Eng8 Wk4.1

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Teaching Dates & Time: Week 3 (September 11-15, 2023) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries
B. Performance
Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective
use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Use modal verbs, nouns and Use modal verbs, nouns and Use modal verbs, nouns and Identify and use signals that Identify and use signals that
Competencies/ adverbs appropriately adverbs appropriately adverbs appropriately indicate coherence (e.g. indicate coherence (e.g.
Objectives additive - also, moreover; additive - also, moreover;
( Write the Lode for causative causative
each) - as a result, consequently; - as a result, consequently;
conditional/ concessional - conditional/ concessional -
otherwise, in that case, otherwise, in that case,
however; however;
sequential - to begin with, in sequential - to begin with, in
conclusion; clarifying - for conclusion; clarifying - for
instance, in fact, in addition) instance, in fact, in addition)
II.CONTENT Modal verbs and their Modal Nouns Modal adverbs: certainly, Definition and examples of Definition and examples of
( Subject Matter) functions (e.g., ability, Different modal expressions definitely, probably, possibly, coherence signals (additive, coherence signals (additive,
permission, obligation). for expressing possibility, perhaps causative, causative,
necessity, permission, and conditional/concessional, conditional/concessional,
ability. sequential, clarifying). sequential, clarifying).
Appropriately using modal Functions and meanings of Functions and meanings of
expressions to convey different coherence signals. different coherence signals.
degrees of certainty and Using coherence signals to Using coherence signals to
obligation. improve the organization improve the organization and
and flow of texts. flow of texts.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Teacher's Guide page on Teacher's Guide page on Teacher's Guide page on modal
pages modal verbs, nouns, and modal verbs, nouns, and verbs, nouns, and adverbs
adverbs adverbs
2. Learner’s Material Learner's Materials page with Learner's Materials page Learner's Materials page with
pages exercises and examples with exercises and examples exercises and examples
3. Textbook pages English language textbooks English language textbooks English language textbooks
with relevant grammar with relevant grammar with relevant grammar sections
sections sections
4. Additional Materials Whiteboard or chalkboard Whiteboard or chalkboard Whiteboard or chalkboard and
from Learning and markers/chalk and markers/chalk markers/chalk
Resource LR portal Additional materials like Additional materials like Additional materials like
handouts, flashcards, or handouts, flashcards, or handouts, flashcards, or
multimedia presentations (if multimedia presentations (if multimedia presentations (if
available) available) available)

B. Other Learning Other Learning Resources Other Learning Resources Other Learning Resources such
Resources such as online grammar such as online grammar as online grammar websites or
websites or videos (optional websites or videos (optional videos (optional
A. Reviewing previous 5 item activity to recall some Recap previous lesson by Writing the correct modal nouns Begin the lesson by briefly Begin the lesson by briefly
Lesson or presenting acceptable concept in writing Arranging the letters to form to complete the sentences. reviewing the importance of reviewing the importance of
new lesson Bibliography. the modal verb that fits the Using the given meaning coherence and how it coherence and how it
sentence. beside the sentence as your contributes to effective contributes to effective
clue. communication. Recap the communication. Recap the
concept of organizing ideas concept of organizing ideas
and connecting them and connecting them logically
logically within a text. within a text.
B. Establishing a purpose Explain to the students that Explain to the students that Explain to the students that
for the lesson the objective of the lesson is the objective of the lesson is the objective of the lesson is
to introduce and explore the to introduce and explore to introduce and explore
functions and usage of modal coherence signals that help coherence signals that help
verbs, nouns, and adverbs. indicate the relationships indicate the relationships
Specifically starting with between ideas in a text. between ideas in a text.
Modal Verbs. Emphasize the role of Emphasize the role of
coherence signals in coherence signals in
enhancing understanding enhancing understanding and
and guiding readers through guiding readers through the
the text. text.
I. Presenting Provide examples of Provide examples of texts or Provide examples of texts or
examples/ sentences containing modal paragraphs that lack paragraphs that lack
instances of the verbs, nouns, and adverbs. coherence and ask students coherence and ask students to
new lesson. Discuss their meanings and to identify the areas where identify the areas where
the specific functions they coherence signals could be coherence signals could be
serve in expressing different used. Discuss how the used. Discuss how the
degrees of ability, permission, absence of coherence absence of coherence signals
obligation, possibility, signals affects the overall affects the overall clarity and
probability, certainty, clarity and comprehension of comprehension of the text.
necessity, and other the text.
II. Discussing new Introduce the concept of Introduce different modal Introduce the concept of and Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of
concepts and modal verbs and their nouns. adverbs. additive coherence signals additive coherence signals
practicing new common forms (e.g., can, Explain the different functions (e.g., also, moreover, (e.g., also, moreover,
could, may, might, must, and meanings they convey in furthermore). Explain how furthermore). Explain how
skills. #1
shall, should, will, would). sentences. these signals indicate the these signals indicate the
addition of related addition of related information
information or ideas. Model or ideas. Model examples and
examples and encourage encourage students to identify
students to identify and use and use additive coherence
additive coherence signals in signals in sentences or short
sentences or short paragraphs.
III. Discussing new Explain their functions and Explain their functions and Discuss examples of modal Introduce causative Introduce causative coherence
concepts and provide examples of how they provide examples of how adverbs, their meanings, and coherence signals (e.g., as a signals (e.g., as a result,
practicing new are used in different contexts. they are used in different sample sentences. result, consequently, consequently, therefore).
skills #2. Engage students in contexts. Engage students in therefore). Explain their Explain their function in
discussions to identify the discussions to identify the function in indicating cause- indicating cause-and-effect
modality expressed by each modality expressed by each and-effect relationships. relationships. Provide
modal verb. modal nouns. Provide examples and examples and engage
engage students in activities students in activities where
where they can identify and they can identify and use
use causative coherence causative coherence signals
signals appropriately. appropriately.
C. Developing Mastery Provide practice exercises Provide exercises or Match the modal adverb in Provide exercises or Provide exercises or activities
(Lead to Formative where students need to form activities where students can Column A to its correct meaning activities where students where students practice
Assessment 3) sentences using appropriate practice using modal nouns in Column B. practice identifying and identifying and using
modal verbs to express in context. This can include using conditional/concessional
specific modalities. completing sentences, conditional/concessional coherence signals (e.g.,
Encourage them to create creating dialogues, or coherence signals (e.g., otherwise, in that case,
their own sentences and analyzing texts to identify otherwise, in that case, however) to indicate
engage in peer discussions to and explain the use of however) to indicate conditions, concessions, or
ensure correct usage. modals. conditions, concessions, or contrasting ideas. Guide
contrasting ideas. Guide students in constructing
students in constructing sentences or paragraphs that
sentences or paragraphs demonstrate the correct usage
that demonstrate the correct of these signals.
usage of these signals.
IV. Finding practical Engage students in a Engage students in a Engage students in a
application of discussion on real-life discussion on the practical discussion on the practical
concepts and situations where modal verbs. applications of coherence applications of coherence
skills in daily living Encourage them to share signals in different types of signals in different types of
examples from their own writing (e.g., narratives, writing (e.g., narratives,
experiences and discuss how essays, reports). Encourage essays, reports). Encourage
the use of modal expressions them to share examples them to share examples from
can impact communication from texts they have read or texts they have read or written
and understanding. written where coherence where coherence signals
signals played a crucial role played a crucial role in guiding
in guiding readers through readers through the ideas
the ideas presented. presented.
V. Making The importance of learning Encourage students to Sharing what you want to Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts
Generalizations Modal Verbs reflect on the impact of using become in the future by writing discussed during the lesson discussed during the lesson
and Abstraction modals to convey different your dream profession inside and facilitate a class and facilitate a class
about the Lesson. degrees of certainty, the box. discussion on the general discussion on the general
obligation, and permission. Then, writing sentences about rules and patterns of using rules and patterns of using
the roles/duties of that coherence signals. Guide coherence signals. Guide
profession using modal students in generalizing the students in generalizing the
adverbs. functions and meanings of functions and meanings of
different coherence signals different coherence signals
based on the examples and based on the examples and
activities they have activities they have
encountered. encountered.
VI. Evaluating Writing the appropriate modal Writing the correct modal 10 item quiz. 1. Identify the coherence 1. Identify the coherence
Learning verb and giving their own nouns to complete the signal in the following signal in the following
example. sentences. Using the given sentence: "The weather was sentence: "The weather was
meaning. hot; __________, the pool hot; __________, the pool
was crowded with was crowded with swimmers."
swimmers." a) also
a) also b) as a result
b) as a result c) to begin with
c) to begin with d) in conclusion
d) in conclusion
2. Choose the correct
2. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete
coherence signal to the sentence: "She loves to
complete the sentence: "She dance; __________, she
loves to dance; __________, takes ballet and hip-hop
she takes ballet and hip-hop classes."
classes." a) moreover
a) moreover b) consequently
b) consequently c) in addition
c) in addition d) otherwise
d) otherwise
3. In the sentence, "He forgot
3. In the sentence, "He his umbrella; __________, he
forgot his umbrella; got drenched in the rain."
__________, he got a) however
drenched in the rain." b) to begin with
a) however c) as a result
b) to begin with d) for instance
c) as a result
d) for instance 4. Identify the coherence
signal in the following
4. Identify the coherence sentence: "The team practiced
signal in the following diligently; __________, they
sentence: "The team won the championship."
practiced diligently; a) otherwise
__________, they won the b) to begin with
championship." c) consequently
a) otherwise d) for instance
b) to begin with
c) consequently 5. Choose the correct
d) for instance coherence signal to complete
the sentence: "You need to
5. Choose the correct study hard; __________, you
coherence signal to won't pass the exam."
complete the sentence: "You a) also
need to study hard; b) consequently
__________, you won't pass c) in conclusion
the exam." d) otherwise
a) also
b) consequently 6. In the sentence, "The car
c) in conclusion broke down; __________,
d) otherwise they had to call for a tow
6. In the sentence, "The car a) also
broke down; __________, b) in conclusion
they had to call for a tow c) as a result
truck." d) for instance
a) also
b) in conclusion 7. Identify the coherence
c) as a result signal in the following
d) for instance sentence: "I enjoy hiking;
__________, I love exploring
7. Identify the coherence new trails."
signal in the following a) to begin with
sentence: "I enjoy hiking; b) moreover
__________, I love exploring c) consequently
new trails." d) in fact
a) to begin with
b) moreover 8. Choose the correct
c) consequently coherence signal to complete
d) in fact the sentence: "She was
feeling unwell; __________,
8. Choose the correct she decided to stay home and
coherence signal to rest."
complete the sentence: "She a) consequently
was feeling unwell; b) moreover
__________, she decided to c) in addition
stay home and rest." d) for instance
a) consequently
b) moreover 9. In the sentence, "If you
c) in addition don't finish your homework,
d) for instance __________ you might get a
lower grade."
9. In the sentence, "If you a) also
don't finish your homework, b) consequently
__________ you might get a c) otherwise
lower grade." d) in fact
a) also
b) consequently 10. Identify the coherence
c) otherwise signal in the following
d) in fact sentence: "Firstly, we went to
the museum; __________, we
10. Identify the coherence had lunch at a nearby café."
signal in the following a) as a result
sentence: "Firstly, we went b) moreover
to the museum; c) consequently
__________, we had lunch d) in conclusion
at a nearby café."
a) as a result 11. Choose the correct
b) moreover coherence signal to complete
c) consequently the sentence: "He needs to
d) in conclusion improve his writing skills;
__________, he should
11. Choose the correct practice more often."
coherence signal to a) consequently
complete the sentence: "He b) in addition
needs to improve his writing c) otherwise
skills; __________, he d) for instance
should practice more often."
a) consequently 12. In the sentence, "She
b) in addition enjoys swimming;
c) otherwise __________, she goes to the
d) for instance pool every weekend."
a) in fact
12. In the sentence, "She b) otherwise
enjoys swimming; c) consequently
__________, she goes to d) also
the pool every weekend."
a) in fact 13. Identify the coherence
b) otherwise signal in the following
c) consequently sentence: "They forgot to buy
d) also tickets; __________, they
were not allowed to enter the
13. Identify the coherence concert."
signal in the following a) in fact
sentence: "They forgot to b) moreover
buy tickets; __________, c) as a result
they were not allowed to d) for instance
enter the concert."
a) in fact 14. Choose the correct
b) moreover coherence signal to complete
c) as a result the sentence: "He needs to
d) for instance pass the exam; __________,
he must study diligently."
14. Choose the correct a) also
coherence signal to b) consequently
complete the sentence: "He c) otherwise
needs to pass the exam; d) in conclusion
__________, he must study
diligently." 15. In the sentence, "She
a) also loves to travel; __________,
b) consequently she plans to visit Europe next
c) otherwise summer."
d) in conclusion a) in conclusion
b) in fact
15. In the sentence, "She c) consequently
loves to travel; __________, d) moreover
she plans to visit Europe
next summer."
a) in conclusion
b) in fact
c) consequently
d) moreover
D. Additional Activities for Reading Selection will be Thinking of five ideas that Identify and use signals that Identify and use signals that
Application or provided to the Students. will help minimize the indicate coherence (e.g. indicate coherence (e.g.
Remediation problem of garbage pollution additive - also, moreover; additive - also, moreover;
The Story of the Aged Mother in our country. Writing them causative causative
A Japanese Folktale (An in complete sentences using - as a result, consequently; - as a result, consequently;
excerpt) By Matsuo Basho the given modal nouns. conditional/ concessional - conditional/ concessional -
otherwise, in that case, otherwise, in that case,
however; however;
sequential - to begin with, in sequential - to begin with, in
conclusion; clarifying - for conclusion; clarifying - for
instance, in fact, in addition) instance, in fact, in addition)
IV. REMARKS Use modal verbs, nouns and Use modal verbs, nouns and Use modal verbs, nouns and Definition and examples of Definition and examples of
adverbs appropriately adverbs appropriately adverbs appropriately coherence signals (additive, coherence signals (additive,
causative, causative,
conditional/concessional, conditional/concessional,
sequential, clarifying). sequential, clarifying).
Functions and meanings of Functions and meanings of
different coherence signals. different coherence signals.
Using coherence signals to Using coherence signals to
improve the organization improve the organization and
and flow of texts. flow of texts.
V. REFLECTION Modal verbs and their Modal Nouns Modal adverbs: certainly,
functions (e.g., ability, Different modal expressions definitely, probably, possibly,
permission, obligation). for expressing possibility, perhaps
necessity, permission, and
Appropriately using modal
expressions to convey
degrees of certainty and
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

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Checked by:
School Principal II

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