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Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

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Food Chemistry: X
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Utilization of low-temperature heating method to improve skim milk

production: Microstructure, stability, and constituents of milk fat
globule membrane
Juan Wang a, Yanmei Xi a, Baoguo Sun a, Jianjun Deng b, *, Nasi Ai a, *
Key Laboratory of Geriatric Nutrition and Health (Beijing Technology and Business University), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100048, China
Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China


Keywords: In the process of defatting milk, preheating treatment is an important factor affecting the flavor of skim milk.
Heat treatment Here, raw milk was preheated at different times and temperatures. Then laser confocal microscopy, multiple-
Evaporated milk light scattering instrument, and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) were
Membrane structure of milk fat globule
used to analyze the microstructure of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), milk stability, and MFGM protein
Milk fat globule membrane protein
Flavor quality
(MFGMP) components. Results showed that phospholipid domain of MFGM changed from an ordered state (Lo)
to a disordered state (Ld) with increase in treatment temperature and time, leading to an increase in MFGMP
content in skim milk. During the stability test, the stability of raw milk decreased significantly with increase in
preheating temperature, while the opposite was true for skim milk. Finally, the results of MFGMP differentiation
analysis showed that, the content of ten taste-related MFGMPs in the control group samples was significantly
lower compared to the optimal group (P < 0.05).

1. Introduction due to the absence of fat, skim milk has poor flavor, so it is particularly
crucial to improve its flavor characteristics.
Milk is considered to be an ideal drink that is rich in nutrients and To improve the taste of skim milk, optimizing the preheating pro­
easily absorbed by the body. With its unique natural, green and nutri­ gram is a good method, as heat treatment is an extremely crucial pro­
tional balance characteristics, milk become a favorite food of consumers cedure in the processing of dairy products. In particular, the
(Du et al., 2022). Research has shown that a higher total intake of dairy combination of heating time and temperature has a significant impact
products is significantly correlated with a decrease in global abdominal on milk (Ye, Singh, Taylor, & Anema, 2004). Therefore, heat treatment
obesity rates, with a reduction of up to 50 % (Crichton & Alkerwi, 2014). of milk before skimming has a positive effect on the flavor of skim milk.
Fat is the main factor affecting the sensory attributes of milk and plays a Different heat treatment intensities led to changes in fat globules, fat
vital role in its appearance, texture, flavor and palatability (Richardson- globule membranes and fat globule membrane proteins. Thus, heat
Harman et al., 2000). Fat creates a pleasant mouthfeel on the palate treatment alters flavor quality of skim milk. Milk is a complex suspen­
(Lopez, Camier, & Gassi, 2007). According to the milk fat content, milk sion, and fat is one of its most critical constituents, accounting for 3 % to
is divided into skim milk, low-fat milk and whole milk (Ai et al., 2015). 5 %. Milk fat is present in the form of small droplets in milk; the surface
Studies have demonstrated that the intake of high-fat meals can lead to is covered with a layer of 10–20 nm thin film, spherical, with a diameter
impaired intestinal function, cardiovascular disease and obesity (Norris, of about 0.2–15 μm, called milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) (Ales­
Jiang, Ryan, Porter, & Blesso, 2016). Consequently, doctors, the federal sandro, Scaloni, & Zolla, 2010). It consists chiefly of polar lipids, such as
government and the mass health media all advocate low-fat diets phospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol, proteins, glycoproteins and
(Briefel & Johnson, 2004). Skim milk, obtained after removing the fat in enzymes (Keenan, 2001). Among them, phospholipids and proteins ac­
milk, retains other nutrients of milk, and has higher protein and lower count for more than 90 % of the dry weight of MFGM (Dewettinck et al.,
cholesterol. It is suitable for people with weak constitutions and low 2008; Lopez, Madec, & Jimenez-Flores, 2010). Changes in MFGM
digestive ability (Bimbo, Bonanno, Xuan, & Viscecchia, 2016). However, phospholipids after milk processing influence the physicochemical

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Deng), [email protected] (N. Ai).

Received 7 November 2023; Received in revised form 29 January 2024; Accepted 2 February 2024
Available online 5 February 2024
2590-1575/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
J. Wang et al. Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

properties of milk such as emulsification and stability, and may alter the First, low melting point agarose (5 g/L) was prepared and stored at
quality of milk. MFGM can primarily ensure the stability of milk fat 45 ◦ C before use. Then, 5 μL of the sample stained with fluorescent dye
globules and prevent them from aggregation and decomposition (Singh, was dropped onto a slide, and 20 μL of low-melting agarose was quickly
2006). MFGM has a three-layer membrane structure. The inner mem­ mixed with it and covered with a coverslip. Finally, the microstructures
brane is derived from the endoplasmic reticulum while the outer phos­ of the prepared samples were observed and analyzed by laser confocal
pholipid bilayer is derived from the apical plasma membrane of microscopy (CLSM) (LSM 700, Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany)
mammary epithelial cells (Heid & Keenan, 2005). Milk fat globule (Nguyen et al., 2016).
membrane protein (MFGMP) is randomly distributed in MFGM, ac­ The microscope had three lasers. The Nile red fluorescent probe was
counting for 25 % ~ 60 % of the total MFGM (Fong, Norris, & Mac­ excited at 543 nm with a He-Ne laser, and the excitation light was
Gibbon, 2007). Changes in the structure and composition of fat globules, captured after passing through a 565–615 nm filter. The WGA-488
MFGM, and MFGMP will alter the flavor properties and function of milk. fluorescent probe was excited at 488 nm using an argon laser and cap­
MFGM with many bioactive compounds has diverse biological ture the excitation light after passing through a 500–530 nm filter. The
functions and health benefits, such as intestinal development, neonatal Rh-DOPE fluorescent probe was excited at 633 nm using a diode laser,
maturation etc. (Nguyen et al., 2015). MFGM has a large content of and the excitation light was captured after passing through a > 650 nm
proteins and phospholipids, which have outstanding latent capacity in filter (Matignon et al., 2014).
preventing or ameliorating chronic diseases such as cancer, obesity,
diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (Jiménez-Flores, Higuera-Ciapara,
& Pouliot, 2009). 2.3. Effect of heat treatment on emulsion stability
Heat treatment affects the microstructure and composition of MFGM
during skim milk production, and MFGM has a vital impact on the Skim milk and raw milk samples that were not skimmed after
physical stability of fat globules in milk (Nguyen et al., 2016). The sta­ different heat treatment treatments were placed into a 20 mL measuring
bility of heat-treated milk will affect the emulsification of milk under cell and measured by astability analysis tester (AGS, Landison Tech­
different conditions. This may cause the MFGM to break more easily nology Co., Ltd, Beijing, China). The measuring probe measured every
during centrifugation, resulting in loss of MFGMP in skim milk, thus 40 μm from the bottom of the sample cell to the top of the sample cell.
affecting the flavor of skim milk. Studies have indicated that differen­ The temperature was 25 ◦ C and the scan was performed every 30 min for
tiation antigen protein (CD36) and phosphorylated glycoprotein (PP3) 12 h (Krieg, Dong, Schwamborn, & Knuechel, 2005).
in MFGMP are associated with taste. Acting as a transporter for basic
fatty acids, CD36 exerts a marked effect on in improving taste (Asch, 2.4. MGMP extraction
1996; Greenwalt et al., 1992). PP3 has very stable emulsifying proper­
ties, which affects the flavor quality of skim milk (Marshall et al., 2004). To fresh raw milk, add protease inhibitor (Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri,
Therefore, in this work, the effects of heat treatment on the micro­ America) was added and mixed evenly at 4 ◦ C, The mixture was
structure, composition and flavor quality of skim milk were investi­ centrifuged at 5000 g for 15 min, and the separated upper fat was
gated, focusing on MFGM. collected.
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, 0.1 M, pH 6.8) (Sigma-Aldrich,
2. Material and methods Missouri, America) solution was prepared and added to the collected
upper layer of fat. The mixture was shaken in a water bath shaker at
2.1. Sample collection 37 ◦ C for 20 min, followed by refrigerated centrifugation at 4 ◦ C and
5000 g for 15 min. The above process was repeated at least 3 times until
A total of 10 milk samples were analyzed. All the milk samples were there was no soluble precipitate in milk fat solution.
purchased from Sanyuan Company in Beijing, and the collected raw milk Next, the membrane was ruptured. SDS (4 % vol: vol) at pH 6.8 and
was kept at 4 ◦ C during the transportation process from the farm to the Tris-HC lysis solution were added to the washed milk fat at a volume of
laboratory. About 300 mL of raw milk was taken for heat treatment at 1:2. The mixture was kept in a water bath at 60 ◦ C in a constant tem­
different times (10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min) and different perature shaker for 20 min, followed by refrigerated centrifugation at
temperatures (4 ◦ C, 30 ◦ C, 40 ◦ C, 50 ◦ C, 60 ◦ C). The samples were 4 ◦ C, 5000 g r for 20 min. The milk fat separated from the upper layer
centrifuged (Multifuge X1R, Thermo Scientific, Massachusetts, America) was discarded, and the lower liquid layer was containing MFGMP was
at 4 ◦ C, 4000 rpm for 30 min. The upper fat was removed and the lower collected. The protein concentration was determined by bicinchoninic
skim milk was collected. The sample was titrated with a pH meter acid assay (BCA) (Krieg et al., 2005).
(STARTER2100, OHAUS, New Jersey, America) to pH = 4.6 to separate
whey and casein. The above sample was then centrifuged at 4 ◦ C, 6000
rpm for 15 min, and the upper layer of whey solution was collected. 2.5. SDS-PAGE
Then 25 μL of the upper liquid was placed into a 2.5 mL centrifuge tube,
5 × SDS protein loading buffer (Dingguo Changsheng Biotechnology In this experiment, 12 % separating gel and 5 % stacking gel were
Co., Ltd., Beijing, China) was added, and the mixture was boiled for 10 prepared as prefabricated strips to separate MFGMP.
min. Skim milk samples were then stored at − 20 ◦ C for further analysis. Measured MFGMP was normalized for different samples. The loading
volume extracted from the samples was all 5 μg. Equal volumes of
2.2. Microstructural analysis different MFGMPs were mixed with 5 × SDS-PAGE loading buffer (with
DTT) (10 mL, P1040, Solarbio, Beijing, China) at a volume of 4:1. The
The microstructure of MFGM was analyzed by double fluorescent mixture was heated at 100 ◦ C for 5 min and cooled for later use.
labeling (i.e., RhDOPE and lectin WGA-488) (Nguyen et al., 2016). Nile The initial voltage was 80 V, and the voltage was adjusted to 120 V
red fluorescent probe (100 μL 42 μg/mL; Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, about 30 min after the bromophenol blue indicator entered the sepa­
America) was used to stain triglycerides in different samples: Rh-DOPE rating gel.. When the bromophenol blue indicator was 1–2 cm from the
(40 μL,1 mg/mL; Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, America) and WGA-488 (10 bottom of the separating gel, the power was turned off and electro­
μL, 1 mg/mL; Beijing Yili Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd, Beijing, China) phoresis was stopped. After electrophoresis, staining required 1–2 h.
fluorescent dyes were respectively used to stain phospholipids and Then decontamination was performed by adding a destaining solution,
glycosylated molecules (glycoproteins and glycolipids) of MFGM in generally until the gel had no background color (Jukkola, Partanen,
samples (Nguyen et al., 2015). Xiang, Heino, & Rojas, 2019).

J. Wang et al. Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

2.6. Differential protein spot analysis

The gel was scanned by the Molecular Imager® Gel DoctM XR +

System gel imaging system (Universal Hood II, Bio-Rad Laboratories,
California, America). The MFGMP content of different samples was
analyzed by differential point analysis and semi-quantitative analysis
using image gray analysis software.
First, an image was used to reduce the background of the obtained
gel map so that the gel background and gel band colors were inter­
changed. Then, performed a point of difference analysis was performed
on the gel bands. Finally, the differential bands were manually selected
for semi-quantitative analysis based on the fluorescence intensity of
each gel band.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Analysis of MFGM after heat treatment

3.1.1. Status of milk fat globules (MFG) and protein (PR) in raw milk
Milk fat globules (MFG) and proteins (PR) in raw milk treated under
different conditions were stained with Nile red fluorescent dye and Fast
Green FCF fluorescent dyes to explore the effect of heat treatment. The
fat globules in milk dyed with Nile and FCF fluorescent dyes after pro­
cessing whole milk samples at different temperatures and at different
times are shown in Fig. 1.
MFG in milk aggregated with the increase in temperature, which
made MFG in milk larger (Fig. 1A–E). Fat globule aggregation was not
apparent at 50 ◦ C (Fig. 1D). The MFG aggregation phenomenon was also
not evident in Fig. 1H, when the temperature was 50 ◦ C and heating time
was 30 min. The changes in milk protein (PR) of different samples in
Fig. 1 were insignificant. Thus, it can be inferred that t the flavor of skim
milk may be affected by the following reasons: MFG becomes unstable
with the increase in heat treatment temperature and time. This causes
MFGM to break more easily during subsequent centrifugation and skim
and MFGMP easily falls off in skim milk. Therefore, preheating at 50 ◦ C
for 30 min was the optimal treatment condition (Fig. 1D and H). The
results displayed that heat treatment had a certain effect on the structure
of MFGM.

3.1.2. Status of polar phospholipid domains of MFGM in raw milk

The Rh-DOPE fluorescent dye was used to stain the polar phospho­
lipids of MFGM in raw milk treated under different conditions, and the
effect of heat treatment on the phospholipid domain was explored. The
changes in phospholipid domains in MFGM for whole milk samples
treated at different temperatures and different times are shown in
Fig. 2Aa–Aj.
The fluorescent area on the MFGM also expanded with increase in
heat treatment temperature (Fig. 2Aa–Ae). The results showed that these
regions on MFGM were closely related to temperature changes. Most
MFGMs consisted of phospholipids, which were mixed with a small
amount of MFGM protein. Changes in Rh-DOPE-labeled phospholipids
indicated that the phospholipid domains in MFGM changed from an Fig. 1. State of fat globules and milk proteins of whole milk samples treated
ordered state (Lo) to a disordered state (Ld) with increase in tempera­ with Nile red and FCF fluorescent dyes after treatment at different temperatures
and different times (A: control group; B: 30 ◦ C; C: 40 ◦ C; D: 50 ◦ C; E: 60 ◦ C; F:
ture. This may make the MFGM more likely to break. When the heat
10 min; G: 20 min; H: 30 min; I: 40 min; J: 50 min) All scale bars are in 10 μm.
treatment temperature was 50 ◦ C, the phospholipid domains in MFGM
did not show an increasing trend with the increase in heat treatment
time, and the fluorescence area instead showed an irregular change was previously demonstrated that heat treatment reduces the shielding
(Fig. 2Af–Aj). The indicated that the change in heating time had no ef­ effect of MFGM proteins when heated above 80 ◦ C, leading to the
fect on the phospholipid domain of MFGM. accumulation of fat particles. This affects the distribution of milk fat and
It can be inferred from Fig. 2A that the state of phospholipid struc­ increase the formation of oxidized flavor compounds (Li, Zhang, Shao,
tural domains of MFGM changed with increase in temperature, while Guo, & Wang, 2019). The lipid fraction of MFGM has been reported to be
change in heating time did not affect the phospholipid domains of temperature sensitive, and the number, size and shape of the phospho­
MFGM. The results in Tables 1 and 2 demonstrated that heat treatment lipid structural domains are altered by temperature (Vegarud, Langsrud,
had a certain effect on the microstructure of MFGM. The phospholipid & Svenning, 2000). Heating has different effects on the rheological
threshold of the lactolipid globule membrane of the samples increased properties and microstructure of gels in skim milk (Theo, Jeurnink, Kees,
significantly with increase in heat treatment temperature (P < 0.05). It & Kruif, 1993). Therefore, it may affect the emulsification of milk. PP3

J. Wang et al. Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

Fig. 2. State of MFGM phospholipid domains in whole milk samples and changes in MFGM proteins in skim milk samples. (A) State of phospholipid domains in fat
globule membranes of whole milk samples treated with RH-DOPE fluorescent dye after treatment at different temperatures and different times (a: control group; b:
30 ◦ C; c: 40 ◦ C; d: 50 ◦ C; e: 60 ◦ C; f: 10 min; g: 20 min; h: 30 min; i: 40 min; j: 50 min). (B) Changes of MFGM proteins in fat after treatment with WGA-488 fluorescent
dye (a: control group; b: 30 ◦ C; c: 40 ◦ C; d: 50 ◦ C; e: 60 ◦ C; f:10 min; g: 20 min; h: 30 min; i: 40 min; j: 50 min). All scale bars are in 10 μm.

Table 1 Table 2
Average size of phospholipid domains in MFGM of Average size of phospholipid domains in MFGM of
whole milk samples at different temperatures. whole milk samples at different times.
Groups Average area Groups Average area

A 20.86 ± 3.66a F 55.56 ± 7.80a

B 35.06 ± 2.61d G 23.37 ± 0.63c
C 46.48 ± 6.18c H 37.54 ± 2.46b
D 58.03 ± 5.0b I 22.27 ± 2.71c
E 129.36 ± 1.45a J 20.60 ± 1.69c

A: control group; B: 30 ◦ C; C: 40 ◦ C; D: 50 ◦ C; E: F: 10 min; G: 20 min; H: 30 min; I: 40 min; J: 50

60 ◦ C. min.
Mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
Different superscript letters indicate significant Different superscript letters indicate significant
differences between preheating treatment temper­ differences between preheating treatment times
atures (p < 0.05). (p < 0.05).

in MFGMP has very stable emulsifying properties and plays an important The content of lactolipoglobulin in fat is was found to be strongly
role in milk processing. Proteins in MFGM may be shed in skim milk due correlated with change in heat treatment temperature (Fig. 2Ba–Be). As
to the breakdown of MFGM, affecting the flavor of skim milk. CD36 and the temperature increased, the MFGMP content in the centrifuged fat
PP3 in MFGMP have been reported to be associated with flavor (Lynes, decreased. Therefore, MFGMP content in skim milk increased due to the
Narisawa, Millán, & Widmaier, 2011). rise in temperature. When the heat treatment temperature was 50 ◦ C,
the MFGMP content in fat did not increase with heat treatment time, and
3.1.3. Analysis of the amount of MFGMP the fluorescence area changed irregularly (Fig. 2Bf–Bj). The content of
To verify whether more the MFGMP was shed in the skim milk after MFGMP in fat was lower after 10 min and 30 min treatments (Fig. 2Bf
preheating. Therefore, WGA488 (Wheat germ agglutinin Alexa FluorTM and Bh). In contrast, skim milk had a higher MFGMP content when
488 conjugate) fluorescent dye was used to stain MFGMP in fat obtained heated at 50 ◦ C for 30 min. The heating time should not be too long,
by centrifugation after preheating. The change in MFGMP in the preferably 30 min. From this point of view, heating at 50 ◦ C for 30 min
removing fat can indicate the amount of MFGMP in the skim milk. was the optimal processing condition (Fig. 2Bd and Bh).

J. Wang et al. Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

It can be inferred from Fig. 2B that heat treatment had a certain effect obtained by centrifugation after heat treatment. Fig. 3A presents the
on the microstructure and composition of MFGM as well as flavor graph of stability analysis of raw milk treated at different temperatures
quality. The addition of MFGMP allows for a more stable MFGM and times. Fig. 3B shows the graph of stability analysis of skim milk
mechanism, and MFGM prevents unwanted rancid odors as it adsorbs at treated at different temperatures and times.
the interface and protects the lipid core from excessive lipolysis (Van­ The stability of raw milk decreased with increase in heat treatment
derghem et al., 2010). Our previous study showed that preheating temperature (Fig. 3Aa–Ae). The treatments at 40 ◦ C (Fig. 3Ac), 50 ◦ C
treatment at higher temperatures could alter the flavor quality of skim (Fig. 3Ad) and 60 ◦ C (Fig. 3Ae) showed no significant difference in raw
milk. Specifically, the intensity of sensory attributes such as milky, milk stability, and all were inferior to the control and 30 ◦ C treatment of
caramelized, and sweetened flavors of skim milk obtained by centrifugal raw milk (Fig. 3Aa and Ab). Different heating times did not noticeably
separation of the raw milk was increased after preheating treatment at influence the stability of raw milk at 50 ◦ C (Fig. 3Af–Aj). As seen from
137–141 ◦ C (Tong et al., 2019). MFGMP content in the fat obtained by Fig. 3A, different heating temperature affected the stability of raw milk,
centrifugation gradually decreased with the increase in temperature. and may affect the emulsification of MFGM in the subsequent centrifugal
Conversely, MFGMP content gradually increased in skim milk. At the defatting process. This may cause MFGM to break more easily during
same processing temperature, time change had no significant effect on centrifugation. Thus, more MFGMP residues would be left in the skim
MFGMP content in skim milk. This phenomenon indicated that the in­ milk, affecting the taste and flavor of the skim milk.
crease in MFGMP content in skim milk might have a certain impact on The stability of skim milk increased with preheating temperature
improving its flavor. (Fig. 3Ba–Be). However, the stability fluctuated when the treatment
temperature was 60 ◦ C (Fig. 3Be). It has been reported that treatment
lower than 50 ◦ Chas no significant effect on the viscosity of milk. When
3.2. Stability analysis
the temperature exceeds 60 ◦ C, the viscosity of milk increases (Theo
et al., 1993). As seen from Fig. 3Bf–Bj, the stability of the obtained skim
Milk stability analysis mainly was performed to evaluate both the
milk was good when it was heated at 50 ◦ C, and the change in heating
stability of raw milk after heat treatment and the stability of skim milk

Fig. 3. Stability analysis of samples with different preheating treatment temperatures and times (A) Whole milk (a: control group; b: 30 ◦ C; c: 40 ◦ C; d: 50 ◦ C; e:
60 ◦ C; f: 10 min; g: 20 min; h: 30 min; i: 40 min; j: 50 min). (B) Skim milk (a: control group; b: 30 ◦ C; c: 40 ◦ C; d: 50 ◦ C; e: 60 ◦ C; f: 10 min; g: 20 min; h: 30 min; i: 40
min; j: 50 min).

J. Wang et al. Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

time had no significant effect on the stability of the obtained skim milk. acid-Schiff stain), CD36 (differentiation antigen), BTN (butyric acid),
In conclusion, skim milk has the best stability when heated to 50 ◦ C ADPH (adipose differentiation-associated protein), Lane11, Lane13,
(Fig. 3Bd). Lane14, and PP3. Under different treatment conditions, skim milk pro­
duced had significantly higher levels of these 10 MFGM proteins than
3.3. SDS-PAGE analysis controls, including flavor-related proteins (CD36 and PP3).
The protein content in the treatment group (50 ◦ C for 30 min) was
3.3.1. SDS-PAGE analysis of milk-like MFGM protein markedly higher than that in the control group, including CD36 and
In order to accurately identify the specific MFGM proteins in the two PP3. Previous studies have pointed out that CD36 and PP3 are related to
samples, and preliminarily assess the influence of the difference in taste. As a transporter of essential fatty acids, CD36 has a certain effect
MFGM protein on the flavor quality of skim milk, SDS-PAGE was used to on the improvement of taste, while PP3 has very stable emulsifying
analyze t MFGM proteins in the untreated samples and the samples were properties and affects the flavor of skim milk (Marshall et al., 2010).
treated under the optimal conditions (50 ◦ C, 30 min treatment). SDS-PAGE analysis showed that XO, CD36, BTN and ADPH existed in the
In this experiment, organic reagents were used to separate the raw MFGM through disulfide bonds, and heat treatment resulted in the
milk after different treatments by centrifugation, and MFGM proteins weakening of disulfide bonds between some XO, BTN and ADPH pro­
were extracted from the separated fat. The extracted MFGM proteins teins (Corredig & Dalgleish, 1999). The influence of these components
were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Image gel analysis software. Differ­ led to the rupture of MFGM, causing more MFGMP to fall off in the skim
ences in MFGM proteins in skim milk were analyzed from the opposite milk, which changed the flavor change of the skim milk.
perspective. The contents of 10 MFGM proteins in skimmilk were significantly
The SDS-PAGE electrophoresis patterns of the samples in the control higher than those in the control group under the optimal treatment
group and the treatment group after being separated by SDS-PAGE gel conditions of heating at 50 ◦ C for 30 min. MFGM contains many other
are shown in Fig. 4A. As seen from the electropherogram, SDS-PAGE had kinds of proteins and enzymes including approximately 554 proteins,
a good separation effect on the MFGM proteins in the sample, and could most of which have unknown functional properties (Cartier & Chilliard,
distinguish each protein with different molecular weights (1, 3, 5, 7, and 1986). As seen from Fig. 4A and B, heat treatment had a certain impact
9 are the control groups; 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are the treatment groups). The on the microstructure and composition of the MFGM of skimmilk.
content of the same MFGM protein differed significantly between the Different heat treatment conditions may lead to MFGM being more
control and treatment groups. easily broken in the subsequent centrifugal defatting process, resulting
Semi-quantitative analysis of MFGM proteins in samples under in more falling off of MFGMP in skim milk, thus affecting the flavor
different treatment conditions was performed using Image gel analysis quality of skim milk. This result showed that heat treatment was effec­
software. As seen from Fig. 4B, a total of 10 MFGM proteins were tive in enhancing the taste of skim milk.
significantly different between control and treated samples, namely,
XDH/XO (xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase), Lane3, PASIII (periodic

Fig. 4. SDS-PAGE and Grayscale analysis of MFGM. (A) SDS-PAGE of MFGM proteins in fat. Control group (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), treatment group (2, 4, 6, 8, 10). (B)
Grayscale analysis of MFGM proteins in fat. (C) SDS-PAGE of MFGM proteins in whey. (D) Grayscale analysis of MFGM proteins in whey.

J. Wang et al. Food Chemistry: X 21 (2024) 101187

3.3.2. SDS-PAGE and grayscale analysis of whey samples Funding

Ten whey samples (control and treatment groups) were subjected to
SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and subjected to differential analysis of This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Sci­
MFGM proteins. Fig. 4C shows the electropherograms in whey of SDS- ence Foundation of China (32272460).
PAGE gel separation of control samples and 9 groups of samples with
different heat treatment temperatures and times (control group: 1; CRediT authorship contribution statement
treatment groups: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). The samples of groups 1–10
with different heat treatment temperatures and times were separated by Juan Wang: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft,
SDS-PAGE gel as follows: 4 ◦ C (control group), 50 ◦ C for 10 min, 50 ◦ C Visualization, Validation, Software, Resources, Methodology, Investi­
for 20 min, 50 ◦ C for 30 min, 50 ◦ C for 40 min, 50 ◦ C for 50 min, 30 ◦ C for gation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Yanmei Xi:
30 min, 40 ◦ C for 30 min, 50 ◦ C for 30 min, and 60 ◦ C for 30 min. It can Investigation, Conceptualization. Baoguo Sun: Project administration.
be seen from the electropherogram that SDS-PAGE had a good separa­ Jianjun Deng: Writing – review & editing, Supervision. Nasi Ai:
tion effect on the MFGM proteins in the sample, and distinguished Writing – review & editing, Validation, Supervision, Project
proteins of different molecular weights well. administration.
Fig. 4D represents the grayscale analysis results of MFGMP in the
blank group and the optimal treatment group (50 ◦ C, 30 min) of skim Declaration of competing interest
milk samples. The MFGM found in whey had 8 proteins, the total content
of which was lower than that of MFGM in fat, indicating that a small The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
amount of MFGM was shed into milk. Among them, CD36, PP3 and other interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
taste substances will have a certain impact on the flavor of skim milk. the work reported in this paper.
This result may affect the flavor of the milk.
According to literature, CD36 has various functions, such as removal Data availability
of apoptotic cells and hematopoiesis (Asch, 1996; Greenwalt et al.,
1992). It has also been reported in the literature that CD36 can carry The original contributions presented in the study are included in the
long-chain fatty acids as an essential fatty acid transporter (Abumrad, article/supplementary material; further inquiries can be directed to the
Harmon, & Ibrahimi, 1998). Therefore, it may influence a certain effect corresponding author’s.
on the improvement of taste. Studies have shown that PP3 has the ability
to inhibit the activity of lipoprotein lipase, and has an inhibitory effect Acknowledgement
on the spontaneous lipolysis of fat in milk (Cartier, Chilliard, & Paquet,
1990; Girardet, Linden, Loye, Courthaudon, & Lorient, 1993). Another We would like to acknowledge the reviewers for their helpful com­
study indicated that PP3 plays a vital role in milk processing because of ments on this paper.
its stable emulsification properties (Anderson, 1981). In view of the
above functional properties of PP3, it may have a certain impact on the Ethical statement
flavor of milk.
Not applicable.
4. Conclusion
Consent for publication
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living standards, in terms of diet, more and more people are inclined to
Not applicable.
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