Physics 2 Pyq Dec 2019
Physics 2 Pyq Dec 2019
Physics 2 Pyq Dec 2019
P Code: 29702
Q1)a) Why does an excessively thin film appear to be perfectly dark when illuminated by white
light. (3M)
Ans : 1) When a thin film is exposed to white light from an extended source, it shows beautiful
colours in the reflected system.
2) Light is reflected from the top and bottom surfaces of a thin film and the reflected rays
3) The path difference between the interfering rays depends on the thickness of the film and the
angle of refraction r and hence on the inclination of the incident ray.
4) White light consists of a continuous range of wavelengths. At a particular point of the film and
for a particular position of the eye (i.e. t and r constant) those wavelengths of incident light that
satisfy the condition for the constructive interference in the reflected system will be seen in the
reflected light.
5) The coloration will vary with the thickness of the film and inclination of the rays (i.e. with the
position of the eye with respect to the film).Hence if the same point of the film is observed with
an eye in different positions or different points of the film are observed with the eye in the same
position, a different set of colours is observed each time.
Q1)b) In a plane transmission grating the angle of diffraction for the first order principal
maximum is 20 for a wavelength of 65000A. Calculate the number of lines in 1 cm of the grating
surface. (3M)
We know that
(a+b) sinϴ = mλ .
Q1)c) Explain the term V-number of an optical fibre. (3M)
Ans : 1) In optical fibre, the light propagates in the same way as the electromagnetic wave
2) When confined to a duct or guide, it propagates like electromagnetic wave, but at a much
higher frequency.
V 12 2 2
V ( NA)
5) The maximum number of modes Nm supported by SI fibre is given by
1 2
Nm V ( provided V-number is considerably larger than unity )
Ans :
Q1)e) Show that divergence of curl of a vector is zero. (3M)
Ans :
Ans : eV = ½ (mv2)
The Kinetic Energy of the electron is 28.8 X 10-16 Joules and its speed is 795.5 X 103 m/sec .
Q1)g) What will happen when a liquid is introduced between the plano convex lens and glass
plate in Newton’s rings experiment. (3M)
Ans : When a plano-convex lens with large radius of curvature is placed on a plane glass plate such
that its curved surface faces the glass plate, a wedge air film (of gradually increasing thickness) is
formed between the lens and the glass plate. The thickness of the air film is zero at the point of
contact and gradually increases away from the point of contact .
Q2)a) What do you mean by thin film? Obtain the conditions for the maxima and minima of the
light reflected from a thin transparent film of uniform darkness. (8M)
Ans :
A thin film is a layer of material with thickness in the sub- nanometer to micron range. As
light strikes the surface of a film it is either transmitted or reflected at the upper surface. Light
that is transmitted reaches the bottom surface and may once again be transmitted or
reflected. Thin films can be engineered to control the amount of light reflected or transmitted
at a surface for a given wavelength.
Where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ………………….
When this condition is satisfied the film will appear bright in the reflected system.
ii) The two rays will interfere destructively if the path difference between them
is an odd multiple of λ/2 i.e.
iv. For the transmitted light, the intensity of maxima is about 100% and the minima is about
85%. The result in poor contrast between bright and dark where in poor contrast between where
as in reflected light, minima is having its intensity zero and maxima is nearly 15% of incident
energy. This result in good contrast.
Q2)b) Explain Step index and Graded index fibre. A Step Index Fibre has a core diameter of
2.9*10-6 m , the refractive indices of core and cladding are 1.52 and 1.5189 respectively .If the
light of wavelength 1.3 µm is transmitted through the fibre determine the normalized frequency
and number of modes supported by the fibre. (7M)
Ans :
Step Index Fibre is the simplest type of an optical fibre. It consists of a thin cylindrical structure of
transparent glossy material of uniform refractive index µ 1 surrounded by cladding of another
material of uniform but slightly lower refractive index µ 2 .These fibres are called as the step index
fibres due to the discontinuity of the index profile at the core cladding surface.
The graded index fibre has its core refractive index gradually decreasing in a nearly parabolic
manner from a maximum value at the center of the core to a content value at the core-cladding
interface. The variation in refractive index is achieved by using concentric layers of different
refractive indices. Such a profile causes a periodic focusing of the light propagating through the
Where V is V-Number or normalized frequency , d is diameter of the core ,NA is the numerical
aperture and λ is the wavelength of light used .
For Step Index fibre, the number of modes is
N = V2/2 = 113 .
The normalized frequency is 15.05 Hz and the number of modes is 113, i.e it is a multimode fibre .
Q3)a) With neat energy level diagram describe the construction and working of Nd-YAG laser
Ans : Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Nd: YAG) laser is a solid state laser in which
Nd: YAG is used as a laser medium. Nd: YAG laser is a four-level laser system, which means that
the four energy levels are involved in laser action. These lasers operate in both pulsed and
continuous mode. Nd: YAG laser generates laser light commonly in the near-infrared region of the
spectrum at 1064 nanometers (nm).
Construction :
Nd : YAG laser consists of three important elements: an energy source, active medium, and optical
resonator. The laser is an elliptically cylinder reflector with both of its axis occupied by a flash
lamp and Nd : YAG rod respectively. The light leaving one focus of the ellipse will certainly pass
through the other focus after reflection from reflecting surface. Hence, entire light generated by
flash tube is focussed on the Nd:YAG rod. The optical resonator is formed by highly silvered
reflecting surfaces. Each mirror is silvered or coated differently. One mirror is fully silvered
whereas, another mirror is partially silvered.
Working :
1) Nd: YAG laser is a four-level laser system, which means that the four energy levels are
involved in laser action. The light energy sources such as flashtubes or laser diodes are
used to supply energy to the active medium. In Nd:YAG laser, the lower energy state
electrons in the neodymium ions are excited to the higher energy state to achieve
population inversion.
2) Consider a Nd:YAG crystal active medium consisting of four energy levels E1, E2, E3, and
E4 with N number of electrons. The number of electrons in the energy states E1, E2, E3, and
E4 will be N1, N2, N3, and N4. Let us assume that the energy levels will be E1 < E2 <E3 <E4. The
energy level E1 is known as ground state, E2 is the next higher energy state or excited
state, E3 is the metastable state or excited state and E4 is the pump state or excited state.
Let us assume that initially, the population will be N1 > N2 > N3 > N4.
3) When flashtube or laser diode supplies light energy to the active medium (Nd:YAG
crystal), the lower energy state (E1) electrons in the neodymium ions gains enough energy
and moves to the pump state or higher energy state E4.
4) The lifetime of pump state or higher energy state E4 is very small (230 microseconds (µs))
so the electrons in the energy state E4 do not stay for long period. After a short period, the
electrons will fall into the next lower energy state or metastable state E3 by releasing non-
radiation energy (releasing energy without emitting photons).
5) The lifetime of metastable state E3 is high as compared to the lifetime of pump state E4.
Therefore, the electrons reach E3 much faster than they leave E3. This results in an
increase in the number of electrons in the metastable E3 and hence population inversion
is achieved.
6) After some period, the electrons in the metastable state E3 will fall into the next lower
energy state E2 by releasing photons or light. The emission of photons in this manner is
called spontaneous emission. Population Inversion takes place between E3 and E2 .A
continuous laser of 10600 ֯A in infrared region is given out due to stimulate emission
taking place between E3 and E2 .
Q3)b) What is grating element. The visible spectrum ranges from 4000֯ A to 5000 ֯A .Find the
angular breadth of the first order visible spectrum produced by a plane grating having 6000
lines/cm when light is incident normally on the grating. (7M)
Ans : A grating element is a diffraction grating. These can take many forms but the most basic is a
repeated array of lines where the spacing from line to line is on the order of the wavelength.
When the period of the grating is less than the wavelength, the grating acts like an effective
medium and exhibits anisotropy and an average refractive index. Gratings can be used beam
The angles of the diffraction orders depend on wavelength so gratings can also be used to
separate colors of light for spectroscopy, multiplexing, and more.
Numerical :
Q4)a) Explain with neat diagram, construction and working of SEM. (5M)
Ans : Scanning electron microscope is an improved model of an electron microscope. SEM is used
to study the three dimensional image of the specimen. When the accelerated primary electrons
strikes the sample , it produces secondary electrons . these secondary electrons are collected by a
positive charged electron detector which in turn gives a 3- dimensional image of the sample.
Construction :
It consists of an electron gun to produce high energy electron beam. A magnetic condensing lens
is used to condense the electron beam and a scanning coil is arranged in-between magnetic
condensing lens and the sample. The electron detector (Scintillator) is used to collect the
secondary electrons and can be converted into electrical signal.
Working :
Stream of electrons are produced by the electron gun and these primary electrons are accelerated
by the grid and anode. These accelerated primary electrons are made to be incident on the sample
through condensing lenses and scanning coil. These high speed primary electrons on falling over
the sample produces low energy secondary electrons. The collection of secondary electrons are
very difficult and hence a high voltage is applied to the collector. These collected electrons produce
scintillations on to the photo multiplier tube are converted into electrical signals. These signals are
amplified by the video amplifier and is fed to the CRO.
Q4)b) Explain spherical co-ordinate system. State the transformation relation between
Cartesian and spherical co-ordinates. (5M)
Ans : Spherical coordinates determine the position of a point in three-dimensional space based
on the distance ρ from the origin and two angles θ and ϕ. If one is familiar with polar coordinates,
then the angle is essentially the same as the angle θ from polar coordinates.
Now consider a line from origin making angle θ with z-axis. Rotate this line about z-axis fixing
the end at the origin. This forms a cone with angle θ, this conical surface is defined as a θ =
constant surface. When a sphere with centre at origin intersects with the vertical cone with
vertex at origin, the intersection is a horizontal circle with radius equal to r sin θ. We want to
locate a point in spherical coordinate system. Imagine a ∅ = constant plane similar to in
cylindrical system. A horizontal circle with centre onz-axis, ∅=constant plane. The intersection
is the point.
Because r=constant, θ=constant and ∅=constant surface intersects at a point, the point is defined
as (r, ∅, θ). In spherical system varriations of angle θ is
from 0 to 180 and variation of ∅ is from 0 to 360 .
Q4)c) What is holography? Distinguish between holography and ordinary photography. (5M)
Ans : Holography is a photographic technique that records the light scattered from an object, and then
presents it in a way that appears three-dimensional. The principle behind holography is that during the
recording process one superimposes on the scattered wave (emanating from the object) another
coherent wave (called reference beam) of the same wavelength .
Holography Photography
1) ) In holography, both intensity as well as 1) In photography, only intensity is recorded
phase of light wave is recorded, thus so photography produces two dimensional
holography gives three dimensional picture of picture of the object .
the object.
2) If the hologram is broken into parts, each 2) In photography the destruction of even very
part is capable of reconstructing the entire small portion of negative or photography
object. results in a irrepareable loss of information.
3) Holography has high information capacity as 3) Photography has low information capacity.
compared to photography.
4) A photograph can be recorded using normal 4) In holography, the light from the object is
light sources (sunlight or electric lighting) e.g. scattered directly onto the recording medium
lens . e.g. laser .
Q5)a) Show that diameter of Newton's dark ring is directly proportional to square root of natural
number. (5M)
Ans : 1.When a plano-convex lens of large radius of curvature is placed on a plane glass plate, an air film
is formed between the lower surface of the lens and upper surface of the plate.
2.The thickness of the film gradually increases from the point of contact outwards.
3.If monochromatic light is allowed to fall normally on this film, a system of alternate bright and dark
concentric rings, with centre dark is formed in the air film.
4.These rings were first studied by newton and hence they are known as Newton’s rings.
5.They can be seen through a low power microscope focused on the film.
6.Newton’s rings are formed as a result of interference between the waves reflected from the top and
bottom surfaces of the air film formed between the lens and the plate.
Let p be the radius of a newton’s rings corresponding to the constant film thickness t.
Path difference between two interfering rays= 2µtcos(r+ϴ)+λ/2
𝑅 2 = 𝑃2 + (𝑅 − 𝑡)2
𝑝2 = 2𝑅𝑡 − 𝑡
2t = 𝑅
𝑃2 𝜆
Path difference between the interfering rays is +
𝑅 2
𝐷2 𝑛
𝑫𝜶𝒏 √𝒏
Thus , it is proved that the diameter of nth dark rings are proportional to square root of natural numbers.
Q5)b) What are the different techniques to synthesize nanomaterial and explain any one of them in
detail. (5M)
1) Ball Milling
2) Sputtering
2) Vapour Deposition
3) Sol Gel Technique
4) Electro Deposition
5) Mechanical Crushing
6) Laser Synthesis
7) Inert gas condensation
i) Ball Milling is a process where a powder mixture placed in the ball mill is subjected to high
energy collision from the balls.
ii) Planetary ball mill is frequently used system for mechanical alloying since only a very few
amount of powder is required. In simple language, a ball mill consists of a hollow cylindrical
shell rotating about its axis.
iii) The axis of the shell may be either horizontally or at a small angle to the horizontal. It is
partially filled with balls which makes grinding media and made up of steel, stainless steel or
ceramic .
iv) The inner surface of the shell is made up of an abrasion resistant material. When
continuously operated, the shell rotates and lifts the ball up and drops them from near the
top of the shell which causes the grinding of the particles inside .
v) It has been used in size comminutions of ore, mineral dressing, preparing talc powders and
many other applications.
vi) Ball milling is a grinding method that grinds nanotubes into extremely fine powders. During
the ball milling process, the collision between the tiny rigid balls in a concealed container will
generate localized high pressure. Usually, ceramic, flint pebbles and stainless steel are used.
Q5)c) In a Newton's ring experiment,the diameter of nth and (n+12)th rings are 4.3 mm and 6.8 mm
respectively. Radius of curvature of plano-convex lens is 1m.Find the wavelength of light. (5M)
To find : λ
Solution :
D2n= 4nRλ
18.49 𝑛
= .
46.24 𝑛+2
18.49(n+2) = 46.24n .
18.49n +36.98 = 46.24n .
27.75n = 36.
n = 1.297 ≈ 1
λ = 18.49/4 = 4.622 m
Q6)a) Explain the physical significance of divergence and curl of a vector field. (5M)
Ans : The divergence of a vector field , denoted or (the notation used in this work), is
defined by a limit of the surface integral
where the surface integral gives the value of F integrated over a closed infinitesimal boundary
surface surrounding a volume element V, which is taken to size zero using a limiting process.
The divergence of a vector field is therefore a scalar field. If , then the field is said to be
a divergenceless field. The symbol is variously known as "nabla" or "del."
The physical significance of the divergence of a vector field is the rate at which "density" exits a given
region of space. The definition of the divergence therefore follows naturally by noting that, in the
absence of the creation or destruction of matter, the density within a region of space can change
only by having it flow into or out of the region. By measuring the net flux of content passing through
a surface surrounding the region of space, it is therefore immediately possible to say how the density
of the interior has changed. This property is fundamental in physics, where it goes by the name
"principle of continuity." When stated as a formal theorem, it is called the divergence theorem, also
known as Gauss's theorem. In fact, the definition in equation (1) is in effect a statement of
the divergence theorem.
For example, the continuity equation of fluid mechanics states that the rate at which
density decreases in each infinitesimal volume element of fluid is proportional to the mass flux of
fluid parcels flowing away from the element, written symbolically as
where u is the vector field of fluid velocity. In the common case that the density of the fluid is
constant, this reduces to the elegant and concise statement
which simply says that in order for density to remain constant throughout the fluid, parcels of fluid
may not "bunch up" in any place, and so the vector field of fluid parcel velocities for any physical
system must be a divergenceless field.
Divergence is equally fundamental in the theory of electromagnetism, where it arises in two of the
four Maxwell equations,
where MKS units have been used here, E denotes the electric field, is now the electric charge
density, is a constant of proportionality known as the permittivity of free space, and B is the
magnetic field. Together with the two other of the Maxwell equations, these formulas describe
virtually all classical and relativistic properties of electromagnetism.
A formula for the divergence of a vector field can immediately be written down in Cartesian
coordinates by constructing a hypothetical infinitesimal cubical box oriented along the coordinate
axes around an infinitesimal region of space. There are six sides to this box, and the net "content"
leaving the box is therefore simply the sum of differences in the values of the vector field along the
three sets of parallel sides of the box. Writing , it therefore following immediately
This formula also provides the motivation behind the adoption of the symbol for the divergence.
Interpreting as the gradient operator , the "dot product" of this vector
operator with the original vector field is precisely equation (6).
While this derivative seems to in some way favor Cartesian coordinates, the general definition is
completely free of the coordinates chosen. In fact, defining
The divergence of a linear transformation of a unit vector represented by a matrix is given by the
elegant formula
The concept of divergence can be generalized to tensor fields, where it is a contraction of what is
known as the covariant derivative, written
Q6)b) State Bethe’s Law and explain electrostatic focusing of electron beam. (5M)
Ans : Diagram above represents the electrostatic focusing. A and B are two co-axial cylinders with
potentials V1 and V2 such that V2>V1.R is the equipotential ring placed between A and B.
Working :
(1) Consider electron beam 1:
It will remain normal to all the equipotential surfaces and hence it is simply accelerated without any
deviation of the path.
(2) Consider electron beam 2:
i) On the Left Hand Side of R : The parallel component of F will move the electrons
towards right while the normal component of F will move the electron downward by
applying Fleming’s Left Hand Rule at point C .
ii) On the Right Hand Side of R : The horizontal and vertical component of F will move
the elctrons towards right and towards left respectively by applying Fleming’s Left
Hand Rule at point D .
(5) Electrostatic focusing is used for accelerating and focusing electron beams.
Because the electric field exists only in the y-direction, the vertical component (y-component) of electron
changes while the tangential component (x-component) remains constant. If V1>V2, 𝑣1𝑦 increases while
if V2 > V1, 𝑣2𝑦 increases. This is known as Bethe's law of electron refraction.
Q6)c) Two glass plates enclose a wedge-shaped air film touching at one end are separated by wire
of 0.03mm diameter at distance 15 cm from the edge. Monochromatic light of wavelength λ=6000
֯A from a broad source falls normally on the film. Calculate the fringe width. (5M)
Given :
Solution : Assuming that (i)wedge angle is very small , (ii) the medium is air , (iii) Incident of light
in normal
and β = λ/2ϴ
β = 0.075 cm