Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Acetate Intercalated Co-La
Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Acetate Intercalated Co-La
Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Acetate Intercalated Co-La
Abstract: Layered double hydroxide (LDH) comprising of Co2+ and La3+-ions with acetate counter anion was successfully synthe-
sized by hydrogen peroxide catalyzed hydrolysis reaction and characterized extensively. The observed reflections in the powder X-ray
diffraction pattern could be indexed in P 3 space group with a=0.316 nm and c=2.97 nm. Lattice fringes of distances corresponding to
the peaks observed in X-ray diffraction pattern were observed in high resolution transmission electron microscopic images.
UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy results confirmed the presence of Co(OH)6 along with the presence of charge-transfer
band due to the interlayer carboxylate anion. Magnetization measurements at room temperature indicated high spin configuration of
Co2+ -ion in the sample exhibiting paramagnetic behavior. The mixed metal oxide from calcination was used to reconstruct the parent
layered structure. Intercalation experiments with other organic anions in Co-La LDH proved be successful.
Keywords: layered double hydroxides; chemical synthesis; X-ray diffraction; intercalation; organic-inorganic hybrids; rare earths
Inorganic lamellar solids exist in many forms and are systems. Recently published work on the efficient cata-
widely investigated owing to superior application possi- lytic role of calcined oxides from multicationic Mg/Al/
bilities for the betterment of society in areas such as en- Me LDHs (Me=Y, Dy, Gd, Sm and La) for the highly
vironment, health, and information technologies[1–7]. Lay- demanding isomerization reaction of 2,3-dimethyl-1-
ered double hydroxides (LDHs) are a unique class of butene illustrates the need for the generation of lantha-
multifunctional materials and are extensively researched nide incorporated hydroxides[14]. Combined with the
due to their ease of synthesis and stability. They exhibit a electro active and magnetic cobalt ions being part of the
broad spectrum of applications originating mainly from lamellar structure, one can efficiently explore electro ca-
the flexibility of the choice of metal cations and rich in- talysis of many industrially important reactions with the
tercalation chemistry[1–9]. They are represented by the ease of removing the catalysts simply by the application
general formula [M2+1–xM3+x(OH)2][An–x/n]·mH2O where of magnetic field[15–17]. The significance of incorporating
M2+ and M3+ are divalent and trivalent cations, respec- cobalt ions in LDHs to act as cellular delivery carriers for
tively; x is equal to the ratio M3+/(M2++M3+), A is an an- the anionic drug molecules due to the overall negative
ion of valence n. The structure of LDHs can be described charge of plasma membrane has been elaborated very
starting with the brucite-like structure, M(OH)2, wherein recently[18]. With all these facts in mind, our aim was to
M2+-ions are surrounded by the hydroxide ions in an oc- explore a reliable method of holding these two techno-
tahedral fashion sharing edges to form infinite charge logically significant metal ions in a layered double hy-
neutral layers. Isomorphous replacement of fraction of droxide arrangement. Towards this objective, hydrogen
the divalent cations with a trivalent cation in such bru- peroxide catalyzed room temperature hydrolysis of ace-
cite-based LDHs creates excess positive charge on the tate salts of cobalt and lanthanum has been carried out
layers, counter balanced by the presence of inter layer, along with the characterization of product from it using
(exchangeable) anions. an array of analytical techniques. It is noteworthy that
Cobalt containing layered hydroxides and oxides has layered salts of zinc, nickel and cobalt have been re-
been used for several catalytic applications such as hy- ported earlier by the polyol hydrolysis process without
droxylation of phenol, Fischer-Tropsch catalysts and the requirement of any base as precipitating agent[19].
steam reform of methanol[10–13]. Additionally, when com- Acetate anion also preserves layered arrangements in
bined with the strong and intrinsically basic lanthanum rare earth hydroxide salts[20]. The intercalation ability of
ions, one can multiply the catalytic functions of such the acetate containing Co-La LDH with other organic
Foundation item: Project supported by DST (SB/S1/PC-08/2012), Govt. of India and University of Delhi under the “Scheme to Strengthen R&D
Doctoral Research Program” and DU-DST PURSE Grant
* Corresponding author: Rajamani Nagarajan (E-mail: [email protected]; Tel.: +91-11-27662650)
DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(17)60936-0
Meenakshi Pokhriyal et al., Facile synthesis and characterization of acetate intercalated Co-La layered double hydroxide 475
anions such as benzoate and malonate anions was exam- of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:1 by volume followed
ined to illustrate the anion exchange ability as well as to by drying at 60 ºC.
prove the versatility of this system capable to generate
organic derivative of inorganics. From these experiments, 1.3 Characterization
one can understand the influence of larger ion lanthanum Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of the sam-
present as part of layered arrangement on the orientation ples were recorded using a high resolution PANanalyti-
of the intercalants. cal empyrean diffractometer, equipped with PIXcel3D
detector employing Cu Kα radiation (λ=0.15418 nm)
1 Experimental with a scan rate of 110 s/step and step size of 0.01313º at
25 ºC over the 2θ range of 5º–70º. FTIR spectra of the
1.1 Synthesis details samples were recorded using a Perkin Elmer 2000 Fou-
rier-transform infrared spectrometer using KBr disks.
0.4072 g of La2O3 (1.25 mmol, Sigma Aldrich, 99.9%)
Raman spectra of the samples in compressed form were
was dissolved in 100 mL of acetic acid (1.75 g/mol
collected using a Renishaw spectrometer via microscope
Merck, GR grade) and the resultant solution was concen-
system equipped with an Ar+ laser (λ=785 nm). The
trated to 10 mL by heating over a hot plate. In a separate
photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy measurements in
beaker, 1.2454 g of Co(CH3COOH)2·4H2O (5 mmol,
solid form were performed using a Horiba Jobin Yvon
Sigma Aldrich, >98.0%) was dissolved in 10 mL of dou-
Fluorolog 3 spectrofluorometer at room temperature.
ble distilled water. Both these solutions were poured si-
UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectra were recorded
multaneously into a solution containing 5 mL of H2O2 in
over the range of 200–900 nm using a Perkin-Elmer
30 mL of double distilled water. This mixture was stirred
Lambda 35 spectrophotometer equipped with a 50 mm
for 24 h at room temperature and further dried at 60 ºC
integrating sphere. BaSO4 was used as the reference.
over a period of 48–72 h.
Thermogravimetric experiments were carried out using a
Regeneration experiment was performed by soaking
NETZSCH STA 449F3 instrument at a heating rate of 10
0.1062 g of calcined oxide (obtained by heating Co-La
ºC/min over the temperature range of 50–1000 ºC. Con-
LDH at 400 ºC for 6 h in air) in 50 mL of acetic acid
centrations of cobalt and lanthanum in the samples were
which was concentrated by heating to approximately 10
determined from ICP analysis employing a Vista MPX
mL of volume, followed by the addition of 2 mL of 30%
Varian ICP-AES. Elemental analysis of the samples was
H2O2 and 40 mL of double distilled water. The solution
carried out using an Elementar Analysenysteme GMBH
was stirred for 24 h at room temperature to yield a sus-
Varian EL III by the combustion method. Scanning elec-
pension. The solid was recovered by slow evaporation at
tron microscopy (SEM) micrograph of the sample was
60 ºC.
captured using an FESEM (FEI Quanta 200 F) micro-
1.2 Intercalation experiments scope. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images
and SAED patterns were obtained using an FEI Technai
For the intercalation of benzoate ion, 0.3 g of calcined
G2 20 electron microscope operating at 200 kV. Mag-
oxide was suspended in 10 mL of double distilled water.
netic measurements were performed using a vibrating
In a separate beaker, 0.8 g of benzoic acid (Thomas
sample magnetometer (Microsence EV9) at room tem-
Baker, AR Grade, 99.9%) was dissolved in 20 mL of
double distilled water, to which the suspension contain-
ing the calcined oxide was added together with 2 mL of
30% H2O2. The whole suspension was then stirred at
room temperature for 24 h and finally dried at 60 ºC for
over a period of 48–72 h.
For the malonate ion intercalation, 0.4072 g La2O3
(1.25 mmol) dissolved in excess (100 mL) of acetic acid
was concentrated to 10 mL by heating over a hot plate.
Separately, 1.2454 g of Co(CH3COOH)2·4H2O (5.0
mmol, Sigma Aldrich>98.0%) was dissolved in 10 mL of
double distilled water. Both these solutions were poured
simultaneously into a solution containing 0.7 g of malo-
nic acid (Spectrochem, 99% in 30 mL distilled water)
and 5 mL H2O2. The resultant pink colored mixture was
Fig. 1 PXRD pattern of the product from the hydrolysis of co-
stirred for 24 h at room temperature, after which the
balt and lanthanum acetates (Peaks marked with “*” be-
product was dried at 60 ºC. The excess malonic acid in
long to Co(CH3COO)2·4H2O)
the samples was removed by washing it with a mixture
476 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2017
Fig. 2 FTIR spectrum of the product from the hydrolysis of co- Hydrogen peroxide may be oxidizing the acetic acid to
balt and lanthanum acetates with the inset showing its per acetic acid as it is a well known epoxide forming re-
Raman spectrum agent. The epoxide connecting cobalt and the lanthanum
Meenakshi Pokhriyal et al., Facile synthesis and characterization of acetate intercalated Co-La layered double hydroxide 477
Fig. 6 UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectrum (a) and photoluminescence emission spectrum (b) of Co-La LDH (λex=380 nm)
478 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2017
3 Conclusions
In summary, layered double hydroxide consisting of
Co2+ and La3+ -ions was successfully synthesized by the
room temperature hydrolysis of their acetates catalyzed
by hydrogen peroxide. The observed reflections in the
PXRD pattern could be indexed in hexagonal symmetry
(space group P 3 ). A plausible mechanism has been
proposed for the generation of such layered hydroxides
without the addition of a strong base. The presence of
octahedral Co2+ ion has been evidenced from UV-visible,
PL spectra and magnetization studies. Additionally, ace-
tate groups in the interlayer region promoted the charge
Fig. 7 Plot of magnetic susceptibility versus the magnetic field
transfer from the ligand to metal centers. The interlayer
of Co-La LDH at room temperature
acetate ion was exchanged with other organic anions
(both aliphatic and aromatic) paving way for the genera-
tion of organic derivative of inorganics. We believe that
results, described in present study will facilitate to gener-
ate other layered systems consisting of first row transi-
tion metal ions and other f-block ions and to study the
interplay between them.
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