1KHW000890-En NSD570 Operating Instructions (13th Ed. Aug. 2021)
1KHW000890-En NSD570 Operating Instructions (13th Ed. Aug. 2021)
1KHW000890-En NSD570 Operating Instructions (13th Ed. Aug. 2021)
Teleprotection Equipment
Copyright and confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in Hitachi Power Grids.
Manuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The copying,
reproduction, translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable
form is not permitted, either in whole or in part. The contents of the manual may not be
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An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your own use. For
devices with embedded software, the end-user license agreement on the enclosed CD
This document may not be used for any purposes except those specifically authorized by
contract or otherwise in writing by Hitachi Power Grids.
2. Safety instructions
3. System description
7. Commissioning
9. Troubleshooting
11. Appendices
12. Annex
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
NSD570 1KHW000890-EN ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd
Contents Transmit and receive timing generated internally (G3LD) ...... 5-20
5.7.4. E1/T1 Interface application notes .......................................... 5-21 E1 Interface ........................................................................... 5-21 T1 Interface............................................................................ 5-22
5.7.5. Optical interface application notes ......................................... 5-22 Optical Direct Fiber and Optical OTERM/OPTIF Interface ..... 5-22 Optical IEEE C37.94 Interface ............................................... 5-23
5.8. Configuration notes common for G3LE, G3LM and G3LS ..... 5-24
5.8.1. General .................................................................................. 5-24
5.8.2. Ethernet interface selection ................................................... 5-24
5.8.3. RJ45 interface configuration .................................................. 5-25
5.8.4. SFP module configuration...................................................... 5-26
5.8.5. GPS synchronization ............................................................. 5-26
5.9. Configuration notes for Ethernet WAN Interface G3LE .......... 5-27
5.9.1. General .................................................................................. 5-27
5.9.2. Ethernet WAN interface configuration .................................... 5-27
5.9.3. Priority settings on transport layer (IPv4 Routing) .................. 5-28
5.9.4. VLAN ID ................................................................................. 5-29
5.9.5. Link layer priority settings ...................................................... 5-29
5.9.6. Supervision and alarm settings .............................................. 5-29
5.9.7. Network configuration hints.................................................... 5-30
5.10. Configuration notes for NSD570 Management ...................... 5-31
5.10.1. General .................................................................................. 5-31
5.10.2. Ethernet LAN interface configuration ..................................... 5-31
5.10.3. VLAN ID ................................................................................. 5-32
5.10.4. Link layer priority settings ...................................................... 5-32
5.10.5. SNMP .................................................................................... 5-32 Overview ................................................................................ 5-32 Device information ................................................................. 5-33 Alarm information ................................................................... 5-34 Command and Manipulation Event information ..................... 5-34 Trip Counter information ........................................................ 5-36 Configuration download counter information.......................... 5-37 Traps...................................................................................... 5-38 SNMP configuration ............................................................... 5-38 SNMPv2-SMI standard MIB configuration ............................. 5-39
5.10.6. SNTP Client ........................................................................... 5-39 Overview ................................................................................ 5-39 SNTP primary and secondary servers ................................... 5-40 SNTP polling interval ............................................................. 5-40 Time zone offset from UTC .................................................... 5-40 Daylight Saving Time ............................................................. 5-40
5.11. Configuration notes for NSD570 GOOSE LAN interface ....... 5-41
5.11.1. General .................................................................................. 5-41
5.11.2. GOOSE Interface Configuration ............................................ 5-41 Number of protection commands ........................................... 5-41
List of Figures
Fig. 1-1 Front view of NSD570 ........................................................................ 1-1
Fig. 3-1 Communication channels ................................................................... 3-7
Fig. 3-2 System block diagram ........................................................................ 3-8
Fig. 3-3 Mechanical design ........................................................................... 3-10
Fig. 3-4 Front plate signals and controls ....................................................... 3-12
Fig. 3-5 Minimal equipment Analog ............................................................... 3-14
Fig. 3-6 Minimal equipment Digital ................................................................ 3-15
Fig. 3-7 Minimal equipment Ethernet ............................................................ 3-16
Fig. 3-8 Two independent NSD570 in the same rack .................................... 3-17
Fig. 3-9 Fully equipped rack with redundant power supply units ................... 3-18
Fig. 3-10 Block diagram G3LC ........................................................................ 3-19
Fig. 3-11 Block diagram G3LA ........................................................................ 3-21
Fig. 3-12 Block diagram G3LD ........................................................................ 3-25
Fig. 3-13 Block diagram G3LE ........................................................................ 3-30
Fig. 3-14 Block diagram G3LR ........................................................................ 3-32
Fig. 3-15 Block diagram G3LS ........................................................................ 3-36
Fig. 3-16 Display Panel G1LC ......................................................................... 3-38
Fig. 3-17 Disabling reset counters................................................................... 3-45
Fig. 3-18 Connection to the NSD570 devices via G3LL .................................. 3-46
Fig. 3-19 Block diagram G3LL ......................................................................... 3-47
Fig. 3-20 Connection to the NSD570 devices via G3LM ................................. 3-48
Fig. 3-21 Block diagram G3LM ........................................................................ 3-50
Fig. 3-22 Single-tone principle......................................................................... 3-53
Fig. 3-23 Dual-tone principle ........................................................................... 3-53
Fig. 3-24 Channel allocation with analog NSD570 .......................................... 3-54
Fig. 3-25 1 single tone command A................................................................. 3-55
Fig. 3-26 2 independent single tone commands A, B...................................... 3-56
Fig. 3-27 2 independent dual tone commands A, B ........................................ 3-57
Fig. 3-28 3 independent dual tone commands A, B, C .................................... 3-58
Fig. 3-29 4 independent dual tone commands A, B, C, D ............................... 3-59
Fig. 3-30 Channel supervision......................................................................... 3-64
Fig. 3-31 Command handling .......................................................................... 3-65
Fig. 3-32 GOOSE frame flow example ............................................................ 3-66
Fig. 3-33 Tx Input On-Delay ............................................................................ 3-69
Fig. 3-34 Prolonged Tx Input Duration ............................................................ 3-70
Fig. 3-35 Limited Tx Input Duration ................................................................. 3-71
Fig. 3-36 Fixed Tx Input Duration .................................................................... 3-72
Fig. 6-42 Front view of the NSD570 module rack, equipped with two line
interfaces - each of them operating four Relay Interfaces G3LR -
and the optional Display Panel G1LC. ............................................. 6-40
Fig. 6-43 Rear view of the NSD570 module rack, equipped with an Analog
Interface G3LA and a Digital Interface G3LD - each of them
operating four Relay Interfaces G3LR, with connecting cables
(rear cover removed). ....................................................................... 6-40
Fig. 9-1 The four major fault location areas of an NSD570 link ....................... 9-5
Fig. 11-1 Front view of NSD570 ...................................................................... 11-7
Fig. 11-2 Rear view of NSD570 ....................................................................... 11-7
Fig. 11-3 Front view......................................................................................... 11-8
Fig. 11-4 Top view ........................................................................................... 11-8
Fig. 11-5 Side view .......................................................................................... 11-9
List of Tables
Table 3-1 Power supply voltages ..................................................................... 3-13
Table 4-1 RS-232 default interface settings ....................................................... 4-3
Table 4-2 Permissions “View” and “Modify” ..................................................... 4-55
Table 5-1 Minimum frequency gaps between channels ..................................... 5-9
Table 5-2 Relative levels for different bandwidths ............................................ 5-10
Table 5-3 Rx level setting and maximum line level .......................................... 5-13
Table 5-4 List of polled command and manipulation events ............................ 5-36
Table 9-1 Alarm localization with link and hardware alarms .............................. 9-6
Table 9-2 High level alarms................................................................................ 9-8
Table 9-3 Low level common alarms and relay interface alarms ..................... 9-11
Table 9-4 Transmit and receive signal alarm ................................................... 9-12
Table 9-5 SNR alarm threshold ........................................................................ 9-12
Table 9-6 Low level analog interface alarms .................................................... 9-13
Table 9-7 Low level digital interface alarms ..................................................... 9-14
Table 9-8 Low level Ethernet interface alarms ................................................. 9-15
Table 9-9 LAN LEDs ........................................................................................ 9-16
Table 9-10 G3LM alarms and warnings ............................................................. 9-17
Table 9-11 G3LS alarms .................................................................................... 9-18
Table 9-12 Low level alarms with explanation and corrective actions ................ 9-31
Table 11-1 Order numbers ................................................................................. 11-5
Table 11-2 Order numbers accessories ............................................................. 11-6
AC Alternating Current
AF Audio Frequency
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown
AWG American Wire Gauge
BER Bit Error Rate
C Common (terminal of switchover relays)
CCF Communication Configuration File (ABB proprietary)
CID Configured IED Description
CPU Central Processing Unit
DC Direct Current
DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DST Daylight Saving Time
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EOC Embedded Operation Channel
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Events
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
GPS Global Positioning System
HF High Frequency
HMI Human Machine Interface
HMI570 NSD570 User Interface Program
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
ICD IED Capability Description
IEC International Engineering Consortium
ID Identification
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
1. Introduction
The NSD570 teleprotection equipment is used for the dependable and
secure transmission of protection commands in electrical power
systems. In the event of a fault it makes a decisive contribution to
rapidly and selectively isolating the faulty part.
The NSD570 can be used for the transmission of blocking and tripping
signals via analog, digital or Ethernet/IP based communication links.
Analog links include pilot wires, speech channels of power line carrier
equipment and voice channels of analog or digital communication
systems. Digital links include G.703 co-directional (64 kbps), X.21/
RS-449/RS-530 (56 kbps, 64 kbps, electrical RS-422/V.11), E1
(2 Mbps), T1 (1.5 Mbps) interfaces and fiber optic cables (from short
haul till extra long haul, including IEEE C37.94). The Ethernet line
interface can be connected to virtually any Ethernet/IP based packet
switched network.
The conversion from an analog to a digital or an Ethernet system is
possible by exchanging of only one module (the line interface of the
NSD570). If NSD570 needs to be connected to an IEC 61850
compliant protection IED, one contact based relay interface can be
exchanged by a GOOSE LAN Interface.
The NSD570 comprises printed circuit boards with a height of three
standard units (3U) mounted in a 19 inch equipment rack. Two
NSD570 devices with different line interfaces may be plugged in the
rack. The rack itself has a height of four standard units, providing a
cable duct of 1U below the equipment at the rear side and a blanking
1U plate with labeling strip below the equipment at the front side.
2. Safety Instructions
Personnel qualification
Instruction Manual
Warning labels
Technical specifications
ESD protection
Mechanical Installation
Electrical Installation
Back cover
Laser / LED
Using HMI570
3. System Description
3.1. Introduction
The sizes, complexity and power ratings of high voltage networks
emphasize the need for highly reliable protection systems. Protection
is based on information derived from the power system at one or more
points, and fast selective protection applied to circuits with
geographically separated terminals, such as cables and overhead
lines, requires information interchange between these terminals.
NSD570 is a teleprotection equipment intended for use in protection
systems requiring a communication link. It is designed to convey
qualitative information, i.e. command signals generated by protective
devices in high-voltage electrical power systems. It is suitable for
analog voice-grade communication facilities, such as pilot wires and
speech channels of microwave radios or power line carrier links, for
digital communication facilities, provided by digital multiplexers, for
optical fiber and for Ethernet/IP networks.
Since any communication system is subject to interference and noise
of various forms, the performance of a teleprotection equipment is
commonly described in terms of security, dependability and
transmission time; further characteristics are the bandwidth of analog
equipment and the signaling rate of digital or Ethernet equipment.
Interference and noise on the communication link must neither
simulate a command at the receiving end when no command signal
was transmitted (security), nor impair the ability to convey commands
correctly and promptly (dependability).
Security, dependability, transmission time and bandwidth (or signaling
rate) are interrelated and interchangeable parameters. High security
and high dependability together with short transmission time and
narrow bandwidth (or low signaling rate) are therefore conflicting
requirements, but the emphasis can always be placed on
dependability or security or speed, depending on the application. A
blocking protection scheme, for instance, needs a short transmission
time and a high dependability, while a permissive tripping scheme
needs a short transmission time with good security and a high
dependability; direct transfer tripping schemes, by contrast, require
very high dependability and security, achieved at the expense of a
longer transmission time.
The above mentioned protection schemes are explained at the end of
this section (see Section 3.6 “NSD570 Applications”).
Remote access
Two optional LAN/management interfaces are available for remote
access to the equipment via the Internet or a Corporate Network
(Intranet). In a substation, several NSD570 units can be inter-
connected via a two wire serial bus (RS-485 interface), and each
NSD570 is then accessible with a unique equipment address for
remote management.
In-operation testing
Automatic and manual testing routines enable the integrity of the
communication channel to be tested during normal operation. The
equipment availability is continuously monitored by self-testing
is compatible with protection relays from HITACHI ABB and also with
protection relays from other vendors.
High speed
Nominal transmission times as low as 4 ms transmitting one
command, or 6 ms transmitting two to four commands, to meet
demanding transmission time requirements.
Level boosting
Command signals can be transmitted at a considerably higher power
level than the guard signal.
High speed
Nominal transmission time < 4 ms, or < 6 ms at the highest security
Addresses assigned to the devices indicate for which station the guard
and command signals are intended. This prevents maloperations in
case of inadvertently transposed channels.
High speed
Nominal transmission time < 4 ms.
IP addresses assigned to the devices indicate for which station the
guard and command signals are intended.
Digital channels:
- serial data channels of digital multiplexers
- radio links and optical fiber systems
- leased digital telecommunication circuits
Optical channels:
- optical point-to-point connection
- optical connection to a digital multiplexer
Ethernet channels:
- any IP based network
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Power Supply 2
3-System block diagram.vsd
Common Interface G3LC
G3LH, G3LI or G3LK
Power Supply
Power Supply
300 mm
X105 X104
84 76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 09 01
3-Rear View_Analog.vsd
X105 X104
84 76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 09 01
3-Rear View_Digital.vsd
X105 X104
84 76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 09 01
3-Rear View_Ethernet.vsd
X105 X104
84 76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 09 01
3-Rear View_Mixed_New.vsd
X101 X105 X104
84 76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 09 01
3-Rear View_Fully.vsd
Fig. 3-9 Fully equipped rack with redundant power supply units
Relay 1, X102
Relay 2, X102
extern 2
extern 2
RTB clock RxD_RTB
LOOP_DIS 8.192 MHz
frame sync
SYS_AL_1 (italic)
These signals are led to the backplane G1LA through the PCI
connector X900 and further on to the line interfaces G3LA/G3LD.
The external connector X102 to the alarm relays is located at the rear
side of the Common Interface.
The external connections of the synchronization inputs (GPS-
synchronization 1 PPS, IRIG-B) for the real time clock (located on the
line interfaces) are also located on Supply Backplane G1LB at the rear
side of the rack. These signals are led over the X100 PCI connector to
the Common Interface where opto-couplers provide electrical isolation.
At last, the Common Interface G3LC contains an internal socket X101
to connect the optional Display Panel G1LC to the equipment.
A detailed description of all module connectors as well as the optional
connecting cables and their pin assignments can be found in Section 6
“Installation and wiring”.
X100/5 Out
Boost 8
x1 u1
X100/1 Digital signal Data bus HW Version G3LC
u1 x1 24
processor In HW Version G1LA
u1 x1
+3.3 V DO
12 V 12 V DI
3.3 V uC RS-232
SPORT0 Flag RS-485
+12 V
12 V 12 V
Supply 33 MHz
+12 V monitoring Serial-
-12 V
Loop Test
Connector to
DI 32
5 24
RTC Sync_Bus
Line interface
Rx Data - T+
T- 8
Signaling to
Tx Data + Slot-Coding
Data bus HW Version G3LC
In HW Version G1LA
SD-A 32 buffer # of G3LH
SD-B Alarm on G3LH
RS-422 / V.11
RD-A HW Version G3LD
Line interface
Loop Test
The G3LD can be fitted with piggyback modules that provide the
following options:
• E1/T1 Interface G1LE (refer to Section “E1/T1 Interface
• Optical Interface G1LO (refer to Section “Optical Interface
• Optical Interface G1LOa (refer to Section “Optical Interface
SFP Sync
Ethernet HW module
10/100 Base T 100 Base cfg.
FX cfg. CPU
3.3 V 2.5 V
5V X101 / 1
Connector X100 to front plane bus
2C X101 / 4
GND 2D Tx Input 2
3.3 V
X101 / 3
X101 / 6
Rx Output 1
Hardware release coding FPGA
3 (Xilinx Spartan II) X101 / 5
Slot coding
X101 / 8
Rx Output 2
SPORT0 X101 / 7
12 V
Loop disable
X101 / 9
Relay 1
LED X101 / 11
12 V
8 X101 / 10
X101 / 12
Relay 2
X101 / 14
X101 / 13
Note: G3LRa provides two more jumpers (1E and 2E) to program the
fourth range of the nominal station battery voltage for the inputs.
24 V DC and 48 V DC 24 V DC
60 V DC and 110 V DC 48 V DC and 60 V DC
125 V DC and 250 V DC 110 V DC and 125 V DC
220 V DC and 250 V DC
sectional area.
The Phoenix connectors fulfill the necessary requirements for high
voltages (air and creeping distances according to IEC 60950-1) that
can be applied to the terminals (250 V DC ± 20%).
The isolating terminals are required so that the user can disconnect
the NSD570 from the relays during maintenance work on the NSD570.
Transmitting of unwanted commands can therefore be prevented and
maintenance personnel can be protected from dangerous voltages
(with command voltages > 60 V DC). The terminals accept stranded
wires with a cross sectional area of up to 2.5 mm2 or solid wire with a
SFP Sync
Ethernet HW module
10/100 Base T 100 Base cfg.
FX cfg. CPU
through the serial Real Time Bus on the bus plane G1LA. At the front
of the G3LS module, the internal signals are connected to the bus
plane via a PCI connector. The protection relay(s) can be connected
via a LAN to the external interfaces of G3LS.
All LED indicators are mounted on the front plate and are driven by the
G3LS module via the PCI connector.
Green LEDs in the RELAY INTERFACE 1 section of TPE 1 and TPE 2
are provided for the command input and output groups. If just one
command is contained in the GOOSE message, only the first
Input/Output LED will light up. If more than one command are
contained in the GOOSE message, both Input/Output LEDs will light
Warnings and alarms are indicated with the “Relay” LEDs. G3LS does
not provide physical relay outputs where status information provided
by the corresponding line interface can be signaled. Therefore HMI570
does not enable the user to select such a status signal to be assigned
to a Relay output if G3LS is selected. To signal warnings/alarms to the
protection devices, the dataset published by G3LS contains the logical
nodes LPHD PhyHealth and ITPC EEHealth. PhyHealth is derived
from the “HW Warning” status information of the line interface.
EEHealth is derived from the “Local Alarm” information of the line
interface. The same information is also visualized by the “Relay” LEDs
of G3LS. Relay LED 1 represents the “HW Warning” (PhyHealth) and
Relay LED 2 represents “HW Alarm” (EEHealth).
The “OK/Fail” LED will indicate “Green” for “OK” condition of the G3LS
module or “Red” for a “Failed” condition. Alarms are signalized by the
“Red” indication; for details refer to Section 9 “Troubleshooting”.
Back Enter
Down Reset
A Display Panel reset will occur if the Back button is permanently
pressed for more than 6 seconds.
| |
| |---Analog Settings Analog Line Interface only
| | |---LINE TYPE
| | |---TX LEVEL
| | |---RX LEVEL
| |
| |---Digital Settings Digital Line Interface only
| | |---RS530 DATA RATE RS530 Interface Type only
| | |---RS530 RX CLOCK RS530 Interface Type only
| | |---RS530 TX CLOCK RS530 Interface Type only
| | |---RX CLOCK SYNC RS530 Interface Type only
| | |---TX CLOCK SYNC TT RS530 Interface Type only
| | |---TERMINAL TIMING RS530 Interface Type only
| | |---TX CLOCK SYNC G.703 64kbps codir. Interface Type
| | |---LONG HAUL E1 2048kbps, T1 1544kbps
| | | G1LO Optical Direct Fiber and
| | | OTERM/OPTIF Interface Type
| | |---AUTOMATIC LASER G1LOa Optical Direct Fiber,
| | | SHUTDOWN OTERM/OPTIF and Optical IEEE C37.94
| | | Interface Type
| | |---CLOCK MODE G1LOa Optical Direct Fiber
| | | Interface Type
| | |---RX BUFFER E1 2048kbps and T1 1544kbps Interface
| | | Type
| | |---TX BUFFER E1 2048kbps and T1 1544kbps Interface
| | | Type
| | |---E1 CODING E1 2048kbps Interface Type only
| | |---E1 FRAME FORMAT E1 2048kbps Interface Type only
| | |---T1 CODING T1 1544kbps Interface Type only
| | |---T1 FRAME FORMAT T1 1544kbps Interface Type only
| |
| |---Ethernet Setting Ethernet Line Interface only
| | |---DATA RATE
| | |---802.1Q VLAN ID
| | |---802.1Q PRIORITY
| | |---UDP PORT TP PKT.
| |
| |---Command Settings
| | |---COMMAND A
| | |---COMMAND B
| | |---COMMAND C
| | |---COMMAND D
| | |---COMMAND E Ethernet & Digital Line Interface only
| | |---COMMAND F Ethernet & Digital Line Interface only
| | |---COMMAND G Ethernet & Digital Line Interface only
| | |---COMMAND H Ethernet & Digital Line Interface only
| |
| |---Relay Interfaces If connected to TPE 2
| | |---TPE1 INTERFACE 1 (N34) TPE2 INTERFACE 1 (N64)
| | | |---INPUT 1 If Relay Interface 1 = G3LR or G3LS
| | | |---INPUT 2 If Relay Interface 1 = G3LR or G3LS
| | | |---OUTPUT 1 If Relay Interface 1 = G3LR or G3LS
| | | |---OUTPUT 2 If Relay Interface 1 = G3LR or G3LS
| | | |---RELAY OUTPUT 1 If Relay Interface 1 = G3LR Requirements
The additional features of the Display Panel G1LC are only available if
the micro controller firmware version of the line interfaces G3LA or
G3LD is greater or equal to Version 1.04 and if the firmware version of
the Display Panel G1LC is greater or equal to Version 1.01.
For details refer to the document “Compatibility requirements NSD570”
(1KHW000902-EN) in Section 12 “Annex”.
Substation A
NSD570 Rack
Station bus
NSD570 Rack
Internet /
G3LA 0 ... 4 G3LA 0 ... 3 HMI570
or G3LR or G3LR LAN
G3LD and/or G3LD and/or
or 0 ...1 or 0 ...1
Web Browser
Bus Plane
Ok/Fail LAN
bus driver Link LAN
3 BlockDiagramG3LL
NSD570 Rack
Station bus
NSD570 Rack
Internet /
G3LA 0 ... 4 G3LA 0 ... 3
or G3LR or G3LR
G3LD and/or G3LD and/or
or 0 ...1 or 0 ...1
SFP Sync
Ethernet HW module
10/100 Base T 100 Base cfg.
FX cfg. CPU
5 SNTP client on G3LMa is supported starting with the firmware version 1.14.
The data interfaces on the Digital Interface G3LD and the Ethernet
WAN Interface G3LE convert the input commands into a line signal
conforming to the interface in use. The digital techniques employed
obviate any need for calibration.
Digital processing eliminates calibrating, as well as the influences of
ageing and temperature fluctuations. Adaptive algorithms especially
developed for this type of teleprotection equipment adjust themselves
continuously to the prevailing channel conditions and achieve even
under worst-case conditions the high degree of security against loss of
genuine, respectively acceptance of false tripping commands, which is
essential for protection signals even if the communications channel is
Bandwidth Frequency
Guard Signal
Trip Signal
Amplitude Bandwidth Frequency
Guard Signal
Trip Signal
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Frequency Time
3) 1500 3480
2400 960
0 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.96 kHz
F1 F2 F3 Frequency
Calculation of frequencies:
Bandwidth FShift
B B Calculation
120 Hz 33.90 Hz Fc = Rx or Tx center frequency
240 Hz 65.57 Hz configured by HMI570
F1 = Fc – FShift
360 Hz 95.24 Hz
F2 = Fc
480 Hz 125.00 Hz
F3 = Fc + FShiftB B
960 Hz 235.29 Hz
1200 Hz 285.71 Hz
2400 Hz 500.00 Hz
2800 Hz 666.67 Hz
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Frequency
Calculation of frequencies:
Bandwidth FShift
B B Calculation
120 Hz n.a. Fc = Rx or Tx center frequency
240 Hz 36.36 Hz configured by HMI570
F1 = Fc – 2*FShift
360 Hz 52.63 Hz
F2 = Fc – FShift
480 Hz 71.42 Hz
F3 = Fc
960 Hz 142.86 Hz
F4 = Fc + FShiftB
1200 Hz 181.82 Hz
F5 = Fc + 2*FShift B B
2400 Hz 285.71 Hz
2800 Hz 400.00 Hz
Amplitude Bandwidth
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Frequency
Calculation of frequencies:
Bandwidth FShift
B B Calculation
120 Hz n.a. Fc = Rx or Tx center frequency
240 Hz 31.25 Hz configured by HMI570
F1 = Fc – 2*FShift
360 Hz 46.51 Hz
F2 = Fc – FShift
480 Hz 62.50 Hz
F3 = Fc
960 Hz 111.11 Hz
F4 = Fc + FShift B
1200 Hz 133.33 Hz
F5 = Fc + 2*FShift B
2400 Hz 250.00 Hz
2800 Hz 285.71 Hz
Amplitude Bandwidth
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 Frequency
Calculation of frequencies:
Bandwidth FShift
B B Calculation
120 Hz n.a. Fc = Rx or Tx center frequency
240 Hz n.a. configured by HMI570
F1 = Fc – 2.5*FShift
360 Hz 44.44 Hz
F2 = Fc – 1.5*FShift
480 Hz 58.82 Hz
F3 = Fc – 0.5*FShift
960 Hz 105.26 Hz
F4 = Fc + 0.5*FShift B
1200 Hz 125.00 Hz
F5 = Fc + 1.5*FShift B
2400 Hz 250.00 Hz
F6 = Fc + 2.5*FShift B B
2800 Hz 285.71 Hz
Amplitude Bandwidth
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 Frequency
Calculation of frequencies:
Bandwidth FShift
B B Calculation
120 Hz n.a. Fc = Rx or Tx center frequency
240 Hz n.a. configured by HMI570
F1 = Fc – 3.5*FShift F5 = Fc + 0.5*FShift
360 Hz n.a.
F2 = Fc – 2.5*FShift F6 = Fc + 1.5*FShift
480 Hz 42.55 Hz
F3 = Fc – 1.5*FShiftB B F7 = Fc + 2.5*FShift
960 Hz 83.33 Hz
F4 = Fc – 0.5*FShiftB B F8 = Fc + 3.5*FShift
1200 Hz 111.11 Hz
2400 Hz 222.22 Hz
2800 Hz 250.00 Hz
Station A Station B
Guard packets
TG - configurable
TTT - configurable
TT - measured
Command fed in
Tripping packets
Command TR
≈ ≈
Switchback to „idle
i.e. sending of
Guard packets
The ability to program the unit enables the best use to be made of the
existing data interface and the operation to be adapted to the
conditions of the given transmission channel.
The basic version of the NSD570 Ethernet is designed to transmit two
commands. By inserting up to three additional Relay Interfaces G3LR
or just one GOOSE LAN Interface G3LS, it can be expanded to handle
up to eight commands. An NSD570 with six commands is ideal, for
example, for phase segregated protection of a dual-circuit line. Unblocking
An “unblocking” command used in directional comparison or in
permissive tripping schemes with overreaching first zone can be
allocated to one or more outputs on the Relay Interface G3LR. Note
that “unblocking” commands are not transmitted from the remote end,
but automatically produced by certain types of line faults (PLC
Should the communication channel be almost completely lost, i.e.
when the NSD570 is receiving neither guard nor tripping signals and
the unblocking threshold is exceeded, the unblocking contacts close
for a predefined time. After detection of the unblocking condition the
release of this pulse can be delayed (filtered) for a certain time whilst
the channel may recover.
The internal signal evaluation time to detect the unblocking condition is
typical less than the nominal command transmission time.
For the NSD570 Analog, further to the unblocking condition “no guard
and no trip signals being received”, the total signal level in the chosen
bandwidth must be below a configurable threshold (compared to the
guard signal level) before an unblocking impulse is generated. The
unblocking threshold for the analog version can be configured in the
range of -20 … -10 dB below the nominal guard signal level.
For the NSD570 Digital, further to the unblocking condition “no guard
and no trip signals being received”, LOS (Loss Of Signal) or AIS
(Alarm Indication Signal) or invalid frames must be received before an
unblocking impulse is generated.
For the NSD570 Ethernet either two consecutive guard packets must
get lost or LOS (Loss Of Signal) must be received before an
unblocking impulse is generated. Note that the Unblocking condition
detection time is directly depending on the configurable Guard Packet
Sending Interval, e.g. for a Guard Packet Sending Interval of 5 ms the
Unblocking condition detection time is approximately 10 ms.
The unblocking extra delay is configurable by means of the HMI570 in
the range of 0 ... 100 ms in steps of 1 ms.
The unblocking pulse duration is configurable by means of the HMI570
in the range of 50 … 500 ms in steps of 1 ms.
The preset input command delay can be configured for each command
The Tx Input On-Delay is configurable by means of the HMI570 and
can be set in the range of 0 … 10 ms in steps of 1 ms.
With a Prolonged Tx Input Duration of 0 ms, the receiver at the remote
station decides whether a received command of adequate length was
genuine or only a transient spark on a command input. However, with
a Prolonged Tx Input Duration > 0 ms, even a short command e.g.
produced by such a spark is extended in length such that the receiver
may interpret it as a genuine command.
3-Fixed_Tx_Input_Duration.vsd Rx Guard
The state of the NSD570 guard receiver can be signaled by the line
interface to one of the various outputs on the relay interface type
G3LR. Reception of the NSD570 guard with adequate signal quality
means that the corresponding solid-state output is closed or the coil of
the selected relay contact is energized.
The configured output reflects the guard receiver state without any
additional pick-up or hold delays.
Note: The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and the Tx/Rx level
measurement displayed by the HMI570 do only have
an adequate accuracy if the EOC is switched off!
T T In 480 Hz channel bandwidth and with operating mode “4 independent
dual tone commands A, B, C, D” -> 20 bps only.
All other modes -> 50 bps. Addressing
Provision is made by means of HMI570 for individually addressing
NSD570 teleprotection devices. The data transmitted from station A
can only generate a tripping command in station B, if station B's
address is contained in the incoming signal. The address and the local
alarm signals are transmitted to the remote station where they are
continuously evaluated. This coded information is contained in both
trip and guard messages. The time taken to recognize an address lies
within the time taken to detect a tripping message. This can prevent
false tripping, if for example channels of the data circuit-terminating
equipment are switched during the transmission of a continuous
command and the command signal is relayed to another station.
The command outputs are switched to their programmed alarm states
should a wrong address be detected (after the configured link alarm
pick-up time, refer to Section 5.5.2 “Status of the command outputs
during a link failure”). This can also occur should addresses be
corrupted by bit errors. The following programming is therefore
recommended for the alarm states of the command outputs:
- in applications with continuous commands, the outputs should be
programmed to retain the states they had prior to the alarm
(“frozen”) to avoid unwanted interruptions of commands.
- for short time tripping commands, the outputs should be
programmed to adopt their quiescent states (guard state = blocked).
The equipment ignores any incoming signal (Guard / Trip) if an
address error is detected. The LEDs on the front plate indicate the
corresponding state (alarm LEDs Receive/Local light up). The event
recorder and the internal trip counters can only record a command
during address error, if the programming of the command output states
for the event of an alarm permits the command to be transferred to the
relay interfaces. In any case an address error alarm is added to the
event recorder list.
On the other hand, the immunity of the EOC against bit errors is not
too high. It operates up to a BER of 1E-05 without increased response
time for HMI requests.
Please note that the sensitivity levels – low, medium, high – are valid
for both, Alarm and Warning, i.e. there is no independent setting of
Alarm and Warning Sensitivity possible.
All HMI functions are supported also for the remote equipment
connected via the EOC except the following features:
• activating the local and remote test mode in the remote station
• switch back to previous configuration
• change the UART baud rate General
The event recorder registers special events of the NSD570 system,
provides them with an accurate time stamp and stores the information
sequentially into a non-volatile memory. The resolution of the events
which can be discriminated between is 1 ms.
There are three different types of NSD570 events: the command
events, the alarm events and the manipulation events.
The maximum number of events that can be stored is 7500. If more
than 7500 events occur, the eldest events are deleted and the newest
events are preserved.
The timing information for the event recorder is provided by the real
time clock (RTC) on the line interfaces type G3LA, G3LD and G3LE.
The date and time are set via the User Interface HMI570 (refer to
Section 4).
If the accuracy of the RTC is not sufficient, an external clock can be
used (see Section “RTC synchronization from an external
The events are displayed by means of the HMI570 in a text-based
3.5.17. Counters
All transmitted and received NSD570 commands, all transmitted and
received loop tests and the number of unblocking pulses are counted
individually by separate counters. The counters will overflow after >216 P P
Note: The local and remote trip counters will count the
sent/received commands as well. Overview
The module G3LS supports the transmission of test commands
according to IEC 61850-7. This feature must be enabled separately,
on both sides of a teleprotection link. Test commands issued by a
protection relay are then transmitted transparently and evaluated from
the protection relay on the other side. Test commands do not activate
circuit breakers.
Substation A Substation B
Protection Interface Line Interface Line Interface Interface Protection
Relay G3LS G3LA/D/E G3LA/D/E G3LS Relay
(Sender) (Receiver)
3.6.3. Unblocking
In the early days of power line carrier communication, blocking
schemes were often used for overhead line protection in conjunction
with single-purpose on/off (amplitude-shift type) carriers with common
transmit/receive (simplex) channels. No carrier signals were
transmitted under healthy line and “inward” fault current flow
conditions, and the Protection Relays initiated carrier transmission only
if “outward” fault current flow was detected. The carrier “off” condition
thus meant “permission to trip”, while a received carrier signal meant
“block” = “do not trip”.
Since blocking commands are transmitted under external fault
conditions only, i.e. over healthy line sections, cost-saving phase-to-
ground couplings were used, and since carrier transmission is not
required in case of internal faults, the actual line attenuation under
fault conditions is of no importance. Link testing under normal healthy
line conditions required the use of manual “carrier send” facilities, and
automatic link monitoring required “clock test” devices transmitting
outside the pick up range of the distance relays, which detect all
phase-to-phase and three-phase faults and all earth faults within their
pick up range. The overall protection scheme involves the use of a
communication link, and a common channel may be used in either a
permissive tripping or a blocking scheme to achieve fast fault
clearance both under earth fault and phase fault conditions.
However, since the earth fault protection cannot provide phase
information, it is sometimes preferred to use two separate command
channels to achieve fast fault clearance, either single-phase or three-
phase, under low-impedance fault conditions and delayed three-phase
tripping and re-closure lock out under high-impedance earth fault
conditions, e.g. caused by bush fire. The delayed tripping action of the
earth fault protection, about 10 power frequency cycles, avoids
interference with the fast tripping action of the distance protection.
Route 1 (e.g. Cable,
B Route 2 (e.g. Cable, B
PLC, Radio, PCM) C
D NSD570 D
MP1: 1st main protection GSD: generator shut down BFP: breaker failure protection
MP2: 2nd main protection LS: load shedding + overvoltage protection
R: protection relay + shunt reactor protection
R2 R1 R1 R2
MP1: 1st main protection R1/R2: protection relay BFP: breaker failure protection
MP2: 2nd main protection + overvoltage protection
+ shunt reactor protection
delays. The times involved are typically 0.5 to 2 seconds, and the
possibility of experiencing such fault duration and subsequent tripping
of a number of circuit-breakers is out of the question at the higher
voltage levels in large heavily loaded power systems. It is therefore
necessary to employ telecommunication techniques to reduce the
operating time of back-up protections to a few power frequency cycles.
current flow at one end during some internal fault conditions, and the
direction of power flow in the direct line must be considered.
Protection of a multi-ended circuit generally requires communication
between all ends, and the classical solution for protection of a multi-
ended circuit with n terminals is to provide two transmitters and two
receivers at each end and communication links between all ends, i.e.
n x (n-1):2 communication links (2 out of n) and n x (n-1) transmitters
and receivers. Command inputs must be parallel connected at all
ends, while the command outputs are either parallel connected (wired
OR) or series connected (wired AND), depending on the chosen
protection scheme.
Type NSD570 teleprotection offers solutions saving both information
links and terminal equipment, and the diagram below shows the
arrangement for a three-ended circuit: The operating principle is,
however, also applicable to circuits with four or more ends and thus
considerably reduces the required number of NSD570s and
communication links, because only (n-1) communication links (from A
to first T, from first T to second T, etc., and from last T to B) are
required, together with 2 x (n-1) NSD570s (one at A and B and two at
each T).
TX RX 3-T-operation.vsd
may use the G.703 interface of G3LD while the other uses the RS-530
In the “normal” T-operation the EOC is only operating between the
outer stations A and B and - in case of the analog version - only if the
guard signal is transmitted. For NSD570 Analog, NSD570 Digital and
NSD570 Ethernet, the EOC must be switched off in the T-station.
If the NSD570 Analog is used, the guard signal is restored in the
T station if one link fails, i.e. the “healthy” link remains active (as a
simple point-to-point connection). If the guard signal reappears from
the “lost” outer station, the guard signal originated in the T station will
be removed and the original T-operation scheme is re-established.
Because there is no through-connection of the guard signals in the
NSD570 Digital and NSD570 Ethernet, no restoring is needed in case
one link fails. The “healthy” link automatically remains active.
Local address: 15 Local address: 23
Remote address: 23 Remote address: 15
wired OR
wired OR
TX RX 3-Normal-T-operation-with-digital-addresses.vsd
Local address: 15 Local address: 23
Remote address: 23 Remote address: 15
Local address: 23 Local address: 15
Remote address: 15 Remote address: 23
wired AND
wired OR
TX RX 3-Inverse-T-operation-with-digital-addresses.vsd
T1 T2 T1 R2
S1 S2 S1 S2
R1 R2 R1 T2
a b
exists across the insulation. Such rare faults are usually due to failure
to remove grounding connections before replacing a circuit into
service; they are normally three-phase and may cause considerable
disturbance to the power system, in particular when they are close to a
busbar. They are therefore usually considered to be permanent faults,
requiring three-phase tripping and re-closure lock-out.
A power line carrier link is obviously unable to work, when maintenance work is
done on the overhead line and maintenance grounds are placed at the working
location, and the line is three-phase grounded at both ends.
4.1. Introduction
The HMI570 software is the interface between the user and the
NSD570 system. Therefore, it is an integral component of the NSD570
equipment family. It allows the user to commission, configure and
monitor a NSD570 device.
The HMI570 has a client / server architecture. This means that the
application runs on a server and the user interacts with the application
through a web browser (client).
There are two different kinds of HMI570 applications available:
• The “HMI570 PC” can be installed from CD onto a PC/Notebook
and allows connecting an NSD570 device locally and remote over
EOC. This kind is also required for remote access of NSD570
equipment over LAN/WAN using the Management LAN Interface
• The “HMI570 LAN” runs on a NSD570 LAN Interface G3LL in the
NSD570 rack. It allows connecting an NSD570 device remotely
over LAN/WAN using a web browser only.
The default baud rate (57’600) requires a cable length below 3 meters.
Parameter Setting
100 101 102 120 121
NSD570 A1 NSD570 A2
Substation A Substation B
Station bus
100 101 120 121 220 221
In the example above, the devices with address 100, 101, 120 and 121
in Substation A can be connected from the local PC via the LAN
Interface G3LL/G3LM in the NSD570 A1 rack. The devices with
address 100, 120 in Substation B can be connected via LAN Interface
G3LL/G3LM in the NSD570 F1 rack. The LAN Interfaces and the
NSD570 A1 NSD570 A2
address RS232
Substation A
Station bus
100 101 120 121
NSD570 A1 NSD570 A2
RS232 RS232
HMI570 HMI570
All the settings above are enabled by default in Microsoft® Edge web
4.9.1. HMI570 PC
As it was mentioned in the Section 4.1 “Introduction”, the HMI570 has
a client / server architecture. In the PC version of HMI570, the server
and the client are running on the same PC.
Note: This section and all sections below until the Section
4.9.2 “HMI570 LAN” refer to the HMI570 “PC” Version
1.14 and higher. In older versions of HMI570 it is not
possible to start HMI570 Server separately from the
HMI570 Client.
In HMI570 Version 1.14 or higher it is possible to start HMI570 PC
Server separately from the HMI570 Client. This could be useful when
HMI570 is used quite often, as it takes more time and requires more
PC processor power to start the HMI570 Server compared to the
HMI570 Client. In this case HMI570 Server can be started only once
and the HMI570 Client can be started and stopped whenever needed.
To start HMI570 Server separately without a Client, select on the
taskbar Start → Programs → HMI570 Shortcut Folder → HMI570
Server → Start HMI570 Server.
Double-click with the left mouse button on the HMI570 Server Icon in
the System Tray (it looks like ) starts a new browser (or browser tab)
with the HMI570 Client.
Right-click on the HMI570 Server Icon in the System Tray opens a
pop-up menu, from which select “Open HMI570” to start a new
browser (or browser tab) with the HMI570 Client.
On the taskbar Start → Programs → HMI570 Shortcut Folder →
HMI570 Server → “Open a browser with HMI570” starts a new browser
(or browser tab) with the HMI570 Client.
4.10. Operation
4.10.1. Introduction
This section outlines the operation of the HMI570. It describes the
different menus and functions, how they can be executed and
particularities to be regarded when using the HMI570.
It is recommended to read this section thoroughly before beginning to
work with the HMI570.
• Do not use the buttons from the toolbars of the browser (in parti-
cular do not use “Back”, “Forward”, “Stop”, “Refresh” or “Reload”).
• A few functions need somewhat longer to execute. This execution
time depends on the speed of the PC/notebook. The progress bar
at the bottom right side of the browser shows the status of the
executed function. Do not use the “Stop” button from the browser
toolbar because this will not stop the execution. Do not start
another function by clicking a menu item before the previous
function has finished.
• Do not edit manually the URL (web address).
• Do not close the browser window manually to exit the HMI570.
Instead click on “Exit HMI570” on the left side of the window.
4.10.3. Design
The HMI570 window is divided into three parts. At the top there is a
header with the logos and the green Status Box. At the left side there
are the menu items.
The display sector on the right-hand side of the menu shows the
information and input fields of the currently executed function, e.g.
status, alarm, configuration info.
Status Box
The green box in the top right corner is the Status Box. It shows the
name of the user that is logged in, the permissions the user has, the
name of the configuration that is loaded, the name and address of the
device that is connected and what kind of interface is in use (Analog,
Digital, Ethernet, GOOSE, Management).
After logging in, the username and the permissions are indicated in the
green Status Box on the top.
It is possible to add and delete users and to change the passwords
and permissions. This is described in Section “HMI570 Settings”
4.14.1 “User Administration and Permissions”.
To log off, just click on “Log Off” in the menu bar. It is recommended
to disconnect the device first, before logging off.
Local Connection:
The HMI570 PC/notebook is physically and logically connected to the
local NSD570.
2. The device address is wrong (e.g. two TPE with the same address)
→ verify the device address or try it with the default device address
3. The NSD570 is not running
→ verify that the desired device is running
4. The parameters for the Device Communication of the HMI570 and
the NSD570 do not correspond
→ try to connect the NSD570 with another baud rate
5. The station bus is not correctly wired
→ check the cabling of the station bus
4.10.5. Configuration
Device Information
Contains the type of the interface (analog, digital, Ethernet,
management), the position where it is plugged in, the serial number
and the counter of the firmware and configuration downloads.
Hardware Versions
Displays the hardware versions of the plugged modules and SFP
identifications. The power supply units have no version coding.
Firmware Versions
Displays the firmware version of the Micro Controller and the Digital
Signal Processor (DSP) in case of an analog or a digital line interface.
Displays the firmware version of the processor in case of an Ethernet
line interface (also applies for GOOSE LAN Interface and
Management LAN interface).
Device Identification
Contains the configuration type (analog, digital, Ethernet, GOOSE,
management), the name of the station, the HE number and the device
Common Settings
In this menu item the general device operation mode can be
configured, settings for the Extra Delay and Pulse Duration for
Unblocking and for the Pickup Time and Hold Time for Link Failure can
be edited, the Embedded Operation Channel (EOC) for remote
connection can be enabled and the settings for External Real-Time
Sync (IRIG-B) can be configured. Furthermore, the Propagation Time
i.e. the delay on the transmission channel can be set here.
Command Settings
Contains the settings for every command. If the application is set to
off, the corresponding command cannot be used.
Max. Tx Input Monitoring can be given in seconds or disabled.
It can be chosen between Transparent, Prolonged, Limited or Fixed Tx
Input and Rx Output Duration.
Tx Input On-Delay, Tx Input Duration value and Rx Output Duration
value are given in milliseconds.
Relay Interface
Displays the settings for the relay interfaces. If the interfaces are used,
commands, alarms, acknowledges and some status information can
individually be mapped to the inputs and outputs of the relay
interfaces. In case G3LS is selected, only commands can be mapped
to the inputs and outputs.
Alarm Settings
The Pickup Time and Hold Time can be set.
The behavior in case of a failing redundant power supply can be set:
• if set to “HW Warning”, then “Warning: Undervoltage redundant
supply 1/2” is raised.
• if set to “HW Alarm”, then “Undervoltage alarm supply 1/2” is raised.
The alarm output for User Alarms 1 … 3 can individually be set to
“delayed” or “undelayed”. If set to “delayed”, then the user alarm
output is operated with respect to the configured Pickup and Hold
Times. If set to “undelayed”, then the user alarm output follows the
alarm state without any additional delay.
User Alarms 1 ... 3 can be configured to combine some different
alarms into a user alarm (by logical OR-gating of selected high-level
Jumper Settings
Displays the jumper settings for the Analog Interface, the E1/T1
Interface and the Relay Interfaces.
Rack Assembly
Displays the type of the plugged components and boards.
Device Information
Contains the type of the interface (GOOSE Interface), the position
where it is plugged in and a counter for firmware and HW/IED
configuration downloads.
SFP Identification
If an SFP transceiver is plugged the following information about it can
be found in this menu: Vendor, Part Number and Transceiver Code.
Firmware Version
Display the firmware version of the G3LS software running on the
embedded processor.
Device Identification
The identification of a GOOSE LAN interface contains several
parameters which allow the identification of a G3LS device.
Station Name:
It's recommended to assign a unique, human readable identifier to
each G3LS device. This helps for example to identify a G3LS device in
case of remote connection or if the device is unplugged from the
NSD570 rack.
HE number is thought to be a unique identifier which is typically
assigned by HITACHI ABB's engineering group during the device
Device Address: See Section 4.5 “Communication between the
HMI570 PC and the NSD570” for details.
SNMP Parameters
If SNMP is enabled, traps are sent to the configured network
management stations (NMS). In addition to the IP address, the port of
the NMS and the SNMP version can be configured.
With HMI570 version 1.46 and higher, also the “Community String”,
“System Name” and “System Contact” can be configured.
Since HMI570 version 1.49, the SNMPv3 support is added. Selection
can be made between “1 and 2”, “1”, “2”, “3”.
When the SNMP version of a SNMP Trap Subscriber is set to 3, a
SNMPv3 user specified in the SNMPv3 User Management table can
be selected under “SNMPv3 User Name”.
The SNMPv3 traps will then be sent using the authentication and
privacy settings of the specified SNMPv3 user.
When using SNMP version 3 for SNMP traps, the SNMP version in the
general SNMP settings must be configured to version 3 as well.
Choose the menu Event Recorder, View Events and select the
entire list of events or a part of it. Right click the selected events
and choose “Copy”. Change to the third party tool and insert the
copied events.
Note: The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and the Tx/Rx level
measurement do only have an adequate accuracy if
the EOC is switched off!
4.10.8. Maintenance
If Maintenance is not accessible, maybe no device is connected (see
Section “Connect Device”).
The user must have “modify” permission to execute the maintenance
menu. Users having just “view” permission can only start a loop test.
All other menu entries are prohibited.
Adjusting the Real Time Clock (RTC) of the device with the
“HMI570 LAN”, date and time are taken from the NSD570 LAN
4.10.9. Commissioning
Caution Only one Alarm Polling can be started for all users
at a time (see Section 4.11.13 “Multiple users”).
Substation A
Station bus
120 121
NSD570 A3
110 111
NSD570 A2
NSD570 A1
4-Alarm Polling.vsd
Substation A
Station bus
120 121
NSD570 A3
110 111
NSD570 A2
100 101
NSD570 A1
RS 232 Device
4-Alarm Polling_PC.vsd
In the above examples, the LAN Interface G3LL in the rack NSD570
A1 as well as the HMI570 connected to the NSD570 A1 over the RS-
232 port can poll all NSD570 devices that are interconnected by the
station bus (these are the devices with address 100, 101, 110, 111,
120 and 121).
If the LAN Management Interface G3LM (instead of G3LL) is part of
the system above, the local alarm polling of the “HMI570 PC” has to be
The result of every Alarm Polling cycle is displayed in the
“HMI570 LAN” or “HMI570 PC” by the browser running on the
Log in, Log out It is possible to log in and out while the Alarm
Polling is running. But only logged in users can
work with the Alarm Polling.
User Administration Always possible.
Connect device Only possible when Alarm Polling is stopped.
Configuration It is possible to load from disk and save to disk
when Alarm Polling is started.
Event Recorder It is possible to load from disk and save to disk
when Alarm Polling is started.
Alarm Polling Returns to the graphical view or to the entry
screen, depending whether the Alarm Polling is
started or not.
HMI570 Options Do not change Device Communication
parameters during Alarm Polling!
Exit HMI570 Alarm Polling will be stopped automatically
before exiting.
The table below shows all the functions of the Alarm Polling and when
they are executable:
Started Stopped
Started Stopped
The remote polling is only effective when the connection over EOC is
enabled in the configuration.
Changing devices in the Device List:
Click on the “Edit device” button next to the device and make your
changes. Click on the “Change” button.
No Alarm:
No Response:
4-Network Polling.vsd
In the above examples, the LAN Interface in the rack NSD570 A1 polls
all NSD570 devices that are interconnected by the station bus within
Substation A (these are the devices with address 100, 101, 110, 111,
120 and 121). In the same way the LAN Interface in the rack NSD570
B1 polls all NSD570 devices within Substation B (130, 131, 140, 141,
150 and 151) and LAN Interface in the rack NSD570 X1 polls all
NSD570 devices within substation X (170, 171, 180, 181, 190 and
The result of each polling cycle from all devices (100, 101, 110, 111,
120, 121, 130, 131, 140, 141, 150, 151, 170, 171, 180, 181, 190 and
191) is displayed in the HMI570 Client running on the PC/Notebook.
Button “add new line” adds a new empty line to the list of LAN
Button “remove all selected” deletes all LAN Interfaces which are
selected by the “select” checkbox on the right side of the list.
Reads alarms from LAN IF 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread n
Refresh information from the Server
Local Alarm Polling is running properly without any errors, the time of
the last polling cycle is shown there.
Note: The time of the last polling cycle is gathered from the
LAN Interface and could be different from the time of
the PC/notebook where network polling is running.
Please refer to the “Commissioning Instructions LAN
Interface G3LL” (1KHW001289) on how to set time
and date of the LAN Interface G3LL.
See Section 4.11.3 “Stop Alarm Polling” on how to stop Local Alarm
Polling on the LAN Interface. It is allowed to stop Local Alarm Polling
while the Network Alarm Polling is still running and displaying the
alarm summary from this LAN Interface.
After the Local Alarm Polling has been stopped on the LAN Interface,
the message “Local Alarm Polling function was stopped on the target”
is displayed in the Network Alarm Polling.
After some time, it is possible to restart Local Alarm Polling on the LAN
Interface where it was stopped before. After Local Alarm Polling has
started, the Network alarm polling again shows the alarm situation on
the LAN Interface.
4.13. Management
This section contains specific items for the Management LAN Interface
G3LM. Some of these are only available if the user is logged in and
connected to G3LM. The corresponding links can be found in the
menu “Management Interface Configuration”. View
Shows the user activities available at the HMI570 (previously loaded
from disk or uploaded from a device). It is also intended for printing the
user activities.
In order to add a new user account, fill in user name and password,
select one of the three permissions and click add.
Change Access
The user permission can be changed by typing in the user name,
selecting the new permission and clicking change access.
Change Password
To change the password, key in the new password, repeat it and click
on change password.
All users (incl. administrators) can only change their own password.
If a user has lost the password, his account has to be deleted and
created again with a new password by an administrator.
Generate on G3LM
This service is only available for users with “admin” permission. In
order to generate a new self-signed certificate, click on generate on
G3LM. This process takes a few seconds, during which certificate
upload should not be performed.
Import Certificate
G3LM certificates which have been uploaded on other PCs can be
imported and added to the local HMI certificate store by clicking on
import certificate.
Export Certificate
In order to distribute locally stored certificates to other HMI570 PCs,
they can be exported by selecting the check box in the most right
column and clicking on export certificate.
Certificates can be removed from the local HMI certificate store by
selecting the check box in the most right column and clicking on
remove all selected.
User Permissions
View: a user with view permission can monitor an NSD570 but he/she
can neither disturb a link nor clear any data stored on the NSD570. For
details see the table below.
Modify: a user with modify permission can monitor the NSD570 and
can make changes to the configuration of a device. Some functions
that could disturb or disable a running NSD570 can also be executed.
For details see the table below:
Note: This menu is only available with the HMI570 LAN and
contains LAN Interface G3LL specific options.
The date and time of the LAN Interface G3LL is displayed here. This
time must be correct to set the date and time of a connected NSD570
Device (see “Set Time and Date“).
Please refer to the “Commissioning Instructions LAN Interface G3LL”
(1KHW001289) on how to set time and date of the LAN Interface.
The button “Reset communication” disconnects all devices, even the
devices that are connected by other users are disconnected.
Choose Export Settings in the menu bar. Click with the left mouse
button on the link, choose “Save this file to disk…” and select the
destination folder where to store the zipped settings.
4.14.7. About
This menu shows information about the version of the HMI570 and of
software used in this product. A link allows visiting the HITACHI ABB
Communication Networks website.
5.1. Introduction
The NSD570 system is configured by means of the user interface
program “NSD570 Human Machine Interface” (also called HMI570)
supplied with it. The user interface program runs on a PC connected to
the RS-232 interface of the NSD570 rack or connected via Ethernet to
the optional LAN interface G3LL/G3LM.
The configuration of the NSD570 has to be done according to
document “Programming and Testing Instructions NSD570”
The two major steps of the procedure are:
1. Programming and
2. Testing
Each of these steps consists of a number of substeps with associated
instructions listed in the document. Each substep is documented in a
report to be filled in during the procedure. Templates for these reports
– one for programming and one for testing - are included in the
document. These reports should be kept for reference as long as the
equipment is in use.
Programming is done with the equipment not powered. Few hardware
programming is made by inserting or removing jumpers. Software
settings are entered via the HMI570 menu “Configuration”. Usually
these settings are saved to a file, which is downloaded into the
equipment later during testing of the system.
5.2. Configuration
From a communications point of view the main parameters of
consequence are:
• Analog channels → bandwidth, center frequencies Tx/Rx, Line
Interface levels
• Digital channels → type, data rate and operating mode of the data
• Ethernet channels→ type, data rate and operating mode of the
Ethernet interface
• security and dependability
Every time the line interfaces switch the relay interface control from
one to another, an Event Recorder entry in both line interfaces is
generated, indicating whether this particular line interface is active or
If a line interface is active or inactive can also be extracted from the
Status, displayed in the HMI570.
Bandwidth Device 1 *1
120 Hz 240 Hz 360 Hz 480 Hz 960 Hz 1200 Hz
120 Hz 0 Hz
240 Hz 60 Hz 0 Hz
Bandwidth Device 2
360 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 0 Hz
480 Hz 120 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 0 Hz
960 Hz 180 Hz 180 Hz 120 Hz 120 Hz 0 Hz
1200 Hz 240 Hz 240 Hz 180 Hz 180 Hz 60 Hz 0 Hz
2400 Hz 480 Hz 420 Hz 420 Hz 360 Hz 300 Hz *2 240 Hz
2800 Hz 600 Hz 600 Hz 540 Hz *2 540 Hz
*1 The NSD570 channels with 2400 Hz and 2800 Hz bandwidth are not mentioned here because they can not
be combined with other 2400 Hz or 2800 Hz channels.
*2 Since the usable band for the NSD570 is from 300 to 4000 Hz, the resulting overall bandwidth of 3700 Hz
is exceeded with the required gap taken into account!
For one unit per pair of cores, 2-wire operation is possible without a
hybrid and frequency gaps; however, the following must be observed:
• Transmitter and receiver must use separate frequency bands, a
frequency gap between them is only necessary if the bandwidth is
different (please refer to Table 5-1 in Section 5.6.2 “Parallel
operation of analog NSD570s”.) or if the power boost ratio exceeds
6 dB when single tone commands are used (to allow a higher
boost ratio of up to 9 dB, a gap of 60 Hz has to be introduced
between the two adjacent frequency bands).
• The NSD570 receiver’s alarm pick-up level must be set to ± 12 dB.
• The Tx/Rx-level must be set 6 dB above the measured receive
guard signal level, i.e. 6 dB higher than for 4-wire operation; the
resulting level margin before alarm release is then 6 dB.
Example: measured receive guard level is –12 dBm, the setting in
HMI570 must then be “Rx Level [dBm]” = “–6”
• The communication link attenuation must be less than 12 dB.
In case of higher link attenuation in 2-wire operation, the transmit and
receive directions must be separated by a hybrid. The permissible link
attenuation then increases in proportion to the transhybrid loss by
some 15 dB. In spite of the use of a hybrid, the transmitter and
receiver are not allowed to use the same frequency band.
The signals are coupled into and out of the equipment by isolating
transformers such that only the voltage difference between the cores is
processed. Thus, the influence of common mode interference on
signal evaluation depends on the degree of longitudinal balance.
It may be configured whether the transmitted clock/data signal is
synchronized on the internal 64 kHz timing signal only or if the timing
information which is reproduced from the received clock/data signal
shall be used to synchronize the transmitted clock/data signal. When
interfacing NSD570 with a PCM multiplexer, the recommended setting
for the G.703 Tx Clock synchronization is “Rx”, considering the
multiplexer as clock master.
SD (Send Data)
ST (Send Timing)
RD (Receive Data)
RT (Receive Timing)
Data Circuit-Terminating
Equipment (DCE)
RS-530 Interface G3LD
When only the ST signal is available from the DCE and shall be
connected externally in parallel to the RT input as shown in Fig. 5-3,
the sampling of the incoming data signal (RD) is synchronized to the
transmit timing signal (ST). The DCE must be configured accordingly,
whereas the same configuration as above applies for the NSD570.
B SD (Send Data)
B ST (Send Timing)
B RD (Receive Data)
SD (Send Data)
ST (Send Timing)
RD (Receive Data)
Data Circuit-Terminating
RS-530 Interface on G3LD Equipment (DCE)
SD (Send Data)
TT (Terminal Timing)
RD (Receive Data)
Data Circuit-Terminating
RS-530 Interface on G3LD Equipment (DCE)
SD (Send Data)
RD (Receive Data)
Data Circuit-Terminating
RS-530 Interface on G3LD Equipment (DCE)
5-RS530-Appl_notes.vsd E1 Interface
Depending on the distance (cable length) between the E1 interface
and the communication equipment (e.g. a SDH multiplexer), the
receiver sensitivity can be programmed to short haul for a maximum
cable attenuation of 10 dB or to long haul for a maximum cable
attenuation of 43 dB. Maximum cable length: see “Technical Data” in
Section 12 “Annex”.
The E1 interface is configured to recover the clock for transmission
from the received signal, assuming the connected PDH multiplexer or
SDH add/drop multiplexer is the clock master.
An internal elastic buffer size can be configured individually for the
input and the output circuits. This buffer may help to compensate clock
deviations or clock wander between the internal and the external
timing. Compensation of jitter and detection of slips is also possible by
means of a higher buffer size thus introducing a higher delay. A
compromise has to be found in actual tests with the used
communication equipment regarding high jitter capability versus low
additional delay.
The E1 coding (HDB3 or AMI) and frame format (double frame or
CRC4 multiframe) can be configured to comply with different
communication system interfaces.
Hardware version 2 of the E1/T1 interface has three jumpers for
setting the correct impedance: 120 Ohm for E1 and 100 Ohm for T1.
For E1 operation, all 3 jumpers must be set to position “E1”. T1 Interface
Depending on the distance (cable length) between the T1 interface
and the communication equipment (e.g. a SONET multiplexer), the
receiver sensitivity can be programmed to short haul for a maximum
cable attenuation of 10 dB or to long haul for a maximum cable
attenuation of 36 dB. Maximum cable length: see “Technical Data” in
Section 12 “Annex”.
The T1 interface is configured to recover the clock for transmission
from the received signal, assuming the connected PDH multiplexer or
SONET add/drop multiplexer is the clock master.
An internal elastic buffer size can be configured individually for the
input and the output circuits. This buffer may help to compensate clock
deviations or clock wander between the internal and the external
timing. Compensation of jitter and detection of slips is also possible by
means of a higher buffer size thus introducing a higher delay. A
compromise has to be found in actual tests with the used
communication equipment regarding high jitter capability versus low
additional delay.
The T1 coding (B8ZS or AMI) and frame format (4 frames or extended
superframe) can be configured to comply with different communication
system interfaces.
Hardware version 2 of the E1/T1 interface has three jumpers for
setting the correct impedance: 120 Ohm for E1 and 100 Ohm for T1.
For T1 operation, all 3 jumpers must be set to position “T1”.
The optical interface recovers the clock for transmission from the
received signal, assuming the connected multiplexer is clock master.
There is no manual configuration needed (except for ALS, if required).
5.8.1. General
The NSD570 Ethernet interfaces G3LE, G3LM and G3LS are based
on the same hardware module. Therefore, some of the configuration
parameters are similar. This section describes the common part of the
5.9.1. General
The NSD570 Ethernet interfaces G3LE, G3LM and G3LS are based
on the same hardware module. Therefore, some of the configuration
parameters are similar. This section describes the Ethernet WAN
Interface (G3LE) specific configuration. For the description of common
functionality on G3LE, G3LM and G3LS please refer to Section 5.8
“Configuration notes common for G3LE, G3LM and G3LS”.
The subnet mask specifies the network class the interfaces are
operating in. The following table gives an overview of IP addresses
and the appropriate subnet masks:
The default gateway is the address of the node the NSD570 Ethernet
uses as access point to the IP network, i.e. a router. Typically the
default gateway IP address is xxx.xxx.xxx.1 e.g., but this
may vary.
The NSD570 Ethernet uses a UDP/IP based protocol. The UDP port
number to be used must be configured, there are separate UDP ports
for the Teleprotection transmission and the Embedded Operation
Channel (EOC). The following table shows port ranges according to
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA):
The ports on local and remote site must correspond, otherwise the
communication will fail. In order to avoid conflicts with registered ports
it is recommended to use port numbers in the private port range. The
default port numbers are 49152 for Teleprotection transmission and
49153 for EOC transmission.
These parameters can be configured by means of the HMI570 User
Interface Program. For details refer to Section “Edit
There are different classes covered by the DSCP setting whereas two
of them are relevant to be set for the Ethernet WAN interface G3LE:
0 – Best Effort (BE) forwarding characteristics, i.e. no priority.
46 – Expedited Forwarding (EF) covering the characteristics of
low delay, low loss and low jitter suitable for real-time
applications (default setting).
This parameter can be configured by means of the HMI570 User
Interface Program. For details refer to Section
5.9.4. VLAN ID
In order to run the transmission on a separate virtual network, the
NSD570 Ethernet interfaces offer the setting of a VLAN ID according
to IEEE 802.1q. The parameter range is 0 - 4094, the default setting is
1 and the VLAN ID tagging option is disabled per default.
This parameter can be configured by means of the HMI570 User
Interface Program. For details refer to Section “Edit
5.10.1. General
The NSD570 Ethernet interfaces G3LE, G3LM and G3LS are based
on the same hardware module. Therefore, some of the configuration
parameters are similar. This section describes the Management LAN
Interface (G3LM) specific configuration. For the description of common
functionality on G3LE, G3LM and G3LS please refer to Section 5.8.
The Management LAN Interface G3LM can be accessed either over
the local serial port or over LAN for configuration. Serial connection to
G3LM is only possible if the LAN port is down (unplug the LAN cable).
Before the management LAN Interface G3LM can be accessed over
LAN, the basic IP parameters have to be set. Please refer to the
document “Commissioning Instructions Management LAN Interface
G3LM” (1KHW002232) for the initial set up of G3LM.
5.10.3. VLAN ID
In order to run the transmission on a separate virtual network, the
NSD570 Ethernet interfaces offer the setting of a VLAN ID according
to IEEE 802.1q. The parameter range is 0 - 4094, the default setting is
1 and the VLAN ID tagging option is disabled per default.
This parameter can be configured by means of the HMI570 User
Interface Program. For details refer to Section “Edit
5.10.5. SNMP Overview
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a component of
the Internet Protocol Suite and is used in network management
systems to monitor network-attached devices. On the Management
LAN Interface G3LM, SNMP allows management stations to retrieve
alarm and basic device information of NSD570 devices connected to
the RS-485 station bus. With G3LM firmware version 1.19 and higher,
also command and manipulation events as well as trip counter
information can be retrieved.
The Management LAN Interface G3LM supports the SNMPv2-SMI
standard MIB and the Hitachi ABB proprietary NSD570R3-G3LM MIB,
to be found in the HMI570 installation folder (two versions: one
supporting SNMPv1, the other supporting SNMPv2c and SNMPv3).
In order to update the management information base (MIB) on G3LM,
SNMP event polling has to be enabled. The MIB stores basic device
information including device accessibility, as well as all current device
alarms. The MIB tree is shown in the figure below.
enterprises (
abb (17268)
tpe (4)
nsd570 (1)
device (1) alarm (2) event (3) tripCounter (4) alarmTriggeredTrap/ deviceIsAccessibleAgainTrap /
alarmClearedTrap deviceIsNoMoreAccessibleTrap
<alarmFields> <deviceFields>
<deviceFields> <alarmFields> <eventFields> <tripCounterFields> + trapSequenceNumber + trapSequenceNumber
Italic values in the MIB tree shown above are available with G3LM
firmware version 1.19 and higher.
In case of alarms and command or manipulation events polled from
the NSD570 Line Interfaces, the SNMP agent on G3LM actively sends
traps to up to four network management stations.
The management station can use the SNMP requests GET and
GETNEXT to retrieve information stored in the MIB.
The device information is initialized after system start up during the
first polling cycle. Information updates are performed whenever a
device becomes accessible again after being inaccessible during
SNMP event polling or when the SNMP event polling is restarted after
being stopped for a while (starting and stopping SNMP event polling is
described in Sections 4.13.5 “Start SNMP Event Polling” and 4.13.6
“Stop SNMP Event Polling”).
Table 5-4 provides a list of the command and manipulation events that
are polled by G3LM (other manipulation events are not polled, e.g.
loop test sent/reflected/failed).
The table for trip counters has a capacity for the maximum number of
polled local devices (1 or 2 line interfaces in max. 32 racks, i.e. trip
counters of max. 64 devices). However, only the last successfully
polled trip counter status of each device is stored in the table for
SNMP trip counters (i.e. all actual counts at that time).
A trip counter table entry in the MIB contains the following information:
• Trip counter device address
• Trip counter device location: local (1)
• Trip counter ID: command A (0), command B (1), …, loop test (10),
unblocking (11)
• Trip counter name: human-readable name of the trip counter (as in
• Trip counter Tx value: current Tx trip counter value
• Trip counter Rx value: current Rx trip counter value Traps
Traps are messages sent by the SNMP agent without being requested
by the management station.
The following traps can be generated by the G3LM agent:
• Cold start trap: sent after system startup
• Device accessible trap: sent whenever a device gets accessible e.g.
after system startup
• Device not accessible trap: sent if a device did not respond during
an alarm polling cycle
• Alarm triggered trap: sent whenever a new alarm has been detected
by the alarm polling
• Alarm cleared trap: sent after an alarm has been cleared
• Event occurred trap: sent after a command or manipulation event
has been detected (with G3LM firmware version 1.19 and higher)
• Device configuration download counter changed trap: sent after a
configuration download counter change has been detected (with
G3LM firmware version 1.19 and higher)
All traps are sent to the configured management stations. Overview
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is used to transfer
accurate time information from the dedicated servers to clients.
On the Management LAN Interface G3LMa, the SNTP client, when
enabled, polls NTP/SNTP servers for the UTC time information.
The SNTP client is enabled via HMI570 by setting the configuration
parameter “SNTP Enable” to “on”.
Other configurable values are the IP addresses of the primary and
secondary server and the SNTP polling interval.
With G3LM firmware version 1.19 and higher, the Time Zone Offset
from UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) can be configured and the
Daylight Saving Time (also called summer time in Europe) can be set
to “on” or “off”, to meet the local time situation.
5.11.1. General
The NSD570 Ethernet interfaces G3LE, G3LM and G3LS are based
on the same hardware module. Therefore, some of the configuration
parameters are similar. This section describes the GOOSE LAN
Interface (G3LS) specific configuration. For the description of common
functionality on G3LE, G3LM and G3LS please refer to Section 5.8
“Configuration notes common for G3LE, G3LM and G3LS”.
The G3LS configuration is split into two categories, GOOSE interface
general parameters and IEC 61850 specific parameters. The general
parameter configuration is described in the next section. The
IEC 61850 specific concepts and configuration possibilities provided
by HMI570 are described in the document “Engineering of GOOSE
LAN Interface G3LS” in Section 12 “Annex”.
Note: Make sure the RTC or the external IRIG-B clock source
provides the required time of day.
If for example “Universal Time Coordinated” (UTC) is
required in the whole substation, the clock source (e.g. a
GPS receiver) has to be configured such that the IRIG-B
signal is provided without a “local time offset”.
Device information
Hardware versions
Firmware versions
Microcontroller 0.00
Digital Signal Processor 0.00
Device identification
HE Number HE xxxxxx
Device Address 100
Common settings
Analog interface
Command settings
Com- Appli- Tx Input Tx Input Tx Input Max Tx Rx Output Rx Output
mand cation On-Delay Duration Duration Input Duration Duration
[ms] Value Monitoring Value [ms]
[ms] [s]
A permissive 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
B permissive 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
C off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
D off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
Relay interfaces
Alarm Settings
Redundant Power
HW Warning
Supply Failure
Jumper settings
Analog interface
Jumper settings impedance
Relay interfaces
Jumper settings nominal battery voltage
Rack assembly
Device information
Hardware versions
Firmware versions
Microcontroller 0.00
Digital Signal Processor 0.00
Device identification
Common settings
Digital interface
Command settings
Com- Appli- Tx Input Tx Input Tx Input Max Tx Rx Output Rx Output
mand cation On-Delay Duration Duration Input Duration Duration
[ms] Value Monitoring Value [ms]
[ms] [s]
A permissive 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
B permissive 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
C off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
D off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
E off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
F off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
G off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
H off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
Relay Interfaces
Alarm settings
Redundant Power
HW Warning
Supply Failure
Jumper settings
Relay interfaces
Jumper settings nominal battery voltage
Rack assembly
Rack assembly
Rack assembly
Rack assembly
Device information
Hardware versions
SFP identifications
Firmware versions
Processor 0.00
Device identification
Common settings
Ethernet interface
Command settings
Com- Appli- Tx Input Tx Input Tx Input Max Tx Rx Output Rx Output
mand cation On-Delay Duration Duration Input Duration Duration
[ms] Value Monitoring Value [ms]
[ms] [s]
A permissive 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
B permissive 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
C off 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
D off 0 transparent 0 off prolonged 10
E off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
F off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
G off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
H off 0 transparent 0 off transparent 0
Relay Interfaces
Alarm settings
Redundant Power
HW Warning
Supply Failure
Jumper settings
Relay interfaces
Jumper settings nominal battery voltage
Rack assembly
Device Information
SFP Identification
Firmware Version
Processor 1.00
Device Identification
Device Information
SFP Identifications
Firmware Versions
Processor 0.00
Device Identification
Management Interface
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
VLAN Tagging (802.1Q) disabled
Auto Negotiation auto
Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) off
External Real-Time Sync (IRIG-B) off
Device List
SNMP Parameters
5.13.1. General
A fundamental requirement in all the applications that teleprotection
equipment is used in is, that command signals are communicated
reliably at the highest possible speed (transmission time). In the event
of a fault on the protected unit, the command signals must be received
at the remote end in the shortest possible time even if the channel is
disturbed by the fault (dependability).
On the other hand, interference on the communications channel must
never cause unwanted operation of the protection by simulating a
tripping signal when there is no fault on the power system (security).
The most important features of a teleprotection equipment are
therefore transmission time, dependability and security. From the
communications engineering point of view, the bandwidth or data rate
a teleprotection equipment uses must also be taken into account.
By security is understood that the receiver does not generate spurious
tripping signals in the presence of interference on the communications
channel. Dependability characterizes the receiver's ability to recognize
a genuine tripping signal within a given time in spite of interference on
the communications channel. It is obvious that to demand maximum
security at the same time as maximum dependability is contradictory
and one can only be increased at the expense of the other.
When using the NSD570 Analog with single tone command signals,
interference with the guard signal by an alien single tone, which
matches exactly one of the trip frequencies, could generate a false
command if the level of the interference signal is significantly higher
than the guard signal level.
The security against single tone interference depends on how the
command outputs are programmed to respond in case of a link alarm.
Should alien single tone interference appear, select the transmission
of dual tone command signals. This setting prevents an unintended
tripping by a discrete sine tone.
NSD570 NSD570
7 Performance classes in this context are only valid for identical protection
relays since the standard does not define receive and transmit time
5.13.3. Security
The NSD570 with its dynamic adaptation of the receiver provides the
best security / dependability trade-off for the chosen command appli-
cation at lowest possible transmission time.
Security is expressed as the “worst case” false signal rate (probability
of unwanted commands Puc) for blocks of noise or bit errors of 200 ms
duration. “Worst case” is defined as the level of interference at which
the guard signal is completely suppressed in analog channels and
corresponds to a bit error rate of 0.1 to 0.5 in digital channels.
Levels of security are virtually independent of the chosen NSD570
Analog bandwidth or NSD570 Digital interface type or data rate. For
NSD570 Ethernet the probability of an unwanted command is
negligible due to the security already provided by the 32 bit CRC
Ethernet trailer and further measures which are taken to secure the
transmission of the packets through the other layers (e.g. hash code,
unique node address, etc.).
The security level Puc is fixed for each of the possible command
Puc = Nuc / NB
5.13.5. Dependability
For analog channels dependability is expressed as the signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) for a noise bandwidth of 4 kHz, which must be maintained
during the transmission of a tripping signal to enable that it can be
received within 1.3, 1.5 or 2.0 times the nominal transmission time T0
(probability of missing a command Pmc < 1%). Dependability varies
with the bandwidth, so the signal-to-noise ratio will differ in accordance
with the chosen bandwidth.
For digital channels dependability is expressed as the bit error rate
BER, which must be maintained during the transmission of a tripping
signal to enable that it can be received within 1.3 times the nominal
transmission time T0 (probability of missing a command Pmc < 1%).
For Ethernet/IP based channels dependability is expressed as the
Packet Loss Rate PLR, which must be maintained during the
transmission of a tripping signal to enable that it can be received within
a certain maximum actual transmission time Tac required by the
protection application (probability of missing a command Pmc < 1E-02
for blocking, Pmc < 1E-03 for permissive tripping and Pmc < 1E-04 for
direct tripping).
6.1. Introduction
Installation of the equipment can only be made smoothly if it is
properly planned beforehand. The system should be engineered not
only to take account of immediate needs, but also allow for long-term
network development.
Back cover
Electrical Installation
Laser / LED
ESD protection
6.2.1. General
The aim is not just to install the equipment properly, but also to ensure
its long-term operational reliability. Strictly observe all safety
instructions during installation so that if damage does occur, warranty
and service rights do not become void.
6.3. Unpacking
6.4. Installation
6.4.2. Cabinet
The standard equipment is supplied in an Hitachi ABB Power Grids
cabinet Type E40A. These cabinets are equipped with a hinged frame
and are suitable for installation:
• standing against a wall,
• back-to-back,
• side-by-side,
• standing alone.
A gap of 2 to 3 cm should be left between cabinets standing side-by-
side to permit single cabinets to be removed without difficulty. Leave
sufficient space in front to avoid damage when the hinged frame is
opened. There must generally be enough room for carrying out
maintenance and for using the associated instruments.
Do not install equipment cabinets in corners, which would hinder
opening the hinged frame and working on the cabinet.
Free access is especially important in the case of cabinets not
equipped with a hinged frame. Cabinets are normally erected on a
pedestal or as a suite of cabinets on a platform to facilitate cleaning
the floor and routing of cables.
6.5. Wiring
6.5.1. Introduction
While being installed, the equipment must be switched off and no
external connections may be made to it.
Note: Do not clamp more than one wire per terminal when
using screwless spring-cage type terminal blocks.
Plastic cable tie Metallic spring Plastic cable tie Metallic spring
clamp clamp
Fig. 6-2 Mounting of external cables with cable screen (G3LL and
In case of optical cables only the upper cable tie is used in order to
minimize the stress of the optical fiber. Do not over tighten ties used
for dressing as damage may result. To maximize the bending radius,
the fiber has to be routed in a circle as shown in Fig. 6-3.
The supply connectors (Faston, 6.3 mm x 0.8 mm) are at the rear of
the module rack. For exact locations refer to Fig. 6-4.
{ DC +
Positive battery pole DC supply
or AC Line supply
{ DC -
Negative battery pole DC supply
or AC Neutral supply
Power Supply 1:
{ DC +
Positive battery pole DC supply
or AC Line supply
{ DC -
Negative battery pole DC supply
or AC Neutral supply
Protective earth connectors
Fig. 6-5 Connector for station bus and Real Time Clock
synchronization Connection via G1LB cable and G3LMa cable for RTC
sync/station bus
These cables are equipped with screwless (spring-cage) type
Recommended wire size: ≥ 0.25 mm2 (unshielded twisted pairs).
Wire size range: Solid 0.2 to 4.0 mm2, stranded 0.2 to 2.5 mm2.
Stripping length: 10 mm
G1LB + - + -
X103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
X102 1 2 3 6 7 8
External dry contact
U BAT nom.
External dry
U BAT nom.
- + - + NO C NC NO C NC
X101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PE
Note: G3LRa provides two more jumpers (1E and 2E) to program the
fourth range of the nominal station battery voltage for the inputs.
X203 RB
X301 X202
X302 X203
X100 1 2 3 4 5 6
Terminals 1 2 3 4 5 6
14 SD-A
13 RT-A
24 TT-A
X101 1 2 14 3 16 17 9 24 11 15 12
Terminals 5 6 1 2 3 4 9 10 7 8 PE
X101 1 2 14 3 16 17 9 24 11 15 12
1 4 22 6 24 8 26 17 35 5 23
Fig. 6-16 G3LD cable with RS-449 interface (male D-sub connector
37 poles)
X101 1 2 14 3 16 17 9 24 11 15 12
1 2 14 3 16 17 9 24 11 15 12
Fig. 6-17 G3LD cable with RS-530 interface (male D-sub connector
25 poles)
X101 1 2 14 3 16 17 9 24 11 15 12
1 2 9 4 11 7 14 6 13
Fig. 6-18 G3LD cable with X.21 interface (male D-sub connector 15
For more information about the patch panel V9OZ see Section 6.5.4
“Connection via Cable for all Interfaces with RJ45 Connector”.
(OPTION) E1/T1 INTERFACE RJ45 Patch panel
1 = RL2 1 = RL2
2 = RL1 2 = RL1
3 3
4 = XL2 6
3 7 8 6
5 = XL1 4 = XL2
X101 1 2 4 5
6 5 = XL1
7 8
8 7
1 2 4 5 3 7 8 6
View of pins: top-down,
as real terminal strip
Fig. 6-22 E1/T1 interface with cable for all interfaces with RJ45
For more information about the patch panel V9OZ see Section 6.5.4
“Connection via Cable for all Interfaces with RJ45 Connector”.
(E2000 or LC)
X701 ORX
1) 1)
For the fiber optic connections, the NSD570 provides E-2000 Duplex
Compact 0.1 dB - SM APC mating adapters with 0.1 dB insertion loss.
This kind of adapter features a spring loaded metal shutter that avoids
laser radiation exposure when it is mated on one end only.
Please refer to Hitachi ABB Power Grids for the latest list of supported
SFP modules. Only SFP modules recommended by Hitachi ABB
Power Grids can guarantee the specified functionality of the G1LOa
A plugged SFP module is secured in the SFP cage by a locking
mechanism. To remove the SFP module from the SFP cage this
locking mechanism must be released.
No tool or equipment is required to install or remove a SFP module.
To install SFP modules, the bail latch should be in the locked position.
The module is oriented so that the bail is on the left side of the SFP.
The module is pushed into the SFP cage carefully until a clicking
sound indicates that the module is locked (see also Fig. 6-28).
After disconnection of the optical cable, SFP modules can be removed
from the SFP cage by using the metal bail latch located on the left side
of the SFP module. Pull on the bail to unlock and remove the SFP
module (see also Fig. 6-28).
install remove
Rx Rx
Tx Tx
d) Optical attenuators
Since some earlier used 850 nm SFP modules provide higher optical
output power than IEEE defines for its C37.94 standard, optical
attenuators may need to be inserted on the SFP transmitter,
depending on the multiplexer’s receiver robustness.
The following optical attenuator is intended for combination with the
850 nm SFP module:
• 10 dB LC/PC, 850 nm, multi-mode
For SFP transceivers with 1310 nm (L-1.1) or 1550 nm, the maximum
output power is higher than the receiver saturation. Optical attenuators
are therefore required when NSD570 equipment are directly
interconnected via short length optical fibers with low attenuation (e.g.
for test purposes).
The following optical attenuator is intended for combination with these
1310 nm (L-1.1) or 1550 nm SFP modules:
• 10 dB LC/PC, 1310/1550 nm, single-mode
These cables are intended for the direct connection of G1LOa with the
teleprotection interface of a multiplexer, providing FC/PC connectors
on single-mode fibers, placed inside or outside the communication
cabinet (e.g. FOX515 OTERM).
To meet the optical output level requirements of the corresponding
interface, optical attenuators may be required to be plugged between
the receive connector of the multiplexer and the cable.
These cables are intended for the direct connection of G1LOa with the
teleprotection interface of a multiplexer, providing LC connectors,
placed inside or outside the communication cabinet (e.g. FOX515
To meet the optical output level requirements of the corresponding
interface, optical attenuators may be required to be plugged between
the receive connector of the multiplexer and the cable.
X201 RJ45
LAN Interface
Ethernet Interface
75 75
The 1:1 patch cord cable V9OH has RJ45 connectors at both ends.
In addition, a patch panel V9OZ (see Section 6.5.4) can be delivered
that allows connection of wires to “LSA Plus Quick Connect” type of
terminals (manufactured by KRONE). With this system the
connections to the patch panel can be made quickly without soldering.
LAN Interface
G3LL RJ45 Patch panel
Ethernet Interface
1 = TX+ 1 = TX+
2 = TX- 2 = TX-
3 = RX+ 3 = RX+
4 6 = RX-
5 4
GND 6 = RX- 5
X201 RJ45 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8
7 8
PANEL V9OZ 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8
View of pins: top-down,
as real terminal strip
Fig. 6-33 Ethernet interface with cable for all interfaces with RJ45
For more information about the patch panel V9OZ see Section 6.5.4
“Connection via Cable for all Interfaces with RJ45 Connector”.
LAN Interface
6-G3LL_Connector.vsd General
a) Connectors at rear of equipment
IRIG-B connector (1)
Management LAN Interface
Management LAN Interface
Ethernet Interface
8 TX-
75 75
Please refer to Hitachi ABB Power Grids for the latest list of
recommended SFP modules. Only SFP modules recommended by
Hitachi ABB Power Grids can guarantee the specified functionality of
these Ethernet Interfaces.
A plugged SFP module is secured in the SFP cage by a locking
mechanism. To remove the SFP module from the SFP cage this
locking must be released.
No tool or equipment is required to install or remove a SFP module.
To install SFP modules, the bail latch should be in the locked position.
The module is oriented so that the bail is on the left side of the SFP.
The module is pushed into the SFP cage carefully until a clicking
sound indicates that the module is locked (see also Fig. 6-36).
install remove
Rx Rx
Tx Tx
4 6 = RX-
5 4
GND 6 = RX- 5
X102 RJ45 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8
7 8
PANEL V9OZ 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8
View of pins: top-down,
as real terminal strip
Fig. 6-37 Ethernet interface with cable for all interfaces with RJ45
For more information about the patch panel V9OZ see section 6.5.4.
2 1 X2311 IRIG-B OUT
4 5
6.5.4. Connection via Cable for all Interfaces with RJ45 Connector
The 1:1 patch cord cable V9OH and the patch panel V9OZ can be
used for all interfaces with RJ45 connector:
• G3LD: G.703 Interface
• G1LE: E1/T1 Interface
• G3LE: Ethernet Interface
• G3LL: Ethernet Interface
• G3LM: Ethernet Interface
• G3LS: Ethernet Interface
6.6. Photographs
Fig. 6-42 Front view of the NSD570 module rack, equipped with two
line interfaces - each of them operating four Relay
Interfaces G3LR - and the optional Display Panel G1LC.
Fig. 6-43 Rear view of the NSD570 module rack, equipped with an
Analog Interface G3LA and a Digital Interface G3LD - each
of them operating four Relay Interfaces G3LR, with
connecting cables (rear cover removed).
7. Commissioning
Personnel qualification
Mechanical Installation
Warning labels
Back cover
ESD protection
Laser / LED
Using HMI570
e) Check that all the modules are properly inserted in their intended
f) Check the configuration and settings in relation to the settings given
by the customer.
Refer to Section 3.5.18 “Test facilities for the Line Interfaces” for a
detailed description of the above mentioned test facilities.
Personnel qualification
Warning labels
Mechanical Installation
Back cover
ESD protection
Electrical Installation
Laser / LED
Using HMI570
8.2. Operation
8.3. Maintenance
All NSD570 modules are subject to a thorough final test following
manufacturing and the complete equipment is calibrated and tested
before shipment.
The most important functions are performed digitally by the software
and are therefore not subject to ageing. Because of the digital
techniques involved, the settings made by means of the user interface
program HMI570 and the stability of the equipment as a whole are
guaranteed over a long period of time.
The various processors on the modules include a number of self-
monitoring functions, which together with the loop test performed at
periodic intervals continuously check the operation of the modules and
the availability of the communications channel as a whole.
Nevertheless, testing at periodic intervals is recommended. The
frequency of testing depends very much on the operating conditions in
the particular installation, but should not be less than once every two
years. The following periodic measurements are recommended.
Packet Loss Rate is less than 0.1% and the measured transmission
time is less than 10 ms (assuming a network delay of 6 ms).
Note: The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and the Tx/Rx level
measurement do only have an adequate accuracy if
the EOC is switched off!
9. Troubleshooting
Should the communication between two NSD570 units fail, either the
communications channel or one of the NSD570 modules can be
Following a systematic procedure is the quickest way to localize and
eliminate a fault.
Personnel qualification
Mechanical Installation
Back cover
ESD protection
Using HMI570
Laser / LED
9.2. Fuses
Used fuses in the equipment (per power supply unit):
G3LH: 2.5 AT / 250 V (5 x 20 mm)
G3LI: 6.3 AT / 250 V (5 x 20 mm)
G3LK: 2.5 AT / 250 V (5 x 20 mm)
9.3. Alarms
Begin and end of all low level alarms are recorded with date/time
stamps by the event recorder integral to the NSD570.
The high level alarms can be signaled - with a configurable delay/hold
time - on the various outputs of the Relay Interfaces G3LR.
A number of alarms are generated by the HMI570. These HMI-alarms
are not mapped into high level alarms and cannot be routed to relay
Three user alarms can be mapped on the outputs on G3LR. The alarm
sources to generate these user alarms can be configured individually
by logical OR-gating of any from the high level alarms “HW Alarm”,
“HW Warning”, “Link Alarm”, “Transmit Alarm” and “Receive Alarm”
with some special alarms (Tx/Rx Signal, SNR/BER/PLR alarm). This is
valid for the local alarms as well as for the remote alarms (except for
“HW Warning”).
If the alarm output of the user alarm is set to “delayed”, then the
programmed pick up delay for the outputs will be activated by the first
configured alarm of the list that appears, and the hold time will be
counted down to zero when the last configured alarm in the list has
If the alarm output of the user alarm is set to “undelayed”, then the
Equipment A Equipment B
Channel A to B
Fig. 9-1 The four major fault location areas of an NSD570 link
Equipment A Equipment B
Hardware Link Hardware Link Problem localized in
Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
No No No No -
No No No Yes Channel A > B
No Yes No No Channel B > A
No Yes No Yes Channels B > A and A > B
Yes X No X Equipment A
No X Yes X Equipment B
Yes X Yes X Equipment A and B
The following table lists the high level and the user alarms, their
meaning and output devices (red LEDs on equipment front; switch
over contacts on G3LR which are programmable by means of the
HMI570; user defined alarms):
1) For each line interface, a switch over contact is available on G3LC
2) The alarm is sent via EOC over the link to the remote equipment, so
that the following equation holds: Remote Alarm on Local
Equipment = Local Alarm on Remote Equipment.
3) Only available with analog and digital line interface configured for
1+1 device operation mode.
The following table lists the low level common alarms and the relay
interface alarms, and shows their influence on the high level alarms.
High Level Alarm
OK / Fail
Low Level Alarm
HW Version Common Interface and Bus 0.20 X X X X OK
Plane do not match
Overcurrent in MOSFET output 2 4) 0.19 X X X X OK
Overcurrent in MOSFET output 1 4) 0.18 X X X X OK
Single component failure input 2 4) 0.17 X X X X X OK
Single component failure input 1 4) 0.16 X X X X X OK
Error Relay Interface 4 TPE 2 (N84) 5) 0.14 OK
Error Relay Interface 3 TPE 2 (N76) 5) 0.13 OK
Error Relay Interface 2 TPE 2 (N70) 5) 0.12 OK
Error Relay Interface 1 TPE 2 (N64) 5) 0.11 OK
Error Relay Interface 4 TPE 1 (N52) 5) 0.10 OK
Error Relay Interface 3 TPE 1 (N46) 5) 0.9 OK
Error Relay Interface 2 TPE 1 (N40) 5) 0.8 OK
Error Relay Interface 1 TPE 1 (N34) 5) 0.7 OK
Micro controller FLASH verify error 0.5 X X X X X Fail
5 V supply voltage failure 0.4 X X X X X OK
Warning: Undervoltage redundant supply 2 10) 0.3 X OK
Warning: Undervoltage redundant supply 1 10) 0.2 X OK
Undervoltage alarm supply 2 6) 10) 0.1 X X X X OK
Undervoltage alarm supply 1 7) 10) 0.0 X X X X OK
Program memory internal CRC check failed 1.31 X X X X X Fail
Program memory SDRAM CRC check failed 1.30 X X X X X Fail
Data memory lookup table CRC check failed 1.29 X X X X X Fail
Program memory internal CRC add. 1.28 X X X X X Fail
segment failed
DSP in safe operation mode 9) 1.27 Fail
SDRAM data memory check failed 1.26 X X X X X Fail
Internal data memory check failed 1.25 X X X X X Fail
Program Memory micro controller CRC 1.24 X X X X X Fail
check failed
Remote test mode active 1.21 X X X Flashing
Local test mode active 1.20 X X X Flashing
Wrong time from RTC 1.18 X X X OK
No signal (IRIG-B) on RTC 1.16 X X X OK
More Relay Interfaces configured than 5) 1.12 X X X OK
Wrong slot for Line Interface 1.10 X X X X X Fail
Configuration error 1.7 X X X X X Fail
Link failure: command outputs set to a pre- 1.6 X X X X OK
defined state
Loop test error 1.5 X X X OK
OK / Fail
Low Level Alarm
Unblocking pulse 8) 1.4 OK
Remote alarm 1.3 X OK
CRC failure EOC 1.2 X X X X OK
Simultaneous trip and guard received 1.1 X X X X X OK
No trip and no guard 1.0 X X X X X X OK
G3LS Interface Alarm 4.31 X X X OK
Tx continuous command H 5) 4.19 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command G 5) 4.18 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command F 5) 4.17 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command E 5) 4.16 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command D 5) 4.15 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command C 5) 4.14 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command B 5) 4.13 X X X X OK
Tx continuous command A 5) 4.12 X X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 4 TPE 2 (N84) 5) 4.11 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 3 TPE 2 (N76) 5) 4.10 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 2 TPE 2 (N70) 5) 4.9 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 1 TPE 2 (N64) 5) 4.8 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 4 TPE 1 (N52) 5) 4.7 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 3 TPE 1 (N46) 5) 4.6 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 2 TPE 1 (N40) 5) 4.5 X X X OK
Comm. error Relay Interface 1 TPE 1 (N34) 5) 4.4 X X X OK
Continuous command alarm 5) 4.0 X X X X OK
Table 9-3 Low level common alarms and relay interface alarms
4) Only in combination with other relay interface alarms; the
corresponding “Ok / Fail” LED of the affected relay interface lights
up red
5) Only in combination with other relay interface alarms
6) LED “Supply Unit 2” lights red
7) LED “Supply Unit 1” lights red
8) Generates an entry in the event recorder only and activates an
output contact, if configured
9) No high level alarm is generated. Only the “Ok / Fail” LED lights
up red and the corresponding G3LC system alarm relay contact is
10) If an “Undervoltage of redundant supply 1/2” condition is detected,
the behavior depends on the Redundant Power Supply Failure
setting found in the Alarm Settings dialogue of the line interface:
120 6
240 6
360 6
480 6
960 9
1200 10
2400 13
2800 14
The following table lists the low level analog interface alarms, and
shows their influence on the high level alarms.
High Level Alarm
OK / Fail
Low Level Alarm
The following table lists the low level digital interface alarms, and
shows their influence on the high level alarms. Some alarms are only
generated with the corresponding piggyback plugged.
OK / Fail
Low Level Alarm
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown is 3.30 X X X X X OK
SFP transceiver not plugged 3.29 X X X X X X X Fail
Laser Failure 3.28 X X X X X X X Fail
Remote equipment has wrong 3.25 X X X X X OK
BER Bit Error Rate alarm 3.24 X X X X X X OK
Alarm Indication Signal G.703 3.21 X X X X X X OK
Loss of Signal G.703 3.20 X X X X X X OK
Pattern synchronization error 3.17 X X X X OK
Piggyback does not match 3.14 X X X X X Fail
Read error from E1/T1 framer 3.13 X X X X X X X Fail
Write error to E1/T1 framer 3.12 X X X X X X X Fail
LOF Loss of Frame 3.9 X X X X X X X OK
Piggyback missing 3.8 X X X X X Fail
LOS Loss of Signal 3.7 X X X X X X X X X OK
AIS Alarm Indication Signal 3.6 X X X X X X X X OK
LFA Loss of Frame Alignment 3.5 X X X X X X X X OK
RRA Receive Remote Alarm 3.4 X X X X X OK
FW version does not support 3.3 X X X X X Fail
Initialization failure in FPGA 3.2 X X X X X Fail
CRC failure while loading FPGA 3.1 X X X X X Fail
FPGA not loaded 3.0 X X X X X Fail
The following table lists the low level Ethernet interface alarms, and
shows their influence on the high level alarms.
OK / Fail
The following table lists all available alarms and warnings on G3LM:
Ok / Fail
FPGA not loaded x Fail Off
Ethernet link down x Ok Off
Wrong time from RTC x Ok On
No signal (IRIG-B) on RTC x Ok On
SFP/Ethernet switch error x Fail Off
SFP transceiver not plugged x Fail Off
SFP transceiver signal loss x Ok Off
SFP transceiver laser failure x Fail Off
User file not loaded (parse error) x Fail On
Duplicate IP address in subnet x Fail Off
SNTP client out of sync x Ok Off
HW version insufficient for SNTP x Ok Off
Default configuration loaded x Ok On
Default users loaded x Ok On
Default SSL keys loaded x Ok On
User activity logfile full x Ok On
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown is active x Ok On
Alarm polling cycle is too short x Ok On
SNMP alarm table is full - too many alarms x Ok On
Ok / Fail LED
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown is active Ok
SFP transceiver not plugged Fail
Error Relay Interface 2 TPE 2 (N70) 0.12 - Overcurrent in MOSFET output 2 (Alarm Code 0.19),
- Overcurrent in MOSFET output 1 (Alarm Code 0.18),
Error Relay Interface 1 TPE 2 (N64) 0.11
- Single component failure input 2 (Alarm Code 0.17),
Error Relay Interface 4 TPE 1 (N52) 0.10
- Single component failure input 1 (Alarm Code 0.16).
Error Relay Interface 3 TPE 1 (N46) 0.9
Follow the instructions given for these low level alarms.
Error Relay Interface 2 TPE 1 (N40) 0.8
Error Relay Interface 1 TPE 1 (N34) 0.7
Micro-controller FLASH verify error 0.5 Error during startup of the DSP / micro controller on the line
interface, indicating a hardware defect of the micro controller
or FLASH memory.
Replace the line interface
5 V supply voltage failure 0.4 Supply on Common Interface faulty or contact problems at the
Check connectors to bus plane, replace module rack.
Warning: Undervoltage redundant supply 2 0.3 Replace defective power supply module 2
Warning: Undervoltage redundant supply 1 0.2 Replace defective power supply module 1
Undervoltage alarm supply 2 0.1 Burden for supply module 2 too high (secondary short circuit),
supply monitoring on common interface defective, supply
module defective or no primary voltage.
Watch the Supply LEDs while troubleshooting:
pull out each individual module, otherwise replace power
supply unit 2, otherwise replace module rack.
Undervoltage alarm supply 1 0.0 Burden for supply module 1 too high (secondary short circuit),
supply monitoring on common interface defective, supply
module defective or no primary voltage.
Watch the Supply LEDs while troubleshooting:
pull out each individual module, otherwise replace power
supply unit 1, otherwise replace module rack.
Program memory internal CRC check failed 1.31 Indicating a hardware defect of the DSP / SDRAM on the line
If persistent: replace the line interface.
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown is active 3.30 The laser is shut down because no optical input signal is
detected. This is done for eye safety reasons when the
interface is configured to ALS = on.
Re-establish the optical input signal and wait for a maximum
of 100 seconds or configure the interface to ALS = off.
SFP transceiver not plugged 3.29 Optical piggyback G1Loa is mounted but no SFP transceiver
module is assembled.
The SFP/Ethernet switch of G3LE is in position SFP but no
module is assembled
Plug the corresponding SFP transceiver module according to
the desired application.
Laser Failure 3.28 The laser does not run properly due to a hardware problem.
Replace the optical interface G1LO or the SFP transceiver
module on G1Loa or on G3LE.
G3LS Interface Alarm 4.31 The G3LS reports at least one of the G3LS alarm shown in
Table 9-11 (except for Wrong slot for G3LS).
Upload the alarms from the module G3LS using HMI570 and
execute the corresponding corrective actions.
Tx continuous command H 4.19 The continuous command monitoring for the corresponding
Tx continuous command G 4.18 command (A … H) is enabled and the maximum duration as
configured by HMI570 has been exceeded. This error appears
Tx continuous command F 4.17
always in conjunction with the “Continuous command alarm”
Tx continuous command E 4.16 (Alarm Code 4.0).
Tx continuous command D 4.15 Verify that the continuous command monitoring / maximum
Tx continuous command C 4.14 duration of the corresponding command (A … H) as
configured by HMI570 is correct or change the settings of the
Tx continuous command B 4.13
equipment generating the command so that it is not longer
Tx continuous command A 4.12
than allowed.
FPGA not loaded G3LM A hardware fault on the management or the GOOSE LAN
G3LS interface has been detected.
If the alarm persists after system restart replace the
management interface.
Ethernet link down G3LM Ethernet link is down. No communication over LAN
G3LS possible.
Check if the Ethernet port is properly connected to the LAN.
Wrong time from RTC G3LM If no external sync time (GPS Sync = IRIG-B) is available or
G3LS card never operated before or not powered up for several
days -> internal time not valid.
Set time.
If external sync time (GPS Sync = IRIG-B):
Check timing source and connections.
No signal (IRIG-B) on RTC G3LM If the external sync time (GPS Sync = IRIG-B) is missing for
G3LS more than 140 sec (valid from NSD570 Rel. 3.7 onwards).
Check timing source and connections.
SFP/Ethernet switch error G3LM The SFP/Ethernet switch is in ambiguous position.
G3LS Check the SFP/Ethernet switch and set it to the required
SFP transceiver not plugged G3LM The SFP/Ethernet switch is in position SFP but no module is
G3LS assembled.
Plug a SFP transceiver module.
SFP transceiver signal loss G3LM There is a problem with the communication channel: The
G3LS received signal level on the SFP module is insufficient or the
channel is interrupted.
Check the wiring of the communication channel and check
the signal at the receiver input. Correct the communication
Table 9-12 Low level alarms with explanation and corrective actions
9.4. Warnings
Warnings are used to signal that an equipment is not in normal
operation state, but otherwise working properly.
A warning is given from the NSD570 system when one of the two
power supply modules in the redundant configuration fails (under-
voltage detector on Common Interface G3LC activated).
9.6.1. General
The “Connect” operation is not successful. What can I do to correct
this problem?
Check all hardware and its settings forming the communication path,
starting at the PC/notebook and ending at the equipment. The section
“Communication between the HMI570 and the NSD570” in Section 4.5
“Communication between the HMI570 PC and the NSD570” gives the
relevant information. If the communication path is made up of several
sections as in case of connection via modem, intranet/internet,
dedicated data channel and/or via EOC, proceed in steps, checking
the path sections in sequence starting at the side of the PC/notebook.
Note that only one HMI570 at a time is able to connect to a
Management LAN Interface G3LM via LAN. If a second HMI570
attempts to connect, HMI570 displays:
Communication error
Error ! Cannot establish communication
Error ! Cannot connect to device
Could not log in. Check the cable connection and IP
The “Connect” operation is still not successful. What else can I do to
correct this problem?
Maybe the device address used is incorrect. Try the default device
addresses: use 241 for the line interface plugged in TPE 1 respectively
246 for TPE 2, use 242 for the GOOSE interface plugged in TPE 1
respectively 247 for TPE 2, or use 250 for the Management interface
plugged in the rack. Note that the station bus of the rack must be
disconnected. This is because all devices plugged in TPE 1
respectively TPE 2 share the same default addresses. If the “Connect
Device” was successful, the programmed device address is shown
and automatically used for the next interactions (e.g. Configuration
Upload From Device).
The “Connect” operation is again not successful. What else can I do to
correct this problem?
For some reasons (e.g. a boot failure of the device indicated by the red
Fail LED and all others off) it is only possible to connect the line
interfaces with address 255. It is required to disconnect the station bus
and plug off one line interface in the rack first, before connecting with
255 to the other line interface. After successfully connecting the device
with address 255, a firmware download has to be executed, see
Section “Firmware Download”. If the problem still exists,
replace the corresponding line interface module.
The “Connect” operation is again not successful. What else can I do to
correct this problem?
Use the “Reset Communication” button under HMI570 Settings.
The teleprotection link does not work. What can I do to correct this
Check the alarms: If there is a hardware alarm at either side of the link,
the reason of it must be found and the problem corrected. Upload the
equipment status/alarm and study the alarm messages given by the
HMI570. One single problem can produce a number of such
If for both equipment of the link no hardware alarms are reported
(anymore), the problem has to be sought in the link. Upload the
equipment status/alarm and study the alarm messages given by the
HMI570. It may be possible to restrict the problem to one of the
following 3 cases:
1. excessive signal attenuation (voltage level at the analog or digital
receiver too low)
2. excessive line noise, bit errors or packet losses
3. excessive distortion or jitter
Find and correct the source(s) of the problems by measuring at
different points along the communication line with data testers (for
NSD570 Digital), with LAN/network test equipment (for NSD570
Ethernet) or level generators/selective level meters (for NSD570
What shall I do if some alarms are present, signaled by alarm relay
contacts and/or alarm LEDs?
Upload status/alarm data to see the details about the causes of the
alarms. If both hardware and link alarms are present, first remove the
cause of the hardware alarm. After this has been done, upload system
status once again and – if a link alarm should still be present – find the
cause of the link alarm. Check whether the alarm threshold levels are
Why do the AF levels and the SNR level displayed by the status of the
HMI570 fluctuate?
The level will vary approx. 2.5 dB because the guard signal is
modulated to transmit data via the EOC. The SNR value displayed by
the HMI570 will vary as well, depending on the packets transmitted via
the EOC. The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and the Tx/Rx level
measurement do only have an adequate accuracy if the EOC is
switched off!
How can I calculate the guard and trip frequencies of the NSD570
Analog for the various operating modes and channel center
See Section 3.5.4. “Analog operating modes”.
How are the outputs on the Relay Interface G3LR operated, if they are
configured as alarm outputs? And what about the LEDs of the outputs
on the front plate?
The relay contacts on G3LR are operated in the same way than the
alarm relays on the Common Interface G3LC, i.e. the “alarm” condition
is the same as the “power off” state of the equipment (relay coil not
energized). On both modules the user can still choose – by using the
corresponding output contacts - whether the alarm contact shall be
“normally open” or “normally closed”.
The solid-state outputs are operated differently. An alarm condition is
signaled with a conducting (energized) FET. Therefore the “alarm”
condition is not the same as the “power off” state of the equipment.
Both type of output contacts are activated only after the programmed
alarm delay time has elapsed. The same applies for the alarm hold
The LEDs of the outputs on G3LR correspond with the state of the
contacts, i.e. they also light up only if the alarm delay time has elapsed
and they will light on for the duration of the alarm hold time.
My new notebook PC does not provide an RS-232 interface with a 9-
pole D-sub connector, but an USB interface instead. What can I do?
You have to use an external RS-232 to USB converter. It is
recommended to use the following converter, which was tested and
works fine with HMI570 and other user interface programs provided by
Hitachi ABB (see also Section 11.1):
9.9. Support
Refer to document “1KHW029009 - Customer Connect Portal User
Instruction” in Section 12 “Appendix”.
Mechanical Installation
ESD protection
Electrical Installation
10.2. Storage
The equipment must be stored at a temperature between -40 °C and
+70 °C and a relative humidity < 95 %, non-condensing.
The cabinet should be stored in its original wooden frame and plastic
cover. Make sure that the plastic cover is undamaged. Where the
equipment has to be stored for a long period, precautions to prevent
corrosion must be taken. This is especially important in humid
Modules should be stored preferably in their original packing with an
outer packing to protect against mechanical damage.
10.3. Decommissioning
The procedure for decommissioning the equipment is as follows:
• First of all, the application in which the equipment is used, must be
disabled. This is of special importance when protection signaling is
• Switch off the circuit breaker controlling the power supply to the
equipment (OFF). Disconnect the power supply cable from the
equipment. Repeat for redundant power supply, if applicable.
• Open the isolating terminals from the external cables.
• Disconnect the external wiring according to the respective wiring
lists and diagrams to avoid any risk of disconnecting other
equipment by mistake.
• If the complete cabinet has to be removed, support it in a way that
it cannot fall over when its anchoring is undone and remove the
bolts holding the base frame. The cabinet can then be lifted out
and dismantled. Should no suitable support for the cabinet be
available, it should be laid down horizontally.
• If the NSD570 rack has to be removed from the cabinet,
disconnect the internal wiring between the NSD570 rack and the
terminal blocks in the cabinet. Then remove the screws holding
the rack at the front and withdraw the rack.
• If it is intended to use an NSD570 rack somewhere else, carefully
pack it while observing the ESD rules.
10.4. Disposal
When disposing of the equipment, do so in strict accordance with
regional and national regulations for the disposal of electrical and
electronic components.
The modular construction of the equipment enables the printed circuit
boards and housings to be easily separated for recycling.
11. Appendices
Basic Equipment 8
NSD570 Standard Equipment 1 x analog, 24-48 VDC 1KHW001179R1011
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LI, 1 x G3LA, 1 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 1 x analog, 110-250 V 1KHW001179R1021
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LK, 1 x G3LA, 1 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 2 x analog, 24-48 VDC 1KHW001179R1012
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LI, 2 x G3LA, 2 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 2 x analog, 110-250 V 1KHW001179R1022
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LK, 2 x G3LA, 2 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 1 x digital, 24-48 VDC 1KHW001179R2011
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LI, 1 x G3LD, 1 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 1 x digital, 110-250 V 1KHW001179R2021
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LK, 1 x G3LD, 1 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 2 x digital, 24-48 VDC 1KHW001179R2012
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LI, 2 x G3LD, 2 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 2 x digital, 110-250 V 1KHW001179R2022
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LK, 2 x G3LD, 2 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 1 x Ethernet, 24-48 VDC 1KHW001179R4011
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LI, 1 x G3LE, 1 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 1 x Ethernet, 110-250 V 1KHW001179R4021
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LK, 1 x G3LE, 1 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 2 x Ethernet, 24-48 VDC 1KHW001179R4012
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LI, 2 x G3LE, 2 x G3LR
NSD570 Standard Equipment 2 x Ethernet, 110-250 V 1KHW001179R4022
Consists of 1 x G7BI, 1 x G3LK, 2 x G3LE, 2 x G3LR
Module Rack
Power Supply
Interface Cards
Old 1KHW000664R0001
Old 1KHW000668R0001
Old 1KHW000658R0001
Old 1KHW000670R0001
Old 1KHW000669R0001
Old 1KHW000671R0001
Old 1KHW000662R0001
Old 1KHW000659R0001
Old 1KHW000580R0002 13
Old 1KHW000581R0002 13
Old 1KHW000582R0010 13
Old 1KHW000583R0010 13
Old 1KHW001862R0010 13
Old 1KHW001873R0010 13
Old 1KHW001874R0004 13
Old 1KHW001321R0002 13
Old 1KHW001322R0004 13
Old 1KHW001323R0002 13
Old 1KHW001324R0010 13
Old 1KHW001326R0010 13
Optical attenuator
Display Panel
LAN Interface
Old 1KHW001213R0001
Patch panels and cables for RJ45 connectors on G3LD, G1LE, G3LE, G3LS,
G3LL and G3LM
Old 1KHW001756R0003
Optional items
For G7BI Cover Plate with marking strip (1U, RAL 7035) 1KHW002234R0011
(one plate is delivered with each module rack)
For cables Special screwdriver from PHOENIX CONTACT SZF 1 - 0,6 x 3,5
(for releasing the tension spring of the terminals) Order No. 12 04 51 7
Old 1KHL015456P0001
11.2. Photographs
12. Annex
Programming and
Testing Instructions NSD570 1KHW000898
The teleprotection equipment NSD570 complies with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and the Low-Voltage Directive
NSD570 complies with or exceeds the requirements according to IEC publication 60834-1 "Teleprotection
Equipment of Power Systems - Performance and Testing – Part 1: Command Systems”.
1. System Overview........................................................................................................................................... 3
21. Alarms.......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Nominal transmission time T0 including operating times of the relay interface G3LR (solid state outputs), EOC configured to ON,
command application set to direct tripping (except for 1 single-tone command).
- Figures are given for back-to-back operation (according to IEC 60834-1).
- Transmission times are about 10% lower with Embedded Operation Channel (EOC) disabled.
1 single-tone
Channel 1 or 2 single-tone 1 or 2 dual-tone 1 to 3 dual-tone 1 to 4 dual-tone
Bandwidth commands commands commands commands
(blocking only)
120 Hz 50 ms N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
240 Hz 27 ms 38 ms 43 ms N.A. N.A.
360 Hz 19 ms 26 ms 30 ms 31 ms N.A.
480 Hz 15 ms 20 ms 23 ms 24 ms 28 ms
960 Hz 8.5 ms 11 ms 13 ms 14 ms 15 ms
1200 Hz 7.0 ms 9.5 ms 11 ms 11 ms 12 ms
2400 Hz 4.5 ms 6.0 ms 7.0 ms 7.0 ms 7.0 ms
2800 Hz 4.5 ms 5.5 ms 6.0 ms 6.0 ms 6.5 ms
Security Puc measured according to IEC 60834-1 with 200 ms noise bursts / 200 ms pause
Puc for worst case SNR Single-tone commands Dual-tone commands
- blocking Puc < 1E-03 Puc < 1E-04
- permissive Puc < 1E-05 Puc < 1E-06
- direct Puc < 1E-08 Puc < 1E-09
Line interface digital, type G3LD G.703.1, codirectional (RJ45 connector, 8 pole)
56 or 64 kbps RS-422/V.11 interface (Sub-D
connector, 25 pole = RS-530)
optional connecting cable for G.703/E1/T1 RJ45 (8 pole, 1:1 direct wire connection)
Frame length 6 x 8 bit = 48 bit in 64 kbps mode 31 bit BCH(31,21,5) plus 17 synchronization bits
7 x 7 bit = 49 bit in 56 kbps mode 31 bit BCH(31,21,5) plus 18 synchronization bits
Signal processing dynamic adaptive frame evaluation 2 to 6 frames / correction of max. 1 bit error
depending on prevailing channel condition
- blocking 2 or 3 frames (with max. 1 bit error per frame)
- permissive tripping 3 or 5 frames (with max. 1 bit error per frame)
- direct tripping 4 or 6 frames (with max. 1 bit error per frame)
Security Puc according to IEC 60834-1 with 200 ms BER bursts / 200 ms pause
@ BER = 0.5: @ BER = 0.15 (worst case):
- blocking Puc < 1E-10 blocking Puc < 1E-05
- permissive Puc < 1E-17 permissive Puc < 1E-09
- direct Puc < 1E-24 direct Puc < 1E-12
- Configuration and monitoring of the opposite equipment from the local terminal
- Needs no additional channel
- Available during guard and command state
Line interface Ethernet, type G3LE 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet (RJ45 connector,
8 pole), auto/manual negotiation, full/half duplex
optional SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Optical (100 Mbps):
850 nm multi-mode (connector type LC)
1310 nm single-mode (connector type LC)
connecting cables for RJ45 Cat5e Ethernet cable SF/UTP according to
ISO/IEC 11801 (electrical)
Message coding UDP/IP based default UDP port 49152 for Teleprotection traffic,
(User Datagram Protocol) default UDP port 49153 for EOC traffic
APDU protected addressing by using MAC addresses,
(Application Protocol Data Unit) frame numbering by using sequence numbers,
(SHA = Secure Hash Algorithm) authentication by APDU protection using SHA-256
Ethernet frame 110 byte Ethernet frame w/o VLAN tagging excluding Ethernet preamble (9 byte)
114 byte Ethernet frame with VLAN tagging excluding Ethernet preamble (9 byte)
Required bandwidth max. data rate without VLAN tagging 476 kbps at command transfer
average data rate without VLAN tagging 191 kbps at 5 ms guard packet interval (adjustable)
max. data rate with VLAN tagging 492 kbps at command transfer
average data rate with VLAN tagging 197 kbps at 5 ms guard packet interval (adjustable)
(all values unidirectional and including Ethernet
VLAN / priority VLAN tagging selectable via HMI570 disabled (default) / enabled
(Layer 2, optional) IEEE 802.1q VLAN-ID 0 to 4094, if enabled: default 1
IEEE 802.1p Ethernet priority 0 to 7 (highest priority), if enabled: default 5
IP priority Differentiated services / Type of Service DiffServ (6 bit DSCP + 2 bit ECN) / TOS (8 bit)
(Layer 3) selectable via HMI570:
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) 0 to 63 (6 bit, default 46 = Expedited Forwarding)
Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) 0 to 3 (2 bit, default 0)
Security Puc according to IEC 60834-1 with 200 ms BER bursts / 200 ms pause
- by 32-bit CRC Ethernet trailer & SHA-256 < 1E-18
- Configuration and monitoring of the opposite equipment from the local terminal
- Needs no additional channel
- Available during guard and command state
Transmission rate according to data rate of serial HMI570 connection at 9’600 / 19’200 / 57’600 bps
Sent command pick up time programmable for each command 0 to 20 ms, steps of 1 ms
(Tx Input On-Delay) compensation of sent commands duration equal to the pick-up time
Available only for NSD570 Rel.3.2 or later.
Command acknowledge free allocation of a command acknowledge O/P to one of the outputs of the relay interface G3LR
- for sent commands individual or collective
- for received commands collective
Received guard state signaling free allocation to one of the outputs of the relay interface G3LR
Cyclic loop test - The loop test signal is transmitted in the same way as a tripping signal
(in case of the NSD570 Analog version, the tripping signal is not boosted)
- It is recognized by the receiver and echoed back to the transmitter
- A genuine tripping command is always given priority over any tests
configurable test interval 1 / 3 / 6 (default) / 12 / 24, hours, or disabled
first loop test sent 10 minutes after power-on
loop test alarm (NSD570 Analog/Digital) after 3 unsuccessful trials
if a loop test fails, the test interval is lowered to 5 minutes
event recording sent / replied / failed loop test
Manual loop test - Activated via HMI570, or by pressing the loop test button on the equipment front panel
HMI570 window displays actual transmission time (Tac) as ½ round trip time
- Activated by pressing the loop test button on the equipment front panel
Display Panel shows actual transmission time (Tac) as ½ round trip time
Local test mode - All sent commands are looped back by the local line interface
- The guard signal is transmitted to the opposite station
- Commands are not transferred to the remote end
activated via HMI570
test mode indication red Fail LED flashes (on local equipment)
- For the protection of cables and power lines with T-offs (multi-terminal lines)
- A command sent by any station is received by all other stations
- Transit through-connection of signals in T-stations between two NSD570 in the same rack, with minimum delay
- Restoring of guard signal in T-Station if one link fails
- For NSD570 Analog and Digital, EOC communication is only available between outer stations (“normal” T-operation)
- For NSD570 Ethernet, EOC communication is only available between the outer stations and the T-station (“normal” T-operation)
Transit delay NSD570 Digital for all interface types / data rates < 3 ms
Transit delay NSD570 Ethernet for all interface types / data rates < 3 ms
1+1 protection
Shielding, cable screen to be earthed with metallic clamp on → cable tray at rear side of rack
Maximum cable length 22 AWG 500 m
(using STP = Shielded Twisted Pair) (diameter 0.6438 mm = 0.3255 mm2)
Alarms: incoming signal level too low Loss Of Signal (LOS)
4 x 8 = 32 following bits logical "1" Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
Onboard Connector RJ45
Shielding, cable screen to be earthed with metallic clamp on → cable tray at rear side of rack
Maximum cable length Internal clock 1000 m
(using STP = Shielded Twisted Pair, 22 AWG) External clock 500 m
Onboard Connector Sub-D, 25 pol, male, TIA/EIA-530-A
Optional piggyback to be mounted on Digital Interface G3LD (configurable for E1 and T1 operation; E1 = default configuration).
Hardware release monitoring via HMI570
Connector on piggyback RJ45
Coding and electrical characteristics comply with ITU-T recommendation G.703. Framing according to G.704, signaling according to G.775
and Q.703. Jitter performance according to G.823.
Data is transmitted in timeslot 1 of the E1 frame (timeslot 0 serves for frame synchronization and signaling).
Signal output:
Signal input:
Shielding, cable screen to be earthed with metallic clamp on → cable tray at rear side of rack
Maximum cable length 22 AWG 1500 m
(using STP = Shielded Twisted Pair) (diameter 0.6438 mm = 0.3255 mm2)
Receiver sensitivity configurable for max. cable attenuation 10 dB (short haul; default)
43 dB (long haul)
Internal elastic buffer size configurable individual for input/output 0 or 96 Bits, 1 or 2 frames (default)
-> compensates clock deviations and wander between internal/external timing
-> compensates jitter, detects slips with some additional delay
compromise to be made on high jitter tolerance versus low additional delay
Data is transmitted in channel 1 of the T1 frame (the first bit serves for frame synchronization and signaling).
Signal output:
Signal input:
Shielding, cable screen to be earthed with metallic clamp on → cable tray at rear side of rack
Maximum cable length 22 AWG 2000 m
(using STP = Shielded Twisted Pair) (diameter 0.6438 mm = 0.3255 mm2)
Receiver sensitivity configurable for max. cable attenuation 10 dB (short haul; default)
36 dB (long haul)
Internal buffer size configurable individually for input/output 0 or 96 Bits, 1 or 2 frames (default)
-> compensates clock deviations/wander (between internal/external timing)
-> compensates jitter, detects slips (with some additional delay)
compromise to be made on high jitter capability versus low additional delay
Optional piggyback to be mounted on Digital Interface G3LD (configurable for Optical Direct Fiber and Optical OTERM/OPTIF operation).
Framing complies with ITU-T recommendation G.704 for Optical Direct Fiber and with FOX-6Plus for Optical OTERM/OPTIF operation. The
jitter performance is according to G.823.
Data is transmitted in timeslot 1 of the PCM31 frame for Optical Direct Fiber and in channel 1 of the FOX-6Plus frame if Optical
OTERM/OPTIF is selected.
Signal output:
Wavelength 1310 nm
Bit rate 2048 kbps
Bit clock accuracy 50 ppm
Output jitter amplitude Band B1 (20 Hz… 100 kHz) < 1.5 UI
Band B2 (18 kHz… 100 kHz) < 0.2 UI
Optical output power Short haul -22 … -17 dBm
Long haul -5 … -1 dBm
Signal input:
Framing format Optical Direct Fiber double-frame sync. pattern in timeslot 0 (PCM31)
- maximum synchronization delay 375 s
Framing format Optical FOX/OTERM according to FOX-6Plus 32 bits with 5 sync. bits every 15.625 s
- can also be connected with OTERM on FOX515
Optional piggyback to be mounted on Digital Interface G3LD (configurable for Optical Direct Fiber, Optical OTERM/OPTIF and Optical IEEE
C37.94 operation).
Selection of wavelength and distance through insertion of a particular SFP transceiver module, according to the required application
Signal output:
Interface type → Optical IEEE C37.94 Optical OTERM/OPTIF Optical Direct Fiber
Framing complies to IEEE C37.94 ABB FOX-6Plus ITU-T G.704
Data transmission in Channel 1 of 12 (64 kbps) Channel 1 of 6 (64 kbps) Time slot 1 of 32 (64 kbps)
Transmission rate 2048 kbaud 4096 kbaud 4096 kbaud
Bit rate 2048 kbps 2048 kbps 2048 kbps
Line coding NRZ MCMI MCMI
Bit clock accuracy 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm
Output jitter amplitude < 0.1 UI < 0.15 UI < 0.15 UI
Signal input:
Interface type → Optical IEEE C37.94 Optical OTERM/OPTIF Optical Direct Fiber
Bit clock tolerance 100 ppm 100 ppm 100 ppm
Input jitter tolerance > 0.2 > 0.2 > 0.2
Clock Mode Slave or free running if LOS is Slave or free running if LOS is Master or Slave (Configurable)
detected detected
Synchronization to Header (first 16 bits of frame) 8 synchronization bits, Double frame in time slot 0
distributed in one frame
Detected alarms - SFP transceiver not plugged - SFP transceiver not plugged - SFP transceiver not plugged
- Laser failure - Laser failure - Laser failure
- LOS Loss Of Signal - LOS Loss Of Signal - LOS Loss Of Signal
- LOF Loss Of Frame - LOF Loss Of Frame - LOF Loss Of Frame
- AIS Alarm Indication Signal - LFA Loss of Frame Alignment - AIS Alarm Indication Signal
- RRA Receive Remote Alarm - AIS Alarm Indication Signal - RRA Receive Remote Alarm
- RRA Receive Remote Alarm
The optical parameters are subject to the selected SFP transceiver module. The following table shows the characteristics of the SFP
transceiver modules approved for G1LOa and available by default (others on request):
The maximum distance is dependent on the attenuation per kilometer of the used optical fiber and the number of required splices.
Level range according to IEEE C37.94 for "mean optical power" into 62.5/125 μm fiber. For "mean optical power" into 50/125 μm fiber the
level range is -23 dBm … -11 dBm.
Please note that previous 850 nm SFP transceivers, used for NSD570 until mid of 2013, provide higher optical output power than defined
in the IEEE C37.94 standard, thus optical attenuators may be required for connection of NSD570 to other vendor’s multiplexer equipment
via these phased out SFP transceivers (depending on the attenuation of the used optical fiber and its connectors, and on the saturation
level of the multiplexer’s optical receiver).
Connectors RJ45 for 100BASE-TX interface, cage for SFP module insertion
Selection of interface by setting lever of switch towards 100BASE-TX (RJ45) or SFP interface
Selection of SFP interface through insertion of a particular SFP transceiver module, according to the required application
SFP interface:
The optical parameters are subject to the selected SFP transceiver module. The following table shows the characteristics of the SFP
transceiver modules approved for G3LE and available by default (others on request):
The maximum distance is dependent on the attenuation per kilometer of the used optical fiber and the number of required splices.
Number of command send inputs 2, electrically isolated by opto couplers commands can be freely allocated to I/Ps
Method of tripping - external contact and station battery voltage polarity independent
- external dry contact with optional internal aux. tripping voltage G1LR
Nominal battery voltage (24, 48, 60, 110, 125, 220, 250) VDC tolerance ± 20 %
tON t/ms
tON tA t/ms
Operating time < 750 s, 450 s typical
Nominal battery voltage 220 VDC and 250 VDC are not suitable for persistent command application!
Wetting current for electrical and thermal destruction of oxidation/corrosion buildup on the external relay contacts.
tA is the instant of time when the input current is equal to 10 mA.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. 17 / 33
Technical Data NSD570 1KHW000892-EN / Rev. Q ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd
Number of outputs 2 electrically isolated commands, alarms and special functions freely
Normally Open contact solid-state relay bounce-free, shock and vibration safe
DC voltage 5 … 250 VDC (+ 20 % max.)
Tripping current ON/OFF ratio 1/3 up to 1 min./3 min. 2 A;
Continuous 1A
Current limitation typ. 2.6 A
Short circuit cut off after approx. 6 ms for 1 s
Leakage current 200 A; at 312 V / 70C
Operating time 250 s (typ. 60 s)
Reverse polarity protection 400 VDC
Connectors RJ45 for 100BASE-TX interface, cage for SFP module insertion
Selection of interface by setting lever of switch towards 100BASE-TX (RJ45) or SFP interface
Selection of SFP interface through insertion of a particular SFP transceiver module, according to the required application
SFP interface:
The optical parameters are subject to the selected SFP transceiver module. The following table shows the characteristics of the SFP
transceiver modules approved for G3LS and available by default (others on request):
The maximum distance is dependent on the attenuation per kilometer of the used optical fiber and the number of required splices.
The nominal transmission times as specified for the Analog/Digital/Ethernet systems have to be increased by min. 1 ms / max. 3 ms per
end of the NSD570 link when a GOOSE LAN Interface G3LS instead of Relay Interface G3LR is used for command forwarding.
12.1. G3LH
- Electrically isolated
- Hot pluggable
- Output power 60 W sufficient to supply all possible rack assemblies
- Single or redundant configuration (passive load sharing, decoupled by means of diodes)
Efficiency DC > 80 %
AC > 75 %
G3LH was phased out by end of 2010 (replaced by G3LI or G3LK, depending on input voltage).
12.2. G3LI
- Electrically isolated
- Hot pluggable
- Output power 60 W sufficient to supply all possible rack assemblies
- Single or redundant configuration (passive load sharing, decoupled by means of diodes)
Efficiency DC > 80 %
12.3. G3LK
- Electrically isolated
- Hot pluggable
- Output power 60 W sufficient to supply all possible rack assemblies
- Single or redundant configuration (passive load sharing, decoupled by means of diodes)
Efficiency DC > 70 %
AC > 70 %
Maximum power consumption of all kind of modules, valid for all power supplies:
basic version (rack, one supply module, one line interface, one relay interface):
LED indication on front panel Supervision of power supply output voltage green = ok, red = failed, dark = not plugged
Connecting cable serial 1:1 cable, 9 pin Sub-D connector PC/notebook -> female, NSD570 -> male
If connected via a modem (= DCE) “Null-Modem” cable necessary (male-male) cross connection of 103 104, 105 106
IRIG-B input:
Optional front panel (instead of Blanking Cover Plate for power supply modules), for displaying status, counters, alarm messages and
firmware versions of the local and remote NSD570.
For local access only, selected configuration data are also available (e.g. line interface settings, command application or relay interface
input/output assignment).
Measured transmission time is displayed when manual loop test button of TPE 1 or TPE 2 is pressed on the front plate.
Display lights up if any command of TPE 1 or TPE 2 is sent or received.
Ethernet interface that allows connecting an NSD570 system to TCP/IP-networks for configuration and monitoring.
The “HMI570 LAN” application (server version of the HMI570) runs on the NSD570 LAN Interface.
Ethernet interface that allows connecting an NSD570 system to TCP/IP-networks for configuration and monitoring.
In contrast to the LAN interface G3LL, no “HMI570 LAN” application is running on G3LM. Instead, Ethernet to serial port conversion (and
vice versa) and other functions (like SNMP) are performed on this module.
HMI570 version 1.30 or higher has to be used to login on G3LM and connect to any line interface in the same rack or connected to the
station bus.
SFP interface:
The optical parameters are subject to the selected SFP transceiver module. The following table shows the characteristics of the SFP
transceiver modules approved for G3LM and available by default (others on request):
VLAN / Priority VLAN tagging selectable via HMI570 disabled (default) / enabled
(Layer 2, optional) IEEE 802.1q VLAN ID 0 to 4094, if enabled: default 1
IEEE 802.1p Ethernet priority 0 to 7 (highest priority), if enabled: default 0
Secure sockets layer (SSL) version TLS 1.2 (for Rel.3.6 or later)
TLS 1.0 (for Rel.3.1 to 3.5)
cipher algorithms RSA 1024, AES128-SHA256 (for Rel.3.6 or later)
RSA 1024, AES128-SHA (for Rel.3.1 to 3.5)
certificate format X.509
port number 5000/TCP
The maximum distance is dependent on the attenuation per kilometer of the used optical fiber and the number of required splices.
User activity logging max. number of entries 2000 (overwriting circular buffer)
log entries log-in successful or failed (unknown user and/or
wrong password
log-out (by user or by timeout)
configuration download successful or failed
configuration upload successful or failed
recovery of previous configuration successful or
firmware download successful or failed
user account created or deleted
user password changed successfully
user password changed unsuccessfully
user permission changed
manual reset, reset trips (trip counters)
system startup G3LM
logfile created or deleted, date and time set
new certificate generated
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)"
"This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
Hardware requirements (minimal) PC/notebook, x86 compatible CPU ≥ AMD Athlon / Duron or Intel Pentium
CPU clock ≥ 1 GHz
RAM ≥ 512 Mbyte
free harddisk space ≥ 200 MB or at least 1 GB in case of the IEC 61850
enabled HMI570
SVGA, resolution ≥ 1024 x 768, 256 colors
operating system Windows 7 / 8 / 10
local alarm polling when connected via serial cable to the RS-232
(of all NSD570s accessible via station bus) interface of one rack or via Ethernet cable to the
LAN interface G3LM of one rack
network alarm polling when connected via Ethernet/IP network to several
LAN Interfaces G3LL and/or G3LM (running local
alarm polling or SNMP alarm polling)
Local and remote access facilities - serial cable at 9’600 bps, 19’200 bps, 57’600 bps
- embedded operation channel (EOC) at 100 bps max (NSD570 Analog) or
at 1’333 bps max. (NSD570 Digital) or
at 9’600/19’200/57’600 bps (NSD570 Ethernet)
- intranet/internet using IP, via LAN Interface type G3LM
Firmware download locally or from a remote site via any communication channel,
via EOC of NSD570 Analog -> not recommended
Manual jumper settings on relay interfaces G3LR input command tripping voltage (4 jumpers)
(also stored in configuration file) on analog interface G3LA line impedance (2 jumpers)
on E1/T1 interface G1LE line impedance (3 jumpers)
Requirements for remote access installation on PC/notebook HTTP 1.1 browser and IP connection to the LAN
Interface G3LL
connection to the NSD570s in a network via Corporate Network (Intranet) or Internet
Remote access facilities intranet/internet using IP, with embedded web server on LAN
Interface G3LL, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX (option)
Manual jumper settings on relay interfaces G3LR input command tripping voltage (4 jumpers)
(also stored in configuration file) on analog interface G3LA line impedance (2 jumpers)
on E1/T1 interface G1LE line impedance (3 jumpers)
HMI570 LAN was phased out by end of 2012, together with LAN Interface G3LL (replaced by G3LM).
Rx guard signal level deviation from nominal level > ± 3 dB … ± 12 dB (programmable, 1 dB steps)
detection time <1s
SNR alarm threshold depending on Bandwidth [Hz] SNR alarm threshold [dB]
channel bandwidth: 120 / 240 / 360 / 480 6
960 9
1200 10
2400 13
2800 14
Bit Error Rate (BER) alarm threshold setting via HMI570 1E-01 / 1E-02 / 1E-03 (default)
(Digital) 1E-04 / 1E-05 / 1E-06
detection time < 200 s (worst case)
Packet Loss Rate (PLR) alarm threshold setting via HMI570 0.1% to 10%
(Ethernet) default 1%
detection time < 60 s (worst case)
Max. Tx input monitoring configurable for each command monitoring ENABLED or DISABLED
if monitoring is enabled sending guard signal after programmable delay:
3 to 60 s (default 5 s)
Rx output overload of solid-state command outputs instantaneous
Checksum error external SDRAM / internal SRAM failure instantaneous
Loop test error NSD570 Analog/Digital > 3 attempts
System clock error CPU, Real Time Bus instantaneous
General system error watchdog >5s
Module hardware alarm instantaneous
Power supply voltage too low instantaneous
Internal aux. supply voltage supervision of DC/DC converter 12 VDC / 3.3 VDC (on each board)
Alarm types
The following alarms are freely configurable via the HMI570 onto any free output of a relay interface G3LR:
System alarm / general alarm collective for all alarm sources (local and remote)
Hardware warning indicates that one of the two power supply modules in redundant configuration failed (if “Redundant
Power Supply Failure” is configured to “HW Warning”, else it will raise a HW alarm)
Hardware alarm general hardware failure alarms
Link alarm indicates a link failure (SNR/BER/PLR, level/sync or loop test failure)
Transmit alarm indicates that the failure is in the local sending circuits or the Tx signal is incorrect
Receive alarm indicates that the failure is in the local receiving circuits or the Rx signal is incorrect
Local alarm indicates that the alarm originates from local equipment, also available on G3LC for each NSD570
in the rack
Remote alarm indicates that the alarm originates from remote equipment
Main channel alarm indicates that the Main Line Interface in 1+1 redundant path protection mode has detected a
hardware or link alarm
Standby channel alarm indicates that the Standby Line Interface in 1+1 redundant path protection mode has detected a
hardware or link alarm
User-defined alarm groups 1, 2, 3 freely configurable groups, as a combination of several alarms from the local or from the
remote equipment
General alarm output 1 free changeover contact on G3LC for each NSD570 in the rack
Alarm settings Alarm relay pick-up delay 0 to 15 s (default 15 s)
Alarm relay drop-off time 0 to 15 s (default 15 s)
User alarms 1 – 3 configurable: “delayed” (as above) or “undelayed”
Status and alarm LEDs on the front panel (per NSD570) light up immediately after alarm source is detected
One hardware status LED per line, relay, GOOSE and LAN interface green = Ok / red = Fail
One status LED for each input/output and relay contact green = activated, dark = not activated
Two status LEDs for Guard and Trip reception green = signal reception, dark = no signal
Four alarm LEDs per system Transmit, Receive, Local, Remote Alarm red = alarm
One hardware status LED per power supply module green = Ok / red = Fail; dark = no module plugged
One status LED for the LAN interface green = Ethernet link established, dark = no signal
Event recorder:
No. of recordable events before overwriting of the oldest event 7500 (sequentially stored)
Time resolution 1 ms
Accuracy of time stamp internal Real Time Clock free running -5.3 s… +3.6 s per day (+25°C)
-9.6 s… +3.6 s per day (-5 to +45°C)
aging is ±5 ppm per year
23.2. Emission
The equipment meets the EMC requirements for emission EN 61000-6-4: 2019
Conducted emission 150 kHz to 30 MHz
EN 55022 / EN 55032 Class A
LF disturbance emission (48 VDC) 0 kHz to 4 kHz
CCITT P.53 < 3 mV (psophometrically weighted)
Radiated emission 30 MHz to 1000 MHz
EN 55022 / EN 55032 Class A
23.3. Immunity
The equipment meets the EMC requirements for immunity EN 61000-6-2: 2005 and EN 61000-6-5: 2015
Radiated electromagnetic field 80 MHz to 1000 MHz, 80% AM, 1 kHz repetition rate
IEC 61000-4-3 10 V/m
IEEE 1613 / IEEE C37.90.2 20 V/m
Radiated electromagnetic field 1.0 GHz to 3.0 GHz, 80% AM, 1 kHz repetition rate
IEC 61000-4-3 10 V/m
Power frequency magnetic field 50 Hz
IEC 61000-4-8 30 A/m (continuous), 300 A/m (3 seconds)
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) contact air discharge
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV 15 kV
IEEE 1613 / IEEE C37.90.3 8 kV 15 kV
Fast transient Surge immunity Conducted RF Damped Conducted CM
burst 1) test interference 2) oscillatory waves 3) disturbance 4)
IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 61000-4-16
Power Supply
DC supply input ≤ 60 VDC ± 4 kV ± 2 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 1 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
DC supply input > 60 VDC ± 4 kV ± 4 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 2 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
AC supply input ± 4 kV ± 4 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 2 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
Analog Line Interface
2/4-wire ± 2 kV ± 1 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
Boost output ± 2 kV ± 2 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 1 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
Digital Line Interface
RS-422/RS-530 ± 2 kV ± 1.0 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
1.5 kV CM 5)
G.703.1 ± 2 kV ± 1.0 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
1.5 kV CM 5)
E1/T1 ± 2 kV ± 1.0 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
1.5 kV CM 5)
Ethernet Line Interface and
GOOSE LAN Interface
Ethernet ± 2 kV ± 1.0 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
1.5 kV CM 5
Relay Interface
Command Input ± 4 kV ± 4 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 2 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
Solid-state Output ± 4 kV ± 4 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 2 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
Relay Output ± 4 kV ± 4 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 2 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
Common Interface
Alarm Relay Output ± 4 kV ± 4 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
± 2 kV DM ± 1.25 kV DM
RS-485 Station Bus ± 2 kV ± 1.0 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
1.5 kV CM 5)
IRIG-B Input ± 2 kV ± 1 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
GPS Sync. Input ± 2 kV ± 1 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
RS-232 Serial Interface ± 2 kV ± 1 kV CM 10 V (e.m.f.) ± 2.5 kV CM 30 V
23.4. Insulation
Power Impulse Insulation
frequency Voltage resistance
withstand test (@ 500 VDC)
IEC 60255-5 / IEC 60255-5 / IEC 60255-5 /
IEC 60255-27 IEC 60255-27 IEC 60255-27
Power Supply
DC supply input ≤ 60VDC 1.0 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
DC supply input > 60VDC 2.5 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
AC supply input 2.5 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
Analog Line Interface
2/4-wire 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
Boost output 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
Digital Line Interface
RS-422/RS-530 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
G.703.1 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
E1/T1 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
Ethernet Line Interface and
GOOSE LAN Interface
Ethernet 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
Relay Interface
Command Input 2.5 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
Solid-state Output 2.5 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
Relay Output 2.5 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
Common Interface
Alarm Relay Output 2.5 kV ± 5 kV 100 M
RS-485 Station Bus 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
IRIG-B Input 500 V ± 1 kV 100 M
GPS Sync. Input 500 V ± 1 kV 100 M
RS-232 Serial Interface 500 V ± 1 kV 100 M
Management LAN Interface
Ethernet 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
LAN Interface (G3LL)
Ethernet 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
RS-485 Station Bus 1.0 kV ± 1 kV 100 M
Weight basic version (rack, one supply module, one line interface, one relay interface):
Traceability all modules labeled with barcode module type and serial number
Installation cabinet with hinged frame (typical) conforming to standard IEC 60297-3
or in an open frame
installation in a cubicle without hinged frame installation set available upon request
External connections by means of wires connected directly to spring-clamp terminals at the back of the equipment, or
by means of connecting cables with special terminations (terminal blocks with isolating blades),
cable length of optional connecting cables: 2500 mm
The ambient conditions stated under „operation“ are valid for an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level (according to
EN/IEC 60950-1). If NSD570 shall be operated above this level, certain restrictions apply to the maximum voltage for the command
inputs/outputs and the maximum voltage for the alarm relays (please contact Hitachi ABB in this case).
25.1. Operation
Climatic conditions Complies with IEC 60721-3-3 Class 3K5
Operational -20 to + 55 °C
25.2. Transport
25.3. Storage
Climatic conditions Complies with IEC 60721-3-1 Class 1K5
Grid Automation
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden, Switzerland
1 Purpose of document 1
2 HMI570 Installation on Microsoft® Windows 1
2.1 System requirements 1
2.2 Installation of the HMI570 2
2.3 Installation notes for HMI570 version 1.49 and higher 2
2.4 Installation notes for HMI570 version 1.40 and higher 2
2.5 Installation notes for older HMI570 versions 3
2.6 Uninstall 4
2.7 Updates 4
List of equipment:
PC with Windows 7 or 8 or 10
HMI570 Installation CD
1 Purpose of document
This document describes the software installation process for the HMI570.
The minimum requirements for installing and running the HMI570 are as follows:
1. x86 compatible Processor (AMD Athlon / Duron or Intel Pentium), 1 GHz or higher
2. 512 MB of RAM
3. SVGA Controller with min. 1024 x 768 resolution and 256 colors
4. 200 MB of free disk space or at least 1 GB in case of the IEC 61850 enabled HMI570
5. CD ROM drive
6. Microsoft® Windows Vista, 7 or 8 or 10
7. Web-browser supporting HTTP/1.1 and HTML 4 (Microsoft® Edge is recommended)
8. 1 free serial port (RS-232 or USB with external RS-232-to-USB converter)
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Note: Microsoft® no longer provides support for Windows XP (since April 2014).
However, if HMI570 version 1.40 or higher shall be operated under Windows
XP (not recommended), service pack 3 is required for full IEC 61850 support.
Beginning with version 1.49, the default browser installed on the computer is opened by HMI570, or
a new tab is opened if the browser is already running.
HMI570 version 1.49 was optimized for the display of the different user interface pages under
modern web browsers like Microsoft® Edge and Google Chrome. Previous versions were
correspondingly optimized for the browser Internet Explorer from Microsoft®. If the default browser
on the computer is Internet Explorer, HMI570 version 1.49 will also make use of this type.
The HMI570 Server version 1.49 will no longer shutdown by default when the last browser tab is
closed. However, the previous behavior can still be enabled:
Right-click on the HMI570 Server Icon in the System Tray. Select “Settings” from the pop-up menu
and then click on "Shut Down Server Automatically".
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J EN 3/4 1KHW000894
Applicable only for HMI570 V1.21, V1.30 and V1.31 (Microsoft® Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10):
If the HMI570 is operated by several users on the same PC/notebook, the user accounts have
to share the same "%temp%" folder. This can be achieved by granting the full access to the
administrator’s "%temp%" folder:
1. Log in under the same user account under which HMI570 was installed.
2. Navigate to the user’s temp folder: %TEMP%
3. Open the folder’s Properties dialog and navigate to the “Security” tab.
Note: If the tab “Security” is not shown in the folder’s Properties, the setting “Use
simple file sharing” must be removed (unchecked) in the “Folder Options…”
menu of the Windows Explorer (File Explorer):
4. Add the users which will use HMI570 using “Add…” button.
5. Assign full control to the folder for each user added in the previous step.
Applicable only for HMI570 V1.14 and lower (Microsoft® Windows XP):
Full access to the HMI570 program folder must be granted for each user in case he has no
administrator rights on the PC. This can be achieved by executing the following steps:
1. Navigate to the folder where HMI570 was installed. By default it is installed into
2. Open the folder’s Properties dialog and navigate to the “Security” tab.
Note: If the tab “Security” is not shown in the folder’s Properties, the setting “Use
simple file sharing” must be removed (unchecked) in the “Folder Options…”
menu of the Windows Explorer (File Explorer):
3. Add the users which will use HMI570 using “Add…” button.
4. Assign full control to the folder for each user added in the previous step.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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2.6 Uninstall
Start → Settings → Control Panel → Add/Remove Software
Choose HMI570 and click on „Add/Remove“
All the files and folders, that were installed, are removed from your system.
2.7 Updates
1. If the current version of HMI570 is 1.14 or higher, export the current HMI570 settings to your
local disk
Start HMI570 → Log In → enter username & password → HMI570 Settings → Export Settings
Note: It is not possible to export the HMI570 settings of the HMI570 version 1.13 or
lower. In this case the new HMI570 has to be configured again in the same
way after the reinstallation.
Note: It is not possible to run different versions of the HMI570 on the same PC /
notebook simultaneously.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW000896-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Firmware Download Description: < NSD570 > - I 2021-08-04
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-PT1 2002-10-02 sig. Schnyder 2021-08-04 sig. Strittmatter - EN 1/4
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW000896IE Firmware
Download for NSD570.doc
1 Purpose of document 2
2 General 2
2.1 Necessity for a firmware download 2
2.2 Risks of a firmware download 2
2.3 Firmware download files 3
3 Firmware download 3
4 Troubleshooting 4
List of equipment:
PC with Windows 7 or 8 or 10
HMI570 (Version 1.49 or higher)
Firmware download files
PC NSD570 (1:1 serial RS-232) cable
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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I EN 2/4 1KHW000896-EN
1 Purpose of document
This document describes the firmware download process for the teleprotection equipment NSD570,
supported by the user interface program HMI570.
2 General
The HMI570 user interface program supports firmware download for the modules G3LA, G3LD,
G3LE, G3LM and G3LS.
The firmware download gives the opportunity to update the equipment to the latest release or to
modify a module ordered from stock to the actual release in the existing equipment.
Caution Keep your hands away from keyboard and mouse while a firmware download
is in progress.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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I EN 3/4 1KHW000896-EN
Caution Never download a firmware file to a module that is not destined for,
e.g. never download the file NSD570_Digital_V1_50.ldr to a G3LA module.
3 Firmware download
Note: It is recommended to use the newest version of the HMI570, but in any case
the HMI570 must belong to the same release as the firmware to be down-
loaded (please refer to document „Compatibility Requirements NSD570”).
Caution If a device that shall be a target for the firmware download is already
configured, it is necessary to upload the configuration from the device and
store it to the hard disk of the PC before firmware download.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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12. If the device shows the alarm “Begin Configuration error” after re-booting, connect again to the
same device and download the previously saved configuration from step 4 to the device
without any changes. With this procedure HMI570 converts the old configuration version
to the new version which is compatible to the newly installed firmware.
4 Troubleshooting
If a firmware download was not successful, e.g. caused by a power off situation during the down-
load, it is - in most cases - possible to “revitalize” the module by another firmware download.
A few basic principles have to be taken into account for the module concerned:
• It can be accessed neither with its configured device address nor with the default addresses
(241 or 246 for the line interfaces G3LA/D/E, 242 or 247 for the GOOSE interfaces G3LS, 250
for Management interface G3LM). For the line interfaces G3LA/D/E, use the device address
255 instead (at first, the other line interface, the GOOSE interface(s) and the Management
interface G3LM in the same rack have to be unplugged and the connection to the RS-485
station bus has to be removed).
• After power up the equipment rack again it can take up to 25 minutes until a connection to the
device by means of HMI570 is possible.
• Should the communication to the equipment be interrupted during the download process (e.g.
a crashed PC, an unplugged RS-232 cable or everything else except a power off situation),
correct the communication problem WITHOUT switching off the power supply and WITHOUT
executing a reset of the device, simply restart the firmware download. If the power supply is
switched off or the device is reset, it will be necessary to wait up to 15 minutes and to use the
address 255 for connecting the line interface.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW000898-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Programming and Testing Instructions: < NSD570 > - M 2021-08-04
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-PT1 2002-09-04 sig. Strittmatter 2021-08-04 sig. M. Buhl - EN 1/41
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW000898ME Programming
and Testing of NSD570.doc
This document describes programming and testing of the teleprotection equipment NSD570 Analog, NSD570
Digital (including the optical interface for the NSD570 Digital) and NSD570 Ethernet.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 2/41 1KHW000898-EN
• This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890).
• Please refer to document "Compatibility Requirements for NSD570" (1KHW000902) for
compatibility between software HMI570, firmware "Analog", firmware "Digital", firmware
“Ethernet”, firmware “GOOSE”, firmware “Management” and hardware of NSD570.
Designation Meaning
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 3/41 1KHW000898-EN
A.1 General
Most settings for the line interfaces, the relay interfaces and the command application of the
teleprotection equipment NSD570 are performed with the configuration program HMI570. Typically,
these data are configured off-line and stored as a file on a disk. All these settings are loaded from a
file and downloaded to the equipment. A few settings have to be done by means of jumper plugs,
e.g. the impedance of the analog line interface. These settings can be entered in the configuration
data file as well and downloaded to the equipment by the HMI570 (for information purpose only,
e.g. for remote read out).
One or two NSD570 systems can be accommodated in the rack. They can be of the same type or
even a mix of analog, digital or Ethernet system in the same rack is possible. Access to both
systems is possible via the serial COM 1 interface on the front panel of the rack G7BI (using the
HMI570 and the device address number for connection to the equipment). The programming
instructions as well as the testing instructions cover all possible rack configurations.
Follow systematically, step-by-step this instruction and the equipment will work properly!
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 4/41 1KHW000898-EN
Caution Before powering the module rack for the first time, check the wiring of
protective earth and power supply polarity. Also check the voltage source for
the power supply.
Caution For setting up an 1+1 link it has to be adhered to the following configuration
sequence in order to avoid erroneous behavior of the equipment:
- Connect to the Stand-by Line Interface in TPE 2, configure it for normal operation mode and
disable all Relay Interfaces at first
- Connect to the Main Line Interface in TPE 1, configure it for 1+1 operation mode and enable the
required Relay Interfaces in TPE 1, according to the application
- Connect again to the Stand-by Line Interface in TPE2, configure it for 1+1 operation mode and
enable the required Relay Interfaces in TPE 1, according to the application
A.4.4 Unblocking
An „unblocking“ command used in directional comparison or in permissive tripping schemes with
overreaching first zone can be allocated to one or more outputs on the relay interface module. Note
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M EN 5/41 1KHW000898-EN
that „unblocking“ commands are not transmitted from the remote end, but automatically produced
by certain types of line faults (PLC channels).
Should the communication channel be almost completely lost, i.e. when the NSD570 is receiving
neither guard nor tripping signals and the unblocking threshold is exceeded, the unblocking
contacts close for a predefined time. After detection of the unblocking condition the release of this
pulse can be delayed (filtered) for a certain time whilst the channel may recover.
Unblocking Extra Delay configurable from 0 ... 100 ms in steps of 1 ms;
default NSD570 Analog/Digital: 10 ms
Unblocking Pulse Duration configurable from 50 … 500 ms in steps of 1 ms;
default: 200 ms
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 7/41 1KHW000898-EN
There are two operating modes with single tone commands and 3 operating modes with dual tone
commands available. All commands and command combinations can be transmitted simulta-
neously and are fully independent from each other.
If a maximum of two commands is required when using the NSD570 over PLC channels, the
operating modes with single tone commands are recommended.
It is further recommended, only to select the number of commands that is really needed (in order to
let the equipment make best possible use of the available bandwidth).
Selectable operating modes:
- 1 single tone command A (configurable for all bandwidths)
- 2 single tone commands A, B, A&B (default; not configurable for 120 Hz bandwidth)
- 2 dual tone commands A, B, A&B (not configurable for 120 Hz bandwidth)
- 3 dual tone commands A, B, C and all combinations of the commands, e.g. B&C
(not configurable for 120 Hz and 240 Hz bandwidth)
- 4 dual tone commands A, B, C, D and all combinations of the commands, e.g. A&C&D
(not configurable for 120 Hz, 240 Hz and 360 Hz bandwidth)
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Maximum number of devices running parallel over the same circuit: 3 (recommended, for details
refer to the Operating Instructions).
The jumper settings can be entered in the device configuration by clicking on the Jumper Settings
link in the Edit Configuration menu and choosing the appropriate value from a pull down menu.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 9/41 1KHW000898-EN
If no external clock source (RT) for the receive data is available, it may be configured whether the
receive data is synchronized on the internal timing signal only or if the timing information which is
reproduced from the received data signal shall be used to synchronize the internal clock of the
RS-530 Rx Clock Sync configurable to RD (default) or to none
If no external clock source (ST) for the send data is available, it may be configured whether the
send data is synchronized on the internal timing signal only or if the timing information that is
reproduced from the received data signal shall be used to synchronize the internal clock of the
transmitter. This setting is also valid for the terminal timing (TT) signal, which sometimes has to be
provided from the interface to the communication equipment (e.g. a multiplexer).
RS-530 Tx Clock Sync TT configurable to RD (default) or to none
If no external clock signal is available at all (ST, RT) both, Rx Clock Sync and Tx Clock Sync TT
have to be programmed to either RD or none.
The RS-530 terminal timing (TT) signal can be set to off (default) or to on (if requested from the
application and/or multiplexer).
If two NSD570 with RS-530 interfaces are operated in a point-to-point configuration, one of them
has to be configured as "Master" (the send data SD are synchronized on the internal clock only, i.e.
Rx Clock Sync and Tx Clock Synch TT are both off) and the other as "Slave" (the send data are
synchronized on the timing information which is reproduced from the received data signal, i.e. Rx
Clock Sync and Tx Clock Synch TT are both set to RD). With these settings a clock loop can be
avoided. For the "Master" station, alternatively the terminal timing (TT) signal provided by the
remote station can be used as an external clock reference (wired on the ST inputs).
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 10/41 1KHW000898-EN
An internal elastic buffer size can be configured individually for the input and the output circuits.
This buffer may help to compensate clock deviations or clock wander between the internal and the
external timing. Compensation of jitter and detection of slips is also possible by means of a higher
buffer size thus introducing a higher delay. A compromise has to be found in actual tests with the
used communication equipment regarding high jitter capability versus low additional delay.
Rx Buffer configurable to 1 frame, 2 frames (default), 96 bit, bypass
Tx Buffer configurable to 1 frame, 2 frames (default), 96 bit, bypass
The following combinations are not possible:
Rx Buffer = bypass and Tx Buffer = bypass
Rx Buffer = bypass and Tx Buffer = 96 bit
Rx Buffer = 96 bit and Tx Buffer = bypass
Rx Buffer = 96 bit and Tx Buffer = 96 bit
Rx Buffer = bypass and Tx Buffer = 1 frame
Rx Buffer = bypass and Tx Buffer = 2 frames
Rx Buffer = 1 frame and Tx Buffer = bypass
Rx Buffer = 2 frames and Tx Buffer = bypass
The T1 coding format can be adjusted to the one that is used by the communication equipment.
T1 Coding configurable to B8ZS (default) or AMI
The T1 frame format can be adjusted to the one that is used by the communication equipment.
T1 Frame Format configurable to 4 frames (default) or extended superframe
Hardware version 2 of the E1/T1 interface has three jumpers for setting the correct impedance: 120
Ohm for E1 and 100 Ohm for T1. For T1 operation, all 3 jumpers must be set to position T1.
HMI570 versions 1.13 or higher allow entering the position of these jumpers for documentation
For details refer to the Operating Instructions NSD570.
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M EN 11/41 1KHW000898-EN
IP settings:
The IP configuration requires setting of the Local IP Address (e.g., Remote IP
Address (e.g., the Default Gateway (e.g. and the Subnet Mask (e.g. Please make sure that the Local IP Address matches the Remote IP Address of
the remote equipment and the Remote IP Address matches the Local IP Address on the remote
The TOS/DSCP and ECN menu item makes settings of the corresponding field in the IP protocol
header possible, enabling priority setting on the IP layer. For a more detailed description please
refer to Section 5 of the Operating Instructions NSD570. Relevant settings of this field are:
0 and 0 Best Effort (BE) forwarding characteristics i.e. no priority
46 and 0 Expedited Forwarding (EF) covering the characteristics of low delay, low loss and low
jitter suitable for real-time applications (default)
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 13/41 1KHW000898-EN
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 14/41 1KHW000898-EN
Limited Tx Input Duration configurable from 20 … 3000 ms in steps of 1 ms (default 100 ms)
Limited Rx Output Duration configurable from 20 … 3000 ms in steps of 1 ms (default 100 ms)
When limited command duration is selected, transparent, fixed and prolonged command duration is
not applicable.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 15/41 1KHW000898-EN
24 VDC jumper 1A and 1B for input 1
jumper 2A and 2B for input 2
48 VDC … 60 VDC jumper 1A and 1C for input 1
jumper 2A and 2C for input 2
110 VDC … 125 VDC jumper 1A and 1D for input 1
jumper 2A and 2D for input 2
220 VDC … 250 VDC jumper 1A and 1E for input 1
(default setting) jumper 2A and 2E for input 2
The jumper settings can be entered in the device configuration by clicking on the Jumper Settings
link in the Edit Configuration menu and choosing the voltage range from a pull down menu for
each input of the relay interfaces.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 19/41 1KHW000898-EN
B.1 General
Some of the tests for the NSD570 system can be done with assistance of the HMI570 user
interface program. For example: the transmission time of one direction can be verified with a
manually initiated loop test, the result is immediately displayed on screen.
The guard signal of the NSD570 Analog version is QPSK modulated to accommodate also an
Embedded Operation Channel (EOC). As a result the level of the guard signal changes
continuously. Its exact level can therefore only be measured, if the EOC is switched off by means
of the HMI570.
Caution Check the voltage source and the polarity for the power supply.
In case of battery supply and if the NSD570 module rack is mounted in a
cabinet: check if the positive pole (+) of the battery is grounded. If it is, place
an earth jumper to the positive pole of the cabinet supply.
Note: Now the equipment can be powered by closing the external circuit breaker(s)
or switching on the external power supply unit.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 21/41 1KHW000898-EN
Note: If two NSD570 are equipped in the same rack and by mistake the same device
address was configured, a connection to any of the two devices is no longer possible.
In this case proceed as follows:
Switch off the NSD570 supply (via external circuit breakers) and pull out one of the
two line interfaces (G3LA/G3LD/G3LE). Switch on the supply again, connect to the
remaining device and reconfigure the device address. Switch off the NSD570 supply
(via external circuit breakers) and plug in the other line interfaces. Switch on the
supply again.
This procedure also applies if by mistake the same device address was configured for
GOOSE interface(s) G3LS and Management interface G3LM.
8. If you like to see whether your new configuration has become effective, wait until the green
“Ok” LED lights up again, click then on the Discard Configuration link in the Configuration
menu and on the Upload Configuration link afterwards. With View Configuration you can
see the uploaded configuration including Device Info, Hardware Versions and Firmware
Versions (which are not configurable but readable from the device).
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 23/41 1KHW000898-EN
B.7.1 Transmitter
Measure the guard level level that is fed into the 600 Ohm line (for this measurement the EOC in
the local station has to be switched off):
- Switch off the EOC (if it is enabled)
- Measured guard level = [ Tx level according setting ± 2 ] dBm
- Switch on the EOC again, if requested
Measure the command level that is fed into the 600 Ohm line (for this measurement, a command
signal has to be injected at the command inputs, the boost ratio has to be set to 0 dB):
- Set the boost ratio to 0 dB
- Measure Single Tone command level = [ Tx level according setting ± 2 ] dBm
- Measure Dual Tone command level = [ Tx level according setting – 3 dB ± 2 ] dBm
- Remove the command signal from the command inputs
- Set the boost ratio back to the initial value
B.7.3 Receiver
Measure the guard level that is received at the 600 Ohm line input (for this measurement the EOC
in the remote station has to be switched off):
- Switch off the EOC (if it is enabled)
- Measured guard level = [ Rx level according setting ± 2 ] dBm
- Switch on the EOC again, if requested
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 24/41 1KHW000898-EN
Depending on the selected SFP module, the optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength
of either 850 nm, 1310 nm or 1550 nm and a single or a multi mode adapter cable has to be used
for connecting the power meter to G1LOa.
The following output power levels shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 1 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 1 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 60 km SFP = [ -5 … 0 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1550 nm, SM, 120 km SFP = [ 0 … 5 ] dBm
- Measured output power with CWDM (1550 nm), SM, 180 km SFP = [ 5 … 8 ] dBm
To determine the optical receiver sensitivity the output signal of the SFP has to be attenuated and
looped back to the input. The guard LED of the NSD570 must always be on while increasing the
optical attenuation.
The following optical receiver sensitivities shall be measured:
- Measured minimum received power with 850 nm, MM, 1 km SFP < -32 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP < -34 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, SM, 60 km SFP < -34 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1550 nm, SM, 120 km SFP < -35 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with CWDM (1550 nm), SM, 180 km SFP < -45 dBm
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 25/41 1KHW000898-EN
B.9.2 Optical output power / optical receiver sensitivity (only if optical SFP is used)
Depending on the selected SFP module, the optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength
of either 850 nm, 1310 nm or 1550 nm and a single or a multi mode adapter cable has to be used
for connecting the power meter to G3LE.
The following output power levels shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23.5 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -20 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
To determine the optical receiver sensitivity the output signal of the SFP has to be attenuated and
looped back to the input. The guard LED of the NSD570 must always be on while increasing the
optical attenuation.
The following optical receiver sensitivities shall be measured:
- Measured minimum received power with 850 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP < -32 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP < -31 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP < -34 dBm
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 26/41 1KHW000898-EN
B.11.2 Optical output power / optical receiver sensitivity (only if optical SFP is used)
The optical power meter must be sensitive to the wavelength of the installed SFP. Since G3LS is
designed for local applications within a substation the use of multi-mode fibers and SFP is
The following output power level shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23.5 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -20 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
To determine the optical receiver sensitivity the output signal of the SFP has to be attenuated and
looped back to the input. The guard LED of the NSD570 must always be on while increasing the
optical attenuation.
The following optical receiver sensitivities shall be measured:
- Measured minimum received power with 850 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP < -32 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP < -31 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP < -34 dBm
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 27/41 1KHW000898-EN
Designation Meaning
(T.22/..1) Connector 1 of terminal block connected to rack position N22
B.12.1 Inputs
How to activate a command input depends on the jumper settings on G3LR
• If no optional module type G1LR (internal tripping voltage 24 VDC) is mounted on G3LR:
By means of an external contact, inject a tripping voltage at the command inputs with the
voltage level U1 according to the jumper settings on G3LR, i.e. 24 VDC (G3LRa only), 48 VDC,
110 VDC, 220 VDC)
• If the optional module type G1LR (internal tripping voltage 24 VDC) is mounted on G3LR:
Short circuit the command input by means of an external contact only.
Activate the command inputs and check if the corresponding Input LED lights up on the front panel.
B.12.2 Outputs
Depending upon the programmed criteria, activate the required action using the following table.
Check the contact closure of the programmed outputs on G3LR by means of an auxiliary tripping
voltage (of the same level as used for the command inputs) and an external current limitation.
Check if the corresponding Output LED lights up on the front panel.
Set the link back to an alarm free condition after this test.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 28/41 1KHW000898-EN
Note: This test is only necessary for the Rx commands. Other signals on the
outputs must only be monitored for high performance measurements or
for a customer approval of the equipment.
Precise measurement of the programmed alarm delay times is not
necessary – only operating of the contact shall be monitored.
Note: The nominal transmission time as given in the Operating Instructions NSD570
shall serve as a guideline for the mean value of several commands. This is
valid only, if the two NSD570 are connected back-to-back.
If there is a communication link connected in between, the delay of this
link (propagation time) has to be added to the nominal transmission
If a “Tx Input On-Delay” is configured for the specific command, this
time has to be added to the nominal transmission time.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 29/41 1KHW000898-EN
Choose “Connect via: local” and leave the IP Address field blank. Then press “Log In”.
If it is necessary to change configuration parameters, refer to section 5 of the Operating
Instructions NSD570, section “Configuration and Settings” or in section “A” of this document.
Create a printout of the active configuration data that need to be uploaded and saved to disk (see
There is an automatic internal switch between Ethernet and Serial port. If an Ethernet link is present, the
serial port is switched off, i.e. switched to master mode so that alarm polling can work.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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M EN 30/41 1KHW000898-EN
B.16.2 Optical output power / optical receiver sensitivity (only if optical SFP is used)
Depending on the selected SFP module, the optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength
of either 850 nm, 1310 nm or 1550 nm and a single or a multi-mode adapter cable has to be used
for connecting the power meter to G3LM.
The following output power levels shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23.5 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -20 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
To determine the optical receiver sensitivity the output signal of the SFP has to be attenuated and
looped back to the input. The guard LED of the NSD570 must always be on while increasing the
optical attenuation.
The following optical receiver sensitivities shall be measured:
- Measured minimum received power with 850 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP < -32 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP < -31 dBm
- Measured minimum received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP < -34 dBm
1. Power up the NSD570 with Management LAN Interface G3LM and await the startup delay
(approx. 2 minutes). When Ok/Fail LED turns to green, G3LM has started successfully.
2. Start HMI570 PC that is connected to LAN and has therefore access to the NSD570
Management LAN Interface G3LM (connect both to the same LAN, or connect the PC directly
to G3LM and use same subnet).
3. “Log In” with a configured user name and password. Enter the G3LM IP address and mark
“Connect Via: LAN”. Your login data will be checked on G3LM (not in HMI570).
4. In menu “Connect Device” enter the configured device address (not the default one!) and click
“Connect” -> “Device connected” must appear.
5. Click “Configuration”, “Upload From Device” -> “Configuration upload successful” must
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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M EN 31/41 1KHW000898-EN
B.17.5 Documentation
Create a printout of the active configuration data that was uploaded and saved to disk before (see
Click on the link View Configuration in the Configuration menu and use the Print icon of your
browser to generate a handout of all settings and all available device information.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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NSD570 System Settings EN A1/A9 HE
Item to be Selected
No. Function Rack or programmed or alternative Remarks
module fitted or setting
A.1 General
A.3.1 Check position of interfaces [ ] [ ]
front back
A.3.2 Check presence of cover plates [ ] [ ]
A.4.4 Unblocking
Unblocking Extra Delay G3LA/D/E ____/____ [ms] [ ] [ ]
Unblocking Pulse Duration G3LA/D/E ____/____ [ms] [ ] [ ]
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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NSD570 System Settings EN A2/A9 HE
Item to be Selected
No. Function Rack or programmed or alternative Remarks
module fitted or setting
A.4.7 Embedded Operation Channel G3LA/D/E enabled
(EOC) [ ] [ ]
A.4.8 Cyclic Loop Test Interval G3LA/D/E enabled
____/____ [h] [ ] [ ]
A.5.2 Connection to the AF G3LA [ ] [ ]
communication circuits
4-wire [ ] [ ] Default
A.5.3 Analog channel bandwidth G3LA
Tx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
Rx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
Tx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
Rx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
A.5.4 Analog channel center frequency G3LA
Tx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
Rx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
Tx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
Rx: _____ [Hz] [ ]
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A3/A9 HE
Item to be Selected
No. Function Rack or programmed or alternative Remarks
module fitted or setting
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A4/A9 HE
Item to be Selected
No. Function Rack or programmed or alternative Remarks
module fitted or setting
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A5/A9 HE
Item to be Selected
No. Function Rack or programmed or alternative Remarks
module fitted or setting
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A6/A9 HE
Item to be
No. Function Rack or programmed Selected alternative or setting Remarks
module or fitted
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A7/A9 HE
Item to be
No. Function Rack or programmed Selected alternative or setting Remarks
module or fitted
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A8/A9 HE
Item to be
No. Function Rack or programmed Selected alternative or setting Remarks
module or fitted
Input 1 G3LRa Jumper plugs N34 N40 N46 N52 N64 N70 N76 N84
24 VDC 1A, 1B [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
48 VDC … 60 VDC 1A, 1C [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
120 VDC … 125 VDC 1A, 1D [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
220 VDC … 250 VDC 1A, 1E [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Default
Input 2 G3LRa Jumper plugs N34 N40 N46 N52 N64 N70 N76 N84
24 VDC 2A, 2B [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
48 VDC … 60 VDC 2A, 2C [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
120 VDC … 125 VDC 2A, 2D [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
220 VDC … 250 VDC 2A, 2E [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Default
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
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NSD570 System Settings EN A9/A9 HE
Item to be
No. Function Rack or programmed Selected alternative or setting Remarks
module or fitted
A.10.2 IEC 61850 Configuration
SCL configuration file names G3LS
CID file name G3LS ___________ ___________
ICZ file name G3LS ___________ ___________
Local SCD-file name G3LS ___________ ___________
Remote SCD-file name G3LS ___________ ___________
Item to be Selected
No. Function Rack or programmed or alternative Remarks
module fitted or setting
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW000898M-EN
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd HE
Archive No.: Doc. Rev.: Date:
Factory Settings and Routine Tests - M 2021-08-05
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-CE4 2003-01-31 / A. Bemsel 2021-08-05 / M. Buhl - EN 1/2
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: Document No. / File:
- - - 1KHD608525ME Test Report
Teleprotection Equipment
Project …………………………………………………
Station …………………………………………………
Direction …………………………………………………
NSD570 Printout Equipment Settings Pages 1 to ......
NSD570 System Test Report Pages B1 to B8
NSD570 List of used Test Instruments Page 1
……….. ……………………………………………………… Pages ...... to ......
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Doc. Rev.: Language: Page:
NSD570 System Test Report M EN 2/2 HE
• Please refer to document "Compatibility Requirements for NSD570" (1KHW000902) for compatibility
between software HMI570, firmware "Analog", firmware "Digital", firmware “Ethernet” and hardware of
Designation Meaning
( ..….) Measured value
[ ..… ] Programmed value
[ ]D Preferred setting (default)
[X ] Test passed or jumper is set
[ ] Not tested or jumper is not set
G3LR Module type
RTC Real time clock
LED Light Emitting Diode found on the front panel
HMI570 User Interface for NSD570 running on a PC/notebook
N1, …, N84 Position in rack. Slot number N1, …, N84
Rx Receiver
Tx Transmitter
PC Personal Computer or Notebook Computer
X100, …, X701 Onboard connector of the plug in modules
X1, …, X99 Connector designation of the optional connecting cables
PLC Power Line Carrier equipment (e.g. ETL600 series)
Safety Instructions
Please have a look in the Programming and Testing Instructions <NSD570> 1KHW000898.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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NSD570 System Test Report M EN B1/B8 HE
B.1 General
B.6.1 Setting real time clock Check PC time / date Actual / exact [ ]
Set time and date [ ] [ ]
Get time and date Actual / exact [ ] [ ]
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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NSD570 System Test Report M EN B2/B8 HE
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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Rev.: Doc. Rev.: Language: Page:
NSD570 System Test Report M EN B3/B8 HE
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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NSD570 System Test Report M EN B4/B8 HE
B.12.1 Inputs
Input 1 G3LR U1, see N34 N40 N46 N52
Activate Input 1 (T…/1) – (T.../2) System settings V DC [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Check LED Input 1 LED Input 1 ON N64 N70 N76 N84
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
B.12.2 Outputs
Enforce action for G3LR U1, see N34 N40 N46 N52
Output 1 (T…/5) – (T.../6) System settings V DC [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Check Output 1 closed N64 N70 N76 N84
Check LED Output 1 LED Output 1 ON [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Enforce action for G3LR U1, see N34 N40 N46 N52
Output 2 (T…/7) – (T.../8) System settings V DC [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Check Output 2 closed N64 N70 N76 N84
Check LED Output 2 LED Output 2 ON [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Enforce action for G3LR U1, see N34 N40 N46 N52
Relay 1 (T…/9) – (T.../10) System settings V DC [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Check Relay 1 closed N64 N70 N76 N84
Check LED Relay 1 LED Relay 1 ON [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Enforce action for G3LR U1, see N34 N40 N46 N52
Relay 2 (T…/12) – (T.../13) System settings V DC [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Check Relay 2 closed
N64 N70 N76 N84
Check LED Relay 2 LED Relay 2 ON [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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NSD570 System Test Report M EN B5/B8 HE
B.14.2 Command
transmission time TPE1 TPE2 TPE1 TPE2
Command A Terminal,
Tx command A [ ] (T34/1)–(T34/2) (T64/1)–(T64/2) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command A [ ] (T34/5)–(T34/6) (T64/5)–(T64/6)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command B Terminal,
Tx command B [ ] (T34/3)–(T34/4) (T64/3)–(T64/4) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command B [ ] (T34/7)–(T34/8) (T64/7)–(T64/8)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command C Terminal,
Tx command C [ ] (T40/1)–(T40/2) (T70/1)–(T70/2) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command C [ ] (T40/5)–(T40/6) (T70/5)–(T70/6)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command D Terminal,
Tx command D [ ] (T40/3)–(T40/4) (T70/3)–(T70/4) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command D [ ] (T40/7)–(T40/8) (T70/7)–(T70/8)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command E Terminal,
Tx command E [ ] (T46/1)–(T46/2) (T76/1)–(T76/2) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command E [ ] (T46/5)–(T46/6) (T76/5)–(T76/6)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command F Terminal,
Tx command F [ ] (T46/3)–(T46/4) (T76/3)–(T76/4) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command F [ ] (T46/7)–(T46/8) (T76/7)–(T76/8)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command G Terminal,
Tx command G [ ] (T52/1)–(T52/2) (T84/1)–(T84/2) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command G [ ] (T52/5)–(T52/6) (T84/5)–(T84/6)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command H Terminal,
Tx command H [ ] (T52/3)–(T52/4) (T84/3)–(T84/4) Refer to manual
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command H [ ] (T52/7)–(T52/8) (T84/7)–(T84/8)
[ ] (T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) Mean value T0 ms (…...) (…...)
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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NSD570 System Test Report M EN B6/B8 HE
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Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608525M-EN
Rev.: Doc. Rev.: Language: Page:
NSD570 System Test Report M EN B7/B8 HE
The acceptance form is completed by Hitachi ABB and the customer representative once all tests detailed in
this document have been performed successfully. Customer acceptance form is part of the test protocol.
Date: __________________________________
Supervisor: __________________________________
FAT Witnessed
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608525M-EN
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW000900-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Commissioning Instructions: < NSD570 > - J 2021-08-05
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-PT1 2012-09-04 H.J. Maag 2021-08-05 M. Buhl - EN 1/12
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW000900JE Commissioning
of NSD570.doc
This document describes commissioning of the teleprotection equipment NSD570 Analog, NSD570 Digital
(including the optical interface for the NSD570 Digital) and NSD570 Ethernet.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
J EN 2/12 1KHW000900-EN
• This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890).
• Please refer to document "Compatibility Requirements for NSD570" (1KHW000902) for
compatibility between software HMI570, firmware "Analog", firmware "Digital", firmware
“Ethernet”, firmware “GOOSE”, firmware “Management” and hardware of NSD570.
Designation Meaning
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 3/12 1KHW000900-EN
C.1 General
Some of the tests for the NSD570 system can be done with assistance of the HMI570 user
interface program. For example: the transmission time of one direction can be verified with a
manually initiated loop test, the result is immediately displayed on screen.
The guard signal of the NSD570 Analog version is modulated to also accommodate an Embedded
Operation Channel (EOC). As a result, the level of the guard signal changes slightly but
continuously. Its exact level can therefore only be measured, if the EOC is switched off by means
of the HMI570.
Caution Check the voltage source and the polarity for the power supply.
In case of battery supply and if the NSD570 module rack is mounted in a
cabinet: check if the positive pole (+) of the battery is grounded. If it is, place
an earth jumper to the positive pole of the cabinet supply.
Note: Now the equipment can be powered by closing the external circuit breaker(s)
or switching on the external power supply unit.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 4/12 1KHW000900-EN
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 5/12 1KHW000900-EN
7. Check whether the Jumper Settings in the Configuration menu correspond to the actual
requirements. If not, update the entries for the Analog Interface (if plugged), for the E1/T1
Interface (if plugged) and for the Relay Interfaces, save the configuration to disk, download it
and reset the equipment.
8. The same as described in the previous step applies also for the Configuration menu item
Rack Assembly - edit the rack assembly list if it does not represent the current state.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 6/12 1KHW000900-EN
C.7.1 Transmitter
Measure the guard level that is fed into the 600 Ohm line (for this measurement the EOC in the
local station has to be switched off):
- Switch off the EOC (if it is enabled)
- Measured guard level = [ Tx level according setting ± 2 ] dBm
- Switch on the EOC again, if requested
Measure the command level that is fed into the 600 Ohm line (for this measurement, a command
signal has to be injected at the command inputs, the boost ratio has to be set to 0 dB):
- Set the boost ratio to 0 dB
- Measure Single Tone command level = [ Tx level according setting ± 2 ] dBm
- Measure Dual Tone command level = [ Tx level according setting - 3 dB ± 2 ] dBm
- Remove the command signal from the command inputs
- Set the boost ratio back to the initial value
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 7/12 1KHW000900-EN
C.7.3 Receiver
Measure the guard level that is received at the 600 Ohm line input (for this measurement the EOC
in the remote station has to be switched off):
- Switch off the EOC (if it is enabled)
- Measured guard level = [ Rx level according setting ± 2 ] dBm
- Switch on the EOC again, if requested
The optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength of 1310 nm for the Optical Direct Fiber
and the Optical OTERM/OPTIF interface. A single mode adapter cable has to be used for
connecting the power meter to G1LO.
The optical output power is measured for the actual setting, short haul or long haul:
- Measured output power short haul = [ -22 … -17 ] dBm
- Measured output power long haul = [ -5 … -1 ] dBm
The following optical received power shall be measured:
- Measured received power = [ -36 … -1 ] dBm
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 8/12 1KHW000900-EN
Depending on the selected SFP module, the optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength
of either 850 nm, 1310 nm or 1550 nm and a single or a multi mode adapter cable has to be used
for connecting the power meter to G1LOa.
The following output power levels shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 1 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 1 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 60 km SFP = [ -5 … 0 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1550 nm, SM, 120 km SFP = [ 0 … 5 ] dBm
- Measured output power with CWDM (1550 nm), SM, 180 km SFP = [ 5 … 8 ] dBm
The following optical received power shall be measured:
- Measured received power with 850 nm, MM, 1 km SFP = [ -32 … -3 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -34 … 0 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1310 nm, SM, 60 km SFP = [ -34 … -3 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1550 nm, SM, 120 km SFP = [ -35 … 0 ] dBm
- Measured received power with CWDM (1550 nm), SM, 180 km SFP = [ -45 … -10 ] dBm
C.9.2 Optical output power / optical receiver sensitivity (only if optical SFP is used)
Depending on the selected SFP module, the optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength
of either 850 nm, 1310 nm or 1550 nm and a single or a multi mode adapter cable has to be used
for connecting the power meter to G3LE.
The following output power levels shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23.5 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -20 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
The following optical received power shall be measured:
- Measured received power with 850 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP = [ -32 … -3 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1310 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP = [ -31 … -8 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -34 … 0 ] dBm
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 9/12 1KHW000900-EN
C.11.2 Optical output power / optical receiver sensitivity (only if optical SFP is used)
The optical power meter must be sensitive to the wavelength of the installed SFP. Since G3LS is
designed for local applications within a substation the use of multi-mode fibers and SFP is
The following output power levels shall be measured:
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 850 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -19 … -11 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 50/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -23.5 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, MM 62.5/125 µm, 0.5 km SFP = [ -20 … -14 ] dBm
- Measured output power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -15 … -8 ] dBm
The following optical received power shall be measured:
- Measured received power with 850 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP = [ -32 … -3 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1310 nm, MM, 0.5 km SFP = [ -31 … -8 ] dBm
- Measured received power with 1310 nm, SM, 30 km SFP = [ -34 … 0 ] dBm
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 10/12 1KHW000900-EN
1. Connect to the remote equipment and start the remote test mode (Commissioning menu ->
Start Remote Test Mode).
2. Transmit at few commands with a command / pause duration of about 100 ms / 1000 ms and
measure the actual transmission time of the looped command.
3. After measuring the transmission time the remote test mode has to be disabled
(Commissioning menu -> Stop Remote Test Mode).
Notes: •
The remote test mode can only be enabled if the EOC is activated.
The times measured are the loop times there and back. The transmission
time for one direction is thus half the measured time.
• Two times the nominal transmission time T0 as measured in the
system test report may serve as a reference for the upper limit. If there is
an additional communication link connected in between (compared
to the measurements conducted in the systems test field), the delay
of this link has to be added to the nominal transmission time.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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J EN 11/12 1KHW000900-EN
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
J EN 12/12 1KHW000900-EN
C.16.5 Documentation
Create a printout of the active configuration data that was uploaded and saved to disk before (see
Click on the link View Configuration in the Configuration menu and use the Print icon of your
browser to generate a handout of all settings and all available device information.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd HE
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Commissioning Report - K 2021-08-05
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-CE4 2003-01-31 / A. Bemsel 2021-08-05 / M. Buhl - EN 1/2
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: Document No. / File:
- - - 1KHD608528KE Commissioning
Report NSD570.doc
Teleprotection Equipment
Commissioning Report
According to Commissioning Instructions NSD570 1KHW000900IE
Project …………………………………………………
Station …………………………………………………
Direction …………………………………………………
NSD570 Printout Equipment Settings Pages 1 to ….
NSD570 Commissioning Report Pages C1 to C6
……….. ……………………………………………………… Pages ...... to ......
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report K EN 2/2 HE
• Please refer to document "Compatibility Requirements for NSD570" (1KHW000902) for compatibility
between software HMI570, firmware "Analog", firmware "Digital", firmware “Ethernet”, firmware
“GOOSE”, firmware “Management” and hardware of NSD570.
Designation Meaning
( ..….) Measured value
[ ..… ] Programmed value
[ ]D Preferred setting (default)
[X ] Test passed or jumper is set
[ ] Not tested or jumper is not set
G3LR Module type
RTC Real Time Clock
LED Light Emitting Diode found on the front panel
HMI570 User Interface for NSD570 running on a PC/notebook
N1, …, N84 Position in rack. Slot number N11, …, N84
Rx Receiver
Tx Transmitter
PC Personal Computer or Notebook Computer
X100, …, X701 Onboard connector of the plug in modules
X1, …, X99 Connector designation of the optional connecting cables
Ping DOS program on command line interface to measure transmission times
PLC Power Line Carrier equipment (e.g. ETL600 series)
Safety Instructions
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report EN C1/C6 HE
C.1 General
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report EN C2/C6 HE
If connected to PLC PLC protection input Max. level dBm ____ ____
-> reduce level setting if necessary G3LA; X100/1-2 measure level dBm (…..) (…..)
C.7.2 Power boosting / Boost output
Command level G3LA; X100/1-2 [ setting ± 2 ] dBm [ ] [ ]
Boost output activation G3LA; X100/5-6 with cmd. [ ] [ ]
C.7.3 Receiver
Guard level G3LA; X100/3-4 [ setting ± 2 ] dBm [ ] [ ]
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report EN C3/C6 HE
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report EN C4/C6 HE
C.13.3 Command
transmission time TPE1 TPE2 TPE1 TPE2
Command A Terminal,
Tx command A [ ](T34/1)–(T34/2) (T64/1)–(T64/2) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command A [ ](T34/5)–(T34/6) (T64/5)–(T64/6) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command B Terminal,
Tx command B [ ](T34/3)–(T34/4) (T64/3)–(T64/4) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command B [ ](T34/7)–(T34/8) (T64/7)–(T64/8) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command C Terminal,
Tx command C [ ](T40/1)–(T40/2) (T70/1)–(T70/2) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command C [ ](T40/5)–(T40/6) (T70/5)–(T70/6) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command D Terminal,
Tx command D [ ](T40/3)–(T40/4) (T70/3)–(T70/4) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command D [ ](T40/7)–(T40/8) (T70/7)–(T70/8) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report EN C5/C6 HE
Command E Terminal,
Tx command E [ ](T46/1)–(T46/2) (T76/1)–(T76/2) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command E [ ](T46/5)–(T46/6) (T76/5)–(T76/6) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command F Terminal,
Tx command F [ ](T46/3)–(T46/4) (T76/3)–(T76/4) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command F [ ](T46/7)–(T46/8) (T76/7)–(T76/8) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command G Terminal,
Tx command G [ ](T52/1)–(T52/2) (T84/1)–(T84/2) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command G [ ](T52/5)–(T52/6) (T84/5)–(T84/6) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
Command H Terminal,
Tx command H [ ](T52/3)–(T52/4) (T84/3)–(T84/4) Refer to manual
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) for 2* rated value ms ____ ____
Rx command H [ ](T52/7)–(T52/8) (T84/7)–(T84/8) Mean value
[ ](T…/..)–(T…/..) (T…/..)–(T…/..) 2 * T0 ms (…...) (…...)
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
NSD570 Commissioning Report EN C6/C6 HE
C.16.5 Documentation
View/print configuration HMI570 # printout pages (………..) (………..)
Company: _________________________________
Department: _________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Signed: _________________________________
Visa: _________________________________
Inspector: _________________________________
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHD608528K-EN
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW000902-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Compatibility Requirements: < NSD570 > - S 2021-08-04
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-PT1 2002-11-01 M. Buhl 2021-08-04 M. Strittmatter - EN 1/29
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW000902SE Compatibility
Requirements NSD570.doc
1 Purpose of Document 2
2 General 2
3 Release and Version Management 2
4 Compatibility Rules 2
5 Compatibility Matrix 3
6 NSD570 Basic Equipment Analog/Digital/Ethernet 4
6.1 Hardware Versions 4
6.2 Firmware Versions NSD570 Analog 6
6.3 Firmware Versions NSD570 Digital 8
6.4 Firmware Versions NSD570 Ethernet 12
6.5 Firmware Versions Not Upgradeable by the User 15
6.6 Software Versions HMI570 16
6.6.1 HMI570 “PC” 16
6.6.2 HMI570 “LAN” 19
7 NSD570 Options 22
7.1 Hardware Versions 22
7.2 Firmware Versions NSD570 Management 23
7.3 Firmware Versions GOOSE LAN Interface 27
7.4 Firmware Versions Not Upgradeable by the User 28
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
S EN 2/29 1KHW000902-EN
1 Purpose of Document
Description of the compatibility requirements for the NSD570 system.
2 General
The NSD570 system comprises:
1. Hardware, consisting of a number of modules.
2. Firmware, residing on some of the modules and making the processors on these modules
execute various functions such as modulation, digital filtering, etc.
3. Web browser based software, implementing the user interface for configuration, testing
and monitoring of the equipment.
Note: The information content of type codes in case of modules containing firmware
depends on the possibility to download firmware from HMI570 to the module:
• If for a module firmware download is not possible, the type code of that
module identifies the hardware including the firmware version.
Examples: G3LR, G1LC
• If for a module firmware download is possible, the type code of that module
identifies the hardware excluding the firmware version. The download files
for the firmware of such modules are included on the “Software &
Documentation CD”.
Examples: G3LA, G3LD
4 Compatibility Rules
• Rule Nr. 1:
The modules of an NSD570 terminal and the firmware on these modules must belong to the
same release as given in the next Paragraph(s).
If system contains modules of different releases, it will generally not work correctly.
• Rule Nr. 2:
The two NSD570 terminals of a link must belong to the same release. Moreover, the firmware
loaded on the line interfaces (G3LA, G3LD, G3LE) and the GOOSE LAN Interface (G3LS) must
have the identical version (valid only for firmware that can be downloaded, i.e. not applicable
for the micro controller firmware on G3LA and G3LD).
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• Rule Nr. 3:
The HMI570 software must have full or restricted compatibility to the NSD570 terminals being
connected to.
The term "restricted compatibility" is used when the functionality has been changed between
releases as long as the HMI570 program can handle these changes in a reasonable way.
5 Compatibility Matrix
The following table indicates the minimum required HMI570 “PC” and “LAN” versions when
deploying a particular NSD570 Analog, Digital, Ethernet, Management or GOOSE firmware
Further, the minimum required NSD570 Digital firmware version is shown when assembling a
particular optional piggyback on the digital line interface G3LD.
Main Release HMI570 HMI570 NSD570 NSD570 Optional NSD570 NSD570 NSD570
Release Date “PC” “LAN” Analog Digital Piggyback Ethernet Mgmt. GOOSE
Version Version Version Version for G3LD Version Version Version
1.0 02.2003 1.03 1.10 1.05 1.14
2.0 06.2003 1.04 1.10 1.20 G1LO V1
2.0 09.2003 1.04 1.10 1.22 G1LO V3
2.0 07.2004 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.31
2.0 11.2005 1.12 1.12 1.33
2.0 08.2006 1.12 1.12 1.34 G1LE V2
2.1 10.2007 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.35
2.2 08.2008 1.14 1.14 1.40 G1LOa V1
3.0 12.2009 1.21 1.21 3.25
3.1 02.2010 1.30 3.27 1.03
3.2 05.2010 1.31 1.31 1.14 1.42 3.28 1.04
3.2.1 02.2011 1.32 1.32 3.30 1.07
3.2.2 12.2011 1.32 1.32 3.31 1.08
3.3 10.2012 1.40 1.40 1.15 1.43 1.00
3.4 06.2013 1.41 1.41 1.44 3.33 1.09 1.01
3.5 07.2014 1.42 discont. 1.45 3.35 1.11 1.03
3.6 10.2016 1.46 1.16 1.48 3.40 1.14 1.06
3.6.1 09.2017 1.46 1.16
3.6.2 06.2018 1.47 1.17 1.07
3.6.3 11.2019 1.48 1.17 1.49 3.42 1.18
3.7 08.2021 1.49 1.18 1.50 3.43 1.19 1.08
Firmware versions mentioned in the following sections of this document but not in the above table
require the same HMI570 version as the precedent firmware version shown in the list.
Example: NSD570 Digital Version 1.36 requires at least HMI570 version 1.13.
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S EN 6/29 1KHW000902-EN
Note: All hardware versions can be viewed by means of the HMI570, except for:
Module Rack G7BI, Supply Backplane G1LB, Power Supply G3LH, G3LI and
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S EN 8/29 1KHW000902-EN
Note: The firmware NSD570 Analog can be downloaded to the Analog Interface G3LA.
The programmed firmware version can be viewed by means of the HMI570.
The newest firmware version can always be used for updating an analog
NSD570 link.
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S EN 12/29 1KHW000902-EN
Note: The firmware NSD570 Digital can be downloaded to the Digital Interface G3LD.
The programmed firmware version can be viewed by means of the HMI570.
The newest firmware version can always be used for updating a digital NSD570
link, regardless which interface is operated (G.703, RS-530, E1, T1, optical).
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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S EN 14/29 1KHW000902-EN
Note: The firmware NSD570 Ethernet can be downloaded to the Ethernet Line
Interface G3LE.
The programmed firmware version can be viewed by means of the HMI570.
The newest firmware version can always be used for updating an Ethernet
NSD570 link, but the latest user interface HMI570 must be utilized.
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Note: The micro controller firmware (C) is the same for both line interfaces, G3LA and
G3LD. It may not be upgraded by the customer/user (the module has to be
returned to the factory). The programmed firmware version can be viewed by
means of the HMI570.
The firmware version of G3LR is visible on the module only. There is an
adhesive label on PROM A203, indicating the firmware version.
Beginning with version 1.01 the firmware is stored in a PROM. It is therefore not
possible (and not necessary) to update it.
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Note: The software version of the HMI570 can be viewed by clicking on the “About
HMI570” link in the “HMI570 Options” menu.
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7 NSD570 Options
The NSD570 options consist of following hardware and firmware versions.
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Note: All hardware versions can be viewed by means of the HMI570, except for:
Internal Tripping Voltage G1LR (not viewable), Display Panel G1LC (viewable on
the display itself).
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Note: The firmware NSD570 GOOSE can be downloaded to the GOOSE LAN
Interface G3LS.
The programmed firmware version can be viewed by means of the HMI570.
The newest firmware version can always be used for updating an NSD570
GOOSE LAN Interface G3LS, but the latest user interface HMI570 must be
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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S EN 29/29 1KHW000902-EN
Note: The micro controller firmware (C) for G1LC may not be upgraded by the
customer/user (the module has to be returned to the factory). The programmed
firmware version can be viewed by means of the Display Panel G1LC itself.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW000904-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Anomaly List: < NSD570 > - S 2021-08-11
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-PT1 2003-02-25 M. Buhl 2021-08-11 M. Strittmatter - EN 1/10
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW000904SE Anomaly List
1 Purpose of document 2
2 Anomalies 2
2.1 Common Functions 2
2.1.1 Manual Loop Test (remote activation) 2
2.1.2 No incoming GPS synchronization signal (IRIG-B) 2
2.1.3 Configuration of individual relay interfaces per line interface 3
2.2 NSD570 Analog 3
2.2.1 Accuracy of signal to noise and level measurement 3
2.2.2 Loop test 4
2.2.3 1+1 path protection with G3LA as line interface 4
2.3 NSD570 Digital 5
2.3.1 Accuracy of bit error rate measurement 5
2.3.2 Interchanging the two digital line interfaces in the same rack 5
2.3.3 Command outputs during link failure 5
2.3.4 Using G.703 interface while Optical Interface G1LO is plugged onto G3LD 6
2.3.5 Start up problems of G.703 interface in self-loop configuration 6
2.3.6 Optical Interface G1LO with broken or disconnected optical fibers 6
2.3.7 Using G.703 or RS-530 interfaces while E1/T1 Interface G1LE is plugged onto G3LD 7
2.3.8 Loop test 7
2.3.9 1+1 path protection with G3LD as line interface 8
2.4 NSD570 Ethernet 8
2.4.1 Configuration upload may fail via G3LM when used in a specific rack assembly 8
2.5 NSD570 Management 9
2.5.1 G3LM may crash if its own device address is in the list for SNMP alarm polling 9
2.5.2 RTC of G3LM does not obtain the time provided by the on-board NTP/SNTP client 9
2.6 HMI570 “LAN” 9
2.6.1 Communication between LAN interface and line interfaces 9
2.6.2 Menu item “View Configuration” 10
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1 Purpose of document
This document describes the currently known anomalies in the behavior of the NSD570
teleprotection system. Such anomalies express themselves in unexpected system behavior not
described in the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890-EN), 13th Edition.
This document is updated immediately after a new anomaly has been discovered and verified. For
that reason, the approval date instead of a revision index is normally used to identify consecutive
versions of this document (if no regular revision of the Operating Instructions including the annex is
at issue). The actual version can therefore be derived from the newer date in either the “Rev.” box
or in the “Approved” box in the header of this page.
2 Anomalies
For each anomaly, the following information is given:
- the types of the hardware modules and/or the versions of firmware or software taken to be
responsible for the observed anomaly,
- a description of the anomaly,
- a workaround (if any).
Please note that no intermediate firmware and software versions are stated in the following
sections if the anomaly is not yet eliminated (just the first affected version and the latest released
version; for released intermediate versions, please refer to the document “Compatibility
Requirements” in the annex of the NSD570 Instruction Manual). Description
If a remote manual loop test is activated by means of the HMI570 (connected with remote device ->
Manual Loop Test), the displayed status information is outdated. Workaround
For G3LA / NSD570 Analog -> wait a few minutes (depending on the programmed bandwidth) and
perform a remote status upload to get the actual loop test time.
For G3LD / NSD570 Digital and G3LE / NSD570 Ethernet -> wait a few seconds and perform a
remote status upload to get the actual loop test time.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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S EN 3/10 1KHW000904-EN Description
If the GPS synchronization for the internal RTC is configured to “ON” but there is no incoming
IRIG-B signal, an alarm “Begin no signal (IRIG-B) on RTC” will be generated correctly by the
device. However, in addition the alarm “Wrong time from RTC” will appear and disappear approx.
every minute and will therefore fill the event recorder with dispensable alarm messages. Workaround
Remove the external source for the alarm condition. Check the wiring and source of the IRIG-B
signal and also check connector X103 on G1LB.
The anomaly is eliminated in NSD570 Analog FW Vers. 1.18 or higher, and in NSD570 Digital
FW Vers. 1.50 or higher. Use the newest available firmware version for updating your analog or
digital NSD570 link. Description
If more than four relay interfaces are configured per line interface, equipment faults may occur.
Two line interfaces in the module rack may accidentally be configured for using the same relay
interface. This cannot be detected and therefore not be avoided by the HMI570, because each line
interface is configured separately.
In both above cases, inadmissible operating conditions may arise and even malfunctions
have to be expected! Workaround
If only one line interface is plugged in the module rack, make sure that a maximum of four relay
interfaces are configured (if required, they may be plugged in any assigned slot of the rack).
If two line interfaces are plugged in the rack, make sure that only a maximum of four relay
interfaces in the corresponding rack half are configured (i.e. line interface TPE 1 uses relay
interfaces in the left rack half only and TPE 2 uses relay interfaces in the right rack half only). Description
The guard signal of the NSD570 Analog version is modulated to accommodate also the Embedded
Operation Channel (EOC). As a result, the measured level of the received guard signal, which can
be viewed by means of the HMI570 status display, changes continuously (approx. 2.5 dB).
Also the SNR value will vary (since it is also determined in the guard channel), depending on the
packets that are currently transmitted via the EOC.
In case the EOC is enabled in one NSD570 Analog of a link and accidentally disabled in the other,
the NSD570 with the EOC configured to “off” may sporadically report an SNR alarm.
The measured Tx level (which can also be viewed in the HMI570 status display) is only accurate if
the line impedance matches approx. 600 Ohm.
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S EN 4/10 1KHW000904-EN Workaround
For exact Rx level and SNR measurements of the received signal, switch off the EOC by means of
the HMI570.
Make sure that the EOC is either enabled or disabled in both NSD570 Analog of a link.
For exact Tx level measurement, make sure that the line impedance matches approx. 600 Ohm. To
verify this, a comparison measurement can be done by opening the terminals to the line and
terminate the output circuit with a 600 Ohm resistor. Description
Whenever an automatically initiated loop test is not correctly received, the next automatically
initiated loop test will be performed 5 minutes later. As long as the automatically initiated loop tests
fail, the interval between them will stay at 5 minutes. If in this situation a manual loop test is
performed, the next automatically performed loop test will take place after the configured loop test
interval irrespective on whether the manual loop test was successful or not. Workaround
None. Description
For the configuration “1+1 Device Operation Mode”, with two G3LA as line interfaces or with G3LA
as standby line interface in TPE 2, the transmission time may increase by up to 6 milliseconds, if
the switchover from main to standby channel or vice versa just takes place during command
Furthermore, a persistent command may be shortly interrupted at the output during switchover from
main to standby channel or vice versa (depending on the type of channel deterioration and the time
required to detect this alarm/switchover condition). Workaround
None (the anomalies could be avoided when using duplicated relay interfaces G3LR in TPE 2).
Use the G3LA as standby line interface (TPE 2) in “1+1 Device Operation Mode” if the second
line interface is a G3LD or G3LE (this is the default configuration anyway).
Utilize a maximum number of three G3LR relay interfaces if G3LA shall be operated in 1+1
path protection mode (either way only four commands are available with G3LA, requiring two
G3LR, which can thus be protected in the “1+1 Device Operation Mode”).
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S EN 5/10 1KHW000904-EN Description
The short term bit error rate (BER) measurement, which can be viewed by means of the HMI570
status display, is only estimation for low bit error rates and may differ from the prevailing channel
BER by up to factor 3.
The BER alarm threshold is not affected by this anomaly but the BER alarm may “flicker” (event
recorder entries) when a threshold of 1E-05 or lower is configured. Workaround
No specific action required (a BER alarm threshold of 1E-04 or 1E-03 may be configured if too
many event recorder entries shall be avoided).
The anomaly is eliminated in NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.33 and higher. Use the newest
available firmware version for updating your digital NSD570 link.
2.3.2 Interchanging the two digital line interfaces in the same rack Hardware, software and/or firmware versions
G3LD, NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.20, 1.22, 1.23, 1.31, 1.32, 1.33
HMI570 „PC“ SW Vers. 1.03, 1.04, 1.11, 1.12
HMI570 „LAN“ SW Vers. 1.10 - 1.12 Description
Misconfiguration of relay interfaces can result in a continuing system reset and a connection to the
equipment by means of the HMI570 may become impossible in the following case:
Assuming that a Digital Interface G3LD is configured as TPE 1 with one or more Relay Interfaces
G3LR assigned. If this card is removed and plugged into slot 6 (N58) of TPE 2, the Digital Interface
G3LD will not recognize the configured relay interfaces (actually for TPE 1) and will perform a
continuing system reset.
Note that the anomaly described above is not true for digital line interfaces ex-works, which have
not been configured before. They can be plugged in both available slots of the rack and will start up
correctly (unless they are not damaged). Workaround
Plug the Digital Interface G3LD into slot 1 (N28), configure the relay interfaces of TPE 1 to “off” and
the required relay interfaces of TPE 2 to “on”. Download the modified configuration to the device
and activate “Reset Device”. Now the G3LD module can be plugged into slot 6 (N58). A connection
by means of the HMI570 should be possible (if not, the line interface is damaged and must be
replaced). Continue with configuration of the line interface for TPE 2.
The anomaly is eliminated in NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.34 and higher. Use the newest
available firmware version for updating your digital NSD570 link.
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S EN 6/10 1KHW000904-EN Description
The response of the command outputs to a link failure can be set by means of the HMI570 for one
out of four different behavior patterns.
For the setting "do not change" the command outputs of the NSD570 Digital may not release as
expected (see Section 5.5.2 in the manual) at very high bit error rates (≥1E-02) or when the
incoming signal is lost. Workaround
If none of the other three settings fits your requirements, the wrong behavior can be delayed by
setting the “Link Failure Pickup Time” to a higher value (e.g. the maximum of 15 seconds; during
this time the link may have reestablished and no incorrect action will take place).
The anomaly is eliminated in NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.34 and higher. Use the newest
available firmware version for updating your digital NSD570 link.
2.3.4 Using G.703 interface while Optical Interface G1LO is plugged onto G3LD Hardware, software and/or firmware versions
G3LD, NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.20, 1.22, 1.23, 1.31, 1.32
HMI570 „PC“ SW Vers. 1.03, 1.04, 1.11
HMI570 „LAN“ SW Vers. 1.10, 1.11 Description
If the optional piggyback G1LO (the optical interface for the NSD570 Digital) is plugged onto the
Digital Interface G3LD, it is no longer allowed to configure and use the interfaces on the G3LD
“main” board. No reliable operation is possible in this case!
In case of the G.703 interface, this will lead to a permanent AIS alarm for example. Workaround
If the interfaces on the G3LD “main” board shall be configured and used again, take the NSD570
link out of service, remove the Optical Interface G1LO from G3LD and re-commission the NSD570
link for the standard interface on G3LD that is required.
The anomaly is eliminated in NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.33 and higher. Use the newest
available firmware version for updating your digital NSD570 link. Description
If the G.703 interface of the NSD570 Digital is looped with itself via the RJ45 terminals (e.g. for test
purposes when no remote device is available), it can happen in seldom cases after power up the
equipment that the receiver may not synchronize to its own sending signal. Workaround
Plug in the wires for the local loop only after the equipment was powered up and the startup
process of the line interface G3LD has finished (i.e. after all LEDs have light up once).
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S EN 7/10 1KHW000904-EN Description
If the external optical fibers to the G1LO optical interface of the NSD570 Digital are interrupted, the
following behavior may be observed:
- If both fibers (Tx/Rx) are interrupted, multiple (redundant) “Begin & End Loss of Signal” entries
are logged instead of one.
Therefore, the event recorder is filled with dispensable alarm messages.
- If only one optical fiber is interrupted, the device that still receives signals from the remote
station detects bit errors (which are “produced” by the remote device because the synchroni-
zation endeavors on the “lost” Rx signal affect the Tx signal as well). Workaround
Remove the source of the alarms, event recorder entries and bit errors by restoring the optical fiber
connection between the two devices (reconnect the optical plugs in the appropriate sockets or fix
the broken fibers.
The anomaly is eliminated in NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.33 and higher. Use the newest
available firmware version for updating your digital NSD570 link.
2.3.7 Using G.703 or RS-530 interfaces while E1/T1 Interface G1LE is plugged onto G3LD Hardware, software and/or firmware versions
G1LE HW Vers. 2
G3LD, NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.34 - 1.50
HMI570 „PC“ SW Vers. 1.12 - 1.49
HMI570 „LAN“ SW Vers. 1.12 - 1.41 Description
If the optional piggyback G1LE (the E1/T1 interface for the NSD570 Digital) is plugged onto the
Digital Interface G3LD, it is no longer allowed to configure and use the interfaces on the G3LD
“main” board. No reliable operation is possible in this case! Workaround
If the interfaces on the G3LD “main” board shall be configured and used again, take the NSD570
link out of service, remove the E1/T1 Interface G1LE from G3LD and re-commission the NSD570
link for the standard interface on G3LD that is required.
For NSD570 Digital FW Vers. 1.48 and higher, the G3LD reports the alarm “Piggyback does not
match configuration” in case the E1/T1 Interface G1LE Vers. 2 is plugged but not configured
correctly. Description
Whenever an automatically initiated loop test is not correctly received, the next automatically
initiated loop test will be performed 5 minutes later. As long as the automatically initiated loop tests
fail, the interval between them will stay at 5 minutes. If in this situation a manual loop test is
performed, the next automatically performed loop test will take place after the configured loop test
interval irrespective on whether the manual loop test was successful or not. Workaround
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S EN 8/10 1KHW000904-EN Description
For the configuration “1+1 Device Operation Mode”, with two G3LD as line interfaces or with G3LD
as main line interface in TPE 1, the transmission time may increase by up to 4 milliseconds, if the
switchover from main to standby channel or vice versa just takes place during command reception.
Furthermore, a persistent command may be shortly interrupted at the output during switchover from
main to standby channel or vice versa (depending on the type of channel deterioration and the time
required to detect this alarm/switchover condition).
During switchover from main to standby channel (or vice versa), some few bit errors might be
caused. If the BER Alarm Threshold is configured too sensitive (i.e. 1E-05 or 1E-06), the active line
interface may thus raise a BER alarm. As a consequence, the line interfaces might be switching
there and back every 200 seconds in worst case (200 seconds is the BER alarm detection time). Workaround
None (the anomalies could be avoided when using duplicated relay interfaces G3LR in TPE 2).
Use the G3LD as main line interface (TPE 1) in “1+1 Device Operation Mode” if the second line
interface is a G3LA or G3LE (this is the default configuration anyway).
Use a BER Alarm Threshold in the range from 1E-04 to 1E-01 (it is recommended to use the
default setting 1E-03).
2.4.1 Configuration upload may fail via G3LM when used in a specific rack assembly Hardware, software and/or firmware versions
G3LE, NSD570 Ethernet FW Vers. 3.25 - 3.43
G3LM, NSD570 Management FW Vers. 1.03 – 1.19
HMI570 „PC“ SW Vers. 1.21 - 1.49
HMI570 „LAN“ SW Vers. 1.21 - 1.41
G3LC HW Vers. 0, 1
G1LC HW Vers. 0
G1LC µC Vers. 1.00 - 1.06 Description
If the Ethernet Line Interface G3LE is used in a Module Rack G7BI, which is also equipped with a
Management LAN Interface G3LM and a Display Panel G1LC, and the Common Interface G3LC
(contained in Module Rack G7BI) has hardware version 0 or 1, the configuration upload from G3LE
via G3LM may fail. Workaround
Since 2009, Module Racks G7BI are delivered ex works with built-in G3LC hardware version 2, for
which the described anomaly does not apply. It only takes place if Module Racks G7BI delivered
earlier are to be retrofit with Ethernet Line Interface G3LE and with LAN Interface G3LM (to allow
remote management).
If the above is the case, exchange the equipment rack type G7BI with a newer one that contains
G3LC hardware version 2. This might be required anyway, as G7BI racks delivered before 2009 do
not allow RS-485 station bus operation for G3LM (only TPE 1 and TPE 2 in the same rack as
G3LM are accessible from remote; please refer to the document “Compatibility Requirements” in
the annex of the NSD570 Instruction Manual). Thus, only one rack in the substation has usually to
be replaced, in order to reach all existing racks with one G3LM via station bus (max. 64 NSD570).
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S EN 9/10 1KHW000904-EN
2.5.1 G3LM may crash if its own device address is in the list for SNMP alarm polling Hardware, software and/or firmware versions
G3LM, NSD570 Management FW Vers. 1.03 – 1.14 Description
If the SNMP alarm polling function of the Management Interface G3LM is enabled and the G3LM
device address is accidentally added to the device list for the line interfaces to be polled, then the
module G3LM may crash and stop working.
As the Management Interface G3LM does not belong to the type of interfaces where alarm polling
can be applied (only line interfaces G3LA, G3LD and G3LE), it is in fact an invalid configuration to
add the G3LM device address to the device list for SNMP alarm polling. Workaround
Do not include the G3LM device address into the device list for the SNMP alarm polling function.
For NSD570 Management FW Vers. 1.16 and higher, the G3LM ignores alarm polling requests to
its own device address and is thus not affected anymore by such misconfigurations.
2.5.2 RTC of G3LM does not obtain the time provided by the on-board NTP/SNTP client Hardware, software and/or firmware versions
G3LM, NSD570 Management FW Vers. 1.14 – 1.19 Description
Even if the NTP/SNTP time server is running and the on-board NTP/SNTP client of G3LM is
enabled and configured properly (HMI570 menu item “SNTP Time Parameters”), the internal RTC
(real time clock) of the G3LM module will not obtain this synchronized real time signal
automatically. Workaround
To synchronize the internal RTC of G3LM to the time information provided by the on-board
NTP/SNTP client, it is necessary to configure the menu item “GPS sync” to on (to be found in
HMI570 under “Management Interface Configuration” – “Management Interface”).
Furthermore, the IRIG-B output on G3LMa has to be interconnected with the IRIG-B input of the
same NSD570 rack (e.g. by using the special G3LMa*CABLE STATION BUS/SYNC). Description
The LAN Interface G3LL communicates with the line interfaces G3LA or G3LD in the same rack via
the station bus interface. Caused by massive interferences on the station bus this communication
may be blocked eventually. Workaround
Use the following menu item of the user interface HMI570 “LAN” to reset the communication:
Menu: “HMI570 Options” - “LAN Interface” - “Reset communication”
If this happens every once a while, the wiring of the station bus should also be checked.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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S EN 10/10 1KHW000904-EN Description
If the menu item “View Configuration” is activated by clicking on the corresponding link, the
following message will appear on the screen:
View Configuration is not supported in this version of the HMI570 LAN.
Please use Edit Configuration instead.
The reason is that the “off-the-shelf” PC/104 board on the LAN interface G3LL does not provide the
necessary amount of RAM to build up this memory-consuming page. Workaround
If you like to view the entire configuration of the NSD570 (connected from remote via the LAN
Interface) on one browser page or if you like to print out a breakdown configuration, proceed as
Upload the configuration from device by means of the HMI570 “LAN”
Save the configuration to disk
Start the HMI570 “PC” (which must be installed on your local PC/notebook)
Load the configuration from disk
View and print the configuration
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ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW001289-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Commissioning Instructions: < NSD570 LAN Interface > - C 2010-01-04
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PSND 2004-04-06 H. Schnyder 2010-01-04 M. Strittmatter - EN 1/18
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW001289CE Commissioning
of LAN Interface G3LL.doc
This document describes commissioning of the NSD570 LAN Interface type G3LL, an optional module for the
NSD570 Teleprotection System.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 2/18 1KHW001289-EN
• This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890).
• Please refer to document "Compatibility Requirements for NSD570" (1KHW000902) for
compatibility between software HMI570, firmware "Analog", firmware "Digital", firmware
“Ethernet” and hardware of NSD570
Designation Meaning
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 3/18 1KHW001289-EN
C.1 General
This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890) and describes the
programming, testing and commissioning of the NSD570 LAN Interface type G3LL.
Please note that NSD570 devices in the rack (Analog/Digital/Ethernet) should be programmed and
tested or commissioned properly before the LAN Interface is put into service (the checks in Section
C.1.2 may then be skipped because they are already done; please refer to documents
1KHW000898 “Programming and Testing Instructions NSD570” and 1KHW000900
“Commissioning Instructions NSD570” in the annex of the Operating Instructions).
After the NSD570 devices are tested or commissioned, switch of the power supply of the module
rack, insert the LAN Interface in slot N84, connect the optional connecting cables and follow the
steps below for setting up the LAN connection.
Caution Check the voltage source and the polarity for the power supply.
In case of battery supply and if the NSD570 module rack is mounted in a
cabinet: check if the positive pole (+) of the battery is grounded. If it is, place
an earth jumper to the positive pole of the cabinet supply.
Note: Now the equipment can be powered by closing the external circuit breaker(s)
or switching on the external power supply unit.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 4/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: The factory default IP address of the LAN Interface ( must not
be used by another device in the Ethernet LAN.
C EN 5/18 1KHW001289-EN
The command „ipconfig“ in the DOS box shows the settings (see below).
Windows IP Configuration
Note: If the IP address and subnet mask of your PC is already set as shown above
you can continue with the next point (C.4.4 ).
If you have to change IP address and subnet mask, please set them back to
the original values after finishing the G3LL commissioning.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 7/18 1KHW001289-EN
3. The first time you connect an NSD570 LAN Interface G3LL, the “Host Identification” dialog box
will be shown. Press “Yes” to store the public key locally on your PC / Notebook and the dialog
box will not be shown anymore the next time.
4. Enter username and password. The factory default user is “root” and the default password for
root is “TfATEwimt5ya” (first character of every word in the sentence “The first ABB
Teleprotection Equipment was installed more than 50 years ago”).
Caution Through this SSH connection you are able to execute a number of Linux
console commands. But it is recommended to work with the commands
available in the main menu of the “ctool” instead of using Linux commands.
Do not execute any unknown commands because this could cause
malfunction of the NSD570 LAN Interface.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 8/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: The NSD570 LAN Interface G3LL must be rebooted after changing the
network settings. The modified network settings will be active after the reboot.
It is very important to remember the values of the modified settings.
It will not be possible to access the NSD570 LAN Interface without
knowing the current IP Address !!
If the value of a modified IP address is forgotten, the CompactFlash card of
the NSD570 LAN Interface must be rewritten with the image file, see “Copy
Instructions Compact Flash Card G3LL” (1KHW001291).
Afterwards the default IP address can be used to access the LAN Interface.
Caution DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is not recommended with the
NSD570 LAN Interface G3LL. The NSD570 LAN Interface in DHCP mode
will not start without the presence of a DHCP server.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 9/18 1KHW001289-EN
C.6.2.2 IP Address
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C EN 10/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: For security reasons, the FTP server should be disabled if it is not
momentarily needed for transfer of large file structures (e.g. replacing the
whole HMI570).
For a small number of files (e.g. backup configuration files, as described in
Section C.7) the use of the “SSH Secure File Transfer” is recommended
Selection: Press „9“ and Enter in the “Main Menu” - a submenu appears:
Note: “System logging” in this section always means the logging of the Linux system
itself. Note that the web server and the HMI570 both keep their own separate
logging mechanisms, which are always enabled.
The system logging should only be turned on temporarily for debugging
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 11/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: The log files are kept in RAM (tmpfs). They are deleted when the system is
being shut down or reset. To keep the logfiles for later debugging purposes,
save them to the CompactFlash.
Enter new time and data in the following format. Values in [ ] are optional.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 12/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: Please note that if you have changed the settings, they will not be in effect
until the system has been restarted, but already be shown.
Note: Please note, you must reboot the NSD570 LAN Interface after changing the
network settings.
Note: File transfer could be done using FTP. But this is not secure and therefore not
recommended. For using FTP the FTP server must be running, it can be
activated in the ctool and will need a restart of the LAN Interface.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 13/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: To get all files from a folder the * character can be used instead of the
Note: To put all files from a folder onto the NSD570 LAN Interface the * character
can be used instead of the filename.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 14/18 1KHW001289-EN
C.8 Put the newest Instruction Manual on the NSD570 LAN Interface G3LL
1. Copy the newest instruction manual on the NSD570 LAN Interface with pscp (see C.7.2)
“pscp -v C:\<localPath>\1KHW000890-EN-NSD570.pdf root@<IP
Note: The name of the Instruction Manual “1KHW000890-EN-NSD570.pdf” must not
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 15/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: The linux root password must be changed after commissioning or by the
customer itself. The default password must not be used anymore for security
The customer must keep the altered password safely. It is not possible to
connect the LAN Interface over SSH without knowing the root password.
Note: This step is not mandatory to commission the NSD570 LAN interface G3LL.
However, the Ethernet MAC address is useful for troubleshooting and shall
therefore be documented in the test report.
Type “ifconfig” in the SSH console to view the Ethernet MAC address (HWaddr in the textbox
1. Power up the NSD570 with LAN Interface G3LL and await the startup delay (approx. 3
2. Start a web browser on a PC that is connected to LAN and has therefore access to the
NSD570 LAN Interface G3LL
3. Enter the URL http://<IP_LAN_Interface>/hmi570/index.jsp
where IP_LAN_Interface is the IP address of the LAN Interface that shall be connected
(e.g. http://
4. To access the LAN Interface over an encrypted SSL connection, use the subsequent URL
(auto redirect to this address since HMI570 LAN version 1.13):
where <IP_LAN_Interface> is the IP address of the LAN Interface that shall be connected
(e.g. https://
5. Click „HMI570 ( Human Machine Interface )“
6. “Log In” with User name “Service” and Password “welcome”
7. Click “Connect Device” and the button “TPE 1”
8. “Device connected” must appear
9. Click “Configuration”, “Upload From Device”
10. “Configuration upload successful” must appear
11. Click “Exit HMI570”, press button „Exit“ and close the browser
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 16/18 1KHW001289-EN
Note: If you access the LAN Interface G3LL over an encrypted SSL connection, the
browser informs you that there is a problem with the site’s security certificate
(examples for Internet Explorer messages see below).
Because self-signed certificates are used for the connection to the LAN
Interface G3LL, you can proceed with Yes (IE6) or click on the link “Continue
to this website” (IE7).
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LL Commissioning Report EN C1/C2 HE
C.1 General
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company. Form 1KHW001289C-EN
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Rev. 2010-01-04
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LL Commissioning Report EN C2/C2 HE
C.6.2.8 FTP Server ON/OFF FTP Server setting DISABLED [ ]
C.6.2.9 System Logging Options Logging for all coming OFF [ ]
C.6.2.12 Set Time and Date Time and date correct? Ok [ ]
C.10 Change root password Root password changed? Ok [ ]
Company: _________________________________
Department: _________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Signed: _________________________________
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company. Form 1KHW001289C-EN
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Rev. 2010-01-04
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW001291-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Copy Instructions: < NSD570 Compact Flash Card G3LL > - A 07-10-16
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PSND 04-04-06 sig. Braun 07-10-16 sig. Strittmatter - EN 1/5
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - -
1 Purpose of document 2
2 Installation of Software “All Image” Application on Microsoft® Windows 2
2.1 System Requirements 2
2.2 License Information 2
2.3 Installation 2
2.4 Online Manual 2
3 Utilization of the All Image Software 2
3.1 Connecting the device 2
3.2 Starting the application 3
3.3 Copy the image to the CompactFlash Card 3
List of equipment:
PC with Windows 7 / XP / Vista
Software “All Image” included on the “NSD570 Software &
Documentation CD” (1KHW000925R0100)
Standard CompactFlash card reader
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
A EN 2/5 1KHW001291-EN
1 Purpose of document
This document describes how to update the CompactFlash (CF) card of the NSD570 LAN interface
G3LL using a standard CompactFlash card reader.
The program “All Image” (AI-setup.exe) found on the CD-ROM is required to copy the image file of
the HMI570 “LAN” version to the CompactFlash card reader.
2.3 Installation
1. Run AI-Setup.exe found on the CD
2. Click “Next” and accept the license agreement
3. Choose the destination location for the file and click “Next”
4. Select the start menu folder and additional tasks
5. Then click “Install”
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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A EN 3/5 1KHW001291-EN
Note: If your CompactFlash drive is not displayed in the list, check your CompactFlash card.
Make sure the CompactFlash card is inserted into your CompactFlash reader before you
start the application.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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A EN 4/5 1KHW001291-EN
If you are not sure which drive is the correct one, click the information icon next to the combo box.
Typically, the following information is displayed for a 256 MB CompactFlash card:
5. An information window about drive type discrepancy appears. Click “Yes” to continue.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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A EN 5/5 1KHW001291-EN
8. After completion close the application and remove the CompactFlash card from the card reader.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW002232-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Commissioning Instructions: < NSD570 Management LAN - C 2021-08-11
Interface G3LM >
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PGGA-PT1 2009-07-16 M. Burri 2021-08-11 H.-J. Maag - EN 1/15
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- - - - 1KHW002232CE Commissioning
of LAN Interface G3LM.doc
This document describes commissioning of the NSD570 Management LAN Interface G3LM, an optional module
for the NSD570 Teleprotection System.
• This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890).
• Please refer to document "Compatibility Requirements for NSD570" (1KHW000902) for
compatibility between software HMI570, firmware "Analog", firmware "Digital", firmware
“Ethernet”, firmware “Management” and hardware of NSD570
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 2/15 1KHW002232-EN
Designation Meaning
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 3/15 1KHW002232-EN
C.1 General
This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890) and describes the
programming, testing and commissioning of the NSD570 Management LAN Interface type G3LM.
Please note that NSD570 devices in the rack (Analog, Digital, Ethernet) should be programmed
and tested or commissioned properly before the LAN Interface is put into service (the checks in
Section C.1.2 may then be skipped because they are already done; please refer to documents
1KHW000898 “Programming and Testing Instructions NSD570” and 1KHW000900
“Commissioning Instructions NSD570” in the annex of the Operating Instructions).
After the NSD570 devices are tested or commissioned, switch off the power supply of the module
rack, insert the LAN Interface in slot N84, connect the optional connecting cables and follow the
steps below for setting up the LAN connection.
Caution Check the voltage source and the polarity for the power supply.
In case of battery supply and if the NSD570 module rack is mounted in a
cabinet: check if the positive pole (+) of the battery is grounded. If it is, place
an earth jumper to the positive pole of the cabinet supply.
Note: Now the equipment can be powered by closing the external circuit breaker(s)
or switching on the external power supply unit.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 4/15 1KHW002232-EN
Choose “Connect via: local” and leave the IP Address field blank. Then press “Log In”.
There is an automatic internal switch between Ethernet and Serial port. If an Ethernet link is present, the
serial port is switched off, i.e. switched to master mode, so that alarm polling can work.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
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C EN 5/15 1KHW002232-EN
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 6/15 1KHW002232-EN
Note: This step is not mandatory to commission the NSD570 LAN interface G3LM.
However, the Ethernet MAC address is useful for troubleshooting and shall
therefore be documented in the test report.
C.15.1 Optical output power / optical received power (only if optical SFP is used)
Depending on the selected SFP module, the optical power meter must be sensitive to a wavelength
of either 850 nm or 1310 nm and a single or a multi mode adapter cable has to be used for
connecting the power meter to G3LM.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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C EN 7/15 1KHW002232-EN
cable Ethernet
Commissioning PC
A Connect G3LM
Note: The configured Management LAN Interface IP address must not be used by
another device in the Ethernet LAN.
Commissioning PC
cross connect cable
A Connect G3LM
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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C EN 8/15 1KHW002232-EN
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
C EN 9/15 1KHW002232-EN
1. Power up the NSD570 with Management LAN Interface G3LM and await the startup delay
(approx. 2 minutes). When Ok/Fail LED turns to green, G3LM has started successfully.
2. Start HMI570 PC that is connected to LAN and has therefore access to the NSD570
Management LAN Interface G3LM
3. “Log In” with a configured user name and password. Enter the G3LM IP address and mark
“Connect Via: LAN”. Your login data will be checked on the Management LAN Interface G3LM
(not in HMI570).
4. In menu “Connect Device” enter the configured device address (not the default one!) and click
5. “Device connected” must appear
6. Click “Configuration”, “Upload From Device”
7. “Configuration upload successful” must appear
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LM Commissioning Report EN C1/C5 HE
C.1 General
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW002232C-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LM Commissioning Report EN C2/C5 HE
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW002232C-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LM Commissioning Report EN C3/C5 HE
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW002232C-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LM Commissioning Report EN C4/C5 HE
C.11 Set up the SNMPv3 User (with NSD570 Rel. 3.7 and OK [ ]
higher only)
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW002232C-EN
Revision: Language: Page:
G3LM Commissioning Report EN C5/C5 HE
Company: _________________________________
Department: _________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Signed: _________________________________
Visa: _________________________________
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved. Form 1KHW002232C-EN
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd 1KHW002649-EN
Archive No.: Rev. Date:
Engineering of GOOSE LAN Interface G3LS - D 2018-05-17
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- - - - 1KHW002649DE Engineering of
GOOSE LAN Interface G3LS.doc
This document describes the engineering approaches and the related functionality of HMI570 for the
engineering and configuration of G3LS, an optional module for the NSD570 Teleprotection System.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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1. Overview ....................................................................................................... 4
2. G3LS as a Proxy or a GGIO Gateway for NSD570 ..................................... 4
2.1 G3LS Data Model .....................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Proxy Gateway Data Model ......................................................................................5
2.1.2 GGIO Gateway Data Model ......................................................................................6
2.1.3 G3LS published DataSet ..........................................................................................7
2.1.4 G3LS subscribed DataSet ........................................................................................8
2.2 Quality mapping ........................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Unmapped quality .....................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Mapped quality .........................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Support of IEC 61850 Edition 2003 and 2007...........................................................9
3. HMI570 with IEC 61850 and G3LS support ............................................... 10
3.1 GOOSE Interface Configuration .............................................................................10
3.2 IEC 61850 Configuration.........................................................................................10
3.2.1 ICD Generator ........................................................................................................10
3.2.2 IEC 61850 substation configuration ........................................................................11
3.2.3 IEC 61850 IED configuration ..................................................................................11
3.2.4 Verify Configuration Consistency ............................................................................13
3.2.5 CID Editor ...............................................................................................................13
4. IEC 61850 Engineering Concepts .............................................................. 14
4.1 Advanced Engineering Approach ...........................................................................14
4.1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................14
4.1.2 Configuration process .............................................................................................14
4.1.3 Summary related to HMI570 ...................................................................................17
4.2 Simple Engineering Approach ................................................................................18
4.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................18
4.2.2 Configuration process .............................................................................................19
4.2.3 Summary related to HMI570 ...................................................................................20
4.3 Manual Engineering Approach ................................................................................21
4.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................21
4.3.2 Configuration process .............................................................................................22
4.3.3 Summary related to HMI570 ...................................................................................23
4.4 Engineering Approach Comparison ........................................................................23
5. Status information provided by G3LS ......................................................... 24
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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1. Overview
This document is part of the Operating Instructions NSD570 (1KHW000890). It describes the
engineering of the GOOSE LAN interface G3LS.
From HMI570 version 1.40 onwards, the installer provides IEC 61850 support as an option. IEC
61850 support is needed for the engineering of the GOOSE LAN interface G3LS.
If HMI570 is installed without the IEC 61850 option, only a minimal set of G3LS related features is
provided. This minimal set of features enables the user to handle pre-engineered IEC 61850
configuration files. It is possible to do a download to the device, upload a configuration from a
device and store it on a PC. It is not possible to edit or generate any kind of SCL files in case
HMI570 was installed without the IEC 61850 option.
The present document describes the capabilities of G3LS together with the enhanced HMI570 PC
enabled for IEC 61850 support. G3LS requires two configuration files. One file is used for the
GOOSE interface configuration. The second configuration file is needed by the IEC 61850 stack
which is part of the G3LS firmware.
EEHealth Inputs
Commands [1-8]
Commands [1-8]
Commands [1-8]
Commands [1-8]
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Table 1: IEC 61850 specific file types used for G3LS configuration
ICD and IID files can be imported into IEC 61850 system engineering tools such as ABB’s
Integrated Engineering Tool IET600. SCD files are exported by the system engineering tool.
HMI570 supports the import of SCD, CID and ICZ files. IID, CID and ICZ files can be generated by
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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An example how the Proxy Gateway SB1Y1 of Figure 2 could look like in SCL (many lines and
details have been deleted):
<LDevice inst="LD0">
<LN0 lnClass="LLN0" inst="" lnType="ABBNSD570_LLN0">
<DataSet name="Teleprotection">
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="ITPC" lnInst="1" doName="EEHealth" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="SA1F1LD0" prefix="X" lnClass="RBRF" lnInst="1" doName="OpEx" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="SA1F1LD0" prefix="X" lnClass="RBRF" lnInst="1" doName="OpEx" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="SA1F1LD0" prefix="Y" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="1" doName="Op" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="SA1F1LD0" prefix="Y" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="1" doName="Op" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<ExtRef iedName="SB1F1" ldInst="LD0" prefix="Z" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="1" doName="Ind1" daName="stVal" intAddr="A"/>
<ExtRef iedName="SB1F1" ldInst="LD0" prefix="Z" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="1" doName="Ind1" daName="q"/>
<LN lnClass="LPHD" inst="1" lnType="ABBNSD570_LPHD" />
<DOI name="Proxy"> <DAI name="stVal"> <Val>false</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<LN lnClass="ITPC" inst="1" lnType="ABBNSD570_ITPC">
<DOI name="NumTxCmd"> <DAI name="setVal"> <Val>2</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<DOI name="NumRxCmd"> <DAI name="setVal"> <Val>1</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<DOI name="TpcTxMod1"> <DAI name="setVal"> <Val>Blocking</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<LDevice inst="SA1F1LD0">
<LN0 lnClass="LLN0" inst="" lnType="ABBIED600_LLN0_#LIB2">
<LN lnClass="LPHD" inst="1" lnType="ABBIED600_REV1_LPHD_#LIB2">
<DOI name="Proxy"> <DAI name="stVal"> <Val>true</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<LN prefix="X" lnClass="RBRF" inst="1" lnType="ABBIED600_REV1_SP16RBRF_#LIB1">
<LN prefix="Y" lnClass="PSCH" inst="1" lnType="ABBIED600_ZSPSCH_#LIB1">
Prot. IED
LD0 LD0 Prot. IED
LNs: line LNs:
- LPHD1 - LPHD1 LNs:
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• GGIO.Ind.stVal, GGIO.Ind.q
• PSCH.TxBlk.general, PSCH.TxBlk.q (blocking)
• PSCH.TxPrm.general, PSCH.TxPrm.q (permissive)
• PSCH.TxTr.general, PSCH.TxTr.q (direct)
• RBRF.OpEx.general, RBRF.OpEx.q
The LN, DO, DA combinations above are based on definitions of IEC 61850 Edition 2007A (Ed.2).
To support substations engineered according to IEC 61850 Edition 2003 (Ed.1), on Input side
additionally PSCH.ProTx is supported to be subscribed.
In most cases the Data Model of the G3LS in the remote substation will not exactly match with the
Data Model of the corresponding Protection IED. But at least it is possible to assign a Data Type
which is accurate to different types of applications.An additional disadvantage compared to the
proxy gateway approach is that the semantic information is not automatically exchanged across
substation borders by engineering tools. A consistent command mapping between both substation
can be guaranteed only with manual verification.
An example how the GGIO Gateway SB1Y1 of Figure 3 could look like in SCL (some lines and
details have been deleted):
<LDevice inst="LD0">
<LN0 lnClass="LLN0" inst="" lnType="ABBNSD570_LLN0">
<DataSet name="Teleprotection">
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="ITPC" lnInst="1" doName="EEHealth" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="RBRF" lnInst="1" doName="OpEx" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="RBRF" lnInst="1" doName="OpEx" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="1" doName="TxPrm" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="1" doName="TxPrm" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<ExtRef iedName="SB1F1" ldInst="LD0" prefix="Z" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="1" doName="Ind1" daName="stVal" intAddr="A"/>
<ExtRef iedName="SB1F1" ldInst="LD0" prefix="Z" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="1" doName="Ind1" daName="q"/>
<LN lnClass="LPHD" inst="1" lnType="ABBNSD570_LPHD" />
<DOI name="Proxy"> <DAI name="stVal"> <Val>false</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<LN lnClass="ITPC" inst="1" lnType="ABBNSD570_ITPC">
<DOI name="NumTxCmd"> <DAI name="setVal"> <Val>2</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<DOI name="NumRxCmd"> <DAI name="setVal"> <Val>1</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<DOI name="TpcTxMod1"> <DAI name="setVal"> <Val>Blocking</Val> </DAI> </DOI>
<LN lnClass="PSCH" inst="1" lnType="ABBNSD570_PSCH">
<DOI name="TxBlk">
<DAI name="q" sAddr="unmapped" />
<LN lnClass="PSCH" inst="2" lnType="ABBNSD570_PSCH">
<DOI name="TxPrm">
<DAI name="q" sAddr="unmapped" />
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<DataSet name="Teleprotection">
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="ITPC" lnInst="1" doName="EEHealth" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="1" doName="TxBlk" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="1" doName="TxBlk" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="2" doName="TxPrm" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="2" doName="TxPrm" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="1" doName="Ind1" daName="stVal" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="1" doName="Ind1" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="RBRF" lnInst="1" doName="OpEx" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="RBRF" lnInst="1" doName="OpEx" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="2" doName="Ind1" daName="stVal" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="2" doName="Ind1" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="3" doName="Ind1" daName="stVal" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="3" doName="Ind1" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="3" doName="TxBlk" daName="general" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="PSCH" lnInst="3" doName="TxBlk" daName="q" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="4" doName="Ind1" daName="stVal" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" lnClass="GGIO" lnInst="4" doName="Ind1" daName="q" fc="ST" />
Substation A Substation B
Protection NSD570 A NSD570 B Protection
G3LS Line Interface Line Interface G3LS
q q
Link Alarm
no alarm → good
invalid → no trip
alarm → invalid
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attribute before it is forwarded to the Line Interface. If the command is not received at all or
received with invalid quality the command is not forwarded to the Line Interface.
On the GOOSE publishing side, G3LS generates the quality information based on the status of the
Line Interface. If the Line Interface detects a “Link Alarm”, the quality of commands go to “Invalid”.
Please refer to section “High level and user alarms” in section “Troubleshooting” of the Operating
Instructions for a description of the conditions when a “Link Alarm” is raised by the Line Interface.
In case of Logical Node GGIO the system engineer has to verify that the
Caution provided mechanism of stripping down the quality attribute is permitted by the
application. One could think of applications where invalid quality shall not
lead to command suppression.
q q
& q
good → no trip q
invalid → trip Link Alarm
no alarm → good
alarm → invalid
Note: In case of a GOOSE communication failure the status and quality information
is not available on the local G3LS. In order to inform the remote substation
invalid quality is sent and the input LED is activated.
It is mandatory to map the quality attribute immediately following on the corresponding protection
command. For example if PSCH.TxBlk.general is mapped to command A the corresponding quality
attribute PSCH.TxBlk.q has to be transmitted on command B.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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The following sections provide an introduction to the IEC 61850 configuration specific functionality
of HMI570. How to generate additional configuration files for NSD570 is covered by the main part
of the NSD570 operating instruction manual.
LN Class
Depending on the protection application the semantic of different LN classes can be assigned to a
teleprotection command.
Transmit quality
Quality mapping in general is described in section 2.2. If the “Transmit quality” flag of a command
is set to “Yes” the following teleprotection command is considered as the corresponding quality bit.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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The application type is stored into LN ITPC. LN ITPC allows to provide this information in a
standardized way. Make sure parameters entered into ICD Generator are consistent with the
parameters configured in the Line Interface.
Select IED
A drop down menu shows all IED instances of a previously loaded SCD file which are of IED type
NSD570. One instance needs to be selected to enable further configuration steps. After one
NSD570 is selected, the user is guided to the “Command Mapping Editor”.
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View Configuration
The view of the configuration is mainly provided for printing purpose. This link is only active if the
CID file is not marked as maintained by the SET. IED configurations maintained by a SET are not
visible in HMI570. This menu entry is only relevant with respect to manual engineering as
described in section 4.3.
Edit Configuration
Changing the IEC 61850 configuration parameters is only possible if the CID file is not marked as
maintained by the SET. The reason is that configurations generated by a SET shall not be altered
by HMI570, in order to keep consistency. This menu entry is only relevant with respect to manual
engineering as described in section 4.3.
Save To Disk
Save a CID file or an ICZ file to disk. Please refer to Table 1 to get an overview about file types.
Download To Device
Download the IED configuration to the device.
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4.1.1 Overview
As a starting point the local Protection IED is instantiated in the SET. A DataSet containing the
DataAttributes which will be transmitted over the teleprotection link is assigned. Based on the
DataModel and the DataSet of the local Protection IED a proxy configuration for the remote
NSD570 can be generated by HMI570. This system engineering process is complex but for the
most parts automated.
• Proxy Gateway Data Model is applied to G3LS. Different LN types (GGIO, PSCH, RBRF)
are supported. The commands are transmitted with semantics.
• The provision of required G3LS configuration parameters is automated. SCL files are
exchanged across substation borders.
• The teleprotection link configuration is derived from Protection IED configuration.
• Forwarding commands from G3LR to G3LS and vice versa is currently not supported with
this engineering approach.
• A SET which supports IID file import is mandatory.
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Substation A Substation B
Prot_A.icd NSD570_generic.icd
(1) HMI570 (3)
DB Substation_A.scd
(2) NSD570_A_proxy.icd Prot_B.icd
System DB
System HMI570 Engineering
Engineering Tool
NSD570_B_proxy.icd (4)
NSD570_A.iid (5) NSD570_B.iid
NSD570_A.icz NSD570_B.icz
Protection (7) (7) IED
IED Engineering
Engineering Tool
IED Configuration
IED Configuration
Mandatory step Protection Protection
NSD570 A NSD570 B
Optional step IED A IED B
Protection NSD570 NSD570 Protection
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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4.2.1 Overview
Simple engineering provides a straight forward approach to create a GGIO gateway configuration
for G3LS. Both substations can be engineered independently from each other since no exchange
of SCL files across substation boarders is needed during the configuration flow. As a drawback no
semantic validation across substation borders is provided.
First of all two customized ICD files are generated by a central instance of HMI570. Each ICD file
defines the capabilities of a NSD570 IED with customized DataSet. Since teleprotection commands
are forwarded straight to attributes in the DataSet of G3LS, the teleprotection link setup is implicitly
defined if the DataSets of both NSD570 IED are defined. Finally the NSD570 IED and the
Protection IED in each substation need to be connected with each other to get the teleprotection
link engineered.
• G3LS configuration without exchange of SCL files across substation boarders.
• Commands can be exchanged between G3LS and G3LR interfaces.
• Flexible and straight forward approach
• Command mapping consistency across substation boarders can be guaranteed only with
manual verification.
• Semantic information is only available on LN type level. There is no real proxy generated.
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(2) (2)
NSD570_A.icd NSD570_B.icd
ICD Editor:
definition of Phase 1
System teleprotection System
Prot_A.icd Prot_B.icd
DB Engineering link Engineering DB
Tool Tool
HMI570 HMI570
NSD570_A.iid NSD570_B.iid
Command Command
Substation_A.scd Substation_B.scd
Mapping Mapping
Editor Editor
NSD570_A.icz NSD570_B.icz
Protection (4) (4)
Engineering Engineering
Tool Tool
IED Configuration
IED Configuration
(2+3) A B
Protection NSD570 NSD570 Protection
(1) (2+3)
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• The DataSet of the Protection IED containing DataAttributes which will be transmitted over
the teleprotection link is defined.
• The corresponding GOOSE control block is created and the corresponding DataSet is
• The NSD570 IED is instantiated. Therefore one of the previously generated ICD files is
imported into the SET of each substation.
• The GOOSE control block needed to publish the predefined DataSet of the NSD570 IED is
• The DataSet published by the Protection IED is subscribed by the NSD570 IED.
• The DataSet published by NSD570 IED is subscribed by the Protection IED.
The above steps result in a configuration which defines the connection between the Protection IED
and the NSD570 IED in a bidirectional manner. This configuration is exported to a SCD file.
It is recommended to export the NSD570 IED configuration to an IID file which will be used to
update the NSD570 IED in the SET. If this optional step is done the SET merges all configuration
parameters into the SCD file. If such a complete SCD file is imported into HMI570 the user will not
be prompted to do any kind of manual configuration again. HMI570 will directly allow to generate
and to download the device configuration.
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4.3.1 Overview
HMI570 integrates a simple CID Editor to create a IEC 61850 configuration for NSD570. This
engineering approach is simple though not flexible at all. Several configuration parameters have to
be configured manually, others are not configurable. The approach is feasible for testing purpose in
laboratory environments. It is not recommended to use it in productive environments.
• G3LS IEC 61850 configuration is generated without SCD files.
• Only a small selection out of a large matrix of possible teleprotection link configurations is
• The connection between Protection IED and NSD570 is based on manual parameter entry.
There are many parameters which have to be consistent for both IED. This is not easy to
maintain without support of engineering tools. Maintaining the configuration manually is
• Commands are engineered without semantic (GGIO gateway approach).
• Engineering across substations is not automated.
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Prot_A.icd Prot_B.icd
DB NSD570.icd NSD570.icd DB
Protection Protection
NSD570 A NSD570 B
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• Verify the DataSet of the Protection IED respectively the Inputs sections which will be
generated for the NSD570 IED fits to the Inputs section which is defined in the generated
CID file of the NSD570 IED.
The above steps result in a configuration which defines the connection between the Protection IED
and the NSD570 IED in a bidirectional manner. This configuration serves to finalize the Protection
IED configuration using the IED engineering tool.
Consistency across substation boarders is guaranteed by tools Yes Simple
No No
SCL files need to be exchanged across substation boarders Yes No No
Engineering across substations is automated Yes No No
Commands are transmitted with semantic (Proxy Gateway DataModel) Yes No No
Configuration consistency within a substation is guaranteed by tools Yes Yes No
Multiple Protection IEDs can be connected to one NSD570 Yes Yes No
Commands can be transmitted with dedicated Quality information Yes Yes No
G3LR interfaces can be used symmetrically in both substations Yes Yes Yes
One command can be exchanged between a G3LR and a G3LS interface No Yes Yes
Configuration can be verified by HMI570 Yes Yes Yes
G3LS configuration is possible without SCD file No No Yes
IED update using IID files needs to be supported by SET Yes No No
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
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LPHD.PhyHealth.stVal 2
G3LS Interface Alarm 1
Command Quality
Ok / Fail LED
Alarm from G3LS
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown is active Ok Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
SFP transceiver not plugged Fail Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
SFP transceiver laser failure Fail Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
RTB CRC error Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
RTB misalignment Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
RTB disturbance Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
Program memory CRC check failed Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
Processor in safe operation mode Fail Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
Wrong time from RTC Ok Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
No signal (IRIG-B) on RTC Ok Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
G3LS HW configuration error Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
IED configuration error Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
Major ISS error Fail Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
LOS Loss of Signal Fail Yes Alarm Ok Good Good
FPGA not loaded Fail Yes Alarm Ok Invalid Good
Wrong slot for G3LS Fail No Alarm Ok Good Good
GOOSE Communication Failed Fail Yes Ok Ok Good Good
Ethernet Link Down Fail Yes Ok Ok Good Good
Alarm from Line Interface
HW Warning Ok - Ok Warning Good Good
Link Alarm Ok - Ok Alarm Good Invalid
The G3LS Interface Alarm activates the Local Alarm and the System Alarm on the corresponding line
Please note that LPHD.PhyHealth.q always indicates “Good“.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
Copyright 2002-2021 Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.
PGGA-PS | Grid Automation Products
Fault Report
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd E-Mail: CH-communication.networks.repairs@hitachi-powergrids.com
Power Grids Telephone +41 58 585 77 37
PGGA-PS Repair Center
Please always include a FAULT REPORT and the RMA number
Bruggerstrasse 72
when sending any item(s) to ABB for Repair & Return.
CH-5400 Baden, Switzerland
Please fill out a separate FAULT REPORT for each item and send the RMA request to PGGA-PS via email to
Please do not ship the material without RMA number!
Equipment Type (required): </For instance FOX615, FOX515, NSD, ETL, ...>
Module Type (required): </For instance CESM1, COBUX, G3LD, O4LE, ...>
Serial No. (required): </Please include your or End-Customer Project No./Reference>
PGGA-PS Order No. / Delivery date: </Inlcude material type/family>
Your Original PO No.: </Include the material model/module name>
</Please provide a detailed Fault Description, this will enable us to process faster the Warranty/Repair case>
Name: Company:
E-Mail: City / Country:
Telephone: Date:
1 of 3 2021-08-12
PGGA-PS | Grid Automation Products
Warranty Repair & Return Procedure
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd E-Mail: CH-communication.networks.repairs@hitachi-powergrids.com
Power Grids Telepho +41 58 585 77 37
PGGA-PS Repair Center
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden, Switzerland
All of ABB’s equipment and parts are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period as agreed in the ORDER or in the SERVICE
Please always include a FAULT REPORT and the RMA number when sending any item(s) to ABB for Repair & Return.
2 of 3 2021-08-12
PGGA-PS | Grid Automation Products
Guide & Help
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd E-Mail: CH-communication.networks.repairs@hitachi-powergrids.com
Power Grids Telepho +41 58 585 77 37
PGGA-PS Repair Center
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden, Switzerland
Please fill out a separate FAULT REPORT for each item and send the RMA request to PGGA-PS via email to
Please do not ship the material without RMA number!
▶ Completely fill out all 5 sections of a separate FAULT REPORT for each item.
▶ Include FAULT REPORT with Item(s) and refer to RMA no. when returned to PGGA-PS.
▶ Include name and contact details of a technical person who can be contacted by the PGGA-PS repair engineers to discuss technical issues related
to the fault. This information shall be stated at Section 4 of the FAULT REPORT.
▶ Note down the equipment type to which the Item belongs to (e.g. FOX615, ETL600, NSD570) on the FAULT REPORT, Section 1.
▶ Note down serial number and release number (if any) of the faulty Item on the FAULT REPORT, Section 1.
▶ In case of SERVICE CONTRACT in force, the number of the SERVICE CONTRACT shall be indicated on the FAULT REPORT, Section 3.
▶ Advance Replacement:
If you need an Advance Replacement, tick the respective field on the FAULT REPORT.
A purchase order is required before shipment of the Advance Replacement. The customer will be invoiced for the full price of the Advance
Replacement unit.
Please note that PGGA-PS does not guarantee that Replacement Iitems will be available, except for Replacement Items defined in a SERVICE
▶ Testing fee:
This service will be charged with CHF 500.00 for each unit.
After receiving modules with FAULT REPORT the Item(s) will be repaired if
▶ under warranty or
▶ under Service Contract
otherwise a quotation for the repair cost will be sent to the customer.
NO REPAIR will be started by PGGA-PS until a Purchase Order for the amount quoted for repair is received by PGGA-PS. Items received by PGGA-PS
without a RMA no., FAULT REPORT and Purchase Order will be placed in isolation and no repair actions will be started until all the above documentation
is completed.
When packing the Item(s) anti-static bags shall be used to wrap-in item(s) carefully. Please ensure that the packing is sufficient to avoid damages during
shipment. Ideally, item(s) shall be returned in the same packaging as it was supplied.
Any Item(s) received in damaged conditions, appearing to be caused from inadequate packing, will not be repaired until a purchase order covering repair
cost of the additional damage is received by PGGA-PS.
The transport to Baden has to be borne by the buyer.
3 of 3 2021-08-12
Copyright and confidentiality Copyright in this document vests in Hitachi Power Grids.
Manuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The copying,
reproduction, translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scanna-
ble form is not permitted, either in whole or in part. The contents of the manual may
not be disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the prior written agree-
ment of Hitachi Power Grids.
An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your own use.
For devices with embedded software, the end-user license agreement on the
enclosed CD applies.
This document may not be used for any purposes except those specifically autho-
rized by contract or otherwise in writing by Hitachi Power Grids.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Steps to be taken by users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Einführung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Erforderliche Benutzeraktionen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Für den deutschsprachigen Wortlaut siehe Abschnitt 3 Einführung (auf Seite 5).
English text follows below:
1 Introduction
The Wired Communication Networks product documentation and software, and the service tools
are provided via the specific “Wired Communication Networks Extranet” dashboard of the Cus-
tomer Connect Portal.
Registration is required, and registration requests need approval by Hitachi ABB Power Grids
before you can access the portal. The steps to be taken are explained below.
For opening a trouble ticket related to your Hitachi ABB Power Grids products click on the 9-dot
icon in the title bar, then click on “Customer Support Portal”. You will be signed on automati-
If you have any question related to the “Wired Communication Networks Extranet” dashboard,
contact ch-mcs_extranet_webmaster@hitachi-powergrids.com via e-mail.
For the English text see section 1 Introduction (on page 4).
Nachfolgend der deutschsprachige Text:
3 Einführung
Die Dokumentation und Software für Wired Communication Networks Produkte sowie die Ser-
vice Tools sind auf einem spezifischen “Wired Communication Networks Extranet” Dashboard
des Customer Connect Portals verfügbar.
Eine Registrierung ist erforderlich; die Registrierung muss von Hitachi ABB Power Grids über-
prüft und bewilligt werden, bevor Sie Zugang erhalten. Die Details dazu sind im Folgenden
4 Erforderliche Benutzeraktionen
Erforderliche Schritte zum Einloggen im Wired Communication Networks Extranet
Gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
1. Senden Sie eine Email an den Hitachi ABB Power Grids Extranet Webmaster: klicken Sie
dazu HIER. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Absenderadresse mit der Email-Adresse identisch
ist, welche Sie beim Login auf dem Customer Connect Portal verwenden werden. Ändern
Sie bitte den vorgegebenen Betreff und Text nicht. Addieren Sie Vorname, Name, Email-
Adresse, Telefonnummer, Firmenanschrift und Land im Email-Text. Falls Sie mehrere Benut-
zer für Ihre Firma registrieren wollen, addieren Sie Vorname, Name, Email-Adresse und
Telefonnummer für jeden der Benutzer, indem Sie den vordefinierten Email-Text kopieren
und darunter einfügen.
2. Nach Empfang Ihrer Email wird ein Administrator Ihre Angaben überprüfen und Ihr Benutzer-
konto, bzw. die Benutzerkonten dem “Wired Communication Networks Extranet” Dashboard
des Customer Connect Portals zuordnen. Dies kann üblicherweise bis zu 2 Arbeitstage in
Anspruch nehmen.
3. Jeder registrierte Benutzer erhält eine Bestätigung per Email, wenn das “Wired Communica-
tion Networks Extranet” Dashboard (auf ccp.abb.com/wired-communication) aufgesetzt ist.
Überprüfen Sie Ihren Email-Posteingang und aktivieren Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto durch Klicken
des Links, den Sie in einer Email von Hitachi ABB Power Grids empfangen haben. Bei der
ersten Anmeldung müssen Sie die geltenden Geschäftsbedingungen akzeptieren.
4. Danach steht Ihnen dieses nach dem Login ins Customer Connect Portal zu Verfügung.
Ende der Anleitung
Für das Eröffnen eines Problem-Reports zu Ihren Hitachi ABB Power Grids-Produkten klicken
Sie bitte auf das 9-Punkte-Symbol in der Titelleiste des Portals und dann auf “Customer Support
Portal”. Sie werden dort automatisch angemeldet.
Bei Fragen zum “Wired Communication Networks Extranet” Dashboard kontaktieren Sie bitte
ch-mcs_extranet_webmaster@hitachi-powergrids.com via Email.
e-mail communication.networks@hitachi-powergrids.com
Concerns publication(s): ____________________________________________
Have you discovered any mistakes in this publication? If so, please note here the
pages, sections etc.
Do you find the publication readily understandable and logically structured? Can you
make any suggestions to improve it?
Is the information sufficient for the purpose of the publication? If not, what is missing
and where should it be included?
Name Date
Document ID:1KHW000890