Crim 1 Midterm
Crim 1 Midterm
Crim 1 Midterm
In the legal sense , a criminal is any person who has been found to have committed a wrongful act in the course of the
standard judicial process; there must be a final verdict of his guilt.
In the criminological sense, a person is already considered a criminal the moment he committed a crime.
On the basis of etiology;
o Acute (Serious) Criminals-persons who violate criminal law because of the impulse of the moment, fit of passion or
o Chronic (Continuing)Criminals- persons who acted in consonance (similar) with deliberated thinking , such as;
Neurotic Criminals- persons whose actions arise from the intra-psychic conflict between the social and anti-social
components of his personality.
Normal Criminals-persons whose psychic (intellectual) organization resembles that of a normal individual except
that he identifies himself with criminal prototype(Pattern)
The term imbecile was once used by the psychiatrist to denote a category of people with moderate to sereve intellectual disability ,
as well as type of criminal.
The word arise from the latin word “imbecillus” meaning weak or weak minded.
Code of Justinian (Corpus Juris Civilis or Body of Civil Law)-was a legal code. It consisted of the various sets of laws
and legal interpretations collected and codified by scholars under the direction of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I
Burgundian Laws (Lex Burgundionum or Lex Gundobada)- refers to the law code of the Burgundians, probably
issued by king Gundobad. It is influenced by Roman law and deals with domestic laws concerning marriage and
inheritance as well as regulating weregild and other penalties
School of Thought- it refers to a group of beliefs or ideas that support a specific theory
Theory-the set of statements devised to explain behaviour , events or phenomenon, especially one that has been repeatedly tested
and widely accepted.
Demonological Theory
Assert that a person commits wrongful act due to the fact that he was possessed by demons/evil.
ID(instinctive drive)-it is governed by the “Pleasure Principle);the id impulses are not social and must be repressed or adapted so
that they may become socially acceptable.(unconscious biological drives for pleasure)
EGO- this is considered to be the sensible and responsible part of an individual’s personality and is governed by the “Reality
Principle; Iit is developed early in life and compensates for the demands of the id by helping the individual guide his actions to
remain within the boundaries of accepted social behaviour ;it is the objective , rational part of the personality.(Man’s Gate Will)
SUPEREGO-the moral conscience of individual;it is structured by what values were thought by the parents , the school and the
community , as well as belief in God(Voice of God);it is largely responsible for making a person follow the moral codes of society.
(The conscience Principle)
EROS-the most basic human drive present at birth (the instinct to preserve and create life).An expressed sexually.(EROS-god of
sexual attraction)
Sociological factors refers to things ,places and people with whom we come in contact with and which play a part in determining
our actions and conduct. These causes may bring about the development of criminal behavior
+one of the founding scholars of sociology
+Published a book,”Division of Labor in Society”, which became a landmark work on the organization of scoieties
Crime is as normal a part of the society as birth and death
Crime is part of human nature because it has existed during periods of poverty and prosperity
As long as human differences exists, which is one of the fundamental conditions of society , it is but natural and expected
that it will result to criminality.
GABRIEL TARDE(Jean-Gabriel De Tarde)
-the forerunner of modern day learning theorist
-Theory of Imitation, which governs the process by which people become criminals
-the Theory of imitation is explained by the following patterns:
Pattern 1:individuals imitate others in proportion to the intensity and frequency of their contact
Pattern 2:inferiors imitate superiors
Pattern 3:when two behaviour patterns clash , one may take the place of the other
-Robert King Merton
-the social structures within the society may pressure citizens to commit crime
-argues that the ability to obtain these goals is class dependent;members of the lower class is un bale to achieve these goals which
come easily to those belonging to the upper class
-the commission of crimes with the aim of achieving these goals results from this conflict.
Argued that criminal behaviour is learned through both social and non-social reinforcements and that most learning of criminal
behaviour occurs in social interactions with other people.
Walter C. Reckless
The idea that strong self-image insulates(protect) a youth the pressures and pulls of crimogenic(cause crime) influences in
the environment
A behaviour must be controlled , and in the absence of appropriate controls, people will deviate.
A morbid (dark) propensity (tendency) to love or make love .Excessive sexual desire
Term applied for specialist in the study of disorders, sometimes interchangeably used with psychiatrist.
a statement that we would have no crime if we had no criminal law, and that we could eliminate all crime merely by abolishing all
criminal laws.