Globe Capital Market Limited
Equity SEBI Registration No INZ000177137, Exchange Registration Nos NSE : TM No-06637, Clearing No-M50302 BSE :
Clearing No-3179, MSEI : TM Code-1004, Depository Participant : IN-DP-614-2021
MCX TM No : 8091, Clearing No :8090, NCDEX TM No :1287, Clearing No : M51085, ICEX TM ID : 2084
Registered Office Address
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg, Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Phone: 011-30412345 | Fax: 011-23720883 | Email : [email protected] | [email protected]
| [email protected]
Corporate Office
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg, Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001 | Phone: +91-011-30412345
Phone: 011-30412345 | Fax: 011-23720883
Depository Office
Phone: 011-43666400 | Fax: 011-23712630
Compliance Officer Details :
Name : Mr. Gautam Gupta
Phone No. : 011-30412345
E-mail Id : [email protected]
DP Compliance Officer Details :
Name : Preeti Gupta
Phone No. : 011-43666400
E-mail Id : [email protected]
CEO Details :
Phone No. : 011-30412345
E-mail Id : [email protected]
For any grievance/dispute please contact Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML). at the above address or email id:
[email protected] and Phone No. 011-30412345. In case not satisfied with the response, please contact the concerned
exchange(s) at :
Exchange Web Address Contact No. Email-Id
NSE www.nseindia.com 1800220058 [email protected]
BSE www.bseindia.com 022-22728097 [email protected] /
[email protected]
MSEI www.msei.in 022-61129028 [email protected]
MCX http://www.mcxindia.com 022-67318888 [email protected]
NCDEX http://www.ncdex.com 022-66406789 [email protected]
ICEX https://www.icexindia.com 022-40381546 [email protected]
CDSL www.cdslindia.com 022-22723333 [email protected]
NSDL www.nsdl.co.in 022-24994200 [email protected]
You can also lodge your grievances with SEBI at http:// scores.gov.in For any queries, feedback or assistance, please
contact SEBI office or toll free Helpline at 1800-22-7575 / 1800-266-7575
1. Personal Details
Maiden Name (If any*)
Father/Spouse Name* PRADEEP SAJEKAR
Mother Name*
Date of Birth* 04/06/2004
Gender* Male
Marital Status* Unmarried
Citizenship* Indian
Residential Status* Resident Individual
Occupation Type* STUDENT
2. Proof of Identity
Latitude: 19.2075189,Longitude: 72.9792681
3. Proof of Address
Proof of Address* AADHAAR
Correspondence Address
Address Line 3 THANE,THANE
City/Town/Village* THANE
Country* INDIA
Pincode* 400601
Permanent Address
Address Line 3 THANE,THANE
City/Town/Village* THANE
Country* INDIA
Pincode* 400601
4. Contact Details
Tel.(Off.) Tel.(Res.)
Mobile No.* 9076191090 Fax
Email ID* [email protected]
I hereby declare that the aforesaid mobile number belongs to SELF
I hereby declare that the aforesaid E-mail ID belongs to SELF
6. Applicant Declaration
I/We hereby declare that the KYC details furnished by me are true
and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/we
under-take to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case
any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or
misleading or misrepresenting, I am/we are aware that I/We may be
held liable for it. I am aware of other modes of KYC which are
available and I have chosen Aadhaar based method voluntarily. My
Aadhaar record can be used by KRA agencies only for the specific
purpose validating/ maintaining/ sharing my KYC record and as an
audit evidence. I will have an option to request for deleting of my
Aadhaar record. I hereby give my consent for receiving information
including Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above
registered mobile number/email address. I am/we are also aware that
for Aadhaar OVD based KYC, my KYC request shall be validated
against Aadhaar details. I/We hereby consent to sharing my/our
masked Aadhaar card with readable QR code or my Aadhaar
XML/Dig locker XML file, along with pass code and as applicable, with
SEBI, KRA, CKYC and other Institutions/ agencies/ Intermediaries
with whom I have a business relationship for KYC purposes only.
Date Place
7. Attestation/For Office use only
Document Received
Intermediary/Institution Details In-person verification (IPV), Documents verified with original & Client interviewed by
Name Globe Capital Market Employee/SB/AP ASHWANI KUMAR SEBI Number of AP Globe Capital Market
Limited(GCML) name (If Applicable) Limited(GCML)
Employee ID G00547 Designation Executive
CKYC Institution IN0116 Signature esigned
8. Bank Account Details
Primary Bank Details (For DP and Trading)
Account No. 8848831138 Branch Tembhi Naka Branch
IFSC KKBK0001353 MICR Code
Address Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, Tembhi Naka ( Thane Talao) Branch Ground Floor & Mezzanine Floor, Shop
No?s 4,5,6,7, ? Mayurpankh? ?Mayurpankh Co-operative Housing Society Limited? Tembhi Naka,
Account Type Savings
9.1 Depository Account Details
I/We already have Demat A/c
Depository Name
Name of Depository Participant
9.2 Depository Account(s) Details
Affiliated by Accounting Software Beneficiary Name CP ID Beneficiary ID(BO ID)
10. Trading Preference
Please sign in the relevant boxes where you wish to trade.
Exchange Segment
Cash F&O* Currency* Commodity* Mutual Fund
NSE sign here sign here
*If you wish to trade in derivatives (F&O/Currency/Commodity) segments, submit proof of financial details(Mandatory)
SMS and E-mail alerts from stock exchanges/depository BOTH
Whether you wish to receive Contract Note & Standard documents ELECTRONIC
in physical or electronic mode
*Standard Documents Rights & Obligations, Risk Disclosure
Document, Guidance Note and Policies & Procedures, other terms
and conditions
I/We wish to avail facility of internet trading / wireless technology YES
Application Base Trading Web Base Trading Securities Trading using Wireless Technology
12. Trading History
Trading Experience / Number of Years of Investment 0
Stock Profile NIL
Details of disputes / dues pending from / to such stock broker / NOT AVAILABLE
Authorize person In case dealing with multiple stock brokers, please
provide details of all
Client Code(UCC) NA Exchange NA
13. Income, Education & Others Details
Gross Annual Income Detail BELOW 1 LAC
Net-worth in As on(date)
Educational Details Under Graduate
Politically Exposed Person/Related to a Politically Exposed Person NO
Is the entity involved providing any of the following services
- For Foreign Exchange / Money Changer Services NO
- Gaming / Gambling / Lottery Services (e.g. casinos, betting NO
- Money Lending / Pawning NO
FATCA & CRS Declaration – Individuals
Residence for Tax Purposes In Jurisdiction(s) Outside India* NO
Country of Jurisdiction of Residence*
Tax Identification Number or Equivalent(If issued by jurisdiction)*
Place/City of Birth*
Country of Birth*
Details of any action/proceedings initiated/pending/taken by SEBI/Stock NO
exchange/any other authority against the applicant / constituent or its
authorized persons in charge of dealing in securities during the last 3
DEALINGS THROUGH Authorize person :
If client is dealing through the Authorize person , provide the following details: Authorize person's Name:________________ SEBI Registration
number:________________ Registered office address & Contact Details:________________
1. I/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and l/we undertake to inform
you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting,
lam/we are aware that l/we may be held liable for it.
2. I/We confirm having read/been explained and understood the contents of the document on policy and procedures of the stock broker, tariff sheet
and aII voluntary/non - mandatory documents.
3. I/We further confirm having read and understood the contents of the Rights and Obligations', Policies & Procedures document(s) and 'Risk
Disclosure Document', ‘Do's and Don’ts. I/we do hereby agree to be bound by such provisions as outlined in these documents, l/we have read,
understood, agreed and received a duly executed copy of the:- • Account Opening Form, Trading Account Related Details and Tariff Sheet * Other
disclosure/documents as agreed by me/us specifically in voluntary segment. • Terms & Conditions as mutually agreed by me/us • FATCA & CRS
Terms & Conditions * Option Consent Letter • other disclosure/documents as agreed by me/us specifically in voluntary segment. I/We have also been
informed that the standard set of documents has been displayed for Information on stock broker's designated website, if any.
Signature of Client
Registration No.or Code
15. Demat Account Opening - NSDL
DP ID : IN300966 Client ID : Client UCC Code :
I/We request to open a Depository Account in my/our name as per the following details. Date :
15a. Type of Account
Status Resident Individual Sub-status Individual Resident
15b. Account Holder Details
Name of sole/1st Holder NA
Nationality NA
15c. NSDL - Additional Detail
I/We authorise you to receive credits automatically into my/our account
Client option to receive e-statement
Receive Annual Reports,AGM notices and other communication from Issuer & RTA in Physical form
Account to be opened through Power of Attorney(PoA)
SMS Alert facility
For joint accounts communication to be sent to oFirst Holder oAll Joint Account Holders
Mode of Operation for Joint Accounts (*see notes)
15. Demat Account Opening - CDSL
DP ID : 12020600 Client ID : Client UCC Code :
I/ We request to open a Depository Account in my / our name as per the following details. Date :
15a. Type of Account
Status Resident Individual Sub-status Individual Resident
15b. Account Holder Details
Name of sole/1st Holder PRATIK PRADEEP SAJEKAR
Nationality Indian
15c. CDSL - Additional Detail
SMS Declaration YES
DIS Booklet YES
I/we instruct the DP to receive each and every credit in my/our account (if not marked, the default YES
option would be 'Yes')
I/We would like to instruct the DP to accept all the pledge instructions in my/our account without any NO
other further instruction from my/our end.
I/We request you to send Electronic Transction-cum-Holding Statement at the you registered E-Mail YES
I would like to share the email ID with the RTA YES
I would like to receive the Annual oPhysical
Report þElectronic oBoth Physical & Electronic
I/we wish to receive dividend/Interest directly in to my/our bank account asa given below through ECS. YES
(If not marked, the default option would be 'YES') (ECS is mandatory for locations notified by SEBI from
time to time)
Account statement requirement MONTHLY
Easi To register for easi, please visit our website www.cdslindia.com Easi Yes/No
allows a BO toview his ISIN balances, transactions and value of the
portfolio online.
Transactions Using Secured Texting To register for easi, please visit our website www.cdslindia.com Easi Yes/No
Facility (TRUST) Refer to Terms allows a BO toview his ISIN balances, transactions and value of the
and Conditions Annexure B portfolio online.
Stock Exchange Name/ID Clearing Member Name Clearing Member ID (Optional)
For joint accounts communication to be sent to oFirst Holder oAll Joint Account Holders
Mode of Operation for Joint Accounts (*see notes)
16. Nominee Form for Trading and Demat Account
I/We the Sole Holder / Joint Holder / Guardian (in case of minor) hereby declare that :
Client ID (only for Demat account)
Second Holder Name NA
Third Holder Name NA
þOpting out of nomination - I/We hereby confirm that I/We do not wish to appoint any nominee(s) in my/our trading/demat account
and understand the issues involved in non-appointment of nominee(s) and further are aware that in case of death of all the account
holder(s), my/our legal heirs would need to submit all the requisite documents/information for claiming of assets held in my/our
trading/demat account, which may also include documents issued by Court or other such competent authority, based on the value of
assets held in the trading/demat account.
Sole / First Holder Second Holder Third Holder
o I/We wish to make a nomination and do hereby nominate the following person(s) who shall receive all securities held in the
Depository by me/us in the said beneficiary owner account in the event of my/our death
1st Nominee Details
1 Name of Nominee : NA
2 Share of each Nominee (If not equally, please specify percentage)
3 Relationship with the Applicant (If any)
4 Address of Nominee
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
City/Town/Village* State*
Country* Pincode*
5 Mobile / Telephone No. of nominee(s) #
6 Email ID of nominee(s) #
7 Nominee Identification details # [Please tick any one of following and provide details of same]
Photograph & Signature/ PAN/ Aadhaar/ Saving Bank account no./ Proof of Identity/ Demat Account
8 Date of Birth {in case of minor nominee(s)}
Should be filled only if nominee(s) is a minor:
9 Name of Guardian (Mr./Ms.) {in case of minor nominee(s) }
10 Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Country* Pincode*
11 Mobile of Guardian #
12 Email of Guardian #
13 Relationship of Guardian with Nominee
14 Guardian Identification details # [Please tick any one of following and provide details of same]
Photograph & Signature/ PAN/ Aadhaar/ Saving Bank account no./ Proof of Identity/ Demat Account
Sole / First Holder (Mr./Ms.)
Signature(s) of holder*
2nd Nominee Details
1 Name of Nominee : NA
2 Share of each Nominee (If not equally, please specify percentage)
3 Relationship with the Applicant (If any)
4 Address of Nominee
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
City/Town/Village* State*
Country* Pincode*
5 Mobile / Telephone No. of nominee(s) #
6 Email ID of nominee(s) #
7 Nominee Identification details # [Please tick any one of following and provide details of same]
Photograph & Signature/ PAN/ Aadhaar/ Saving Bank account no./ Proof of Identity/ Demat Account
8 Date of Birth {in case of minor nominee(s)}
Should be filled only if nominee(s) is a minor:
9 Name of Guardian (Mr./Ms.) {in case of minor nominee(s) }
10 Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Country* Pincode*
11 Mobile of Guardian #
12 Email of Guardian #
13 Relationship of Guardian with Nominee
14 Guardian Identification details # [Please tick any one of following and provide details of same]
Photograph & Signature/ PAN/ Aadhaar/ Saving Bank account no./ Proof of Identity/ Demat Account
Sole / First Holder (Mr./Ms.)
Signature(s) of holder*
3rd Nominee Details
1 Name of Nominee : NA
2 Share of each Nominee (If not equally, please specify percentage)
3 Relationship with the Applicant (If any)
4 Address of Nominee
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
City/Town/Village* State*
Country* Pincode*
5 Mobile / Telephone No. of nominee(s) #
6 Email ID of nominee(s) #
7 Nominee Identification details # [Please tick any one of following and provide details of same]
Photograph & Signature/ PAN/ Aadhaar/ Saving Bank account no./ Proof of Identity/ Demat Account
8 Date of Birth {in case of minor nominee(s)}
Should be filled only if nominee(s) is a minor:
9 Name of Guardian (Mr./Ms.) {in case of minor nominee(s) }
10 Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Country* Pincode*
11 Mobile of Guardian #
12 Email of Guardian #
13 Relationship of Guardian with Nominee
14 Guardian Identification details # [Please tick any one of following and provide details of same]
Photograph & Signature/ PAN/ Aadhaar/ Saving Bank account no./ Proof of Identity/ Demat Account
Sole / First Holder (Mr./Ms.)
Signature(s) of holder*
* Signature of witness, along with name and address are required, if the account holder affixes thumb impression, instead of
# Optional Fields (Information required at Serial nos. 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 & 14 is not mandatory)
This nomination shall supersede any prior nomination made by the account holder(s), if any.
The Trading Member / Depository Participant shall provide acknowledgement of the nomination form to the account holder(s)
* Signature of witness, along with name and address are required, if the account holder affixes thumb impression, instead of
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
17. Declaration
1. I/we hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and
I/we undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be
false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am/we are aware that I/We may be held liable for it.
2. I/We confirm having read/been explained and understood the contents of the document on policy and procedures of the
stock broker, tariff sheet and all voluntary/non-mandatory documents.
3. I/We further confirm having read and understood the contents of the Rights and Obligations', Policies & Procedures
document(s) and 'Risk Disclosure Document', ‘Do’s and Dont’s’. I/We do hereby agree to be bound by such provisions as
outlined in these documents. I/we have read, understood, agreed and received a duly executed copy of the:- • Account
Opening Form, Trading Account Related Details and Tariff Sheet • Other disclosure/documents as agreed by me/us
specifically in voluntary segment. • Terms & Conditions as mutually agreed by me/us • FATCA & CRS Terms &
Conditions • Option Consent Letter • Other disclosure/ documents as agreed by me/us specifically in voluntary
segment.I/We have also been informed that the standard set of documents has been displayed for Information on stock
broker's designated website, if any.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
18. Brokerage Structure .
Brokerage Scheme Code SELFTRADE
Segment Type
Margin Amount 0
Advance Brokerage 0
Segment Brokerage Type Value
Equity Cash-Intraday PERCENTAGE(%) 0.01
Equity Cash-Delivery PERCENTAGE(%) 0.10
Equity F&O Future PERCENTAGE(%) 0.01
Equity F&O Option Per Lot 10
Currency Future PERCENTAGE(%) 0.01
Currency Option Per Lot 5
Commodity Future PERCENTAGE(%) 0.01
Commodity Option Per Lot 25
Delivery 0.25
Minimun per Share 0.01
Mutual Fund PERCENTAGE(%)
Note: Important Note : In case of Physical Contract notes or other related documents being dispatched to client, a difference of Rs. 25/- in
total brokerage booked on a particular contract would be charged toward minimum processing fee. Delay payment charges @2% per month
would be charged for debit/shortage in payin/margin default, as per exchange requirements. Depository/Pledge charges for the movement of
shares between pool/ beneficiary/margin account for payin / payout or margin purpose will be charged. Transaction charges/Clearing
Charges/other statutory charges/ courier/administration/ processing charges will be charged as applicable. Handling charges for issue of
account statement, copy ofcontract note etc. will be charged as applicable.Handling charges for issue of account statement, copy of contract
note etc. will be charged as applicable. One time processing fee Rs. 50/- per segment and POA charges Rs. 100/- shall be charged.
19. Account Maintenance Charges
AOC Scheme Name Regular (399)
Promo Code
AMC Rs. 399 is For 1st quarter, remaining 3 quarters are FREE,
AMC cycle is "4 quarters (1 Year)"
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
20. Demat Tariff Sheet
Delivery Market Transaction Rs.20/- per instruction or 0.02% of transaction
value, whichever is higher, subject to
maximum of Rs.100/
Off Market Transaction Rs.25/- per instruction or 0.03% of transaction
value, whichever is higher, subject to
maximum of Rs.1000/
Pledge Creation/Closure/Invocation Rs.50/- per instruction or 0.02% of transaction
value, whichever is higher
Demat Charges Rs.50/- for up to first hundred and after first
hundred Rs.10/- for every hundred securities
or part thereof or a flat fee Rs.10/- per
certificate whichever is higher plus courier
charges of Rs.40 for every 25 certificate and
part thereof
Remat Charges Rs.100/- for up to first hundred and after first
hundred `30/- for every hundred securities or
part thereof or a flat fee Rs.30/- per certificate
whichever is higher
Mutual Funds (Destat / Redemption) Rs.50/- per instruction plus courier charges
Instruction Booklet Rs.2/- per leaf plus courier charges
1. The Depository Participant shall reserve the right to revise the charges by giving not less than 30 days notice in writing to
the client.
2. Value of Transaction will be in accordance with the Depository formulae
3. Modification in client detail, 40/- per instance. Maintenance charges will be charged in advance at the time of opening the
4. Any service not listed above will be charged extra
5. Rejection charges 50/- per rejection plus courier charges
6. Slip Rejection/Fail charges 20/- per rejection
7. Off-Market Instruction not received prior to 24 hours of execution will be received at client’s risk
8. Instruction for Pay-In of securities to transfer from client account to CM Pool account, Inter settlement instruction, CM
Pool to CM Pool transfer and delivery instruction will be accepted up till 4:00 PM on working day prior to Pay-in date.
9. Periodic statement free on Email and Rs 40 towards courier charges if sent physically
10. Non-periodic statement shall be charged @ 5/- per page and postage/courier charge @ Rs 40 or actual charges
whichever is higher.
11. In case of non-payment of bill/dues within 30 days of due date, interest shall be charged @ 1.0% per month on the
outstanding dues.
12. Rs 100 will be charged to client in case of New Delivery Instruction Booklet is requested without requisition slip.
13. All charges are exclusive of GST. Taxes and other Government levies will be charges extra as applicable from time to
“AS per SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/22/2012 dated 27th August 2012, all clients who are willing to hold only one demat
account as first holder and DP holding valuation will be maintained below Rs. 2 Lac. Is eligible to opt for BSDA (Basic
Service Demat Account) subject to term and conditions mentioned by SEBI.” To opt BSDA scheme please sign a separate
scheme sheet which can be obtained from our office.”
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Authorisation for maintaining Running Account
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Dear Sirs,
I/We are dealing through you as a client in Capital Market and/or Future & Option segment and/or Currency segment and/or
Commodity segment and/or Interest Rate future Segment and/or Mutual Fund Segment & in order to facilitate ease of operations and
upfront requirement of margin for trade. I/We authorize you as under:
1. I/We request you to maintain running balance in my account & retain the credit balance in any of my/our account and to
use the unused funds towards my/our margin/pay-in/other future obligation(s) at any segment(s) of any or all the
Exchange(s)/Clearing corporation unless I/we instruct you otherwise.
2. I request you to settle my funds.
þOnce in a 90 days
oOnce in a 30 days
or such other period as allowed by SEBI/Stock Exchange time to time except the funds given towards collaterals/margin
in form of Bank Guarantee and/or Fixed Deposit Receipt.
3. In case I/We have an outstanding obligation on the settlement date, you may retain the requisite securities/funds/Mutual
Fund Units towards such obligations and may also retain the funds as calculated in the manner specified by the
4. I/We confirm you that I will bring to your notice any dispute arising from the statement of account or settlement so made
in writing within 30 working days from the date of receipt of funds/securities or statement of account or statement related
to it, as the case maybe at your registered office.
The running account authorization provided by me shall continue and remain valid until it is revoked by me anytime in writing.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Letter of Authority
Dear Sirs,
I/we dealing with you as client at NSE/BSE/MSEI/MCX/NCDEX/ICEX in Capital, Derivative,Commodity & Currency Derivative
Segment and in order to facilitate ease of operations, I/We authorise you as under :
1. I/We authorise you to set off outstanding in any of my/our accounts against credits available or arising in any other accounts
maintained with you irrespective of the fact that such credits in the accounts may pertain to transactions in any segment of the
Exchange or in any other exchange and/or against the value of cash margin or collateral shares provided to you by me/us.
2. I/We hereby authorise you not to provide me/us Order Confirmation/ Modification / Cancellation Slips and Trade Confirmation Slips
to avoid unnecessary paper work. I/We shall get the required details from contract notes issued by you.
3. I/We hereby authorise you to keep all securities/Commodities which I/We have given you in margin including the payout securities
and commodities received by us for meeting margin/order obligation in any of the stock exchanges/clearing house/clearing
corporation in whatever manner which may include pledging of securities/Commodities in favor of bank and/or taking loan against the
same or meeting margin/pay-in obligation on my/our behalf or for giving the same as margin to any of the stock exchanges/ clearing
house/clearing corporation or otherwise. Further, I/We shall when called upon to do so forthwith from time to time provide a Margin
Deposit and/or furnish additional Margin as required under the Rules and Regulations in respect of the business done by me and/or
as agreed upon by me with the Trading Member.
4. I/We request you to retain credit balance in any of my/our account and to use the unused funds towards my/our margin/future
obligation at any or all the Exchanges unless I/We instruct you otherwise. I/We also authorize you to debit the necessary demat
charges from time to time, for keeping the shares in your client demat beneficiary account on my behalf. I/We also authorise you to
debit the financial charges @2% p.m., for the debit balances or delay payment charges at the rate prescribed by exchange for
shortage in margin/debit balances, if any, in my account and not settled as per the exchange requirements.
5. I/We request you to retain securities and commodities in your demat account for my/our margin/future obligations at all Exchanges,
unless I/We instruct you to transfer the same to my/our account.
6. I/We request you to consider my/our telephonic instructions for order placing/order modification/order cancellation as a written
instruction and give me/us all the confirmation on telephonic unless instructed otherwise in writing. I/We am/are getting required
details from contracts issued by you.
7. We request that you/exchange/other regulatory authority may send/dispatch us contract notes/e-mail alert/other documents
through e-mail on my/our designated e-mail address mentioned by me/us in KYC. I/We will completely rely on the log reports of you
dispatching software as a conclusive proof of dispatch of e-mail to me/us and will not dispute on the same. I/We note that non-receipt
of bounced mail notification by the stock broker shall amount to delivery of the contract note at my/our e-mail ID.
8. I/We will inform you the change of my/our demographic detail and other detail like Bank, DP etc.
9. I/We are aware and acknowledge that trading of all exchanges is in Electronic mode, based on Vsat, lease line, ISDN, Modem,
VPN, Internet and/or combination of technologies and computer system to place and route order and also involves many uncertain
factors and complex hardware, software, systems, communication lines, peripherals, pay in payout of funds & securities, online &
offline banking etc. these are susceptible to interruptions, delay, mistake and dislocations; and your services may at any time be
unavailable without further notice and I/we understand that there exists a possibility of communication failure or system problems or
slow or delay response from system or trading half, or any such other problem/glitch whereby not been able to establish access to the
trading system/network or delay in execution of trades, which may be beyond your control any may result in delay in processing or
not processing of any orders either in part or in full. I understand that you are not making any representation or warranty that your
service will be available to the Client at all times without any interruption. I/We agree that I/We shall not have any claim for any loss
incurred by me/us against you on account of any suspension, delay, interruption, nonavailability or malfunctioning of your System or
Service for any reason whatsoever.
10. I/We confirm that I/We never sublet the trading terminal on any term of connectivity from my place to any other place without your
prior approval.
11. I/We am/are agreeable for inter-settlement transfer of securities towards settlement.
12. I/we am/are agreeable for & authorise you to with hold funds pay-out towards all the applicable margins and debits.
13. All fines/penalties and charges levied upon you due to my acts / deeds or transaction may be recovered by you from my account.
14. I have a Trading As well as depository relationship with GLOBE CAPITAL MARKET LTD. Please debit the charges relevant with
depository services to my trading account. I also agree to maintain the adequate balance in my trading account/ pay adequate
advance fee for the said reason.
15. I authorise you to send me the physical Contract notes/Margin statement/Ledger/Other documents through postal/courier and to
charge administrative/postal/other charges if the contract notes sent to me get bounced more than 5 times.
16. For the purpose of providing quality and transparent services to its clients, the Company may record your conversation while
interacting with you
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
As per Regulation 19(1) of Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations,
2012 (SECC Regulations) which states that no person shall, directly or indirectly, acquire or hold equity shares of a
recognised Stock Exchange or recognised Clearing Corporation unless he is a fit and proper person in terms of Regulation
19 and 20 of the said SECC Regulations.
Regulations 19 and Regulations 20 as prescribed by SEBI (herein referred as “Board”) are reproduced below:
A. Eligibility for acquiring or holding shares.
1. No person shall, directly or indirectly, acquire or hold equity shares of a recognised stock exchange or recognized
clearing corporation unless he is a fit and proper person
2. Any person who, directly or indirectly, either individually or together with persons acting in concert, acquire equity shares
such that his shareholding exceeds two per cent of the paid up equity share capital of a recognized stock exchange or
recognised clearing corporation shall seek approval of the Board within fifteen days of the acquisition.
3. A person eligible to acquire or hold more than five per cent of the paid up equity share capital under sub regulation (2) of
regulation 17 and sub-regulation (2) of regulation 18 may acquire or hold more than five per cent of the paid up equity
share capital of a recognized stock exchange or a recognised clearing corporation only if he has obtained prior approval
of the Board.
4. Any person holding more than two per cent. of the paid up equity share capital of the recognised stock exchangeor the
clearing corporation on the date of commencement of these regulations, shall ensure compliance with this regulation
within a period of ninety days from the date of such commencement.
5. If approval undersub-regulation (2) or (3) is not granted by the Board to any person, such person shall forthwith divest his
excess shareholding.
6. Any person holding more than two per cent. of the paid up equity share capital in a recognised stock exchange or a
recognised clearing corporation, as the case may be, shall file a declaration within fifteen days from the end of every
financial year to the recognised stock exchange or recognised clearing corporation, as the case may be, that he complies
with the fit and proper criteria provided in these regulations.
- For the purposes of these regulations, a person shall be deemed to be a fit and proper person if—
1. such person has a general reputation and record of fairness and integrity, including but not limited to:
i. financial integrity;
ii. good reputation and character; and
iii. honesty;
2. such person has not incurred any of the following disqualifications—
i. the person, or any of its whole time directors or managing partners, has been convicted by a court for any
offence involving moral turpitude or any economic offence or any offence against the securities laws;
ii. an order for winding up has been passed against the person;
iii. the person, or any of its whole time directors or managing partners, has been declared insolvent and has
not been discharged;
iv. an order, restraining, prohibiting or debarring the person, or any of its whole time directors or managing
partners, from dealing in securities or from accessing the securities market, has been passed by the
Board or any other regulatory authority, and a period of three years from the date of the expiry of the
period specified in the order has not elapsed;
v. any other order against the person, or any of its whole time directors or managing partners, which has a
bearing on the securities market, has been passed by the Board or any other regulatory authority, and a
period of three years from the date of the order has not elapsed;
vi. the person has been found to be of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction and the finding is in
force; and
vii. the person is financially not sound.
- If any question arises as to whether a person is a fit and proper person, the Board's decision on such question shall be
I/we hereby declare that, I/we am/are fit & Proper person as per the above rules & Regulations of the SEBI.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
I/we am dealing with you as client at NSE/BSE/MSEI,MCX.NCDEX and ICEX in Capital, Derivative & Currency Derivative and
Commodity Segment. As my/our broker i.e. agent I/We direct and authorize you to carry out trading/ dealing on my/our behalf as per
instruction given below. I/We agree and acknowledge that it is advised by you that I/We should give instruction for order placement/
modification and cancellation in writing and to avoid disputes, I/We must give instruction in exactly the format in duplicate (carbon
copy/ photocopy only) and take signatures of at least two authorized officers at the branch along with company stamp on the carbon
copy/ photocopy of the instructions in acknowledgment of receipt of my our instructions.,
However as I/We shall be dealing by ordering over phone and even if we visit the branch, the fluctuations in market are so rapid the it
is not practical to give written instructions for order placement/modification and cancellation, I/We hereby authorize you to accept
my/our authorized representative's verbal instructions for order placement/modification and cancellation in person or over phone
(fixed line/mobile phone) and execute the same. I/ We understand the risk associated with verbal orders and accept the same, and
agree that I/We shall not be entitled to disown orders and consequent trades (if any) by shifting the burden of proof by asking you to
prove the placement/modification and cancellation of orders through telephone recording or otherwise.
I/We shall be liable for all losses, damages and actions which may arise as a consequence of your adhering to and carrying out
my/our directions given above.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
I/We are dealing through you as a client registered in NSE/BSE/MSEI/MCX/NCDEX AND ICEX in Capital Market/ Future & Options/
Currency Derivatives/ Commodity Segments. I have given you the securities/Commodities as margin. I hereby confirm and declare
(i)The Securities/Commodities are in existence, owned by me/us and are and shall be free from any charge, lien or encumbrance,
whether prior or otherwise
(ii)The Securities/Commodities will be subject to the creation of pledge in favour of or for the benefit of Trading Member and further
that the Securities/Commodities over which pledge may be created in future would be in existence and owned by me/us at the time of
creation of such pledge and that the Said Securities/Commodity to be given in future as security to Trading Member would likewise be
unencumbered, absolute and disposable property of me/us.
(iii)I authorise you to do all such acts and things, sign such documents and pay and incur any such costs, debts and expenses as
may be necessary from time to time.
(iv)I/ we agree that the Securities/Commodities shall be subject to the first priority and lien in favour of Trading Member to secure, my/
our obligations and that the rights or interests of me/ us with respect to the Said Securities shall be subject and subordinate to the
rights, claims and interests of Trading Member in respect of the Said Securities/Commodities
(v)You may invoke the pledge without any reference to or permission of me/ us and upon receipt of the Said Securities/Commodities,
Trading Member may utilize the proceeds in meeting my/our obligations in such manner as it may deem fit and that such invocation of
pledge will be final and irrevocable against me/us.
(vi)I/we shall not make any claims or demands for refund or any reimbursement in relation to the Said Securities/Commodities.
Thanking you,
Yours Truly,
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
*Note: In case of individual account, to be signed by Client only and not by his/ her authorised signatory or power of attorney holder.
In case of non-individual account, to be signed by Authorised Signatory(ies) only.
Undertaking to keep my/our, directly or indirectly, open position of commodity forward contracts / commodity derivatives at
MCX, NCEX and ICEX within prescribed limit
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Sub: Undertaking to keep my/our, directly or indirectly, open position of commodity forward contracts / commodity derivatives All
I/We, the undersigned, have taken cognizance of circular no. MCX/S&I/300/2017 dated August 23,2017 issued by the MCX, circular
no. NCDEX/TRADING-114/2006/247 dated September 28, 2008 issued by the NCDEX, CIRCULAR NO. ICEX/Trading/2012/220
issued by ICEX and SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DPM/CIR/P/2016 dated September 27,2016 or any other circulars issued
by SEBI/Exchanges from time to time on stated matter on the guidelines for calculation of net open positions permitted in any
commodity and I/We hereby undertake to comply with the same. I/We hereby declare and undertake that I/we will not exceed the
position limits prescribed from time to time by Exchangessuch position limits will be calculated in accordance with the contents of
above stated circular of respective Exchange as modified from time to time.
I/We undertake to inform you and keep you informed if I/we or any of my/our partner/director/karta/trustee or any of the partnership
firm/ company/ HUF/ Trust in which I/ we or any of above such person is a partner/director/karta/trustee, takes or holds any position in
any commodity forward contract/commodity derivative on MCX, NCDEX and ICEX through you or through any other member(s) of
MCX, NCDEX and ICEX to enable you to restrict my/our position limit as prescribed by the above referred circular of respective
Exchange as modified from time to time
I/We confirm that you have agreed to enter orders in commodity forward contracts/commodity derivatives for me/us as your client on
above Exchange only only on the basis of my/our above assurances and undertaking.
I/We authorize you to liquidate my/our open position if I/we violate prescribed limits for net open position as prescribed by MCX/SEBI
from time to time.
I/We further undertake to bear any liability/penalty/charges levied by MCX/SEBI for non-compliance of the aforesaid circular of
SEBI/Exchanges as modified from time to time.
Thanking you,
Yours Truly,
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
*Note: In case of individual account, to be signed by Client only and not by his/ her authorised signatory or power of attorney holder.
In case of non-individual account, to be signed by Authorised Signatory(ies) only.
PCD (Participants Category disclosure)- Not Applicable
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Dear Sirs,
I/We hereby confirm that among the given categories, I/We pertain to category I have ticked and authorize you to update the same in
your records and for onward submission with Exchange.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Electronic Contract Note [ECN] – DECLARATION
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
I/ We, PRATIK PRADEEP SAJEKAR , client with Member Globe Capital Market Limited of NSE,BSE,MSEI MCX, NCDEX, ICEX
Exchange undertake as follows:
• I/We am/are aware that the Member has to provide physical contract note in respect of all the trades placed by me/ us unless I/ we
myself want the same in the electronic form.
• I/We am/are am aware that the Member has to provide electronic contract note for my/ our convenience on my/ our request only.
• Though the Member is required to deliver physical contract note, I/ we find that it is inconvenient for me/ us to receive physical
contract notes. Therefore, I/ we am/ are voluntarily requesting for delivery of electronic contract note pertaining to all the trades
carried out / ordered by me/ us.
• I/ We have access to a computer and am/ are a regular internet user, having sufficient knowledge of handling the email operations.
• My/ Our email id is [email protected]. This has been created by me/ us and not by someone else.
• I/We am/are aware that this declaration form should be in English or in any other Indian language known to me.
* The above declaration has been read and understood by me/ us. I/We am/are aware of the risk involved in dispensing with the
physical contract note, and do hereby take full responsibility for the same.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Sub: Mutual Fund Service System (MFSS )Facility/ BSE StAR Mutual Fund Facility & other MF approved platform.
Dear Sirs,
I/We am/are registered as your client with Client Code/PAN No. QHEPS2122G_______________ for the purpose of trading in the
Capital Market segment and F&O/ Derivatives segment. I/We am/are interested in availing the trading facility of the Exchanges for the
purpose of dealing in the units of Mutual Funds Schemes permitted to be dealt with on the MFSS and/or BSE STAR MF and/or other
MF. For the purpose of availing these facilities, I/we state that Know Your Client details as submitted by me/us for the stock broking
may be considered for the purpose of this facility and I/we further confirm that the details contained in same remain unchanged as on
I/We are willing to abide by the terms and conditions as mentioned in the NSE Circular dated November 24, 2009, BSE circular dated
December 2, 2009 and as may be specified by the Exchanges from time to time in this regard. I/We shall ensure also compliance with
the requirements as may be specified from time to time by Securities and Exchange Board of India and Association of Mutual Funds
of India (AMFI). I/We shall read and understand the contents of the of the Scheme Information Document and Key Information
Memorandum, addenda issued regarding each Mutual Fund Schemes with respect to which I/we choose to subscribe/redeem. I/We
further agree to abide by the terms and conditions, rules and regulations of the Mutual Fund Schemes. I/we agree and authorize you
to issue payment on my behalf by debiting my account with the value of my/our transactions along with charges.
I/we therefore request you to register me/us as your client for participating in mutual fund trading facility of exchanges
Details of terms & conditions for the Investor / Client for using MFSS facility BSE StAR MF & other MF Platform
1. Pre - requisites for becoming Investor / Client for the MFSS facility / BSE StAR MF / other MF platform.
i. The client who is desirous of investing in units of mutual fund schemes through the MFSS / BSE StAR /other MF
ii. The Client intends to execute his instruction for the subscription/ redemption of units of Mutual Fund Schemes
through the broker who is a Mutual fund Intermediary (MFI) of the MFSS / BSE StAR /other MF platform
iii. The client has satisfied itself of the capacity of the MFI to deal in Mutual Fund units and wishes to execute its
instruction through the MFI and the client shall from time to time continue to satisfy itself of such capability of the
MFI before executing transacting through the MFI.
iv. The Client has approached to the MFI with the application for availing the MFSS facility/BSE StAR/other MF
v. The client has submitted relevant KYC (Know Your Client) details to the MFIs
2. Terms and Conditions
i. The client shall be bound by circulars/ notices issued by NSEIL/BSE from time to time including the Circulars
issued by NSEIL/BSE and rules, regulations and circulars issued there under by SEBI and relevant notifications
of Government authorities as may be in force from time to time.
ii. The client shall notify the MFI in writing if there is any change in the information in the 'client registration form'
provided by the client to the MFI at the time of registering as a client for participating in the MFSS / BSE
STAR/other MF platform or at any time thereafter.
iii. The client shall submit to the MFI a completed application form in the manner prescribed format for the purpose
of placing a subscription order with the MFI
iv. The client has read and understood the risks involved in investing in Mutual Fund Schemes.
v. The client shall be wholly responsible for all his investment decisions and instruction.
vi. The client shall ensure continuous compliance with the requirements of the Exchanges, SEBI and AMFI.
vii. The client will furnish information to the MFI in writing, if any winding up petition or insolvency petition has been
filed or any winding up or insolvency order or decree or award is passed against him or if any litigation which may
have material bearing on his capacity has been filed against him.
viii. In the event of non-performance of the obligation by the MFI, the client is not entitled to claim any compensation
either from the Investor Protection Fund or from any fund of NSEIL/BSE or NSCCL/ Indian Clearing Corporation
Ltd. (ICCL), other exchanges/Clearing Corporation.
ix. In case of any dispute between the MFIs and the investors arising out of the MFSS facility/ BSE StAR/other MF
platform, exchanges and / or NSCCL/ICCL agrees to extend the necessary support for the speedy redressal of
the disputes.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
For Online Investing in Mutual Funds, the below mentioned terms and conditions are in addition to and binding on the existing Power
of Attorney and the Client Agreement that has been signed by you at the time of our becoming our client.
Definitions :
"Unit"shall mean the interest of an investor, which consists of one undivided share in the Net Assets of the Scheme. "Net Asset Value
(NAV)" of the Units of the Scheme will be computed by dividing the net assets of the Scheme by the number of Units outstanding on
the valuation date.
"Purchase" shall mean subscription to the units of the various schemes of the Mutual Fund
"Redemption" shall mean sale of the units of the various schemes of the MutualFund.
"Switch"shall mean an option to the investor to shift his existing investment in any of the schemes of the Mutual Fund to another
scheme of the Mutual Fund.
"Systematic Investment Plan(SIP) or "Automatic Investment Plan (AIP)" or "shall mean an option available to the investor for investing
in a specified frequency of months in a specified scheme of the Mutual Fund for a constant sum of investment.
"Systematic Withdrawal Plan(SWP)" or "Automatic Withdrawal Plan (AWP)" or " shall mean a facility provided to the investor to
withdraw a pre - determined amount in a specified frequency of months from a specified scheme of the Mutual Fund.
1. Load shall mean a charge, which the Asset Management Company (AMC) may collect on entry and/or exit from a
2. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold
the Mutual fund / Globe Capital Market Limited responsible in any way.
3. The units of the schemes shall be allotted, redeemed or switched, as the case may be, at the Net Asset Value (NAV)
prevalent on the date of the application, if the application for purchase, redemption or switch is received by the Fund
before the cut-off time as specified on the website and consistent with the terms of the Scheme. Globe Capital Market
Limited. shall take all necessary action to ensure that the NAV allotted is the NAV applicable on the date of the
transaction. However Globe Capital Market Limited. shall not be liable for any loss that may arise to the client as a result
of the correct NAV not being allotted to the client's transactions on the website.
4. Any request falling due on a holiday would be processed on the next business day and respective NAV would be
applicable as per the Mutual Fund's offer document.
5. In case of an NFO the units shall be allotted upon completion of allotment process. The NFO is open only for the period
specified by the Mutual Fund. After the end of the NFO period, any forms submitted by the client shall be liable for being
rejected by the chosen Mutual Fund and transfer of funds if any made by the client for the said transaction shall be at the
sole risk and liability of the client.
6. In the case of Automatic Investment Plan, in the absence of sufficient allocated funds, unallocated funds to the extent
available shall also be utilized. In the absence of sufficient funds, both allocated and unallocated, no investment shall be
made for that particular period.
7. For change of address or any personal details of the client, the client shall send a letter or fax to Globe Capital Market
Limited. signed by all the coholders.
8. Investors are advised to read the risk factors carefully before taking an investment decision. Offer document(s) / abridged
offer document(s) are available with Mutual Fund Asset Management Companies.For taking an investment decision,
investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and offer, including risk involved.
9. Globe Capital Market Limited. does not accept any liability for delay in processing time at the Mutual Fund's or
Registrar's end.
10. It is explicitly stated herein that the Mutual Fund schemes offered online, have not been recommended by Globe Capital
Market Limited., nor have been sponsored by Globe Capital Market Limited. Limited, or its affiliates or its sponsors.
11. Neither Globe Capital Market Limited., nor any of the Mutual Funds shall be liable for any failure to perform its
obligations, to the extent that such performance has been delayed, hindered or prevented by systems failures, network
errors, delay or loss of data due to the above and in circumstances of acts of God, floods, epidemics, quarantine, riot or
civil commotion and war:
12. Globe Capital Market Limited. shall provide its services on a best effort basis. However Globe Capital Market Limited.
shall not be liable for failure of the system or for any loss, damage or other costs arising in any way out of:
i. System failure including failure of ancillary or associated systems, or fluctuation of power, or other environmental
conditions; or
ii. Accident, transportation, neglect, misuse, errors, frauds of the clients or agents or any third party; or
iii. Any fault in any attachments or associated equipment of the clients; or
iv. Any incidental, special or consequential damages including without limitation of loss of profit.
The client further agrees to indemnify Globe Capital Market Limited. for any loss that may arise as a result of
system failure, accident or any of the reasons mentioned above.
13. For all correspondences with Globe Capital Market Limited., the client shall quote his e-broking account no.
14. I/We hereby agree/s to indemnify both the Mutual Fund and Globe Capital Market Limited and its employees for any loss
arising as a result of any loss of data, unauthorized transaction / error during the financial transaction thereof.
15. I/we am/are aware that in order to comply with regulatory provisions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act
2002, Rules issued there under and related guidelines/circulars issued by SEBI, KYC formalities are required to be
completed for all Unit Holders, including Guardians and Power of Attorney holders, for any investment (whether new or
additional purchase) of Rs. 50,000 or more in mutual funds. For the convenience of investors in mutual funds, all mutual
funds have made special arrangements with CDSL Ventures Ltd. (CVL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Central Depository
Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL)).I/We hereby agree to indemnify the Mutual Fund/ Globe Capital Market Limited /Registrar
and its employees for any rejection/loss arising as a result of not completing KYC registration during the financial
transaction thereof.
16. Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributor based on the investors’
assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
17. The Distributor has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable
to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being
recommended to me/us.
The Terms and Conditions set hereinabove may be modified by Globe Capital Market Limited.without any prior notice to the
client and the client’s continued usage of the services shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the modified terms.
I/we have gone through the offer document/ key information memorandum before deciding to make this investment in the mutual fund
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Sub: Mutual Fund Service System (MFSS )Facility/ BSE StAR Mutual Fund Facility & other MF approved platform.
Dear Sirs,
This is with reference to my/our request for availing Mutual Fund Services (MFSS) facility/BSE StAR MF and other MF approved
platform as a client offered by NSE and BSE. I/We hereby undertake to provide funds to Globe Capital Market Ltd. (herein referred to
as “Globe”) equivalent to the subscription amount and applicable brokerage/fees/charges before applying for mutual fund units
through the Globe”.
For this purpose. I/We hereby authorize “Globe” to utilize the surplus funds in my/our trading account held with “Globe” in its capacity
as a Stock Broker ad transfer funds to the extent of any shortfall towards subscription amount and/or applicable brokerage, fees,
charges and other statutory levies (in case of both subscription and redemption) and/or any other obligation to meet the debit in
my/our Mutual fund transaction account.
I further authorize “Globe” to process One Time Mandate Form duly executed by me in favour “Globe”/ BSE and to honour the
obligations that arises as a result of transactions undertake by me/us and also debit my account for any other incidental charges
including Account Maintenance Charges (AMC), applicable brokerages, fees, other statutory charges etc. I/We hereby authorize
“Globe”, to execute an order in my/our account held with “Globe” for any transaction in Mutual Fund Unit which may include
purchase/redemption/switch/SIP etc. on my/our instructions provided by me/us either electronically or in writing,
verbally/telephonically. I hereby agree and understand that the said instructions shall be valid and binding upon me/us.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Pursuant to agreed by me/us to invest in units of mutual funds schemes through the MFSS/BSE StAR MF/other MF platform on terms
and condition mentioned therein, I further understand and acknowledge that:
1. Bank Mandate shall be in favor of 'BSE Limited'. (Hereinafter 'BSE')
2. My/Our name MUST match with the name registered with GLOBE as per the UCC.
3. The Bank details in the Bank Mandate MUST match with registered bank details in my/our Trading Account.
4. The Transaction value and brokerage charges, if any, shall be debited from my/our bank account.
5. BSE reserves the right to register bank mandate in any available modes (ACH & ECS etc.).
6. Mandate registration may take 30 working days to get registered from the date of submission of Mandate at GLOBE’s
office subject to Bank Confirmation.
7. My/Our bank may charge for activating any such services from my/our account. Neither GLOBE nor its service provider
shall be held responsible or bear any such charges.
8. I/We shall ensure sufficient balance in my/our bank account for successful processing of Transactions.
9. Mandate format is subject to change as per the guidelines received from BSE or RBI/Bank or other concerned
governmental or statutory authorities. On receiving any such intimation from RBI or Bank or any other concerned party,
GLOBE or its service provider may change the Mandate without prior notice to me/us & Transactions may be rejected by
GLOBE or its service provider or my/our Bank due to any such change. Neither GLOBE nor its service provider shall be
held responsible for any such rejections.
10. Payment collection shall be done by BSE for any SIP which is registered on the Mandate registered with BSE.
11. If the installment amount is not received by BSE on or before SIP installment date, SIP Installment will be cancelled by
12. For cancelled installment, collected amount shall be refunded to my/our registered bank account.
13. GLOBE reserves its rights to change the terms and conditions from time to time.
14. Any dispute shall be subject to jurisdiction of Courts at Delhi only.
1. Bank Mandate shall be in favor of ‘Globe Capital Market Limited’. (Hereinafter ‘GLOBE’)
2. The Bank details in the Bank Mandate MUST match with bank details in my/our Trading Account.
3. My/our Signature on bank mandate must be as per bank records. Signature of all bank account holders required if mode
of holding in account is “Joint”
4. GLOBE reserves the right to register bank mandate in any available modes (. Auto Debit, ACH, ECS etc.).
5. Bank Mandate may take 30 days to get registered from the date of submission of Mandate at GLOBE’s office (subject to
Bank confirmation).
6. My/Our bank may charge from my/our account for activating any such services. Neither GLOBE nor its service provider
shall be held responsible or bear any such charges.
7. Mandate format is subject to change as per the guidelines received from RBI/Bank or other concerned governmental or
statutory authorities. On receiving any such intimation from RBI or Bank, GLOBE or its service provider may change the
Mandate without prior notice to the me/our &Transactions may be rejected by GLOBE or its service provider or my/our
Bank due to any such change. Neither GLOBE nor its service provider shall be held responsible for any such rejections.
8. The mandate authorizes GLOBE to recover any debit balance in my/our Depository Participant and/or Trading account of
any segment in any of the Stock Exchange(s).
9. This mandate further authorizes GLOBE to collect the dues, if any, arises due to purchase of mutual funds or SIP by
me/us. 10. This mandate covers my/our all the fund obligations including pay-in and other charges etc in respect of
my/our transactions and on account of any default thereon.
1. The SIP will be registered pursuant to the details given in the TIS (Transaction Instruction Slip) & incomplete TIS or
incorrect information may be subject to rejection by GLOBE.
2. GLOBE will check the correctness of TIS & other documents submitted before registration of my/our SIP(s).
3. I/We shall all the time abide by these Terms and Conditions while submitting the Transaction Instruction Slip to GLOBE.
4. Amount debited from my/our bank account for SIP transaction(s) shall include Brokerage charges, if any.
5. I/We can register for SIP in the schemes which are available on Exchange(s) and offered by GLOBE.
6. SIP shall commence only after successful registration of the Mandate.
7. SIP shall commence after 40 days from the date of submission of TIS and Bank Mandate at GLOBE’s office as per the
SIP start date selected.
8. In case, where Bank Mandate is already registered and I/We desire to start additional SIP against the existing Mandate
Limit, SIP start date may take 10 to 15 working days from the date of submission of TIS at GLOBE’s office as per the SIP
Start Date selected (applicable in case an open mandate is given).
9. Depending upon the my/our location, my/our bank branch, my/our Bank Account shall be debited between 3 to 5 days
prior or on SIP transaction date on Exchange(s).e.g: if the SIP transaction date is 15th of every month, my/our bank
account may get debited between 10th to 12th date or maximum by 15th.
10. Maximum Upper Limit: Cumulative amount on a particular date shall not exceed the upper limit mentioned on the Bank
Mandate. e.g: if the upper limit mentioned on the bank mandate is 10,000 & investor has registered 3 SIPs of 5000/-
each on 1st, 15th & 28th of every month, all the SIPs will be successfully registered. But a single SIP of 11000/- on a
same date will not be registered
11. If the Transaction(s) are delayed / not processed due to any reason including delay / non realization of the funds to
GLOBE from my/our bank account, in no circumstances, GLOBE owes responsibility to me/us or any third party,
12. If the transaction(s) are delayed / not processed due to any reason on the SIP due date, no back dated NAV will be given
in any circumstances whatsoever.
13. In case of my/our SIP fund is realised in GLOBE account after SIP due date, my/our SIP transaction will be cancelled by
GLOBE and such transaction shall be processed as “Purchase” on the date of realisation of the funds. If for any reason,
“Purchase” transaction could not be processed, the funds will be refunded to my/our bank account.
14. Payment collection shall be done by BSE for any SIP which is registered on the Mandate registered with BSE.
15. If the installment amount is not received by BSE on or before SIP installment date, SIP Installment will be cancelled by
16. For cancelled installment, collected amount shall be refunded to my/our registered bank account.
17. GLOBE reserves rights to change the terms and conditions from time to time.
18. Any dispute shall be subject to jurisdiction of Courts at Delhi only.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
In these Terms and Conditions the terms shall have following meaning unless indicated otherwise:
1.“Depository” means Central Depository Services (India) Limited a company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956
and having its registered office at 17th Floor, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001 and all its branch offices and includes
its successors and assigns.
2. 'DP' means Depository Participant of CDSL. The term covers all types of DPs who are allowed to open demat accounts for
3.'BO' means an entity that has opened a demat account with the depository. The term covers all types of demat accounts, which can
be opened with a depository as specified by the depository from time to time.
4.SMS means “Short Messaging Service”
5.“Alerts” means a customized SMS sent to the BO over the said mobile phone number
6.“Service Provider” means a cellular service provider(s) with whom the depository has entered / will be entering into an arrangement
for providing the SMS alerts to the BO.
7.“Service” means the service of providing SMS alerts to the BO on best effort basis as per these terms and conditions.
1.The service will be provided to the BO at his / her request and at the discretion of the depository. The service will be available to
those accountholders who have provided their mobile numbers to the depository through their DP. The services may be discontinued
for a specific period / indefinite period, with or without issuing any prior notice for the purpose of security reasons or system
maintenance or for such other reasons as may be warranted. The depository may also discontinue the service at any time without
giving prior notice for any reason whatsoever.
2.The service is currently available to the BOs who are residing in India.
3.The alerts will be provided to the BOs only if they remain within the range of the service provider’s service area or within the range
forming part of the roaming network of the service provider.
4.In case of joint accounts and non-individual accounts the service will be available, only to one mobile number i.e. to the mobile
number as submitted at the time of registration / modification.
5.The BO is responsible for promptly intimating to the depository in the prescribed manner any change in mobile number, or loss of
handset, on which the BO wants to receive the alerts from the depository. In case of change in mobile number not intimated to the
depository, the SMS alerts will continue to be sent to the last registered mobile phone number. The BO agrees to indemnify the
depository for any loss or damage suffered by it on account of SMS alerts sent on such mobile number.
Receiving Alerts:
1.The depository shall send the alerts to the mobile phone number provided by the BO while registering for the service or to any such
number replaced and informed by the BO from time to time. Upon such registration / change, the depository shall make every effort to
update the change in mobile number within a reasonable period of time. The depository shall not be responsible for any event of
delay or loss of message in this regard.
2.The BO acknowledges that the alerts will be received only if the mobile phone is in ‘ON’ and in a mode to receive the SMS. If the
mobile phone is in ‘Off’’ mode i.e. unable to receive the alerts then the BO may not get / get after delay any alerts sent during such
3.The BO also acknowledges that the readability, accuracy and timeliness of providing the service depend on many factors including
the infrastructure, connectivity of the service provider. The depository shall not be responsible for any non-delivery, delayed delivery
or distortion of the alert in any way whatsoever.
4.The BO further acknowledges that the service provided to him is an additional facility provided for his convenience and is
susceptible to error, omission and/ or inaccuracy. In case the BO observes any error in the information provided in the alert, the BO
shall inform the depository and/ or the DP immediately in writing and the depository will make best possible efforts to rectify the error
as early as possible. The BO shall not hold the depository liable for any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred/ suffered by the BO
on account of opting to avail SMS alerts facility.
5.The BO authorizes the depository to send any message such as promotional, greeting or any other message that the depository
may consider appropriate, to the BO. The BO agrees to an ongoing confirmation for use of name, email address and mobile number
for marketing offers between CDSL and any other entity.
6.The BO agrees to inform the depository and DP in writing of any unauthorized debit to his BO account/ unauthorized transfer of
securities from his BO account, immediately, which may come to his knowledge on receiving SMS alerts. The BO may send an email
to CDSL at [email protected]. The BO is advised not to inform the service provider about any such unauthorized debit to/
transfer of securities from his BO account by sending a SMS back to the service provider as there is no reverse communication
between the service provider and the depository.
7.The information sent as an alert on the mobile phone number shall be deemed to have been received by the BO and the depository
shall not be under any obligation to confirm the authenticity of the person(s) receiving the alert.
8.The depository will make best efforts to provide the service. The BO cannot hold the depository liable for non-availability of the
service in any manner whatsoever.
9.If the BO finds that the information such as mobile number etc., has been changed with out proper authorization, the BO should
immediately inform the DP in writing.
Depository reserves the right to charge such fees from time to time as it deems fit for providing this service to the BO.
The depository shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the BO’s personal information is kept confidential. The depository does
not warranty the confidentiality or security of the SMS alerts transmitted through a service provider. Further, the depository makes no
warranty or representation of any kind in relation to the system and the network or their function or their performance or for any loss
or damage whenever and howsoever suffered or incurred by the BO or by any person resulting from or in connection with availing of
SMS alerts facility. The Depository gives no warranty with respect to the quality of the service provided by the service provider. The
Depository will not be liable for any unauthorized use or access to the information and/ or SMS alert sent on the mobile phone
number of the BO or for fraudulent, duplicate or erroneous use/ misuse of such information by any third person.
Liability and Indemnity:
The Depository shall not be liable for any breach of confidentiality by the service provider or by any third person due to unauthorized
access to the information meant for the BO. In consideration of the depository providing the service, the BO agrees to indemnify and
keep safe, harmless and indemnified the depository and its officials from any damages, claims, demands, proceedings, loss, cost,
charges and expenses whatsoever which a depository may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or
arising out of interference with or misuse, improper or fraudulent use of the service by the BO.
The depository may amend the terms and conditions at any time with or without giving any prior notice to the BOs. Any such
amendments shall be binding on the BOs who are already registered as user of this service.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
Providing the Service as outlined above shall be governed by the laws of India and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
courts in Mumbai.I/We wish to avail the SMS Alerts facility provided by the depository on my/our mobile number provided in the
registration form subject to the terms and conditions mentioned below.
I/ We consent to CDSL providing to the service provider such information pertaining to account/transactions in my/our
account as is necessary for the purposes of generating SMS Alerts by service provider, to be sent to the said mobile
I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned above and agree to abide by them and any amendments thereto
made by the depository from time to time. I/ we further undertake to pay fee/ charges as may be levied by the depository from time to
I/We further understand that the SMS alerts would be sent for a maximum four ISINs at a time. If more than four debits take place, the
BOs would be required to take up the matter with their DP.
I/We am/ are aware that mere acceptance of the registration form does not imply in any way that the request has been accepted by
the depository for providing the service.
I/We provide the following information for the purpose of Registration / modification (Please cancel out what is not applicable).
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
In these Terms and Conditions the terms shall have following meaning unless indicated otherwise:
i. 'Depository' means Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL)
ii. TRUST means 'Transactions Using Secured Texting' service offered by the Depository.
iii. 'Service Provider' means a cellular service provider(s) with whom the Depository has entered / shall enter into an arrangement for
providing the TRUST service to the BO.
iv. 'Service' means the service of providing facility to receive/give instructions through SMS on best effort basis as per the following
terms and conditions. The types of transaction that would normally qualify for this type of service would be informed by CDSL from
time to time.
v. 'Third Party' means the operators with whom the Service Provider is having / will have an arrangement for providing SMS to the
2.The service will be provided to the BO at his / her request and at the discretion of the depository provided the BO has registered for
this facility with their mobile numbers through their DP or by any other mode as informed by CDSL from time to time. Acceptance of
application shall be subject to the verification of the information provided by the BO to the Depository
3.The messages will be sent on best efforts basis by way of an SMS on the mobile no which has been provided by the BOs. However
Depository shall not be responsible if messages are not received or sent for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to the
failure of the service provider or network.
4.The BO is responsible for promptly informing its DP in the prescribed manner any change in mobile number, or loss of handset on
which the BO wants to send/receive messages generated under TRUST. In case the new number is not registered for TRUST in the
depository system, the messages generated under TRUST will continue to be sent to the last registered mobile number. The BO
agrees to indemnify the depository for any loss or damage suffered by it on account of messages sent on such mobile number.
5.The BO agrees that SMS received by the Depository from the registered mobile number of the BO on the basis of which
instructions are executed in the depository system shall be conclusive evidence of such instructions having been issued by the BO.
The DP / CDSL will not be held liable for acting on SMS so received.
6.The BO shall be responsible for submitting response to the 'Responsive SMS' within the specified time period. Transactions for
which no positive or negative confirmation is received from the BO, will not be executed except for transaction for deregistration.
Further, CDSL shall not be responsible for BOs not submitting the response to the said SMS within the time limit prescribed by CDSL.
7.The BO agrees that the signing of the TRUST registration form by all joint holders shall mean that the instructions executed on the
basis of SMS received from the registered mobile for TRUST shall be deemed to have been executed by all joint holders.
8.The BO agrees to ensure that the mobile number for TRUST facility and SMS alert (SMART) facility is the same. The BO agrees
that if he is not registered for SMART, the DP shall register him for SMART and TRUST. If the mobile number provided for TRUST is
different from the mobile number recorded for SMART, the new mobile number would be updated for SMART as well as TRUST.
9.BOs are advised to check the status of their obligation from time to time and also advise the respective CMs to do so. In case of
any issues, the BO/CM should approach their DPs to ensure that the obligation is fulfilled through any other mode of delivery of
transactions as may be informed / made available by CDSL from time to time including submission of Delivery Instruction Slips to the
DP .
10.The BO acknowledges that CDSL will send the message for confirmation of a transaction to the BO only if the Clearing Member
(registered by the BO for TRUST) enters the said transaction in CDSL system for execution through TRUST within prescribed time
11.The BO further acknowledges that the BO/CM shall not have any right to any claim against either the DP or Depository for losses,
if any, incurred due to non receipt of response on the responsive SMS or receipt of such response after the prescribed time period. In
the event of any dispute relating to the date and time of receipt of such response, CDSL's records shall be conclusive evidence and
the Parties agree that CDSL's decision on the same shall be final and binding on both Parties.
12.The BO may request for deregistration from TRUST at any time by giving a notice in writing to its DP or by any other mode as
specified by Depository in its operating instructions. The same shall be effected after entry of such request by the DP in CDSL system
if the request is received through the DP.
13.Depository reserves the right to charge such fees from time to time as it deems fit for providing this service to the BO.
14.The BO expressly authorises Depository to disclose to the Service Provider or any other third party, such BO information as may
be required by them to provide the services to the BO. Depository however, shall not be responsible and be held liable for any
divulgence or leakage of confidential BO information by such Service Providers or any other third party.
15.The BO takes the responsibility for the correctness of the information supplied by him to Depository through the use of the said
Facility or through any other means such as electronic mail or written communication.
16.The BO is solely responsible for ensuring that the mobile number is not misused and is kept safely and securely. The Depository
will process requests originated from the registered Mobile as if submitted by the BO and Depository is not responsible for any claim
made by the BO informing that the same was not originated by him.
In consideration of providing the service, the BO agrees that the depository shall not be liable to indemnify the BO towards any
damages, claims, demands, proceedings, loss, cost, charges and expenses whatsoever as a consequence of or arising out of
interference with or misuse, improper or fraudulent use of the service by the BO.
Depository shall be absolved of any liability in case :-
a.There is loss of any information during processing or transmission or any unauthorized access by any other person or breach of
b.There is any lapse or failure on the part of the service providers or any third party affecting the said Facility and that Depository
makes no warranty as to the quality of the service provided by any such service provider.
c.There is breach of confidentiality or security of the messages whether personal or otherwise transmitted through the Facility.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We wish to avail the following facility/ies provided by the depository on my/our mobile number as provided below subject to the
terms and conditions as specified by CDSL.
a.SMART - SMS alert facility
b.TRUST - Transaction using Secured Texting facility.
(please note that SMS alert facility is mandatory if TRUST facility is opted for)
I/We consent to CDSL providing to the service provider such information pertaining to account / transactions in my/our account as is
necessary for the purpose of availing the said facility.
I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions prescribed by CDSL for the said facility/ies and agree to abide by them and
any amendments thereto made by the depository from time to time. I/We further undertake to pay fee / charges as may be levied by
the depository from time to time.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
1. Client shall receive all communications in a mode mutually agreed between the broker and the client regarding confirmation
of orders/trades, margin calls, decision to liquidate the position / security.
2. Client shall be free to take the delivery of the securities at any time by repaying the amounts that was paid by the Stock Broker
to the Exchange towards securities after paying all dues.
3. Client has a right to change the securities collateral offered for Margin Trading Facility at any time so long as the securities so
offered are approved for margin trading facility.
4. Client may close / terminate the Margin Trading Account at any time after paying the dues.
1. Client shall, in writing in his own hand or in any irrefutable electronic method, agree to avail of Margin Trading Facility in
accordance with the terms and conditions of Margin Trading Facility offered by the broker, method of communication for
confirmation of orders/trades, margin calls and calls for liquidation of collateral/security/position.
2. Client shall inform the broker of its intent to shift the identified transaction under Margin Trading Facility within the time lines
specified by the broker failing which the transaction will be treated under the normal trading facility
3. Client shall place the margin amounts as the Stock Broker may specify to the client from time to time.
4. On receipt of „margin call, the client shall make good such deficiency in the amount of margin placed with the Stock Broker
within such time as the Stock Broker may specify.
5. By agreeing to avail Margin Trading Facility with the broker, client is deemed to have authorized the broker to retain and/or
pledge the securities provided as collateral or purchased under the Margin Trading Facility till the amount due in respect of the
said transaction including the dues to the broker is paid in full by the client.
6. Client shall lodge protest or disagreement with any transaction done under the margin trading facility within the timelines as may
be agreed between the client and broker.
1. Stock Broker and client may agree between themselves the terms and condition including commercial terms if any before
commencement of MTF.
2. Stock broker may set up its own risk management policy that will be applicable to the transactions done under the Margin
Trading Facility. Stock broker may make amendments there to at any time but give effect to such policy after the amendments
are duly communicated to the clients registered under the Margin Trading Facility.
3. The broker has a right to retain and/or pledge the securities provided as collateral or the securities bought by the client under the
Margin Trading Facility.
4. The broker may liquidate the securities if the client fails to meet the margin call made by the broker as mutually agreed of
liquidation terms but not exceeding 5 working days from the day of margin call.
1. Stock broker shall agree with the client the terms and condition before extending Margin Trading Facility to such client. However,
for clients who already have existing trading relationship and want to avail of Margin Trading Facility, stock broker may take
consent in writing in his own hand or in any irrefutable electronic method after stock broker has communicated the terms and
conditions of Margin Trading Facility to such existing clients.
2. The terms and conditions of Margin Trading Facility shall be identified separately, in a distinct section if given as a part of
account opening agreement.
3. The mode of communication of order confirmation, margin calls or liquidation of position/security shall be as agreed between the
broker and the client and shall be in writing in his own hand or in any irrefutable electronic method. Stock broker shall prescribe
and communicate its margin policies on haircuts/ VAR margins subject to minimum requirements specified by SEBI
and exchanges from time to time.
4. The Stock Broker shall monitor and review on a continuous basis the clients positions with regard to MTF. It is desirable that 35
appropriate alert mechanism is set up through which clients are alerted on possible breach of margin requirements
5. Any transaction to be considered for exposure to MTF shall be determined as per the policy of the broker provided that such
determination shall happen not later than T + 1 day.
6. If the transaction is entered under margin trading account, there will not be any further confirmation that it is margin trading
transaction other than contract note.
7. In case the determination happens after the issuance of contract, the broker shall issue appropriate records to communicate to
Client the change in status of transaction from Normal to Margin trading and should include information like the original contract
number and the margin statement and the changed data.
8. The Stock Broker shall make a „margin call requiring the client to place such margin; any such call shall clearly indicate the
additional/deficient margin to be made good.
9. Time period for liquidation of position/security shall be in accordance declared policy of the broker as applicable to all MTF
clients consistently. However, the same should not be later than 5 working (trading) days from the day of „margin call. If
securities are liquidated, the contract note issued for such margin call related transactions shall carry an asterisk or identifier that
the transaction has arisen out of margin call.
10. The daily margin statements sent by broker to the client shall identify the margin/collateral for Margin Trading separately.
11. Margin Trading Accounts where there was no transactions for 90 days shall be settled immediately.
12. The stocks deposited as collateral with the stock broker for availing margin trading facility (Collaterals) and the stocks purchased
under the margin trading facility (Funded stocks) shall be identifiable separately and there shall not be any comingling for the
purpose of computing funding amount;
13. Stock Broker shall close/terminate the account of the client forthwith upon receipt of such request from the client subject to the
condition that the client has paid dues under Margin Trading Facility.
1. The margin trading arrangement between the stock broker and the client shall be terminated; if the Stock Exchange, for any
reason, withdraws the margin trading facility provided to the Stock Broker or the Stock Broker surrenders the facility or the Stock
Broker ceases to be a member of the stock exchange.
2. The MTF facility may be withdrawn by the broker, in the event of client committing any breach of any terms or conditions therein
or at any time after due intimation to client allowing such time to liquidate the MTF position as per the agreed liquidation terms
without assigning any reason. Similarly, client may opt to terminate the margin trading facility in the event of broker committing
any breach of any terms or conditions therein or for any other reason.
3. In the event of termination of this arrangement, the client shall forthwith settle the dues of the Stock Broker. The Stock Broker
shall be entitled to immediately adjust the Margin Amount against the dues of the client, and the client hereby authorizes the
Stock Broker to make such adjustment.
4. After such adjustment, if any further amount is due from the client to the Stock Broker, the client shall settle the same forthwith.
Upon full settlement of all the dues of the client to the Stock Broker, the Stock Broker shall release the balance amount to the
5. If the client opts to terminate the margin trading facility, broker shall forthwith return to the client all the collaterals provided and
funded securities retained on payment of all the dues by clients.
1. Stock Broker/ Trading Member is eligible to provide Margin Trading Facility (MTF) in accordance with SEBI& Exchange
Guidelines as specified from time to time.
2. Stock Broker/ Trading Member desirous of extending MTF to their clients is required to obtain prior permission of BSE. Stock
Broker/ Trading Member may note that BSE has the right to withdraw the permission at anytime.
3. Stock Broker/ Trading Member shall extend the MTF to the client, on such terms and conditions as specified by the Stock
Exchange / SEBI from time to time. Stock Broker/ Trading Member and the client shall abide by the requirements of the margin
trading framework, including rights and obligations, as prescribed by Stock Exchange/ SEBI/ Stock Broker/ Trading Member.
4. Stock Broker/ Trading Member shall intimate all the terms and conditions, including maximum allowable exposure, specific stock
exposures etc., as well as the rights and obligations to the client desirous of availing MTF.
5. Stock Broker/ Trading Member may, at its sole and absolute discretion, increase the limit of initial and/or maintenance margin,
from time to time. The Client shall abide by such revision, and where there is an upward revision of such margin amount, he
agrees to make up the shortfall within such time as the Stock Broker/ Trading Member may permit. It may however, be noted
that the initial/ maintenance margins shall never be lower than that prescribed by Stock Exchange/ SEBI.
6. Stock Broker/ Trading Member shall provide MTF only in respect of such shares, as may be permitted by Stock Exchange/
7. Stock Broker/ Trading Member shall liquidate the securities and other collateral, if the client fails to meet the margin call to
comply with the margin requirement as specified by Stock Exchange/ SEBI/ Stock Broker/ Trading Member. In this regard, Stock
Broker/ Trading Member shall also list down situations/ conditions in the which the securities may be liquidated (Stock Broker/
Trading Member to list down situations/ conditions):
8. Stock Broker/ Trading Member shall not use the funds of one client to provide MTF to another client, even if the same is
authorized by the first client.
9. The stocks deposited as collateral with the Stock Broker/ Trading Member for availing margin trading facility (Collaterals) and the
stocks purchased under the margin trading facility (Funded stocks) shall be identifiable separately and no comingling shall be
permitted for the purpose of computing funding amount.
10. IPF shall not be available for transactions done on the Stock Exchange, through MTF, in case of any losses suffered in
connection with the MTF availed by the client.
The rights and obligations prescribed hereinabove shall be read in conjunction with the rights and obligations as prescribed
under SEBI circular no. CIR/ MIRSD/ 16/ 2011 dated August 22, 2011.
1. We, Globe Capital Market Limited (GCML), are member of National stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEIL), BSE Limited
(BSE) and Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited and are eligible to provide Margin Trading Facility (MTF) in National
stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEIL) and BSE Limited (BSE) to our clients in accordance with prescribed guidelines Rules
and circulars issued by Stock Exchanges / SEBI from time to time.
2. Providing Margin Trading Facility (MTF) shall be at the discretion of GCML. Clients request for availing MTF may be rejected
without assigning any reason.
3. Transactions /Trades executed under MTF are subject to “Policy & Procedures for MTF” as specified by GCML. GCML may
amend the policies from time to time according to its risk perceptions and inform the Clients of the amendments made. Any
modifications to the terms and conditions shall be intimated to the Clients, except otherwise for the clauses specified separately.
4. In addition to Right and Obligation as specified by Exchanges and SEBI, the client agrees to abide by the terms & conditions as
enumerated hereafter in “Policy & Procedures for MTF”. Further, GCML and clients agree to abide by any other requirements of
the margin trading framework, including other rights and obligations, if any, prescribed by the Stock Exchange/ SEBI/ GCML
from time to time.
5. This policy prescribed herein below shall be read in conjunction with the framework for Margin Trading Facility as prescribed
under SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/54/2017 dated June 13, 2017, the circulars relating to MTF issued by the Stock
Exchanges/SEBI, any modifications thereto from time to time and the Policies and Procedures as prescribed by GCML and the
terms and conditions as mutually agreed between the client and GCML.
6. Securities specified under “MTF APPROVED CATEGORY LIST”by GCML from time to time which must be a part of “Group I”
security as per Exchanges/ SEBI shall be eligible for margin trading facility.GCML reserves the right to include or exclude any
Securities from its “MTF APPROVED CATEGORY LIST as per the discretion of Risk Management Committee without any prior
7. Globe reserves the right to transfer any of the trades done in the normal market in the “MTF APPROVED CATEGORY LIST” to
MTF trades at its discretion.
8. The client shall maintain the following initial margin, in order to avail margin trading:
Category of Stock Applicable margin
Group I stocks available for trading in the F & O Segment VaR + 3 times of applicable ELM*
Group I stocks other than F&O stocksss VaR + 5 times of applicable ELM*
*For aforesaid purpose, the applicable VaR and ELM shall be as per Capital Market segment for a particular stock. Based on the risk
assessment, GCML shall have the discretion to impose/collect higher margin than the margin specified above without any prior
intimation to the client.
9. The Client shall maintain the Maintenance Margin with the member at all the times.
10. The client may pay Initial Margin in the form of cash, cash equivalent, or “Group I” Equity securities with appropriate hair cut as
specified in SEBI Master Circular No. SEBI/HO/MRD/DP/CIR/P/2016/135. Where the margin is made available by way of
securities, the stock broker is empowered to decline its acceptance of any securities as margin and/or to accept it at such reduced
value as the stock broker may deem fit by applying haircuts or by valuing it by marking it to market or by any other method as the
stock broker may deem fit in its absolute discretion.
11. Applicable Margin on the securities purchased i.e. “Funded Securities” under MTF shall be computed by grossing applicable
margin i.e. minimum initial margin plus maintenance margin, if any, on each security and accordingly shortage shall be computed by
deducting available margin from gross margin. Collateral shares and Funded Shares shall be marked to market daily for the purpose
of computing the margin/shortage of margin.
12. Any communication between GCML and the client shall be made in any one or more of the following ways:
i. Telephonic Calls
ii. Sending by SMS
iii. Any other electronic mode including Email, fax etc
iv. Sending by registered post/ under certificate of posting
v. Sending by express delivery post / courier services.
vi. Sending by Telegram
vii. Sending by Hand Delivery
viii. Affixing on the door at the last known business or residential address
ix. Advertising it at least once in any prominent Daily Newspaper
x. Sending a message through the Trading System
Any communication done with the client through any of the aforesaid means shall be deemed to have been received by the client
13. Client may take the delivery of the securities at any time by repaying the amount that was paid by the Stock Broker to the
Exchange towards securities after paying all dues.
14. Client may change the composition of securities provided as collateral with other approved securities provided that the same is
sufficient to meet the margin obligations.
15. If the Client is intimated about the Margin shortage through any of the mutually agreed mode of communication, then the client
shall make good such deficiency in the amount of margin placed with GCML in the below mentioned defined time.
16. If client fails to clear the shortage, GCML reserves the right to liquidate the securities without any further notice to client. If the
instrument i.e, cheque / pay order / DIS (delivery instruction slip) deposited by client is not credited within 2 trading days it is assumed
that client has not made its obligation and GCML reserves the right to liquidate the securities without any further notice to the client.
17. Notwithstanding anything contains herein, if at any point of time if there is margin deficit of more than 50%, GCML reserves the
right to liquidate the securities without any prior notice to the client.
18. In case of lower circuit in any security, GCML has the discretion to calculate the shortage of client at less than closing price
including exclusion of the same security from clients margin and can demand the full shortage amount accordingly.
19. Client, desirous to purchase security other than as specified under “MTF APPROVED CATEGORY LIST” and not specifically
banned by GCML, shall be carried out as Normal Trading (Other than MTF) and subject to applicable margin.
20. If any security is excluded from “MTF APPROVED CATEGORY LIST”, Client shall be under obligation to pay the full
consideration value for such security on intimation of the same within the specified time, failing which GCML shall have the right to
sell such security without further notice to the Client. Any and all losses and financial charges on account of such liquidations shall be
charged to & born by the client.
21. By agreeing to avail of MTF, the client authorises GCML to retain and/or pledge or create any charge on the funded shares and
collateral shares provided as margin.
22. GCML, at its own discretion, may allow client to buy further shares under MTF on the basis of increase in the value of collateral
shares, subject to applicable hair cut. However, purchase shall not be permitted on the basis of increase in the market value of
funded shares.
23. GCML shall have the right to restrict the maximum gross exposure as well as individual stock-wise exposure of a client under
the MTF at any point of time without giving any reason to the client. The client is not entitled to seek exposure beyond the limit as
specified by GCML by furnishing applicable margin.
24. GCML has the right to retain and/or pledge or create any charge on the funded shares and collateral shares provided as
25. GCML shall have the right to liquidate the securities if the client fails to meet the margin call as per the agreed terms.
26. GCML shall not use the funds and securities of one client to provide MTF to another client, even on the authority of the client.
27. The stocks deposited as collateral for availing margin trading facility (Collaterals) and the stock purchased under the margin
trading facility (Funded Stock) shall be identifiable separately and no comingling shall be permitted for the purpose of computing
funding amount.
28. Daily Margin Statement sent to the MTF clients shall identify margin/collateral for MTF transaction separately.
29. Brokerage, Statutory Charges and Other Charges will be charged as mutually agreed between the parties within the prescribed
limits as specified by SEBI.
30. All outstanding dues under MTF shall carry Interest @ 0.07% per day unless mutually agreed otherwise.
31. Margin Trading Accounts where there was no transaction for 90 days shall be settled immediately provided there are no dues
outstanding in the MTF account. Debit balance, if any, in the normal trading account shall be first adjusted against the MTF account
and the remaining amount shall be paid to the Client.
32. Clients balances in any other segment / exchange can be adjusted / recovered against due in MTF account.
33. Client shall lodge protest or disagreement with any transaction done under the margin trading facility latest by 5:00 PM of the
next day of the trades executed.
34. The Client shall first approach GCML to redress his/her grievance, if the client is not satisfied with the redressal/response
provided by GCML, then he/she may approach the Exchange to redress the same.
35. Any disputes arising between the client and GCML in connection with the margin trading facility shall be resolved through the
investor grievance redressal mechanism and/or arbitration mechanism of the stock exchanges as in the case of normal trades.
36. The margin trading arrangement between the stock broker and the client shall be terminated; if the Stock Exchange, for any
reason, withdraws the margin trading facility provided to the Stock Broker or the Stock Broker surrenders the facility or the Stock
Broker ceases to be a member of the stock exchange.
37. GCML reserves the right to withdraw MTF provided to any Client without giving any reason after giving a 30 days notice to the
Client. The dues, if any, in the account of the client shall become payable after the notice period. Failing which GCML shall have the
liberty to sell such security without further notice to the Client. Any and all losses and financial charges on account of such
liquidations shall be charged to & born by the client.
38. Client may terminate the MTF account after paying all dues in the MTF account. The client shall settle the dues of GCML.
GCML shall be entitled to immediately adjust the Margin Amount against the dues of the client, and the client hereby authorizes
GCML to make such adjustment.
39. If a client is debarred by order of lawful authority from dealing in the securities market, GCML shall have the liberty to liquidate
Collateral Stock and Funded Stock of the client to recover its dues to the full extent forthwith. Any and all losses and financial charges
on account of such liquidations shall be charged to & born by the client.
40. In case of death of a client, GCML shall be entitled to liquidate the Collateral Stock and Funded Stock under MTF and recover
the outstanding dues, if any. Any and all losses and financial charges on account of such liquidations shall be charged to the client.
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
I/We hereby acknowledge that the following documents were made available to me:
1. Rights and Obligations of Stock Brokers, Authorize person and Clients (Trading).
2. Rights and Obligations of Beneicial owner and Depository Participant (DP)
3. Risk Disclosure Document for Capital Market and Derivatives Segments and Commodity Derivative Segments
4. Guidance Note - Dos and Donts for Trading on the Exchange(s) for Investors
5. Policies and Procedures of Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML) pursuant to the SEBI circular dated December 03,
6. Rights & Obligations of Clearing Member/Participant and its Client (SLBS).
7. Useful Dos and Donts for the client
8. General Terms and Conditions governing securities Trading and Broking services of Globe Capital Market
9. Terms & Conditions for Basic Services Demat Account.
10. Terms & Conditions for Easi facility.
11. Format for Power of Attorney.
12. Tariff Sheet as applicable to Demat Account
I/We understand that the Voluntary documents executed by me/us are out my/our free will.
I/We hereby conirm that I/We have clearly understood and agree to abide by the Policies and Procedures described by Globe Capital
Market Limited(GCML). I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions governing securities trading and broking services
of Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML) as mentioned in para 1 to 18 and agree to abide by the same. I/We also understand and
agree that these Policies and Procedures as well as Terms and Conditions can be changed by Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
from time to time with prior notice of 15 days through email.
I/We am/are aware that the login Id and password of my trading account will be sent on my Email ID & alerts on Mobile no. furnished
in KYC form and any changes thereof.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
SAJEKAR 22 02 2024
Globe Capital Market Limited
Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI)
3 Mutual Fund transactions being executed on Stock Exchange order Signature of 1st Holder
entry platforms.
4 Tendering shares in open offers through Stock Exchange platforms. Signature of 1st Holder
* the same may be signed physically against each purpose of DDPI or may also be eSigned
* in this regard refer the clause in ‘Rights and Obligations’ Document under the sub heading ’Additional Rights and obligations. given
on website and in client copy of KYC
* Additional Right and Obligations - The stock broker / stock broker and depository participant shall not directly/indirectly compel the
clients to execute Power of Attorney (PoA) or Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI) or deny services to the client if the client
refuses to execute PoA or DDPI.”
Option form for issuance of DIS booklet along with account opening
DP ID 12020600 Client ID
Second Holder Name NA
Third Holder Name NA
Globe Capital Market Limited(GCML)
609, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi-110001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place
Client Declaration
I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the contents of the from including declarations, authorization and have also verified
the information in the form. I hereby confirm that I have digitally signed the form including declarations, authorizations and copy of
documents at all places with inscription
‘Digitally Signed by: PRATIK PRADEEP SAJEKAR’.
Client Signature
First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Date Place-
DigiLocker verified e-Aadhaar
This document is generated from verified Aadhaar XML obtained from DigiLocker with due user consent and authentication
XML verified
Gender Male
Landmark Near Castle Mill Locality Anant Deshmukh Chawl, Azad Nagar No.1, Hanu