Neurology Mcqs1
Neurology Mcqs1
Neurology Mcqs1
a. Tassels
b. neurological hammer
c. tuning fork
d. neurological needle✓
3 The temperature sensitivity is investigated using
a. neurological needle
b. tuning fork
c. neurological hammer
d. test tubes with hot and cold water✓
Test 2
1 Where are the bodies of peripheral motor neurons for the lower extremities located?
a. anterior horns of lumbar enlargement✓
b. Medulla
c. anterior horns of cervical enlargement
d. internal capsule
2 Where are the central motor neurons located?
a. Medulla
b. occipital lobe
c. precentral gyrus✓
d. internal capsule
3 What are the symptoms of irritation of the cells of the anterior horn of the spinal cord:
a. muscle hypertension
b. fibrillation✓
c. Babinsky symptom
d. Anesthesia
4 Indicate the symptoms of irritation of the precentral gyrus:
a. Hemihypesthesia
b. Jackson's epilepsy✓
c. Hemiplegia
d. Fasciculations
5 What is the symptom of irritation of sensitive function
a. Paresthesia✓
b. Termanesthesia
c. Anesthesia
d. Analgesia
6 What type of sensory impairment does hypesthesia of the distal extremities correspond to in the
form of “gloves” and “socks”?
a. Segmental
b. Mononeuritic
c. Polyneuritic✓
d. radicular
7 What type of sensitive disorders will the patient have with a complete transverse lesion of the
spinal cord?
a. Radicular
b. conduction-spinal✓
c. segmental
d. cortical
8 With damage of the abducent nerve develops:
a. diverging strabismus with vertical divergence of eyeballs
b. converging strabismus✓
c. mydriasis on the affected side
d. diverging strabismus
9 In the area of the cerebellopontine angle, cranial nerves exit:
a. V, VII, VIII✓
b. IV, V, VI
c. III, IV, VI
10 For damage of the nucleus of hypoglossus is characteristic:
a. increased palatal reflex on the affected side
b. language deviation in the opposite direction without atrophy
c. lack of atrophy of the tongue
d. fibrillations✓
11 When a lesion of the facial nerve of the peripheral type develops:
a. all options are correct
b. hypomimia of the half of the face✓
c. hypomimia of only the lower part of the face
d. hypomimia of only the upper part of the face
12 Symptoms of damage of the extrapyramidal system include
a. dysfunction of the pelvic organs
b. parkinsonism✓
c. double vision
d. paralysis
13 If the cerebellum is affected, it develops
a. ataxia✓
b. sensory aphasia
c. paralysis
d. visual acuity reduction
14 Alternating (crossed) syndromes occur with lesions
a. brain stem✓
b. half of the spinal cord
c. cerebral cortex
d. internal capsule
15 Dysphonia, dysarthria, dysphagia are present in the syndrome:
a. alternating
b. bulbar✓
c. cerebellar angle
d. internal capsule
16 Horner's syndrome is manifested by the following symptoms:
a. narrowing of the palpebral fissure, double vision, decreased corneal reflex
b. double vision, nystagmus, ptosis
c. myosis, blindness, prolapse of the corneal reflex
d. narrowing of the palpebral fissure, myosis, endophthalmos✓
17 Argyle Robertson syndrome is pathognomonic for
a. brain tumor
b. neurosyphilis✓
c. tick-borne encephalitis
d. stroke
18 Patient with motor aphasia:
a. does not understand complex semantic constructions
b. forgets the names of objects
c. can't talk✓
d. does not understand the speech addressed to him
19 A combined lesion of the oculomotor nerves and the first branch of the trigeminal nerve
forms a syndrome
a. Browne –Secar
b. upper orbital fissure✓
c. Fowill
d. Horner
20 The combined lesion of the facial nerve in the peripheral type and contralateral central
hemiparesis is a manifestation
a. pseudobulbar syndrome
b. upper orbital fissure syndrome
c. alternating syndrome✓
d. bulbar syndrome