Chapter 7 External Flows Lecture 2 and 3

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BITS Pilani Boundary layer thickness :

Pilani Campus

 BLT (δ) : Distance from the solid surface at which the local velocity reaches
99% of the free stream velocity.

V V
V  x  0.99V
δ( x )

Flow past immersed body (External flow)

 Boundary layer effect : Boundary layer retards the fluid near the solid surface

Lecture – 2 Dr J S Rathore
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Displacement (δ*) / momentum thickness (θ) : Von Karman momentum integral equation:
Viscous flow Frictionless flow
w d δ  dV δ
y  x  0.99V      x V   x dy    V   x dy
ρ dx  0  dx 0
o the shear stress at the boundary surface
o the overall rate of momentum flux across a section of the boundary layer
δ o the pressure gradient in the direction of flow
A B  For flow over flat plate  0
(V   x )  x δ x
 δ   (1  )dy   (1  )dy ----- (7.12)
V V
0 0
w d  δ  x  x   w dθ
       1  dy    ----- (7.5)
 x 1  x dy ----- (7.3) ρV2 dx  0 V  V  
 ρV2 dx
0 V  V 
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 Re L  5  10 5
Drag coefficients: Drag force :
x 3 y 1 y
3 w dθ Total horizontal force (or Skin friction drag) 3 y 1 y
      
     ρV2 dx V 2  δ  2  δ 
V 2  δ  2  δ 
 FD    w (bdx)  Re L  5  10 5
3μV 4.64x
w 3μ
 c fx   c fx  2δ2  Re x
ρV2 ρV ρV δ w
 c fx 
2 2 ρV2
Local skin friction coefficient Overall drag coefficient
0.646 1.292
 c fx   C fL  2c fx 
Re x Re l

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Boundary layer equations: Prandtl BL equations:

Assumptions: d
 x  y  0
1. Since the BL is very thin, Prandtl   0 d d
assumed that transverse velocity x y  0
dx  0
y x component in BL is very small dx dx
 x   y     1 dp μ  2 x
  x x   y x    
2. Variation in flow variables wrt x is  x y  ρ dx ρ y 2
much smaller than those wrt y
 
  x  y
    1 p μ   2 x  2 x  y x   0
  x x   y x       2  x y
 x y  ρ x ρ  x 2 y  Prandtl BL equations: Balance between
    μ  2 x viscous and inertial forces with pressure
  y  y  1 p μ    y   y  1 p   x x   y x  
2 2
  0  p  p( x) only playing no role
  x  y      2  x y  ρ y 2
 x y  
ρ y ρ  x 2
y  ρ y At y = 0 (wall) :  x   y  0
At y = δ(x) :   x  V
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Results of Blasius exact solution: (Table 7.1) Results of Blasius exact solution :
1. Local velocity approaches 99% of free stream velocity at k = 5
2. Using definition of k, boundary layer thickness at any x becomes δ  δ( x )  x
Re x
δ 5
  -- - (7.24)
x Re x

δ Shear stress in boundary layer
Re x

 x  0.99V δ1 δ2
w 0.664
 2
 cf 
ρV Re x
  w ( x)  x  0.5 2

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Results of Blasius exact solution : Key points to remember:

Total horizontal force (or Skin friction drag)
 FD    w (bdx)  0.664 ρ1 / 2μ1 / 2V1.5 L1/ 2b
-- - (7.26)

Average drag coefficient

FD Displacement thickness
 C D  bL2   2c f ( L) -- - (7.27) 1.721x
ρV Re L  δ*  -- - (7.25)
Re x
Momentum thickness
ρV L
where  Re L 
μ θ
-- - (7.30)
 Re L  5  10 5 Re x
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At what velocity is the boundary layer laminar for an automobile?

Re x cr  5 105  air  1.5 105 m 2 /s

V l
 Re l    500000
 air
 l  3 to 4 m
air Rel
 V 

1.5 105 (500000)

 V   1.875m/s

 V  6.75 km/hr

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Laminar boundary layer Ex 1:

For air at a temperature of 20° C and standard
 air  1.5 105 m 2 /s Water flows around the plate in Fig with a mean velocity of 0.25 m/s. Determine
pressure, flowing at 25 m/s, the boundary layer will the shear stress distribution and boundary layer thickness along one of its sides, and
maintain laminar flow up to a critical distance of sketch the boundary layer for 1 m of its length.
 l  3 to 4 m Take ρwater = 1000 kg/m3 μwater = 0.001 N-s/m2.
(Re x ) cr  air Check ρV x
 xcr   0 .3 m (Re x )cr  5 105  Re x  
V μ
 Re L  5  10 5
boundary layer
Boundary layer remains laminar.

Use Blasius results equation (7.25) 5x

 0.664  δ( x)  -- - (7.24)
 w2  c f  Re x
ρV Re x
xcr 2
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Ex 2: Ex 3: P 7.22 (Home assignment)

The ship in Fig is moving slowly at 0.2 m/s through still water. Determine the Air at 20°C and 1 atm flows at 20 m/s past the flat plate in Fig. A pitot stagnation
thickness δ of boundary layer at a point x = 1 m from the bow. Also, at this location, tube, placed 2 mm from the wall, develops a manometer head h = 16 mm of
find the velocity of the water within the boundary layer at y = δ and y = δ/2. Meriam red oil, SG = 0.827. Use this information to estimate the downstream
Take υwater = 1.1x10-6 m2/s. position x of the pitot tube. Assume laminar flow.
ρV x
 Re x    1.818105
Use Blasius solution to determine the
boundary layer thickness at x = 1 m
 δ( x)  = 11.7 mm
Re x
At x = 1 m and y ≈ δ, velocity of water
at this point
 x  0.99
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Ex 4: P 7.8 (Home assignment)

Air at 20˚ C and 1 atm enters a 40-cm square duct as shown in Fig. Using the
Air (ρ = 1.23 kg/m3 and υ = 1.5 x 10-5 m2/s) is flowing over a thin plate (FigQ)
“displacement thickness” concept, estimate (a) mean velocity and (b) the mean
which is 1 m long and 0.3 m wide. At the leading edge, the flow is assumed to be
pressure in the core of the flow at the position x = 3 m.
uniform and V͚ = 30 m/s. Assume laminar boundary layer over full plate length.
1. Using the control volume abcd, calculate the mass flow rate across the surface
2. Determine the magnitude and direction of the x component of force required to
hold the plate stationary. The boundary layer thickness at bc is δ = 4 mm and the
velocity profile at bc is given by

 y  y
 2    
V δ δ
δ* 
3. Also evaluate and at section bc.
δ δ

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BITS Pilani Turbulent boundary layer:

Pilani Campus

V V
Flow past immersed body (External flow) V  x  0.99V

Lecture - 3
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Turbulent boundary layer: Figure 7.5: Comparison of dimensionless laminar

and turbulent flat-plate velocity profiles

1. We can use momentum integral equation to determine the drag caused by a 3. Velocity profile is more flatter and
turbulent boundary layer. (necessary to express the velocity profile as a uniform due to large degree of fluid
function of y) mixing and momentum transfer
within turbulent flow
V 4. Larger velocity gradient near the
plate’s surface
V  x  0.99V 5. As a result, the shear stress
developed on the surface, will be
much larger than that caused by a
laminar boundary layer.

2. Although many different formulas have been proposed, x  y 7
one of the simplest that works well is Prandtl’s one   
seventh power law. V  δ 

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Turbulent boundary layer: Turbulent boundary layer: P7.36

 Velocity distribution in a turbulent boundary  Empirical formula as suggested by Prandtl, 1927
profile follows 1/7th power law (Prandtl’s 1
assumption) 1
 μ 4
 y 7   wall  0.0225ρV2  
  
 ρV δ 
-- - (7.39)
V  δ 

 Satisfactorily describes velocity distribution for most of the region of

turbulent boundary layer but not applicable near to wall surface  Von Karman momentum equation

 x
1 6
V  7  7 δ  x 
dθ θ  1  dy
  δ ( y)   wall  ρV2
y 7 dx 0 V  V 
 Therefore in all cases of TBL, the surface shear 1
stress must be related to δ experimentally. 7 dδ  μ 4 x  y 7 7
Empirical formula that agrees well with the data   0.0225       δ
was developed by Prandtl and Blasius. 72 dx  ρV δ  V  δ  72
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Turbulent boundary layer: P7.36 Turbulent boundary layer:

 Equating this to experimental value of shear stress (Prandtl, 1927): Momentum thickness
0.37 x
7 0.036 x
δ 1
1 1 θ δ
 μ 4 7 dδ  μ 4 72 1 (Re x ) 5
  wall  0.0225ρV2     0.0225  (Re x )

 ρV δ  72 dx  ρV δ 
Friction drag
Drag coefficient
L L 7 dδ
0.37 x w 0.059  FD    w (bdx)   ρV2 (bdx)
 δ turb   cf   cf  0 72 dx Fdrag 0.072
1 ρV2 1 0   CD  1
1 2
(Re x ) 5 2 (Re x ) 5 bL ρV (bL) (Re L ) 5
 Fdrag  0.036 ρV2 1
(Re L ) 5
 5 105  Re L  107

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Drag coefficients: Turbulent boundary layer:

 Putting the expression for the 1/7 power law into the equations for
Turbulent boundary layer :  5 105  Re L  107 0.059
 cf  1
displacement and momentum thickness

(Re x )5 x  y 7
Fdrag 0.072   
  CD  1
 CD  1.22 c f ( L) V δ
1 2
ρV (bL) (Re 5
2 L) -- - (7.45)

δ x δ
 δ   (1  )dy  δ* 
0 V 8
Laminar boundary layer :  Re L  5  10 5
 cf  7
Re x δ  x    δ -- - (7.40)
1.328 θ  1 
dy 72
V 
 CD   2c fL -- - (7.27)
Re L 0 V 

Drag coefficient is 22 percent greater than the trailing edge skin friction
coefficients (compare it with equation 7.27 for laminar flow).
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

For Transition region  5 105  Re L  8 107

Drag on a plate
Schlichting proposed 0.031 A
 CD   -- - (7.49)
Re1L/ 7 Re L
 5 10  Re L  10
5 7 L
Transition Rex 5x105 3x106
 Re L  5 10 L Constant A 1440 8700
Laminar boundary layer over Turbulent boundary layer
entire length over entire length xcr

Fdrag Fdrag TBL over entire length TBL upto xcr LBL upto xcr
 C D  bL 
1.328  bL  C D 
ρV2 Re L ρV2 1
(Re ) 5
2 2 L
xcr xcr

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Home assignment: Drag coefficients: Fig 7.6

 CD   ( )
1 
 wall  x
 cf   0.045(Reδ ) 4  C D   (Re, ) Fdrag
 ρV2     CD   (Re)
  -- - (Problem 7.36) 1 2
ρV (bL)
 2  2
 
 Fdrag  V2
 wall 
 cf   0.02(Reδ ) 6 -- - (equation 7.38) Drag is independent
 ρV2  of viscosity.
 
 2  2.5
   x
 c f   2.87  1.58 
 
 CD   (Re)
 L
 CD  1.89  1.62 
 
-- - (7.48)
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Ex 7.4 Ex 7.4
A hydrofoil 0.35 m long and 1.8 m wide is placed in a seawater flow of 12 m/s, A hydrofoil 0.35 m long and 1.8 m wide is placed in a seawater flow of 12 m/s,
with ρ = 1025 kg/m3 and υ = 1.044x10-6 m2/s. (a) Estimate the boundary layer with ρ = 1025 kg/m3 and υ = 1.044x10-6 m2/s. (a) Estimate the boundary layer
thickness at the end of the plate. Estimate the friction drag for (b) turbulent thickness at the end of the plate. Estimate the friction drag for (b) turbulent
smooth wall flow from the leading edge, (c) laminar turbulent flow with Retrans = smooth wall flow from the leading edge, (c) laminar turbulent flow with Retrans =
5x105, and (d) turbulent rough wall flow with ε = 0.12 mm. 5x105, and (d) turbulent rough wall flow with ε = 0.12 mm.

V L 12  0.35
V L 12  0.35  Re L    4.023106
 Re L    4.023106  1.044106
 1.044106
Fdrag 0.072 0.031 A
0.37 x 0.37 (0.35) (b)   CD  (c )  C D  
δ  δl   6.18 mm 1 2
ρV (bL)
Re1L/ 7 Re L
1 1
2 (Re L ) 5
(Re x ) 5 ( 4.023 106 ) 5 2.5
 L
(d )  CD  1.89  1.62 
 

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Home assignments: Drag and lift:

Fluid exerts a viscous tangential shear stress and a
1. 7.10 Reading assignment: Article 7.5: Boundary layers normal pressure on the surface :
2. 7.22 with pressure gradient page 488- 490
3. 7.25  Fdrag    wdA cos   pdAsin
4. 7.26
5. 7.36
6. C7.3  Flift    wdAsin   pdAcos

Pressure and shear stress

on a surface 1. Flow can create two types of drag on an object
 Tangential viscous friction drag caused by
the boundary layer
 Normal pressure drag caused by the
momentum change of the fluid stream
2. Combined effect of these forces is represented
by drag coefficient
(determined experimentally)
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Drag force: Fluid flow around cylinder

1. Flow can create two types of drag on an object Uniform ideal flow around a cylinder
2. Tangential viscous friction drag caused by the
boundary layer
3. Normal pressure drag caused by the
momentum change of the fluid stream (b) Pressure drag caused by the
4. Combined effect of these forces is represented change in fluid momentum
by drag coefficient
(determined experimentally)

Pressure distribution
 No net force

(a) Only viscous shear drag due (c) Combination of friction

to boundary layer drag and pressure drag

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