Chapter 1 Thesis

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
In today’s world every business tries to strike a balance in inventory between what is needed and
what is demanded, considering the major factor of cost cutting/reduction. This control is called
Inventory management or inventory control. Inventory is basically assets (goods and materials)
which are stock of any business. Inventory management focus on the capacity of the inventory,
the place in which it is located so that one can use it when needed, the supply chain management
of the raw materials and goods. Inventory management deals with the demand forecasting, asset
management of the raw materials and goods, inventory carry cost, forecast, pricing of goods,
validation of goods, to forecast the demand of future. This helps the top level manger to
understand and coordinate with the supply chain management or production management, and
quality management.

When you track your products, you can predict how much you’ll sell in the future, find them
faster for your customers, and reorder before you run out of product.

One of the best ways to do all that tracking, predicting, and reordering is to use an inventory
management system. Today, we’ll look at what that means, what features to be on the lookout
for, and what you can accomplish with a good system in place.

Inventory management system is a system used for tracking inventory levels, orders, Sales and
deliveries. It can also be used in the manufacturing industry to create a work order, bill of
materials and other production-related documents. Companies use inventory management system
to avoid product overstock and outages. It is a tool for organizing inventory data that before was
generally stored in hard-copy form or in spreadsheet.

Inventory management systems track goods through the entire supply chain or the portion of it a
business operates in. That covers everything from production to retail, warehousing to shipping,
and all the movements of stock and parts between.

Practically, it means a business can see all the small moving parts of its operations, allowing it to
make better decisions and investments. Different inventory managers focus on different parts of
the supply chain—though small businesses are usually more interested in the ordering and sales
end of the chain.

Online inventory management system, part of a comprehensive, web based software application
suit. The Order Management System provides employees with enhanced visibility and line-item
details of Shipments, Addresses of customers and others in the supply chain, the status of
Inventory in a store, and the ability to create customized Reports. Inventory management affects
every part of business, from expenditure to customer service, so making sure that your numbers
are correct is vital to everything operating at peak efficient.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

This chapter details a general overview of RASHID store business strategy. It outlines the aims
and objectives for the project, specifies the minimum requirement, possible extensions discussed
and it identifies the deliverables. In addition, the chapter gives a brief overview of the project
significance to the developer’s degree program and a brief information on the layout of this

1.2 Problem statement

Rashid store is a small business striving to compete in a segmented market share. Sales revenues
have gone up since the shop opened in Leeds. There are a number of regular customers in and
around cities near Leeds that purchase items from the store on credit and their details are written
on paper. Customers can place orders via the phone and the information is recorded on paper and
then the store delivers to the customer’s home. Sometimes paperwork goes missing and the
customers don’t receive their orders and this causes loss of business and trust from customers as
they are often frustrated with the quality of service.

1.3 Motivation
During study, as a MCS student in ISP . I become motivated due to my teachers they always
motivate us for becoming a good developer that we survive in market with high competition.
They grow up and improve our programming skills in web engineering subject in that time I
decided to do my final year project in web. I visit in market a get keyword which is most likely
hot topic in developing now a day’s online inventory and sale system .Inventory management is
vitally important for any business with a constant flow of incoming and outgoing stock.

1.4 Objectives

The new proposed computerized system is design in a way to minimize the drawbacks of present
system. The proposed has the following objectives.

 Efficiency:
Efficiency is the degree to which we utilization of resources of achieving an object. The
proposed system is more efficient than the currently manual system.
 Data Security:
The data required for decision-making is highly sensitive and valuable. Therefore the
reliability of the proposed system is secured by giving a regular and guaranteed service to
the user.

 Time Factor:
The searching and reports make the user to produce reports quickly.

 Accuracy:
Inventory Control system 17
Chapter 1 Introduction

The System will provide accurate information, needed for decision making. It will ensure
efficient and accurate record keeping.

 Flexibility:
The system allows for changes and enhancement to incorporate future requirement.

 User Friendly:
User will communicate through easy button clicking.

 Productivity:
Significant reduction of the clerical task will lead too much improved staff productivity.

 Reliability:
The new system is more reliable than the manual one due to its accuracy and security, so
that timely decision making can be possible.

 Usability:
The goal of our system is to keep everything nice and simple for all the users. Since the
user of the proposed system will be the staff of company office so application should be
as self documented as possible, and user should not need to remember a lot to use it

 Performance:
This system should reduce the time and efforts required retrieving information. It should
have the capability to ensure various requirements instantly and efficiency.

 Comprehensive Database:
The proposed system has comprehensive database in which insertion, deletion, searching
and modification. There will be such facilities in the system that the user will feel easy
and comfort to drive the system and to save the data according to his will.

 Minimize Redundancy:
The Purposed system has no redundancy. this mean that files are designed in such a way
that minimum data is duplicated in the files.

 Ease of Operation:
Menu driven facility in main form and command button in other form makes it very easy
to operate the proposed system. Screen guides the operator through the system to provide
the required task.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Project Scope

The scope of the system maintains all information related to stock, purchase and sale of products.
It will provide necessary storage, modification searching and generate reports of the product sale
and purchase.This system will keep track of stock maintenance by the product purchase from
vendors and product quantity automatically decreases by the issuing of product to the customer.
This System also keep the record of vendors companies and also produce reports of transactions
like Sale, Purchase, Sales Return, Stock Status, collection from buyer, Daily Expenses.

1.5.1 Project to deliverable

Application of Lean techniques to increase productivity of inventory management System.
 Product values stream to identify and map the processes involved in inventory

 Identify wastes and areas for improvement

 Redesign processes

 Set-up and deployment of an inventory management system to better track and monitor
inventory. Depending on the size, complexity and nature of the retail operations, and
inventory management system could range from an integrated Point-of-Sales system.

1.6 SDLC Models

Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a series of phases that provide a common
understanding of the software building process. How the software will be realized and
developed from the business understanding and requirements elicitation phase to convert
these business ideas and requirements into functions and features until its usage and
operation to achieve the business needs. The good software engineer should have enough
knowledge on how to choose the SDLC model based on the project context and the
business requirements.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1 sdl model

Fig 1.1.

Types of Software developing life cycles (SDLC)

 Waterfall Model
 V-Shaped Model
 Evolutionary Prototyping Model
 Spiral Method (SDM)
 Iterative and Incremental Method
 Agile development

1.6.1 Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model is a linear sequential flow. In which progress is seen as flowing steadily
downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of software implementation. This means that
any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete. The
waterfall approach does not define the process to go back to the previous phase to handle
changes in requirement. The waterfall approach is the earliest approach and most widely known
that was used for software development.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Fig 1.2

The usage
Projects which not focus on changing the requirements, for example, projects initiated from a
request for proposals (RFPs), the customer has a very clear documented requirements

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

 Easy to explain to the users.

 Assumes that the requirements of a system can be
 Structures approach. frozen.

 Stages and activities are well defined.  Very difficult to go back to any stage after it
 Helps to plan and schedule the project.
 A little flexibility and adjusting scope is difficult
 Verification at each stage ensures early detection and expensive.
of errors/misunderstanding.
 Costly and required more time, in addition to the
 Each phase has specific deliverables. detailed plan.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.6.2 V-Shaped Model

It is an extension of the waterfall model, Instead of moving down in a linear way, the process
steps are bent upwards after the implementation and coding phase, to form the typical V shape.
The major difference between the V-shaped model and waterfall model is the early test planning
in the V-shaped model.

Fig 1.3

The usage
 Software requirements clearly defined and known
 Software development technologies and tools are well-known

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

 Simple and easy to use  Very inflexible, like the waterfall model.
 Each phase has specific deliverables.  Adjusting scope is difficult and expensive.
 Higher chance of success over the waterfall model The software is developed during the

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Chapter 1 Introduction

due to the development of test plans early on implementation phase, so no early prototypes of
during the life cycle. the software are produced.
 Works well for where requirements are easily The model doesn’t provide a clear path for
understood. problems found during testing phases.
 Verification and validation of the product in the Costly and required more time, in addition to a
early stages of product development. detailed plan

1.6.3 Prototyping Model

It refers to the activity of creating prototypes of software applications, for example, incomplete
versions of the software program being developed. It is an activity that can occur in software
development and It used to visualize some component of the software to limit the gap of
misunderstanding the customer requirements by the development team. This also will reduce the
iterations may occur in the waterfall approach and hard to be implemented due to the inflexibility
of the waterfall approach. So, when the final prototype is developed, the requirement is
considered to be frozen.

Fig 1.4

It has some types, such as:

 Throwaway prototyping: Prototypes that are eventually discarded rather than becoming a
part of the finally delivered software

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Chapter 1 Introduction

 Evolutionary prototyping: prototypes that evolve into the final system through an
iterative incorporation of user feedback.

Fig 1.5

 Incremental prototyping: The final product is built as separate prototypes. In the end,
the separate prototypes are merged in an overall design.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Fig 1.6

 Extreme prototyping: used in web applications mainly. Basically, it breaks down web
development into three phases, each one based on the preceding one. The first phase is
a static prototype that consists mainly of HTML pages. In the second phase, the
screens are programmed and fully functional using a simulated services layer. In the
third phase, the services are implemented

The usage
 This process can be used with any software developing life cycle model. While this shall be
chosen when you are developing a system has user interactions. So, if the system does not
have user interactions, such as a system does some calculations shall not have prototypes.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

 Insufficient analysis. User confusion of prototype

 Reduced time and costs, but this can be a and finished system.
disadvantage if the developer loses time in Developer misunderstanding of user objectives.
developing the prototypes.  Excessive development time of the prototype.
 Improved and increased user involvement.  It is costly to implement the prototypes

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.6.4 Spiral Model (SDM)

It is combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine
advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts. This model of development combines the
features of the prototyping model and the waterfall model. The spiral model is favored for large,
expensive, and complicated projects. This model uses many of the same phases as the waterfall
model, in essentially the same order, separated by planning, risk assessment, and the building of
prototypes and simulations.

Fig 1.7

Inventory Control system 26

Chapter 1 Introduction

The usage
It is used in the large applications and systems which built-in small phases or segments.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

 Estimates (i.e. budget, schedule, etc.) become

more realistic as work progressed because
important issues are discovered earlier.  High cost and time to reach the final product.
 Early involvement of developers.  Needs special skills to evaluate the risks and
 Manages risks and develops the system into assumptions.
phases.  Highly customized limiting re-usability

1.6.5 Iterative and Incremental Model

It is developed to overcome the weaknesses of the waterfall model. It starts with an initial
planning and ends with deployment with the cyclic interactions in between. The basic idea
behind this method is to develop a system through repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller
portions at a time (incremental), allowing software developers to take advantage of what was
learned during the development of earlier parts or versions of the system. It can consist of mini
waterfalls or mini V-Shaped model

Fig 1.8

Inventory Control system 27

Chapter 1 Introduction

The usage
It is used in shrink-wrap application and large system which built-in small phases or segments.
Also, can be used in a system has separated components, for example, ERP system. Which we
can start with the budget module as a first iteration and then we can start with the inventory
module and so forth.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

 Requires heavy documentation.

 Follows a defined set of processes.
 Produces business value early in the development Defines increments based on function and feature
lifecycle. dependencies.
 Better use of scarce resources through proper Requires more customer involvement than the
increment definition. linear approaches.
 Can accommodate some change requests between Partitioning the functions and features might be
increments. problematic.
 More focused on customer value than the linear Integration between the iterations can be an issue
approaches. if it is not considered during the development and
 We can detect project issues and changes earlier. project planning.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.6.6Agile Model
It is based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve
through collaboration between cross-functional teams.

Fig 1.9

Scrum Agile Model

The usage
It can be used with any type of the project, but it needs more engagement from the customer and
to be interactive. Also, we can use it when the customer needs to have some functional
requirement ready in less than three weeks and the requirements are not clear enough. This will
enable more valuable and workable piece for software early which also increase the customer

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

 Decrease the time required to avail some system

 Face to face communication and continuous Scalability.
inputs from customer representative leaves no The ability and collaboration of the customer to
space for guesswork. express user needs.
 The end result is the high-quality software in the Documentation is done at later stages.
least possible time duration and satisfied Reduce the usability of components.
customer.  Needs special skills for the team.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

I Selected Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is a sequential approach, where each fundamental activity of a process
represented as a separate phase, arranged in linear order.

In the waterfall model, you must plan and schedule all of the activities before starting working on
them (plan-driven process).

Plan-driven process is a process where all the activities are planned first, and the progress is
measured against the plan. While the agile process, planning is incremental and it’s easier to
change the process to reflect requirement changes.

The phases of the waterfall model are:

Fig 1.10
1.7 Procedure
The waterfall model is sequential design process in which progress is seen as flowing
steadily downwards like a waterfall through the phases of conception.

1. Requirement Analysis
2. System and Software Design
3. Implementation
4. Integration and System Testing

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Chapter 1 Introduction

5. Operation and Maintenance

1.8 Software tools

One of the most difficult tasks after system requirements are known is determining whether
particular software is capable for system requirements or Not. For those that do so further
scrutiny is needed to determine the desirability in comparison With other conditions. The choice
of software is a very important factor to be considered during. The development phase of the
new system because new system is totally dependent on the software. It is using data to handle
and the cost of programming.
These are following software:

 Any windows based operating system.

 APP Sever for running PHP and MYSQL database.
 IDE (Dreamweaver) for developing code

Xamp Server:

Xamp server has been developed high professional and easy too install consisting of
apache (HTTP web server) PHP MYSQL and SQL database management system. Such
application server client can include GUI(graphical user interface) running on Pc, a web
server and other application server.


SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a full-featured

database primarily designed to compete against competitors Oracle Database (DB) and MySQL.
Like all major RBDMS, SQL Server supports ANSISQL, the standard SQL language.


PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-
purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded
into HTML

Adobe Dreamweaver is a proprietary web development tool developed by Adobe
Systems. Dreamweaver was created by Macromedia in 1997, and was maintained by
Them until Macromedia was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005 .Adobe Dreamweaver
is available for mac OS and for Windows. Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a web design and
Development application that combines a visual design surface known as Live View
and a code editor with standard features such as syntax highlighting, code completion,
and code collapsing as well as more sophisticated features such as real-time syntax checking
Inventory Control system 31

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