and splitter islands on a mini-roundabout should be distinguished from the
roadway by alternative paving of contrasting color. In addition, the central island and splitter
islands should incorporate low-level mountable curbs, allowing large vehicle to overrun while
discouraging overrun by passenger cars. Mini-roundabouts featuring a flush painted central
island are not permitted.
Single-lane roundabouts may have low values of entry and exit radii in conjunction with high
values of entry deflection. This design has less capacity than two-lane roundabouts but is
particularly suitable where there is a need to accommodate the movement of pedestrians
and cyclists.
Two-lane roundabouts should be selected for use where at least one of the approaches is a
divided highway. New roundabouts with three or more lanes are not permitted.
Where a two-lane exit reduces to one-lane on an undivided highway beyond the splitter
island, a differential acceleration lane shall be provided on the exit to enable vehicles leaving
the roundabout to overtake slower vehicles as described in Clause 3.2.14 of this Part.
The circulatory roadway on large, two-lane roundabouts can be difficult for cyclists to
negotiate, especially at the roundabout entries and exits; therefore, it is recommended that
consideration be given to the provision of off-street cycle paths around the perimeter of
two-lane roundabouts.
A roundabout can be designed to be at a higher level than the major road, or it can be at
ground level with the major road passing above. It is also possible to provide a three-level
interchange with the roundabout designed to be at the mid-level of two mainlines. Figure 1.5
shows a typical grade-separated roundabout.
In some cases, the desired result may be achieved without traffic signal installation by
making suitable changes to the layout. These changes should be checked using appropriate
modeling software prior to installing traffic signals.
At busy traffic signalized roundabouts, there may be insufficient storage space on the
circulatory roadway for all traffic waiting. In such instances, appropriate controls should be
in place, through road markings and signal phasing, so that queuing traffic does not block the
circulatory roadway or entries to the roundabout.
Further details of signalized roundabouts are provided in Volume 1, Part 8, Design for
Signalized Intersections, of this Manual, and the Qatar Traffic Control Manual, Volume 1,
Part 5, Traffic Signals.
Bus lanes should terminate in advance of roundabouts and recommence following the
roundabout, as shown in Figure 1.6. Bus stops should be located sufficiently far away from
roundabout entries and exits and never within the circulatory roadway (National Cooperative
Highway Research Program [NCHRP], 2010).
1.3.2 Cyclists
Cyclists should be encouraged to use off-street facilities at roundabouts, particularly at large
roundabouts where significant operating speeds are experienced on the circulatory roadway.
For further guidance on providing for cyclists, refer to Section 3.8 in this Part and Volume 3,
Part 19, Pedestrian and Bicycle, of this Manual.
2 Operational Analysis
Several geometric parameters influence the rate at which approaching vehicles can enter
the roundabout. The approach half width and the entry width directly influence the number
of vehicles that can queue side by side at the yield line. The width of the circulatory roadway
influences how many vehicles can travel side by side on the roundabout. Extensive research
has found that the following parameters have the most significant effect on entry capacity:
Research has found that the size of the ICD has a relatively insignificant effect on the capacity
and that the entry curb radius has an insignificant effect on entry capacity, providing the
entry curb radius is at least 20 m.
Thus, the geometric design of a roundabout, together with the combined traffic volume, may
significantly influence the operational efficiency of the intersection.
ratio of each approach, taking into account the geometric parameters and the traffic volumes
on other approaches and the circulatory roadway.
Manual data collection at roundabouts can be inherently difficult, and the use of closed-
circuit television cameras should be considered to cover each entry. Where queuing occurs,
the traffic survey should include traffic counts taken concurrently with entry counts and
upstream of the start of the queue, to collect data that are representative of the true demand.
• Volume-to-capacity ratio
• Average delay
The most common factor affecting safety at roundabouts is excessive speed, both at entry
and within the roundabout. The most significant factors contributing to high entry and
circulating speeds are as follows:
• Visibility to the left at entry: This has comparatively little influence upon crash risk.
There is nothing to be gained by increasing visibility above the recommended level.
• Crest curves: Roundabouts should not be sited on crest curves where the visibility on
approach to the roundabout is impaired.
• Entry and exit speeds: Roundabouts should be designed to encourage slow entry to
the roundabout and quick exit to leave the roundabout clear for the next users.
Based on studies carried out in the United Kingdom, the following measures have been
found to help reduce the crash frequency at roundabouts; however, the designer should
bear in mind that the overprovision of signs can have a detrimental effect on the visual
environment and can dilute important messages to drivers if they result in information
overload (UK Department for Transport, 2013):
• Making the yield line more conspicuous (UK Department for Transport, 2007).
• Extending the central island chevron signing farther to the right, as shown in Figure 2.1,
may aid in emphasizing the amount of deflection at the roundabout (UK Department for
Transport, 2007). On divided highways, additional chevron signing located within the
median area in line with the left approach lane, as shown in Figure 2.1, may also prove
beneficial (UK Department for Transport, 2007).
• When approach speeds are low, such as in urban areas, a ring of contrasting paving can
be laid in a chevron pattern inside the central island perimeter at a gentle slope. Chevron
signs should also be installed at these locations. In rural areas, raised curbed chevrons
on roundabouts are not recommended. Experience has shown that physical obstructions
such as chevron curbing will be struck inadvertently at night by drivers who are unaware
of the intersection ahead. Only chevron signs should be placed in these locations.
• Landscaping in urban areas where approach speeds are high enhance the visibility of
the roundabout.
High circulatory speeds often cause merging concerns at roundabout entries. Such concerns
normally occur at large roundabouts with excessively long circulatory roadways.
If entry issues are caused by inadequate visibility to the left, good results can be achieved by
moving the yield line forward in conjunction with curtailing the adjacent circulatory roadway
by hatched road markings or extension of the splitter island.
2.4.2 Curbs
Care should be taken with the choice of curb type for roundabout design. Safety concerns
can arise where certain specialized, high-profile curbs are used around the central island.
Observations have shown that striking the curbs can result in loss of vehicle control or
overturning of vehicles unless the approach angle is small and vehicle speeds are low. If
high-profile curbs are used on approaches, consideration should be given to the provision of
pedestrian guardrails. When installing pedestrian guardrails, care should be taken to maintain
visibility sightlines for drivers.
• Long straight sections of circulatory roadway leading into deceptively tight curves.
Load shedding is an inherent problem for some vehicles at low speeds. Research has shown
that a large articulated vehicle with a center of gravity height of 2.5 m above the ground can
overturn on a 20-m radius curve at speeds as low as 24 kph. Particular attention should be
paid to comply with pavement surface tolerances and to avoid abrupt changes in cross slope.
It is good practice to make exit radii greater than entry radii.
3 Geometric Design
• Facilitate a change in the roadway cross section; for example, from divided to undivided
Most crashes at priority intersections are associated with left turns. The inconvenience of
banned left turns can be mitigated by providing a roundabout nearby.
Roundabouts are preferably located on level ground or in sags rather than at or near crests,
because it is difficult for drivers to interpret the layout when approaching on an upward
grade. However, there is no evidence that roundabouts on crests are intrinsically unsafe if
they are correctly signed and adequate visibility has been provided on the approach to the
yield line. Roundabouts should not be sited at the bottom of or on long descents.
Roundabouts in urban areas often are incompatible with urban traffic control systems. These
systems move vehicles through controlled areas in platoons, or groups, by adjusting traffic
signal times to suit progress. Roundabouts can interfere with platoon movement to the
extent that subsequent inflows to downstream traffic signals cannot be reliably predicted
and, thus, the sequence breaks down. In cases where there is a heavy left-turn flow, the
roundabout may be a better option.
Where several roundabouts are to be installed on the same route, they should be of similar
design to the extent possible with the traffic volumes concerned, in order to provide route
consistency and, hence, safety for drivers. For closely spaced roundabouts, the designer
should check queue lengths and storage available on the roadway linking the roundabouts.
Where a proposed roundabout may affect the operation of an adjacent intersection, or vice
versa, the interactive effects should be examined.
General guidance on swept path analysis is provided in Volume 1, Part 3, Roadway Design
Elements, of this Manual. Specific guidance on swept paths at roundabouts is provided in
this Part.
The smallest ICD for single-lane and two-lane roundabouts is 28 m. On smaller roundabouts,
it may be difficult to provide sufficient vehicle deflection on entry, therefore the provision
of a truck apron is often needed. A truck apron incorporates a low-level mountable curb that
provides adequate deflection for passenger cars while allowing overrun by large vehicles.
Truck aprons should have the same cross slope value and direction as that of the circulatory
roadway. For details of low-level mountable curb, refer to Volume 1, Part 3, Roadway Design
Elements, of this Manual.
Caution should be exercised in the use of roundabouts with large inscribed circle diameters,
as these can have the effect of encouraging high circulatory speeds.
Figure 3.1 shows the swept path width for a WB-15 tractor-semitrailer at smaller one-lane
and two-lane roundabouts with inscribed circle diameters in the range of 28 m to 36 m. In
these cases, splitter islands should not extend into the inscribed circle diameter. Table 3.2
shows turning width dimensions for WB-15 tractor-semitrailer at smaller roundabouts.
Central Island
Diameter Radius R1 Radius R2 Minimum ICD
(m) (m) (m) (m)
The width of the circulatory roadway on two-lane and grade-separated roundabouts should
not exceed 10 m. On single-lane roundabouts, the width of the circulatory roadway should
not exceed 6 m. A truck apron surrounding the central island can be used to provide additional
width for large vehicles; however, the additional width provided by a truck apron is not
included in the definition of the circulatory roadway width. If the circulatory roadway does
not correspond to these maximum widths, it is considered a Departure from Standard as
per Volume 3, Part 25, Departures from Standards Process, of this Manual.
The width of the circulatory roadway should be constant around the roundabout and be
between 1.0 and 1.2 times the maximum entry width. If turning proportions are such that
one section of circulatory roadway has a relatively low flow, it is not considered good practice
to reduce the circulatory roadway width by extending the splitter island into the circulatory
roadway. If the width of the circulatory roadway is not in accordance with this paragraph,
it is considered a Departure from Standard as per Volume 3, Part 25, Departures from
Standards Process, of this Manual.
It is generally considered good design practice to avoid short lengths of reverse curve
between entries and adjacent exits by linking the curves or joining them with straight
segments between the entry curb radius and the exit curb radius.
To provide sufficient entry deflection for light vehicles at single-lane or smaller two-lane
roundabouts, a truck apron can be incorporated. A truck apron incorporates a low-level
mountable curb that provides adequate deflection for passenger cars while allowing overrun
by large vehicles. Truck aprons should have the same cross slope value and direction as that
of the circulatory roadway. For details of low-level mountable curb, refer to Volume 1, Part 3,
Roadway Design Elements, of this Manual.
Curbing is the recommended treatment for splitter islands. If there is insufficient space to
accommodate a full height curbs, as may be the case on a smaller roundabout, the splitter
island should incorporate low-level mountable curbs and alternative contrasting paving to
allow occasional vehicle overrun. Road markings can also be used to extend the splitter
island on the approach, the exit, or the circulatory roadway.
Curbed splitter islands can act as pedestrian refuges if they are large enough to give
adequate standing space for accompanied wheelchair users, pedestrians with pushchairs
and cyclists. A minimum pedestrian island width of 2.5 m should be provided but this should
be increased where nonmotorized user demand is high. Signs and other street furniture can
be located on splitter islands provided adequate clearance to the edge of traveled way is
maintained and visibility is not obscured.
On rural roundabouts, where design speeds are relatively high, the curb line of the splitter
island, or median in the case of a divided highway, should lie on an arc which, when projected
forward, meets the central island tangentially to reduce the likelihood of vehicle paths
overlapping, as shown in Figure 3.2. In urban areas, where design speeds are lower, this is
less important, but should be achieved where possible. Care should be taken to confirm the
resultant entry angle is not too low.
Figure 3.2 Arc Projected from the Splitter Island to the Central Island at Entry
Mini-Roundabout 6
Single-lane Roundabout 10
Two-lane Roundabout 10
Source: Based on guidance from Geometric Design of Roundabouts (UK Department for Transport, 2007)
Although entry capacity can be increased by increasing the entry curb radius, once its value
reaches 20 m, further increases only result in very small capacity improvements. Reducing
the entry radius below 15 m reduces capacity.
It is good practice to have two lanes on all entries to a two-lane roundabout. Therefore,
where the approach road is limited to one lane upstream, an additional lane should be
provided in advance of the roundabout entry. The relationship between entry width and
capacity is significant. Entry width is the largest single factor affecting capacity, apart from
approach half width.
There may be some cases, usually associated with low predicted flows, where increased entry
width is not operationally necessary on a two-lane roundabout, but it is still recommended
that two entry lanes be provided. This will give added flexibility at abnormal flow periods
in the future and a passing facility in the event of breakdown, and will ease the problem of
space provision for long vehicles turning.
Lane widths at the yield line should not be less than 3.0 m and not more than 4.5 m. Entry
width at single-lane roundabouts should be 4.5 m. The width of any additional lane should
be tapered back in the entry flare to a minimum width of 2.5 m. Reduction in these widths
is considered to be a Departure from Standard as per Volume 3, Part 25, Departures
from Standards Process, of this Manual.
The development of entry lanes should take into account the anticipated turning proportions
and possible lane bias, as drivers often have a tendency to use the right lane. A lane that
widens into two should maximize use of the entry width. The use of short lanes on the left
is not recommended.
The capacity of an entry can be improved by increasing the average effective flare length. A
minimum length of about 5 m is desirable in urban areas, whereas 25 m is adequate in rural
areas. Flare lengths greater than 25 m may improve the geometric layout but have little
effect in increasing capacity. Flare lengths should not be greater than 100 m, as beyond this
the design becomes one of link widening. Where the design speed is high, entry widening
should be developed gradually, avoiding any sharp angles.
The measurement of average effective flare length is shown in Figure 3.4 and is constructed
as follows:
• AB = entry width, e
• CF’ is parallel to BG and distance one-half BD from the curb line BG.
For large roundabouts where links are widely spaced the entry angle is measured as shown
in Figure 3.5.
Line BC is a tangent to line EF, which is midway between the right entry curb line and
the splitter or median island, where this intersects the circulatory roadway. Curve AD is
constructed as the locus of the midpoint of the used section of the circulatory roadway,
which is a proxy for the average direction of travel for traffic circulating past the entry.
The entry angle is measured as the acute angle between BC and the tangent to AD at the
point of intersection between BC and AD, as shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.6 shows the layout for smaller roundabouts. This construction is used when there is
insufficient separation between entry and adjacent exit to be able to define the path of the
circulating vehicle clearly. The angle between the projected entry and exit paths is measured
and then halved to find the entry angle, ϕ.
Line GH is the tangent to line JK, which is in the following exit, midway between the right
curb and the splitter or median island, where this intersects the outer edge of the circulatory
ϕ = BLH/2
If the angle GLB exceeds 180 degrees, ϕ is taken to be zero.
The entry angle, ϕ, should lie between 20 and 60 degrees with the optimum angle being
between 30 and 45 degrees. High entry angles tend to lower capacity and produce excessive
entry deflection, which can lead to sharp braking at entries accompanied by rear end
crashes, especially on high-speed approaches. Low entry angles force drivers into merging
situations where they will be forced to look over their shoulder or use side mirrors to merge
with circulating traffic. Low and high vehicle speeds on roads are defined in Clause 10.4 of
Volume 1, Part 2, Planning, of this Manual.
The entry path radius should be checked for all turning movements. It should not exceed 70 m
at single-lane roundabouts. At other roundabouts, except mini-roundabouts, the entry path
radius should not exceed 100 m (UK Department for Transport, 2007). At mini-roundabouts,
there is no maximum value for entry path radius. Where the entry path radius is greater
than these values, it is considered a Departure from Standard as per Volume 3, Part 25,
Departures from Standards Process, of this Manual.
Determining the entry path radius is based on the following assumptions and shown in
Figure 3.7 through Figure 3.10.
• The driver negotiates the site constraints with minimum deflections and that lane
markings by the yield line are ignored.
• The commencement point of the vehicle path is located 50 m in advance of the yield line
and at least 1 m from the edge of traveled way or centerline.
−− Then, toward the central island of the roundabout, passing through a point not less
than 1 m from the right-hand curb, the position of which relative to the starting
point depends on the amount of approach flare to the right
−− Then continuing on a smooth path with its centerline, never passing closer than
1 m from the central island, more in some configurations
On a layout of the roundabout, to a scale not less than 1:500, draw the centerline of the
most realistic path that a vehicle would take in its complete passage through the roundabout
on a smooth alignment without sharp transitions.
The exact path drawn is a matter of personal judgment. The results should be examined
for compliance and consistency with the appropriate clauses in this section. Any reverse of
curvature in the vehicle path around the central island should be drawn so that there is no
sharp deviation between that curve and the entry curve. Particular care in checking entry
path radius is needed when considering small central island designs.
This tightest radius can be measured by means of suitable templates. The entry path radius
is measured on the curved length of path near the yield line, but not more than 50 m in
advance of it as shown in Figure 3.7 through Figure 3.10. The entry path radius is the radius
of the best-fit circular curve over a length of 25 m.
At single-lane and smaller two-lane roundabouts incorporating a truck apron, the entry path
radius is measured relative to the outer perimeter of the truck apron rather than that of the
central island (UK Department for Transport, 2007).
One method for increasing entry deflection at roundabouts is to stagger the legs, such that
the centerline of each leg intersects with the roundabout slightly left of center, as shown
in Figure 3.11. This method also results in a reduction in the overall size of the roundabout,
minimizing land acquisition, and in addition, helps to provide a clear exit route of sufficient
width to avoid conflicts (UK Department for Transport, 2007).
Where reverse curves are utilized, the designer shall consider that vehicles are slowing on
the approach section of roadway towards the roundabout and provide a broad radius curve
followed moderate radius curve. These radii shall be selected based on the anticipated
approach speeds of a vehicle which reduce as the vehicle approaches the entry curve of the
roundabout. Refence needs to be made to Volume 1, Part 3, Roadway Design Elements, of this
Manual. The zones of influence of this Part and Volume 1, Part 3 are shown in Figure 3.12.
The number of lanes at an exit should be equal to the number of lanes at the corresponding
entry for the straight though-traffic movement. At single-lane roundabouts, only one lane
should be provided. There should be no more than two lanes on an exit.
On undivided highway exits where the length of the splitter island is 20 m or greater, a
minimum width of 6 m, measured perpendicular to the right curb, should be provided adjacent
to splitter island to allow traffic to pass a broken-down vehicle. Figure 3.13 shows a typical
two-lane roundabout exit using some of the principles described here.
Single-lane Roundabout 15 20
Source: Based on guidance from Geometric Design of Roundabouts (UK Department for Transport, 2007)
The spacing of an exit and the preceding entry should not be less than the combination of
the minimum entry curb radius and the minimum exit curb radius. If a roundabout is to be
modified to include an additional entry, care should be taken so that this does not affect
safety at the preceding entry and the following exit. It may be necessary to redesign the
whole roundabout if adequate spacing between entries and exits cannot be achieved.
The right-hand lane drop shall be marked, with deflection arrow markings, for drivers to merge
with the left-hand lane towards the end of the acceleration lane as shown in Figure 3.14.
The median may either have hatched marking or a kerbed island, subject to sufficient ROW
width, and shall be agreed with the Overseeing Organization. The roundabout approach
lanes shall be extended as a two-lane carriageway as far as necessary, depending upon
roundabout geometry, traffic volumes and resultant queue lenths as determined by traffic
analyis, refer to Clause 2.1 for details. Figure 1.4 indicates these layouts.
There is a simple procedure to provide guidance to determine if a free right-turn lane would
be beneficial to a roundabout design and merit further investigation. It is based on total
traffic in-flows at entry, vehicle composition, right-turning traffic, and the number of entry
lanes. The inclusion of a free right-turn lane should be considered if the following is true for
the individual approach:
R ≥ F/E
Source: Segregated Left Turn Lanes and Subsidiary Deflection Islands at Roundabouts (UK Department for
Transport, 2003)
In cases where R and F/E are very close, consideration of other factors, such as safety, should
be included in the appraisal.
The removal of flow from the circulatory roadway can improve the overall performance of the
roundabout, but vehicle composition should be examined when considering the use of these
lanes. If the right-turning vehicles are predominantly light and there are high proportions of
large vehicles leaving the roundabout, there could be problems with different speeds at the
merge, particularly if this is on an uphill gradient. If dedicated lanes are to be used in such
situations, they should finish with a yield line at the exit from the lane.
The use of free right-turn lanes in urban areas where pedestrians are expected is not
recommended. Pedestrians should be channeled using a guardrail to a suitable crossing point.
If this is not possible, the channelizing island should be of sufficient width to accommodate
the anticipated peak number of pedestrians, and the location of pedestrian crossing points
should be carefully considered.
Free right-turn lanes should include a fully curbed channelizing island. Vehicles are channeled
into the right-hand lane by lane arrows and road markings supplemented by advance direction
signs. The operation of the free right-turn lane should not be impaired by traffic queuing to
use the roundabout itself.
Free right-turn bypass lanes should not be designed to encourage high speeds. The curve
radius used for the free right-turn lane will depend on both the design speed of the approach
road and site constraints. The driver’s perception of the approach and free right-turn lane radii
will be a determining factor in their approach speed. Therefore, the designer should consider
the need for speed reduction measures on the approach depending on the minimum curve
radii used. For divided highways, a minimum inside curve radius of 30 m is recommended,
and in all instances the inside curve radii should not be less than 10 m. The radius at exit
should not be less than the radius at entry.
Superelevation along the free right-turn lane should be designed in accordance with Volume 1,
Part 3, Roadway Design Elements, of this Manual, to a maximum value of 5 percent.
Figure 3.15 Free Right-turn Lane with Direct Taper Diverge and Merge
Figure 3.16 Free Right-turn Lane with Auxiliary Lane Diverge and Merge
Figure 3.17 Free Right-turn Lane with Direct Taper Diverge and Yield Control on Exit
Stopping sight distance for the design speed of the main approach road should be provided
to the start of the inside curve radius at the start of the free right-turn lane. Forward visibility
from the main approach road into the free right-turn lane to the start of the exit section,
should be in accordance with Table 3.5. The maximum curve radius defined in Table 3.5
refers to the maximum radius encountered on the inner edge through the length of the free
right-turn lane. Beyond the start of the exit section, the stopping sight distance should be in
accordance with the design speed of the road being entered. Reduction in stopping sight
distance is considered a Departure from Standard as per Volume 3, Part 25, Departures
from Standards Process, of this Manual.
≤20 35
21–40 70
41–80 90
81–100 120
>120 215
Source: Segregated Left Turn Lanes and Subsidiary Deflection Islands at Roundabouts (UK, DMRB, TD
The roadway width should be sufficient to accommodate the swept path of the design
vehicle. Table 3.6 provides guidance for minimum roadway widths through the free right-
turn lane for a WB-15 tractor-semitrailer. However, hatched road markings can be provided
on the inside of the curve to reduce the marked lane width to a minimum of 3.65 m.
Where the channelizing island is less than 50 m in length, it is not necessary to make
allowance for broken-down vehicles and, in such cases, the width of the free right-turn lane
should be as detailed in the second column of Table 3.6. However, when the island is longer
than 50 m, the lane width should be increased as detailed in the third column of Table 3.6,
and a swept-path analysis should be performed to allow passing of a broken-down vehicle.
Table 3.6 Minimum Curve Radii and Roadway Widths for WB-15 Design Vehicle
Source: Segregated Left Turn Lanes and Subsidiary Deflection Islands at Roundabouts (UK, DMRB, TD
The channelizing island should not prevent a right turn at the roundabout in the usual
manner by way of the circulatory roadway.
The merging between vehicles from a free right-turn lane and other vehicles exiting the
roundabout should take place relatively close to the roundabout, where speeds are still
comparatively low.
Under no circumstances should two right-turn lanes be used together. If right-turning traffic
is very high and cannot be accommodated by a single free right-turn lane, then alternative
forms of intersection should be investigated.
≤ 60 1:10 30 55
> 60 1:15 45 85
Source: Based on guidance from Segregated Left Turn Lanes and Subsidiary Deflection Islands at
Roundabouts (UK Department for Transport, 2003)
Designers shall compare the minimum length values with the predicted queue length as per traffic
analysis and the greater values, shall be provided in design. Designers are encouraged to lengthen the
dimension in cases where design volumes are high or the costs of doing so are minimal.
The free right-turn lane width should be at least 3.65 m at the beginning of the diverge
nose as shown in Figure 3.15 to Figure 3.18. Any reduction from this value is considered a
Departure from Standard as per Volume 3, Part 25, Departures from Standards Process,
of this Manual.
The recommended length of the entry section should be the larger of the following values:
• The widening needed to accommodate the swept path of a large vehicle as detailed in
Table 3.6, multiplied by the appropriate factor in Table 3.8.
≤70 20
80 and 90 25
≥100 30
Source: Based on guidance from Segregated Left Turn Lanes and Subsidiary Deflection Islands at
Roundabouts (UK Department for Transport, 2003)
Figure 3.18 shows how to calculate the length of the entry and exit section and for a
1.5-m-wide channelizing island less than 50 m long on an undivided highway approach.
Figure 3.18 Example of Calculation Entry and Exit Section Lengths for a 1.5-m-wide
Island Less than 50 m
The taper for the chevron road markings on the nose should be developed asymmetrically
on the right-turn bypass lane side, as shown in Figure 3.18. The nose edge line marking
should terminate in a position offset 0.3 m from the edge of the physical island, as shown
in Figure 3.19.
• Merge consisting of exit section (D), and merge taper (E), as shown in Figure 3.15.
• Merge consisting of exit section (D), auxiliary lane (G), and auxiliary taper (J), as shown
in Figure 3.15.
• Yield control, as shown in Figure 3.17.
Exits with merge tapers or auxiliary lanes consist of a merge maneuver between the traffic
leaving the roundabout circulatory roadway and the free right-turn lane. These layouts
inherently include risks associated with vehicles exiting the roundabout being in the side-
mirror visually impaired spot for traffic using the free right-turn lane. This situation may
contribute to crashes between merging vehicles as well as nose-to-tail crashes, particularly
for motorists with limited ability to look over their shoulders and for some drivers of large
When a free right-turn lane exits onto a divided highway, merge tapers or auxiliary lanes
should be provided, as detailed in Figure 3.15 and Figure 3.16. In the situation where a free
right-turn lane exits onto an undivided highway, yield control can be provided, as shown in
Figure 3.17.
The exit section from the free right-turn lane and the associated merge nose should be
provided in accordance with Table 3.7 and Table 3.8. The width of the right-turn bypass
lane should be at least 3.65 m at the end of the exit section, as shown in Figure 3.15 and
Figure 3.16. Any reduction in this width is considered a Departure from Standard as per
Volume 3, Part 25, Departures from Standards Process, of this Manual.
Any widening needed to accommodate the swept paths of large vehicles through the free
right-turn lane should be removed along the length of the exit section. As with the entry
section, the length of the exit section and adjacent merge nose is calculated using the larger
value of the width of the channelizing island and the widening required to accommodate the
design vehicle, as shown in Figure 3.18. The angle of the chevron road markings at the nose
should be developed, as shown in Figure 3.18, and terminate in a position offset from the
edge of a physical island, as shown in Figure 3.19.
At the beginning of a roundabout exit, it is recommended that its width allows for an extra
traffic lane over and above that of the link downstream, provided that the maximum of
two lanes on exit is not exceeded. Where a free right-turn lane is present, the exit width
reduction should be completed upstream of the end of the free right-turn lane exit section.
A yield exit from a free right-turn lane should be located as close as practical to the
roundabout, at a minimum entry angle of 45 degrees between the yield line and the entering
vehicle as shown in Figure 3.17.
Signs and street furniture placed on the physical island near the exit should not obstruct
visibility between the free right-turn lane exit and the adjacent roundabout exit lane.
40 to 60 40
60 to 100 50
>100 70
Visibility should also be checked from the center of the left lane at a distance of 15 m back
from the yield line, as shown in Figure 3.23. The envelope of visibility should be obtainable
from a driver’s eye height of 1.08 m to an object height of 1.08 m.
Checks should be made that traffic sign location, street furniture, safety barriers, and other
potential obstructions do not restrict visibility.
Excessive visibility to the left at entry could result in high entry speeds, potentially resulting
in crashes. This can be mitigated by design, such as through the careful use of landscaping
on the approach to the roundabout, enabling the designer to limit visibility to the left to that
necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the roundabout.
It is often useful to improve the conspicuousness of central islands by the use of landscaping
however, any landscaping provided should not interfere with drivers’ sight lines.
Once a vehicle has crossed the inscribed circle at the exit from the roundabout, stopping
sight distance should be provided in accordance with Volume 1, Part 3, Roadway Design
Elements, of this Manual.
At the yield line, all drivers should be able to see the full width of a pedestrian crossing across
the next exit if the crossing is within 20 m of the roundabout at shown in Figure 3.25).
Pedestrian crossings should not be positioned between 20 m and 60 m from the yield line.
Refer to Section 3.8 in this Part, and Volume 3, Part 19, Pedestrian and Bicycle, of this
Manual, for further advice relating to pedestrians and other nonmotorized users.
Traffic signs, street furniture, and landscaping should not obstruct driver’s sight lines,
however, isolated slim objects such as lighting columns, sign supports, and bridge columns
can be ignored provided they are less than 550 millimeters wide (UK Department for
Transport, 2007).
On the approaches and exits, superelevation can assist drivers in negotiating the associated
curves. When used, the superelevation value should be appropriate to the speed of vehicles,
and equal to or greater than those necessary for surface drainage, but should not exceed
5 percent. Superelevation should be reduced to 2 percent from a point 20 m in advance of
the yield line, given that, with adequate advance signing and entry deflection, speeds on
approaches should be reducing.
Cross slope and longitudinal gradient combine to provide the necessary slope that will drain
surface water from the roadway. Thus, although the following clauses are for simplicity
written in terms of cross slope, the value and direction of the greatest slope should always
be taken into account when considering drainage flow paths.
Except on large grade-separated roundabouts, where the circulatory roadway should have
appropriate superelevation, adequate cross slope should be provided in order to drain surface
water on circulatory roadways. Cross slope on the circulatory roadway should be 2.0 percent.
In order to minimize surface water ponding, longitudinal edge profiles should be graded at
not less than 0.67 percent, with 0.5 percent considered the minimum. The design gradients
alone do not achieve satisfactory drainage; therefore, the correct positioning and spacing of
gullies is critical.
At two-lane roundabouts on high-speed roads, it is good practice to arrange for cross slope
to assist vehicles maneuvering around the circulatory roadway and to reduce drainage flow
paths. To do this, a crown line is formed. This line can divide the circulatory roadway in the
proportion 2:1 internal to external, as shown in Figure 3.26. Alternatively, the crown line
can join the ends of the splitter islands. Low and high vehicle speeds on roads are defined in
Clause 10.4 of Volume 1, Part 2, Planning, of this Manual.
The conflicting cross slope at the crown lines have a direct effect on driver comfort and may
be a contributory factor in load shedding and large vehicle roll-over crashes. Over a given
section, the maximum recommended arithmetic difference in cross slope is 5 percent. Lower
values are desirable, particularly for roundabouts with a small ICD. There should be no sharp
changes in cross slope and a smooth crown is essential.
roundabouts where the design speed does not exceed 50 kph on any approach, the cross
slope can slope outwards to ease drainage and help keep speeds down. The cross slope also
makes the central island more conspicuous.
Drainage of the central island should be considered in roundabout design in order to obtain
adequate cross slope and provision for collection. Water from the central island should not be
designed to run on to the circulatory roadway.
Figure 3.26 Cross Slope Design Using 2:1 Ratio Circular Crown Line
1. Where a two-lane exit reduces to one-lane on an undivided highway beyond the splitter island, a
differential acceleration lane shall be provided on the exit to enable vehicles leaving the roundabout to
overtake slower vehicles as described in Clause 3.2.14 of this Part.
2. Lane designation arrows and circulatory road markings not shown for clarity and will depend on turning
proportions. Refer to the latest edition of the QTCM for further details.
3.4.2 Curbs
Roundabout entries and exits should be curbed, and shoulders on each approach should
terminate where entry widening begins. Where connecting roads are not curbed, the
simplest procedure is to start the curbs on the approach at the back of the shoulder and then
terminate the edge of traveled way road marking in a short smooth curve or taper, as shown
in Figure 3.27 and Figure 3.28. On the exit, the curbing can terminate at the end of the exit
curb radius.
Advance direction signs should be provided on the approach to the roundabout. Generally,
these signs should be a map style sign displaying a plan of the intersection and the
destination or street names of the adjoining roads. Direction signs should also be provided
at exits to provide confirmation of destination or street names to road users as they leave
the intersection.
Lane dedication by arrows and markings on the circulatory roadway is not normally
recommended. However, where a roundabout is particularly extensive, partially signalized,
and it is tending to a circulatory system, then some degree of channelization by road markings
may prove beneficial in the operation of the roundabout.
The landscaping design within the roundabout and adjoining approaches should be carried
out by specialists in landscaping design and maintenance. Landscaping design should be
carried out in coordination with the highway designer to avoid obstructing visibility sight
Other than amenity benefits, the landscaping treatment of roundabouts and its approaches
can have several advantages. Generally, the landscaping on the approaches should accomplish
the following:
Planting on the median or splitter island on the immediate approach to the roundabout, up
to 15 m from the yield line, should be avoided to achieve unobstructed visibility to the left.
On large roundabouts, landscaping and planting should be designed and located to prevent
excess visibility to the right.
In rural areas, where sources of irrigation water may not be available, alternative methods of
landscaping should be considered, but without introducing hazards that would compromise
safety of road users. Further guidance on Landscaping is provided in Volume 3, Part 22,
Landscape and Planting Design, of this Manual.
of hazards and obstructions (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America [IES], 2008).
Street lighting provides visibility from a distance for users approaching the roundabout
as well as visibility of the key conflict areas improving users’ perception of the layout and
visibility of other users within the roundabout (IES, 2008).
An approaching driver must be able to see the general layout and operation of a roundabout
in time to make the appropriate maneuvers. Adequate lighting should therefore be provided
at all roundabouts (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
[AASHTO], 2011).
It is also important that approaching drivers are not misled by the projection of the lighting
layout beyond the roundabout, particularly when visibility is restricted. The layout of the
luminaires at roundabouts should therefore contrast with that provided on the approaches.
This can be achieved by locating the luminaires around the outer perimeter of the roundabout.
When a roundabout is being modified, the lighting layout should be checked for suitability
with the new road arrangement. Further guidance on the provision of Street Lighting at
roundabouts is given in Volume 3, Part 18, Street Lighting, of this Manual.
• Pedestrian desire lines: Pedestrians want crossing locations as close to the intersection
as possible to minimize out-of-direction travel. The farther the crossing from the
roundabout, the more likely pedestrians are to choose a shorter route that may put
them in danger.
• Pedestrian safety: Both crossing location and crossing distance are important. Crossing
distance should be minimized to reduce exposure of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts.
Pedestrian safety may also be compromised at a crossing very close to the yield line,
because driver attention is directed to the left to look for gaps in the circulating traffic
stream. Where possible, crossings should be located to take advantage of the splitter
island; crossings should be located at distance from the yield line, as measured in
increments of approximate vehicle lengths to reduce the chance that vehicles will be
queued across the crossing.
Where off-street cycle paths are provided, at-grade crossings should be configured to be
shared between pedestrians and cyclists. Figure 3.29 shows a typical arrangement.
In rural areas, uncontrolled pedestrian crossings may be appropriate where nonmotorized user
demand is low. At large roundabouts on high-speed roads, grade-separation for nonmotorized
users is the preferred solution. Low and high vehicle speeds on roads are defined in Clause
10.4 of Volume 1, Part 2, Planning, of this Manual.
For more detailed and further guidance on the providing for pedestrians, cyclists and other
nonmotorized users, refer to Volume 3, Part 19, Pedestrian and Bicycle, of this Manual.
AASHTO. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. 6th edition (the Green Book). American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, DC, United States. 2011.
Department for Transport. “Segregated Left Turn Lanes and Subsidiary Deflection Islands at Roundabouts.”
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. Volume 6, Section 3, Part 5. TD51/03. UK Highways Agency:
London, England. http://www.dft.gov.uk/ha/standards/dmrb/vol6/section3/td5103.pdf. November 2003.
Department for Transport. “Geometric Design of Roundabouts.” Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.
Volume 6, Section 2, Part 3. TD 16/07. UK Highways Agency: London, England. http://www.dft.gov.uk/ha/
standards/dmrb/vol6/section2/td1607.pdf. August 2007.
Department for Transport. Reducing Sign Clutter. Traffic Advisory Leaflet (TAL) 01/13. UK Highways
Agency: London, England. http://www.britishparking.co.uk/write/Documents/Library/info%20notes/DfT_
advice_leaflet_-_Reducing_sign_clutter_-_Jan_2013.pdf. January 2013.
Hall, R. D., and R. A. J. Surl. “Accidents at Four Arm Roundabouts and Dual Carriageway Intersections –
Some Preliminary Findings.” Traffic Engineering and Control. Vol. 22, Issue 6: pp. 339-344. 1981.
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES). Design Guide for Roundabout Lighting. IES DG-
19-08. New York, New York, United States. 2008.
Kennedy, Janet V., R. D. Hall, and S. R. Barnard. Accidents at Urban Mini-Roundabouts. TRL Report 281.
Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL): Wokingham, Berkshire, England. 1998.
Kimber, R. M. The Traffic Capacity of Roundabouts. TRRL Laboratory Report No. LR942. Transport and
Road Research Laboratory: Berkshire, England. 1980.
Maycock, G., and R. D. Hall. Accidents at 4-Arm Roundabouts. TRL Report LR1120. Transportation Research
Laboratory (TRL): Wokingham, Berkshire, England. 1984.
Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Guidelines and Procedures for Transport Studies.
State of Qatar: Doha, Qatar. May 2011.