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Resume PDF
SKILLS SDE intern at Flipkart Internet Pvt ltd (Jan 2022 - June
Expertise Area/Area(s) of I have done the internship as a SDE at Flipkart for six
Interest : months.I was a part of payout team there which is
responsible for calculating money to be paid to blue
Programming collar employees.As part of internship i have worked on
Data structures and Algorithms. many technologies such as java, spring boot, mongo db,
dependancy injection etc.I have done two major projects
Programming Language(s) : in internship, one was about migrating all the current
payout services to new relic platform and other is to
C, C++, HTML, CSS, XML, Java, migrate the single project repos to service layer repos.
Python, SQL,Android,Spring,
Higher Secondary School (Class XII) :
Name: Shri DJ Patel Kanya Software development
Vidhyalaya, Kadi, Gujarat. Year: 2017 - 2019 Learning new technologies
Stream: Science
Major: Mathematics
Grades: 94 %