Children 09 01511
Children 09 01511
Children 09 01511
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Pregnancies Resulting from
Assisted Reproduction: A Review of the Literature
Paraskevas Perros, Alexandros Psarris * , Panagiotis Antsaklis, Marianna Theodora, Michael Syndos,
Antonios Koutras , Thomas Ntounis, Zaharias Fasoulakis , Alexandros Rodolakis and Georgios Daskalakis
1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Alexandra” General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, 11526 Athens, Greece
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The term infertility is defined as the lack of conception within 1 year of unprotected inter-
course. It affects more than 80 million individuals worldwide. It is estimated that 10-15% of couples of
reproductive age are challenged by reproductive issues. Assisted reproduction techniques (ART) are
responsible for more than 4% of live births. Our aim is to review the research on neurodevelopmental
outcomes of newborns born after the implementation of assisted reproduction methods compared
to those conceived naturally. We conducted a comprehensive search of the PubMed, Crossref and
Google Scholar electronic databases for related articles up to June 2022 using the PRISMA guidelines.
Our research revealed a large number of long term follow-up studies between 2 and 18 years of
age, with comparable developmental outcomes. Many studies compared the effects of different
infertility treatments against natural conception. The review of the literature revealed that ART
is safe, as the majority of studies showed no effect on the neurodevelopmental outcomes of the
offspring. In most cases when such an effect was observed, it could be attributed to confounding
Citation: Perros, P.; Psarris, A.;
factors such as subfertility, multiple pregnancies and gestational age at delivery. Finally, the increase
Antsaklis, P.; Theodora, M.; Syndos,
in the prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders after ART, as described in studies with statistically
M.; Koutras, A.; Ntounis, T.;
Fasoulakis, Z.; Rodolakis, A.;
significant results, is predominantly marginal, and given the low incidence of neurodevelopmental
Daskalakis, G. Neurodevelopmental disorders in the general population, its clinical significance is debatable.
Outcomes of Pregnancies Resulting
from Assisted Reproduction: A Keywords: assisted reproduction techniques (ART); neurodevelopment disorders; mental health;
Review of the Literature. Children fertility treatments; assisted conception; natural conception (NC); in vitro fertilization (IVF); verbal
2022, 9, 1511. ability; autism spectrum disorders (ASD); intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
are similar [13]. However, multiple gestations have been shown to have worse neonatal
outcomes compared to singleton pregnancies [13].This has resulted in a move towards the
transfer of a single embryo (SET), aiming to minimize the perinatal risks associated with
children born after ART.
When evaluating the effects of ART, we must keep in mind the heterogeneity of proce-
dures utilized to treat infertility. Assisted reproduction techniques incorporate a variety
of infertility treatments aiming to achieve conception such as artificial insemination, in-
trauterine insemination, ovulation induction, in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm
injection, cryopreservation of gametes and embryos and oocyte donation. It is evident that
due to the great number of different procedures there is an increased number of possible
associations to be evaluated.
The aim of this review is to amass the research on the neurodevelopmental outcomes
of newborns conceived with the use of assisted reproduction methods and compare it with
newborns conceived naturally. Assisted reproduction techniques have been associated
with an increase in the prevalence of fetal morbidities [4–7] and adverse perinatal out-
comes. Hence, it is of the upmost importance to evaluate whether the neurodevelopmental
outcomes of children born after ART are affected in comparison with children conceived
naturally. In this review we will summarize all the latest data and evaluate the possi-
ble association of neurodevelopmental disorders with the different methods of assisted
Table 1. Overview of studies on the neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants conceived via assisted reproduction techniques versus naturally conceived children.
Assisted Follow-Up
Study Country/Region Design Duration Sample Size lopmental Results Cofounders
Conception (Years)
Art Control Group
Mortality & Age no
Higher rate of functional
Developmental disability singletons
Abdel-Latif New South Wale Delay born by IVF born at
based Gestational Age
et al., Australian 1998–2004 IVF 217 1256 Cerebral palsy 2–3 22-26w (aOR 1.79, 95%
retrospective Multiple birth
2013 [15] Capital Territory Deafness CI 1.05 to 3.05, p = 0.03)
cohort study
Blindness but not at 27–28w (aOR
0.81, 95% CI 0.37 to 1.77;
p = 0.59) than those
after SC.
Maternal age
Agarwal Prospective
Tertiary care Prospective Sex
et al., 13 months ICSI 76 261 register based 2 No risk
perinatal centre cohort study Gestational age
2005 [16] cohort study
(n = 53)
Balayla Network in Cognitive scores
Prospective UI (n = 79) No significant difference
et al., perinatology of 2010–2012 278 2088 Motor scores 0–2
Cohort Study IVF (n = 32) (p > 0.05)
2017 [17] Quebec and Language score
ICSI (n = 105)
Eastern Ontario
In vitro
(n = 9)
Bay et al., (md: 0.6 95% CI: 2.2–3.4)
Denmark Follow-up 2003–2008 All 205 1577 lopmental 0–5
2014 [18] Overall attention (0.1,
95% CI: 0.2–0.4)
Statistically significant
Maternal age
Prospective increase in mental
Bay et al., Mental Smoke
Denmark Register Based 1995–2003 All 33139 555828 8–17 disorders after ovulation
2013 [19] disorders Psychiatric history
Cohort study induction (1.20, 1.11 to
Educational level
1.31;absolute risk 4.1%)
Children 2022, 9, 1511 5 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Assisted Follow-Up
Study Country/Region Design Duration Sample Size lopmental Results Cofounders
Conception (Years)
Prospective ART (n = 96) Cognitive Sociodemographic
United population Induced development- No significant Factors
et al., 2000–2002 All Techniques 11873 3&5
Kingdom based cohort Ovulation verbal difference Multiple
2011 [20]
study (I = 167) ability pregnancy
Social life
Massachusetts 10147 (ART) No significant
Diop et al., longitudinal Maternal age
Taiwan 2004–2013 All 8072 441898 ASD 0–3 difference
2019 [21] cohort study Prenatal care
California (subfertile) (p < 0.05)
Chronic hypertension
Short Sensory
Farhi et al., Follow-up profileAutism- No significant
Israel All 358 401 7–8
2021 [22] Study Attention- difference
Fountain Demographic
Observation 48865 (ART) No increased risk for
et al., California 1997–2007 All 59262251 ASD Adverse prenatal &
cohort study 32922 (IVF) ASD after ART
2015 [23] perinatal outcomes
Western No significant Gestational Age
et al., Cohort study 1994–2002 All 2914 208746 Cerebral pulsy 0–5
Australia difference Multiple birth
2018 [24]
Multiple Birth
Hvidtjørn Maternal Age
Population (14991—2.5%) 33.139 HRR 1.45 (95% CI:
et al., Denmark 1995–2003 588.967 Cerebral palsy 5–13 Parity
based follow-up OI (5.6%) 0.96–2.19).
2010 [25] Birthweight
Multiple Births
9w: no difference Gestational AgeLow
Husen et al., Embryonic brain
Rotterdam Cohort Study IVFICSI 50 116 9w & 11w 11w: slightly larger at Birth weightPreterm
2021 [26] development
ART embryos BirthHypertensive
Children 2022, 9, 1511 6 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Assisted Follow-Up
Study Country/Region Design Duration Sample Size lopmental Results Cofounders
Conception (Years)
No significant Sex
Jenabi et al., Case control association between IVF History of preterm
IRAN AlL 100 (ASD) 200 ASD 2–10
2020 [27] study and ASDs (OR): 0.9, 95% birth
(CI): 0.7–1.3 Maternal age
Kermani Premature
Assisted Developmental No significant difference
et al., Case control All Techniques 400 420 0–9 months Multiple
reproduction Assessment (p > 0.05)
2011 [28] pregnancy
Knoester Leiden Not concerned:
et al., university Follow-up 1996–1999 ICSI 86 IQ score 5–8 Lower at Art Small sample
83 IVF
2008 [29] medical center Parents IQ
No significant
association was found
Lehti et al.,
Finland Control study 1991–2005 ALL 4164 (autistic) 16582 ASD 0–16 between IVF and ASDs
2013 [30]
(OR: 0.9, 95%), (CI:
Gestational age
Leslie et al., ICSI 84 IVF Developmental
Australian Cohort study 80 1&5 No significant difference Twins
2003 [31] IVF 89 ICI disorders
Educational level
Abilities Maternal Age
et al., Belgium Follow-Up ICSI 109 90 0–10 No risk
Motor Need of ICU
2008 [32]
pmental health
Ludwig Prospective (motor skills,
Tertiary care No significant difference
et al., control ICSI 276 273 emotional 5.5
perinatal centre (p < 0.05)
2009 [33] single-blinded behavioral
Lung et al., 744 (ART) No increased risk for
Taiwan Cohort study ALL 20095 ASD 0–5.5
2018 [34] 415 (ASD) ASD after ART
Children 2022, 9, 1511 7 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Assisted Follow-Up
Study Country/Region Design Duration Sample Size lopmental Results Cofounders
Conception (Years)
no difference in RR of
preterm birth (0.96
(0.88–1.03)), very
preterm birth (0.86 Age
Maheshwari Fresh vs. Frozen (0.70–1.05)), and Parity
et al., UK 1991–2011 embryo 16521 95911 Birth weight 0 congenital anomalies Year of treatment
Cohort Study
2016 [35] (IVF, ICSI) (0.86 (0.73–1.01)) Duration of
RR of having a high treatment
birth weight baby was
higher (1.64 (1.53–1.76))
on frozen
Ovarian Hyper- Gestational Age
Middelburg hyper/tion
Prospective 3/2005- stimulation Neurological 4, 10 & 18 Demographic
et al., Groningen (n = 68) 90 No significant difference
cohort study 12/2006 IVF Condition months Factors
2009 [36] Natural cycle
ICSI Maternal Age
(I = 57)
Netherland Gestational Age
Middelburg hyperstimula-
University Prospective 3/2005- IVF Neuromotor Demographic
et al., tion (n = 68) 540 0–3 months No significant difference
Medical Center Cohort Study 12/2006 ICSI Development Factors
2010 [37] Natural cycle
Groningen Maternal Age
(n = 57)
Place & Prospective Psychomotor
4/1998- ICSI ICSI (n = 66) Gestational Age
Englert, Brussels longitudinal 59 Intellectual 0–5 No significant difference
3/2020 IVF IVF (n = 52) Birth Weight
2003 [12] study Development
Ponjaert- Psychological
Belgium Gender
Kristoffersen Multicentre outcomes No significant difference
Sweden ICSI 300 260 0–5 Maternal age
et al., control study cognitive (p < 0.05)
USA Gestational age
2004 [38] abilities
Father’s age
Mental health
Punamäki Mother’s parity
Prospective IVF 164 IVF Social
et al., Finland 278 7–8 No significant difference Gestational age
Follow-up study ICSI 76 ICSI Cognitive
2016 [9] Need of Intensive
Care Unit
Swedish Autism
Sandin et al., Prospective 30,959
National Health 1982–2007 All techniques 2.5 M Mental 0–10 No difference Multiple Birth
2013 [39] Cohort Study (1.2%)
Archive retardation
Children 2022, 9, 1511 8 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Assisted Follow-Up
Study Country/Region Design Duration Sample Size lopmental Results Cofounders
Conception (Years)
IVF (n = 66)
Schendelaar IVF (Hyper/tion Natural cycle Neurodeve- Perinatal
et al., Groningen Cohort study & IVF (n = 56) 101 lopmental 0–2 No significant difference outcomes
2011 [2] Natural cycle) Subfertile-no assessment Social factors
IVF (n = 87)
Sutcliffe Retrospective disorders Maternal age
No significant difference
et al., Austalia vs. UK case-control ICSI 58 & 208 (UK) 38 & 221 (UK) perinatal 15 months Sex
(p < 0.05)
2003 [40] study outcomes Social class
Sutcliffe disorders Maternal age
Case-Control No significant difference
et al., UK ICSI 208 221 perinatal 17 months Sex
study (p < 0.05)
2001 [41] outcomes Social class
Takeshige All born Mental &
et al., Japan Follow-up 2000–2020 ICSI 116 (national Physical 0–6 No significant difference
2021 [42] average) development
Wagenaar Attention
Case control
et al., German All 139 143 Visual-motor 9–18(mean: 13.5) No significant difference
2009 [43] function
Population- Neurodeve- Male sex
Wang et al., Taipei Medical
based cohort 2004–2016 ICSI 737 23148 lopmental 3–5 No Risk Intensive care
2021 [44] University
study disorders unit admission
Children 2022, 9, 1511 9 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Assisted Follow-Up
Study Country/Region Design Duration Sample Size lopmental Results Cofounders
Conception (Years)
Fine motor
Gross motor
Ovarian No significant difference
Yeung et al., Prospective Personal-social Multiple birth
New York State 2008–2010 induction 1830 4011 0–3 (aOR, 1.33; 95% CI,
2016 [45] Cohort Study functionality Birth weight
Intrauterine 0.94–1.89)
Aalborg- 1984–1987
Zhu et al., Behavioral
Odense, Aarhus, Cohort study 1990–1992 all 7–21 No significant difference
2011 [46] problems
Danish National 1996–2002
ART: assisted reproduction techniques; IVF: in-vitro fertilization; UI: uterine insemination; ICSI: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection; ASD: autism spectrum disease; NC: natural conception;
SC: subsequent conception; IQ: intelligence quotient; OR: odds ratio; aOR: advanced odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; RR: relative risk; ICU: intensive care unit.
Children 2022, 9, 1511 10 of 17
assess the neurodevelopmental outcome of children during the first two decades of their
life [20,47].
Zhu et al, utilized data from three population-based birth cohorts (the Aalborg-Odense
Birth Cohort, the Aarhus Birth Cohort, and the Danish National Birth Cohort) from Den-
mark to compare the incidence of behavioral problems in children born to fertile and
infertile couples [20]. The children studied were between the ages of 7 and 21 years. No
statistically significant difference was detected regarding behavioral problems regardless
of the presence of infertility and the infertility treatment used [20].
Another large population-based cohort study from the United Kingdom investigated
the possible influence of infertility treatment to the cognitive development of offspring at
the ages of 3 and 5 [42]. It included 18.818 children and concluded that neither subfertility
nor ART adversely affected children’s cognitive development at ages 3 and 5 [42].
Similarly, other smaller studies observed no statistically significant differences in
the neurological outcomes after long-term follow up of offspring conceived via ART vs.
children conceived naturally. Takeshige et al. compared neurological outcomes of off-
spring conceived from vitrified oocytes after ICSI with the national average data from
Japan at regular intervals between three months and six years of age [22]. No statistically
significant differences were observed regarding the neurological outcomes [22]. Punamaki
et al. prospectively followed up 255 singleton children born after ART (164 IVF/76 ICSI)
and compared their cognitive development and mental health at the age of 7–8 years
old with 278 naturally conceived children without detecting any statistically significant
differences [9]. Wagenar et al. compared 139 adolescents born after IVF with 143 control
adolescents regarding attention, information processing and visual-motor function, and
did not detect any statistically significant differences [43]. A recent study from Farhi et al.
compared different neurodevelopmental measures of children conceived by ART (n = 358)
compared to spontaneously conceived offspring (n = 401), concluding that there is no
statistically significant difference between the two groups [22]. Finally, Bay et al. conducted
a prospective register-based cohort study in Denmark and included all the children born in
Denmark between 1995 and 2003, with follow-up in 2012 when they were aged between
8 and 17 years old [19]. The numbers of the children studied were 33,139 conceived after
fertility treatment and 555,828 after spontaneous conception. Conversely to the previously
mentioned studies, the study from Denmark revealed a statistically significant increase
in mental disorders in offspring born after ovulation induction/intrauterine insemination
(iui) compared to naturally conceived offspring [19]. However, the same was not true
about in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in the same
population [19]. No specific type of hormone drug treatment was related to the higher risk
of mental disorders [19].
ICSI and 261 matched controls, and concluded that neurodevelopmental and functional
outcomes were similar in both groups [16].
A study conducted by Ponjaert-Kristoffersen et al. matched three hundred singleton
children conceived via ICSI with spontaneously conceived controls from Belgium, Sweden,
and the USA [38]. They compared their psychological well-being and cognitive develop-
ment at the age of 5 and concluded that there was no statistically significant difference
between the two groups [38]. A cohort study conducted in Australia included 89 children
born after ICSI, 84 born after IVF and 80 conceived naturally [31]. The results of this study
suggest that children conceived using ICSI do not have an increased risk of delayed mental
development at 5 years of age [31].
Ludwig et al. conducted a prospective controlled single-blinded study to assess
the neurodevelopmental health of children born after ICSI [33]. The study included
276 children born after ICSI and 273 naturally conceived singletons at 5.5 years old [33].
The results showed no difference regarding neurologic examination, motor skills, emo-
tional/behavioral development, and intelligence [33]. Similarly, Sutcliffe et al. compared
the outcomes of 208 children conceived via ICSI with 221 naturally conceived children
at 17 months old. As with previously mentioned studies, no significant difference was
detected regarding the neurodevelopmental ability of children conceived after ICSI vs.
children conceived naturally [41]. A smaller study from the same lead author of a cohort of
Australian children yielded the same results [40].
A small number of studies have associated ICSI with poorer neurodevelopmental
outcomes of the offspring. However, most of these studies have included a very small
number of patients and have neglected to account for confounding factors.
The study by Sandin et al. included a very large number of patients (2.5 million,
30.959 of whom born after ART) and followed them for a considerable amount of time
(10 years) [39]. However, initial results showing an increase in the prevalence of mental
retardation and autistic disorder in children born after ART were swiftly dismissed when
restricting the analysis to singleton pregnancies [39]. As for the effects of ICSI on the devel-
opment of offspring, after adjusting for singleton pregnancies, a statistically significantly
association of ICSI with mental retardation was observed [39]. However, there are certain
limitations one needs to consider in order to properly interpret these results. Firstly, the
prevalence of mental retardation is very low, and the risk associated with the procedure is
very small. Secondly, important confounding factors such as parental socioeconomic status
were not evaluated during the analysis. Hence, the results of this study must be interpreted
Knoester et al. conducted a study of singletons born between June and December 1996
at Leiden University Medical Center aged between 5 and 8 years old [29]. The researchers
compared the IQ scores of 252 infants (83 born after ICSI, 83 born after IVF and 86 sponta-
neously conceived), and found that cognitive development was lower among singletons
born after ICSI compared to the other two categories [29]. Although the results seem
alarming, one has to consider the limited sample size, possible selection bias, unavailable
parental IQ scores, and lack of clinical significance of the mean difference in IQ, which was
between 3 and 7 points [29].
Larger studies, which reached the same conclusions, were conducted in Massachusetts,
Taiwan, and California. The Massachusetts study included 10,147 children born after ART,
8072 offspring born from subfertile couples without the use of assisted reproduction and
441,898 children born from fertile couples and concluded that compared to children born to
fertile women, children born to ART, ICSI, or IVF, or subfertile women are not at increased
risk of receiving an ASD diagnosis [21]. The Taiwan Birth Cohort Study, using a national
birth cohort dataset, reached the same conclusion regarding the lack of association between
ART and ASD [34]. An observational cohort study from California studied all 5,926,251 live
births from 1997 to 2007 and revealed no association between ART and ASD, while adjusting
for possible confounding factors [23]. Another large population-based prospective cohort
study using the Swedish national health registers from 1982 to 2007 showed no association
between ART and ASD overall, while other possible associations between ASD and specific
techniques such as ICSI were not statistically significant when the analysis was restricted
to singleton pregnancies [39]. Finally, a prospective cohort study based on data from the
Danish National Health Register which included all children born alive between 1995 and
2003 showed a comparable risk for ASD between children conceived naturally and children
born after IVF or ICSI [19]. A marginal but statistically significant association was noted
between induced ovulation and intrauterine insemination and ASD, which was not the
case with any other study [19].
After reviewing all available research on the possible association between ART and
ASD, the overwhelming majority of data support the absence of association. Hence,
development of ASD should not be a concern for couples resorting to ART, as no association
has been documented for the majority of ART techniques. However, since a possible mild
association was noted in one of the published studies, further evaluation is warranted to
determine the validity of the association between ovulation induction/iui and ASD.
4. Discussion
This review summarizes the existing literature on the neurodevelopmental outcomes
in offspring born after ART compared to those conceived naturally. Despite the initial
perception that there is an association between ART and neurodevelopmental disorders,
the elimination of confounding factors results in a lack of such an association in the majority
of studies.
When discussing neurodevelopmental outcomes, it is of great importance to analyze
long-term outcomes. Several studies have looked into long-term neurodevelopmental
outcomes of children born after ART. Long-term outcomes include comparisons of neu-
rodevelopmental outcomes not only during early childhood but for the first two decades
of their life [9,20,22,29,42,43,45,46]. None of the studies showed a greater risk of mental
disorders for children born from ART, with the exception of a follow-up study from Den-
mark that showed a low but statistically significant risk of mental disorders after ovulation
induction [19].
ICSI, being based on the non-natural selection of sperm, came under a lot of research
regarding offspring outcomes. Recent data suggest that children born after ICSI do not
have an increased risk of developing mental disorders [16,26,32,38–42,44]. However, two
studies [38,44] observed a higher incidence of mental and psychological disorders in male
offspring born after ICSI, and one study suggested a possible relationship between ICSI
and mental retardation [39].
The majority of the studies that reported a possible association between ART and
neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring did not take into account multiple gestation,
maternal age, prematurity, birthweight, socioeconomic and health lifestyle differences.
One of the most important contributors to poor neurodevelopmental outcomes is multiple
gestation [23,25,35,45]. In many cases, limiting the analysis to singleton pregnancies dimin-
ishes any previously occurring statistically significant differences [45]. Furthermore, apart
from multiple gestations, subfertility factors such as maternal age and paternal infertility
have been associated with poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes in offspring [39]. Both
Children 2022, 9, 1511 14 of 17
Schendelaar et al. and Goldsmith et al. showed that poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes
are associated with infertility rather than the assisted reproduction procedures [2,24]. Other
factors highly associated with an increased prevalence of mental disorders include preterm
delivery and low birth weight, [15,18,37,45]. Another weakness of the studies that show
poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes after ART is the fact that the type of procedure
linked to poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes varies between studies (ICSI, ovulation
induction, intrauterine insemination etc.). Finally, the increase in the prevalence of neu-
rodevelopmental disorders after ART, as described in studies with statistically significant
results, is predominantly marginal, and given the low incidence of neurodevelopmental
disorders in the general population, its clinical significance is debatable.
On the other hand, one should not overlook the facts that some of the studies that
have observed statistically significantly worse neurodevelopmental outcomes in children
conceived after various ART procedures include a large number of patients [19,39]. These
studies, despite their weaknesses, have been conducted with the proper methodology and
have taken into account a number of confounding factors. It should be noted that adjusting
the analysis for multiple confounding factors may be necessary, but it results in lowering
the power of the study and hence results are less likely to be statistically significant.
This review summarizes the existing literature on the potential relationship between
assisted reproduction techniques and the risk of increased incidence of neurodevelopmen-
tal disorders in the offspring compared to pregnancies conceived naturally. Our study has
some limitations. Firstly, great heterogeneity was observed among most of the analyzed
studies. This is not surprising, as the included studies investigated diverse populations,
from numerous geographic regions, different age groups, fertility treatments, ART proce-
dures and delivery year (1984–2020). Consequently, the antenatal care varied depending on
the country and year of delivery. However, it is important that the majority of the studies
adjusted the statistical analysis for the most common confounding factors such as multiple
gestations, birthweight, gestational age and maternal age. However, other confounding
factors such as the socioeconomic status of the parents, mental health and educational level,
which may affect the incidence of neurodevelopmental outcomes in the offspring, were
not always considered. Finally, the term neurodevelopmental disorder is very diverse, in-
cluding abnormalities ranging from mild disorders to very serious, debilitating conditions.
Hence, comparison between different studies is even more challenging.
5. Conclusions
The greater part of the literature shows no association between ART procedures and
poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes in offspring. However, there is a small number of
studies that have demonstrated possible associations between various ART procedures and
different neurodevelopmental disorders. The interpretation of these studies must be made
carefully, as accounting for confounding factors may negate the proposed association. In
any case, even when an association is proposed between ART and a worse neurodevelop-
mental outcome, the clinical impact is expected to be very small. Hence, ART procedures
should be considered safe regarding the incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders in
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.R., G.D.; methodology, P.A., A.P.; validation, P.A., M.T.,
M.S.; formal analysis, P.P., A.P.; investigation, P.P., A.K., T.N.; resources, P.P., T.N.; data curation, A.K.,
Z.F.; writing—original draft preparation, P.P., A.P., Z.F.; writing—review and editing, P.A., M.T., P.A.;
visualization, G.D., A.R.; supervision, G.D., A.R.; project administration, G.D., A.R.; All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Children 2022, 9, 1511 15 of 17
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