Software Im en
Software Im en
Software Im en
Installation Manual
Rev. 3.9
1. Software Overview.................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Windows Printer Driver..................................................................................................................3
2. Operating Environment..............................................................................................10
2.1 Operating System..........................................................................................................................10
3. Installation................................................................................................................14
4. Uninstallation...........................................................................................................18
5. Revision History.......................................................................................................21
Reproduction of any part of this documentation is prohibited.
The contents of this documentation are subject to change without notice.
We can assume no responsibility for any results which may come out of the usage instructed in this documentation.
All company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
1. Software Overview
StarPRNT Intelligence is a software package that supports multiple printer models. This software package
contains the Windows printer driver and a printer utility. To use the software package, follow the proce-
dure given in chapter 3, "Installation” and then turn the printer on.
The Windows printer driver is used when files are printed from Windows applications.
Windows Windows
Install the Star Printer Software, and then connect a printer with a USB interface to the PC. The Plug and
Play feature will enable the Windows printer driver automatically.
To use the Windows printer driver when you are connecting to the printer through an interface other than
USB, install the driver from the Windows Printer Queue Management window of the printer utility.
When using the printer through the Windows printer driver, you can set options such as the paper type,
paper cut type, and logo print method by clicking Properties in the Windows Printer Queue Management
window of the printer utility.
For details about the printer driver, see the printer driver help.
Installation Manual
When using the printer through the Windows printer driver, you can set options such as the paper type,
paper cut type, and logo print method by clicking Properties in the Windows Printer Queue Management
window of the printer utility.
For details about the printer driver, see the printer driver help.
❖ Keep unchecked
❖ Note:
Please DO NOT change following settings.
❖ Keep checked Changing settings may cause printing problems.
Default settings
“Print directly to the printer”: Unchecked
“Enable advanced printing features”: Checked
Installation Manual
1 On the Windows taskbar, click 'Start', and then click 'Star Micronics' > 'Printer Utility StarPRNT' .
* Windows11: On the Windows taskbar, click ‘Start’, and then click > ‘All apps’ > ‘Star Micronics’ > ‘Printer
Utility StarPRNT’ .
❖ Windows 11
Installation Manual
Utility Functions
Click a link in the list of utility functions to display
the properties of the corresponding function.
The printer utility is used over a specific connec-
tion (each connection has specific properties
such as the connection method).
Depending on the specifications of the connec-
tion, the utility functions that are displayed vary.
Printer Settings
You can change the printer settings (memory
switch settings) according to your needs.
You can check the operations of various printer
You can store, configure, and perform similar
tasks for OPOS POS printer devices and cash
drawer devices.
Installation Manual
Logo Store
You can store logos (image data) in the printer's
By storing logo and other image data that is
printed frequently, you can expect increased
print throughput, because there is no need to
send the data every time you print.
Text Search
You can set the text to search for and the opera-
tion that is performed when text is detected.
The Text Search function searches for the speci-
fied text in the print data. Upon the detection
of the text, the printer cuts the receipt and then
performs an operation that you have set. The
operations that you can set include printing lo-
gos and generating sounds (only for models that
support this feature).
Sound Upload
You can store audio data (.wav files) in the print-
er’s memory.
The stored audio data can be used by the printer
driver and the Text Search and Audio Configura-
tion functions.
Installation Manual
Audio Configuration
You can set the sounds that are generated when
events such as errors occur on the printer.
Installation Manual
2. Operating Environment
2.1 Operating System
The following tables indicate the utility functions that you can use for each combination of the different
interfaces and emulation modes. One table is given for each model.
This software uses TCP communication port 9100, TCP communication port 9101, UDP communication-
port 22222.
Printer Utility -
Windows Printer Queue
Management × - × × × × ×
Printer Settings -
Troubleshooting -
OPOS - × × × × ×
Logo Store -
Text Search -
Sound Upload -
Audio Configuration -
− 10 −
Installation Manual
Printer Utility * - *
Windows Printer Queue
Management × * - × × × × ×
Printer Settings * - *
Troubleshooting * - *
OPOS * - × × × × ×
Logo Store * - *
Text Search - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sound Upload - - - - - - - - - - - -
Audio Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - -
*SP742 only
Printer Utility -
Windows Printer Queue
Management × - × × × × ×
Star Micronics Cloud × - × × × × ×
Printer Settings -
Troubleshooting -
OPOS - × × × × ×
Logo Store -
Text Search -
Sound Upload - - - - - - - - - - - -
Audio Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - -
− 11 −
Installation Manual
Printer Utility -
Windows Printer Queue
Management × - × × × × ×
Star Micronics Cloud × - × × × × ×
Printer Settings -
Troubleshooting -
OPOS - × × × × ×
Logo Store -
Text Search - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sound Upload - - - - - - - - - - - -
Audio Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - -
Star Line Mode Emulation ESC/POS Mode Emulation Star Page Mode Emulation
Printer Utility - -
Windows Printer Queue
Management × - × × × × × - × × × × ×
Star Micronics Cloud × - × × × × × - × × × × ×
Printer Settings - -
Troubleshooting - -
OPOS - × × × × × - × × × × ×
Logo Store - -
Text Search - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sound Upload - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Audio Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
− 12 −
Installation Manual
Star Line Mode Emulation ESC/POS Mode Emulation Star Page Mode Emulation
Printer Utility - - - - -
Windows Printer
Queue × - - × × × × - - × × × × -
Star Micronics
Cloud - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Printer Settings - - - - -
Troubleshooting - - - - -
OPOS - - × × × × - - × × × × -
Logo Store - - - - -
Text Search - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sound Upload - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Star Line Mode Emulation ESC/POS Mode Emulation Star Page Mode Emulation
Printer Utility - - - - - - - -
Windows Printer
Queue × - - - × - × × - - × - × × -
Star Micronics
Cloud - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Printer Settings - - - - - - - -
Troubleshooting - - - - - - - -
OPOS - - - × - × × - - × - × × -
Logo Store - - - - - - - -
Text Search - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sound Upload - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Installation Manual
3. Installation
If drivers or utility software or both other than StarPRNT Intelligence have previously been installed for
your printer, uninstall these drivers and utilities before you install this software.
Note: If you are connecting to the printer by USB, carry out the instructions in chapter 3, “Installation,”
and then turn the printer on.
① Download Software package file ( <a> or <b> ) from Star’s website and save it.
<b> StarPRNT Vx.x Setup EXE File for Windows 32/64-bit Systems starprnt_vxxx_setup.exe
− 14 −
Installation Manual
④ Click ‘Next’.
⑤ The End-User License Agreement, an agreement for installing the software, appears. Read the agree-
ment. If you agree with the terms, select the 'I accept the terms in the License Agreement' check box,
and then click 'Next'.
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Installation Manual
⑧ If the following confirmation dialog box appears, select the ‘Do not close applications. A reboot will be
required’ option, and then click ‘OK’.
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Installation Manual
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Installation Manual
4. Uninstallation
Follow the procedure below to uninstall the software.
1 Turn the printer power switch off.
2 On the Windows taskbar, click ‘Start’, and then click ‘Star Micronics’ > ‘Uninstall Printer Software Star-
*Windows11: On the Windows taskbar, click ‘Start’, and then click ‘All apps’ > ‘Star Micronics’ > ‘Uninstall
Printer Software StarPRNT’.
❖ Windows 11
5 If the following confirmation dialog box appears, select the ‘Do not close applications. A reboot will be
required’ option, and then click ‘OK’.
− 18 −
Installation Manual
7 The uninstallation program starts and removes all the relevant software components.
8 If you are using the Star Micronics Cloud Services, execute the following file.
1) Open the folder of the software package you downloaded for installation.
❖ You can download the SMCS Clean Up Tool from Star’s website .
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Installation Manual
❖ Note
After uninstalling the printer utility, the printer queue icon may remain in “Control Panel”-”Devices
and Printers”.
To delete it, right-click the printer queue icon and choose “Remove device” from the pull-down
menu to delete it.
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Installation Manual
5. Revision History
Rev. No. Date of Revision Changes
Rev. 1.3 Nov. 2011 Add support Linux, MacOS. Added Software Overview.
Rev. 2.2 Apr. 2014 Add Bluetooth interface support to TSP700II, TSP800II and SP700.
Rev. 3.6 Jul. 2018 Added to print Star Cloud Services information.
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Installation Manual
Name of the
Sound No. Audio Message
Downloadable File
Sound 1 Welcome! SP_EN01.wav
Sound 2 Thank you! SP_EN02.wav
Sound 3 Order coming in. SP_EN03.wav
Sound 4 Drink Order coming in. SP_EN04.wav
Sound 5 Food Order coming in. SP_EN05.wav
Sound 6 Order has been cancelled. SP_EN06.wav
Sound 7 New order coming in. SP_EN07.wav
Sound 8 Order to go coming in. SP_EN08.wav
Sound 9 Print finished. SP_EN09.wav
Sound 10 Please take your receipt. SP_EN10.wav
Sound 11 Please come again. SP_EN11.wav
Sound 12 Please give your receipt to the operator. SP_EN12.wav
Sound 13 Now printing, please wait a moment. SP_EN13.wav
Sound 14 Please do not pull the paper until printing finishes. SP_EN14.wav
Sound 15 Thank you for visiting. SP_EN15.wav
Sound 16 Please take the number ticket. SP_EN16.wav
Sound 17 Please have a seat and wait a moment. SP_EN17.wav
Sound 18 Thank you for your purchase. SP_EN18.wav
Sound 19 Please wait here, we will guide you shortly. SP_EN19.wav
You can play back the preinstalled audio files by selecting the appropriate 'Sound No.' from various
functions such as the 'Audio Configuration Function' and 'Text Search Function' of the printer driver
and printer utility.
The preinstalled audio files are stored in the printer's user-data area. If you store new audio files by
using the printer utility's 'Sound Upload Function' or by sending commands directly to the printer,
all the preinstalled audio files will be cleared.
You can download the FVP10's preinstalled audio files from the following URL. You can use them
again by uploading the files that you want to use to the FVP10.
The error-warning sounds in the printer are not cleared even if you upload new
audio files to the printer.
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Installation Manual
❖ In Windows 10 / 11
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Installation Manual
4. Select the Bluetooth device name, and click or tap [Add a device].
If the Bluetooth device name was changed, then select the device name that it was changed to.
Star Micronics
The device name created here cannot be used for the destination specified when print-
ing from a Windows application. Create a separate printer queue refer to「 Windows
Printer Queue Management」.
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Installation Manual
❖ In Windows 7 / 8.1
1. On the Control Panel, click “Devices and Printers”. And click “Add a Device”.
2. When the Pair with a wireless device window is displayed, set up the printer as instructed on the
screen*, and then click [Next].
* See the “Hardware Manual” for more information on operating the printer.
3. Select the Bluetooth device you want to add from the list of devices displayed, and then click [Next].
If multiple Bluetooth devices are found, you can right-click the printer, select [Properties], and then
check the Bluetooth address to specify the printer you want to pair.
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Installation Manual
4. When pairing is complete, the printer is added to the Printers and Devices screen.
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Installation Manual
5. To check the virtual COM port assigned by pairing the Bluetooth device, go to the Devices and Printers
screen, and then check the “Hardware” tab in Properties for the device that was added.
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Installation Manual
❖ Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
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Installation Manual
5 Click [Browse...].
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Installation Manual
8 Confirm StarMicronics.PrinterUtility, put a checkmark to the left of it, and click [OK].
− 31 −