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(Experimental Study at The Second Grade Students of Junior High School of

The Budi Utomo Orphanage)

(Undergraduate Thesis)








(Experimental Study at The Second Grade Students of Junior High School of

The Budi Utomo Orphanage)


Aulia Shafira

The research aimed to find out whether or not there was any significant
improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery after the students are being taught
by using songs and to investigate the students’ perception toward learning
vocabulary to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The population of this
research was 3 students of second grade students of junior high school at the Budi
Utomo Orphanage Metro in academic year 2022/2023. This research was
quantitative and qualitative research with one group pre-test and post-test design.
Vocabulary test and interview were used as the instrument of this research. The
result showed that there was a significant improvement in students’ vocabulary
mastery after the students are taught by using songs. It could be seen from the t-
value (24.14) at the significant level which is lower than alpha (0.000<0.05). It
was also revealed that the students’ perception toward the implementation of
songs in learning vocabulary is positive. Out of 9 students’ representative, 6 of
them have a positive perception of each interview question. Summarily, it could
be said that the implementation of songs was effective to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery.

Keywords: Vocabulary, vocabulary mastery, and song



Aulia Shafira

Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for S-1 Degree

The Language and Arts Education Department of

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


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Aulia Shafira was born in Ganjar Agung on May, 17th 2000. She is the first child
of a great couple Ahmad Gunawan and Qona’ah Indati. She has two younger
sisters, Fathia Az-Zahra and Izza Batrisyia Gunawan.

In 2005, she began her very first education at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal
Ganjar Asri. After that, she continued her study at SDN 6 Metro Barat in 2006
and graduated in 2012. In the same year, she was accepted at SMPN 4 Metro and
graduated in 2015. Then, in 2015 she registered and continued her study at SMAN
1 Metro and graduated in 2018. After graduating from SMAN 1 Metro, she was
accepted into the English Education Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education at Lampung University through SNMPTN in 2018.

During her study at Lampung University, she enjoyed her experience during the
Community Service Program or Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) at Ganjar Agung
Kota Metro and Teaching Practice Program or Pengenalan Lingkungan
Persekolahan (PLP) at SMPN 3 Metro in 2021. To complete her study, she
undertook research related to “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using
Songs at The Budi Utomo Orphanage Metro”


“Be patient and be patient. Verily Allah is with those who are patient”

(QS. Al-Anfaal: 60)

“Life is only path full of efforts.”

(Baekhyun EXO)

“If you rush ahead, you will miss the important things.”



This script is fully dedicated

The greatest inspiration and support of my life, my beloved father and mother:

Ahmad Gunawan and Qona’ah Indati

My beloved sisters:

Fathia Az-Zahra and Izza Batrisyia Gunawan

My friends:

Sekar Melati, Anisa Widya, Safera Virana, Putu Juwita Sari, Ruth Hana Panjaitan,
Fadillah Salwa Aurelita, Fatimah Azzahra, Amanda Putri Prillienia, Sarah Ayu
Annisa, and my beloved friends of English Education 2018.


All praises to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the most merciful God, peace be
upon the beloved final prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin,
thank Allah SWT for the countless blessing and guidance to the researcher that
enables her to accomplish this script entitled: “Improving Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery by Using Songs at The Budi Utomo Orphanage Metro”. This script is
written as partial fulfilment of requirements for the S1 degree of the English
Education Study Program at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of
Lampung University.

In composing this script, the researcher got a lot of guidance, suggestions, and
many valuable things from various sides. Therefore, I would like to present my
deepest thanks and appreciation to the following people who helped me to finish
this script:

1. Dr. Ari Nurweni, M.A., her first advisor, for her guidance, important
evaluation, comments, and suggestions which are very beneficial for the
improvement of the script.
2. Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A., as second advisor who has guided the
researcher with worthy corrections and suggestions in helping the
researcher to improve the script.
3. Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A., as the examiner for his guidance,
precious, advice, correction, time, and helping revise the mistake during
the entire process of writing this script.
4. All of the lecture of English Education Study Program in University of
Lampung who guide and deliver knowledge to me.
5. Big family of Budi Utomo Orphanage for providing the opportunity to
conduct this research and the teacher for being so helpful during the
research process, and also the students of second-grade junior high school,
for their cooperation, willingness, and participation in this research.
6. Ahmad Gunawan and Qona’ah Indati, my beloved parents, who always
give their love, endless, prayer, and patience to wait for my graduation as

well as their support are given to keep my spirit alive when I’m down, and
everything that has been given to me till this time.
7. Fathia and Izza, my beloved sisters, thank you for the support, prayers, and
8. My beloved friends: Sekar Melati, S.Pd., Anisa Widya, S.Pd., Safera
Virana, S.Pd., Putu Juwita Sari, Ruth Hana Panjaitan, Fadillah Salwa
Aurelita, Fatimah Azzahra, Amanda Putri Prillienia, Sarah Ayu Annisa.
Thank you for making my college life feel easing and amazing.
9. My all friends in English Education 2018. Thank you for the beautiful
memories which had been experienced together since the very beginning.

Finally, the researcher hopes this paper will be useful for the readers and will be
beneficial as a reference for other researches who conduct similar research. This
research is still many weaknesses in this script. Therefore, any corrections,
comments, and criticisms for the improvement of this script are welcomed for
better research.

Bandar Lampung, July 17th 2023


Aulia Shafira


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. ii
DEDICATIONS ........................................................................................................ viii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................. xv

I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Formulation of The Problems........................................................................... 4
1.3. The Research Objectives .................................................................................. 4
1.4. The Uses of The Research................................................................................ 5
1.5. The Scope of The Research .............................................................................. 5
1.6. Definition of Terms ......................................................................................... 5

II. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 7

2.1. Concept of Vocabulary ........................................................................................ 7
2.2. Concept of Content Words ............................................................................... 9
2.3. Types of Vocabulary...................................................................................... 12
2.4. Concept of Songs ........................................................................................... 13
2.5. Song as Media in Teaching Vocabulary ......................................................... 13
2.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Songs ........................................................ 14
2.7. The Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Song .................................... 15
2.8. Previous Findings .......................................................................................... 16
2.9. Theoretical Assumption ................................................................................. 16
2.10. Hypothesis ................................................................................................. 17

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 18

3.1. Research Design ................................................................................................. 18
3.2. Population and sample ....................................................................................... 19
3.3. Instrument of The Research ................................................................................ 20

3.3.1. Test ........................................................................................................ 20

3.3.2. Interview................................................................................................ 21
3.4. Validity and Reliability .................................................................................. 22
3.4.1. Validity.................................................................................................. 22
3.4.2. Reliability .............................................................................................. 23
3.5. Level of Difficulty ......................................................................................... 25
3.6. Discrimination Power .................................................................................... 26
3.7. Technique of Data Collection......................................................................... 27
3.8. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................... 28
3.9. Data Treatment .............................................................................................. 29
3.10. Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................... 29
3.11. The Result of the Try-Out Test................................................................... 30

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................. 31

4.1. The Process of Teaching Vocabulary ............................................................. 31
4.2. Result of the Research ................................................................................... 34
4.2.1. The Result of The Pre-Test ..................................................................... 34
4.2.2. The Result of The Post-Test ................................................................... 36
4.2.3. The Result of The Pre-Test and Post-Test ............................................... 38
4.2.4. Hypotheses Testing ................................................................................ 41
4.2.5. Normality Test ....................................................................................... 42
4.2.6. The Result of Students’ Perception toward Learning English Vocabulary
Through Songs ...................................................................................................... 43
4.3. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 54
4.3.1. The Improvement and the Significant Difference in Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery Through Songs ......................................................................................... 54
4.3.2. Students’ Perception toward Learning English Vocabulary through Songs ..
.............................................................................................................. 56

V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................ 59

5.1. Conclusions ................................................................................................... 59
5.2. Suggestions ................................................................................................... 59
5.2.1. Suggestions for the English teacher ........................................................ 59
5.2.2. Suggestions for the students ................................................................... 60
5.2.3. Suggestions for the future researchers..................................................... 60

REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 61
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. 64


Table 3. 1 Table Specification ............................................................................. 20

Table 3. 2 Table of Specification of Content Validity of the Test .................... 23
Table 3. 3 Reliability Criteria .............................................................................. 24
Table 3. 4 Reliability of The Test........................................................................ 25
Table 3. 5 Result of Try-Out Test ....................................................................... 30
Table 4. 1 The Result of the Students’ Pre-Test Score ...................................... 35
Table 4. 2 Table Frequency of Pre-Test Score ................................................... 36
Table 4. 3 The Result of the Students’ Post-Test Score .................................... 37
Table 4. 4 Table Frequency of Post-Test Score ................................................. 38
Table 4. 5 The Comparison of the Gain Score between
Pre-Test and Post-Test ......................................................................................... 39
Table 4. 6 Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery .............................. 40
Table 4. 7 The Students’ Improvement of Each Content Vocabulary .............. 41
Table 4. 8 Hypotheses Testing ............................................................................ 42
Table 4. 9 Test of Normality................................................................................ 43


APPENDIX 1 RESEARCH SCHEDULE .......................................................... 65

APPENDIX 2 LESSON PLAN I ........................................................................ 66
APPENDIX 3 LESSON PLAN II ....................................................................... 74
APPENDIX 4 LESSON PLAN III...................................................................... 83
APPENDIX 5 THE RESULT OF TRY OUT TEST ......................................... 94
OF THE TRYOUT TEST .................................................................................... 95
APPENDIX 7 RELIABILITY OF TRY OUT TEST ........................................ 97
APPENDIX 8 TRY OUT TEST ......................................................................... 98
APPENDIX 9 PRE-TEST ................................................................................... 104
APPENDIX 10 POST-TEST ............................................................................... 109
SCORE ....................................................................................................... 114
SCORE ....................................................................................................... 115
CONTENT VOCABULARY .............................................................................. 116
APPENDIX 14 NORMALITY TEST ................................................................ 117
APPENDIX 15 REPEATED MEASURE SAMPLE TEST .............................. 118
APPENDIX 16 THE STUDENTS’ GAIN SCORE........................................... 119
APPENDIX 17 INTERVIEW ............................................................................. 120
APPENDIX 19 LETTER OF RESEARCH PERMISSION .............................. 139
APPENDIX 20 STUDENTS PRE-TEST SHEET ............................................. 140
APPENDIX 21 STUDENTS POST-TEST SHEET .......................................... 142

This chapter provides a brief description of whole contents of the research

including background, formulation of the problems, and objectives of the
research, the uses of the research, scope of the research and definition of key

1.1. Background

In this era of globalization, English has become one of the important subjects
taught in the school in Indonesia, for example, in the international school, English
is not only the language to teach but also necessary to communicate with
everyone. Nowadays, English already becomes a standard of people’s
communication skills in this world, and it is expected to everyone can think
deeply about their future where English can be used in all fields even in this time
English can be found everywhere and every time. English is claimed as an
international language, and it is used widely over the world as a medium to
appreciate what people thought. English is their preferred method of
communication with people all over the world.

Vocabulary plays an important role in English learning to enhance language

learning, it is one of the primary components to be taught to the pupils. According
to McCarthy (1994), the most key element of language development is
vocabulary. In the other words, the first thing that to be learned for language the
learners in learning English is vocabulary. Whereas, according to Richards and
Renandya (2002), vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of language
proficiency since it influences how well students talk, listen, read, and write.
Along with their vocabulary acquisition process, vocabulary can help learners
master four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

It is important for students to be able to communicate in English, both orally and

in writing, which means that they should learn vocabulary before beginning to

learn English. Learning vocabulary has some problems that make learners less
knowledgeable about vocabulary for the objective which they should achieve on
learning a foreign language. Little can be spoken without grammar, and nothing
can be conveyed without language, according to Wilkins in Harmer (2002).

When the students were asked to mention some vocabulary, such as they asked to
mention things around them, they often got confused to show their mastery of
vocabulary. One of the most important aspects of learning a language is mastering
vocabulary, which can help with both spoken and written communication. In
addition to mastery of vocabulary, language learners should know English words
and their meaning, an important thing to the learner is they know how the words
combine English sentences. Seeing the world as something to be learned is a key
acquisition strategy that Nation (2001) defines of "noticing." As stated by Nation
(2001), what we should learn is a necessary term in language learning, students
can learn new things by seeing what they have done to know what they should do.

In addition, according to Thornbury (2002:23) vocabulary learning must be

integrated into long-term memory, which requires exposure to a variety of
working memory activity. Students required to follow the teacher while keeping
in mind. Nevertheless, success in learning vocabulary is not only students involve
holding words in mind for a few seconds but students also can apply them in
sentences and conversations.

According to the researcher’s observation at Budi Utomo Orphanage, many junior

high school students have difficulty learning English, especially in terms of
vocabulary. It can be caused by the technique that the teacher used in the learning-
teaching process. The technique for teaching vocabulary is monotonous. Students
only memorize the word relates to verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, but they
had difficulty in differentiating the form of the word grammatically. Students
cannot memorize even a single word that the teacher taught by using their
technique and the students tend to be bored and low participation in English class
because they cannot understand the language. There are many techniques and

methods of language teaching that can be used for teaching vocabulary and make
sure students can follow the method

Based on the problems above, the students need a method to help them in facing
their problem in learning vocabulary. Many researchers have studied vocabulary
methods to improve students’ vocabulary achievement. One of the methods are
song. Song assumed as the easiest of the learning medium learners which can use
to facilitate learner’s English learning.

According to Al-azri et al. (2015), employing songs to teach new vocabulary to

students in the early grades has fantastic results. The teacher can mention that the
students love listening to a song and have a greater level of language vocabulary
accuracy. For students, the song is a great vocabulary learning opportunity. It is
because a song can make it easier for students to recall the vocabulary. Songs also
can assist the teacher in teaching vocabulary, which is more enjoyable and less

According to Norton (2005), students can learn language in two ways: one that is
less dangerous while still giving the repetition needed to learn new vocabulary,
and another that is more threatening but still gives the repetition needed to learn
new vocabulary. It allows students to put their musical intelligence to great use.
The goal of the lesson is to give students learn and know new vocabulary words
and apply them to complex things, such as make conversations and sentences.
Similarly, Romaniuk (2019) states that songs can be used as an additional material
or learning medium to expose learners to new linguistics knowledge, such as
meanings of words, their forms, and context of the use. Songs not only help
students in their mood along English learning but also their knowledge in
understanding each word deeply and the sentences they make after teacher’s

Some researchers conducted research related to the song technique in teaching

vocabulary. Some researchers assume song as a teaching media is very effective

especially for a teacher. Students can motivate and make others feel relaxed and
peaceful during the teaching and learning process. According to Sonianingsih
(2004) the majority of participants learn English through songs because they
believe the repetitious words in the songs may be memorized in a variety of ways.
The concept of teaching vocabulary through songs is particularly appealing,
according to Domoney (1993). Students will be interested in their learning process
in learning vocabulary, they will be motivated in the class and realized that it is
easy to remember some words through song.

Furthermore, since the previous studies showing that the song technique is
effective to improve students’ vocabulary skills and some of them found that all
of the vocabulary aspects improved and the researcher try to conduct further
research about the significant improvement of students’ vocabulary. The
researcher hopes that the students can take advantages of the information about
songs, and they can accept this method in the classroom. The researcher wants to
investigate students’ vocabulary mastery through songs and students’ perceptions
toward learning English vocabulary through songs to improve students’
vocabulary mastery.

1.2. Formulation of The Problems

1. Is there any significant improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery after the

students are taught by using songs?

2. How is the students’ perceptions toward learning English vocabulary through


1.3. The Research Objectives

The research objectives achieved solutions to the mentioned previously issue.

There are two research objectives to solve this research. Firstly, this research
attempts to find out whether learners’ vocabulary mastery improves after the
students are being taught by using songs at Budi Utomo Orphanage. Finally, the
students use it to improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

Secondly, this research looks into the students’ perceptions toward learning
English vocabulary through songs to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

1.4. The Uses of The Research

The findings of the study expected to be beneficial both theoretically and

practically for teacher of the lesson and the students:

1. Theoretically, it can provide knowledge and information that can be learned

for future researchers who want to conduct some related studies.
2. Practically, it can be a chance for English teachers to find a good way in
helping students’ mastery their vocabulary in English learning.

1.5. The Scope of The Research

This research conducted by using quantitative approach. This research focused on

the students’ vocabulary improvement by using songs. Furthermore, the subjects
of the study are the second grade of junior high school of Budi Utomo Orphanage
students. The researcher provides a test to measure students’ vocabulary
improvement. Secondly, the researcher asks the students regarding their
perception in figure out vocabulary through English songs to find out the factors
that affect their errors when listening to the lyric of the song.

1.6. Definition of Terms

In order to specify the topic of the research, the researcher provide some
definition of terms related to the research. These are the definition of some terms
which related to the research:

1. Song
Song can be considered as one step of music-making, it because song always
connect with music. Song is combination between instrument, meaningful
language, and also musical of art. Song has strong affection, especially in the
writing. Song creates both music and the words to bring the emotion and
feeling to catch the valuable connection of mind and soul (Kodaly, 1996:

131). In relation with this study, song is related to the language learning and
the technique to improve language skills, especially improving vocabulary

2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a list or set of words for a particular language or as a set of
words that individual speakers of language might use (Hatch and Brown,
2001: 121). The definition above reveals that vocabulary is a list of words in
a language learning that can support people to learn other language because
vocabulary is important component of language to communicate.

3. Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery consists of a knowledge and language performance. It is
the ability to comprehend words, comprehension includes the ability to know
the meaning of the words, to memorize the words better, to pronounce the
words correctly, and also to use the words in context (Bachman and Palmer,
1996:17). In this study, the researcher finds out vocabulary mastery is the
skill to comprehend words and the meanings as well, also to fix the
pronunciation of the words, and to memorize the words better.

Associated with many things in previous chapter, this chapter is ahead of some
theories which are discussed in a framework. Theories are needed to explain some
terms which are applied in this research. It consists of concept of vocabulary,
concept of content words, the types of vocabulary, concept of songs, song as
media in teaching vocabulary, advantages and disadvantages of songs, the
procedure of teaching vocabulary, previous findings, theoretical assumption, and

2.1. Concept of Vocabulary

Many researchers agree that vocabulary is the basic elements of the language that
can make people able to communicate and comprehend in a language. Vocabulary
mastery means that learning new words and increasing the vocabulary knowledge
well. Mastering vocabulary also assist the learners to be able to master four skills;
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. McCarten (2007: 21) states that vocabulary
is mostly about remembering the words, as well as seeing, writing, or saying the
words in many times before the learners are said to have mastered the vocabulary.
Hiebert and Kamil (2005) state that vocabulary also involves the knowledge of word
meanings. According to Coxhead (2006), vocabulary is a central part of language. In
addition, Caroline and Nunan (2005) states that vocabulary development is an
important aspects of language development and the research has been conducted in
recent year is exciting.

Hadfield (2000: 129) states that vocabulary is classified into two types. First type is
active vocabulary. It refers to the items that learners can use appropriately in
speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary. In fact, this type is
more difficult to practice. It means that the students should know how to pronounce
it well, how to use grammar, they hoped familiar with the collocation and understand
the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used in speaking and
writing skill.

The second type is passive vocabulary, it refers to a language items that can be
recognized and understood by the learners in context of reading and listening, it is
called receptive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary consists of words comprehend the
people. Teaching vocabulary is one of the most important components of any
language class

Based on the previous studies and the explanation above, it can be concluded that
vocabulary is an important basis in learning a language, and it is also important to
learn vocabulary in order to communicate and comprehend well in a language. Since
vocabulary is the fundamental element of a language, it provides the basic for the
learners to communicate. To communicate effectively, the learners need an adequate
achievement of vocabulary. Even though, the leaners master the grammar of certain
language but they do not have any knowledge on this vocabulary, they will not be
able to communicate and express their idea using the language. In teaching
vocabulary for the students, teacher has important role in introducing new words.
Learning vocabulary plays an important role to learn a language which must be
considered by the teacher in selecting vocabulary that will be taught. In English there
are four types of vocabulary, Celce and Olshtain (2000) categorizes English words
into two groups namely:
1. Content words
Content words represent the name of subject or things, that is concrete nouns
(book, pencil, bag), action done with these that is verbs (sit, walk, run), and the
qualities of these things that adjectives (beautiful, ugly, smart).
2. Function words
Function words are those words which are used as a means of expressing
relation pf grammar structure, such as conjunction (but, or, and), article (the, a,

According to the explanation above there were two types of English vocabulary;
content words and function words. Then, it can be concluded that vocabulary is
words that had meaning in each and can be used to deliver the message from the
speaker for the listener in communication. In this research, the researcher only

focused the intention on the vocabulary that is classified into content word, because
the vocabulary of real object, occupations, and sports included in this group,
especially nouns, verb, and adjectives.

2.2. Concept of Content Words

Vocabulary as a language component has many forms which basically refers to

the part of speech. Part of speech comprises of some components, namely: noun,
verb, adjective, and adverb. Celce (1969) states that each component of part of
speech has various characteristics. The list as follow:

1. Noun
Words that designed people, thing and idea, places are called nouns. Nouns can
be found anywhere in a sentence and the most sentence contain several nouns,
Harmer (1998:36) defines that there are some nouns may belong to more than
one of given type, such as:
a. Countable and uncountable nouns
A countable noun can usually made by plural by the addition of –s (one
girl, two girls). While an uncountable noun, they are words for concrete
objects that stated in an undivided quantity (coffee, sugar, milk). For
Countable: My mother has two bags
Uncountable: You can add sugar and milk to make this dessert
b. Proper nouns
A proper noun usually begins with a capital letter in writing. It also
includes personal names (Mr. Denver Green), names of geographic units
such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. (China, Roma, Han River); name of
nationalities and religions (An American, Christianity); names of holidays
(Thanksgiving Day); names of times (Sunday, May); words used for a
thing or abstraction treated as a person (Liberty).
For example: His name is Jefferey.

c. Concrete and abstract nouns

A concrete noun is a word for a physical object that can be perceived by
the sense such as see, smell, touch the object (flower, food). Abstract noun
is a word for a concept, it is an idea that exists in our minds only (beauty,
courage). For example:
Concrete: We can sniff the flavor of the foods from the terrace.
Abstract: We can’t imagine her beauty in real life.
d. Collective nouns
Words that for a group of people, animals or objects considered as a single
unit are called collective nouns. Example of collective nouns are class,
family, major, nation, public, team, crew, enemy, faculty, jury, group,
government, etc.
For example: Your class is nominated to be the best class.
e. Compound nouns
A compound is made up of more than one word and functions as noun.
Such expressions are frequently combinations of two nouns. Example of
compound nouns are address book, science fiction, etc.
For example: They decorated their classroom so pretty.
2. Verb
Verbs have a part of speech without case inflection, but inflected for tense,
person, number, signifying an activity or process performed. Verbs typically
have four or five forms (e.g. eat, ate, eaten, eating), the function of which are
3. Adjective
Adjective is a word which describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. A modifier
is a word that changes or alters the meaning of another word. Adjectives are
usually placed before the noun. Adjectives are describing words which add the
details about the noun in a sentence.
a. Descriptive Adjectives
Adjective of quality describe a person, a place or a thing and thus are also
known as descriptive adjective. This type of adjectives shows quality, size,

origin, shape, color, taste, acts, feel, look, or some other quality of nouns
and pronouns. For example: The white rabbit is jumping in the field.
b. Proper Adjectives
This type adjective is formed from proper nouns, like Korean strawberry
and Paris Bread, are called proper adjectives. For example: Korean
skincare are the best skincare in the beauty industry.
c. Possessive Adjectives
This type adjective shows possession are called possessive adjectives. To
show the possession, this adjective used my, your, his, her, its, our, and
them are possessive adjective and it used with nouns to show belonging.
For example: My cat is stretching its head.
4. Adverb
Adverb are word that is used to describe verbs or adjectives. There are several
types of adverbs:
a. Adverbs of time
Adverb of time tells the time when the action took place. In identifying the
time, we can ask a question starting with “when”. For example: You can
eat now.
b. Adverb of place
Adverb of place tells the place, where the action was carried out. In
identifying the place, we can ask a question starting with “where”. For
example: I will be there tomorrow.
c. Adverb of manner
Adverb of manner are related to the corresponding adjectives. In most
cases, adverbs of manner are formed by adding “ly” to the corresponding
adjectives. To identify them, we can ask a question starting with “how” or
“in what manner”. For example: I can answer the questions easily.
d. Adverb of degree
Adverb of degree tells what degree, extent, or intensity something
happens. To identify it, we can ask a question starting with “how much”.
For example: A kangaroo jumps extremely fast.

e. Adverb of frequency
Adverb of frequency tells us how often the action is carried out. To
identify it, we can ask a question starting with “how often”. For example:
He never comes late.

2.3. Types of Vocabulary

Some experts have classified types of vocabulary. Shepherd (1980: 1) classified

vocabulary into two kinds: a receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. The
receptive vocabulary is also called a passive vocabulary because the learners only
receive thoughts and idea from the others. In language knowledge, passive
vocabulary is considered as the basic of learning vocabulary. According to
Harmer (1998: 159) active vocabulary refers to the vocabulary that students have
been thought or learnt and which the students will recognize when they meet then
but which they will probably not be able to produce.

Haycraft quoted by Hatch & Brown (1995) divide two kinds of vocabulary,
receptive and productive vocabulary.

1. Receptive vocabulary
Receptive vocabulary is words that the leaners know and understand when
they occur in context, but which cannot produce correctly. It is vocabulary
that the leaners know when they see it in reading skill but do not use it in
speaking and writing. In this vocabulary, the learners only receive thoughts
and idea from the others. The receptive vocabulary is also called a passive
2. Productive vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the words which learners understand, can pronounce
correctly, and can use in speaking and writing. It involves what is needed for
receptive vocabulary and the ability to speak or write the appropriate time.
Therefore, productive vocabulary can be called an active vocabulary because
in activity the leaners can produce the words to express their idea to the

2.4. Concept of Songs

According to Kamien (1997), a song is a short musical composition for the human
voice, which may or may not be supported by other musical instruments and
contains words or lyrics. Similarly, Sophya (2013:8) claims in her book that song
is a useful aid for students learning English, particularly for increasing motivation.
We can give students a motivation through songs in learning process, then
students will have confidence to learn English without their hesitation to speak it
up. El-Nahhal (2011: 18) states in his book that song might promote a positive
emotional attitude toward language acquisition. Song is not just a method to make
students’ emotional, but song also can stimulate their attitude well. When teacher
doesn’t give the students the correct method, students will be bored, and they
can’t handle their attitude anymore.

Weikart (1988: 12) claims that song is a short poem or a sequence of verses which
is composed with music and intended to sing. Song, which belongs to genre
including both lyrics and music, can be added to the list. They are marked by
richness of content, poetical metaphor and symbol that emotionally reflect the
world we live in. song can motivate a positive emotional. Zatnikasari (2008)
proves that a positive mood during the lesson because songs for the students are
natural and fun. Mega (2011) also found that more pleasant and comfortable
learning atmosphere despite the boring routine class, because they could sing
along the song in the song in the class. Thus, song awaken positive emotions
which can bring and increases the students (Medina, 2002)

2.5. Song as Media in Teaching Vocabulary

The use of media in teaching and learning process is important. The use of the
appropriate media would help the teacher to attract the students’ attention. Song is
the most appropriate media to solve it. Song is very effective and convenient media that
could be used in any classroom. In Indonesian students struggle to learn English.
They also are less motivation in learning English because they are not
understanding well the material and they assume that the material is difficult.

In that case, as a teacher, English teacher should give response to students’

condition. English song is one of the strategies for teaching vocabulary.

Song can help students to learn English while enjoy the learning process itself. Song
can make students relax and stimulate their positive attitude well. Not only giving
their attitude through song, song also can make students have motivation, it’s
because in song has beautiful meaning that can help students to motivate them in
their learning process and life.

2.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Songs

Song is one of techniques that supports students in learning English, especially

learning vocabulary. Students can get benefit from song to expand their vocabulary.
According to Brewster (2002:162), the following are some of the benefits of song:
1) Songs can be a medium to introduce new languages.
2) Songs assists the students to improve their pronunciation.
3) Songs can help the students become more motivated to talk.
4) Singing songs can improve the students' memory.

Whereas Murphey (1992:103) claims that there are several drawbacks to employing
1) Only some students will be able to receive what their teacher will provide because
not all students can comprehend well the material.
2) Music disturbs concentration when applying to people who hate a genre of music
3) You can lose command of the class.
4) The songs' vocabulary is inappropriate.

Based on the theories above, we can conclude that there are some advantages and
disadvantages in teaching vocabulary by using English song. After we know the
disadvantages of teaching vocabulary by using English song, we have to looking for
the way to minimize the disadvantages itself. We also have to know the students’
need to make sure the students can achieve the objective of the lesson.

2.7. The Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Song

Before starting the class activity by using song, the researcher should be prepared.
The researcher needs to select the song that fits to the students. The researcher
should consider the age and the interest of the students in the class with the song
which will be given in the class. The steps of teaching vocabulary by using songs
are following below:

1. The teacher told the students that they will listen the song.
2. The teacher let the students to listen the song. In this part, the teacher is using
pop song.
3. The teacher asked the students related to the song. For example: asking about
the title of the song, the singer, the word that they remember well, etc.
4. The teacher handed out the lyric of the song to the students which consist of
some missing words.
5. The teacher let the students listen the song again and asks the students to fill
in some missing words in the text.
6. The teacher asked the students about their feeling after listening the song.
7. The teacher discussed the word that they found.
8. The teacher guided the students to conclude the topic.

Based on the steps above, the teacher expects the following activities to be applied
in the class room. First, the teacher tells the students that they will listen the song.
Second, the teacher lets the students to listen the song. In this part, the teacher is
using pop song. Third, the teacher asks the students related to the song. For
example: asking about the title of the song, the singer, the word that they
remember well, etc. forth, the teacher hands out the lyric of the song to the
students which consist of some missing words. Fifth, the teacher lets the students
listen the song again and asks the students to fill in some missing words in the

2.8. Previous Findings

Concerning to the topic discussed in this research, there are several studies have
been conducted. The first previous research was conducted by Susanti (2019),
English Education of Lampung University. The result of her research showed that
there was an effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery after being taught through

The second previous research was conducted by Muflihah (2017), English

education of Universitas Nahdatul Ulama Surabaya. The result of her research
showed that the students gave positive interaction in the activity and indicated
increasing in their vocabulary mastery. Thus, the research suggests that the use of
song is an effective media to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery.

The third previous research was conducted by Safaatun (2015), English Education
of IAIN Surakarta. The result of this research showed that there was a
development on the students’ vocabulary mastery who are taught by using song
lyrics than the students who are taught without song lyrics. Song lyrics can be
applied to teach students speaking skill for Junior High School.

2.9. Theoretical Assumption

This study has two variables based on the theoretical above: “songs” as an
independent variable and “students' vocabulary” as a dependent variable.
Vocabulary is the key element of the language. Hence, to master the language the
students should master the element of the language that is vocabulary. In teaching
vocabulary, the teacher should choose the appropriate materials that will be taught
for the students and it should be based on the students’ need. Besides that, the
teacher should be creative in learning process, the teacher should choose
appropriate technique that makes students motivated in learning vocabulary.

In teaching vocabulary, there are some media that can help the teacher to achieve
the goal of teaching learning process. There are many ways in teaching
vocabulary and the teacher should choose the appropriate method and implement
it in the teaching learning process to achieve the goal. One of the methods is by

using song as teaching media. Song is considered as an effective, easy and

pleasant method to teach vocabulary, by using song the students will be more
interested and happier in the teaching learning process, and it will make the
students easier to remember and understand the material and also it gives
motivation to learn new vocabulary through song. Song can help students
remember vocabulary easier. As a result, based on the theories, it can be assumed
that using song to improve students' vocabulary is a reasonable solution.

2.10. Hypothesis

Hypothesis in this research to investigate whether using song in teaching

vocabulary is effective or not for students to learn English and improve their
mastery vocabulary.
To reach the answer, the researcher proposed this research hypothesis as followed:
H1: There is significant improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery after the
students are taught by using songs.

This chapter discusses about research design, population and sample, instrument
of the research, validity and reliability, level of difficulty, discrimination power,
technique of data collection, technique of data analysis, data treatment, hypothesis
testing and the result of the try-out test.

3.1. Research Design

This research used quantitative and qualitative method. The data needed the
systematic measurement and quantification of the variable. Quantitative approach
has numeric data that would be processed by statistical method. Numeric data
explained the students’ scores in pre-test and also post-test. Quantitative method
aimed to investigate an existing theory and the data to support or reject it
(Setiyadi, 2006: 8). The purpose of this research was to investigate how songs can
help students to enhance their vocabulary. The research was carried out in Budi
Utomo Orphanage.

Qualitative method is strong in reality and able to provide insights and

interpretations into other similar situations; this implicitly marks as the
transferability and generalizability of qualitative research (Ary, Jacobs, and
Razavieh, 2002). This research used a qualitative design to investigate the
students’ perception toward learning vocabulary through songs to improve
students’ vocabulary mastery. Hence, the researcher investigated the students’
feelings, challenging, and progress toward the use of songs to improve students’
vocabulary mastery.

This research was conducted by using one group pre-test and post-test design
research to prove the significant improvement of the use of English songs in
students’ vocabulary mastery. The research design has two stages, before and after
treatment. In this case, the researchers compared the result before treatment and
after treatment. The design can be shown below:

T1 X T2

T1 : Pre-test

T2 : Post-test

X : Treatment given by the researcher

This research used pre-test and post-test to collect the data. Besides the test, the
researcher used the interview to strengthen the data collected. The interview itself
contains of the response of students after being taught by using song. In this
research, the researcher held the meeting six times; two meetings for pre-test and
post-test, three meetings for teaching the students by using songs, and one
meeting for an interview with the students.

3.2. Population and sample

The population of this study are Budi Utomo Orphanage junior high school
students. According to Arikunto (2006) population are formulated as the whole
group of people or object that have been formulated clearly.
According to Sugiharto (2003), sampling is the process of selecting and taking a
sample from a population in such a way that it may be used as a credible
representation of the entire population. In determining the sample, the researcher
used purposive sampling.

The researcher employed a technique called purposive sampling to choose the

sample. Gray (2009:134) states in purposive sampling, the researcher chooses the
sample using her experience and knowledge of the group to be sampled. As stated
by Gray, the sample in this research is thirty students second grade at junior high
school of Budi Utomo Orphanage in academic year 2022/2023.

The researcher collected the data by conducting a vocabulary test and an interview
for the students. This method is used because the number of students in Budi
Utomo Orphanage is small.

3.3. Instrument of The Research

This study requires the instrument to gain the data which to be collected. The test
and interview are the instruments employed in this research.

3.3.1. Test
a. Try Out Test
Before the researcher gathers the data, the researcher has to try out to the
instrument of the research. Try Out Test is used to measure the validity
and reliability of the instrument of the research. In this research, the
researcher used try out method. According to Hadi (2003), Used Try Out is
a method to measure the validity and reliability of the instrument of the
research with one data retrieval and the result used to test the hypothesis.
The test can be said as a good quality if it has a good validity, reliability,
level of difficulty, and discrimination power.

The researcher took thirty students of junior high school to try out test. The
test was designed with multiple-choice question with four options (A, B,
C, D). The total number of the tests are 50 multiple-choice questions. The
items consisted of 13 items of verb (1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32, 34,
35, 40), 13 items of noun (4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 30),
13 items of adjective (5, 6, 17, 23, 26, 27, 29, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39), and
11 items of adverb (19, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50).

Table 3. 1 Table Specification

No Content word Item number Percent

. age
1. Verb 1,2,3,10,20,24,25,28,31,32,34,35,40 26%
2. Adjective 5,6,17,23,26,27,29,33,36,37,38,39 26%
3. Noun 4,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,18,21,22,30 26%
4. Adverb 19,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50 22%
Total 50 100%

b. Test

The test is used in this research to investigate students’ improvement

before and after being taught by using songs. The questions in the test
related with the material that has been learnt before. In gathering the data,
the students are asked to fill the answer in 36 questions in multiple-choice.
The vocabulary in the questions related with nouns, adjective, verb, and
adverb. The test hold in 60 minutes based on the level of difficulty in each

The researcher also prepared some evaluations related to songs by giving

the learners fill in the blank in the lyric of songs while play the songs. It is
useful to find students’ improvement in each meeting.

3.3.2. Interview

In this research, the researcher conducted an interview section, the researcher used
open-ended questions for the interview. According to Raudyatuzzahra (2020) in
her research, the students asked around 9 questions. The researcher asked deeply
related to their perception and challenges during learning English and how they
improve and mastery vocabulary using by song.

It is conducted to gather the detail information about students' perceptions of

using songs to improve their vocabulary, and to ensure that the procedures are
important in showing students' vocabulary mastery. The interview will involve
representative of second year of junior high school students at Budi Utomo
Orphanage. There are nine participants; three students with the gain highest score,
three students with the gain lowest score, and three students with gain average

When conducting the interview, the researcher needs audio recorder. Instead of
trying to memorize the learner’s responses, it would be good if the researcher used
an audio recorder. The researcher focused on the interview. The use of an audio
recorder can reduce transcription errors. And also, it will help the researcher in the
validation and completeness of the data collected.

3.4. Validity and Reliability

In conducting the research, the researcher used some instrument to collect the
data. However, the instruments must be validated and fulfil the criteria for validity
and reliability. According to Setiyadi (2018), validity and reliability are two
aspects that cannot be separated in the research regarding to the measuring
instruments of the research.

To check the validity and reliability of the instruments is needed to know that the
instruments are appropriate to use to collect the research data. In this research, the
researcher will consider the aspects of validity and reliability for fulfilling the
good instruments.

3.4.1. Validity
Arikunto (2006) in her book, validity is a measurement which shows validity of
the instrument. It is a condition in which a test can measure what is supposed to
be measured. Then, the test should be measured by the instrument that can
measure the appropriate skill to the criteria of the score.

The researcher employed content validity to produce the valid result, the content
of the test, and the measurement method represents the subject it aims to measure.
Content validity is the validity that questioned how the fits between the items of
the tests and the material being taught by the researcher. A test can be said to have
content validity if it measures the specific objectives that equal to the material of
the lesson given. In content validity, if some aspects are missing or irrelevant
from the measurement, the validity of the instrument is threatened. In Try Out
Test, there are 50 questions represents what has been taught in each item. The test
grid for this research can be seen in the following table:

Table 3. 2 Table of Specification of Content Validity of the Test

No Content Item number Percentage

1. Verb 1,2,3,10,20,24,25,28,31,32,34,35,40 26%
2. Adjective 5,6,17,23,26,27,29,33,36,37,38,39 26%
3. Noun 4,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,18,21,22,30 26%
4. Adverb 19,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50 22%
Total 50 100%

3.4.2. Reliability
Reliability is a consistency of the test scores. Besides having a high validity, the
test also has a high reliability too. If the test has a good validity and reliability, it
can be proved that the instrument of the research is good criteria.

According to Shohamy (1985:70) reliability refers to the extent to which is

consistent in its score and given an indication of how accurate the test score. The
students’ score of the test consists of true score and false score. Here, reliability
help the researcher to estimate the error part of the score since there are different
sources of error for different types of the tests, there are also different reliability.
To find out the reliability of the test, the researcher used Split-Half Method as
describe as follow:

𝑟1 = 𝛴𝑋𝑌

√(𝛴𝑋 2 )(𝛴𝑌 2 )

r1 : reliability coefficient between odd and even group
x2 : total score of odd number items
y2 : total score of even number items
xy : total score of odd and even number items

After the split half-test reliability has been determined, the research used
Spearman-Brown Formula (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 286) to find out the
reliability of the entire test.

𝑟𝐾 =
1 + 𝑟1


rk : the reliability of the entire test

r1 : reliability coefficient between odd and even group.

and the criteria of the reliability as follow:

0.90 - 1.00 = high
0.50 - 0.89 = moderate
0.0 – 0.49 = low

To interpret the value of the degree of reliability of the measuring instrument

above, we need criteria that will indicate the interpretation of the reliability, as

Table 3. 3 Reliability Criteria

Correlation coefficient Reliability criteria
0,00 ≤ r11 < 0,20 Very low
0,20 ≤ r11 < 0,40 Low
0,40 ≤ r11 < 0,60 Medium
0,60 ≤ r11 < 0,80 High
0,80 ≤ r11 ≤ 1,00 Very high

a. Reliability of The Test

Table 3. 4 Reliability of The Test

The table showed that the reliability of the test that analyzed by Guttman Split-
Half Coefficient was 0.890. it can be recognized that the test was reliable and
has very high reliability criteria.

3.5. Level of Difficulty

The level difficulty relates to how easy or difficult the item taken from the point
of view of the students who do the test. it is important since the test item which
were too easy, that means all the students get right, can tell us nothing about
differences within the test population (Shomay, 1985:70). It was calculated by the
following formula:

𝐿𝐷 =

LD = level of the difficulty

R = number of the students’ answer correctly
N = total number of the students

The criteria of level the difficulty:

< 0.30 = difficult
0.30 – 0.70 = average
> 0.70 = easy

For full result (see on Appendix 6)

3.6. Discrimination Power

Discrimination power refers to the extent which the items differentiate between
high and low level the students on that test. a good item which is according to the
criterion is on in which good students did well and bad students failed (Shohamy,
1985:81). The formula is:

𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 − 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝐷𝑃 =

DP = discrimination power
Upper = proportion of “high group” students getting the items correct
Lower = proportion of “low group” students getting the items correct
N = total number of the students

The criteria are follows:

DP = 0.00 – 0.20 = poor
DP = 0.21 – 0.40 = satisfactory
DP = 0.41 – 0.70 = good
DP = 0.71 – 1.00 = excellent

For full result (see on Appendix 6)


3.7. Technique of Data Collection

The data for this research obtained through a vocabulary test and an interview.
The test is meant to determine the improvement of using an English song to
increase students' vocabulary at Budi Utomo Orphanage.

The test is used to find out students’ vocabulary skill before and after the learners
learn by using songs, while the interview is used to get learners’ deeper
respondents in a way to find out their vocabulary skill after being taught by using
songs. In conducting the research, the researcher used some steps as following:

1. The researcher prepared the research instrument about vocabulary test and
some interview questions.
2. The researcher conducted the research in the class by giving them explanation
about the test and interview followed by giving them guidelines to do a Try
Out Test.
3. The researcher conducted Try-Out Test. The test are 50 questions in multiple-
choice that related to the content words, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives,
adverbs, synonym, and also antonym. The test hold in 60 minutes based on
the difficulty in each question.
4. The researcher conducted pre-test. The test are 36 questions in multiple-
choice. The test hold in 60 minutes based on the difficulty in each item. This
can be used to know the students’ ability in understanding the lesson that will
be delivered. This goal is to see the students’ means score in pre-test.
5. The researcher was given a treatment for the students in three meetings. The
researcher teached the students’ vocabulary by using song and in the end of
the meeting the researcher given some test related to the vocabulary in the
song. It is useful to find the students’ vocabulary improvement in each
6. After the treatments, the researcher given the students post-test to know the
students’ ability have been achieved. This was given to the students at the end
of delivery the lesson. This goal is to see the differences between the
students’ pre-test mean score and the students’ post-test mean score. The data
was analyzed by using SPSS 16.0. version.

7. After the researcher collected the data from Try Out test, pre-test, and post-
test. The researcher was conducted an interview with the students related to
their perception and the challenges during learning vocabulary by using song
to improve their vocabulary mastery.
8. The researcher was conducted hypothesis test to compare means between the
pre-test and post-test of the experimental class.

3.8. Technique of Data Analysis

Test and interview used by the researcher in collecting the data. The data from the
test is gained to find out the result of students’ vocabulary improvement by using
songs which is applied in the class. Meanwhile, the interview gained to find out
students’ perception in learning English by using songs. The data collected by the
researcher would be analysed and processed. There are several steps to find out
students’ improvement:

1. The researcher scored the students’ pre-test and post-test

2. The researcher identified students’ pre-test and post-test by comparing the
students answers with the correct answers
3. The researcher classified the incorrect answers made by the students based on
the pre-test and post-test made by the students.
4. The researcher calculated the rate percentage of the leaners’ score, the
formula is as follow:

P= × 100%

Notes :

P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total number of the sample

5. Tabulating result of the pre-test and post-test and calculating both means.

6. Getting a conclusion from tabulated result of the pre-test and post-test

administrated that was statistically analysing the data using statistical
computerization of statistical package for SPSS 16.0 version for windows to
test whether the improvement gained by the students is increase or not, which
is the significances is determined by p<0.05.
7. After conducting the research and getting the result, the researcher analysed
and summarized the interview’s result. The data analysed by relating to the
students’ improvement in vocabulary test and the interview result.
8. The researcher made a conclusion from the result of data analysis presented
in the table and description.

3.9. Data Treatment

In order to find out the effect of the students’ vocabulary improvement after being
taught by using songs as the media in teaching vocabulary, the researcher used
statistical calculation to analyse the data using the statistical computation, it was
repeated measures t-test of SPSS 16

3.10. Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis testing is used to prove whether the hypothesis proposed in this
research is accepted or not. The hypothesis of this research are as follows:

H0: There is no significant improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery after the

students are taught by using songs. The criteria H0 (null hypothesis) is accepted if
alpha level is higher than 0.05 (α>0.05)
H1: There is significant improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery after the
students are taught by using songs.
The criteria H1 (alternative hypothesis) is accepted if alpha level is higher than
0.05 (α<0.05)

3.11. The Result of the Try-Out Test

Before conducting pre-test and post-test, the try-out test was done by the
researcher. The try-out test was conducted on Friday, January 6 th 2023. The
students were given 50 items in multiple-choice with four options (A, B, C, or D).
The time allocation was 60 minutes.

Table 3. 5 Result of Try-Out Test

Criteria Items Decision

Poor 8,10,13,15,16,21,23,26,27,3 Dropped
Satisfactory 1,2,4,7,9,11,12,14,17,18,19, Administered
Good 3,5,6,22,25,29,31,37,42 Administered

Table 4.1. showed evidence that 14 items were dropped, they are number
8,10,13,15,16,21,23,26,27,32,34,36,46, and 47. Then, it was found 36 items were
administered for the pre-test and post-test. The computation showed that the
reliability coefficient of the test was 0.890. It means that the reliability of the test
was very high. (See on Appendix 5)

The researcher will present the conclusions of the result of the research and the

5.1. Conclusions

The objectives of this research were to investigate whether the use of songs can
improve students’ vocabulary mastery significantly and to know the students’
perception toward learning vocabulary by using songs. Based on the result and
discussion, two conclusions can be stated as follows:

1. The result showed that there was a significant improvement in students’

vocabulary mastery after the students are taught by using songs. It could be
seen from the t-value (24.14) at the significant level which is lower than alpha
(0.000<0.05). The use of songs is effective in teaching vocabulary.
2. The students’ perception toward the implementation of songs in learning
vocabulary is positive. Out of 9 students’ representative, 6 of them have
positive perception in each interview questions.

5.2. Suggestions

Considering the result of the research, the researcher would like to propose some
suggestions as follows:

5.2.1. Suggestions for the English teacher

1. The English teacher can select songs in teaching vocabulary as the alternative
ways in teaching because using songs can motivate the students to mastery
vocabulary. It has been proved by the technique that the researcher used in this
2. The English teacher should be more creative and active in applying teaching
and learning activities especially in learning new vocabulary.

3. The English teacher should manage the time when using songs as media in
teaching vocabulary and the teacher should choose the right songs that has a
simple words and rhythm in order to attract the students’ attention in teaching
learning process.

5.2.2. Suggestions for the students

The students hoped to be active in teaching and learning process. The students
should know that improving vocabulary is not about how many the words they
know, but also how they can implement the words in the sentences and
conversation, and also, they can comprehend the meaning as well. Improving
vocabulary is not difficult because improving vocabulary can be easy and

5.2.3. Suggestions for the future researchers

1. This research conducted at Budi Utomo Orphanage in Metro. The subject of

the research is second-grade of junior high school. Therefore, the further
research can try to find out the use of songs at different levels of students.
2. Vocabulary in teaching material is difficult to equal to the vocabulary that will
be tested. Therefore, the further research can try to equal vocabulary, both in
vocabulary teaching material and vocabulary test.
3. Another purpose of this research is to discover the students’ perception toward
learning vocabulary through songs. Hence, further researchers can try to
discover the responses, the motivation, and the challenges of the students.

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