UNIT 3 Polymer and Fuel Chemistry

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Short Questions & Answers

1. What is cetane number?
The cetane number is defined as the percentage of hexa decane present in a mixture of hexa
decane and 2-methl naphthalene, which has the same ignition lag as the fuel under test.

2. What is Octane number?

The quality of petrol fuel is determined by its octane number. It designates the % of isooctane in
a mixture of isooctane and n heptane whose knocking characteristics matches the particular
sample of petrol.

3. What is functionality of monomer?

The number of bonding sites or reactive sites or functional groups, present in a monomer, is known
as its functionality.

4. What is monomer?

Monomer is a micro (small) molecule which combines with each other to form a polymer. EX :
Hemethyle diamine, ethylene, vinyl chloride.

5. What is polymer with Example?

Polymers are macro molecules (big molecules) formed by the repeated liking of large number of
small molecules called monomers. EX: Polyethylene, Polyvinyl chloride

6. What is degree of polymerization?

The number of repeating units (n) in polymer chain is known as degree of polymerization. It is
represented as by the following
Molecular Weight of polymer network
Degree of polymerization (N) (DP) = Molecular weight of monomer
7. What is power alcohol?

When ethyl alcohol is blended with petrol at concentration of 5-10 %, it is called power alcohol. In
other words absolute alcohol is also called power alcohol.

EASY Questions & ANSWERS

1. Describe the preparation, properties and applications of (a) BuNa-S (b) BuNa-N (c)
Polysulphide Rubber.
Poly sulphide rubber

It is prepared by reacting polyalcohol with di-isocynates


1. It is light in weight

2. It is highly resistant to oxidation

3. It is not affected by many organic solvents

4. It is attacked by easily by acids and alkalis

2. Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.

3. Difference between addition and condensation polymerization.

4. Discuss the Mechanism of free radical mechanism.

5. Discuss the Mechanism of addition polymerization.

6. Discuss the Mechanism of cationic polymerization.

7. Explain Ultimate analysis of coal
8. Explain proximate analysis of coal.
9. Describe the method for refining of crude oil with diagram.

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