FT-CRD-171-00012 OJT Training Plan BSBA
FT-CRD-171-00012 OJT Training Plan BSBA
FT-CRD-171-00012 OJT Training Plan BSBA
Student trainees from the BS in Business Administration program shall exercise judgment and ability in providing a
wide range of management services. Please check the essential duties of the student trainee during the on-the-job
training. Essential duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following.
Communications Provide creative and innovative ideas to the
Contact potential and current clients team in managing operations.
frequently through phone calls, emails, and Design and present marketing/sales campaign
mailings. ideas.
Make correspondence with suppliers, Attend marketing and networking events if
customers, clients, organizations, and necessary.
employees. Support the team in planning, marketing, and
Attend meetings as needed to support the participating in community events.
operations. Perform market analysis and research on the
Issue reports, receipts, and other tracking latest trend.
documents for documentary purposes. Research and evaluate competitor content.
Data Entry/Business Intelligence Logistics and Operations
Provide support in the entry, filing, and Coordinate improvement projects.
managing of data. Map out logistic flows.
Conduct research for the assigned group, Perform production scheduling.
consolidate, and present data findings. Coordinate and follow up on
Track and record data such as, but not limited shipments/delivery.
to, team hours worked daily, delivery Prepare certain reports/analyses for a
schedule, expenses, sales, supplies, etc. smooth-running supply chain.
Help improve the information management Participate in the improvement process for
platform. various product sectors as part of production
Carry out various data analyses and modeling. planning and inventory management.
Management Negotiate with suppliers.
Keep the office organized and stocked with Assist in event logistics.
the needed supplies. Human Resources
Maintain paper and electronic files, records, Provide support for the recruitment process.
and paperwork. Update the new employee onboarding
Schedule travel, appointments, and meetings. kit/training materials.
Coordinate space and office organization. Provide support for company activities.
Performs administrative and other office- Finance/Economics/Accounting
related tasks crucial to daily business Conduct financial analyses.
operations. Assist in updating, building, and recording
Work alongside company executives and financial data/portfolios.
supervisors on assigned operational tasks. Support the team in the application of new
Find software/solutions to meet the accounting standards.
company’s needs. Identify economic factors affecting
Develop and implement strategic partnerships strategic/operating plans.
with certain associations. Develop tools to facilitate monitoring and
Marketing analysis of economic conditions.