A baby was born with hydrocephalus, convulsions and fever, and the mother had a cat at home. This suggests a diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, where the baby was infected in utero as tachyzoites crossed the placenta from the infected mother. The diagnosis can be confirmed by detecting IgM antibodies in the baby's blood through serology testing. A pregnant woman tested positive for IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies on a prenatal visit. The doctor would repeat the test in 2 weeks - a rising titer would indicate infection and treatment is needed, while no change would not require treatment.
A baby was born with hydrocephalus, convulsions and fever, and the mother had a cat at home. This suggests a diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, where the baby was infected in utero as tachyzoites crossed the placenta from the infected mother. The diagnosis can be confirmed by detecting IgM antibodies in the baby's blood through serology testing. A pregnant woman tested positive for IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies on a prenatal visit. The doctor would repeat the test in 2 weeks - a rising titer would indicate infection and treatment is needed, while no change would not require treatment.
A baby was born with hydrocephalus, convulsions and fever, and the mother had a cat at home. This suggests a diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, where the baby was infected in utero as tachyzoites crossed the placenta from the infected mother. The diagnosis can be confirmed by detecting IgM antibodies in the baby's blood through serology testing. A pregnant woman tested positive for IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies on a prenatal visit. The doctor would repeat the test in 2 weeks - a rising titer would indicate infection and treatment is needed, while no change would not require treatment.
A baby was born with hydrocephalus, convulsions and fever, and the mother had a cat at home. This suggests a diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, where the baby was infected in utero as tachyzoites crossed the placenta from the infected mother. The diagnosis can be confirmed by detecting IgM antibodies in the baby's blood through serology testing. A pregnant woman tested positive for IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies on a prenatal visit. The doctor would repeat the test in 2 weeks - a rising titer would indicate infection and treatment is needed, while no change would not require treatment.
convulsions and fever. His mother gave a history of having a cat at home. a- What is your diagnosis? Congenital toxoplasmosis. b- How was the baby infected? Tachyzoites from infected mother crossed the placenta and infected the foetus. c- How can you confirm your diagnosis? By serology: Detection of anti toxoplasma IgM antibodies in baby’s blood. Case A pregnant female attending an outpatient clinic for pregnancy follow up was asked to do some investigations. Among these was testing for IgG anti- Toxoplasma antibodies that proved to be positive. a- How would the doctor proceed? The doctor should repeat the test after 2 weeks. b- How would the doctor interpret the results if: i- The titer remains the same ii- There is rising titer Treatment is not indicated Treatment is indicated c- Mention other immunoglobulin classes that are of value to the diagnosis. Detection of IgM anti-Toxoplasma antibodies d- If treatment is indicated, what drug would you prescribe? Spiramycin is the indicated drug M.C.Q. Manifestations of congenital toxoplasmosis can be first seen in: a- Neonatal period c- Adulthood b- Childhood d- All of the above Toxoplasmosis is fatal in AIDS patients by causing: a- Nephrotic syndrome b- Disseminated encephalitis c- Megacolon & constipation d- Megaoesophagus & dysphagia Oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii is found in: a- Brain of chronic patients b- Tissues of infected man c- Faeces of infected cats d- Faeces of infected man M.C.Q. Blindness caused by Toxoplasma is due to: a- Corneal opacity c- Optic neuritis b- Retinochoroiditis d- Panophthalmitis
Hydrocephalus can occur in the following conditions:
a- Stool of cat c- Human brain b- Stool of man d- Human blood Give reason Toxoplasma infections (during pregnancy) need ante natal as well as post natal follow up.
Ante natal follow up is needed to detect activity of
infection, serological test is done to detect IgM or rising titre of IgG. If either is found, this indicates a risk of foetal infection. Post natally, babies should be tested for IgM antibodies and when found,They should be treated M.C.Q. The Sequelae of infection with Toxoplasma depends on: a- immune status of infected human Tachyzoites b- age of infected human c- virulence of the infecting parasite strain d- non of the above Pseudocyst e- all of the above Tissue cyst of Toxoplasma is found in: Tissue cyst a- Stool of cat c- Meat of cattle b- Infected human blood d- All of the above Sporulated oocyst Give reason
• Detection of anti Toxoplasma IgM antibodies in
blood of a pregnant woman does not necessarily indicate foetal infection, while their detection in foetal blood does. Detection of IgM in mother’s blood indicates active infection of the mother only. IgM antibodies cannot cross the placenta, so its presence in foetal blood is an indication of foetal infection Give reason §Toxoplasma is considered an opportunistic disease. Toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic in the great majority of cases. If it infects an immunocompromized patient, the patient develops acute disseminated toxoplasmosis that may end fatally.
§ Immunodiagnosis is an important tool for diagnosis of
Toxoplasmosis. Sampling may be impossible or hazardous e.g. cerebral toxoplasmosis. Question Mention 4 cerebral complications for congenital toxoplasmosis.
1- Hydrocephalus
2- Microcephaly
3- Convulsions
4- mental retardation State true or False
• Congenital toxoplasmosis CAN NOT OCCUR when
mothers have latent infection. False
Congenital toxoplasmosis CAN OCCUR when
mothers have latent infection when they become immunosuppressed and their old dormant infections flare up resulting in parasitaemia thus infecting the foetus.