American National Standards
Call for Comment on Standards Proposals ................................................. 2
Call for Members (ANS Consensus Bodies) ................................................ 10
Final Actions .................................................................................................. 12
Project Initiation Notification System (PINS) ............................................... 14
ANS Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance ....................................... 17
ANSI-Accredited Standards Developers Contact Information ................... 18
Announcement of Proposed Procedural Revisions ..................................... 19
International Standards
ISO Draft Standards ....................................................................................... 21
ISO and IEC Newly Published Standards..................................................... 23
Proposed Foreign Government Regulations ................................................. 25
Information Concerning .................................................................................. 26
NACE (NACE International, the Corrosion Society) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
New National Adoption New Standard
BSR/NACE SP0300-201x/ISO 16784-1:2006, Corrosion of metals and alloys BSR/TIA 455-25D-201x, FOTP-25 Impact Testing of Optical Fiber Cables
- Corrosion and fouling in industrial cooling water systems - Part 1: (new standard)
Guidelines for conducting pilot scale evaluation of corrosion and fouling FOTP 25 existing test procedure is being revised to harmonize with the
control additives for open recirculating cooling water systems (identical International test method.
national adoption of ISO 16784-1:2006 and revision of ANSI/NACE RP0300
Single copy price: $76.00
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected]
This standard covers corrosion and fouling in industrial cooling water
systems and the criteria that must be defined and implemented in a pilot- Order from: Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA);
scale testing program to select water treatment programs for use in specific [email protected]
recirculating cooling water systems. Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
Single copy price: $39.00
Obtain an electronic copy from:
TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
Order from: Everett Bradshaw, (281) 228-6203, [email protected]
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
BSR/TIA 912-C-201x, Telecommunications - IP Telephony Equipment -
Voice Gateway Transmission Requirements (revision and redesignation of
NEMA (ASC C80) (National Electrical Manufacturers This standard covers transmission requirements for voice gateways (VGs)
Association) that provide routing functions between telephones, traditional public and
private networks, and modern packet-based networks. VGs include packet-
Revision based enterprise equipment, residential gateways, ADSL-based Integrated
BSR C80.1-200x, Standard for Electrically Rigid Steel Conduit (revision of Access Devices (IADs), and cable-based Multimedia Terminal Adapters
ANSI C80.1-2005) (MTAs). The main purpose of this revision is to add requirements for
This standard covers the requirements for electrical rigid steel conduit for supporting wideband (nominally 100 to 7,000 Hz) analog telephones that
use as a raceway for wires or cables of an electrical system. Finished may be connected to voice gateways for providing High-Definition (HD) voice
conduit is produced in nominal 10 ft (3.05 m) lengths, threaded on each end services such as those available using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
with one coupling attached. It is protected on the exterior surface with a Single copy price: $174.00
metallic zinc coating or alternate corrosion protection coating (as specified in Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected]
the 13th edition of UL 6 in Clauses 5.3.3, 6.2.4, 7.8, and 7.9) and on the
interior surface with a zinc or organic coating. This standard also covers Order from: Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA);
conduit couplings, elbows, nipples, and conduit lengths other than 10 ft (3.05 [email protected]
m). Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
Single copy price: $65.00
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected]
Order from: Joel Solis, (703) 841-3267, [email protected] UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.)
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same New National Adoption
BSR/UL 61010-2-051-201X, Standard for Safety for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 051: Particular
Requirements for Laboratory Equipment for Mixing and Stirring (identical
TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper
national adoption of IEC 61010-2-051)
Proposed third edition of the Standard for Safety for Electrical Equipment for
New Standard Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 051: Particular
BSR/TAPPI T 456 om-201x, Tensile breaking strength of water-saturated Requirements for Laboratory Equipment for Mixing and Stirring.
paper and paperboard ('wet tensile strength’) (new standard) Single copy price: Contact comm2000 for pricing and delivery options
This method describes the procedure for the determination of the tensile Obtain an electronic copy from:
strength of paper and paperboard after saturation with water.
Order from: comm2000
Single copy price: Free
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Vickie Hinton, (919) 549
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected] -1851, [email protected]
Order from: Charles Bohanan, (770) 209-7276, [email protected]
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 5 of 32 Pages
Single copy price: Contact comm2000 for pricing and delivery options Obtain an electronic copy from:
Order from: comm2000 Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: [email protected]
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Patricia Sena, (919) 549
-1636, [email protected]
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 6 of 32 Pages
BSR/HI 3.6-201x, Rotary Pump Tests (revision of ANSI/HI 3.6-2010) BSR/NACE SP0300-201x/ISO 16784-1:2006, Corrosion of metals and
alloys - Corrosion and fouling in industrial cooling water systems -
BSR/HI 9.6.7-201x, Standard (Guideline) for Effects of Liquid Viscosity Part 1: Guidelines for conducting pilot scale evaluation of corrosion
on Rotodynamic Pump Performance (revision of ANSI/HI 9.6.7-2010) and fouling control additives for open recirculating cooling water
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected] systems (identical national adoption of ISO 16784-1:2006 and
revision of ANSI/NACE RP0300-2003)
Obtain an electronic copy from:
ITI (INCITS) (InterNational Committee for Information Technology
Office: 1101 K Street NW
Suite 610 NEMA (ASC C80) (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
Washington, DC 20005-3922
Office: 1300 North 17th Street
Contact: Rachel Porter Suite 900
Phone: (202) 626-5741 Rosslyn, VA 22209
Fax: 202-638-4922 Contact: Joel Solis
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (703) 841-3267
INCITS 546-201x, Information technology - SCSI Architecture Model - 6 Fax: (703) 841-3367
(new standard) E-mail: [email protected]
INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 10091:1995 [2010], Information technology - BSR C80.1-200x, Standard for Electrically Rigid Steel Conduit (revision
Technical Aspects of 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Write-once of ANSI C80.1-2005)
Recording formats (withdrawal of INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 10091:1995 Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected]
Obtain an electronic copy from:
SI (Simon Institute)
INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 13561:1994 [2010], Information technology - Office: 4760 S Highland Dr #323
Guidelines for effective use of optical disk cartridges conforming to Salt Lake City, UT 84117
ISO/IEC 10090 (withdrawal of INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 13561:1994 Contact: John Walker
Phone: (801) 983-5263
Obtain an electronic copy from:
E-mail: [email protected]
INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 13841:1995 [2010], Information technology -
BSR/SI 102-201x, Determining Custodial Workloads, Frequencies and
Guidance on measurement techniques for 90 mm optical disk
Tasks (new standard)
cartridges (withdrawal of INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 13841:1995 [2010])
Obtain an electronic copy from:
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 11 of 32 Pages
Following is a list of proposed actions and new ANS that have been received recently from ASDs. Please also review the section in Standards Action
entitled "American National Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance" for additional or comparable information with regard to standards
maintained under the continuous maintenance option. To view information about additional standards for which a PINS has been submitted and to search
approved ANS, please visit, which is a database of standards information. Note that this database is not exhaustive.
Directly and materially affected interests wishing to receive more information or to submit comments are requested to contact the standards developer
directly within 30 days of the publication of this announcement.
The standard shall be maintained by an accredited standards developer. A documented program for
periodic publication of revisions shall be established by the standards developer. Processing of these
revisions shall be in accordance with these procedures. The published standard shall include a clear
statement of the intent to consider requests for change and information on the submittal of such
requests. Procedures shall be established for timely, documented consensus action on each request
for change and no portion of the standard shall be excluded from the revision process. In the event
that no revisions are issued for a period of four years, action to reaffirm or withdraw the standard shall
be taken in accordance with the procedures contained in the ANSI Essential Requirements.
The Executive Standards Council (ExSC) has determined that for standards maintained under the
Continuous Maintenance option, separate PINS announcements are not required. The following ANSI
Accredited Standards Developers have formally registered standards under the Continuous
Maintenance option.
To obtain additional information with regard to these standards, including contact information at the
ANSI Accredited Standards Developer, please visit ANSI Online at, select
“Standards Activities,” click on “Public Review and Comment” and “American National Standards
Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance.” This information is also available directly at
Alternatively, you may contact the Procedures & Standards Administration department (PSA) at
[email protected] or via fax at 212-840-2298. If you request that information be provided via E-mail, please
include your E-mail address; if you request that information be provided via fax, please include your fax
number. Thank you.
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 18 of 32 Pages
The proposed revisions below are intended to confirm that an applicant for accreditation by ANSI
as a standards developer or as a US TAG Administrator to an ISO activity is required to be
incorporated, registered or otherwise recognized as a legal entity.
b) the operating procedures used for the development of evidence of consensus for
approval, revision, reaffirmation, or withdrawal of standards as American
National Standards shall satisfy the essential requirements contained herein; …
ISO/DIS 10273, Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for ISO/DIS 27306, Metallic materials - Method of constraint loss
the detection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica - 9/7/2015, correction of CTOD fracture toughness for fracture assessment of
$112.00 steel components - 8/30/2015, $112.00
ISO/DIS 15216-1, Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method MICROBEAM ANALYSIS (TC 202)
for determination of hepatitis A virus and norovirus in food using
real-time RT-PCR - Part 1: Method for quantification - 9/7/2015, ISO/DIS 19214, Guidelines for growth direction determination of
$119.00 wirelike crystals by transmission electron microscopy - 8/29/2015,
(TC 94)
ISO/DIS 1920-2, Testing of concrete - Part 2: Properties of fresh
concrete - 8/28/2015, $125.00 ISO/DIS 16900-5, Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test and
test equipment - Part 5: Breathing machine/metabolic simulator/RPD
headforms/torso, tools and verification tools - 8/28/2015, $98.00
ISO/DIS 6182-14, Fire protection - Automatic sprinkler systems - Part
14: Requirements and test methods for water spray nozzles - ISO/DIS 1043-3, Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 3:
8/29/2015, $58.00 Plasticizers - 9/7/2015, $40.00
ISO/DIS 9241-960, Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part
960: Framework and guidance for gesture interactions - 9/7/2015, ISO/DIS 80369-2, Small bore connectors for liquids and gases in
$82.00 healthcare applications - Part 2: Connectors for breathing systems
and driving gases applications - 8/31/2015, $119.00
ISO/DIS 20863, Footwear - Test methods for stiffeners and toepuffs -
Bondability - 8/24/2015, $40.00 ISO/DIS 18541-6, Road vehicles - Standardized access to automotive
repair and maintenance information (RMI) - Part 6: L-Category
vehicle specific RMI use cases and requirements - 9/7/2015,
ISO/DIS 18647, Specifications for offshore modular drilling rigs on STEEL (TC 17)
fixed platforms - 8/31/2015, $175.00
ISO/DIS 14692-1, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass- ISO/DIS 4885, Ferrous products - Heat treatments - Vocabulary -
reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, 9/7/2015, $119.00
applications and materials - 9/7/2015, $134.00
ISO/DIS 14692-3, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass-
reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 3: System design - 9/7/2015, ISO/DIS 17749, Thermal insulation products - Sheep wool mat and
$107.00 board - 8/31/2015, FREE
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 22 of 32 Pages
Information Concerning
Information Concerning
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Call for International (ISO) Secretariat
Currently, the U.S. holds a leadership position as secretariat of ISO/TC 39/SC 2 (Test conditions
for metal cutting machine tools). ANSI has delegated the responsibility for the administration of
the secretariat for ISO/TC 39/SC 2 to NIST. NIST has advised ANSI of its intent to relinquish its
role as delegated secretariat for this committee.
Standardization of all machine tools for the working of metal, wood and plastics, operating by
removal of material or by pressure.
ANSI is seeking organizations in the U.S. that may be interested in assuming the role of
delegated secretariat for ISO/TC 39/SC 2. Alternatively, ANSI may be assigned the responsibility
for administering an ISO secretariat. Any request that ANSI accepts to direct administration of an
ISO secretariat shall demonstrate that:
1) The affected interests have made a financial commitment for not less than three years
covering all defined costs incurred by ANSI associated with holding the secretariat;
2) The affected technical sector, organizations or companies desiring that the U.S. hold the
secretariat request that ANSI perform this function;
3) The relevant US TAG has been consulted with regard to ANSI’s potential role as
secretariat; and
4) ANSI is able to fulfill the requirements of a secretariat.
If no U.S. organization steps forward to assume the ISO/TC 39/SC 2 secretariat, or if there is
insufficient support for ANSI to assume direct administration of this activity, then ANSI will inform
the ISO Central Secretariat that the U.S. will relinquish its leadership of the committee. This will
allow ISO to solicit offers from other countries interested in assuming the secretariat role.
Information concerning the United States retaining the role of international secretariat may be
obtained by contacting ANSI at [email protected].
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 29 of 32 Pages
Information Concerning
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Call for International (ISO) Secretariat
ANSI is seeking organizations in the U.S. that may be interested in assuming the role of
delegated secretariat for ISO/TC 108/SC 5. Alternatively, ANSI may be assigned the
responsibility for administering an ISO secretariat. Any request that ANSI accepts to direct
administration of an ISO secretariat shall demonstrate that:
1) The affected interests have made a financial commitment for not less than three years
covering all defined costs incurred by ANSI associated with holding the secretariat;
2) The affected technical sector, organizations or companies desiring that the U.S. hold the
secretariat request that ANSI perform this function;
3) The relevant US TAG has been consulted with regard to ANSI’s potential role as
secretariat; and
4) ANSI is able to fulfill the requirements of a secretariat.
If no U.S. organization steps forward to assume the ISO/TC 108/SC 5 secretariat, or if there is
insufficient support for ANSI to assume direct administration of this activity, then ANSI will inform
the ISO Central Secretariat that the U.S. will relinquish its leadership of the committee. This will
allow ISO to solicit offers from other countries interested in assuming the secretariat role.
Information concerning the United States retaining the role of international secretariat may be
obtained by contacting ANSI at [email protected].
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 30 of 32 Pages
Information Concerning
ANSI Accreditation Program for Third Party Product Certification
Voluntary Withdrawal
SCS Global Services requested a Voluntary Withdrawal from ANSI Accreditation in regards of the
following scopes, effective June 1, 2015:
Please send your comments by July 6, 2015 to Reinaldo Balbino Figueiredo, Senior Program
Director, Product Certifier Accreditation, American National Standards Institute, 1899 L Street,
NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20036, Fax: 202-293 9287 or e-mail: [email protected], or Nikki
Jackson, Senior Program Manager, Product Certifier Accreditation, American National Standards
Institute, 1899 L Street, NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20036, Fax: 202-293 9287 or e-mail:
[email protected].
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 31 of 32 Pages
Not for publication. This document is part of the NSF International standard development process. This
draft text is for circulation for review and/or approval by a NSF Standards Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially adopted. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
Dietary supplements
5.6 Caffeine
Supplements containing caffeine or making a caffeine claim shall be tested to verify the label claim is
correct and that the recommended dose does not exceed 200 mg/serving. For products that suggest
multiple daily doses, a daily limit of 400 mg/day is the maximum allowed under this standard.
Standards Action - June 5, 2015 - Page 32 of 32 Pages
BSR/UL 2443, Standard for Safety for Flexible Sprinkler Hose with Fittings for Fire Protection
20.1 Flexible sprinkler hose with fittings and its anchoring components shall maintain the attached
sprinkler in the intended operating position, and the hose shall maintain its integrity while the sprinkler
discharges water at 90 percent of the rated pressure of the flexible sprinkler hose.