ToleranceLimitforTruckswithExcess... JurnalMakara

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Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo Jachrizal Sumabrata

University of Indonesia University of Indonesia


Mohammed Ali Berawi

University of Indonesia


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MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92



Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo*), Raden Jachrizal Sumabrata, and Mohammed Ali Berawi
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Reliability of a road is mandatory since damaged will impede the traffic. Destruction is caused by various factors; one
of the most important factors is excess load. Overload may give the load of each axle of a vehicle exceeds the
determined standard. This condition occurs in trucks exceeding the load limit. In designing the structure of a road based
on the method of Directorate General of Highways Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia, axle load
calculated in equivalent-number, or known as equivalent axle load (EAL), of 8.16 tons of standard axle. Total
equivalent-number over the service life is defined as cumulative equivalent standard axle load (CESA). Due to traffic
volume exceeding the volume forecast or, in other words there is an excessive load of traffic, it will make CESA
achieved faster than planned. This excessive load in Indonesia, however, has been considered as a factor of
environmental condition, so there is a need to introduce a correction factor for EAL as high as 20-25% in the process of
designing flexible and rigid pavement so as to reduce early damage.

Batas Toleransi untuk Truk Muatan Berlebih dalam Peraturan Angkutan di Indonesia. Keandalan jalan mutlak
diperlukan karena kerusakan jalan akan menghambat arus lalu lintas. Kerusakan jalan dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai
faktor, salah satu faktor terpenting adalah muatan berlebih. Muatan berlebih dapat menyebabkan beban masing-masing
gandar kendaraan melebihi standar yang ditetapkan. Kondisi ini terjadi pada truk yang bebannya melebihi batas. Dalam
merancang struktur jalan berdasarkan pada metode Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Republik Indonesia, beban gandar dihitung beban ekivalen, atau dikenal sebagai ekivalen muatan sumbu (EMS), dari
8,16 ton sumbu standar . Jumlah angka ekivalen sumbu selama umur rencana didefinisikan sebagai kumulatif ekivalen
muatan sumbu (KEMS). Karena volume lalu lintas melebihi volume lalu lintas perkiraan atau, dengan kata lain ada
beban berlebihan pada lalu lintas, hal itu akan menyebabkan KEMS dicapai lebih cepat dari yang direncanakan. Beban
berlebihan yang sulit dikendalikan ini di Indonesia, bagaimanapun, dapat dianggap sebagai faktor kondisi lingkungan,
sehingga ada kebutuhan untuk memperkenalkan faktor koreksi untuk beban muatan sumbu sebesar 20-25% dalam
proses merancang perkerasan lentur dan kaku sehingga dapat mengurangi kerusakan dini pada struktur jalan.

Keywords: equivalent axle, excessive load, pavement, trucks

1. Introduction surface layer, while not excluding the possibility to

occur in the layers of foundation. Roads are generally
Overloading is among the most important causes of the composed of several layers (Figure 1), damage caused
deterioration of flexible pavements. This is especially by excessive load due to structural damage in the
critical in developing countries where the transportation surface layer will result in inability of the layer to
of heavy freight on city roads and highways is support the load incurred, and this is also the case in the
increasing. Inspections indicate that this problem causes foundation layer.
a great deal of damage to road networks and results in
noticeable maintenance and repair costs [1]. Indonesia Minister of Transportation Decree of the Republic of
has similar problems concerning the expected damage Indonesia No. 74 of 1990 article 9, the load limit
by overloaded heavy freight. regulation emphasized especially for heavy trucks,
regulates that the heaviest axle load (HAL) for a vehicle
Damage to roads not only occurs in the arterial roads, of single-wheel single-axle is 6 tons and a vehicle of
but also in the collector roads. Damage develops in the single-axle double-wheels is 10 tons.

86 MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92

2. Methods
Equivalent single axle-loads (ESALs). Factors, such as
traffic, environment, materials, and design, affect
pavement damage over time, with traffic loads playing a
key role in deterioration. Trucks are the major user of
the pavement network, applying the heaviest loads to
the pavement. Truck loads are transferred to the
pavements through various combinations of axle
Figure 1. Cross Section of Typical Flexible Pavements
configurations depending on the truck type [4].

Moreover, 18 tons is allowed for double-axles double- In the 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement
wheels, and 20 tons for triple-axles double-wheels Structures, a mixed traffic stream of different axle loads
vehicles. and axle configurations is converted into a design traffic
number by converting each expected axle load into an
Although the load limits affecting the axle load has been equivalent number of 80-kN single-axle loads, or known
established rigorously, in reality, many trucks exceeding as equivalent single-axle loads, ESALs. Load equivalency
the permitted load. This circumstance will not only factors, LEFs, are used to determine the number of
disrupt the vehicle speed and safety, but also will affect ESALs for each axle load and axle configuration [5].
the destruction of the pavement structures. Overloaded
trucks give threat to road safety and the infrastructure, Vehicle and its load influence the road surface
as they increase pavement wear, causing cracks and depending on the number and type of the vehicle’s axle
ruts, and thus, can contribute to premature pavement (Figure 2) [6]. The truck in the picture consists of a
failure Heavy trucks also contribute to bridge fatigue single axle at the front, two double axles in the middle
damage. When trucks are overloaded, their and two dual axles in the rear wheel, symbolized by
aggressiveness may be significantly increased. Extreme figures notation truck axles 5 (s.dd-dd).
bridge loading cases are also governed by very heavy
trucks, either carrying abnormal loads (e.g. cranes) or Overloaded axle affects primarily the durability of a
illegal overloads. Some weak (old) bridges with reduced road. It reduces the pavement’s life and over stresses the
capacity may be severely damaged, or even destroyed, bridges and culvert structures. Various vehicle’s axle is
by overloaded trucks [2]. then converted into equivalent number of load-axis by
dividing the number by 8.16 tons. There is an
Many highway facilities experience deterioration due to exponential relationship between axle loads and
high traffic volumes and the service life has been pavement damage (called Fourth Power Law). The
fourth power law implies that pavement damage by passing
extended beyond the facility’s design life. As road
axles increases exponentially with increasing load. The
network deteriorates, there is a need to increase damage is defined as loss in pavement serviceability.
investment and rehabilitation treatments in order to Therefore, to simulate AASHTO ESALs as an exponent
restore and maintain the road condition at acceptable value of four (n=4), it is used the following formula in
levels. Pavement performance is related to the this study [7]:
pavement’s response under load. In current practice, the 4
horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt and ⎛ P ⎞ (1)
=⎜ 1 ⎟

E gle
the vertical compressive strain at the top of the sub- ⎝ 8.16 ⎠
grade are typically used to predict service life based on 4
⎛ P ⎞ (2)
fatigue cracking and rutting, respectively [3]. Eta ndem = α ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ 8.16 ⎠
In this study, evaluation of structural strength is ⎛ P ⎞
Etridem = γ ⎜ 3 ⎟ (3)
estimated from the re-calculation of cumulative
⎝ 8.16 ⎠
equivalent standard axle load (CESA) value due to the
addition of excess cargo resulting in the increase of
equivalent axle load. This method is used to evaluate the
strength of a flexible pavement structure, while in
concrete pavement structure re-calculation will show the
ultimate strength of concrete due to excessive axle load.
The difference in the CESA re-calculation of these two
types of pavement structure is: for flexible pavement
equivalent axle load is used, but on concrete pavement
only the cargo load value of each axle is used. Figure 2. Axle Force and Axle Configuration
MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92 87

where, P1, P2, and P3: Load on each group axle and α, γ Total equivalent single axle load. Trucks with a
is a correction factor for the Tandem and Tridem variety of load limits contribute to the fatigue of
equivalent axles. pavement structures. Pavement structures are burdened
by the accumulation of wheel load of vehicles through
Asphalt Institute sets the value of α = 0.0773 and γ = the axles during their designed life of service. In the
0.017, while the AASHTO sets the value of α = 0.133 guidelines of flexible pavement structural design in
and γ = 0.044 [8]. Indonesia, by using CESA, which represents the
accumulated value of the vehicle’s equivalent axle load
Guidelines for road design in Indonesia uses the Design obtained from the average estimates of the equivalent
Manual issued by the Directorate General of Highways, number of axles at the beginning and at the end of a
Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia, pavement service life. Accordingly, the cumulative
in 1987, which sets the value of α = 0.086 for the equivalent standard axle load (CESA) is formulated as
Tandem equivalent axle [7]. However, the Tridem follows [7]:
equivalent axle is not listed in the Manual, but some
researchers assign a value of gamma = 0.031 [9]. More
axles in each axle group will reduce the magnitude of
(β ⎪ ∑ j =1 AADTJ × CJ × EJ +
⎧ n
) ⎫

20 ⎪[ ]
the load on the surface of a pavement structure. CESA = ⎨ ⎬ (4)
j =1
AADTJ × (1 + i )β
× C J × E J ⎪⎭
Trucks have axle configuration as shown in Figure 2.
Total vehicle axle is a total equivalent number of a where β = the design period of pavement structure,
vehicle. This figure shows the level of damage (damage AADT = traffic volume at the beginning and at the end
factor) generated from these types of vehicles over the of pavement life, i = rate of traffic growth during the
service life cycle. The level of damage can be designed period, C = lane distribution factor, j = type of
differentiated by load on the axle and the number of truck. CESA is the value to determine the thickness of
wheels on each axle and by the effect of the type of pavement structure by calculating other parameters.
wheels (single or double). Damage factors generated
from a single axle are greater than double axles, as well The value of CESA at the end of design life can also be
as crack or damage on the wheel rut [10]. obtained when the determined traffic volume is reached
before the end of design life. This is especially occurred
As shown in Table 1, the type of trucks with permitted when the traffic growth rate exceeding the prediction
load has different axles arrangement, especially for the rate. Similarly, vehicle axle load will affect the value of
rear axles. Trucks type no. 9, 12, and 14 has 3 axles and CESA when the axle load exceeds the standard value.
the rests have one or two axles. Previous studies proved
that truck with a single axle and dual axles caused
cracks bigger than the triple-axles or more [11].

Table 1. Axle Load for Each Type of Truck

Axle Load (ton) Total Load

Type of Vehicle
Axle-1 Axle-2 Axle-3 Axle-4 Axle-5 Axle-6 (ton)
Passenger Cars (s.s) 1 1 2
Small Bus (s.s) 3 6 9
Bus (s.d) 6 10 16
Truck 2-axle (s.s) 6 6 12
Truck 2-axle (s.d) 6 10 16
Truck 3-axle (ss.d) 5 6 10 21
Truck 3-axle (s.dd) 6 9 9 24
Truck 4-axle (s.s.dd) 6 6 9 9 30
Truck 4-axle (s.ddd) 6 7 7 7 27
Truck 4-axle (s.d - dd) 6 10 9 9 34
Truck 4-axle (s.d + d.d) 6 9 9 9 33
Truck 5-axle (s.s.ddd) 6 6 7 7 7 33
Truck 5-axle (s.dd - dd) 6 9 9 9 9 42
Truck 6-axle (s.dd - ddd) 6 9 9 7 7 7 45
Source: Circular Letter of Directorate General of Land Transportation No.SE.02/AJ.108/DRJD/2008 concerning the Maximum Limits for
Calculated Permitted Load Amount (Jumlah Berat yang Diizinkan, JBI) and Permitted Combination Load Amount (Jumlah Berat
Kombinasi yang Diizinkan, JBKI) for pickup trucks, special vehicles, road tractors including the trailers.
88 MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92

3. Results and Discussion equivalent number of axle load is equivalent-axle

number multiplication with the traffic volume.
Average daily traffic truck (ADTT) and CESA.
Traffic data is acquired from a survey conducted in Bus load do not exceed the limits as occurred in trucks.
Bogor-Cibinong Road (Table 2). This road consists of Therefore, in this study, observations are preferred on
various types of trucks even though the traffic the truck type of vehicles. Two-axle trucks with a total
dominated by sedan and other passenger vehicles. By weight of 16 tons (Table 3) have the largest number
observing the vehicles on the road, it is estimated that (25.60%) among other types of heavy trucks. While
passenger cars have dominated the vehicles passing by other two-axle trucks have a total weight of 12 tons
this Bogor-Cibinong road, but for the calculation of (17.62%), because this type of trucks have rear axle
pavement structure more considerations is put on the with a single wheel which result in smaller load
number of vehicle’s load that are distributed from each capacity. Therefore, the total percentage of the
wheel to the road surface. equivalent number of axle load for two-axle trucks is
43.22% of the total load on this road. However, the total
In Table 2 can be seen the results of calculations for the load is only 33.21% of the total weight of all vehicles on
CESA initial design life of 4,162.10 ESAL. By using the road. In other words, the weight of the vehicle is
the equation 4 where pavement design life for 10 years, different from the equivalent axle load. Furthermore, for
CESA obtained at 6.175 ESAL. CESA value is then a discussion of these overload problems, the parameter
used as a reference in calculating the reduction in used will be equivalent to the axle load.
pavement life gained from attaining higher CESA period
due to the addition of the load on the pavement structure. Axle load distribution characteristics. The load of a
vehicle is distributed on the structure of road pavement
Vehicle and its cargo provide load to the road surface through each axle. As detailed in Table 4, each type of
depending on the amount and type of axle of the vehicle has a payload capacity and different number of
vehicle. The more axles the vehicle has, the lesser the axles. Therefore, the load on each axle is different. Each
load on the road pavement structure. Forty percent of axle has an equivalent number of vehicle assigned with
vehicles on the road in this case study is of sedan type the notation E. Based on the different number of axles
vehicles. In terms of total load axis, however, a sedan and axle position from different configurations, different
type vehicle is only 0.14%. E values are generated.

Similarly, bus type vehicle give 40.42% of the total Two-axle trucks consist of two types of trucks, i.e.
equivalent number of load on this road. Therefore, the trucks with single rear wheels and trucks with dual rear
bus and truck types of vehicles are very influential in wheels. Both types of transport trucks have different
the calculation of road pavement structures as they maximum load, which is 12 tons for trucks with single
contribute to dominant load. rear wheels that provides equivalent number of axle
load of 0.5846 and 16 tons for trucks with dual rear
To see the impact of heavy vehicles on the road surface wheels that provide equivalent number of axle load of
caused by the difference in the axis, the total weight of 2.5478. The real difference in these two types of trucks
the vehicle is the multiplication of the weight of each is at the rear axles, where the load limits for single
type of vehicle with the traffic volume. While the total wheels is 6 tons and 10 tons for dual wheels trucks.

Table 2. CESA of the First Year Prediction

Type of Vehicle AADT C E CESA

Car (1.1) 12,522 0.6 0.00045 3.39
Small Bus (1.1) 39 0.7 0.31058 8.48
Bus (1.2) 678 0.7 2.54779 1,209.18
Truck 2-axle (s.s) 1,172 0.7 2.54779 2,090.82
Truck 2-axle (s.d) 23 0.7 2.53948 40.00
Truck 3-axle (ss.d) 68 0.7 2.32855 110.02
Truck 3-axle (s.dd) 41 0.7 3.93739 111.63
Truck 4-axle (s.s.dd) 5 0.7 1.65212 5.20
Truck 4-axle (s.ddd) 95 0.7 4.58403 303.23
Truck 4-axle (s.d - dd) 32 0.7 4.73178 104.34
Truck 4-axle (s.d + d.d) 14 0.7 1.94443 18.37
Truck 5-axle (s.s.ddd) 14 0.7 4.36478 41.25
Truck 5-axle (s.dd - dd) 45 0.7 3.68836 116.18
Total 14,744 4,162.10
MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92 89

Table 3. Comparison of the Total Vehicle Weight and the Total Equivalent Number of Axle Load

total total equivalent

Type of Vehicle vehicle weight axle-number
(%) (%)
Passenger Cars (s.s) 10,328 40.17 0.14
Small Bus (s.s) 61 1.07 0.58
Bus (s.d) 519 16.14 40.42
Truck 2-axle (s.s) 985 22.99 17.62
Truck 2-axle (s.d) 328 10.22 25.60
Truck 3-axle (ss.d) 32 1.31 2.49
Truck 3-axle (s.dd) 29 1.37 2.09
Truck 4-axle (s.s.dd) 20 1.17 1.60
Truck 4-axle (s.ddd) 9 0.49 0.35
Truck 4-axle (s.d - dd) 33 2.20 4.67
Truck 4-axle (s.d + d.d) 12 0.77 1.74
Truck 5-axle (s.s.ddd) 7 0.43 0.31
Truck 5-axle (s.dd - dd) 12 0.98 1.60
Truck 6-axle (s.dd - ddd) 8 0.70 0.80
Total 12,384 100.00 100.00
Note : s : single wheel single axle
d : double wheel single axles
dd : double wheel double axles
ddd : double wheel triple axles

Table 4. Distribution of Equivalent Number of Vehicle Axle Load

Type of Vehicle ∑E
Axle-1 Axle-2 Axle-3 Axle-4 Axle-5 Axle-6
Passenger Cars (s.s) 0.0002 0.0002 0.0004
Small Bus (s.s) 0.0182 0.2923 0.3106
Bus (s.d) 0.2923 2.2555 2.5478
Truck 2-axle (s.s) 0.2923 0.2923 0.5846
Truck 2-axle (s.d) 0.2923 2.2555 2.5478
Truck 3-axle (ss.d) 0.2840 * 2.2555 2.5395
Truck 3-axle (s.dd) 0.2923 2.0362* 2.3285
Truck 4-axle (s.s.dd) 0.2923 0.2923 2.0362* 2.6208
Truck 4-axle (s.ddd) 0.2923 1.3598** 1.6521
Truck 4-axle (s.d - dd) 0.2923 2.2555 2.0362* 4.5840
Truck 4-axle (s.d + d.d) 0.2923 1.4798 1.4798 1.4798 4.7318
Truck 5-axle (s.s.ddd) 0.2923 0.2923 1.3598** 1.9444
Truck 5-axle (s.dd - dd) 0.2923 2.0362* 2.0362* 4.3648
Truck 6-axle (s.dd - ddd) 0.2923 2.0362* 1.3598** 3.6883
Note : * tandem group axles, ** tridem group axles

Four tons difference of payload for equivalent axles is axle and 3 rear axles. This truck has a total vehicle
considered very large. From this fact, it is shown that weight of 27 tons and the total of equivalent number of
the number of axles and composition, as well as axle load of 1.2135. The third is a trailer truck with one
maximum load limit of each axle, will determine a front axle, one center axle, and two rear axles with total
different equivalent number of axle load that will affect vehicle weight of 34 tons and the total equivalent
the results of calculations at design level. number of axle load of 4.5840.

A similar condition occurs to 4-axle truck and 5-axle Based on these characteristics, the type of truck having
truck. The second type is a trailer truck with one front an equivalent number of lesser axles, but are able to carry
90 MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92

heavier load, is selected. This decision will provide HAL is the maximum allowable load of each axle of a
optimum benefit in the process of transportation of vehicle. Currently, the overload on cargo restrictions of
goods. HAL of 8 tons and 10 tons are still happening and
continue to cause early damage to some roads. Load-
Axle loads efficiency. From the previous description, it check controllers stationed in some roads have not been
can be seen that the total equivalent number of axle load able to resolve the problem completely. Indifference to
of a truck is not linear with the amount of load that can the load limit has given benefits to road users (trucks)
be transported. The amount and characteristics of an on one hand but on the other hand detrimental to the
axle is very influential on the total equivalent number of road management due to early damage.
axle load. It is this number that affects the magnitude of
burden on the pavement structure. Table 4 gives an Case study in this research is Cibinong roadway. It can
overview on the differences in vehicle weight and total be seen that to improve the quality of the pavement with
value of equivalent axle loads for various types of HAL of 12 tons will require construction cost of
trucks according to the condition of axle maximum load Rp.3.570.336.000,00/km and maintenance costs
prevailing in Indonesia. estimated at 10% per year. Total cost of construction
and maintenance for 10 years with 4% inflation rate,
ALE = total load/ΣE (6) calculated in the present time (NPV), is
Rp.6.466.198.319,00/km. Another calculation is the
From the combination of maximum amount of cargo benefit received by the road users (trucks). By
and equivalent number of axle load, it is obtained the increasing the MST limit to 12 tons (maximum), the
efficiency value between the configuration and opportunities of profit gain for 10 years in the position
maximum limit of each axle. This value is called Axle of NPV is Rp.10.568.178.817,00/km. This value is
Loads Efficiency (ALE). From the 11 types of trucks as assuming the cost of freight in 2011 amounted to
listed in Table 5, 5-axle type of truck configuration with Rp.1.000,00 per ton kilometer and vehicle growth rate
single axle at front and three axles with double wheels of 5% per year. With a simple calculation, it seems that
at rear has the biggest efficiency value of 16.97. increasing HAL to12 tons give a positive value.
Conversely, the lowest efficiency value is achieved by
trucks with two-axle configuration with single axle at However, by increasing the load by 20%, that will give
front and single axle with dual wheels at rear. a positive economic value, certainly will not completely
solve the problems technically because there are other
Increasing MST from 8 tons to 10 tons and from 10 impacts, such as: decreasing vehicle speed, decreasing
tons to 12 tons. Road function and classification vehicle safety, reduced service life of vehicles, and
according to the Government Regulation no. 43 of 1993 other things that need to be considered thoroughly.
are classified into type I, II, and III, where type I and II Moreover, an increase of 20% is likely to impact the
with HAL of 10 tons while HAL of 8 tons for type III. readiness of the possibility for a bridge structure.

Table 5. Axle Loads Efficiency

E Total
Type of Vehicle group group group group ΣE Load ALE
axle-1 axle-2 axle-3 axle-4 (ton)
Passenger Cars (s.s) 0.0002 0.0002 0 0 0.0004 2 4,433.64
Small Bus (s.s) 0.0182 0.2923 0 0 0.3106 9 28.98
Bus (s.d) 0.2923 2.2555 0 0 2.5478 16 6.28
Truck 2-axle (s.s) 0.2923 0.2923 0 0 0.5846 12 20.53
Truck 2-axle (s.d) 0.2923 2.2555 0 0 2.5478 16 6.28
Truck 3-axle (ss.d) 0.2840 2.2555 0 0 2.5395 21 8.27
Truck 3-axle (s.dd) 0.2923 2.0362 0 0 2.3285 24 10.31
Truck 4-axle (s.s.dd) 0.2923 0.2923 2.0362 0 2.6208 30 11.45
Truck 4-axle (s.ddd) 0.2923 1.3598 0 0 1.6521 27 16.34
Truck 4-axle (s.d - dd) 0.2923 2.2555 2.0362 0 4.5840 34 7.42
Truck 4-axle (s.d + d.d) 0.2923 1.4798 1.4798 1.4798 4.7318 33 6.97
Truck 5-axle (s.s.ddd) 0.2923 0.2923 1.3598 0 1.9444 33 16.97
Truck 5-axle (s.dd - dd) 0.2923 2.0362 2.0362 0 4.3648 42 9.62
Truck 6-axle (s.dd - ddd) 0.2923 2.0362 1.3598 0 3.6883 45 12.20
MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92 91

Furthermore, due to the excessive damage caused by Changing the type of trucks with more axles. To see
heavy axle loads to the road infrastructure, and the the impact of changes to overload the road damage from
hazards caused by overloaded vehicles, many countries each type of truck is done by charging for every type of
such as United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, and truck loads on the track due to the addition of 5% to
Malaysia have set their single axle load limit from 10 to 30%. The results of these calculations led to the addition
12 tons as shown in Table 6 [15-16]. It is argued that of the traffic volume of each type of truck with a
many countries with a successful and effective transport normal load, as shown in Table 7. The addition of
system have boosting their economic growth by cargo volume transported on a road to increase the
reducing the transportation and logistics cost. number of trucks with normal load is also presented.

Table 6. Axle Load Limits in Various Countries [15-16]

Country Axle Load Limit (Tons)

Malaysia 12
Singapore 10
Japan 11
The People's Republic of China 10
UK 10.5
Hawaii 10.9
Germany 10
Switzerland 10

Table 7. The Addition Amount of Truck Traffic Due to Increased Payload on a Road

Normal Increasing load

Truck Type
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Truck 2-axle (s.s) 1.172 1.265 1.459 1.780 2.271 3.008 4.114
Truck 2-axle (s.d) 23 93 241 485 860 1.421 2.264
Truck 3-axle (ss.d) 68 129 259 472 800 1.291 2.028
Truck 3-axle (s.dd) 41 85 180 335 573 931 1.467
Truck 4-axle (s.s.dd) 5 59 174 364 656 1.092 1.748
Truck 4-axle (s.ddd) 95 138 229 380 612 958 1.479
Truck 4-axle (s.d - dd) 32 76 171 326 564 922 1.458
Truck 4-axle (s.d + d.d) 14 58 153 308 546 904 1.440
Truck 5-axle (s.s.ddd) 14 49 123 245 432 713 1.134
Truck 5-axle (s.dd - dd) 45 78 147 261 436 698 1.091

Figure 3. Chane in Service Life of Flexible Pavement Due to Overload Truck

92 MAKARA, TEKNOLOGI, VOL. 16, NO. 1, APRIL 2012: 85-92

The addition is simulated by comparing the impact of flexible pavement so as to reduce early damage to the
each type of truck with a normal load to increase the road.
volume of traffic.
As explained earlier that the number of axles in trucks
will deliver the load of each axle differently and more The authors acknowledge the assistance Hibah
axles will cause a smaller load. In other words, the Penelitian Awal 2010 from the Direktorat Riset dan
burden of every track on the road surface decreases. Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Contract
Figure 3 shows the burden of excessive loads from 5% No. DRPM/Hibah Awal/2010/I/3773.
to 30%. If the overloaded two-axle trucks shifted into
other types of trucks that have axles more than two, the References
curve will show a different shape of decrease in service
life of pavement structures. [1] J.M. Sadeghi, M. Fathali, J. Transp. Eng.-ASCE,
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