Shakespeare in A Box - Rubric

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All You Need is Love - Shakespeare in a Box

Summative Task 2 Rubric

Assessed Criteria: Bi, Ci, ii, iii, Dv
B: Organizing 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
i. Employ organisational structures that i. Makes minimal use of organisational i. Makes adequate use of organisational i. Makes competent use of organisational i. Makes sophisticated use of
serve the context and intention. structures though these may not always serve structures that serve the context and structures that serve the context and organisational structures that serve the
the context and intention intention intention context and intention effectively

C: Producing Text 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

i. Produce texts that demonstrate insight, i. Produces texts that demonstrate limited i. Produces texts that demonstrate i. Produces texts that demonstrate i. Produces texts that demonstrate a
imagination and sensitivity while exploring personal engagement with the creative process; adequate personal engagement with the considerable personal engagement high degree of personal engagement
and reflecting demonstrates a limited degree of insight, creative process; demonstrates some with the creative process; demonstrates with the creative process; demonstrates
critically on new perspectives and ideas imagination insight, imagination and sensitivity considerable insight, imagination and sensitivity a high degree of insight, imagination and
arising from personal engagement with and sensitivity and minimal exploration of and some exploration of new perspectives and substantial exploration of new sensitivity and perceptive exploration of
the creative process perspectives and ideas and ideas perspectives and ideas new perspectives and ideas
ii. Make stylistic choices in terms of ii. Makes minimal stylistic choices in terms of ii. Makes some stylistic choices in terms of ii. Makes thoughtful stylistic choices in terms ii. Makes perceptive stylistic choices in
linguistic, literary and visual devices, linguistic, literary and visual linguistic, literary and visual of linguistic, literary and visual terms of linguistic, literary and visual
demonstrating awareness of impact on an devices, demonstrating limited awareness of devices, demonstrating adequate awareness devices, demonstrating good awareness of devices, demonstrating good awareness
audience impact on an audience of impact on an audience impact on an audience of impact on an audience
iii. Select relevant details and examples to iii. Selects few relevant details and examples to iii. Selects some relevant details and iii. Selects sufficient relevant details and iii. Selects extensive relevant details
develop ideas. develop ideas. examples to develop ideas. examples to develop ideas. and examples to develop ideas with

D: Using Language 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

i. Use appropriate and varied vocabulary, i. Uses a limited range of appropriate i. Uses an adequate range of appropriate i. Uses a varied range of appropriate i. Effectively uses a range of
sentence structures and forms of vocabulary and forms of expression vocabulary, sentence structures vocabulary, sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary, sentence
expression ii. Writes and speaks in an inappropriate and forms of expression forms of expression competently structures and forms of expression
ii. Write and speak in a register and style register and style that do not ii. Sometimes writes and speaks in a ii. Writes and speaks competently in a ii. Writes and speaks in a consistently
that serve the context and intention serve the context and intention register and style that serve the context register and style that serve the appropriate register and style that serve
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax and iii. Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with and intention context and intention the context and intention
punctuation limited accuracy; errors iii. Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation iii. Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with iii. Uses grammar, syntax and
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), write often hinder communication with some degree of accuracy; a considerable degree of punctuation with a high degree of
(character languages) and pronounce with iv. Spells/writes and pronounces with limited errors sometimes hinder communication accuracy; errors do not hinder effective accuracy; errors are minor and
accuracy accuracy; errors often hinder communication iv. Spells/writes and pronounces with some communication communication is effective
degree of accuracy; errors iv. Spells/writes and pronounces with a iv. Spells/writes and pronounces with a
sometimes hinder communication considerable degree of accuracy; high degree of accuracy; errors are
errors do not hinder effective communication minor and communication is effective

All You Need is Love - Shakespeare in a Box - Success Criteria

B: Organizing 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
i. Employ organisational structures that There is a lack of organisation, so the scene is There is a beginning and11 end; one might Scene has a clear opening and closure. Shows excellent understanding of
serve the context and intention difficult to follow. be better than the other. Dialogue flows cohesively. staging principles eg entrances, exits;
stage movement, lighting / sound cues;
C: Producing Text 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
i. Produce texts that demonstrate insight, There is little evidence of planning or thought in Some evidence of planning with choices Evidence that the production is planned with Clear evidence that the production is
imagination and sensitivity while exploring preparation. There may be no script or made. (eg set, costume, actors, fx) selection of aesthetic elements. (eg set, clearly planned with effective choice of
and reflecting unconsidered use of the original text. costume, actors, fx) aesthetic elements. (eg set, costume,
critically on new perspectives and ideas Scene shows signs of adaptation though this actors, fx)
arising from personal engagement with Scene is not adapted and may be chosen at the may be inconsistent Some thoughtful choices are made in the
the creative process last minute. adaptation of a selected scene. Effective choices are made in the
ii. Make stylistic choices in terms of Dialogue and production (set, costume, sfx, adaptation of a carefully selected scene.
linguistic, literary and visual devices, There is little evidence of cohesion or design lfx…) complement each other in places. Dialogue and production vision (set, costume,
demonstrating awareness of impact on an sfx, lfx…) complement each other. Dialogue and a perceptive production
audience vision (set, costume, sfx, lfx…)
iii. Select relevant details and examples to complement each other.
develop ideas.

D: Using Language 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

i. Use appropriate and varied vocabulary, There has been little or no thought into the There has been an attempt to adapt some The original script has been well manipulated Original thought and creativity has gone
sentence structures and forms of adaptation of the original script. aspects of the original script to suit the to suit the context and set design. into adapting the original script
expression setting.
ii. Write and speak in a register and style The register is unclear and inconsistent. The register is maintained and is appropriate The register is maintained throughout
that serve the context and intention The register is a little inconsistent at times. for the setting. and enhances the setting.
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax and There is a lack of clarity when the actor delivers
punctuation his/her lines. The actor delivers his/her lines with some The actor delivers his/her lines with good use The actor delivers his/her lines with
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), write use of intonation, pace and voice projection. of intonation, pace, voice projection and excellent use of intonation, pace, voice
(character languages) and pronounce with timing. projection and timing.

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