INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: ‘This paper has 5 pages and € questions.
Answer ALL questions in Section A, one (1) question from Section B and one (1)
question from Section C
Section A
Question 1 (30 marks)
Write brief notes to explain five of the following terms associated with financial institutions
(ii) Commercial banks
(iil) Fee based services
(iv) CFATF
(x) Regional Government Securities Market
(vi) Mutual funds
(vii) “politically exposed persons” (PEPS)
(viii) E-banking
(x) Nominal interest rate
(x) Asset Liability Management
IndiesPage 2
Section B
Answer one (1) question from this section,
Question 2. (20 marks)
(i) Fxplain the term “collateral” as it relates to loans. (2 marks)
(ii) Give 3 examples of assets which are acceptable as collateral. (3 marks)
(iii) Tdentify 2 items which are not suitable to be used as collateral and explain
why. (3 marks)
Donald Burnett has recently completed a degree in Hospitality Studies at the
Barbados Community College. He decided to join with his girlfriend Sylvia Arthur
who graduated a few years ago from UWI, Cave Hill with a degree in Accounting,
to opena Vegetarian Restaurant ina busy hotel area on the south coast of Barbados.
Sylvia has been working since graduation with a leading accounting firm. Donald
‘hopes to rent a building, buthe intends to buy all the equipment. It is estimated to
cost $100,000Bds . He is seeking a Joan for $90,000 as Sylvia's savings only amount
to $10,000; he has nothing to put except his expertise. Take the role of the loan
officer at The Baptist Credit Union to which he has applied for a loan. Sylvia has
saved her money with this credit union.
List six questions that you would ask Donald and Sylvia about the proposed
restaurant in order to reach a decision about granting them the loan. Explain why
each one is important. (12 marks)
Question 3 (20 marks)
‘What does the acronym PEARLS mean in relation to credit unions? (5 marks)
Access the performance of City of Bridgetown Credit Union as at 31 December,
2011, using five () of the usual benchmarks for Credit Unions set by the World
Council of Credit Unions (WCCU).
.e University of the West Indies Course Cod MGMT3076 2013Page3
City of Bridgetown Co-operative Credit Union Limited
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As of 31 March 2011
(expressed in Barbaclos dollars)
Notes 2011 2010
Cash and cash equivalents 5 $10,214,359 $ 19,027,366
‘Accounts receivable and prepaid expanses 9 697,472 624,212
Deferred charges 65,206 49,913
Interest due and acerued 1127540 1,440,523
Investments 7 23,538,346 16,553,875
Investiment in associated company 6 1,552,018 1,345,797
Loans to members 8 260,898,573 244,746,209
Property, plant and equipment 10 11,883,367 12,530,224
Investment property u 7,300,000 7,300,000
Development land for resale 12 2.895.644 —_2,268,890
1$320,172,525 $305,887,009
‘Accounts payable and accrued expenses 4S 1411339 8 2,482,222
Interest payable 364,107 479,060
‘Members’ deposits 13 200,218,035 184,033,941
Loan payable 15 6271,778 6,244,445
Liabilities qualifying as regulatory capital 16 7,125,303 __19,923,535
285,596,562 _ 273,863,203,
Members’ equity
‘Stabstory reserve w 18,386,443 16,866,530
Special funds 18 7,908,440 7,879,058
‘Savings and loans benefit fund 19 647,039 532,086
Fair value reserves 490,087 (201,386)
Undivided surplus 7,143,952 _6.947,518
34,575,963 32,023,806
$32,172,525 $205,887.09
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
? President Ay: fle. Secretary
‘Adlai Stevenson,
The University of the West Indies
MGMT3076 2013.Page 4
City of Bridgetown Co-operative Credit Union Limited
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Year ended 31 March 2011
(expressed in Barbados dollars)
Notes 2011 2010
Interest income (expenses)
Interest on loans $21,194,254 $21,561,238
Interest expense ~ member doposits (6533413) (6,561,320)
Interest expense —loan payable 15 (365.185) (401.852)
14,295,655 14,598,056
Other income
Fair value gain on investment property u - 5,646,275
Investment income 996,239 1,469,133
Rent 334,101 336,258
Income from direct services 963,962 1,187,061
Gain on disposal of plant and equipment 31,504 8
Commissions 34,110 20,682
2.350.916 _8,629.452
Net interest and other income 16,655,572 23,227,518
Operating expenses (per schedule) 11,259,019 11,693,135
Provision for impaired loans 8 "700,000 3,753,000
Savings and Joan protection 9 360,000 360.000
Impairment loss on available-for-sele investment 277,778 :
‘Loan Joss recovery expenses 31,804 1,216
‘Affiliation dues 75,000 _75,000
‘Total expenditure 12,703,601 15,882,351
Net surplus before the following items 3.951.971 7,345,167
Equity share of associated company's profits 6 290978 = __330.979
Net surplus before distributions 4.241.949 7,676,146
Distributions 20 1,977,090) _(3.243,241)
Net surplus 2,268,899 4,432,905
Other comprehensive income
— 120.530 (249.246)
Total comprehensive surplus S_2685.382 $4,183,559
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
(Change in fair velue of available-for-sale investments
The University of the West Indies Course Code: MGMT3076Page 5
Section C
Answer one (1) question from this section,
Question 4 (20 marks)
a) Discuss the requirements of financial institutions to be ableto be in compliance with
KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations for businesses. (12 marks)
b) _ Explain the risks associated with e-business from a banking perspective.
(8 marks)
Question 5 (20 marks)
Discuss the issues that are taken into consideration when assessing the solvency of
insurance companies. (10 marks)
>) Explain the change in Capital Adequacy requirements for financial institutions
between Basel I, Il and IT. (10 marks)
Question 6 (20 marks)
“ATCA isan important landmark in establishing a common intergovernment approach
to combating tax evasion” Dr Trevor Carmichael (IBES December 2012 Newsletter)
Discuss the impending challenges and opportunities of the FATCA for commercial banks
in the Caribbean region. (20 marks)
‘The University of the West Indies Course Cade: MGMT3075 2013...Page
Section C
Answer one (1) question from this section.
Question 4 (20 marks)
a) Discuss therequirements of financial institutions to be ableto be in compliance with
KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations for businesses. (12 marks)
b) Explain the risks associated with e-business from a banking perspective
(6 marks)
Question 5 (20 marks)
a) Discuss the issues that are taken into consideration when assessing the solvency of
insurance companies. (10 marks)
6) Explain the change in Capital Adequacy requirements for financial institutions
between Basel L, II and III. (10 marks)
Question 6 (20 marks)
“TCA is an important landmark in establishing a conunon intergovernment approach
to combating tax evasion” Dy Trevor Carmichael (BFS December 2012 Newsletter)
Discuss the impending challenges and opportunities of the FATCA for commercial banks
in the Caribbean region, (20 marks)
‘The University of the West Indies Course Code: MGMT3076 2013)...