Headache & Migraine Drugs
Headache & Migraine Drugs
Headache & Migraine Drugs
• Headache is a painful sensation in any part of the head ranging from
sharp to dull, that may occur with other symptoms.
• Headache is a very common condition that most people will
experience many times during their lives.
• Headache is generally caused by stimulation, irritation or agitation of
blood vessels near the Dura matter, Cranial Nerve V and blood vessels
near muscles of head and neck respectively.
• Headaches occur in different forms
• However all these forms can be grouped into two groups
- Primary headaches
-Secondary headaches
• Primary headache is when the head itself is the problem.
• it is not a symptom of an underlying disease or condition.
• It is usually occurs due to an over activity of or problems with pain
sensitive structures in your head.
• Some notable types of Primary headaches include:
- Migraine
- Cluster headache
-Tension headache
• Is the second most common type of headache after Tension type
• Migraine headache has the following characteristics
-Pulsatile (Associated with Phonophobia and Photophobia)
-One day duration
-Nausea/Vomiting (Associated with:)
- Disabling
• Migraine can be of two types
-Migraine with aura
-Migraine without aura
But, what is an aura?
• Aura is a collection of symptoms or sensations such as flashing lights or
zigzag lines, which typically precede migraine headache, seizures or
other neurological events.
• Aura are caused by spread of wave of depolarization, and its
presentation depends on the area of the brain affected most by this
wave spread.
• If the occipital lobe is affected most one will have visual auras (Most
common type of aura in migraine), Visual auras can be Scotoma, bright
dots, zig zag lines etc.
• If the sensory cortex is affected most one will present with paresthesia.
• If the motor cortex is affected most one will present with weakness on one
side of the limb (Hemiplegic migraine, Familial type, usually mistaken with
• If the brainstem is affected one will have brain stem auras presented with
Diplopia, vertigo, Decrease hearing, dysarthria
• NB: Sometimes one can have auras without migraine.